Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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    Hit tiw. u iM A H A , FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23. 1917. - !
Surprisingly Good
Cough Syrup Made at
Coa. Very Little and Easily Made, J
bat w Remarkably atnectlve.
You'll never really know what a fine
eougn syrup you can make until you
prepare this famous home-made remedy.
You not only aavc iw as compared witli
the readv-made kind, but vou will alsr
have a more effective and dependable
remedy in every wav. It overcomes the
usual coughs, throat or chest colds in
24 hours relieves even whooping cough
Get 24 ounces of Finer (od cents
worth) from any good drug store, pour
It into a pint bottle and fill tho bottle
with plain granulntrd sugar syrup.
Here you have a full pint a firmly
aupply of the most effective) cough
syrup that money can buy at a cost of
only 54 cents of less. It never spoils.
The prompt and positive results given
by this pleasant tasting cough syrup
bare caused it to be used in more homes
than any other remedy. It quickly
loosens a dry, hoarse or tight cough,
heals the inflamed membranes that line
he throat and bronchial tubes, and re
lief comes almost immediately. Splen
did for throat tickle, hoarseness, broil?
chitis, croup and bronchial asthma.
Pinex is a highly concentrated com
pound of genuine iCorway pine extracf,
combined with guaiacol and has been
used foi generations for throat and
chest ailments.
Avoid disappointrottit ov asking your
druggist for ounces of Pinei" with
full directions, and don't accept any
thing else. A guarantee of absolute sat
isfaction or money promptly refunded.
Roes with this preparation. The Piuax
Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind.
. .
Hindoo Secret Banished It So It
Never Returned After Electricity
and Many Depilatories Had
Let Me Help You Absolutely Free
Until nearly middle age I was sorely trou
bled by hideous Superfluous Hairs. My fare
was a sight, with a heavy moustacho on my
lip and a tough beard on my chin. My arms
wore also havtly covered. I tried onn thing
after another without success. The electric
needle only made the trrowth worse. Fi
nally my husband, an Officer in the British
Army, secured frorr. a Native. Htadoo Sol
dier (whose life he saved) the closely
guarded Becret of the Hindoo Religion, which
forbids Hindoo Women to have even the
slightest trace of hair on any part of their
body except that on thiMr head. I ufd
it and hi a few dnys my hair-growths had
entirely disappeared. Todwy not a trace of
It fan bp found. T will send Free and with
out obligation to any
one, full I n form a lion
and complete lnstruc-
.lons so that you can
ollow my example
and destroy all trace
without having to rc-
sort to the dangerous
electric needle.
stop wasting your
money on worthless
depilatory prepara
lions and write m
1nd,,y, giving your nam and addresn, Hint
ing whether Mre. or MIhu. All I ask Is that
you send me a 2c stninp for return post
Kge. Address Mrs. Frederlca Hudson, Of
fice, 692 X. E. North Main St., A tile
boro. Mass.
Brief City News
Wedding- Ringv Edhotm. Jeweler.
Hava Boot Frist It Now Beaooo Pleat.
Htaaor. Books, moved to Loyal Hotei aids.
New Sign MghU-il The new elec
tric siRn at the Auditorium mis Illu
minated Wednesday evening for the
first time.
Ri-v. Sir. Chiiii) Talks Rev
Leonard Camp, assistant pastor of the
Kirst Christian church, will speak to
night to a gathering at the Volunteers
of America mission house, on North
t-irteenth street.
For War Victims Ladies' auxiliary
of Douglas Clan Gordon No. 63 will
hold a dance and carnival In the Swed
ish uudltorium Friday night. The
proceeds will be devoted to the war
sulTerers of Scotland.
Central Park Social Central Pork
Social center will meet Friday night
at Forty-second street and Grand ave
nue. Three members of the Board
of Welfare will talk, the Colonial
iiuartet will sing and there will be
other media of entertainment.
iilvcH Away Thousand FltiB.From
the Chicago offices of the company
Wednesday afternoon City Passenger
Agent Hock of tho Milwaukee re
ceived a consignment of 1.000 small
American flags. There was a rush
tl secure them and before noon the
supply was exhausted.
Maud While (jets Divorce .Maud A.
White was granted a decree in divorce
court from Robert T. White on
grounds of alleged cruelty. She was
given the custody 'of a minor child
and $25 a month and $800 alimony.
