Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1917, SOCIETY, Page 2, Image 16

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2 B
is Going On
in Society Circles
CnUoa Tnm PasaOna.)
.when the following were present: The
Misses Minnie Hoye, Ted Baltrer,
Margaret Hoye, Lucile Ploss, Gladys
.Kemp and Margaret Richardson.
' , , Mr. and Mrs. Harmon V. Smith,
jr., entertained at an auction bridge
party Monday evening, when three
tables were placed for the game .
The Misses Hasel and Mildred
Avers entertained the S. L. club yes
terday at their home, when the after
noon was spent m playing games,
, telling stories and in musical numbers.
Those present were Helen Goodell,
Maxine Foshier, Nellie Dimick, Dor
othy Weller, Helen Johnson, Johanna
jPaterson, Josephine Johnson and Be
atrice Olmsted.
; Birthday Party.
' Miss Georgia Mae Hopkins ertter
Itained at her home Thursday after
fnoon in honor of her fourteenth birth
day. George Washington decorations
were used. Those present were:
Ulaaaa Mlaaae
.rtruda Burltek, Iraballa, .
Val.rta Orantharo, Joaaphlne Coaan.
Inlla Grantham. Oorlruda McEllttott.
il'aitva Oranlham. - Mari-aral McJClllfOtt,
'I. "Mil., TaraM MoKllla-ott,
.,,uncha Harrlf, Toata Warnar,
i '.'.jrrarat Hoffmana, Vlnlnla Barnura,
t'harlotta Jackaoa. Dorothy Strang.
' Maura. Meaara.
.Richard Btlna. , Barnard O'nonnor,
dward Cocan. iTharlaa Whlla.
: Mlcha.t Coa-itn, ( Oooraa flcatman.
Tionald Warner, feMwln Warnar.
. "H.nry O'Connor.
. Miss Katherine Krug entertained
at an informal kensington Friday aft
ernoon at hen home at Fort Crook.
1 Personal Mention.
Lewis Carrthe young son of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Carr, who had to
. return to the hospital for another
operation, is expected to be able to
come home today. His sister. Miss
Elizabeth Carr( will go east to visit
her aunt, Mrs. Joseph Garneau, as
soon as her brother is well.
Miss Louise White has been ill at
' home for the last ten days with an
attack of grippe.
Mrs. F. S. Owen is at Rochester.
Minn., recovering from an operation
performed there.
Miss isabelle Fleming, a former
'South Omaha girl, spent the week
end with Miss Fern Eadt. Misa Flem
ing, who is now a member of the
teaching corps at Brownell Hall, was
member of the 1910 aenior class of
South High and is a recent graduate
from a six-year course in the Univer
sity of Minnesota.
Miss Marie O'Donnell of Chicago,
formerly of this city, is visiting at the
home of her aunt, Mrs. B. Brennan.
and other relatives in the city.
Mr.- Harry Carpenter has been in
Norfolk the last week on a business
trip. . " . :
Mrs.. William Ramsey, who baa
been very seriously ill with typhoid
fever, shows a slight Improvement, as
the fever seems to be breaking.
Betrothals Announced.
' Mr. and Mrs.-S. D. Jones announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Tora E. Jones, to Mr. Bradford Hiles
of Lincoln. The wedding will take
place in April.
Honor Eastern Star Matron. ;
" One hundred and thirty members
. of Fontenelle chapter, Order of the
Eastern Star, gathered at Masonic
temple Friday evening for a novel
- dinner in honor of Mrs. Josephine
Sweigert of Gordon, Neb., grand ma
tron of the Eastern Star in Nebraska.
Saturday evening Maple Leaf chap
ter gave a dinner In honor of Mrs.
For the dinner Friday evening the
officers and the guest of honor were
seated at a central table decorated
. with ferns and pink carnations.
Around this were grouped twelve ta
bles, each decorated to represent a
month of the year. The variety and
originality shown in these decorations
were uniaue. For the January table
Mrs. E. Platte had simulated winter
with white decorations for the north
and palms for the southland. Mrs.
M. J. Griffin, in charge of the. Feb
ruary table, had Lincoln'a log cabin,
a portrait of the martyred president
and a - miniature representation of
Washington crossing the Delaware
for her decorations.
