Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1917, SOCIETY, Page 3, Image 17

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    THE OMAHA SUNDAY tf&h: l-htiRUAK Zo. li17,
3 B
Council Bluffs
Social Notes
Honda Mrs. Robert Wallace en
tertained t a 1 o'clock luncheon at
her home on Bluff street. The twenty-four
guests were seated at two
large tables, which were decorated
with jonquils. The afternoon was
very delightfully soent in visitinc.
Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Lnmtianson entertained at a three
course dinner in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. N. R Fort of Fortville, Ind.,
who are celebratinit the fortieth an
niversary of their wedding. Mr. and
.Mrs. fort are visiting their daughter.
Mrs. Elmer Eakes. Covers were laid
for ten. '
The announcement was made this
week of the marriage of Mr. H. Earl
Schmidt of Terre Haute, Ind., and
Miss Frances Ilga Neunas of this
city. The ceremony was performed
August 19, 1916, by Judge Winter
steen at Fremont, Neb. The bride
wished to return to college at Ames
in the fall, so the young couple de
cided to keep the event a secret. Mr.
Schmidt is a graduate of the Rose
Polytechnic Institute at Terre Haute.
Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt are at the home
of the bride's mother at present, but
expect to make their home in Kansas
The study of Slav literature was
resumed at the meeting of the Ideal
club at the home of Mrs. Terwilliger
Tuesday. The discussion of current
events was led by Mrs. M. B. Moon.
A very interesting review of Tolstoi's
novel, "Anna Karenina," was given
by Mrs. ft E. Swanson. A sketch of
the life of Turgeney was given by
Mrs. V. H. Dudley. Mrs. Freeman
discussed the life and writings of
Sienkiewicz, "Poland's modern inter
preter." A very delightful tea was given by
Mrs.- M. A. Metzger and Mrs. G. W.
Gibson Tuesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Gibson. The affair was
given for the members of the Cen:
tral Chapter of St. Paul's Guild.
Abouf twenty women were present.
Tuesday evening the members of
the Hustler's class entertained at a
costume party it the Young Wom
en's Christian association for the
other girls in the "gym" classes. Half
of those present represented George
and half Martha Washington. Both
the parlor and the large gymnasium
were used for the evening's enter
tainment. Refreshments were served
by the hostesses at a late hour.
Miss Irene Galloway, who has been
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Leutzinger, left Wednesday for her
home in Dayton, O.
The Book Lovers met Wednesday
and began the study of George Mere
dith's novel, "The Ordeal of Richard
reverel. Reviews and comments on
the first part of the book were given
by Mrs. H. A. Woodbury and Mrs,
Thomas Metcalf, jr., and a general
discussion followed. The selected
topic, the city of New Orleans, was
given by Mrs. Otis, who considered
me suujeti irum an Historical siana.
point. Mrs. A. P. Hanchett and Mrs,
R. H. Nichols were chosen as dele
gates to the meeting to organize a
visiting nurse association. An unusu-
ally interesting program has been
planned for the next meeting, which
will be held on Wednesday at the
home of Mrs. Charles K. Hannan, sr.
i he hostesses' will be Mrs. Hannan
Mrs. Charles T. Officer, Mrs. R. H.
Nichols and Mrs. H. W. Tilton.
Tuesday evening Miss Gertrude
' Scheidle entertained the members of
the H. B. club at a juvenile party.
. The guests were all dressed as school
children. The earlier part of the eve-
ning was spent at cards. Later a two
course supper was served by the host
ess. 1 he decorations and favors were
all appropriate for Washington's
. birthday. Following the supper the
guests all enjoyed the dancing on the
i enclosed ' porch. The club will not
meet again until atter l-ent.
Social Circles
Mrs. J. H. Vick was hostess for
the Bine stocking club Friday after
noon. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hamilton have
returned from a few days' stay at
txceisior springs, mo.
Mrs. A. C. Higbee. who has been
visjting her son, J. H. Higbee, has
returned to her home at bcottsbluff.
