THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1917, POLE STAR OF U.S. FOREIGN POUCY Dr. Schurman Says Time Has Not Come to Abandon Prece dents of Washington. AVOID EUROPEAN ISSUES Philadclpnia. Pa.. Feb. 22. Grottfc Washington, aftrr a century and n quarter, still remains thr pnlr star of American foreign poliry, rleelared Jacob Gould Srhurmait, president of Cornell university, today in an ad dr;ft, het'ore the University of Pettn .ivania. which suspended its regular academic functions for exercises in .fir-oration of Washington's birth day. Dr. Schurman recalled how Wash ington attended commencement at the University of Pennsylvania in May. 1775 then known as the Col lege: of Philadelphia in company with the other members of the Sec ond Continental congress. Toward the conclusion of his address. Dr. Schurman, after . having ' discussed Washington's pre-eminence as a sol dier and statesman, his Americanism and his insistence on American rights, said: "Washington described the policy of his administration in a letter which he wrote to Gouverneur Morris in December, 1795. 'My policy.' he says, 'has been, and will continue to he, while .1 have the honor to remain in the administration of the govern ment, to be upon friendly terms with, but independent of all the nations of the earth; to share in the broils of none; to fulfil our own engagements; to supply the wants and be carriers foe them all; being thoroughly con vinced that it is our policy and inter est to do so.' From Hit Farewell Address. " The same rule of conduct in re gard to foreign nations he commends as a permanent policy in the 'Fare well Address.' Let us extend our commercial relations with them, but have as little political connection as possible. Here is the classic passage: " Europe has a set of primary in terests, which to us have none, or : very remote relation. Hence it imt be engaged in frequent controversy- . the ranees of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, there fore, it must be unwise in us to im plicate ourselves by artificial ties in the ordinary vicissitudes of its poli tics or the ordinary combinations and collisions of its friendships or enmi ties. "'Our detached and distant situa tion invites and enables us to pursue a different course. ' 'Why forego the advantages of so peculiar a situation? Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, en tangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humor or caprice? " ' 'Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any por tion of he foreign world.' What the Passage Meant. "This passage It not encouraging to" the advoeatet of international or ganizations to compel peace among the nations. And if not by physical compulsion, at any rate by the pres sure of public opinion, we American! should, and I think do, all devoutly desire to see peace permanently et tablished in the world. It mutt b recognized that in the last half cen tury the nations of the earth have come into closer relations with one another than ever before, that the welfare of each it much more inti mately bound up with the welfare of all than in any preceding period ill the History oi me worm ami iii imi preservation of universal peace is a matter of individual concern to each member of the family of nations, America, for instance, being pro foundly affected and it may well be endangered by wart in Europe, Asia or Africa. 'This is a change brought about by historical evolutions which, of course, could not have been foreseen. The tremendout problem created by it hat not yet been solved. And though 1 profoundly sympathize with the object of the proposed leagues and concerts to enforce or establish universal peace,' I am unable to con vince myself that any method hitherto proposed of accomplishing that re sult will be found either feasible in itself or desirable for adoption by the tailed States.- One Plan Suggested. "Perhaps some progress might be made if we focused attention on the fact that every nation besides being exclusive sovereign over its own ter ritory and territorial waters, has also joint and equal authority with every other nation on the high seas, which, as, we say, are therefore free to all. On that actual juridicial basis it seems to me possible, and indeed, probable, that ati international structure might be reared for bringing together the nations of the world and commission ing those with navies jointly to main tain the freedom of the seas and to restrain and punish any; belligerent who infringed on the rights of neu trals or violated the established prin ciples of maritime international law. In other words, if you want to pre vent wars, naval internationalism is the most hopeful form of attacking the problem, and that tor the