Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1917, Page 8, Image 8

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Wellesley "Rushing" Party.
That today is Wellesley day, you
could not doubt had you peeked in
on the lively scene this afternoon at
the Wellesley club meeting at the
home of Mrs. Ralph Kiewit. Loyal
college alumnae find time amidst the
many lectures, musicales and social
duties to keep up their college spirit
and incidentally do a little boosting
for their alma mater. Consequently,
fifteen young girls from Brownell
Hall and Central High school were
invited to the meeting and were en
lightened upon all phases of college
life, which were so attractively pre
sented that the prospective went
home with their hearts overfiowing
with true college spirit and will
spend the rest of the winter pouring I
over catalogues.
Each member brought her memory
book and song book and one might
have thought she was on a college
campus had she chanced to meander
past the home and heard the rousing
A skit, in which Miss Halcyon Cot
ten took the part of the homesick
freshman, who is pictured as falling
asleep in her room while reading a
letter from home, was given during
the afternoon. While she dreams vari
ous types of girls representing all the
college activities pass before her. Miss
Gretchen McConncll was the society
girl and represented the Barnswal
lows' organization; Miss May Som
ers, the student government; Miss
Ora Ambler, athletics and sports;
Miss Lydia McCague, the dread
academic; Mrs. Ralph Kiewit, the
glee club and choir; Miss Nona
Bridge, the frolics, such as May day
and tree day, and Mrs. James C.
Dahlman, who, if she had finished her
course, would have graduated with
the first graduating class of the col
lege, represented memories.
The parlors were decorated with
yellow jonquils, daffodils and tulips,
while pink roses furnished the cen
terpiece for the dining room table.
Miniature flags and George Washing
ton hatchets were used in the refresh
ments as a reminder of the day.
Thirty member! were present and
the guests at this little "rushing"
party were:
Mleaeg MlMM
Charlotte Rneawater. Mmry Thomea,
Joaephlne Plainer, Margaret!, tthaffer,
Eleanor Carpenter,
Bertha Hardy,
Kalhertna Goal,
Dorothy Artar.
Ellaabeth Wllllami.
Margaret McLauflln,
Ruth Parkar.
Kathartna Danny,
Katharlna Bquirea,
Lillian Head, .
Klaanor Potter.
Carrier-Hodge Nuptials.
The wedding of Miss Marie Hodge
and Mr. Samuel Crowe Carrier will
be a simple home affair this evening
at the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Hodge, witnessed
by eighty relatives- and intimate
friends. Before the ceremony Miss
Hazel Evans1 will sing a love song
entitled "My Valentine," after which
Miss Gretchen McConnell will play
i the Lohengrin wedding march.
The bride, who will be given away
, by her father, will wear a white satin
gown veiled with Lucile net, made
with a short full skirt and high
waisted, trimmed with pearl beads and
silver lace. The long sleeves are
made of the net. Her veil of three
fourths length will be arranged in a
pearl bead band and will be held In
filace by a wreath of lilies of the val
ey, and she will carry a shower bou
quet of brides roses.
Mrs. Blake Erb and the Misses
Anna McCague, Helen Carrier and
Edith Jones will stretch the ribbons.
Miss Ethelwyn Hodge, who will be
her sister's maid-of-honr, will wear a
pink georgette crepe dress trimmed
in pearl bead bands and pink satin,
and will carry a bouquet of pink roses.
The bride and her father will be met
at an improvised altar of smilax and
two baskets of roses placed on high
pedestals, by the bridegroom and his
best man, Mr. Guy Kiddoo. Rev.
Titut Lowe will officiate.
Assisting in the dining room will
he Mesdames Charles Wright, Blake
Erb and T. F. Sturgess. the Misses
Hazel and Carol Howard, Anna Mc
Cague and Mary Phillippi.
The table decorations will consist
of a basket of pink roses, and the ices
will have pink hearts in the center
wnue tne lnniviauai canes arc to dc
frosted in white with the pink initials.
The bride and groom will leave im
mediately after the ceremony for an
eastern trip, after which they will live
in Brooklyn, N. Y. The bride's trav
eling suit is of blue broadcloth and
her hat a small tailored straw.
Miss Isabelle Ross and Mr. Fred
Cockrell are the only out-of-town
Washington's Birthday Affaire.
Mrs. Jarvis J. Gafford entertained
at a luncheon at the Fontenelle, fol
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. twenty guests were invited. The ta
ble had a centerpiece of pink roses
and Hags were used as decorations.
Major Isaac Sadler chapter, Daugh
ters of the American Revolution, gave
its annual polonial tea this afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Hugh H. McCul-
loch. The house was decorated with
flags and miniature spinning wheels.
The guests came in costume, some
with colonial dresses and powdered
hair, and others with 'kerchief and
cap. A little program was given,
eluding a minuet by little Miss Helen
Levinson and Miss Dorothy Reuben;
. colonial songs by Miss Ruth Ganson.