Miss Mari? Maney has returned to in Peru normal after a few
I days spent at home.
Mrs. Frank Davis of Grand Junc
tion, Colo., spent a few days last week
at the b. A. Uavis home. .
i The women of the Methodist
church will serve luncheon at the
church next Wednesday.
Virgil McKinstry was a guest at
' the C towards home last week.
while oh his way from Chicago to
twin falls, Idaho.
Mr. Anton Sorenson was surprised
- at his home on Wednesday evening
by the Danish Brotherhood, which
presented him with a gold watch.
Mrs. G. W. Palmer will give a so
cial at her home on Friday evening
tor the young people, and Mrs. C. A.
Johnson on Saturday evening for the
older people ot the Augustina Luth
eran church.
Mrs. G. E. Eckstrom was hostess
last Wednesday for the West Farnam
Kensington club.
Mrs. L. A. Simons entertained at
lunch last Wednesday in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Kroger of Polk, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. McGlasson
have left for their home in Wood
'River, Neb., after an extended visit
at the E. A. McGlasson home.
Mrs. C. L. Carlson entertained at
dinner last week in honor of Mr. A.
Norton of Los Angeles.
Mrs. J. E. Crutsinger of Blair, Neb.,
is spending a few days visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs; C. H. Peterson.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Sanborn enter
tained last week for Mr. and Mrs. E.
H. Mangold of Gretna, Neb.
Mrs. S. W. Williams and daughter
Merle, are visiting relatives in Win
ston, Mo.
Miss Cora Jones entertained at
lunch last Saturday in honor of her
birthday, when she announced her en
gagement to Mr. Bradford Hiles. The
wedding will take place in the spring.
Maple Leaf Chapter, Order of the
Eastern Star, will give a minstrel
show Saturday evenfhg, under the
auspices of the Benson Woman's
club. .
Covers were laid for fifteen guests
at the Westminster Guild dinner last
Monday evening at the church.
The public opening of the Com
munity gymnasium was held at the
city hall last Wednesday evening.
The Rpjal Neighbors met last
jmoss. yours sqiiz2
Thursday evening in their hall when
the full initiation ceremonies were
given by the team to a class of candi
dates. A committee served cake and
coffee during the entertainment hour.
Mrs. F. E. Young and Miss Lena
Marquis left for St. Josephl Mo., last
Wednesday where they were called
by the death ot Miss Marquis lather.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Brewster and a daughter to
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Amish during the
last week.
West Ambler
Social Activities
Miss Mabel Larson of Minneapolis
was the guest of Miss Marie Carlson.
Mrs. Harold Goll, who ha been the
guest the last month of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Jacobsen. left
Tuesday' for her home at Calhoun.
Miss Bertha Gochayne left Thurs
day for Gordon, Neb., where she will
visit on a ranch.
The homes of Mr. and Mrs. John
Sokey on South Fifty-second street
and Mr. and Mrs. trnest Howland on
South Fifty-sixth street were both
brightened Monday by sons.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Groves gave a din
ner Wednesday evening in honor of
their sister, Mrs. F. C. Butts, and
family of Dundee.
Mrs. Hattie Edgar of Scottsbluff,
Neb., will spend a few weeks with her
son Park Edgar,
Miss Ida Lehmer of Oklahoma, a
former resident of West Side, is the
guest of Mrs. J. Long and daughter.
Mrs. Clayton Mann of Crete, Neb.,
is the week end guest of Mrs. John
Mrs. I. A. Miller was the guest
Monday of William Aughe and family
in Council Bluffs.
Misses Ruth and Clara Elmberg
gave a dinner Friday evening for Mr.
and Mrs. H. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Gilmore.
Mrs. D. Shandy will entertain the
all-day meeting of the Ladies' Aid
society Thursday, March 1.
Frank Kuhn arrived Friday from
Mason City, la., to visit his sister,
Mrs. Thed Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carlaen of Har
lan, la., are the guests of Mrs. Ola
Guy Holland and Miss Marion El
liott, only daughter ot Mrs. W. W.
