Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1917, NEWS SECTION PART ONE, Page 3, Image 3

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3 A
Welcome! Visitors to the Automobile Show-See the Style Show Here
We shall feel highly complimented if you will
make this store your he'adquarters while in Oma
ha. Every accommodation and convenience this
establishment has to offer is entirely at your
Embroidery and Laces
We are showing a splendid assortment of the newest
novelty laces especially appropriate for party dresses. They
come in colored novelty designs, which make them very
dainty and striking.
Laces Qf-
Novelty Laces in gold, silver and colors. Metal t7t)C
lices, flouncing in gold and silver; also combina
tion of metal with colors, embroidered on silk tulle q n rl
nets, Novelty designs on black and colored foun- ClIlU.
Gold and silver laces, also colored novelties, metal laces
for hats. Oriental embroidered net top laces, 36 inches
wide, whit and cream. Silk chantilly flouncings.
Splendid assortment of gold and silver laces, dainty
shadow lace flouncings, in white and cream; up to 24
inches wide. Filet flouncings, 24 inches wide, net top
flouncings, 18 inches wide.
Shadow lace demi flouncings, colored novelty lace
edges, pold and silver run laces and net top laces; white .
and cream.
Wash laces in a great variety, filet vals., matched sets.
French and German vals., matched sets. Cluny laces,
plain and dotted footings.
A new line of Swiss and batiste flouncings, 27 inches
wide, skirt and dress patterns, lace hemstitched and ruffled -edges.
Worth to $1.00.
18-inch skirt and corset cover embroideries, Swiss and
nainsook, suitable for girls' dresses and petticoats. Worth
25c per yard.
2 to 4-inch nainsook embroidered edges, plain and open
patterns, suitable for trimming children's dresses and un
derwear. Worth 15c, a yard.
Main Floor.
Yard. .
The Newest Model Spring Coats
For Automobile and Sports Wear
THEIR ARRIVAL was timed very nicely to co-in-cide
with the Opening of the Automobile Show,
and there is no exhibit we can make that will be
more interesting than these. VERY, VERY MOD
Coats cleverly designed ti adapt themselves to all needs;
large, flat collars that may be turned back on shoulders or
drawn into a close-fitting shape about the neck,; deep pockets;
smart cuffs; tailored stitching; buttons and smart contrasting
colors used for trimming, distinguish many of the new models
Peau de Pcsch, Gunnyburl, Burella Cloth, Velour and Gab
ardine are the favored materials, with many checks and plaids
to vary the collection. '
Prices $25.00, $35.00 to $75.00.
Second Floor.
For Misses
"THE SPIRIT OF SPRINGTIME" is the inspiration the de
signer sought, and how faithfully he has caught and held it is
witnessed in the fact that every lirfe is "youthful" and charming
as well. Pussy Willow Frock, combined with figured Georgette,
as illustrated ; colors are Navy or Biege, $42.50.
Taffeta and Georgette Crepe Models, Charmeuse, Crepe de
Chine; striped and plaid Taffeta models, $16.50 to $35.00.
New Top Coats, $16.50 to $35.00
Just arrived, these fine Top Coats, in Orchid, Rose, Plaid
and striped Velvets, also Gold, Gray, Beige, Navy, Green, etc.
All new materials.
Second Floor.
New Spring Wash Fabrics
That Will Interest Every Woman
WHERE IS THE WOMAN who will not be very much
interested in the materials that will be used next Summer
for various outdoor and indoor wear? We are showing a
great assortment now, at very modest prices.
"NON-KRUSH" Dress Linen is, if anything, more popular
than ever. The only Linen that will not crush or crease. Irish
manufacturers have already withdrawn this Linen from sale. We
have a liberal quantity, in many beautiful shades, in line with
Fashion's requirements. Brandeis Stores are the sole distribu
tors for "Non-Krush" for Omaha and the name is stamped on the
selvage 36 inches wide; a yard 89c
Imported Efleurc, in newest colorings and designs; Paisley,
stripe challie and oriental designs; 40 inches wide; a yard. .$1.00
English Voile, sheer and crisp, In white and every wanted
shade; for blouses and dancing frocks, party dresses, etc.; 40
inches wide; a yard , .75c
Handkerchief Linen for Blouses, in yellow, orange, blue, pink,
"Shadow Lawn" green, and white; 88 inches wide; yard, $1.00.