Surah 15. Sprague ia suing Henry H.
Sprngue for divorce. She alleges neglect.
Governor Signs South
Dakota Dry Law, the
Most Drastic of All
Confessed Murderer of Djoko
Cvajin Will Be Held to
Grand Jury.
John Craig Had Said that Some
Day He Would Meet With
Violent Death.
By. Dr. Franklin Miles, th Great Specialist,
Who Sends a New $2.50 Treatment Free.
Heart disease 1b danpteroun, hundreds drop
dead ho could have been saved. Many have
been cured after doctors failed. To prove the
remarkable efficacy of his new bpecial Per
sonal Treatment for heart disease, short
breath, pain In side, shoulder or arm, op
pression, irregular pulse, palpitation,
smothering, puffin of ankles or dropsy,
also nerve, stomach and rheumatic symp
toms, Dr. Miles will send to afflicted per
sons a $2.60 Free Treatment. Bad cases
usually soon relieved.
These treatments are the result of 80
years'' extensive research and remarkable
success In treating various ailments of the
Heart, liver, stomach and bowels, which of'
ten complicate each case.
Send for Remarkable. Cures In Your State.
So wonderful are the results that he
wishes every sick person to tent this fam
ous treatment at his extiense. Afflicted ner.
sons should avail themselves of this liberal
offer, as they may never have such an od
portunity strain. Delays are dangerous. No
death comes more suddenly than that front
nearo disease.
Send at onee for his new Book and Free
Trial Treatment. Describe your disease. Ad
dress Dr. Franklin Miles, Dept. HF., 705
to 715 Franklin St,, Elkhart, Ind.
Thousands of men and women suffer from
headaches every day other thousands have
headaches every week or every month, and
KtlT others have headaches occasionally,
but not at regular Intervals. The bestDoctor
Is often unable to find the cause of many of
these headaches, and In most other cases,
knowing the cause, he does not know what
will remove it, bo as to give a permanent
ore. All be can do lstoprescrlbe the usual
pain relievers, which give temporary relief,
but the headache returns as usual, and treat
ment Is again necessary. If you suffer from
headaches and have been unable to remove
the cause, take antl-kamnla tablets, and ob
tain the greatest possible relief. You can
obtain them at all druggists In any quantity,
Kc worth, S&u worth or more. Ask for A-K
Btck headache, the most miserable of all
sicknesses, loses it terrors when A-KTabl t,
are taken. When you feel an attack com'ng
Non take two tablets, and In many cases, the
attack will be warded off. During an attack
take one A-K Tablet every two hours. The
reet and comfort which follow, can be ob
tained In no other way.
No Need To Rub!
FOR stiff sore muscles apply
Sloan's Liniment to the pain
or ache, it quickly penctntes
and soothes without robbing.
Rheumatism, gout, lumbago, neuralgia,
lpraina and bruitea are quickly relieved by
ill uie. Cleaner and more promptly effec
tive than muuy ploiteri or ointmenti, it
ioea not atain the akin or clog the porea.
The family medicine cheat in thouianda
of homea haa a place for Sloan 'a Liniment.
. At all druggiita, 25c. 50c. and $1.00.
Pierre, S. D. Feb. 22. Governor
Peter Norbcck, surrounded by tem
perance leaders in his office in the
state capitol building here tonight
signed the tyll pass, d by the legisla
ture to make effefur; the prohibition
amendment adopted by South Dakota
in tnc last election.
By the terms of law, which becomes
operative July 1, 1917, intoxicating
liquors cannot be manufactured within
the state for any purpose nor im
ported for purposes other than medi
cinal, mechanical, scientific or sacra
mental. The act is declared by Na
tional Anti-Saloon league officers to
be the most drastic prohibition legis
lation yet adopted by any state.
It provides that only registered
pharmacists in drug stores established
one year or more may sell liquors for
the purposes allowed and violation of
the provisions will forfeit the seller
his certificate as a pharmacist. His
clerks or unregistered assistants mav
not sell liquors. Physicians who issue
prescriptions to thirst may
aiso lose tneir license to practice
medicine m the state. Only those
pharmacists anil physicians acceptable
iu inc proninuion commissioner
created by the bill to enforce its provi
sions may procure license to sell or
prescribe liquors.