Elliott of West Side, were married
February 17.
Mrs. Joe Gilmore gave a dinner
Sunday in honor of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. Stewart's thirty-third
wedding anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Anton King had as
their week end guests Mrs. Ella
Wright of Lorton, Neb., and Mr. and
Mrs. M. Shafer and daughter of Man
ley, Neb.
Mrs. W. L. Paine and son, Chaun
cey, of McCook, were the week end
guests of Mrs. Frank Hensman. r
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Downing
spent the week with friends at Nick
ersen, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wisler left
Thursday for Detroit for a short visit
with" relatives.
Mrs. Arthur King and son Verl, her
sister Mrs. M. Jacobsen, and father
E. Nichart, spent the last of the week
with Mrs. M. Niehart at Nebraska
Mrs. Frank Marshall gave a party
Wednesday for the following of the
Royal Neighbors of America: Mes-
dames A. J. and J. Wisler, E. A. Winn,
b. Lockavne, William vickers, u.
Black, J. Seger, W. Van Dusen, F.
Kern, J. Cole, J. Lemly, E. Gorman
and Miss Hazel Van Dusen.
Mrs. M. Madsen gave a miscel
laneous shower Tuesday in honor of
her daughter, . Miss Christie, whose
marriage to Mr. Lawrence Menarthy
occurred Saturday.
Mrs. Ihomas McDonald enter
tained the monthly meeting of the
West Side kensington Thursday.
Members present were Mesdames S.
P. Jonas, George Baldwin, George
Michlen, Glen (jerkin, M. Potts, J.
Graham, S. Boyd and M. Saley.
Mrs. Herman Paulsen entertained
the solo club at her home on West
Center street Saturday evening. The
guests were: Messrs. and Mesdames.
E. Hensman, h. Maas, h. JJodill. rl.
Roessig, H. Pahl, Misses Elsie Roej
sig, Anna Maas, Elizabeth Beckett,
Grace, Helen, Lena and Florence
Paulsen, Messrs. Herman Root, Theo
dore Strebe, Eugene Hensman, Albert
and George Paulsen.
We take pleasure in announcing the
first view of our display of Spring's
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You will be charmed with our '
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Your Inspection Invited
1522 Douglas St, .
Women Are
Doing in the World
A PERMANENT organization
was effected at the Mississippi
Valley conference of state
presidents of the General
Federation of Women's Clubs, held in
Minneapolis last week and attended
by two Nebraska women, the state
federation president and past presi
dent, Mrs. J. N. Paul of St. Paul, and
Mrs. A. G. Peterson of Aurora. It is
to be known is. The Upper Mississippi
Valley Conference of the General
Federation of Women's Clubs, and its
purpose is to promote closer under
standing and co-operation between
the states' organizations. State presi
dents and past presidents, acting state
officers and General Federation direc
tors and past directors of the follow
ing states: Missouri, Kansas, Wiscon
sin, Illinois, Nebraska, Iowa, Minne
sota and North and South Dakota will
be included in the conference. Biennial
meetings preceding the biennial meet
ings of the General Federation were
Mrs. Paul responded to the toait
"The Awkward Squad," at a unique
dinner given in honor of thedelrgates..
The caption was "Our National
Guard," and other responses to toasts
were "The Recruiting Officer," "In
spection," "The Enemy," "The Fly
ing Squadron," "Great Guns," and
"Marching Orders," the latter given
by Mrs. Thomas G. Winter of Minne
apolis, who is well known in umana,
all the toasts carrying out the spirit
of the times.
Mrs. Francis E. Whitley of Webster
City, president of the Iowa federation
was elected oresident and Mrs. Har
vey of Menominee, president of the
Wisconsin federation, was named sec
retary of the new organization.
Mrs. Paul and Mrs. Peterson passed
through Omaha Friday morning en
route home and were met at the sta
tion by Mrs. F. H. Cole.
Temperance Conference.
