Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1917, NEWS SECTION PART TWO, Page 4, Image 32

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4 C
attle Show Little Change for
I Week Sheep and Lambs
I f:. Sharply Higher.
I Omaha, February 24, 1117.
. H-tlM WOTOt CtM: HofB IbMp
Iflctal Monday...,
rrii'iMi Tueoda ....
ffitl Wadneeday ,
hiclsl Thursday .
trial Friday ...
jbtJmet Saturday ,
Mil li.lO 14.424
, is.ia u.iu
, f.ltf 1I.1IT M
. M 1M1I 11.101
, 1.141 11,11 1.414
100 too
k dVS thl Wek... .17,041 04,161 IS.TI0
m days last web ..t,Il 104,101 01,111
lm days I wka. ao. 14,114 111,01 Ot.iaO
Ima ti.ya I wka. ao 11,(74 71,101 00,047
. m deyo 4 wka. 100.400 00,001
days laat yaar... 17,111 01,111 44,110
'Rerelpis ond disposition of Hva stock at
ii:9 I'nlon Stock Tardi, Omaha, (or twanty
itir hour andlnc at t o'clock p. m. yes
;day: .j-
Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep. IT rs.
t P..
siwour1 Paolflo. ,
hlon Pat-lfto 1
1 ft N. W., aaat.. I
I ft N. W.. weit...
I St. P., M. ft O...
B. ft Q-, aaat
I, It. I, ft P., at...
1 R. I. ft P., waat..
gilnol Central . ., 1
fvWcafO Ot. West...,
total rrtpt 4 114
insposmotf head.
ft CO...
v '
idahy Packing
itiioup at io.
hwarta ft Co
W. Murphy
Total. MW
kiiiit--CaUlo waro nominally study to
v y, th ret-elpts amounting to only 300
ad. f or th woak racalpu foot up 17.041
! d. b-ina th largaat olnoo thraa waaka
;io and about tha aamo aa ft yaar ago.
he on aood to cholc bf itaara ara
oui the Mime aa at laat week'a cloee. Tha
Wt rattlo during tha woak have aold up
j $11. i0. Hie bllbaat on record. Other
ades of beef ateeri bava been a little
Vw to ptwaibly tower. Cow and halfera
a remained stsady,' while atookaro and
dr are steady to itronf.
tWuoiatloiia on cattle: Oood to choice
Uvea. 1. 60011. 0; fair to good beavea,
l7fc10.ifti commop to fair beevee, $0.00
S; good to choice hat fen, 11.3490.00;
sod to cholc. rows, 7.7000.00; fair lo good
we, $4. 70 V 7.70; common to fair cowe,
LUQt.H; prima feeding ateara, M.lOt)
M0; good lo cholea feeder. 11.710)1.20;
;1r to twd feedere, 17.004)1.71; common
fair feeder. IO.IOtJ7.IO: good to choice
ijekere, I7.U0I.1I) "took helfaro, 7.OO0
lfl; etock owa, 14.0001.00; etoek oalvea.
L&tM0; veal calvaa, 1. 0011. 10; beef
lit. niaga, etc., $7.1001.71; bologna bulla,
t(ng Prlrm wore itronger all around the
arcini inia mwrnina. " -fpvly
here (he market continued to ad-in,-m.
b;n active at flaurea that wore
Intrally a hlg 10c higher. Shipper made
lit a fair buy, making their purchaiea at
pny 10c hinder prlcea, though a few in
Sr. dual ahowed Utile or no advance.
(The ofrertiik ware not any too largo to
fa'sty racket' reQulrementa to begin with
aa hliiuera were fumlahlng a fair
liouiit of romoetltlon. killer buyara got
fto the gam early. They had to glvo fully
if hi)ii' i.rlc for the bulk or their noge,
iiilr eome it the lighter kind duplicated
!.rOu.v'e t.m-rormanra by ahowlng tha
luNi ttdvaiu', being In ipot aa much u
' i nor- uii. Of oouraa there ara a few
. wharf hug did not even Mil aa much
, At higher, but at a. general thing the
Upt i q good dime higher. Quality
not rood yeeterday, light and
rd bon being In larger auppiy, while
1 hi-Kvlte wre here In correepondlngly
imlfr pnii i), llyiii, ao tha full atrangth of
vimrf-ki ttitta not enow uo on paper.
Th big nd at tb offering aold at 111. I
I :,;, and. the top reached 111. 10, alt
U asaln b- ing broken. Prlcea ara 00 O
lnffhcr than a weak ago, Llghta, aa
ual, nhoM-eU the graateat flue t oat lone. On
when eiiiupera waro Buying rraoiy,
kh m imiAi of the week, good light
mnd a rmciy outlet and on the cioae are
ovl)tg more of an advance compared with
fi Ktttik ago iiwn the heavier graoM.
lUertivacntMihp aalei: ' '
'to, Av. Hit, VtL - No. Av, Ih, I Pr.