Endless variety of 1917 Printed Voiles, in stripes, dots, plaids,
"Paisley" checks, embroidered effects; all this season's styles and
color combinations for blouses, waists, dresses, dancing frocks,
etc. 86 inches wide; a yard 39c
Beautiful showing of Imported Lace Check Voiles; sheer and
crisp, in every wanted shade, specially adapted for dainty blouses;
40 inches wide; a yard $1.00
Extra heavy Country Club Skirting, in all the new gay color
ings, for Sports Coats or1 Suits, separate skirts, etc. 36 inches..
Yard. 59c
i We also show a Basket Weave Skirting, in stripes and checks,
in the latest sports colorings, 36 inches wide; a yard -6Sc
. Woven Voiles, Leno effect, in wide sports stripes, new color
combinations. This is a fast color voile and is especially adapted
for sports blouses, dresses, etc.; 40 Inches wide, a yard 75c
Among the daintiest fabrics are the new French Organdies,
white ground embroidered in new, dainty color designs; ask to see
them. 36 and 45 inches wide; a yard $2.50 and $2.98
Main Floor.
Hardware-Housefurnishing Sale of Immense Importance
Offering Savings of a Very Unusual Character .
Every woman realizes that the prices on House Furnishings have been going higher and higher Our foresight and great buying power enabled us
to obtain concessions tnat were most liberal, and so we inaugurate this sale with prices that will not be approached anywhere in this vicinity.
A very
good 4-
worth to
day 35c
to 40c,
at 23c
A high grade two
burner gas plate, ad
justable air mixer,
for $2.19
A 14-qt. enamel
dish pan, all first
quality, worth today
69c, at .-. .29c
Large sis ffUlow elothsi basket, SI. 49
site, special at $1.19
Medium 11.29, at (So
."Everlasting" elm splint' clothes baskets,
at B9c,. 60c and 79c
Extra fine oblong shape fancy French wil
low clothes baskets, with wood bottoms
$1.50 sise $1.19 11.8 slse $1J9
12.25 sise S1.79 12.50 sise 2.19
One lot of genuine
"Wearever" W i n dsor
Kettles and preserving
ke,tlea ; worth today
31.60, at 98c
A fine 5-piece
set Mrs. Potts'
Irons, oval, black
japanned top, spe
cial, for 79c
"Universal" elec
tric irons . . .$4.50
Hand Vacuum
Washers, just tne
thing for washing
curtains and other
delicate fabrics ; worth
today 75c, at 40c
Rugs at Greatly Reduced Prices
Wilton velvet seamless rugs, sizes 9x12, worth today $30.00,
Monday, at $19.98
Wilton velvet seamless rugs, 9x12, wortl today $35.00,
Monday, at $24.98
Royal Axminster ruga, 9x12 size,1 worth today $27.50, at. ...$21.98
Royal Axminster rugs, 8ft. 3 inches by 10 ft. 6 Inches,
worth today $25.00, at $19.98
A large showing of very fine Wilton Rugs, sizes 8 ft, 3 inches
by 10 ft. 6 in. and 9x12, worth today up to $55.00, at $31.98
Third Floor.
Ironing Tables, a
clear bass wood
board, worth to
day $1.25, for. 98c
slop jars,
worth to
day $1.98
at $1.39.
