Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1917, NEWS SECTION PART ONE, Page 5, Image 5

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5 A
Sinking of Dutch Flotilla ty
German Submarine Agi
tates Capital.
The Hague, Netherlands, Feb. 24.
(Via London.) Consternation was
-caused here by the announcing of the
torpedoing and sinking by German
submarines of seven ' Dutch cargo
vessels,' two of which, the Noorder
dijk and the Zaandijk, grain-laden
and bound for a home port, belonged
to the Holland-American line.
The foreign ministry , today made
the following announcement:
"When unrestricted submarine war
was proclaimed The Netherlands
government not only protested
against it, but insisted that the Ger
man government should take care
that no Dutch ships then enroute to
or from Dutcl ports should be vic
tims of the new measure. Germany
declared its willingness to do this,
but added that it was impossible to
guarantee, absolute safety."
The statement says further that rhe
seven ships which have- been torpe
doed availed themselves of a Ger
man offer to sail on February 22.
They were to sail together on
westerly course, out of the dangei
zone, and then proceed to their desti
nations. J he report then mention
the dispatch received from the Dutch
minister in London announcing the
disaster, which adds that the ships
were torpedoed without examination
of their papers. The communication
ends with the statement that it is be
lieved all the crews were saved.
Ships' Captains at London,
London, Feb. 24. About noon th
officers and crews of the seven Dutch
ships which lhad been torpedoed by
German submarines were marshaled
at the Dutch consulate, where they
filled every inch of space, for a con
ference with H. S. J. Maas, the consul
general- of The Netherlands, which
lasted for several hours. The officers
made affidavits as to the circum
stances of the sinking of their boats
while full versions given by the mem
bers of the crews were taken by
squad of Dutch stenographers.
Consul General Maas said:
"The Dutch government has i
structed the officers and crews of
these ships not to say anything for
publication. I regret I cannot give
out details of the sinkings, having
myself received similar instructions.
It was noticed there-"were many
negroes from the West Indies among
the crews.
. Continued From Page One.)
hauling and cleaning up was recom
The grand jury rapped the police
department, the report averring that
after a caretul investigation we be
lieve that the police of the city of
Omaha have been derelict in their
duty through the non-enforcement of
the laws and not properly investi
gating vice conditions. The city
cmomissioners should at once in
struct the police department to be
come more efficient and see that the
laws are enforced without fear or
' The inquisitors reported that they
"investigated gambling in Douglas
county and could unearth no direct
evidence ot professional gambling
houses or gambling clubs now being
operated in the county. the report
stated, however, that "we believe
that petty and social gambling is
being openly carried on in all poo!
halls, many hotels, and, in fact, prac
tically every, pace where tobacco in
any torm is retailed.
Want Roulette Wheel Smashed.
Under the caption of "gambling
the report said that "from evidence
producd before we are convinced thjt
gambling paraphernalia secured in
former raids has not been destroyed
by the sheriff's, office in accordance
with the statutes. We recommend
that immediate action be taken to
this .end.
Liquor law violations came in for
several paragraphs in the report. The
jurors reported that "we firid the
principal violators of liquor laws are
not only some ot the saloons oner
ating' under proper licenses, but also
Dootieggers, cafes and drug stores,
ionic of which operate under govern
ment license only, and many under no
license whatsoever.
"In view of the fact that on and
after May 1 the regulation of the
honor question will be placed abso
lutely under state control, we believe
that with the proper co-operation on
the part of Douglas county and city
officials this matter should be satis
factorily adjusted. -Meanwhile the
existing laws should be rigidly en
forced to the fullest extent possible,
and we demand ot the proper of
ficials that the same be done.
Recommendations that the Albert
law, as applied to metropolitan cities
along lines that wil confine prosti
tution. to a restricted district, be mod
ified were made.
Delinquency Increases.