;tl ... fix 40 I. .171 ... 911 B
19T. 4 i: aft It. .107 10 It IS
II ho 1! KO 71. .211 ... II le
4i l.'l IS TO l 10.. 141 ,., 11 71
.. - is o
K Tit" lnmb niarkat kaJ anothor
ni, m i-hI t tli liet week, but 1 oloalng
fcat,' i. 1 - v higher than a week ago.
i. m m . u. emalleet elnca four week
, uu. e !- fought any prlo upturn
il. h tl l markata ware the rule.
id). . . i, ua iiow to In apota lower.
ti t t.ui l.Liii anything eitra and prlcea
nui'j hit' .- dt'preclatlon on paper than
, "ii :t miv:tt. Heveral care had to be
t ti uvi'i- : buyer were keeping away
it wi'twht t'M much a poeelbt. Ttieaday
mii !u. v. kit atow, but Monday' decline
i fun.1- rvBuiiifd. and beat lamb were
iioud at blKtir flgurea than were In force
v-i imi oi'k cloat. wedneaday tha real
f -wue bvlirr ull around and 10011c up-
i in wre iH'iert. Tha following day value
!r very uneven, ranging from a dime
f-Klier on eotn good light Imaba aarly to
IT much a 100 llo lower an the extreme
f oM. Friday' market waa a little lower
f aii lh b lima the previous day, but
ie beimr than Thuraday'a mean eloao. ft
I tod many bandy western aold around
4.3&014.1O. with beat up to $14.40, while
loklttthB were bought at $14.10014-11, ta
li:h price bthig a dime below the record
d Thursday. Almoat no shorn lambs
Mr oflvroU. One bunch of fait clip brought
early In th weak. Weighty lambs
?.re alow aolk'ra almost every day,
& ,,'uiuuu.. aheep and lambe; tamba.
and handy, $14.000 14.40: lambs,
IU.Mj 14.14; lambs, clipped, $11.00
ut.. seders, oia.oiiopi4.jfci year
six, auuu xu choice, 01K. 14011.00: year
L:ik. (air .u uoud, $11.6v01I.7t; wether,
Lir tuVhMkv. OlO.IO0iy.oO; ewea, good to
.oli. $ii..vt H.00; ewea, fair to good,
I u.vuiilt.; uwe. plain to culls, $7,000
11 00; weitern ateer. $0.00011.11; cow.
$1.1000.10; heifers. $7.00011.00; atockera
nd feeder. $7. 00010.10; bull, $0.1000.00;
calve. $7.00011.70.
Hog Receipt, 000 head; market steady ;
bulk of aalee, $11.00012.00; heavy, $12,800
11.00; packer and butcnera, lii.n
light, $11.10012.00; plga. $0.10011.10.
Hheap and LamD nacaipu, none; wir
toady; lamba. $11.00 014.05; yearling.
$11.00011.00; wether. oil.vvii-ie;- ew.,
Ut Block In Burnt.
Receipts of live stock at the flv princi
pal we tern markets yeeterday:
Cattle. Hng. Sheep.
Chicago 000 10,000 6,000
Omaha 100 1.000 200
Kanaa City 100 100
Sioux City 1,200 13.000 300
St. Louts 400 1.000 ....
Totals 2.100 41,100 (,000
Live Poultry Broiler. 1 to I lbs., 30rt;
S to tk lbs.. Ifte. Hens, under 4 lbs., 10c;
over 4 I be.. He, Springe, 12c. Stag. und-r
lb., 14c. Old rooster. UC. ueeae, isc.
Duck. 10c. Turkeya, 10c, Capon, over 0
loo., 34c; 0 lb and under, 20c; thereunder
worth no more than large eoft apring and
hen. Guinea, each, any alie, the. Squab.
Homer, per dosen, OOc04.OO. Pigeon, per
dosen, 76c.
Butter Choice creamery, No. 1, 40c; no.
t, 20c.
Kara Fraan. no. 1. cas. sta.ue; no. s
rraah. $7.00; oti, caae, $7.00.
Cbeeea qooutlon by urisu st uo.i
Cbee Eitra fancy domestic Swiss, 4loi
block Swiss, I3e; twin cbeo, lOo; triplet,
too; daislss, 10c; young America, Z7o;
blus label brick. I4; iimba.gor. isc; new
Tork whit. 17o: ftoquerort, o.
Wholeaal Prlcea of Beef Cut Rlbst Ko.
1, HHo; No. 1, lOo; No. I, Utto. Zolns:
N. l. Hue: no. t. Ho; No. 1, lOVfcc.
Chucks: No. 1, 14tto; No. 1, He; No. I,
lltto. Round: No. 1, I0o; no. i. ie;
No. I, 14e. Plate: No. 1, Uo; No. t,
UHo; No. I, lie,
Mam mo in oeiery. Pr aosen, ea.
Froaen Flab Halibut. 16o; aalmon fall.
14c; aalmon llvr, lie; trout, 17c; catfish.
16c; Alatka aabledah, lOVOc; smelt, 17c;
hi ting, skinned. lo; croppiaa, c; piae.
yellow, dreaaed, 14c; pike, round, 13c; pick
erel. dred, 1 3c ; pickerel, round, 0 4c;
herring, round, 7Hc; herring, Otic; whlte
flah, Uc; til flah, for tak. 11c.
Freeh Flah catriah, loeioo; naiiout, zoc;
aalmon. market; baracuda, 17c: Spanish
mackerel, lie; trout, market: black baae.
large, 10c; black baa, order !, 36c; black
baas, small, 11c; red snapper, 17c; Sound
or. 12c; codfish, lie; blueflah, 10c.
Smoked, Salt and Bplced Flah Smoked
white chubs, 14c; kippered aalmon, 10c;
finnan haddl. 17c; cod nan. 12c; puritan
cod. 124ic; pollock, l'c; KKKK herring.
$1.0001.66; bloater, $1.7603.00; kippered
cod. 10c; whltenah, $1.1006.16; Holland
barring, 06c 0 $1.16.
oyatera "King coie" northern atanaard,
$1.10; select, $3.00; count, $2.26; Chesa
peake standard, $1.66; selects, $1.10.
rrult wiiu wMftMin- MutuiiM(ii lujiiisheti
f (llltnskl Kniir rnmiwrtyi
Fruits Orsngesi 160s, Ills. 134s. boi.
