The Omaha Daily Bee Want-ad Night Service to 10 p. m. Tyler 1000. THE WEATHER Unsettled VOL. XLVI. NO. 214. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 28, 1917. TWELVE PAGES. FIVE AMERICANS ON SWEDISH SKIP SUNK BY SUBSEA Washington Hears Several of Its Nationals Aboard Vessel Sent to Bottom by Bomb of German U-Boat. THIS IN MEDITERRANEAN Crew of Steamer Skogland is Given Ten Minutes by Sub sea to Take to Boats. NO LOSS OF LIFE RESULTS Washington, Feb. 22. Sinking by a German submarine of the Swedish steamer Skogland, which had five Americans aboard, after the crew had been given ten minutes to lake to their boats, was reported by Consul General Hurst at Barcelona, Spain, iu a message today to the State de partment. No one was injured and the crew lauded safely at Tarragona, Spain. The Skogland, a vessel of 1,837 tons, net, sailed from Norfolk, Janu ary -b ior bagnoh, July. Consul Gen eral Hurst in his dispatch said there were twenty-six in the crew, five 01 whom claim American citizenship. He gives their names as James Braner, Brooklyn, X. Y.: Leo Cartright, Portsmouth. N. II.; Jack Burke, Urooklvn, N. V.; Jay Lewis, Union town, Pa., and Joseph Brown, Eliza beth, N. J. The Skogland was stopped in the Mediterranean by a submarine six miles south of Tarrangona, Spain, at 6 a. m., February 18, Consul General Hurst reported and the, crew was given ten minutes to take to their boats. As the crew left the ship, sail ors from the submarine went aboard and placed a bomb, which was ex ploded and destroyed the ship. The crew landed at Tarragona after sev enteen hours in their boats. The Skogland undoubtedly is the same vessel as that reported from Parisesterday as having been sunk February 18. There is a Norwegian steamer Skogland, which sailed from New York January 23 for Kirkwall and Trondhjem. Sink Thirty-Six Ships. Berlin, Feb. 22. (By Wireless to Sayville.) "Two German submarines w hich returned to their base on Feb ruary 20, sank during the period of their operations twenty-four steamers, three sailing vessels and nine trawl ers," said an Overseas News agency announcement today. "The vessels sunk," adds the' an nouncement, "were, among others, a ship of 9,100 tons gross, laden with coal; one of 3,000 tons gross, laden with iron; one of 3,500 tons, with pro visions, mostly butter and margarine; one of 2,200 tons, with wheat and hay; one steamer of 2.700 tons gross, car rying war materials for Italy; auother of 400 tons gross, with tin; another of 800 tons gross, with a general cargo; another of 300 tons gross, with horseshoes. "Among the steamers destroyed was also one tank steamer of 7,000 tons gross. One cannon was cap tured." Skogland Is Sunk. London. Feb. 22. Lloyds today an nounced that the Swedish steamer Skogland, 3.264 tons, was sunk Sun day and that the British motor steamer Teowyn, 132 tons, was sunk by gun fire Wednesday. The crews were landed. The Central News says the British steamer. John Miles, 697 tons, has been sunk. Four of the crew, who were injured, and the bodies of two men who were killed, have been lauded. The remainder of the ship's company arc missing. Lloyd's announces that the British steamer Corso has been sunk. Three Ships Reported. Paris, Feb. 22. Official announce ment was made today of the sinking on February 21 of the Dutch steam ship Ambon. 3.598 tons gross, and of a Itritish trawler. The sinking of the Norwegian steamer Alice, 709 tons, and of a Russian steamer, the Sigrid of 2,914 tons, also was announced. Two British steamers, Perseus arc listed. The larger is a vessel of 6,728 tons gross, built in 1908 in Belfast and owned by the Ocean Steamship company of Liverpool. It was last reported sailing from Dakar, West Africa, on January 18 enroute from Liverpool to Yokohama, which would place it far outside any of the barred zones. The smaller vessel is a 155 ton trawler, owned in Grims,by. The Corso was a vessel of 3,242 ions. It was last 'reported as hav ing passed through the Red Sea east bound, on January 4. The Weather l or Xebranka f'loudy: rolrt Tir.eritturen lit Omaha Ywterriaj. Comparative I,ocal Record. 1517. tI6. 