Nebraska clubwomen are further
interested in the midyear conference
of the state executive committee for
the Nebraska Woman's Christian
Temperance union, which will be held
in Omaha, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday. Three Omahans will apeak
at the meeting, Dr. Jennie Callfas on
"The New Vision of the Medical
Profession," Mrs. George Covell on
"Ballots for Both, and Elmer t.
Thomas on oertment topics. Import
ant matters, which have to do with
enforcement of the prohibition law,
will he discussed. i
Mrs. William Berry, acting Douglas
county president; Mrs. C. J. Roberts,
Mrs. W. T. Graham and Mrs. Flora
Hoffman are other Omahans who Will
attend the meeting.
Local temnerance workers are an
ticipating a visit from. Miss Anna Gor
don, national Women's Christian Tem
perance union presidents, when ahe
passes through Omaha May 3 or 4 on
a transcontinental tour.
Woman's Commercial Club.
The newest development in local
club circles is the proposed organ
ization of a Woman's Commercial
club Monday evening in the offices
of Miss lone L. Dully ot tne van
Sant colic e. A preliminary meet
ing, at which enthusiastic plans for
the new organization were oroacnea,
was held Friday evening in Miss
Katherine Worley's office.
All business women will be eligible
for membership, according to Stella
Bedford Wilson. lawyer, with whom
the idea originated. Iwenty-hve busi
ness women attended the meeting Fri
day nielit.
"The organization hopes to have its
own club house some day, says Mrs.
Wilson, "if that is not building too
many castles in the air.
Social Settlement activities will be
demonstrated at the Omaha Woman's
club political and social science de
partment meeting Monday at 2:30
o'clock at Metropolitan club house.
Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis, the head resi
dent, will talk: Edward Vosacek will
tell about the boys' work; Mrs. F.
S. Ilanna, who has the sewing in
charge, will have a group of children
exhibit their work; four little boys
from the settlement will sing Serbian
sotiffs. and the same number of little
girls will give kitchen gardening ex
ercises. Helen Nightingale will sing
and Dan Hurley will tell a story.
Mrs. J. H. Dumont has charge of the
At the business meeting Mrs. Sam
uel roote, Mrs. Dumont, Dr. Adda
Wiley Ralston, Mrs. D. G. Craighead
and Miss Grace Thomas will tell
about their experiences down at Lin
coin last week when thev went to
lobby for the suffrage and against the
school election bills.
'The Piper's 'Pay," which is to be
given by the oratory department for
its open day program next week, will
he rehearsed at the department meet
ing Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock.
There will be a dress rehearsal Fri
day morning at 10:30 o clock.
i Kuth will be the Bible topic dls
cussed by the current topics depart
ment Tuesday at 2:30 o'clock. The
Burnett immigration bill. China and
Japan and other topics of current dis
cussion will occupy the rest of the
meeting time.
Mrs. W. L. Bentz will give her
postponed talk on "Perseverance,
How to Develop It, for the philoso
phy and ethics department Tuesday at
4 o clock-
Mrs. J. W. Gill, assisted by Mrs.
Johnston and Mrs. A. O.
Nickum, will have charge of the pro
gram for the art department Thurs-
day morning at 10 o'clock. The art
of Ravenna, Venice and" St. Mark's
will especially be studied
The music department will enjoy
violin and vocal numbers Thursday
afternoon, especially a violin sextet,
including Clara Schneider, Gertrude
Wielding, . Joe Herman, Nettie
Goettsche, Alexander Rohrbough
and Goldie Fred. Archie Baley, Mrs.
E. A. Weathers, Mr, George Comp
ton, Isabele Radman, Oscar Wein
stein and Sophia Weinstein also take
part. The accompanists will be Ger
trude Hoden, Grace Wielding and
Mrs. B. Dienstbier. t
Miss Kate A. McHugh, Mrs. F. H.
Cole, Mrs. Millard Langfeld and Mrs.
C. H. Mullin, former leaders of the
literature department of the Omaha
Woman's club, will be honor guests
at a luncheon the department will
give at the Blackstone on March 7.
Reservations will be received until
March 6 by Mrs. L. M. Lord, chair
man of the courtesies committee, and
Mrs. George B. Darr.