$1; lUs. 11.36;' all other alias,
Lemons: Fancy loos, ooo, so box; obolc
loos, loos, 04,00. uraporruit; in; h box;
40. $4.26; 6 4 a, $4. 10. 00. $4.76. Orapes:
Malagas. $7 to $1 keg. Para: Market
price. Cranberries; 0 bbL Bananas: 4c
lb. Apples: Jonsthano, $2.10 box; fancy
Jonathana, $2.26; choice Jonathan, $3;
Orlmes' Golden. $tl Wines pa. $2.36; Rom
Beauties, s; w. w. rearmain, is.zo.
Vegetable Onion, yellow, i2o lb,: Span-
ian, a.o orate, inmaiow, i oaaitax!
baakal. 16.60. Cucumbers, 18.26 " do.
Cauliflower, $3.61 crate, $1 do. Lattuc.
head, crates, $1.60 orate; do., $1 leaf, 40o
do. Cabbage, to lb. Old carrot, turnip,
paranlpa and rutabagas. 4o lb. Celery, 11
dos. Potatoes, $1.16 bushel. Sweat pota
to ea, 11.60 hamper. Honey, $1.36 caae.
MivwHanuu no; ay, Oe.fcu uas. Cldr
Motts. $4.2.
Brisk Pemand Boosts Prices
On Wheat, Corn and Oats
Other Cereals Firm.
Corn No. 2, OOc; No. 2 whit. $1.01;
May, 11.0101.01; July, $1.01 01.01
Oat No. 2, 61002c; No. 1 white, nomi
nal; May, 67c.
Coffee Market,
New Tork. Feb. 14. There wia renewed
liquidation In th market for coffee future
today with tha market again selltna off
on th expectation of s restricted European
outlet. Th opening waa comparatively
quiet tit a- decline of 1 to 1 polnta and
there waa om scattered covering after
yesterday's sharp break, but offerings soon
increased, with selling promoted by Ih
aharp break reported In th market for fu
ture at Santoa. All active position made
new low ground for the movement, with
May aolllng off to 7.0e and September to
s.07c, or about II to 16 point net lower.
Cloalng price were within a point or two
of th lowest, showing a net lo of 11
to 17 points. Ml, 04,360 bag. February,
7.06c; March, 7.06c; April, 7.Tlo; May, 7.7c;
June, 7. lie; July, 7. llo: August, 7.11c;
September, 1.07c; October,; Novem
ber, 0.10c; December, i.ioo; January, s.uxc.
spot, unsettled; Bio ts. Tc; nantoe s.
10c, Offering of Santo 1 and 4a wore
reported In the coat and freight market at
1.10c on Engllah teamera and of 10.06n,
neutral steamera, London credit. Th of
ficial cables reported no change In tha
business on spot markets, but Santos fu
tures wer 176 to til re I lower.
OmahaJFebruary 24. 1017.
Wheel receipt werl rather light again
today, but the demand was considerably
Improved and the bulk of the offering ranged
from lc to le higher, the advance being
particularly noticeable In tha better grades
of hard wlntr. No. 2 hard winter brought
from I1.I3H to $1.14; No. 1 hard old at
$1.11 H and $1.12 and No. 4 hard ranged
from $1.71 to $1.10.
Tha corn market waa ry activ and
the commercial grade were In excellent
demand, with price quoted from Ko to f4o
higher, the demand for wheat being epo-
ni. v ftivm. anrt inia vaneir oiu i ,
substantial premium over the earn grade
of yellow and mliea. Tne oetter graae oi
white corn ranged In prlca from OOfco to
04 c; the yeilow variety brought from
H4c to J6c and the mixed aold from 06c
to 96 04c. LI
Oat were quoted from o to c higher,
the No. I white being quoted at 60c and
66 14c and th No. 4 whit at 660 to 66c.
Clearance were: Wheat and flour equal ,
to 241.000 bushel; corn, 102,000 bushels; I
est, non. '
Primary what receipts wsrs 111,000 bush
sis and shipments 440,000 bushels, against
receipts of 1,404,000 bushels and shipments
of 142,000 buhl last year.
Primary corn rclpt wore 1,044,000 bush
ala and shipments 410.000 buahels, agatost
receipt of 1,238,000 buahels and shipments
of 016,000 buehels last year.
Primary oata receipt were 001,000 bush
si and ihlpmant 730,000 bushsl. agalnat
receipt of 1,017,000 buahls and shipments
of 806,000 bushel laat year.
Wheat. Com, Oats.
Chicago 101
Mloneapoll Ml
Duluth II
Omaha "
Kanaa City 2'
St. Loul IH M
Winnipeg 260
Thea aale were reported today:
Wheat No. 3 hard winter: I car. 11.14;
1 ear, I1.81H- No. 1 hard winter: 1 cara,
$1.11; 3 car, 11.11. No. 4 hrd winter:
1 car, $1.10; 1 car, $1.71; 1 car, $1.71.
Sample hard winter: 1 car, $1.71; 1-6 ear,
$1.60. No. 1 mixed durum: 1 car, $1.77.
No. 1 mixed: 1 car, fl.MWi 1 car, $1.81.
Barley No. 4: 1 car, $1.16. Rejected: 1
car, 1(1.00. Sample: 1 car. $1.01.
Corn No. 3 white, 1 car, I0c No. 3
whlt. 1 car (shipper' weight), OOc. No.