reason that every nation shares with all others joint and equal sovereignty over the high seas. ' I Emphasiaea Waahington't View. ''But this suggestion of international naval co-operation fdY the mainte nance of the freedom of the seas and the integrity of the maritime law of nations, to tar trotn disposing me to criticise Washington's policy of abstention from participation in Euro pean politics, only strengthens and confirms my approval and admiration of it. It it ttill true that America has no interest in the European bal ance of power or no concern with the dynastic, racial and religious struggles, or with the territorial am bitions and other rivalries which lead foreign countries to attack one an other. Europe hat a complex of po litical interests which have only a re mote relation to America. And it would certainly be most unwise for us gratuitously to implicate ourselves in 'the ordinary combinations and collisions of its friendships or enmi ties.' Our geographical location, our national interests, and our history and traditions still admonish us to follow the advice o Washington. Why, iq- SPEAKER AT OMAHA CLUB BANQUET LAST NIGHT rrfftf deed, should we today any more than in Washington's time 'entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, inter est, humor or caprice?'" FRENCH MINISTER LAUDS WASHINGTON Thomas Says Spirit of Two Great Americans That of France Fighting for Liberty. WARS FOR LIBERTY LONG Paris. I'eb. 22. All the great de partments of the French government the war office, the foreign office and the navyand the municipality of Paris, were represented today in the ceremonies at the foot of the equestrian statue of Washington in tiie Place d'lena. The statue was .reeled in IWO by the women of nicrica. Many hundreds of Parisians .tml Americans watched the placing of the wreaths. General Savetier laid one at the foot of the statue for Gen eral Lyautey the French minister of war, and H. Cleveland Coxe placed one for the Empire state society of the Sons of the American Revolution. One of the most beautiful wreaths was that in behalf of the municipal council of Paris. French Minister Speakt. Albert Thomas, minister of muni tions, represented the French govern ment. Standing upon the base of the monument he recalled that the first and only alliance made by the Amer ican republic was with France and traced the analogies of the two peo ples and nations. "One of the best evidences of the community of thought and aspirations of the two peoples," he said, "is the tact tna; two Americana -Washington and Lincoln expressed better than ever hat been done before or since exactly the principles for which France it fighting today." Referring to President Wilson's ad dress to the senate and American ac tion, he added: "President Wilson, far from re nouncing the Monroe doctrine, asks that that doctrine be applied to the entire world, that all people be free to fix their own policies and to ar range their own doctrines." Referring to the American revolu tion and the war of secession and comparing these conflicts with the present struggle in Europe, Minister Thomas laid: "The tenacity of Washington and Lincoln find emulation in France to day. Peoples like ours never tire easily. All wars for liberty are long and have always been waged to the bitter end." Ambassador Sharp'! Address. William G. Sharp, the American ambassador, spoke of the American satisfaction "which mutt be brought to ut all in participation in this cere mony of our brothers under another Hag, between whom and ourselves from time immemorial there has been a bond of sympathy and good fellow ship which only a community of ideals and aspirations could produce." Mr. Sharp alluded to the deep ap preciation of Americana for the "man ifestation of noble sentiment that has prompted the French government to participate through its representatives in this ceremony." A detachment of thirty members of the American field ambulance was among those grouped around the statue. Fifth Naval Recruit Dies Of Spinal Meningitis Waukegan, III., Feb. 22.