Wash Boards,
a full size, well
mads board, with
white metal rub
bing surface. 19c
Board with
brass rubbing
surface . . . .49c
Beautiful in pat
tern, genuine brass,
nickel plated and
Guernsey insets,
worth today $1.98,
at .........$1.49
Famous Horseshoe
brand Wringers, very sub
stantial wood frame with
adjustable pressure screws
and fully warranted, spe
cial, at,. $2.98
, "Success" Rotary
Ash Sifters, save
their cost on the
first ton of coal;
worth today $3.00;
special, at . .$2.19
Gartwg n tub earn,
medium haavy fal
vanlaad, cdmplata with
ovar anil ball, raducad
ta 7c
Larva earn at
abova, nduead to
Extra larga naa eana
aa abova, wlUi itda han
"aa 1.4t
Medium aiia Japan
ned sarbasa eana . .09c
Larga ilia Japanned
varbaya eana 7W
Extra larva japanned
tarbeve eana Mo
Ezy Slip-On
I m 1 combination
"Ezy" slip on mop com
bination, a 75c oiled pol
ishing mop, a 76c chemi
cally prepared dusting
mop, a 25c bottle oil,
worth today $1.75,
at $1.19
Genuine, S a n i
tary Savory self
basting roaster,
worth today $1.25,
at . . .' 98c
Polished 'Genuine "Gris
wold" Skillets, size 8. .49e
Nickel Plated Genuine
"Griswold" Skillets, wood
handle, size 8 98a
Polished Cast Iron Pan
cake griddles, size 8. . . .43c
Nickel Plated Cast Iron
Pancake griddles, stze 8, 89c
Johnson's prepared
Floor Wax, pint size,
can 29c
No Telephone
Orders Filled. '
0nly 3 to a Customer.
Soaps and Washing Powders
10 bars Diamond "C" Soap 23c
10 bars Pearl White or White Borax Naphtha. . .33c
10, bars Fels Naptha Soap : 39c
5 bars Wool or Ivory Soap. 19c
1-15. package 20-Mule-Team Borax 12c
2 -lb. packages 20-Mule-Team Borax 22c
Large package Borax Soap Chips 21a
Small package Argo Starch , , ,4c
Large package Argo Starch., 21a
Celluloid Starch, per package ................. 8a
Rex Lye, per can
Sunbrite Scouring Powder, 8 for. 10a
Old Dutch Cleanser, 8 cans for . .21o
Toileteer, special, per can. 14o
Bon Ami, bar or powder ......... 7c
Golden Rod Naptha Washing Powder, 8 pkgs, , . .10a
Small package Gold Dust 4a
Large package Gold Dust. . .21c
Telephone, C. O. D. or mail orders will not be accepted.
Beautiful Cretonnes and Draperies
For Spring and Summer Ready.
BRIGHTEN UP YOUR WINDOWS and bring a new atmosphere
Into your home. .
1,600 yards of New Scrim and Marquisette, in the white, ecru and
fancy colors; in lengths of 6 yards and more; special, a yard 19c
60 pieces of Cretonnes, latest colorings, in the stripe effects; beau
tiful assortment to select from; for draperies and covering; 36 inches
wide, worth up to 40c, Monday, yard 29c
88 and 46-inch Madras, also beautiful Grenadines, in handsome nov
elty effects, special, a yard . . . .' ,39c
16 pieces of the latest Drapery Material; a very rich brown; 60
Inches wide; worth to 76c, Monday, yard S9c
Third Floor.
NewDressGoods for Spring
Bright and Exceedingly Attractive
The choice that will be given every wo
man who' desires, to buy the material and
have her outfit made is so wide and so
pleasing that we anticipate the biggest
business this Dress Goods Department ever
enjoyed. We mention four items for Mon
day: 50-Inch Serge, slricuy all wool, in all the desir
able shades for Suits, Monday, a (P1 QQ
yard , . , , pl.O7
All-Wool French Serges, fancy plaids, checks,
stripes, etc.; made of finest Australian yarrwnuch
wanted today for suits, skirts and dresses; in alarge
assortment of colors; 40 to 44 inches wide; a fabric
that will sell regularly for $1.25; - OQn
Monday, a yard. , 70C
48-inch All-Wool Gabardines, made of the best
grade wool and,from best dyes, all desirable shades.
A very popular fabric for tailored suits, coats and
dresses; special, for Monday, a Qti f?r
yard tpJ.. I O
54-inch Novelty Coatings, all pure wool, in a
large assortment of new colorings; can be made up
without lining; special d1 QCnrirl $9 OK
for Monday, a yard, ,pl. tcJctllU tSLt.LiO
Main Floor.
