6 THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1917. The Omaha Bee tliU IM0BNINCHBVBN1NO-SUMPAY FOUNDED BY EDWARD KQSEWATER. VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR THE BEB PUBLISHING COMPANY, PROPRIETOR. Entered at Omaha postoffict second-class matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION DillT and Soadw. ...... Dallf wtlfcout Bmidej... Evening without Sunday Suiiaay bM on it B Carrier Br Mail ..pgr month, sue t tw. le-M 400 - .H 3 V " . en. 1 M Si om of cluni. of uuw or trmulMW IB lUliwcr to Onus. REMITTANCE. Mt or dt.fl. n or po.ui ortjr. Oji, Wm "J- Ptnmt of until nmuia. rara-1 oktcki, noepl o umiu tma wjura irbn.I. not tcrfptrtl i OFFICES. o..JH. Falldlof. TOouBPiioplrtOu Midi.,. hum On.rt.-au N . . Ton-M. W-ll BlulfH H. M.t. St- ""I'S"", " 1 Uttl, Bulldlnf. Wutloitoo 1 1114 B H. , CORRESPONDENCE. AddrM nwmimlMtloiu nUlttt " " elltwHl "" Om.h. Bw. Kdirtl IUPMUwot JANUARY CIRCULATION - 54,320 Daily Sunday 49,878 tmtn dmil.tlon for th. month Mb-rlbrt na iwora to br DwitM UlllUmf. Clw-Utlon Mbh' SvbKrlbm lwtai city houU bav. Tb. MiM la Arm. AMnM ch.,d ettaa " nv1- ; The Reed amendment is a sure enough "corker." The festive hog has nothing on the lowly spa as an aviator. After all those encomiums, the spirit of George Washington should feel duly puffed up! f At any rate, give- Congressman Sloan credit p for possessing the courage of his convictions. ; Query-:. Had they known last November ; -what they -were going to get, would they have voted for it? So long as the weather man sticks to the (ore cast of "unsettled weather" his fame as a prophet i is reasonably safe. ' When it comes to interpreting law, eren the State Banking board must concede that the su preme court has the final word. ' ! After all, maybe the "sacramental, medicinal and mechanical" exemptions hold the only possi bilities for cases of acute distress. ' South Dakota slips into the dry belt unde . terred by diminished irrigation facilities. The ' brotherly good will of Minnesota avails nothing. With the federal kibosh on interstate ship ments into the dry belt, prohibition ceases to be an mil-round joke. "Wets" and "drys" alike get the clout, ' ' The grand total of the appropriation bills at Lincoln reminds us that among the sisterhood of '. states Nebraska now belongs in the multimil 'ionaire class. Persistent teaks call for drastic plugging. The legislative plan of cutting out mileage books . should diminish joy-rides without interfering with legitimate state business. ' ; Keep your eye oh Omaha real estate I It has made many people rich. More fortunes are still V to be made, however, by wise investors than lave yet been pulled out of the ground. It was when Park Commissioner Hummel was 10 handsomely re-elected, leading the bunch with the highest vote of all, that he committed the : unpardonable sin with the .local democratic organ. ' ' , Assuming the railroads are on the job all the time, the attractive possibilities of the "wet" belt for summer vacationists relieves much of the em phasis hitherto bestowed on wayside scenery. Destination is the main thing in a thirsty season, Junkets of state officials to points in other states are to be rigidly curtailed. But local offi cials, as well as state officials, have the junket habit. A chance to travel at someone's else ex ; pense is very seductive and too often irrisistible. 7 The rainfall deficiency recorded by the local : weather, gauge would be ominous were it reflect Ing a condition throughout the state, which, ac- cording to assurances, it does not At the same ' time, a little more snow and a good, wet spring would be very welcome. s In her address here Maud Ballington Booth ; declared that the community itself committed a crime when it kept prisoners in jail without mak- ing them work. Some day Omaha will have a ; woricnouse ana then the gentry who prefer to 'I live by their wits will give us wide berth. Sartorial Laziness of Man PhlU-tfp-l. LwU.r All "Dry" Statet to Be "Bone-Dry.' A rnnHition and not a theorv confronts all dry states through the enactment of the "bone-dry" ln- hv rnnoress. Uncle Sam's ability to control the interstate traffic is fairly well established. To he sure, moonshimn is always possible, but it i Han-rrouii and unootmlar. and auite unreliable as a source of supply to those who have been accustomed to plenty. The new federal law will not leave it open to question that prohibition