"Conditions relative to prostitution
are most serious," the report said,
"and evidence submitted indicates
that sine the passage of the Albert
law delinquency in connection with
this traffic is rapidly increasing, due
largely to the fact that, since the
abolition of the old segregated dis
trict its denizens are now scattered
in Ussigtoation houses throughout the
city, and thus more rapidly come
into contact with and influence
younger persons tin other walks of
The grand jurymen said that they
.elf these conditions are also largely
responsible for the periodical exist
ence of,various road houses scattered
mrougnout tne county.
Pool Halls a Menace.
Cigarettes were touched upon in
the reportV the adjourning body ex
pressing the, belief a law prohibiting
the sale of the little paper smokes
to minors and also forbidding minors
from having them in their posses
sion would, to a large extent, obviate
the evil.
The grand jury characterized pool
Believes in Omaha
New Shoe Store
Omaha is a bright, sparkling gem
on the retail map of the middle west,
according to Sol Tailor, owner of nine
big shoe stores. The latest gem in
the crown of this modem business
king is right here in Omaha, and its
formal opening wilt be announced
His belief in the present and future
prosperity of Omaha as a business
center is best evidenced by f'anor's
choice of this city as the best loca
tion for the newest store in his chain
of establishments. He has fitted out
a beautiful and attractive salesroom
and store front at 1512 Douglas
' Underselling will be the watchword
and policy at I'anor's. The idea is
to sell high grade footwear at prices
lower, than are asked elsewhere.
Besides being president of his chain
of stores, So! I'anor has a number of
banking and property interests, among
which he divides his time. His broth
er, Fred B. I'anor, formerly manager
of the two I'anor stores at Sioux
City, will manage the new store here.
Other Panor stores are located at
Des Moines and Lincoln.
Ever since he was 15 years of age,
Sol Panor has been in the shoe busi
ness. He entered as a clerk in his
father's store at Des Moines, where
he was paid such a small salary that
he quit and started a shoe store of
his own. From that beginning, his
enterprise and modern methods rap-
halls, as they exist today, as Omaha's
greatest menace to public safety.
"We find," the report said, "that
the majority of pool halls are the har
borning places for professional crimi
nals and degenerates, as well as the
meeting places for boys of immature
youth. The language generally used
in these places is vile and profuse and
associations formed there invariably
result in the contamination of the
youth starting n'm 011 'he road to
ruin. We believe that 90 per cent
of the crimes committed in Omaha
have their inception in pool halls.
To Regulate Pool Halls.
"The jury strongly urges that an
ordinance providing the severest regu
lation of pool halls be at once adopted
by the city commission and instruc
tions given to all police officers that
the ordinance must be rigidly en
forced. If the pool halls cannot be
restrained, they should be abolished.
That the conditions set forth in the
report on pool halls apply equally as
well to public dances and dance halls
was the grand jury foreman's conten
tion. The report said that the "board
of censors have been derelict in their
duties and are open to severe criti
cism, due to their laxity in enforce
ment of laws regulating the conduct
o these places."
The grand jury urged that immedi
ate action should be taken to suppress
"fake auction stores which apparently
continue to thrive without molesta
tion on the part of the police."
Must Have Licenses.
The' grand jury charged that theH'0"8- but not. convenient No con
city license 'inspector has been ex
tremely derefict in his duty in col
lecting licenses, but added that in
vestigation showed that "his powers
are decidedly limited." Recommenda
tion was made that an ordinance be
passed enabling the license inspector
io aeny rne rignr or anyone to 00
business that comes .under the head
of his department, who fails to take
out a license.
First-class hotels and the court
house were given clean bills in the
grand jury s report.
it was noted, however, that in
Omaha there arc a number of so-
called, hotels which are nothing more
than cheap rooming houses catering
principally to the unemployed. The
sanitary conditions are extremely bad
and warrant careful and frequent in
spection by tne health department.
Teh body also recommended that
the "use of the driveway in the base
ment of the courthouse as a public
storage for automobiles should be dis
continued." More frequent grand juries were
uprged in the closing paragraph of the
body's somewhat bulky report.
It was recommended that the court
hereafter summon a grand jury at
least once a year.