115. lllirllpia yeslrrtlny. . . , .',8 4t 38 l.ow. wt yesterday.... i'l 30 31 ,h-nn Irmperaturc. . , 4t ,1 n4 rn-clpllullon U0 .00 .00 1314. j; 3 IT, .so Vnipcrature and pr trom in normal ul umiilta alnce .March 1, nun. runtpared wllh the last two yearn: , Normal tnmperature Exirna for the day 14 Total cjaeaa since March 1 173 Normal precipitation 02 inch l'eftclcncy for the day 02 Inch Total rainfall since March 1. ... 17 . 60 Inches lcriclcjicy since March 1 13. 03 Inches In-riirlcncy for cor. period, .87 Inch Uoflcluncy for cor, period, 1014. 1.13 Inches F07 z tyKtusiL L i p. in 50 - f 3 nt 57 ' Vsii vi 3 p- m ' r,s rtt-'N S P. m 66 p. in bS NEW YORK WOMEN PICKETFOOD SHOPS Police Suppress a Number of Small Riots and Arrest Two Leaders. LITTLE REAL SUFFERING New York, Feb. 22, House wives continued their demonstrations against the high cost of living here to day. Police reserves suppressed out breaks in various parts of the city. Dozens of pushcarts w ere overturned, the contents destroyed and the own ers attacked. Two women were ar rested charged with assault and later released. Hundreds ol women, some I with babies in arms, acted as pickets before provision stores in an effort to establish a boycott. .Most ot the disorder occurred when a would-be purchaser defied the pickets. A police court magistrate in sus pending sentence on one offender, gave warning that hereafter he would send disturbers to jail. "I have had a number of you women before me," he said, "and not one of you has impressed me as though you were starving." Little Evidence of Hunger. Heads of city departments asserted today that a superficial examination of municipal statistics failed to show results that might be attributed to lack of sufficient nourishment caused by the high price of food. In obe dience to instructions from Mayor Mitchel they began, however, an in vestigation to learn if there was any basis for complaints voiced at the mass meetings in the poorer districts this week and by committees that have called on the mayor. At the offices of the board of health it was said that the death rate con tinued to be lower this year than last and that statisics of illness apparcnly did not show that lack of nourish ment had been an increasing cause of disease. Public charities officials said that applications for admission to the poor house had increased recently. On the other hand, the municipal lodging house has of late been sheltering only half of its capacity. No Cars for East Says Griffin. Chicago, Feb. 22. When shown the statement of the car. service commit tee of the American Railway associa tion to the effect that Chicago grain shippers have been receiving 200 cars a day, J. P. Griffin, president of the Board of Trade, said: "For thirty days Chicago has been shipping four or five cars a day; that's all. We had, it is true, cars of west ern roads to load, but we couldn't get them hauled east. Now we are in formed that we must get our ?ars from eastern roads. That practically shuts us out of the, eastern market entirely." The board was closed today, but Mr. Griffin, traffic experts and lawyers continued in conference on the situa tion. . Woman's Leg Broken. Philadelphia, Feb. 22. Disorderly scenes occurred in the southeastern part of the city, populated largely by people of foregn birth, today when bands of women made demonstrations against dealers that have raised food prices. In a melee between a crowl of women and" others attracted to one of the streets where, stores were being attacked, a woman was knocked down, trampled upon and taken to a hospital with a broken leg. The police later dispersed the crowd. The demonstration resulted from a meeting of women at which it was decided to boycott dealers who in creased prices. Women with bottles containing kerosene are alleged to have poured the oil on meats, fish and vegetables displayed by dealers and to have attacked curb merchants and push cart venders. ' Pickets were established and women who patron ized stores where prices were raised were attacked and the articles they purchased taken from them. Body of Hugo Carlson On Track Near Alliance Alliance. Neb., Feb. 22. (Special Telegram.) Burlington train, No. 44, this afternoon found the body of a man. cut in twofi Iving near Birdscll station, east of Alliance. Papers