prohibits; the main point is, what effect will it hv nn the ordinarv drinker? Will he abandon his "nip," or will he enlist in the fight to lift the lid hv rental? The Dsvcholomcal phase ot pro hibition is now involved, and the course of the man uhn voted to banish the saloon, expecting In he ahle to satisfv his oersonal desires from outside sources, becomes of great importance. If he turns teetotaler, proniDition win nave Dcen made permanent; if he persists in wanting his dram, he must help undo the work accomplished rhrmi-h his vote. In the lnuKe of the card table, the wets have seen the drys and gone them nne hetter. thoueh it remains to be seen whether the play will eventually prove a winner or a loser. No Extra Session of Congress. President Wilson is said to be anxious to avoid calling the Sixty-fifth congress into special session. He has given over much of his para mount program of legislation in order that par ticular attention may be directed to the interna tional situation. Big appropriation bills and pub lic safety measures are being rushed through, while the shipping bill, proposed amendments to the Interstate Commerce and Adamson laws and other similar matters will be allowed to go over to the regular session next winter. It is only fair to concede that no public in terest is likely to suffer through this course. Even the usual extra session of the senate to confirm appointments is apt to be dispensed with, an in dication that all cabinet officers are to hold over. The price probe and other inquiries need not be interefered with, while the work of providing for the national defense will progress as fast, or rather as slowly, without as with a congress on the president's hands. The new congress, further more, will not be dominated by the democratic caucus, and legislation may be expected to re ceive something more nearly approaching careful consideration in the next session than has recently been the practice. Whatever of disappointment the president may endure in the failure of pet projects is chargeable to his own partisans, who have really served their country better than they thought by delaying the passage of the measures now to be laid over. Nebraska Star of the Diamond. The spotlight turns to Nebraska as naturally as the needle to the pole. This time it illumines the home town of Grover Cleveland Alexander, and St. Paul, Neb., takes precedence over its namesake located just below St. Anthony's falls. Aleck" has just completed arrangements with the Philadelphia National League Base Ball club, under which he will serve for a term of years at a salary said to be the highest ever paid a pro fessional pitcher. In absence of exact figures, the simple statement, coupled with knowledge of what other stars have drawn, is enough to make the natives gasp with awe, even while they swell with pride. Alexander is not the first Nebraskan to shine on the diamond Sam Crawford, freddie Glade, George Stone, "Sam" Agnew, "Joe" Do lan.and a host of lesser lighta have glistened in the luminous galaxy that glows with fervor over the annals of the great American game, all sprung from the prairies of Nebraska, and most of them getting their rudimentary knowledge of the game In rustic environment Nebraska takes a proper pride in Grover Cleveland Alexander, as it does in all its distinguished sons and citizens, and with no spirit of boastfulness calls attention to the fact that from oratory to inshoots, in all depart ments of human activity, it puts out only the best. Measures Short of War -Sprlnsftold (Ma.) Rapublk-n- Thus far we see in the situation a rather strik ing parallel with the' quasi-war with France m 1798. In view of the insults which the United States had repeatedly suffered from the French Directory, and the depredations on American commerce committed by French cruisers in the war between France and Great Britain, President John Adams severed diplomatic relations with the French republic. Congress refrained, however, from declaring war. What it did do was to au thorize the recruiting of an army for home de fence, order the capture by American warships of any French vessels that should commit depreda tions on American commerce, and authorize the president to issue letters of marque and reprisal to privateers. These measures were held to be "short of war," in the sense at least that they were short of a declaration of war; and it is certain that the warfare which for a