March is the month of the Irish
and so Mrs. J. P. Comstock had dee
orated the March table with sham
rocks and green and white flowers.
1 he April table, presided over by Mrs,
E. N. Bovell, had a centerpiece of
violets surrounded by snowy white
rabbits. For May Mrs. Frans Nelson
used a May pole as a centerpiece.
June, the month of roses and brides,
had a miniature bride with her attend
ants and roses for its representative
table. Mrs. H. Gsanter was in charge.
Mrs. A. E. Mack decorated her July
table with firecrackers and flags. But-,
terflies hovered 'Over the August ta
ble, where Mrs. James Johnson pre
sided. Yeilow narcissus furnished the
autumn flow for "the, September ta
ble of Mrs. E. H. Tiffany. '
For October Mrs. J. C. Hammond
used autu(nn(teares' A frnit center",
piece, round which roamed tiny tur
keys, feasting on kernels of corn,
adorned the table of M rs. J. O. Good
win, w ho was representing November.
Our . ,
' Opening
; averting
Chic and Charming
: Suring Chapeaux
La Rue Hat Shop
SOt Rose Building ;
Managers of Card Party for War Relief
To raise funds for Jewish war re
lief work a large card party will be
given Wednesday at 2 o'clock at the
Blackstone. Mrs. Charles S. Elgut
ter is chairman of the whole commit
tee which has the affair in charge,
with Mrs. Henry Hiller detailed for
the ticket sale; Mrs. Simon Meyer,
publicity; Mrs. William Harris, cards
and tables, and Mrs. F. -S. Hadra,
More than thirty attractive priies
will he awarded. Among them are a
gold mirror, electric lamp, silver tea
ball, trays, cook books, silk petticoat,
crepe de chine (blouse, perfumes.
flower basket, cake plate, Madeira cen
terpiece, fancy towels, crystal vases
and like novelties.
Tickets will be obtainable at the
door, though the committee is desir
ous that those expecting to attend the
card party should secure tickets be
forehand, if possible. Auction bridge,
whist, high five and rummy are the
games to be played.
Mrs. H. N. Craig had the December
table and used the appropriate Christ
mas tree and toys, with a little house
covered with snow as a further sus
gestion of the nature of the month.
A chapter meeting followed the din
Mrs. Carrie Dawson Scott enter
tained at luncheon at the Blackstone
Saturday in honor of Mrs. Sweigert.
The other guests at the lunch
eon were Mrs. J. E. Simpson, Mrs.
C. E. Sage, Mrs. J. O. Goodwin and
her guests, Mrs, G. S. Foxworthy of
Lincoln. .
Aialea Kensington Club. ,
The Azalea Kensington club met
at the home of Mrs. F. C Bliss
Wednesday afternoon. This club was
organized fourteen years ago, to
meet every two weeks. Mrs. Charles
D. Eads was re-elected president.
Memners oi tne cmo are:
Sfaadamaa Maadamaa
F. C. Bllaa. A. Doraay Hajari,
F. a. Bllaa. Ira Maria Mran.
J. B. Aaba, , Bruoa MoOulloah.
O. r. Baavara, . . JL H. Murdaok,
R. C Baavan. . J, A. MeKaa,
O. W. Oraana, , , . K. MoCald,
JL Oamoton. . . 3. O. lilohalaan.
0). Warns. Darla 3. B, Philip,
Charlaa D. Bads, ' John Pollati,
Clair H. Hopkins, A, 1. Randall.
Ed Kohanakr, O. P. Taylor, '
Charlaa w. Laa, Franklin A. Van Bant.
J. P. Winn. 1
The guests of the afternoon were
Mrs. Patterson of Cedar Rapids. Neb..
and Mrs. Howard Bliss of Omaha.
The next meeting will ba with Mrs.
Federal Officers Nab
Fred Lake On Mann Charge
Fred Lake, Fifteenth and Burdette
streets, has iieen arrested by federal
investigators and is being held for
examination Monday in connection
with the transportation of Alice
Philips from Omaha to Cooper, la.
Her is a combination hard to
achieve. The only shoe in which
we have found both real comfort
and correct style is the HANArl.