3 yellow, 1 car ahlpper'a weight), 06 c;
I car, 06c. No. 1 yllow, 6 4-6 car, I6c;
4 car, 160. No. 4 yellow, 1 car, 06c. No. 2
mixed. 1 car (near yellow), I64c; 1 car
(hipper1 weight), 06c; I car, 6c. No.
3 mixed, 1 car (ahlpper'a welghta), 16c; 1
car, 06H", 3 car, 06c.
Oats Standard, 1 car, 10 c. No. 1 whU.
1 car, lOttc; cara, 61c. No. 4 white, I
cara, 60c; 1 car, 6640. Bampl white, 4
car. 66 c. t .
Omaha Cah Prleea Wheat: No. t hard,
$1.1101.14; No. I hard, $1.1101.12; No. 4
hard, $1.7701.10; No. 2 aprlng, $1,700
1.80; No. 1 spring. $1.7701.14. Corn: No.
3 whlt. 9O40ISMic: No. I white, O0OOc;
No. 4 white, 06 006c; No. 6 white, 960
I6c; No. 0 white, O&0l6c; No. 2 yellow,
Kusitlir' No 1 vallow. O5U096c; No.
i tAumthft No. 6 vellow. 94UO
lVc; No. 0 yellow, 94K094c; No. 1
mixed, 96409Kc; No. 1 mixed, O6096n;
No. 4 mixed, 04 0 06c: No. 6 mixed, 14
094c; No. 0 mixed. I404c. Oat: No.
1 white, 67068c; standard, 64066c; No.
1 whlt, 64 0 6Oc; No. 4 white, 66 064c.
Barley: Malting, $1.1401.12; No. 1 feed,
Oc0$l.OO. Rye: No. 2. $1.4101.41; No. I,
Juocai range or option;
Metal Market.
New York, Feb. 14. Metals Rumors that
allied governments wer re-entering th
copper market have not been deflnjtoly con
firmed, but domestic buyer are eald to
have pretty well cleaned up offerings of
electrolytic for delivery thle aid of July,
and an Improvement ha been reported In
th demand for third quarter during th
k. In th abaenca or offerings the mar
ket for spot and nearby I nominal, while
quotation of 131.00 to $38.00 for th aee
ond quarter ar practically nominal also,
and th third quarter I held at prlcea rang
ing from about $31.00 to $38.60, though no
actual buaineea haa been reported at the
outside figure.
Omaha Bay Market,
Pralrl Hay noire upland, $11.80011.00;
No. 1. 111. 10011. OV; No. I. $16.00011. 00;
No. I, $0.000. 00. No. 1 midland. 111.000
11.10: No. 1. $0.00019.00. No, 1 lowland.
II. 100 9.00; No. $7.60 01.00; No, 1, $6 60
IS.llo: May. 11.21c: July. 11.31c: October.
16.04c; December. 10. 06c Spot, steady; mid
dling, i.o.
Alfalfa Cnolo. 111.00011.00; No, 1,
$t(. 00 011.00; standard, 114.00011.00; No.
3. $11.00011, 00; No. 1, $10.00011.00.
Straw Oat, $7.0007.60; wheat. $1,000
fllle Are steady. Hogs Strong, Sheep
t'mYMg, Keb, 34. Cattle Receipt, -600
ei; H'H. kvt steady; native beef rattle,
.4011. to; ftoi'kere and feeder. $0,340
fti; iu ana htifer. $6.16010.30; calves,
Mutt iH'Hpt, 16,000 hoad: market
Monti, ivo atKiv yeeterday average; duik
itaka, $1.54011. 6; light. 111.00 011.90;
i.,l ut b0 13.00: heavy. 1112.60011.00:
a. mi u i a niH li nan ii
! btiu and Lamba Receipt a, 6,000 head;
irkt steady: wethers, $10.00011.16; aw.
.&O0U.OV; lamba, $12.36 0 14.00.
Jt. IaiiIs Lira Stock Mark.
St. luhi. Feb. 24. Cattle Receipt. 400
a1: market steady; native beef ateara.; yearlings, steers ana neiura,
611.60; row. 6.60t9.60; tockrs and
del. $.uoo.00; prim southern beef
-r. $fi.0if U.OO; beef cow and halfera.
.3&V0 OO; prima yearling teer and beif
, il frvflylOOO; native calva, $0.00011.66.
Hush Hoopla. 6.000 ' head; mrkt
Klei; )yti.-. $12.O0IM6; pigs. $0,160
.kn niiil and butchers. $13.40011.96;
iod ho, fll. 90011. 16; bulk of sales.
?HhiK and lamb Receipts, non; market
Uady; umilta. $11.76014 10; swa, $0,000
I jLa,UigS4klll-6011.IO,
Slowx City Uvs Stack Market.
U houd; market ateady; beef ateer. $10.00
f 1 I.Br. ; buiuher. $1.00010.00; tat cowe and
&U!k. $6. 6009.69: cannera. $4.60 0 0.00;
kick, and feeders, $6.6001.00; calvaa,
i.Mtt.v; buli stags, etc., $0.6001.60;
fa dltiif cows and heifer, $0.0001.16, ,
puit Htttpts, 13,000 head; market
i highe.-; light, $11.31011.40; mixed, $11.10; heavy, $13.70011.10; plga, $0,600
bulk of gale. $11.46011.76.
Ih-Mp and Lamb Receipt. 100 head:
arkH atvady; fed mutton. $10.16016.16;
VNthvi. $11.00 011.00; owes, $10.16011.16;
J m. J ajk Uvs SOsolx MarA.