year existed on the ocean, in which American warships and privateers engaged in battle French vessels, has never fig ured in history as a regular war, as did our later war of 1812 with Great Britain. It is not impossible that the president, himself a historian, has in mind the precedents of the con flict with France in 1798 in dealing with the pres ent situation created by Germany on the high seas. Precedents of that character may not furnish much guidance, if hostilities of some sort cannot be avoided, for the world of today in mat ters of war is practically as different from that of 1798 as if 2,000 years were in the interval. But, after making allowances for changed conditions in maritime warfare and the infinitely closer com mercial intercourse of Europe and America, the thought persists that in the experience of 1798 with France the president and congress might now find a precedent for circumscribing a con flict with Germany within narrow limits. By so doing, at least the country might avoid entangle ments with the Anglo-French-Russian-ltalian-laoanese alliance and its far-reaching "war aims" that would perhaps arouse bitter controversy among our own people and threaten our national unity in dealing with the difficult problems of peace-making which must sooner or later be solved by a war-swept world. The possibility that belligerent friction with Germany could be narrowly confined is admittedly based on the obvious reluctance Germany now shows to declare war on the United States an attitude remarkably different from that shown in the last week of July, 1914, when the kaiser inter preted a Russian mobilization as equivalent to a downright declaration of war by the czar. There is encouragement, to say the least, for those who are now working to restrict as much as possible a war area into which the United States might be dragged by Germany's submarine rightfulness. Congress it not likely to be asked by the president to vote a formal declaration of war. If he is forced by Germany's acts to address congress again, he may simply cite Germany's deeds as hostile blows against our legitimate commerce, perhaps against our sovereignty itself, and ask to be authorized to uphold by force American rights in those areas where they are struck down. For such action by congress there would be a perfect precedent in the experience of 1798, and with it would run the hope that the conflict might be minimized as it was 119 years ago. In effect, such action as1 the United States would naturally take to protect its seamen and citizens in their maritime rights would directly operate to defeat the object of the "war zone decree of February 1( issued at Berlin, and to maintain commercial intercourse between Great Britain and America. But in 1798 our action had rttrct nf aidinir Great Britain against France; when Bonaparte seized power in 1799 he saw the error of antagonizing America and promt- ly restored friendly relations. It mignt De wiuiin nf nrnhahilitv that a comparatively brief experience in submarine terrorism would now convince the government at Berlin that the U-boat warfare pushed beyond all considerations Of law and mercy did not yield returns sufficient to Justify the break witn America. Why Not Try It? Lincoln Star- Many and many a time the effort hn hern , made to separate man from his customarv suit of , solemn, black. The argument that you cannot j tell a guest in evening dress from a waiter has , been used again and again, on the assumption r that the guest, and not the waiter, objects to mc cuiuusiun in. lucniuy, wnicn may not alwayi be the case. But man remains a sartorial hnur. K bon. Even the tailors, who have just brought to -it uu in.,, ivii.-imuii in mi. city, uia noi ven i! lure to pronounce for a change, although one in i' trepid reformer appeared at dinner in purple. We :it near predictions 01 ivenaer ana Dlue as well, ot .colored hose, of lace, of satin pumps with gilt . heels. But will they come true? Years ago, '!, when "aesthetes" flourished, when Bunthorne , was a household word, there were vagrom at- tempts at the picturesque. Some blithe spirits affected knee breeches, occasionally with disas .' trous effects. The common spectacle presented wwhen these were the wear for the bicyclist did , much to prevent their universal adoption. Men : cannot carry off any fashion as well as women can. If men ever had this gift they have lost it ' ny long disuse. Few of them