Youth Gives Away
Valuables to Evade
"Arrest" by "Cops"
All was auiet and serene last nnr it
in the parlors of the Young Men's
Liinstian association, where Haul
Karst, a young gas company employe,
maintains his abode. The verv seren
ity ruffled him, so he went outside to
see what the grand jury had left to be
In front of the Millard hotel he en
countered a beautiful young woman
wno was lust coins: out.
Artfully, she dropped a hint, and
gallantly Karst nicked it ud.
Ten minutes later the were look.
ing into each other's eyes and telling
tne story ot tneir lives when a knock
sounded at the door.
"Open in the name of Steve Ma
loney and the law," was the command
from the outside. "Open the door or
we 11 kick it in.
The door was opened. Two men
walked in.
Ensued a conversation which devel
oped that in consideration of Karst's
watch, purse and other valuables, the
would go away without making ai
arrest. They went out with Karst's
Later Karst decided that he had
been buncoed and called police head
"No, we don't work that rough." he
was told. So Detectives Cunningham
and Sutton went out and arrested
Charles Head and Jack Nochett and
tne latter s wite, whom Karst posi
tively identified.
Business Men to Give
Dinner to C. C. Rosewater
The associates ol C. C. Rosewater
from among the director! of the
Omaha Commercial club, the mem
bers of the governing committee of
the bureau of publicity, and the mem
bers ot th; press ot the city, are
planning a complimentary dinner for
C. C. Rosewater for Saturday evening
of this week. It is to be held at the
Commercial club rooms at 7:30.
The dinner has been planned hastily
since the unexnected announcement
Sunday of the fact that Mr. Rosewater
is soon to leave for Los Angeles,
where he is to take the management
of a big coast newspaper "On ac
count of th. shortness of time," said
Mr. Parrish of the bureau of publicity,
"it will probably be impossible to get
out formal invitations, and those who
will attend will ma'.e their reserva
tions at the cluL by Friday noon."
Free Dental Dispensary
For Omaha Children
"My tooth just dropped out; didn't
hurt a bit," remarked Freddie when
he was dismissed Jrom a dentist's
chair at the Omaha Free Dental
Dispensary for Children, 758 Brandcis
Freddie was one of many young
sters who had been directed by the
school nurses to the dispensary for
dental examination and treatment.
This new institution is just getting
under way. Nurses of public and
parochial schools have sent nearly 100
boys and girls to it since Monday
Children's teeth are photographed
by an X-Rav machine, extracted,
cleaned or otherwise treated, accord
ing to the nature of the cases. A staff
of dentists have volunteered their
services for this work. The dispensary
will be open each day from 9 a. m. to
5 p. ru.
A coroner's Jury investigating the
murder of Djoko Cvajin, Serbian,
found with his throat cut at Twenty
ninth and R streets, at 8;,50 o'clock
Monday evening, recommended that
Gyoko Saratie. Austrian, confessed
murderer, be held for investigation.
The case will immediately revert to
the grand jury.
Improvers to Elect.
Southeast improvers will elect of
ficers at a meeting to be held Friday
evening at the Madison street school
at Fifteenth and Madison streets. The
membership in the club has been in
creasing, President Mahoney reports,
but there is still room for a few more
in the room. The meeting will be
called at 8 o'clock and anyone inter
ested in improvements for this part
of the city is urged to be present.
Freshmen Elect.
firera in the fri-thnn-n rlacc at ,li In.
cal high school, resulted in placing
Irving Foley in the presidential chair.
Seventy of the 125 members of the
class took part. Miss Pratt, teacher,
acted as sponsor.
Olat Ulson was chosen for the im
portant position of reporter for The
Tooter. Secretly, it is reported, the
incoming freshmen have desiens on
the school publication in progress that j
win mean a more pretentious issue.
Other officers elected were: Sed
rick Lindville, vice president; Newton
Hanskey, secretary, and John Madden,
treasurer. A basket ball team of the
freshies has already been organized.
Williams' Murderer Arrested.
Captain Vanous returned this morn
ing from Sioux City in company with
Henry Martin, colored, murderer of
Wilson Williams, 4822 South Twen
tieth street, who was shot and killed
in his room on December 21 last.
Sioux Cily police arrested the man
yesterday on information received
from this station.