on his person identified him as Hugo Carlson, a native of Sweden, with a wife living in Tacoma, Wash. A card also showed him to be an able sea man. The man probably fell from a freight train early this morning. Leaders in Irish Revolt Of Last Year Arrested London, Feb. 22. The arrest to day of a number of leaders of the Irish volunteers and other persons who figured in the Irish uprising of last year is reported in a Central News dispatch from Dublin. Among those arrested, the dispatch says, are Counsellor S. T. Kelly. J. J. O'Kelly, editor of the Catholic Bulletin; Dar rel Figgis, a well-known writer, and Captain Liam Mellowes. Omaha Turns Out Hear Patti Sing "Ike" Miner, secretary ofthe Elks I and Omaha pioneer, recalls that it is ! just thirty years ago since Adelina i Patti came to Omaha and sang to the third biggest "house" in her great career, at least up to that time. The proceeds for her single concert in the old Exposition building wee $10, 700. In only two previous concerts had she exceeded this figure, at St. Petersburg and Kio Janeiro. "The Exposition building." said Mr. Miner, "occupied the block between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets on Capitol avenue. The management had lost several thousand dollars on pre vious attractions. When Max Stra kosch. Patti's manager, came here he offered to have Patti sing for $6,000. But the management feared to guar antee that large sum. So he rented the building for $J00. LOAD 8,000,1)00 BUSHELS GRAIN AT EASTJ1RTS Figures Sljcfuch De livererlAiiits Feb. l-jolnst 29,000, VtfO in January. EFFECT OF U-BOAT WAR Railway Figures Give Indica tion How Much Kaiser's Sea Policy Hits America. CAR SITUATION IS BETTER New York, Feb. 22. The effect on the export trade from Boston. Phila dclphia, Baltimore and New York o Germany's proclamation of unre strictcd submarine warfare is revealed j in figures made public here today by ; the American Railway association on : oenait ot its car service commission, I which is co-operating with the Jnter- i state Commerce commission m efforts to relieve the car shortage situation 1 he statistics, which arc to be ! placed before the government, show ! that trom rehruary 1 to hebruarv 14, the grain delivered to vessels at the four ports amounted to approxi mateiy a.uuu.uim nusneis. tins com pares with 29,000,000 bushels in lanu ary and 58.000.000 in December. The deliveries have been regulated, th association sals, to correspond as far as possible to the reduction of cargt space caused by the submarine cam paign. How Much Stored. Permits were issued between Febru ary I and February 14 for transporta tion of 7.000.000 bushels to seaboard to fill future cargo space promised This compares with 25,000.000 moved on the. permit basis in January and 45.500,000 in December . Stored at the terminals in the four ports were 12,500,000 bushels during the first halt month ot submarine ac tivity, as compared with accumula tion of 16,500,000 in January, and 47.400,000 in December. A shortage tn carload movements of all other export freight in about the same proportion also is shown. I he railroads maintain they have suc ceeded in regulating the movement to the seaboard so that the accumu lation has decreased somewhat in pro portion to the exportation. Situation Brighter. It was claimed on behalf of the roads that the general situation as re gards food movement was brighter today than during recent weeks, ow ing partly to more favorable weather, but due also to new car service rules. Virtually all the, large roads in the country signed an agreement to re turn cars at once direct to the roads owning them, A penalty will be imposed, it was stated, in every case, where a road diverts cither a loaded or an unloaded car over a road which does not take the car back to its owner ovr the shortest route. This was regarded as a most important move and one which would send strings of "empties" to congested districts. Board of Trade Apologizes. Chicago, Feb. 22. A second tele grain in which there were traces of apology for the belligerent tone of the first one sent yesterday, was put on the wires to the Interstate commerce commission today by President Grif fin of the Chicago