could support the . dress of a gentleman of the court of Louis XIV with dignity and grace. It takes an intimate ex ' perience in modern masquerade to qualify for ; such a part. Again,- it would be extremely diffi cult to persuade a tired business man of these " days that dress is the most important thing in life. He grumbles over the trouble of getting ' into the simple garb society now prescribes. He would object even to the unostentatious elegane of colonial days the wig, the gold-braided coat with silk fuffles, the white silk stockings, which were matters of daily wear; still more to the 'ormal coat of scarlet embroidered with gold a.) I ; the three-cornered gold-laced haf If the reform , in men's wear is to come, the younger generation must bear the burden. But it bids fair to be a long and uphill fight to persuade any age M brmg its energy to the task. The plain truth is that man is tartorially lacy Abolish "Continuing Appropriations." The legislature has before it a chance to do a real service by making a specific appropriation for the support of boards and commissions for merly permitted to depend on fees. This would conform with the plain letter of the constitution. Two years ago, in eagerness to make a showing for economy, the democrats made no appropria tion for the food-commissioner, although the cost of hit office ran high into the thousands of dot tars. Out of this deliberate neglect grew a bitter controversy between the governor and the state treasurer, the latter relying on the fundamental law of the state. The supreme court finally held that the original appropriation for the support of the inspection department was a continuing ap propriation, setting aside the fees to defray the expenses, with only the surplus to be covered into the treasury. The constitution says all fees must be paid into the treasury and that no money be drawn unless specifically appropriated. The democrats now have a chance to restore the constitution of the state to its operative force, as well as to head off possible scandal and ex travagance, by making definite provisions for all state officers, boards and commissions and re quiring that at) fee collections for whatever pur pose or service be paid into the treasury. Short Skirts, High Shoes, Big Bills. Skirtmakers pass the buck to the shoemakers, alleging that a large item in the home expense account is due to the ambition of the fabricators of foot gear. Insinuating that the scant skirt is an. element in true economy, the dressmakers as sert that an inch of length on the skirt makes a difference of $10,000,000 in the shoe bills of the women of America. Man is not inclined to quar rel with fashion in fact, he very likely gives his hearty approval to prevailing styles, but he would rejoice if a better balance were struck, and re lations between the two articles of apparel ad justed on a more reasonable basis. We have no assurance that simultaneous lowering of skirts and shoe tops will have a similar effect on the cost of living.' The probabilities are that the money that now goes to the shoemaker will again go to the skirtmaker, while the breadwinner will be kept steadily employed in his endeavor to produce enough to pay for that wherewith the female of the species now adorns herself. Probably because nothing is ever settled until it is settled right, the measure to inject into the - - u... tk-t -i.alilv that has its in- ami-LiKiici - r . spiration in common sense has appeared again at this session. . a.-!- It !-l. I,itl nf Rnrf!ntative 11115 nine u is mv jv'-. - . t .l.i: .l Cnrwnlativ, Nff nf Knox, the former a resident of Bloomington and ... r m C-t J the latter oi uioomneiu. adults, while stiffening the penalty for their sale to minors. . . ' The existing law, seeking to toroia tne saie of cigarets to all, is held in quite general con tempt, and is because of that fact a dead letter. Cigarets are sold by many dealers with as much freedom and assurance as if there were no law against it whatever, minors buying them as readily as adults. Law enforcement is impossible. It is urged, and experience in this and other states sustains the theory, that if the law forbade only the sale to minors and imposed drastic pen alties for such sales, it would be possible to en force it. Two years ago a similar measure, or at least one having the same general purpose, was intro duced by a Lancaster county representative. It was a legislative