Nebraska society, United States
Daughters of 1812, will meet at the
home of Miss Charlotte Rothery, 2562
Tones street, Friday at 2:J0 p. m.
Mrs. C, Z. Gould will read a paper on
"Colonial Handcraft."
The Saratoga Mothers' circle, will
hold its regular meeting Friday at the
school auditorium.
The Belles-Lettres club held its
regular meeting Tuesday afternoon at
the home ot Mrs. Gus Hollo, when
Longfellow's "Evangeline" was stud
ied. An interesting debate on the
poem was begun, which will be con
cluded at the next meeting at the
home of Miss Terra Tierney on
March 6.
Mrs. C. G. Trimble will be the hos
tess to the Dundee Woman's club
Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock,
when the subject for study will be
Granville Barker's "The Voysey In
heritance." Mrs. Raymond Cross
man will have the current events and
Mrs. J. E. Dodds, the leader, will give
the plot and philosophy. W. H.
Hancock will give the characteriza
tion: Mrs. C. B. Erb, setting; Mrs. T.
L. Combs, the heritage of the father,
from "L'Aiglon," while the inheri
tance idea from Kipling's "Kim" will
be given by Mrs. W. B. Howard. In
conclusion, Mrs. J. F. Ferguson will
give her own impressions of Gran
ville Barker, gained at his appearance
in Omaha last week, for the Drama
league and Fine Arts society.
Temple Israel sisterhood will pre
sent, on the first Monday afternoon in
March, the program it was forced to
postpone from the first Monday in
February, this includes a talk on
Browning by Rabbi Frederick Colin
and one on vocational guidance by
Miss Jessie iowne, as well as musi
cal numbers.
Mu Sigma's twenty-fourth birthday
will be celebrated Monday afternoon
with an informal tea at the home of
Mrs. Waite H, Squier, 124 North
One pair of Diamond Ear Screws,
perfect blue-white and extraordi
nary swell mounting;; weight
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Brodegaard Bros. Co.
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Thirty-eighth avenue. Mu Sigma is
the oldest study club in the city and
has still on its membership list the
names of three of the original mem
bers, Mrs. A. D. Sonw-rs, Mrs. George
Thompson and Mrs. H. D. Ncely.
Readings and musical numbers will
lie given by members.
Mrs. D. H. Weir will entertain the
J. F. W. club Thursday afternoon.
P. E. O. sisterhood. BP chapter,
will meet Tuesday afternoon at I
o'clock with Mrs. K. R. Ogden, 2031
Fowler avenue. ' There will be an edu
cational day program.
Mrs. J. C. Lawrence, leader of the
program, will give the biography i
tlie composer, Humperdimk, at the
Omaha Story Tellers' league meeting
Thursday at the public library. Miss
Edith ilaight will tell the story of
the opera, "Hansel and Gretel," and
Mrs. William Dox will tell a selected
story, .
Rev. Charles S. Holler, pastor of
the Souih Side Baptist church, will
lead the prayers of the Business Wo
men's council Tuesday at the court
house. Luncheon will be served by
women of Clifton Hill Presbyterian
church during the hours of II and Z.
The George A. Custer Woman's
Relief corps will hold its regular
uiectinff Tuesday afternoon lit. 2:.)0 at
Memorial hall. Much htisincss is tc
be transacted.
The Omaha Settlement association
will hold its annual meeting Saturday
at .1 o'clock at the Settlement house,
2829 0 street. South Side. Reports of
committees will be read and direc
tors elected, the directors in turn to
name the officers. A tea at 4 o'clock
will follow.
Benson Woman's Christian Tem
perance union will meet Friday after
noon at the home of Mrs. G. T. Chad
well. The Woman's club of Benson will
meet Thursday at the city hall. The
program on "pan-Americanism" will
consist of papes on "Contrast Be
tween Eastern and Western Coast
States," by Mrs. J. W. Speedie; "Cen
tral American States," Mrs. J. Y,
Hooper; "Carribean Islands," Mrs.