-Harry B. Fallon, 19 years old, an apprentice seaman at the naval training station at Lake Bluff, near here, died yester day of spinal meningitis, his death being the fifth from that disease at the station in recent weeks. He came from Baltimore two days ago. It is believed he had the disease before coming to the naval station. Officials at the station say that the disease is well in hand and that there is little danger of an epidemic. There are eight patients now in the naval hospital. T. Prevent Ortp. Cold reus, arlp Lsxsttve Bromo Qutnl removes reuse. There le only one "DHOMO gi'ININK." E w. Groves stina lure on box. tB. Arieertlsement. A SNUG FEELING Ttat person who bat taken ear of hit haalth is raadr for Mid weethef. Hi amttaa softly whan Fabniary atoms in tn erder. H hat safc-fuarted himself by keep ing In good condition. Brown Park Mineral Sprint Bath, an wonderful a haalth bnudart, and the mineral water to drink has helped many a pereon to recover health. Brown Park Mineral Springs , A ZSth and O Sts, South Side PheM South art. DR. JOHN A. NIEMANN Oiteopathtc Fheeiclaa la Charga tir-f f $- V , -tUEC r HON. G. W. WICKERS HAM. RURAL SCHOOL BILLS COME TO THE FRONT Taylor Trying to Tax All Prop erty to Aid the Country Districts. OLLIS' REDISTRICT BILL f Front it Htarl f'orr"Hioii'lf nl. ) Lincoln. Feb. 22. ( Special.) Both of the big rural school bills were be fore the house committee of the whole today, but their consideration was not completed and when the houses re cesses at noon it was with the under- tanding that the two measures would ie taken up again at the next sitting of the whole committee. Amend Tax Levy Bill. Mr. Taylor offered three amend ments to his bill for a state tax levy to support rural education in schoola extending to or beyond the tenth grade. They were all adopted. These amendments are as follows: I. Rcdui'lns Itin annual tux levy from 3 mills to J mill, and nrovtilli.x that none of In. proceeds nhkll be available until the Mohool year beginning July I, ISIS. 2. Defining ronNolldatftd rural erhools to Include any erhools of two or more rooms, with two or more teacher and carrying len Mru'l.'x of Instruction, where they are maln tulnrd ly Mingle districts; and denning aa rnml school those maintained Jontly by wo or more districts. S. Providing that proceeds of tax levy hall be distributed pro rata among all dis tricts ellglblo to participate If the funds raised In any one year are not aufflclent to pay each one the full amount authorised under the art. Mr. Taylor spoke briefly on the gen eral terms of the bill, making it clear lhat the proposal is to tax every dol lar's worth of property in the state for the rural school fund. Of the 34,- 000 pupils attending high schools in Nebraska, he estimated that 7.000 are from rural districts. Single-room country schools will not be entitled to share in the benefits of the state tax. The Ollis bill for redistricting counties to form larger rural districts and levy a county tax up to 15 mills on the property within those districts tor the support of schools employing more than one teacher, was explained by its introducer, and some discussion followed. Mr. Ollis asked that it be laid over in order that an amendment might be prepared specifically ex empting property in cities of more than 1.500 population from being as sessed for this purpose. .Several bills of minor import relat ing to a ten-grade course in one-room schools, all introduced by Mr. Reed, were sent to third reading. One by Mr. White, making a majority vote sufficient to carry bonds in such dis tricts, was advanced. Still another bill, requiring eight months' school, instead of seven in districts having twenty to seventy-five pupils, was sent to the third reading calendar. It is a companion bill to the main Ollis measure for redistrict ing counties and levying county school tax up to 15 mills, on rural property for the benefit of rural schools. LOAD 8,000,000 BUSHELS GRAIN AT EAST POETS ironllnued From Page One.) 000 bushels additional are in cars, some of which should have been ship ped three months ago. May Have To Cloae Down. He told reporters that food pro duct factories in Chicago in many cases are running only 25 per cent of capacity, because they cannot ship their products out and that one of the biggest corn products factories in the world may have to close down en tirely if conditions are not remedied. He said that although the elevators have ceased to operate they bear, be cause of the shortage of laboring men, to lay off any hands, as they might not be able to get them back again. Thus their expenses remain at the maximum. "The holding of grain and grain products is what, largely, is sending food prices soaring in the east and en tailing demonstrations such as made by women in New York City," Mr. Griffin said. Predict Higher Prices. Chicago representatives of eastern railroads admitted that the situation was the worst in the country's history, but declined to concur in Mr. unfhn s prediction of yesterday that if a rem edy is not found there will be rioting and anarchy within thirty days. The railroad men said that with improved weather, preference in the shipment of foodstuffs and other measures adopted by the railroads, the situation should cleared up rapidly. Meanwhile food Pr'ces in Chicago iiiiHiniiiiiiii'iiiiiiiitiiiiii!iiiiaiiitiiiiiiifl,iaiiiiiiiiiiianiiiiiiij ; HARTMANN j Wardrobe Trunks i J Art beyond