That is why we take pride in sell
ing HANAN SHOES. , ,
The popularity of the HANAN
SKOl, is because you can get a
HANAN in ail sixes, in any atylu,
HANAN sixes do not vary. 'You
wear the unit sin ia all hANAN
. . Strictly Custom mad.
;. AAA to D Six 2 ta 9
Price $8.50 A
U1B Farnam St.
South Side
Social Gossip
Mrs. Merlin Finlay and children of
Valley are visiting at the home of
Mrs. Viola Randal.
Mrs. Leonard Mataon and children
of Primrose, Neb., are guests at the
home of Mrs. Matson s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Abrahamson, 4219 South
Eighteenth street
Mrs, V. Smith and son, Paul, have
returned from Shenandoah, la.
Mrs. Charles Gowe entertained her
division of the Ladies' Aid of the
Grace Methodist church at a Wash
ington party1 Thursday afternoon.
About thirty-five were present.
Mrs. Howard Vore entertained the
choir of the United Presbyterian
church Tuesday evening. The choir
is planning a muticale at the church
for Tuesday evening. '
Miss Viola Williams and Miss
Helen Tyner leave today for Newton,
la., where they will be attendants at
I Make Macaroni for ihe Millions
and lam VertfFariicularHawIMakeii
hit )syyj?r
? AsklbrandGei
Macaroni Products
Beautiful Recipe Book Fre
OmahaNebrasJca. U.SUI.
' 3 Largest Macaroni Factory in America v
OftsMlliam Tiarris
the wedding of Miss Patience Kelly
and Leland Hanlte, which will take
place Tuesday evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Kelly.
On Wednesday evening at the home
of Dr. and Mrs. William Berry the
South Omaha Woman's Christian
Temperance union gave a farewell
reception in honor of Rev. and Mrs.
Albert Porter. Mrs. C. E. Kullbom,
the Misses Roy and Berry assisted
with the program. Rev. Mr. Kalina
tave the farewell address and Mrs.
errv Dresented the farewell lift, a
set of butter spreaders. Others as
sisting were Mesaames snieids, Ban
ner, Knight, McBurney, Vorr and Os
wald. On Friday the intermediate
class of the United Presbyterian
church, of which Mrs. Porter has
taken a special interest, gave them
a farewell surprise party. On Satur
day evening Mr. and Mrs. L. E.
Knight entertained at dinner for Rev.
and Mrs. Porter.
Miss Sarah Vore Tavlor ' enter
tained at a family dinner party Thurs
day in honor ot Mr. Howard Vore s
birthday. Covers were placed for six.
The wedding of Harry McCandless
and Miss Anna Stewart took place
On Every fhcleage
Thursday at 1 o'clock at the home
of Rev. R. L. Wheeler, followed by a
family dinner and reception at the
home of the bride'a mother. Mrs.
T. W. Stewart. The attendants were
Miss Bertha Smith and Frank To-
diet Mr. and Mrs. McCandless left
immediately for Des Moines. After a
short trip they will be at home on the
north side.
Miss Grace Stilwell entertained at
a whist party on Washington's birth
day at her apartment in Drake Court.
Tables were placed for:
jier. ana Mnaam
Herbert Lowton. Virgil Smith.
John Marcell,
ideswlam UeatUmfti
P. A. Barrett, Walter Slate.
MtAtr. Mestra
B-rnarri Slate, R. 0. Orlfflth.
Mliifi Mlkjiv-
Haale Barrett. J. r. Winn.
Nancy Hanlca.
On Tuesday Mrs. Ervine Howe en
tertained a dinner party in honor of
tier brother, Harry McLandtess, and
Miss Anna Stewart. Covers were
placed for:
M"iin. ana ueiuaMnft
Iavl1 -arn. Arthur Prtrsen.
rranK How, Irvine How. -
Mwiri. Kara.-
P. 0. McCandleu. prank Jodlfll.
Harry McCantllMa,
MlMea Mlaaaa
Brtha Smith, Anna Stewart.
BtrnU'.t H'twe.
Yf ti-tt Tnacr1iv nrtitTitj- in Iinnnr
rtf 'nnrl Wvm Potor Qrrilracir who
were married in Lincoln January 31
and nave just remrneo irom a wcq-
A Urt Chjaejiaa wQC (nr.
fnerly Miss Minnie Black of Ashland.