A Notion Sale Offering Remarkable Low Prices
To Mark the Advent of the Sewing Season
Here is the opportunity Sale prepare now with a full stock of all the Notions and Sewing needs for
your Spring and Summer Sewing. We have made prices so low that you can well afford to buy a plentiful
supply. Dressmakers will find that great savings are to be made in this sale.
Snppinls fnr Drpssmnkpva
r v,.... n...i,i p.
12-yard Bolts Best Bias Tape. . , v ,7Hc
Best Imported Rick-Rack. ....... .7 He
10-yard Bolts pf Twilled Tape 7He
Extra Good Quality of Scissors, pair. 35c
Fast Colored Wash Edging, bolt. .
12-yard Bolts of Rick-Rack, bolt.
insias Donea ceiling, yara
Extra Heavy Skirt
darken, each.
"Betsy Ross" .Crochet Cotton, white and colors, ball. . . . . ,8Ha
Slipper and Shoe Trees, 10c value, pair .4c
Black and Whito Hat Lining, 10c value, each , 3c
Black Office Sleeves, pair .10c
Children's Underwaists, 35c value, each 27c
Shell Hair Pins, box , 3,c
Real Human Hair Nets, 3 for. . , 25c
Soft Face Chamois, each , 4c
Sanitary Belts, 25c value, each .' 19c
Sanitary Aprons, large size, each. ......... , . . 19c
Dress Forms at $6.48
all sizes, each. . .8c
7Hc Men's and Ladies' Neck Bands, each, 2)c
.18c Rust-Proof Dress Clasps, dozen, .4c
10 J. & P. Coat's 6-cord Thread, spool.. 4c
3-yd. Bolts Tape, 4 lor Beg
Lingerie Ribbon, 10-yard bolts. ... ,i , ,7 Wc
Stocking Feet, all sizes, pair ,7 He a
JVletal Suit Hangers, each UH
Large Package Wire Hair Pins 7 Me 8
Baby Fancy Dress and Coat Hangers, each , 10c ;
Best Knitting Cotton, ball , ,....3Kcg
Corset Laces, 1-inch wide, each 3c j
Darning Cotton, 4 spools. . . Be V
Large Bolts of Hat Wire .4c g
Back and Side Combs, each 25c
Middy Laces, each 3c j
Our new 1917 model 8-sectional dress forms, adjustable at neck, bust, hips and waist; also to any height.
82 to 44 bust; No. 2 to 48 bust, these forms regularly sell at $12.50; on sale Monday, for only '.
Main Floor.
No. 1 will adjust
Beautiful Dress Blouses
Of Filmy Georgette Crepe
fEW arriyals in Blouses, Filet trimmed
models, beaded models, hand embroidered
models. '
In the colors of Cornflower Blue, Tea
Rose, Dove Gray, Chartreuse, "Shadow
Lawn" Green, Orchid, Peach', White and
Flesh. " ........
Prices from $5.50 to, $22.50
Handkerchief Linen'
Very smart this season, in white,1 with
touches of color. High or low neck models.
" Prices $2.98 to $6.98.
Second Floor.
Womens New Black Dull Kid Shoes
10 Inches High $10.00 the Pair
THIS IS INDEED an ultra-fashionable Dress Boot with
neat, long vamps: trimmed with Black Jet Beads, light
weight soles and full Louis heels. One of the earlier ar
rivals for Spring. - .
Main Floor.
DraiKMs Stores
Latest Wall Papers Specially Priced
New shades of Duplex Plain Oatmeal Papers, guaranteed non-fad-able,
with a showing of cut borders in conventional and floral designs;
very appropriate for living and dining room and halls; all shades; spe
cial for Monday and Tuesday, roll... ...19e
Varnished Tile Papers, for your kitchen and bath room; over a
dozen new designs in all colon to select from. The regular price is 30c.
Monday and Tuesday, your choice. t ,.,., r, . . . . .17,
Third Floor. ,.'