Qutton tht aemc of m trunk perfection and hv .very M. turt known to trunk building, i I $25 to $75 ! I FRELING & STEINLE m "Omaha's Beet Baggage Builders" j 1803 Farnam St. Z iili'liilMkitlitaiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiitiaiiiiiiMiiiiiiitiiiifliiiiiinininiui TEETH DR. McKENNEY Say a; "Stop In any day i$d lot u oxam bit jour tttth this it (rot itrvlet, but nont tht Jtu important.' Heavleet BrMg Work, per team. Bm sow ru- tafft- 50c 14.00 WoaeW FletsaA srertk (IS to tat, $5, $8, $10 Beet tak Cr Wo ploaao yw or rtfuao fwm mmwj, McKENNEY DENTISTS let ami Famaaa I lie F era sal St Pkaae Deuglae 2872. showed no sign of a decline. Whole salers generally predicted still higher prices before new crops are harvested. Women Suffragists Win in Two States, Maine and Indiana Indianapolis, Intl.. Feb. 22. The Woman's suffrage bill passed in the lower branch of the Indiana legisla ture late today. It previously had been passed by the senate and non goes to Governor Goodrich. The bill gives the woman the right to vote for presidential electors and practi cally all state officers, except governor and secretary of state. Augusta, Me.. Feb. 22 Woman suf frage advocates in this slate today won a fight of nearly forty ears for submission of the suffrage question to popular vote. The senate, acting in concurrence with the house, passed unanimously a resolution providing for a special election September 1(1, to act on the adoption of a consti tutional amendment, granting suffrage to women, Governor Milliken" an nounced he would sign the measure tomorrow. Maine is the second state in New England to adopt a referendum on the question. Massachusetts defeated the proposal in 1915. Too Many Teachers Are Marrying in Cornhusker State Lincoln, Feb. 22. Leading school executives and teachers of rural achools of central and western states, who began a conference here today, were almost unanimous in deploring the fact that trained teachers cannot be kept in rural schools, in many in stances longer than a year or two. Higher salaries in other occupations were given as one reason. The main cause of the trouble, however, was declared by the speakers at tonight's meeting to be marriage. The educa tors said they were not "urging a change against mating, but what they wished to impress upon the rural teachers was to make tlifir profes sional work the first consideration." Dr. Francis O. Clark, dean of the vocational school of Berea college, I berea, Ky., told of the handicaps in the mountain districts of Kentucky. He said the people were eager for education, but had their own ideas of how to acquire it. President t. A. butherland of the Nashville (Tenn.) Agricultural insti tute emphasized the need of education that will hold boys and girls on the farm. Other speakers at todav's session were: C. D. Steiner, head of agricul tural educational department of the, University of Utah, Salt Lake City; S. T. Sherry of the government serv ice, Winnebago, Neb.; J. A. Shoe maker, director of rural education in Kansas, and Mary C. Bradford, Den ver, superintendent of Colorado school. School officials and teachers from fourteen central, southern and. western states, are attending the con ference. Give your Want Ad a chance to make good, Run it in The Bee. Schmoller & Mueller Studio Grand The Artist's Delight Length, 5-ft. 1-in. From a standpoint of tone, qual ity, action, reputation, durability, case design and finish our STUDIO GRAND Appeals etrongly to cultured and refined musical tastes. ITS PRICE, ONLY $550 Your old piano taken in exchange, balance easy monthly or quarterly payments, as you desire. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1311-13 St., Omits, Neb. The 01de,t Piano House) in tha Wait. Established 1859. AAA I AT CUT VUHL PRICES ILLINOIS LUMP EGG NUT Th kind w recommend (or all pur posM. Other dMltrt k you $&JLO lor It W hvi you $1.00. OUR PRICE, $7.50 NOVINGER FANCY HAND-PICKED LUMP ThU coal is sfMcially prepared. Larfft alia. We save you $1.00. OUR PRICE, $7.00 SPECIALTY LUMP EGO NUT Others charga you 91.00 nara for coal aol at good aa thU. OUR PRICE, $6.50 Theae coal are tha beat that money caa buy at the price ad aaeure you genuine aaving. Wt kand-ecreem oil ear coal. PROMPT DELIVERY ROSENBLATT CUT PRICE COAL CO. TEL. POUG. 530 AMERICAN LINER PHILADELPHIA IN Passenger Ship from Liverpool Brings Crews of Several Ships Sunk by Subseas. TWO MORE SHIPS SAIL New York, Feb. 12. The Amer ican line steamer Philadelphia, from Liverpool, passed in at Sandy Hook shortly before 1U o'clock this morning. The Philadelphia, which sailed Feb ruary 14, was the first American lin er to leave Europe after Germany's declaration of unrestricted subma rine warfare. It was not armed. It