, SI Jomph, Feb. 14 Cattle ReeeTpta, 10
i d; market steady; steer. $7.00 011.60;
I and heifers, $6.00 010.00; calve, 6I.M
5i isa Recelpta. 3,10 head: market
Hd; top, $12.10; bulk f salsa, 111.600
I , l p and Lamba Receipt. ' 10$ bead;
Imrkt eteady; Ismbs, $11.76014,6$; swag,
OU ai
Savannah, Oa., Fb. 14. Turpentine
Firm. 4lc; aalea, t bbi,; receipt, 36:
hlpmenta, 4; stock, 14,134.
nosin Firm; sales, Y46 noia.; receipts,
614; shlpmsnt, 6,791; Btock, 77,980. Quote:
a, n. u, u, m, r, u, o ou; h, i,
K. $0.08; M, $1.16; N, $1.16; WO, $6.40
WW, $1.70.
Bank Clearing.
Omaha. Feb, 14. Bank clearings for
Omaha today wer $0,060,091.10 and for the
corresponding day last year i3.9Bi,2ii.7.
T.i total clearing for th week ending to
day were $30,436,474.00 and for the corre-
aponding day last year f ii.ois.ioo.ei.
Hugs Salsa for Export GIts Sharp Upturn
to Wheat.
Chicago, Fob. 24. Big purchase for
Europe led to a decided advance In wheat
value today. Tha outcome waa a atrong
do, l02e net higher, with May at
$1.7801.78 and July at 11.6101.61.
Other commodities, too, scored gains corn
0o to c, oats o, and provision 30c
to 30c.
Uncertainty at th outset In th what
market gavo way quickly to widespread bull
ish sentiment that reiultrd from announce
ment of export ak. aggregating 1,600,000
buahela. Accompanying demand for future
deliver! was urgent from houses with east
ern connection. Beside th foreign busi
ness stated aa having been actually put
through. It was said there wer inqulrle In
th market for Immediate additional
Quantities. Altered views In regard to
Lloyd George' speech tended further to lift
price. The opinion most popular today waa
that the premier's address Implied a long
continuance of extraordinary demand for
foodstuff and had even precluded much of
a break In valuea on peace news.
Assertions that a fleet of the largeat mer
chant vessel In the world shortly would be
convoyed from thl lde of the Atlantic by
British cruiser helped to carry the wheat
market to the topmot point of the day.
Bad crop report from the outhwet con
tinued to oppress the bear. On th other
hand, no ubstantlal relief for th car
scarcity here was In sight.
Corn followsd wheat, heaviness at the
start being displaced soon by unmistakable
trngth. Short covered freely. Oat
hardened with other grain. Trading, though,
was of small volume.
Hog at th long-coveted goal of $18.00
a hundred pound made provisiona climb.
It waa aald that th hog supplies were short
of dally requirements and that sign pointed
to curtailed receipt during March.
Chicago Cah Prlcea Wheat: No. 2 red,
$1.14; No. 3 red, No. 2 and No. 3 hard,
nominal. Corn: No. 2 yellow, $1.01; No. 3
yellow. 91cll.00: No. 4 yellow, 90099c.
Oata: No. 1 white, 67061c; tndard, 68
069c. Rye: No. 2, nominal. Barley: $1.00
01.28. Seed: Timothy, $3,5006.60: Clover.
$12.00011.00. Provision: Fork. $10.06; lard,
$17.06; rib. $10.00016.60.
Butter Easier; creamery. 82040c.
Eggs Lower; receipts, 1,662 cases; first,
llo; ordinary firsts, 27 0 37c; at mark,
case Included, 38039c.
Potato Receipt, 38 can; unchanged.
Poultry Aliv lower ; fowla, 1 8 c ;
springs, llo.
Statement of Clearing House Bank.
.New Tork, Feb. 24. The statement of the
actual condition of clearing houae bank and
truat companies how that they hold $167,
462,940 reserve In exoess of legal require
ment. Thl Is an Increase of $1,736,720
over laat week.
The statement follows:
Actual conditions: lncren.
Loans, discounts,
ato $3,481,667,000 $16,006,000
Reaerve in own
vaults 1631,411,000
Reaerve in federal
reservs bank ... 193,035,000
Reserve In ' other
depositories .... 66,100,000
Net demand de
posits 3,662.10(000
Net Urn d- I
poeita 161.794,000
Circulation 21,776,000
Aggregate reserve. 780,636,000
Bxcea reserve.... im.i&i.vw
fOt which $476,112,000 la specie. .
'Decrease. '
Summary of atat banks and trust com
panies In Oreater New York not Included in
clearing house statement: Increase.
Loans, discount,
Art. I Open. High. Low. Clo. TesT
May 1 73 1 76 178 176171
July 1 44 1 47 144 1 47 146
Sep. 1 31 1 13 132 1 12 133
May 90 97 M 7 90
July 16 0 16 16 16
May 66 6$ 66 l
July 61 61 61 61 61
Chicago doing prices, furnished The Be
by Logan A Bryan, atock and grain brokers,
1 1 6 South Blxfenth trat. Omaha:
"Art. Open. High. Low.j mC)q. Tea.
Wht. I I
May 1 71 1 71 17B 1 78 176
July 1 40 1,61 149 1 61 140
Sept 1 II 1 40 131 , 1 40 138
May 1 00 1 01 100 1 ftl 100
July 18 1 00 99 1 00 11
Ma II 67 $0 67 6
July $4 66 64 64 64
May 10 61 10 10 80 46 30 10 80 60
July 31 71 $0 20 29 76 10 06 30 76
May 17 40 17 72 17 IZ 17 07 17 17
July 17 46 17 72 17 17 17 70 17 43
May 11 It II 47 10 13 1$ 41 IS 31
July 10 17 I 10 63 16 30 II 47 1$ 17
Quotations of ths Day on Various Leading
New Tork, Feb. 24. Wheat Spot, firm;
No. 1 hard. 13.06 "A : No. 1 northern. Puluth,
13.16; No. 1 northern, Manitoba, $2.12,
f. o. b. New Tork.