Police say that Martin has con
fessed to the crime. The murder at
the time aroused local negroes. Itj
was said that the killing resulted :
merely because Martin had bought j
two rounds of drinks more than Wil-1
liams did. The prisoner was lodged I
in the South Side jail this morning
and will be held awaiting cxamina-
tionby the grand jury. i
Check Disastrous Blaze. i
Fire threatened to destroy the Jete j
grocery store at Thirteenth and Mis-,
souri avenue this morning. At .1:46'
a. m. the department was called out
and arrived after the blaze had gained
considerable headway. A damage of
about $300 was sustained before the
flames were quenched.
Tells Touching Story.
An old man well into his eighties
came to the police station last even
ing. His eyes were filled with tears
and the sorrows of months played on
his brow. Under one arm was
clutched an old colonial clock of per
haps a century age; under the other
rested a large picture of himself and
his wife in their early married life.
In broken tones he told his story.
He had been living for months past
at the home of his son-in-law at 6509
South Seventeenth street. For years
he has been too feeble to support
himself and been dependent on his
daughter's husband.
Last evening when the latter came
home he ordered his aged father-in-law
out of the house, according to the
old man. When the latter hesitated
he pushed him through the front door
and kicked him from the porch. From
nis last nome ne came to tne police
Police assisted and took charge of
the family relics, as had been asked.
The old gentleman left the station
and has not been seen since.
Made City Gooalp. '
For Rent Stnrss, houses, cottages nnd
FIRE INSURANCE, rhnlcl. of 1! Itadhia
companies; prompt service, lowest rites.
t. Ag-ues court of the Woman's Catholic
Order of Fore-stera will meet Friday after
noon at Ihelr hall.
Bee Francis X. Bushman and Beverly
Bayne at the Besse tonlrht In "The Oreat
Secret." Ree also tonight Louise Huff smt
lack Plckford. One grand bill tonight at
the Besee.
Gnll H. Johnson, manager of the Ne
braska Telephone company, will address a
meeting of East Side improvers tomorrow
evening at Hawthorno arhool at Eighteenth
d Missouri avenue.
"Some day 1 know I will be killed,"
John Craig. 62 years of age, and
known as the "hermit expressman," is
said to have remarked to a number
of people. Thursday morning at 6:40
his body was found, partly frozen,
with his skull fractured, evidently a
blow on the head from a hard instru
ment, near his home at Tenth and
Paul streets.
It Mr. Craig was murdered, rob
bery evidently was not the motive, as
his watch. $7.50 and papers were
found in his pockets. The body was
found by Ole Jackson of 2528 Patrick
avenue, and Lewis Leslow of Tenth
and Seward streets, as the two were
on their way to work.
Looking for Son,
Mr. Craig was,, last seen alive by
Mrs. C. jGcarheaft, a neighbor, at
about 5 o'clock Wednesday evening.
The police arc looking for a son.
Harry, who had been :'aying with
his father the last two weeks. So
far as known, he did not stay at the
house Wednesday night.
Near the body was found a number
of boards and the police say that it
is probable that he was taking them
home anil might have been struck by
a passing box freight train. His
body was found about 100 feet from
the railroad tracks, just north of the
city rock crushing plant at Tenth and
Led Solitary Life.
For years Mr. Craig has been lead
ing a solitary life, batching in a little
hut at 1003 Paul. He was divorced
from his wife, who remarried and is
now in California. Detectives have
been told that he hoarded his savings,
fearing to trust it in a bank. 1
He is survived by another married
son. Martin, and a daughter, Mary,
of Omaha.
Mr. Craig was one of Omaha's old
est expressmen. For years he main
tained his stand at Fifteenth and Har
ney streets.
The body has been taken in charge
at laggarts undertaking rooms.
Give your Want Ad a chance to
make good, Run it in The Bee.
Your dealer haa a aupply
of t reah Sunkiat
Orang ea every day.
Theaa aro tho uniformly
good orange. Order
dozen today. '
Uniformly Good
I 1 "
Dr. FrHnnd Khif.a New York City phytic Ian and author, iiyn "T-r un bi no troni.
vigorous, iron men nor beautiful, healthy, roiy-cheekttd women without Iron Nuxated Iron
taken three time per day after meals will increase tho strength ant endurance of week.
nervous, run-down folks 200 per cent. In two weeks time In many Inetancos. Avoid th
eld forms of metallic Iron which may Injure the teeth, corrode tho stomach, and thereby
do more harm than good. Take only organic Iron Nuxuated Iron." It Is dispensed hi
this city by Sherman McConnell Drug Stores and all good druggists.