blunder that it failed to pass. There is reason to believe that the anti-cigaret law will remain a dead letter so long as it seeks to impose radical restrictions upon adults. Would L. . n ,i-v nthf nlon fnr at 1at 11 nui uo wise i- i. j f , a biennium and see if it is not possible to protect the minors from a habit that is more foolish than vicious? People and Events a x f Health Hint for the Day. A nervous person should try to get at least eight hours ot sleep every night. , One Year Ago Today In the War. Post of war trade minister created in Great Britain. Germans smashed French front back two miles in assault north of Verdun. Steamer Westburn reached Canary islands with crews of six veel3 sunk by German raider. Portuguese government seized thirty-six German and Austrian ships in terned at Lisbon. In Omaha Thirty Years Ago. Messrs F. F. Vogel, J. A. Frawley, Walter Scott and Henry Hill, four prominent citizens and capitalists of Htromsburg, Neb., have formed a syn dicate and purchased for $76,000 a big tract of land in South Omaha, which they propose to hold for in vestment. William Olbbs and William Trimble shot a mateh at Joe Rowles1 place at 25 ten live birds for $20 a side. The ntch wan won bv Glbbs, who killed five out of the ten. Judge Berka performed the cere mony uniting Calvin Thompson and Margaretha Gardner in marriage. A speed meeting was held at the Paxton, the object being to establish a running and trotting circuit between several of the Missouri river towns. Among those present at the meeting were the following: J. H. MoShme, Churchill Parker, D. T. Mount, H. G. Clark and Joseph Garneau. The funeral of the late Patrick Me Orath took place from the residence of Commissioner O'Keefe on South Thirteenth street. The remains were burled in St. Mary's cemetery. Julius Nagle Is planning to erect a business structure on Thirteenth near the Barker European hotel, to be three stories high, the first floor to bo used for stores and the second and third for flats. Miss Alma Hall of Kentucky has been visiting' her aunt Mrs. John Shaw of Walnut Hill. The English dramatist, Granville Barker, told an Omaha audience that cabarets are a real means of national expression. The. federal supreme court recently defined cabarets as a source of pleasure for diners who have limited powers of conversation. In the sense that cabarets express ideas for the expressionless, the double definition shows how cleverly great minds agree on trifles. George C Barnes, the newly appointed British minister of pensions, began his career as a worker in a jute mill. "Ye canna hold a gude irton doon." . General John B. Castleton or Louisville, a distinguished confederate veteran, now 77, offers his services to the government in event of hos tilities. The sixth wife of "Kid" McCoy divorced him in New York last week.- The Kid's matrimonial score tops Nat Goodwin's record and makes a strong bid for the championship in that line of 5Port- .... In order to be on hand for the recent opening of the Colorado legislature Representative Frank W. Murphy snowshoed forty miles across the con tinental divide to catch a train for the rest of the run to Denver. After considerable official rirobing a New York coal dealer admitted that he mad: a profit of $5 a' ton during the midwinter coal shortage. He is an "independent dealer," who looked the card rate in the eye and went it $1 better. The latest gentleman burglar working In Gotham won the title by stopping to give first aid" to a domestic he had "blackjacked" fqr in terfering with his professional duties. A medal and other attentions are ready for him if he reveals his identity. - A delegation of Pennsylvania doctors told a committee of the legislature that the state com pensation law needs a surgical operation. Ac cording to the diagnosis the section allowing $25 for two weeks' attendance in minor accident cases needs bracing up to $50 or thereabouts. "The high cost of living Doesn't bother me at all," replied Mrs. Henry Collins to curious quizzers as she registered the birth of her fif teenth child at Springfield, 111. Her husband is a coal miner. They have been married twenty two years, and all the children are living and husky. "You see," she said, "we don't need to go to the movies. We have our vaudeville in the living room every night." Against the Candidate With the President Ellsworth. Neb.. Feb. 20. To the Editor of The Hee I want to ask B. L. Collins of