Corn Spot, firm; No. I yellow, $1.20,
c, 1. f. New Tork.
Hide Firm; Bogota, 44c; Central Amer
ica. 43c.
Hay Steady; No. 1, $1.16; No. 2. $1,000
1.06; No, 3. 90006c; hipping, 70000c.
Hops Quiet; state, common to choice,
1016, 38044c; 1916, 1010c; Paclfto coast,
till. 11013c; 1916, 8010c.
Leather Firm; hemlock first, 67c; Mo
on ds. 66c.
Provisions Pork, firm: mas, $33,600
14.00; family, $34.00036.00; spot clear,
$82.00033.60. Reef, firm; mesa, $21,000
23.60; family, $24. 00038.60. Lard, atrong
middle west, $17.66017.16.
Tallow Firm; city, 110, nominal; coun
try. llUOHlc: RDcclat. 12c.
Butter Unsettled; receipt, 7,611 tub;
creamery, hither than extra. 41 0 43
creamery extra (03 score), 43c; first, 31
B4iuc; second, iieatarto.
Egg Irregular; receipt, 6,161 case;
fresh gathered extra first, 41o; first, 39
Cheese Firm; receipts. 2,980 boxes; state,
held specials, 16 c; atat, average fanoy,
Poultry Lire, demoralised owing to a
general boycott; price not sttld. Oraed,
quiet; prlcea unchanged.
St, Loula Grain Market.
St. Lotil. Feb. 24. Wheat No. 1 red.
$1.96; No. 1 hard, $1.8901.96; May J
$1.18: July. 11.49.
Legal tender, i
Total deposits.
Hanas casn
Truat companies
cash w vault....
...$766,143,900 $ 2,114.000
Minneapolis Grain Market.
Minneapolis, Feb. 24. Flour Unchanged.
Barley 3c0$l. 22.
Ry ll.4Rftl.4S.
Bran $33.00034.00.
Wheat May, $1.8001.80; July,
$1.76. Cash: No. 1 hard, $1.9101.96;
No. 1 northern. $1.1301.88; No. 2 north
rn, $1.8001.88.
Corn No. S yellow, $1.0001.01.
Oat No. I white, 66067c.
Flaxseed $1.7703.88.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruit
Nw Tork, Feb. 24. Evaporated App'e
Dull; fancy, O0c; choice, sfpsftc; prime,
prtea Fruit s prunes, Better; uaurorma,
101Oo; Oregon, !09c. Apricots, firm;
cholca, 17c; extra choice, l7c; fancy, lc.
Peaches, firm : choice. 8 c ; extra cnoice.
tc; fancy, 9o. Raisins, steady; choice to
fancy, seeded, 809c; seedless, lO011c;
London layers, II. 10.
Cotton Market.
New Tork, Feb. 24. Cotton Futures
opened steady: March, 16.14c; May, 16.27c;
July, 11.32c; October, 16.96c.
Cotton futures closed steady; March,
l.36c; May, 16.10c; July, 10.84c; October,
t6.97c; December, 16.10c. Spot, steady;
middling, 16.46c.
Th cotton market closed steady at a
not advanc of S to 16 points.
More Drastic Measures of
Britain Gives Excuse for
New Tork, Feb. 24. For want of a more
specific or definite reason, th Irregular tone
of today' perfunctory market wa generally
attributed to lateat developments acroa the
Th more drastic measure taken by the
British government exceed some appre
hension In speculative circle and gave an
excua for the early set bark, which ranged
from 1 to 2 points In shippings, on ana
other industrial and specialties that may be
affected by the British embargo.
There was some activity at the opening,
altogether at the expense of quoted value.
but deallnsrs dwindled ateadlly thereafter.
United States Steel, which yielded a point
at It worst, and the metal furnished their
uaua! targe quota to the meager turnover of
164,000 shares. Rail wer utterly negiecten.
except for a moderate reversal In Union
Pacific and a further recovery In New
Short covering, which became general in
th lent half hour, resulted In more or leia
complete recoveries, with substantial gains
In few special tie, notabty Pittsburgh Cohi.
General Motors, Central Leather, Pressed
Steel (Jar, Butt and Superior and Utah Cop
par. - 1
Th bank statoment proved to ne wmeiy
out of line with forecasts, actual loans show
ing only a nominal Increase, with a small
gain In reserve.
week-end news bearing upon financial ana
mercantll conditions referred directly to
the congestion and th Inability of manu
facturer to obtain1 raw material. Purchas
ing power also suffered some curtailment
by reason of th greater living costs.
Another break In Italian exchange wild.
lire at 742, waa tha only Incident In the mar
ket for foreign remittance.
Bond wr irregular, mainly in view or
further shading of th international group.
Total aalea, par value, i,65,ooo.
United State registered 4 and Panama
8a advanced par cent on call, during the
Number of sale and quotations on lead
ing stocks wsrs;
Sale. High. Low. Close.