Beasley; "Panama Canal's Influence,"
Mrs. Searson, and "Mexico," Mrs.
Hooper. Mrs. M. Blackwell of
Omaha, a resident teacher for some
years in Brazil, will give a talk. Mrs.
Sawtelle will b leader. The club will
put on a minstrel show Saturday
Key. A, A. De Larme, pastor of the.
First Baptist church, will sneak on
"Missionary Work and Organization"
at the annual meeting of the Women's
Missionary federation of Omaha
Wednesday at 2:30 o'clock at the
Young Women's Christian associa
tion. Reports of the year's work will
be given and election of officers will
be held. Mrs. F. J. Birss is president
of the federation.
William F. Baxter will speak on
"The Minimum Wage" at the home
of Mrs. J. T. Stewart. 2nd, Wednes
day at 4 o'clock for members of the
Equal Franchise society. This talk
was postponed from February IS.
Mrs. E. M. Fairfield is chairman of
the program.
Education in Norway and Sweden
will be studied by the literature de
partment of the South Side
VVoman's club Tuesday at 2:30 o'clock
at Library hall. Mrs. H. T. Peck,
leader of the program, will be as
sisted by Mrs. W. P. Adkimi, Miss
Sadie Fowler and Mrs.'R. P. Falkncr.
Election of officers will lake place
when Chapter M of the P. E. O.
meets Saturday at the home of Mrs.
Lucy H. Eads. A 1 o'clock luncheon
will precede the business meeting.
Mrs. F. E. Houseman and Miss Hor
tense Eads will assist the hostess.
Miss Etta L. Pickering, general
secretary of the Young Women's
Christian association will address the
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In the affairs of life you ask honest and fairness of treatment
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In using "Stack and Falconer" Service either in our mortuary or in your home, you will find all
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Young Women's Hebrew association
at a special meeting Tuesday evening
in the clubrooms in the Paxton block.
A hop will be given in the clubrooms
this evening. The Dramatic club
meets Monday nigftt and the choral
society Wednesday and Saturday
Miss Catherine Morrison, assisted
Lby Miss Alice Chambers, will give
a program ontKaphael, the Madonna
painter, for the Business Women's
club Tuesday at 7 o'clock at the
Young Women's Christian associa
tion. Miss Ilia Lindeman will give
current events.
llauptnian' "Lonely Lives" will be
the subject of Miss Kate McHugh's
ecture before the Drama league
Tuesday at 4 o'clock at the Ulack
jior.e. The Dundee Catholic circle, which
combines sewing with cards at its
Monday afternoon meetings, will
ahandon the cards during the Lenten
season. This week's meeting will be
at the home of Mrs. James M. Wel.ih
at 2:.W a'clock. Household economics
and Lenten menus will be discussed.
Mrs. J. O. Detweilcr will be hostess
at a 1 o'clock luncheon for the Moth
ers' Culture club Wednesday after
noon at her home, 3524 Dodge street.
Mrs. W. V. Fisher will give a talk
on American heroes, Washington,
Lincoln and several famous women,
and Mrs. T. M. Giltner will lead the
home progress child study. Mrs.
Origen Williams will assist the host
eis. ' v
Temple Israel Sisterhood will spoil
ser a minstrel show to be given
Thursday evening, March 8, at Met
ropolitan clubhouse.
Tennyson chapter, C. L. S. C, will
meet Monday afternoon at 2:30 at
the public library. The lesson will
be chapters eight to twelve in "Bel
gium, fhe Land of Art," with Mrs.
N. Nelson as leader. Chapter six of
"The Spirit of French Letters" will
be reviewed by Mrs. R. E. Tarrott.
Roll call will be answered by current
Quotations from Mrs. Lillian N. M.
Stevens, late president of the national
Women's Christian Temperance
union, will be the response to roll
call when Frances Willard union
meets Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. T. R. Ward, 2121 Wirt
The Women's Christian Temperance
union committee of which Mrs. James
McClair is chairman will hold an
educational and social meeting at 2
o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. John Smith. Mrs. J.