Scotia Just what he would have us do. With Oermany de stroying American life and property, to say nothing of blocked commerce. I suppose he would say, "Thank you, Wllhelm, do it again." No doubt that would be very Christian like, but it would take several W. J.'s and far more B. L.'s to make me see It that way. Also a word to A. Moraine of Coun cil Bluffs: He seems to have most of the earmarks of a "fair weather friend." Of all the persons I talk with, none but out estimable friend, the demo., so far have said aught against Mr. Wilson. I did not vote for him, but you can count me with him, through thick and thin, so long as he Is our presi dent. R. R. WYLAND. Too Much Law-Making. Council Bluffs. Ia., Feb. 22. To the Editor of The Bee: Patriotism and stand behind the president is about all you can read In the majority of newspapers. President Wilson may be all right and his cause just, but how can the government expect the com mon people to be patriotic when all the patriotism has been legislated out of them? Thirty years ago a larger volunteer army could have been raised than today, despite the very large increase In population. Too much law causes revolution and anarchism instead of making people law-abiding. G. G. This Day In History. 1680 Sieur de Bienville, the found er of New Orleans, born in Montreal. Died In France in 176S. 1761 Henry Dearborn, secretary of war under Jefferson and commander of the United States army at the com mencement of the war of 1812, born at North Hampton, N. H. Died at Roxbury, Mass., June 6, 1829. 1822 City of Boston incorporated, with John Phillips as first mayor. 1847 American army of 6,000 men under General Taylor, defeated 20. 000 Mexicans under Santa Ana, In the battle of Buena Vista. 1862 The confederates evacuated Nashville. 1863 Captains Speke and Grant announced the discovery of a source of the Nile In Lake Victoria Nyanza. 1889 The holy see refused per mission to the Jesuits in Canada to confer university degrees. 1896 The ex-queen of Hawaii was sentenced by the Dole government to five years Imprisonment for conspir ing against the republic. 1908 Prince Henry of Prussia ar rived in New York to attend the launching of Emperor William's yacht Meteor. 1910 Chinese troops occupied Lassa and Dalai Lama fled to India. The Day Wo Celebrate. Herbert A. Doud of the United State internal revenue office was born February 23, 1869, at Scranton, Pa. He used to be in the life insur ance business. Dr. John H. Vincent, retired bishop of the Methodist church, famous as the founder of the Chautauqua move ment born at Tuscaloosa, Ala., eighty five years ago today. Henry B. Wilson, one of the new rear admirals of the United States navy, born In New Jersey, fifty-six years ago today. ' Jonathan Bourne, Jr., former United States senator from Oregon, born at New Bedford, Mass., sixty-two years ago today. ' . Sir George Cave, secretary of state for the home department in the Brit ish ministry, born in London, sixty one years ago today. Royal Meeker, United States eom mlsloner of labor statistics, born In Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania, forty-four years ago today. Carl Morris, well known Oklahoma heavyweight pugilist, born at Fulton, Ky., thirty-one year ago today. Tlmnlv Jottings and Reminders. Rev. Renwlck H. Martin la to be officially metalled toaay as presiueui Anlt nt RAnvar Falls. Pa. , n a H-flnlta war AArvlpA hv v plan iui .. the women of the United States Is 'o be outlined at a conierence oi mo executive council of the National American Woman Suffrage associa tion, opening today In Washingon. ti..-,.tA nt the Da-. The olU salt who took small parties .. .h. a hA., In , -mlrl hAll hftAt had been much annoyed by the loud and fatuous remarxs oi Arry, wno had come down for the day. When Just beyond the mile limit the old wreck began to leak. The boat man, however, reassured the party told them that there was no danger and was connaeru initi my wuuiu reach the shore before the leak de---lofiAri Tn allav anv further fears. he handed around lifebelts.' The party consisted of five and there were only four belt "HI! Where's mine?" asked the . jnl nUmv n- V, n ,a,l drnnnari all his cheerful chipping of the old ' .... nnn'i uaii wnrrv m v inn' nnM the boatman. "You don't need na life belt! A feller with an 'ead as 'oiler aa yourn can't sink!" Chicago ivews. AROUND THE CITIES. The Mlnntapolli Loyalty ltaru. th crat growth of loclfcltitlc opposition to wmr under any eireumitanot, bu already enrolled 36, 70 namei of citiient pledged to "stand bv the president. " The ichool board of St. Joe le up avainit the proposition of increasing the school tax lovy or shortening the school term. An additional 110,000 is necessary to finish this year's term and an election has been called for March 10 to settle the question of an increased levy. St. Louis talks of doing great things with Its new free bridge in the decoration line. Four hundred benches are to be placed along the walkways, flanked with potted plants flowering climbers and shrubbery to match. which are designed to transform the 16,000,. 