Am. Beet Sugar... 400 88 87 ' 87
American Can 600 43 42 43
Am. Car ft F'ndry 63
Am. Locomotive... 600 69 69 69
Am. Smelt, ft Raf.. 600 07 97 97
Am. Sugar Ref 113
Am. Tel. ft Tel 300 126 124 124
Am. Z., L. A S ... 300 36 36 36
Anaconda Copper.. 4,000 78!' 77 78
Atchison 300 102 101 102
Baldwin Loco mo 62
Baltimore ft Ohio 76
Brook. Rapid Tran, 61
B. ft 8. Copper... i 600 47 46 46
Cat. Petroleum.... 200 23 23 23
Canadian Pacific... 900 164 163 163
Central Leather... 11,000 86 13 85
Cheaapeake ft Ohio 68
C, M. A St. P.... 200 80 80 80
Chicago A N. W 117
C. R. I. ft P.... 28
Chlno Copper 600 64 64 64
Colo. Fuel ft Iron.. 000 46 46 46
Corn Product Ref . 400 31 21 21
Crucible Steel 3,700 64 64 64
PKtlUers' Securities 2,400 23 12 23
Erie 400 36 26 26
General Electric... 700 163 161 1614
Great No. pfd 300 114 113 113
Great No. Ore ctfs. SOO 22 32 32
Illinois Central 1 101
Inter. Con. Corp 2 13
Inspiration Copper. 1,900 66 16 66
Inter. Harvester 116
Int. M. M. pfd. ctfs. 1,300 $1 17 68
K. C. Southern 22
Kennocott Copper.. 1,100 44 44 44
Loulsvtlls A Naah.. 700 127 127 m
Mex. Petroleum.... 2,000 18 87 81
Miami Copper 31
Mo. Pacific, nw.. 400 29 29 29
Montana Power.... 300 100 100 98
National Lead 66
Nevada Copper..... 200 34' 24 24
New Tork Central 95
N. T.. N. H. ft H. . 4,100 46 44 45
Norfolk ft Western 12D
Northern Pacific 103
Pacific Mall 21
Pennsylvania 400 64 64 64
Ray Con. CorpV. . . 600 27 36 26
Reading 4.1O0 96 94 94
Rep. Iron ft Steel.. 1,400 7 76 76
Shattuck Ar!s. Cop. 800 37 27 27
Southern1 Pacific. . . 600 94 93 03
Pouthevn Railway.. 400 28 28 28
Studebaker Co.... 600 101 100 101
Texaa Company..,. 300 214 223 223
Union Pacific 2,000 137 146 137
IT. S. Ind. Alcohol.. 6.400 130 128 120
V. S. Steel 14,600 107 106 107
V. 8. Steel pfd 117
Utah Copper 1,300 110 109 109
Wftbaah pfd, "B".. 200 04 93 03
Weatlnghous Else. 1,300 49 49 49
Total sales for th day. 164,000 shares.
Now Tork Money Market.
Nw Tork, Fab. 14. Mercantile Paper
404 par cent..
Sterling Exchange 40-day bill. $4.72;
commercial 00-day bills on banks, 14.72:
commercial 60-day bills. $4.71; demand,
$4.76 3-6; cables, $4.76 7-14.
Silver Bar, 77o; Mexican dollar, 69o.
Bond Government weak; ralroad Irreg
ular. U. S. r. 2s. reg. 99 M. K. ft T. 1st 4s 76
do coupon ... 09 Mo. P. con. 6a.. 103
U. 8. 8. reg. ...100 Mont. Power &., 9
do coupon ...100N. Y. C. deb. 6a. 108
U. S. 4. reg. . ..1 0ft N. T. City 4s,107
"do coupon ...109 New Haven n. 6.102
A. T.ftT.c.4a 104 No. Pacific 4a... 93
Anglo-French 6a. 92 do J 66
Atch. gen. 4s 9SOr. S. L. ref. 4a 93
B. ft O. 4s 03 Par. T. ft T. 6.. 100
Beth. St. ref, 6a. 99'Penn. con. 4a.HH
Central Pair. 1st. 0 do gen. 4...102
C. A O. cv. 4x S3Radtng gen. 4a. 94
C. B. ft Q. jt. 4 9So. Pa. cv. 6a... 100
C., 104 do ref. 4m 91
C.,R.I.4P.ref.48.. 748o. Railways 6. .101
C. ft S. ref. 4. 84 Union Pacific 4a. 97
D. A R. G. c. 4a. 82 do cv. 4 fl:i
Krie gen. 4 87U. S. Rubber 8..102
(Jen. Elc. 5. .106 V. 8. Steel fin. . . ,1U5
Gt. No. 1st 4a. 99 W. Union 4s... 94
I. C. ref. 4s 91Dom. of C, 1931. 97
K, C. So. ref. 6 h Bid.
L. ft N. un. 4. . . 94
March. 4 07c; May, 4 14c: July. 4.17c; Sep
tember, 4.20c. Raw, ay: sales, 40.000
bags; molassee. 4.15c; centrifugal. 6.03c. R
flited, unsettled; granulated, 704c.
Dry Good Market.
New Tork, Feb. 24. Cotton good wer
steady today; yarn were easier; burlaps
were quiet with an eay tendency. Linens
and knit goods were Arm.
London Htock Market.
London, Feh. 24. American securities
were quietly steady on the stock exchange
Silver Bar, 37d per ounce.
Money 4 per cent.
Discount Rat- Short bills, 6j6 per
cent; three month. 606 per cent.
Hugar Market.
New York, Feb. 24. Sugar Th market
for futures was easy under soiling by com
mission houses and trade Interests, prompted
by the lower ruling of the spot market;
closing prices wore 2 to 7 points net lower;
Free 4 Weeks1 Trial
"The Oil Investor's Weekly"
Together with . SpcW AnJytie.1 Report on Mir of th,
follow in.!