H. Dumont will explain the bill pend
ing before the legislature proposing
to change the method , of electing
members of the school board.
On March 1 a similar meeting at
which Mrs. L. V. SloCum will speak
on "Your Boy and Mine," will be
held by the committee of which Mrs.
IV. L. Lite is chairman at the home
of Mrs. Belle Seymour. Mrs. J. R.
Baird will also discuss civic affairs
of the city.
A memorial meeting in honor of
the late Mrs. John Dale and Mrs.
Sarah Powell will be held Wednes
day afternoon tt 2:30 at the home of
Mrs. J. E. Inkster by the committee
of the Women's Christian Temper
ance union of which Mrs. E. D.
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Stonecypher is chairman. Friends' of
the honored womw have been in
vite to attend. ',
A Boy Scouts' program will be
given in connection with the chili"
idren's movies, according to arrange;
! ments being made by the eddcaripnal
! committee of the Omaha Woman's
I .-ll. Alt 1W. Crmil. r.1 (ho rliv will
attend with the fife and drum corps.
The Cambro-American society of
Omaha will celebrate St. David's day1
Thursday evening at Jacob hall. Mr,
John T. Yeats will preside. A good
program nas oeen proviiieu. an ipb
Welsh and those of "Welsh descent
will attend. '
T. W. C. A. NotM.
A muilctl program arrans4 fcjr M1h
All,: M-kni1fl will b flvnn at th Tapr
Nervlro thla afternoon at :I0.
Kcltal by Madam Charlott Lund, ao
vrano, Wftdncaday, February II, at S o'clock,,
under tha auaploea of aoclal oommlttaa f
Touns Woman'a Chtiatlan aatoctatkm. .
A olan la Juat atartlng In buatneaa Enf -llah.
It meata Tuaaday from 7 to I o'clock.
Society Notes t
Rev. H. Foster spent the last week
in Chicago.
A colonial play was given by some
of the grades at Dundee school Fri
day. .. .
the Dundee church was held rriciay at
the home of. Mrs. Mary E. Nelson.
The Young People's Society of .
Christian Endeavor held a meeting
Saturday at the home of Doris and
Mildred Braden.
Mrs. Holman's Sunday school class
met Friday afternoon at Miss Doro
thy Dodd's home.
Troop Four of the Boy Scouts of
America met Friday evening at the
Dundee church. Speeches in honor of
the retiring scoutmaster, Mrs. E. H.
Orchard, were made, and the new
master, Mr. Thomas Kelley, was in
troduced. t ,
Aged Man Violates His
Parole and Goes to Pen
John H. Clark, an aged prisoner
brought Kefore Judge Sears on Jan
uary 24 on a charge of forgery, was.
sentenced to from one to twenty years
in the state penitentiary and then pa
roled from the bench to M. Andree
sen, adult probation officer. He vio
lated his parole and was again ar
raigned on the same charge, pleading
guilty and receiving a sentence of one
year. He was taken to the peniten
tiary Saturday morning.
A Harmless
Fat Remover
Far yaari tha knowladto and eonvlotlo
that thtrt l a aafa. , harmlaia rom
ady for obatlty has been spreadlnc, until
now the whole woHd knows that In tha
famoui Marmola Preoeriptlon l found a
aura road to lymmetry a groat peclfle
for over-fatneie which learei the body
aymmotrieal, the akin moolh and clear,
and the bodily health perfect. This almoat
miraculous change la aocompliahed without
dieting, eurciae, or denial of any klnt at
the rate, of two, three or tour pounds a
weak. Convenience In taking thll great rem
edy le facilitated by procuring Marmola
Prescription In tablet form. Visit your drug
gist today or send 76c to tha Marmola Co..
861 Woodward Ave.. Detroit. Mich., for a,
quantity of these tablets sufficient to start
you well on your way to the ooveted goal
allmness. Advertisement.
G-OIN&!! , GONE !!!
HSU II aaa iaj leal
Douglas 887