I hose present
Merwra. and Haitian
Franlt Mtdlion, ;
. Ktefer,
A. Mt'-haol.
W, A. Moora, '
H. WeM, I
X. Vann,
W. Wtwce, !
J, 8orDen,
W Mllfl.
Frank M(an,
WtlHam Brown.
On'inr Ualirh.
.Inanph Randolph,
Ant once Schleeser.
Vrne Hlilnney,
Anna Wirt,
Ardlth Town.
Loretta Madtaoa.
Jubn Craaiay,
Duo Cook.
Helen Hoffman,
Naltle Carrol.
Mable Town,
Trella vanoe.
Social Items
Mr. and Mrs. John Steyer celebrated
their twentieth wedding anniversary
Saturday by inviting a few friends and
relatives to dinner. Among those pres
ent were Mr. and Mrs. Will steyer,
Mr. Beaten and daughter, Josephine,
of Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tietz
and family, Mrs. John Tibke and son,
Harry, of Elgin, N. D.; Mrs. Charles
Hagedorn and daughter of Omaha,
P. H. Steyer of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs.
H. A. Stanley and family of De Soto
and Albert Tibke.
Mr. and Mrs. William Mebcke and
family spent Sunday at Blair visit
ing ftiends and relatives.
L. S. Barham returned the first of
the week from Sidney, Neb., where
he purchased a quarter section of
land. He expects to take possession
some time next month.
Wilbur Nichols of Grand Island,
Neb., formerly of Florence, was vis
iting old friends here this week.
Mrs. S. P. Johnson spent several
days the first of the week at Craig,
Neb., visiting the family of her son,
Exra Larsen. '
T. R. Jaeobson of Sioux City spent
Sunday in Florence visiting his
mother and friends.
Arthur Beyer departed Wednesday
for Cuba, Mo, to make his future
home. He will join his parents, who
n n n r-j d rj O O O O It 3
purchased a farm in the vicinity about
a year ago.
F. M. Potter and wife of Worthing
ton, Minn., are in the city, the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. M. B.. Potter. They
expect to remain two or three waeks.
E. L. Plati returned Thursday from
a trip to Alton and Sioux City, la.
Mrs. Frank Howe of Avoca, la
spent the week in Florence visiting
Mr. and Mrs. VV. A. Keaton of
Montana, who have been the guests
of Mrs. Kate Logan, returned to their
home Tuesday.
W. H. Sheldon has moved to Flor
ence from Farnam, Neb., having pur
chased the Shaw place in Florence
The Catholic Ladies of Florence
gave an enjoyable card party at the
Odd Fellows hall on Tuesday after
noon. Mrs. W. B. Parka entertained the
cabinet of the Christian church at her
home on Monday afternoon.
Mrs. S. B. Letovsky will entertain
Auto Show Visitors
our beaut 1 f u 1
Sec ond Floor
Store, specially
priced. ......
White Kid Boots
Ivory Kid Boots
Beautiful combinations of colors in
Black Vamps with Olive Tops,
Grey Tops, Ivory Tops, Havana
Brown Vamps with Light Colored
Buck Tops. Our t
regular $6.50 to
$7.50 grades, X
specially priced.
Good Staple Shoes, $3.00 to
Fancy Combination Colors
$4.00 to $8.50
Second Floor Take Elevator.
the members of the Ponca kensington
at her home on Wednesday afternoon.
The Eagles Dancing club gave a
very enjoyable dance at the Eagles
hall on Thursday evening.
There were quite a number of
Florence people who attended the
special program and supper given by
the Eastern Star in Omaha on Friday.
Russians Go to Beet Fields
In Western Part of State
At the Union station Saturday there
were twenty Russians, raen women
and children, enroute to Gering, Neb.,
where during the coming summer they
will work in the sugar beet fields.
These people left Russia just prior
to the beginning of the war and have
since been in Pennsylvania, the men
working in ihe coal mines. They as
sert that now the emigration rules be
ing applied in Russia are so stringent
that no able-bodied men are per
mitted to leave the country.
Are invited to come up and look
over our beautiful Early Spring
Arrivals. Our $6.50 to $8.00
Shoes, to get you acquainted with
Art Boots