Movie Man Indicted.
Of the total of forty-three indict
ments returned by the grand jury in
us inonui s session tne last oaten on
the eve of adjournment included one
for arson and one for libel. '
Following his indictment on a
charge of arson, Joseph Kohlberg,
proprietor of a moving picture thea
ter at 1415 Farnam street, which was
destroyed by fire, was arrested on a
capias writ and detained in the countv
jail nntil bond was furnished.
I he indictment charred Kohlhercr
with "intent to defraud the Phoenix
Fire Insurance company of Paris,
France; the Farmers' Insurance com
pany of Cedar Rapids, la.; the Cam
den Insurance company and the
North British and Mercantile Insur
ance company of London and Edin
burgh on policies aggregating $6,000."
Arch R. Kellcy, proprietor of the
Kelley Mercantile aeencv. was in.
dieted on a charge of libel. It is al
leged that Kclley's agency in present
ing a bill to Bertha Lesch, a cook at
the South Side hospital, "sought to
scandalize, villity and defame her.
Indicted for Murder,
Gyoke Sarati was indicted on a
charge of first degree murder. He
killed Djoko Cvajin on February 13.
A true bill against Joseph Wil
liams, charging first degree murder,
was returned. Williams was the
slayer of Henry Martin on Decem
ber 16. .
Other indictments on which arrests
were made on capias writs were: .
Joseph Green, robbcrv. Edward
Jones, alias Edward Swanson, grand
larceny; Ray Jordan, forgery; Fred
M. Arnold, insufficient funds to meet
a check: Walter E. Driscoll. fors-erv:
John W. Jordan, robbery; James Ball,
Burt Aimer and iiverett Kookstoole,
breaking and entering.
Follows Court Instructions.
George E. Havcrstick. who acted
as foreman of the grand jury, in sub
mitting nis report declared that the
D22'k !& Freight on Seed8-p"ctt
on seeds to all points In Iowa and nearby point fa other states. Our
catalog shows JiuTXwt the Med will coat delivered to you. No extra
chattel for ban or freighter pottage.
! Ail. -Everything It sold sublect to roar own teat and
approval. Your money a worth or your money back." Prtcee right
and quality guaranteed Write (or apodal price, and aamplea on any.
thing you are Interested in.
Calalaf and Bead Sanaa FraoWrite tor free Seed Catalog and little
"tliSlT!) S'SiZ. -Pal.',w" lown eeede and nult worrying.
HENRY FIELD SEED CO., Baa 22. Shenandoah. I.wa.
and Will Open
on Douglas Street
idlv built ud the chain. He is still
young only 35 and finds time for
golt and motoring in spite ot nis
numerous business interests. Airs
Panor is also an ardent motorist.
star eliamber bodv had carefully in
vestiuated the instructions given by
the coutt when the jurymen reported
January 20 and had endeavored to
the best ot its ability to comply wnn
the same in every respect.
Mr. Havcrstick reported that forty
three indictments were returned for
various crimes and personal investi
gations made of the various bounty
and city institutions.
Greater power should be concen
trated in the office of the county at
torney, the report said in thanking
County Attorney Magney and his as
sistants for their advice and counsel
That the county attorney's office
should be held to strict accountability
for the enforcement and investiga
tion of all violations of the law, was
the opinion of the disbanding jury.
"In order that the necessary inves
tigation of law violations may be pros
ecuted we would recommend that
proper fund be placed at the disposal
of the county attorney to be used at
his discretion for this purpose," the
Swearing Witnesses,
The manner of swearing witnesses
was sharply criticised. Present cus
tom requires that the witness be sent
to the district court's office; two floors
below, which, besides delaying the
jury in the conduct of its work, gives
undue publicity. If the foreman of
the grand jury were authorized to
swear witnesses it would expedite
matters considerably
The quarters provided for the grand
lury when in session were commo
necting room for the use of witnesses
was furnished, resulting in the per
sons who were summoned to appear
before the jury being obliged to wait
in the corridor, where they were sub
ject to prior investigations by news
paper men, etc. For this reason, it
was with difficulty that secrecy re
garding the subject we were investi
gating was maintained.