000 Investment Into a hanging garden stretchm over the Mississippi river. The famous Eads bridge, formerly the pride of the ettr. doesn't get a button iere out of the municipal loral aeheme. Another Place to Clean TTp. Omaha, Feb. 22. To the Editor of The Bee: I see there ts being1 consld' erable talk In the newspapers about smoking In the cars and spitting, which is very disgusting to most peo pie. I want to go a little further. The barber shops are places, It seems, for men to swear and use coarse language. Just think of a nice, clean man to climb into the chair to have shave or haircut (very often he will have to remain in that chair fifteen or thirty minutes and some times longer), the barber breathing his tobacco breath right in one's face and perhaps three or four men swear ing and telling vile stories. Must one quit shaving? BEN SMITH SMILING LINES. "Pawnbrokers are the most temperate ot men." ' How can you prove tt?" "Bei-ause everybody knows they take the Fledg? to a man end generally keep it. laillniore American. The Suffragist What ts a party without woman ? A Mere Man A stag party. The Suffragist Precisely. And what, sir, would this nation be without women but stagnation. Puck. The irritable employer turned to his type writer with a sudden snarl. "Why don't you write it just as I say it?" he demanded. "Braue my typewriter hasn't the ca tarrh," she quietly responded. Boston Tran script. "Flubdub tells me he has published a book of addresses." "Well?" "I never knew he made speeches." He doesn't. He gets out the city direct ory." Judge. "I don't understand bane ban," com plained Mrs. Flubdub. "It's a mixed game." "What's mixed about it?" "They appear to think Just as much of the man who steals a base as the man who earns a run." Louisville Courier-Journal. "Had any burglars out your way?" "No," replied Mr. Orowcher. "I have st my boy's new cornet and his Bhotgun where no burglar would fall to find them, but ao far haven't had any luck." Washington Star. j Pncr rJft AIRUMS TDROU, Breaking the Smothering Silence. Moorefleld, Neb., Feb. 21. To the Editor of The Bee: Nearly twenty- five years ago the populist party ad vocated that railroads and other pub' lie service utilities be owned and oper ated by the federal government. The idea was spurned by thousands of our most conservative business men, lo- dav the car situation and other condi tlons have proved beyond a shadow of doubt that the old populist idea was correct, and we find the masses of the people in strong favor of the idea. The populist party is legally dead (however, Its spirit liveth). The issue Is not a party issue, but an issue of the people, by the people and for the people. Some time ago, at my suggestion, a resolution was intro duced in the Nebraska legislature to the effect that the congress of the United States, and especially our own Nebraska delegation, be asked to take Immediate steps toward the federal government taking over the railroads, to be owned and operated under strict civil service regulations. So far as I know the resolutions have not come to a vote yet. This resolution will not accomplish the entire object, but It will, if passed, make the congress and the railroads sit up and take no tice that the sentiment of the people is for government ownership. It will break the ice. It will break the smothered silence on the subject. Im mediate action is needed. JAMES PEARSON. Redd Do you believe In this freedom of the sea business?" Oreene Sura. What right have they got to mHke a man pay for fishing there? Yon k,rs Statesman. She was a green girl just landed from the old country, and it was her first day at her new place. "When her master and mistress sat down to dinner, the latter said: "Oh, Mary, bring the ratsup, please." So Mary went downstairs and brought them up both of 'em. Boston Transcript. Escarolle She said: "I want you to take me at my fare value; don't judge me by my father's wealth. Chiffonade And what did you say?