' and an elaborate guessing contest.
Mrs. E. L. DeLanney poured tea.
Members of the Old People's home
on Wirt street were entertained Wed
nesday afternoon at a George Wash
ington kensington by the board of
trustees. The time was spent in cut
ting and sewing quilt pieces. The old
: people take a lively interest in the
work of adding to the aupply of bed
ding for the new home in process of
construction on Fontenelle boulevard
, and Bedford avenue. Mrs. C. C. Bel
den read Hiram Goff's "Religion."
'- The social affair was carried out with
patriotic spirit. Each person preaent
wore a flag and emblems of the cherry
tree and hatchet were used in the re-
Tbe board members present were;
Meedemae - Meedamee
T. R. Hume. J. c. Hammond,
, H. I. Ada ma, Henry Barker, '
,3, C. Belden. 1. W. Bedford.
. The annual George Washington
celebration of the Omaha chapter,
Daughters of the American Revolu
tion, took the form this year of a
tea at the home of Mrs. A. C. Stokes.
Decorations were in red, white and
blue, with flags .and all the appropri
ate George Washington favors. Mra.
C, H. Aull, state regent, and Mrs.,
F. R. Straight, regent of the Omaha
chapter, received the guests. The
f it'
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Maris A ; I
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program was given by a trio of uke
lele players.
Mrs. W. L. Selby and Mrs. W. B.
Williams presided at the tea table and
in the dining room the assistants
Mfadamee Meadampa
Frank Dale, J. J. Poller.
Frank Porter,
Mlaa Fannin Adama.
Miss Marv Coll entertained her chit
dren's classes from 4 to 6 at a fancy
dress party at Keep s dancing acad
emy. In Clubdom.
Mrs. Josephine Sweigert of Gor
don, Neb., grand matron of the
Eastern Star in Nebraska, is visiting
local Masonic women's organizations.
Mrs. Sweigert will address the Scot
tish Rite Woman's club at the cathe
dral Friday afternoon, the Fontenelle
chapter of the Eastern Star Friday
evening and Maple Leaf chapter Sat
urday evening. While in the city she
is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. C. E.
The Florence Nightingale club, one
of the sewing circles of the Visiting
Nurse association, met at the home
of Mrs. B. M. Hickman in the St.
George apartments today to make
baby layettes for the association to
distribute for needy cases. Twelve
women make up the circle, which
meets every two weeks.
The Philathea Union of Omaha will
hold its monthly business meeting at
the Young Women's Christian asso
ciation Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock.
Several new educational departments
will be instituted at this meeting.
Philatheas in Omaha, South Side and
adjoining additions will be present.
Past Festivities.
Miss Hazel Haskell entertained the
Original Art club at a Valentine party
Saturday evening. The rooms were
beautifully decorated. Miss Haskell
was assisted by her mother, Mrs. W.
T. Haskell. Present were:
Cora Jaoobaon Barnlce Lamaon
Margaret Noaa Alice Altman
Marlon Urtgaby I.eona Selbold
Irene Nelaon Htith Wataon
Grace Prlakea Kngel HWIm,
liable Noaa Haiel Haakell
ttdlth Bacon
Maaera. Meaara.
Arthur Bauer, Milton Murahaad
Joe Blnaen John Mol'umbor
Albert Noea Karl Noel
Jerry Elbert Kdclle Mnran
Eddie Helen Oarrlce Klynn
Ted Nelaon Wallace Craig
Jim Engltah Jack Haikall
Mr. and Mra. W. T. Haakell, Mn. H. 3
Haakell and Mn. Joieph Redman.
Chi Upsilon chapter of the Phi Chi
medical tratermty ot Lreighton uni
versity entertained ,at a dinner dance
Monday evening in honor of Doctors
and Mesdames r . W. Heagey, t. H.
McClean, L. E. Moon and Dr. E. J.
Carey. Twenty-five couples were
present and the committee in charge
dl:ii r? :
uiciuucu viuy ruiiuriiK, ucuiuc vurrr
gan, Robert Kirchman and William
Social Clubs Meet.
Miss Blanche Denel entertained the
Junior Bridge club this afternoon
when two tables were placed for the
game. Mrs. Austin Gailey and the
Misses Elizabeth Reed and Janet Hall
were guests ot the club.
Mrs. Frank Howe was hostess for
the South Omaha Kensington club.
Miss Madeline Kaiser of Chicago, who
is the guest ot Mrs. Branch M. Lur
tis, was present. On Friday Mrs. Cur
tis is entertaining at the lllackstone
tor her guest, and in tht evening Mra.
Lee Strawhecker is planning an
uroneum Dartv in ner nonor.
Original Cooking club members
have postponed their weekly meeting
until tomorrow, at whicn time Mrs.