At Edwardsport, Ind.. Mra. Frank Hulen. aald: "I had had a-ood
health up until after the birth of my first child." Mrs. Hulen then
describes how she waa not given proper advice, thought she could
get up and go about her work In five days, how from that time on
he grew weaker and weaker, Buffering Intense agony, waa given
medicine that soothed the pain, but the pains Boon came again. "1
waa a wreck," saya Mra. Hulen. "my friends thought I'd die. . . my
mother Insisted that I take Cakdi i. . . In a short while after I took
It my nerves were relieved and I could ileep and rest better. . . In four weeks
I was well. . . I will pralae Cardul as long as I live for I can truthfully say It
saved my life." Try Caboi i. Your druggist aells it.
J I The Woman's Tonic
Burgess-Mash Omvm.
Thuraday, Feb. 22, 1917. STORE NEWS FOR FRIDAY. Phone Douglas 137.
w - - guiti uwibu 1 il a, ii
HEAPED with the season's most wonderful values for Friday samples and odtl
lots, including shirts, mufflers, hoods, child's caps, knit underwear, hosiery,
sweaters, bootees, rompers, toques, infant's petticoats, sun bonnets, muslin under
wear, corset covers, drawers, petticoats, house dresses, aprons, kimonos, middy
blouses, outing flannel gowns, jewelry, etc.. at price range of 5c to 59c.
Mull, at 10c
Big lot of silk finished mull,
27 to 36 inehes wide, in a big
selection of good shades; spe
cial, Friday, at 10c yard".
Cretonnes, 7 Vic
Cretonne.8 for comforters and
draperies, large floral designs,
full 3fi inches wide; Friday,
7 He yard.
Seersucker Crepe, H'gc
Bates' Seersucker crepe, for
boys' rompers and irirls' school
dresses; 27 inches wide; vard,
Remnants of Black
Sateen, 23c
Also Farmer satin and twil
led taffeta linings, fast colors,
lengths 1 to 3 yards, at 23c per
Burtaai-Naah Co Down Stalra Storo
Another Remarkable Group of
Waists for Friday, at
A BIG underpriced group
of lingerie waists, in a
variety of styles that will ap
peal to every desire, is of
fered to you here Friday
in the Down Stairs Store.
' Voiles, Madras, Batiste
in pleated and fancy models,
all sizes for women and
misses. Come expecting big
values and you'll not be dis
appointed; very special, at
39c each.
Burfasa-Naah Co. Down Stalra Storo
Remnants of Wool Dress Goods,
Friday, at 59c Yard
SHORT lengths of wool dress goods from 2 to 5
yards and 36 to 50 inches wide ; such materials as
French and storm serge, mohairs, batistes, suitings,
plaids, stripes, fancy weaves, granite cloths and many
other novelty materials, large selection of colors and
patterns, at 59c yard.
Dress Goods Remnants, 15c
Short lengths of dress goods, 36 inches wide, in lengths from
1 to 3 yards; plain and fancy weaves, very special, at ISc yard.
Bres-Naah Co. Down Stalra Storo
SILK Poplins,
at 49c Yard
There .re twenty-five
plain shades to choose
from in high silk finish,
nice quality and very de
sirable for making dresses.
Very specially priced for
Friday's selling, yard, 49c.
Burcooa-Naah Co. Down Stalra Storo
Women's Black, Pure Thread Silk Hose,
"Mill Seconds," 59c Pair
HERE'S an extra special in women's silk hose for Friday that
should and will certainly bring a big response. Fast black,
pure thread silk hose, full fashioned, double garter tops, high
spliced heels and toes; mill seconds, extreme values, at 59c pair.
Women's Silk Hose, 39c
Fast black, pure thread silk, garter tops; regular made; mill
seconds, but we consider them extreme values, at 39c pair.
Burgeta-Nash Co. Down Stalra Storo
ARNER'S Rustproof
Corsets, $1.49
Light weight, figured hatiste,
low bust and long hip, with elas
tic insert in skirt; sizes 19 to
30, a very unusual value, Fri
day, at $1.49.
Burgooa-Nooli Co.Down Suira Storo
Notion Sale
Hose supporters, pair, 10c.