- Kscarolle Why, I told her that the pres ent price of dyes, paints and cosmetics wan so high that I couldn't afford to be asso ciated with her. Life. "I am delighted to meet you," said the father of the college student, shaking hands warmly with the profeseor. "My son took algebra from you last year, you know." "Pardon me," said the professor, "he was exposed to It, but he did not take it." Christian Register. Smith Bo you don't know what ails you? Haven't you been to see a doctor? Jones Yea; that's just the trouble I've been to see six. The Doctor's Leisure Hour. THE MAN WHO KNOWS IT ALL. HERE AND THERE. The bread of the Balkans is made in the form of chains, and sold according to length. Within a radius of 100 miles of New York City lives one-eighth of the total population of all the United States. Germany has 40,000 miles of railway, or about one-sixth of the total railroad mileage in the United States. Among the prominent American families of German origin are those of Astor, Wana maker, Frick, Rockefeller, Westinghouae, Guggenheim, Spreckles, Havemeyer and Roebling. Scarcely more than a century ago, what is now the German empire embraced more than 800 separate governments, including kingdoms, grand duchies, duchies, principal ities and free cities. The prime minister and the chancellor of the exchequer ara the only British cabinet ministers entitled to live rent free during their term of office. They inhabit adjacent houses In Downing street, close to the Houses of Parliament. A German, the illustrious Baron Steuben, was appointed inspector general of our army in 1778, In which position, all historians agree, he introduced that thorough system of discipline among the American troops which largely contributed to their ultimate triumph in the war with England. New York Sun. In this loose and lawless age, when oppres sion holds the stage And the weak are being crowded to the wall, 'Tls a pleasant thing to find that a Provi dence most kind Has at last produced a man that knows It all; Not a man who holds aloof, letting others bring the proof. But a man who Just admits he knows it all: And more, much more than this, that while knowing what's amiss He guarantees to dissipate our cares And to cure all public ills with a box of magic pills. Compounded by two famous doctrinaires. So, of course, we'll all rest easy, play check ers and parches). While the country's growing taller and more tall. For we know that naught can harm us, nor even murh alarm us, While we cuddle up with one who knows it all. Still, by Heavpns and by Hector, that this chesty chin projector Is a psychologic problem all admit. For while showing by each aot that he takes it for a fact That the public doesn't know a little bit. By wholly adumbration that we fall to un derstand And a tralatltlous lingo that flow to beat the band; With n smooth and plastic loglo, guaran teed upon Its face To support with equal vigor either side of anv osse, Our pedantic, dialectic, pedagogic jabber wock Keeps his frlenda befogged and guessing While he strings them by the clock. 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ll I When You f 1 Buy Stock I E 5 H you are Uke the majority of people, you want to watch it s 3 see it develop and actually know that it is healthy and strong. YOU TAKE NO CHANCES. s L. V. Nicholas stock is one of j the best on the local market, it 1, hare in Omaha. You can S : see for yourself that it is worth s E while. s S The spring and summer motor- ing rush is approaching fast, s E The Automobile Show will start S it, and then hundreds of people will buy cars, AND PRACTIC- ALLY ALL OF THEM WILL USE GASOLINE. 2 Our stations are handy. They : sell a good product and give s l quick service. This business is growing by leaps and bounds, and the fact that our stock is E selling rapidly displays the con- E E fidence that local men place In E E it. For a limited time we are E E selling stock in amounts of E from $100 to $1,000 at $100 E a share. E r the U V2b 09 fr"'"" E Grain Exchange Bldg., r Omaha, Neb. E '?iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiini.- Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising maybe in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really successful.