Luther L. Kountze will be the host
ess. The few members of the Tuesday
Drioge ciuo wno are not away or go
ing away met today with Mrs. Ross B.
Towle. In addition to the members
two guests, Mrs. Miriam Boyce and
Mra. ii. A. Waggener, were present.
The others were:
Moadamea MeedAva
Denlee Barkalow, John Hedirk.
George Rodltik, tiull Clarke.
Lenten Bible Class.
An interparochial Bible class, led
by Miss Edtth Earle, will be held
every Friday morning during Lent at
10:30 in the crypt of Trinitv cathe
dral. All the women of the twenty-
nve otner i-enten classes of the
church have been urged to enroll in
this one large class.
Jottings on Social Calendar.
Mrs. A. B. Cook will entertain the
t'roto club ot Council Bluffs at
Love the Sorcerer
LOVE is a sorcerer in cap and gown, with a Will o' the Wisp wand.
He makes over the little Sit-in-the-ashes, the shabby Cinderella,
into the princess at the ball. When the fire of his magic stick
touches her image lo, you, she is no longer a girl with stray locks
bridge party tomorrow morning, at
luncheon, and an Orpheum party in
the afternoon. Fourteen guests will
be present.
Mrs. Urant Williams will entertain
the Monday Bridge-Luncheon club at
its next meeting.
Mrs. J. G. Quick will entertain the
500 club Wednesday, March 7, at the
Commercial club. . .:.
The Sixty-Six Dancing chib will
entertain at the Saturday evening dinner-dance
at the Blackstone this week.
Notes at Random.
Miss Cora Hauschilde of Lincoln is
the guest of Miss Valine Harms.
Mrs. M. A. Nortmngton of Reno,
Nev is the guest of her niece, Mrs.
J. G. Quick.
Mrs. H. A. Cameron Mas been called
to Washington. D. C. on account
of the critical illness of her mother.
Mr. A. A. Larson was the only
Omaha member of the Phi Delta Chi
fraternity who attended the meeting
of the grand council ot the fnarma-
ceutical fraternity in Lincoln. Thir
ty-live delegates went to Lawrence,
Kan., today to install a chapter.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Colvin returned
Tuesday from a month's southern
trip to Cuba and Florida.
Mrs. L. O. Leonard of Butte, Mont.,
who has been the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Harvev for the last two
weeks, is now with Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. Colvin, where she will remain for
several weeks.
The Misses Janet and Dorothy Hall,
accompanied by their mother, Mrs.
K. s. Hall, leave Sunday for Chicago,
where the young women will resume
their studies. Miss Dorothy will pur
sue her art work, while Miss Janet
will study music.
Patriotism is Evident
At Concord Club Luncheon
Everyone had a hatchet at the
Washington's birthday luncheon of
the Omaha Concord club at the Hen
shaw rathskellar at noon. Other pa
triotic favors were also in evidence
and members of the club and guests
made talks appropriate to the birth
day anniversary of Washington.
William F. Baxter, secretary of the
Thomas Kilpatrick company, a guest,
touched on the significance of the
day as compared with the nation's
present crisis, which he termed the
"most serious in our time."
Tom English, president of the Con
cordians, acted as chairman of the
meeting. He was "crowned" with a
patriotic-looking hat, from which
dangled ribbons leading to souvenirs
with members' names on them.
Give your Want Ad a chance to
make good, Run it in The Bee.
Criticiam hag always beam
solicited concerning our Pre
scription Department, but only
praii hag beon spoken. We
hop you appreciate it.
16th and Howard Sts.
Phone Dougla 846.
Copyright, 151,7,
Co-Ed is Elected
President of State
Uni Senior Class
Lincoln, Feb. 22. (Special.) For
the first time In the history of the
University of Nebraska a co-ed has
been elected president of the senior
class for the final semester of the
school year.
Miss Marguerite Kauffman, Hardy,
Neb., ardent suffragist and pretty,
gave Ladisiaus Kublik, the male
contender for the honors, a fright
ful lambasting. Miss Kauffman won
the presidency by a vote of 171 to 73.
Owing to the fact that all of the com
mencement activities fall upon the
senior president, it has been a time
honored precedent to elect a man to
the office.
The senior president is a member
of the Black Masques and ha been
active in all college affairs.
The junior class presidency brought
out a close fight, with Ralph Ander
son nosing out his closest competi
tor, Merl Townsend, by only one
vote. Anderson received 95 and
Townsend 94. Max Miller got 79,
Carlisle Jones 67 and Fred T. Cot
ter 29.
For editor-in-chief of The Corn
husker, the college annual, Wayne
Townsend had no opposition and
Charles E. Peterson of Omaha was
unopposed for business manager of
the publication. Robert Wenger de
feated Bog Bedford for junior manag
ing editor by a vote of 273 to 75.