Shoe strings, 6 pairs in bunch,
for 12Mc
Skirt markers, each, 12lBe.
Silk finiahed crochet cotton,
apool 3c
Dish rags, each, Be.
Fancy buttons, card, Sc.
200-yard apool cotton, apool
for 2Hc
Bone hair pins, box, 5c.
Colored bias tape, bolt, 10c.
Linen tape, 6 bolts, 10c.
fiiyard bolt cotton tape, Sc.
Men's shirt bands, each, 2lc.
Wire hair pins, each, 2c.
Hair nets, with elastic, five
for 10c
Thimbles, each, lc.
Tape measures, each, Ic.
60 yards apool atlk, apool
for 3Hc
Burgosi-Naah Co. Down Stalra Storo
Men's New Spring Shirts, Specially
Priced Friday, at 50c ,
THIS is good shirt r?vs from the Down
Stairs Store for Friday men's new
spring shirts, the popular golf style, in
oxfords and percales, full cut, soft cuffs,
the season's latest patterns; sizes 14 to
17 neck band.
Men's 2-Piece Underwear, 12'2c
Including genuine poros-knit and bal-
Dnggan snins ana drawers ; the way
they are priced they should go out in an hour.
Men's 2-Piece Underwear.
Balbriggan and ilet mesh, garments, shirts and
drawers, wonderful values, 15c each.
Men's Union Suits at 49c
Ootton union suits, bought at a big price sacrifice to
close quickly at 49c.
Men's and boy's soft collars, lc.
Bursoai-Naah Co. Down Stalra Storo
Boys, at 9c
Big group of boys' under
wear, including porosknit
shirts and drawers, also plain
balbriggan drawers; remarkably
reduced in price for quick clear
ance, at 9c each.
Sample Underwear,
at 23c
Another group of underwear,
sample pieces of summer weight
cotton, for women and children,
exceptional values, at 23c each.
Burgeaa-Nath Co. Down Suira Storo
Muslins, 5c
Mill-end lengths of mus
lins and white goods, Fri
day, at 5c yard.
Remnants Muslin, 8Vc
Short lengths of muslins,
cambrics and white goods;
lengths 1 to 8 yards, spe
cial, 8 5,c yard.
Blankets, $1.98
Full bed size blankets,
good weight, pink and blue
plaids; $1.98 pair.
Burgaaa-Naah Co.
Down Stalra Storo
Stamped Goods, at
Including dresses, caP,
A rompers, scarfs, pillows, cen
ter pieces, etc., only embroidery
to finish.
Burgoaa-Naah Co. Down Suira Storo
House Dresses, $1.00
Big lot of women's house
dresess, made of percale and
ginghams, light and dark col
ors and wide selection of
patterns; very specially
priced, at $1.00.
Burgoae-Noah Co. -Down
Stairo Storo
Demonstration and
Sale of the
Cudahy Soaps
Diamond C yellow laundry
9 Bars, 25c
Cudahy's white borax naph
tha soap
10 Bars. 34c
Cudahy's pearl white soap
10 Bars, 34c
Cudahy's dutch cleanser
2 Cans, 15c .
Cudahy's excel floating soap,
for the bath
4 Bars, 15c
Cudahy's essex peroxide anti
septic toilet soap,
Cudahy's snowflake, hard
water caatile soap,
large bar IC
Burgoaa-Naah Co. Down Suira Storo
The Final Reduction Friday on Women's
Children s and Big Girls Shoes Special
FIVE groups offered to you at less than the cost of making. Odd
lots and broken sizes, of course, but wonderful values in every
Women's Pumps, $1.00.
Odd lots of women's pumps, just the kind for house wear and priced at lest
than the cost of new soles, at $1.00.
Women's Shoes, $1.19
Small sizes of women's high shoes, patent, gun metal and ktdskinj the sizes
are 2, 3, 3ty and 4; at pair, $1.19.
Children's Shoes. $1.00
Infants' and child's patent kid and vici kid button, turn soles, tips;
unusually good wearing shoes, for $1.00.
Big Girls' Shoes, $2.45
Misses and growing girls' button shoes, in gun metal calf and tan
russia calf; solid leather soles; just the kind for school wear; pair, $2.45. .
Women's Rubbers, 45c
Good quality of women's rubbers, all sizes, Friday, only for 45c.
Burgoaa-Naoh Co. Down Sulfa Store
V z