Board of Trade. "We recognize fully," reads today's telegram, "the respect due your hon orable body and if I have been en thusiastic in my statement you will understand it is because of the des perate plight in which we find our selves at this time." Mr. Griffin explains that he now finds that the car supply order which he was led to believe by local rail road men emaniated from Interstate Commerce Commission McChord really came from the car service com mission of the American Railway as sociation. Message Final Plea. In his telegram yesterday, acting on this misconception, Mr, Griffin accus ed the Interstate Commerce coin mission of utter failure in the emerg ency and of having done more harm than good. He and his, traffic commit tee conferred on the question of go ing into the courts, or of appealing to congress for prompt, dictatorial atcion to straighten out matters. With the misunderstanding jeleared up. today's telegram was said to be a final plea on behalf of the board of trade and, in a general way on be half of the farmers and country grain elevators of the Mississippi and Mis souri valleys. Mr. Griffin reiterated that the grain trade of this section is in a desperate way. Forty million bushels of grain are held up in local elevators; 7,000,- (Continued on Pan Two, Column Three.) Record House to Thirty Years Ago 'If the management had accepted his first offer, nearly $5,000 would have been cleared. "Of course, nobody dreamed that Omaha, a city of between 40,000 and 50,000 people would furnish such an audience. Hut they came in from all around. The morning when the ticket sale started there was a line two blocks lone. Those near the end tried to break out and rush the ticket office. Mayor Chase got upon a chair and made a speech telling them the ticket sale would be stopped if they didn't go back to their places." Mr. Miner wars secretary of the Ex position Building company. John A. McShane and John A. Wakefield of Omaha and B. F. Smith of Boston are the only other men connected with the Exposition building who are living today. I had Te cone I rV4C- IOOK T OUR. liS MEltB - Jr. CtlAt HAVE SfFN i iiu on of FNofMtTioN , lO V,HT wff HOUSE JOGS ALONG IN SPITE OF HOLIDAY No Recognition Is Given to George Washington by the Lower Body WILSON BILL ADVANCED (From a Staff Corrwjiotidpiit. I Lincoln, Feb. 21 (Special.) If the spirit of George Washington had ap peared before the lower body of the Nebraska sMle legislature today on this his 185th birthday anniversary, he would have said something nrnh- ably more forcible than "I cannot tell a lie," when he saw what little con sideration the members paid to the day. With the exception of a flag on the desk of each member little at tention was paid to an observance of the day when the house met. and later when some member moved that the house observe the day by adjourning, tnerc was Put one vote lor the mo tion. Movie Bill Alive. The members took up the Reisner bill to forbid Sunday theaters and moving picture shows in any town in the state, which had been reported by the committee on cities and towns for indefinite postponement, and placed it on the general file. Mr. Segelke gave the house a blowing up for try ing to force blue law observance upon Omahal Mr. Taylor, one of the in troducers, saitl that it was an effort to make Omaha a better town mor ally. Mr. Traecwell, whose name is also on the bill said that he under stood the bill did not apply to Omaha and Lincoln and did not think such a law -would he practical in the big towns. In the small towns he thought it was necessary, for the churches could not compete with the picture shows. Triple Seven on File. Kailway Commissioner Vic Wil son's bill known as House Holl No. 777 is now on the general file in the house, having been placed there by a vote of the house today. Among the hills killed was one pro viding for the physical valuation of the South Omaha stock yards. An other to displace Election Commis sioner Moorhead of Douglas county. Funston Funeral Train Goes Through City of Los Angeles I .us Angeles. Cal.. Feb. 22. The funeral train bearing the body of Maior dencral rredenck Winston passed through here hue today on the way to San Francisco. Representatives