We are1 advised that no power is
vested in a grand jury permitting the
investigation ot the conduct of insti
tutions controlled by private parties
or religious organizations. The
statutes should be so amended as to
give authority to grand jurors or to
the proper state and county olticers
to at any time make such investiga
tions of these institutions as they may
deem necessary.
The county hospital and poor farm
were condemned, but no more so than
has already been done by Omaha in
Get Rid of
By Usinff Stuart's Calcium Wafers
Natural Littla Blood Purifier
That Work Llka a Charm.
Don't deioafr if your fact la covet-H
pimples, blotches, liver apott, or your body
is covered in idou witn letter, rush, hn n.
ete. Just use Stuart's Calcium Waft-Fa fnr
a snort tim and see how quickly you will
ciear up your ikw.
He "How swell you look."
She "It was only removtnr th pimples,
and Stuart's calcium waters did mat."
Pimples and eruptions of all kinds come
from the inside. I he blood casts out the
impurities It contains and thus pimpli
bolls, etc., appear. Cleanse the blood, stop
the poison from developing" in the blood
tissues and pimples will vanish as li by
Stuart's Calcium Wafers contain tn
natural manner the greatest blood purifier
vaicium BUipmae.
Get a 60 cent box of Stuart's Calcium
Wafers at' any -drug- store and you won't
know what to do with your stock of hair-arrowing-
ointment, grease, etc. Send for a
free trial package of these wonder workers.
Free Trial Coupon
F. A. Stuart Ca., 35 Stuart Bldf.,
Marshall, Mich., send ma at once, by re
turn mail, a free trial package 0f
Stuart's Calcium Wafers.
Street g
tr .. State
stitutions and Omahans in general.
Semi-detached buildings were recom
mended when a new institution is
Lieut. Patterson to Stop j
Here On His Way to China!
Lieutenant David C. Patterson, jr.,
United States navy, arrives Monday
on his way to China to take up his
duties as aide to. Admiral Knight,
commander oi the Asiatic squadron
Lieutenant l'atterson comes from
duty on the destroyer Sampson and
will only be here a few days to visit
his relatives, as he sails from San
Francisco March 5.
Best Would Oust Bedford
By Quo Warranto Route
Frank C. Best, defeated for county
commissioner at the last election by
Jeff W. Bedford, has filed quo war
ranto proceedings in district court
in an attempt to oust the successful
candidate for the office. In his pe
tition Mr. Best contends that under
the four-year law, passed in 1905, no
election should have been held In
1916. He says that elections should
have been held in 1909 and 1913.
A. C. Hart riled similar action
against A. D. Compton Friday.
You will find a number of real bar
gains! in slightly used furniture,
pianos, machinery, typewriters, etc.,
listed in the For Sale Miscellaneous
columns of The Bee. Reading them
every day will save many dollars.
i Big New Building for
! Lower Business District
i A $200,000 fire-proof building will
' fie erected in Omaha by the Hoagland
Lumber company, its president,
George A. Hoagland, announces. Con
struction will bertn wiihfn two
The structure will be six stories
high and will occupy the site of the
company's present offices at Ninth
and Douglas streets. Thomas R. Kim
ball is the architect. Mr. Hoagland
line a nesan.Astita tatninl (nf Vm natdau
j building, but declines to name him
until all arrangements are completed.
Friendship Club Holds
Second Dance and Social
Two hundred persons, hungry for
society, attended the second meeting
of the Friendship club held Friday
night in Metropolitan hall. It was an
enjoyable gathering. More than 100
persons have signified intention! of
joining the club roster of permanent
tr. Bell'. Ptne-Tar-Honey.
Honey aoothee the irritation, Pina Tar
euta the phleam, rellavea eonatlpation,
aoothee the raw spots? 2(c All drorriata.
. Advartlaement. .