Okmul, Producim "'"j1! Oil.
Sapulp. Refining.
Okl.. Refrain,
CitiM Service Co.
Merritt Oil.
Mid-We.t Relinlnj.
and any
207 St.inb.rry Bid,. TiiIm, OkU.
Coeden Oil to.
Ciwl.n A Ce.
SMuoyan Oil.
Ohio Cities to.
B.rnett Oil.
MIllwM Oil.
Federal Oil.
Ak-Sar-Ben Process Butter
Is Pure Butter
MADE by extracting the butterfat
.from selected country butter. The
butterfat is purified and crystallized and
pure, clean water and salt added. The
result is a wholesome food product su
. perior to much of the Creamery Butter
marketed here. You save five cents per
TER and you have a pure, delicious but
ter with exactly the same ingredients as
Creamery Butter that is, Butterfat,
Salt, Coloring and Moisture.
Ask your grocer for Ak-Sar-Ben
Butter You will be pleased
We also manufacture Hifc'h-Grade Creamery But
terOur ABC Brand. This butter is of superior
Made In Omaha's Newest
Butter Factory By The
11th and Capitol Ave. Douglas 3903
at 40c.
Elfin Bolter Market.
111.. P.b. 24. Butter All ulei
; tfnM City Lir fttwok Mark.
: a.. City, Feb, 3 4.-cat tie Receipt
head, market steady f prim fed ateara.
W offr gubjwet to prior gJo --
r $1,300,000
Due Marek lit, 1MO. il u Optienal Marck l.t. 111.
A.mm4 Value ties , . , . .tll4JSS,000
N.t Debt 1 ..205,000
Papulation 1 1 S.000
$209,500 .
Mature,! aerially, 1S21 te ISM. u n Price ea epplicatlea. i
Tl.pbene e. wire u. t war eapenae.
411 Central Netiecul Bank BuUdlnf,
Located In Okmulgee
County. Oklahoma
Surrounded by good produc
tions and new development. .
(Okanulfsci County produced In
1915 mora oil than th stats of Nsw
York, Indiana, Kentucky, Kansas and
Wyoming, all oil produclnf state,
combined. Th county this yar equals
mors daily oil products than the vol
umo ol Pennsylvania or Ohio and
nearly equal that of tha atat of
Wost Virtu...)
Riff on rround ready to drill. Near
station on JTrisoo railroad.
Tip lino both oil and ras through
pro party, assuring immedat sal of
Loss than ten miles from ths fam
ous Glsn Pool.
WU1 I1 on-half or all.
Write or wire for complet informa
tion and price.
401 Cloyd Bldf.
Kanaai Citjr, Miaeauri.
HOME gyiLDERS inc.
$1.00 Each
OMAHA, 1917.
Dear Sir or Madam '
Yon can invest $1.00 to $5,000 In $1.00 shares as often as you like, leave your money as
' long as you wish, and convert your shares on short notice when the money is needed.
You are guaranteed 7, with MORTGAGE SECURITY UNBONDED, on new property in
Omaha only. Dividends payable January 1st and July 1st
Non-participating Preferred Shares $1.00 each are now available, one or more any time
as you can, by mail or in person. . j
Business increased $300,000 in 1916. i A part of your business solicited.
$S a week far five years
at 1 compound intere.t
amount! to $1,552.35.
American Security Co., FUcal Agents.
G. A. ROHRBOUGH, freaident.
C. C SHIMER, Secretary.
Subject to prior sale, advance in price or withdrawal without notice the
unsold portion of
Okmulgee Producing and
Refining Company
(Incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware.)
Authorised Capital Stock.
Issued and outstanding..
. .$5,000,000
. . 1,750,000
. . .$3,250,000
886 All CommoT'stock, Par Value Five Dollars. Fuily Paid andNon-Assessable. No
Preferred Stocks, Bonds, Mortgages or other Indebtedness except Current Accounts.
E. W. KIMBLEY President
(Director First National Bank of
UKmuigee, ukib.;
J. M. MOELLENDICK.. Vice-President
(In Charge of Machinery and
G. A. SIMONS Vice President
(In Charge of Production.)
J. P. COOK Treasurer
(President Guaranty State Bank
of Okmulgee.)
H. H. HAY Secretary
Salient Features
The Okmulgee Producing & Refining Company is the consolidation of
seven established dividend-paying companies.
The company forms a complete cycle in the production of Oil, having
under one management the PRODUCTION, TRANSPORTATION, RE
Three of the seven companies now combined each paid dividends of
100 per cent in the year 1916.
The Company is now paying 2'2 per cent dividends every three months,
but the earnings are sufficient to pay over 60 per cent annually on all
outstanding atock, although only 10 per cent of the Company's hold
ings have been developed.
The Company owns, free and clear, over 8,960 acres of proven Oil and
Gas leases in the choicest oil fields of Oklahoma, on which there are
now 53 producing well and a fully equipped modern Refinery.
Present production, 1,700 bbls. per day. Refinery capacity, 1,000 bbls.
per day. Average daily profits,'$3,150, equivalent to $1,149,750 per
7. Twelve new wells are being drilled each month, which assures con-
stantly increasing production with consequent increase in earnings.
The company recently refused $700,000 for a Single lease of 200 acres.
Application is being made to list the shares of the Company on the New
York Curb and the Kansas City Stock Exchange.
Applications mutt be accompanied by Certified Check or Draft covering full amount
f purchase.
Tulsa Securities Corporation
"Specialists in Dividend Paying Oil Securities"
512 South Main Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
U 11,11-; dres4 beef stssrs. .H
, i