carried a large passenger list, of whom many were Americans. Pas sengers were obliged to sign waivers, releasing the company from respon sibility for any loss in event the ship was sunk by a mine or submarine. It has a general cargo and two tons of dispatches from the American em bassy in London for the State de partment. Not a submarine was sighted dur ing the Philadelphia's passage through the German zone, the officers said. Among the passengers "were fifteen members of the crew of the American steamship Housatonic, sunk by a'sub marine off the Scilly islands; twenty six of the crew of the British steam ship Japanese Prince, torpedoed and destroyed off the British coast; fif teen of the crew of the former Amer ican steamship Edwin L. Fisher, sold to the French government, and three of the crew of the American tugboat Vigilant, abandoned at sea by some of the sailors, but saved by the three who arrived here today. Two more American freight iteam ships sailed from this port today, bound for European points. They were the oil tanker Communipaw and the Pearl Shell, which carried a gen eral cargo. Other sailings were the Dutch steamer Beukelsdyk. for Rot terdam, and Tonawanda, British, for Liverpool, and the Salina, Norwegian, for Bordeaux. Ships arriving from war zone ports were two British freighters, the African Prince, from Cardiff, February 5, and the Norwe gian, from Liverpool, February 7. , DESKS CHAIRS and a complete) Una of Office Equipment. Globe-Wernicke Co. Steel and Wood Film. Sanitary Office Desk, Solid Oak, at low as $25.00. We invite you to see our line Orchard & Wilhelm Co. 414-418-418 South 16th St. Guess which hand, Eddie, and HI give you my last piece of Adams Black Jack, that licorice gum. Look spry now. Left right left? Right! You win. Here it is. Chew it all up into a ball and keep it in your cheek all day. The licorice. Ma says, will cure your cough. State House Notes (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln. Ffb. 22. (8petal. ) It haa been dlnuovered that the laat asa1on ot th Ifgia lature failed to provide the pure food rom mlBulon with an appropriation for a aupply or corset cover and dujt raps. Thlt haa proven very emhaaelng to Chief Clerk H. V. T ho ma, who In suppoaftd to be an expert on every thine connected with the depart ment. A letter to hint thli morning read: "Kncioeed find draft for $4.17 for which please send me two dunt cap and three I ni rover, iz an. Mr. Thoman la in- veetigatln tht- matter and will auk the fl- nance, way and mean committee to aupply i the Inexcusable deficiency. I Prole) from mnall dealers in flour i oiralnM the proposal of tlu1 Nebraska rail j roads to increase the mlnmum rarload I weight from 24.001 to 40,01(1 pounds, are j beiflnnind to pour into the office of the Ne I lrHfka Railway mml8ion by telegram and I letter. I N'ebranka millers and entailer dealers all over the state are opposing the Increase, on l he ground that tt amounts In effect to a raise In rates. A Cosfly Bath K. C. Chamberlin, 1811 Cass street, took a bath Wednes day night. While he was sporting In the tub a thief stole a gold wati h and 60 cents from Chamberlln's clothes, which were lying in an adjacent room. r THOMPSON, BELDEN & COMPANY New Coat Arrivals for Spring $25 to $85 Hand Tailored by Men in Correct Styles The brightness of Spring itself makes the high fabric colorings of the present showings ap propriate and are especially well adapted to Coat Fashions. Whatever shade becomes Milady that shade is fashionable for her to wear. It Will Be a Pleasure to Have You View Them. Apparel, Second Floor. New Curtain Voiles j New Spring Aprons ;,'! Bordered Curtain Voiles, in a j' large assortment of attractive de jji signs and colors. 40 inches wide, ! 25c a yard. Basement. Good Lisle Hose , Black Lisle Hose, double soles, j 29c a pair. . i; Black Silk Lisle Hose, carter : tops, double soles, 39c a pair. ee,U.sTrst.OBe. AMHUCAN CMCLE COMTANT gW QUARTER BILLION ARMY JSILL VOTED House Adopts Measure, De feating Attempt to Add Uni versal Training Clause. DONE BY POINT OP ORDER Washington, Feb. 22. The army appropriation bill carrying about $250,000,000, was passed by the housa late today without a record vote. An attempt to add universal training leg islation was defeated by a point of order. Rabbi Colin to Lerture Rabbi Frederick Cohn will deliver the third lecture of his course this evening at Temple Israel, the subject of the. course being "Four Centuries of Protestantism." This lecture will deal with the intellectual effects of tha Reformation. The subject is "Science, Evolution, Judaism." A display of fresh new styles ! Friday. Attractive, practical, but moderately priced. Basement. 25c and 50c Cashmere Gloves for 1 Q women, Friday e7 1