For Ivy day orator, E. Everett Carr
received 175 votes to 75 for Charles
M. Frey.
Will T. Johnson beat Fay H. Pol
lack 207 to 197 for sophomore class
president, and Henry M. Dally, the
freshmen president-elect, had no op
position. Mr. and Mrs. Gould Dietz to
Return Sooner Than Expected
Mr. and Mrs. Gould Dieti, winter
ing in Honolulu, are returning to
Omaha sooner than expected on ac
count of the naval war situation. A
cablegram says they are well and left
there Wednesday. March 7 was the
date originally set for their sailing
-Ml tHI- -Ibf. H
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Clever Looking and
Long Wearing.
$3.50- $4.50
Novelty Spring Specials
No Dinoiinlt No Commmiont
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International New Service.
that fly, hairpins falling, torn stockings and scuffed heels, lace petti
skirt a-fraying and fingers grubby. Watch the Ashputtel you know,
and see her, when she falls in love, fall to scouring her little hands
and polishing her hair, and scrubbing her teeth into pearls until she
shines out of her glass a stranger princess. NELL BRINKLEY.
To Tell Friday Night
What the Navy is Doing
"Hundreds of notices of the meet
ing of the Navy league have been
sent out," said President Arthur C.
Smith, "but there are no tickets of
admission. Everybody is welcome. It
will be held in the large assembly
room of the Fontenelle hotel at 8
o'clock Friday evening of this week,
Speakers will tell about the new navy
and what may be expected of it; what
the Navy league is doing and all
about its plans; something about the
probability of war. There will be a
brief review of the international sit
uation. "There will be no requests for
money," concluded President Smith,
"but there will be patriotic sentiments
expressed to warm the hearts of all
loyal Americans. Foreign-born men
of all nationalities are most cordi
ally invited."
,R. B. Howell, a former officer of
the navy, will make an address. The
president of the Nebraska section of
the league, Arthur C. Smith, will pre
side and make the opening address.
Leonard VV. Trester, Nebraska chair
man of the Civilian Naval Reserve
association, is expected to make a
brief address.
Hummel Tells of Trees He
Has Cut in Elmwood Park
In connection with a misunder
standing said to have arisen in con
nection with work of the park de
partment in Elmwood park, City Com
missioner Hummel offered the follow
ing statement:
"It might be inferred by some peo
ple from the agitation going on that
all the trees and shrubs in Elmwood
park were or had been cut down.
The fact is, and can lie proven, that
trees or shrubs have been cut
down only where it was absolutely
necessary. It was necessary to cut
down some trees and shrubs in mak
ing preparation for the golf course,
and in one or two cases it was neces
sary to cut down old rotten trees
along the driveways, which were apt
to tumble down at any time. The
work has been in charge of the de
partment landscape architect, Mr
Adams, who is a very capable man in
his line, and I do not think the pub
lic is in any way dissatisfied with the
work that we have done."
By Nell Brinkley
Flag Given to Brownell
Hall by Mrs. Getzschmann
Brownell Hall girls are now the
proud possessors of a handsome new
flag. Mrs. Bertha Getschmann, a
neighbor of the school, presented
them with a flag, 17x8 feet in dimen
sions. The donor made a presentation
speech before all the scholars and
faculty of the Hall in the gymnasium,
to which Miss Euphemia Johnson re
sponded on behalf of the hall. Then
six small girls led the assembled mul
titude to the school yard, where the
flag was raised in a burst of patriot
ism. No holiday was given to the
pupils because of their holiday on
Tuesday, the day of the Brownell Hall
I Make Macaroni
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Ask For and Get
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Beautiful Recipe Book Free
Skinner Manufacturing Company. Omaha, U.S.AJ
Largest Macaroni Factory in America , J
Fraternal Order Will
Start Community Farrrt
Chicago, Feb. 22. National officer:
of the Knights and Ladies of Security
began a two-day meeting here today.
Among the important subject! to be
settled are the question of a com
munity farm that will include a hos
pital for members, an orphan asylum
and an old folks' home, to be estab
lished near Chicago.
It is planned to spend $500,000 In
the purchase and equipment of the
farm. The order is a fraternal bene
ficiary organization with 180,000 mem
bers and a reserve fund of more than
$3,000,000. National headquarters is
now at Topeka, Kan., and J. M. Klrk
patrick is president. Tonight 2,000
members will' be initiated into the or
der and tomorrow night the meeting
will close with a banquet m honor
of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the,
organization's foundation.
I can eat 'em all they
won't hurt me! That's be-'
cause they're made with Calu
metand that's why they're
pure, tempting, tasty, whole- ,
some that s why they won t ;
hurt any kid.
Received Hlghaat Award,
tfro C1 Imi Iru-tu Silt ,
it Fres Cag,
for the Millions and