of military, patriotic and civic organ izations met the train at the station and held brief services beside the car during the stop here. San rrancisco, hcb. U. Arrange ments for the funeral of Major Gen eral Frederick Ffonston were com pleted today. The body will arrive here Friday at 1 p. m. ATjattaliou of coast artillery will act as escort from the railroad station to the city hall. The body will rest in the rotunda of the hall until the hour of the funeral Saturday morning. After services in the First Presbyterian church burial will be in the national cemetery at the Presidio. Juarez Puts in Force Retaliatory Quarantine Juarez. Feb. 22. Retaliatory quar antine measures were appbed by the military here today upon orders of the federal health service in Mexico City. All passengers on street cars and in automobiles who went to luarez today were stopped at the Mexican cud ot the international bridge and required to have hath and f THt BKown'S HcwstA The amn SrtiO ThT v IS Twice Thi Sl tT6R ws ooT I J'2J,T or 0or cwo TneY I I I nml I ONIV uiED M.&O ) FVltD IT - NoW I VI J I. wcrth J wtli ywe -y fna USE TcVkimcv " fi MTCH Y" - ( wtve Got n h nva I A-.V6 SOME 1 BUCK ( tAybf. fwY ouB txfertsCS ! ( 13a. OH J I ftRfi f tRC6 MmZ. ' vaccination certificates. j And So It Goes BLAME FOR LEAK ROT ON OFFICIALS Rules Committee of House 1 Spreads Whitewash in Sweeping Manner. ! FULL REPORT MADE LATER Washington, Feb. 22. The house rules committee today decided to re port that its investigations of an alleged "leak" on President Wilson's p,eacB note had shown no public offi cials were responsible for any advance information on it becoming public. The full report will not be prepared before Saturday. Kaiser Releases Americans Taken By Sea Raider Amsterdam, Feb. 22. (Via Lon don.) A dispatch received here from Berlin says that the American sailors who were taken to Germany on the steamer Yarrowdalc have been re leased. The Americans were released, the dispatch says, after the German gov ernment had been informed officially that German ships in America had not been confiscated and that their crews had not been interned. Ambassador Gerard And Party at Madrid Madrid, Feb. 22,-(V'ia London.) James W. Gerard, former American ambassador at Berlin, and his party arrived here this morning on their way to the United Slates. The Amer icans were met at the station by rep resentatives of the foreign office and by Joseph E. Willard, the American ambassador, and his staff. Sixty Thousand-Dollar Fire at Wakonda, S. D. Wakonda, S. D., Feb. 22. Fire in the business district of Wakonda this morning caused a $60,000 loss. The principal losers were Babb & Babb, Dwyer & Babb and A. J. Devine stores. For a time the fire threatened the enliri: business district, but after a hard fight was controlled by the firemen. Austrian Royalty Eats Black Bread; Royal Teams Haul Coal Vienna. Feb. 20. (Via London, Feb. 22.) The intensely cold weather has passed and a thaw has set in which has solved the fuel difficulty of Vienna and incidentally greatly facili tated the importation of foodstuffs. The 'flour nulls, which were shut down owing to frozen rivers, are again in operation and full bread ra tions are once more in force. I'.mpcror Charles has been a tire less worker in the campaign to re lieve economic conditions and the im perial teams are still hauling coal for the population. Sight of the blooded stock, heretofore only harnessed to state coaches, hauling heavy coal trucks, is one of the curious wartime incidents of the Austrian capital. The emperor recently banished wheat bread from the officers' mess at army headquarters and had both wheat bread and flour removed from a special train which was taking i is brother, Archduke Maximilian, to Constantinople. In issuing this latter order, the emperor remarked that if the common soldiers, the people and himself were contented with black BALLOON FROM FORT LAUDS NEAR PERSIA Captain Chandler and His Aides Make Successful Flight From Omaha. DEAL i DAY FOR TRIP In the air about two hours and a half, the big gas bag and its crew which figured in the initial flight from Fort Omaha since the stablishment of the balloon division there, landed near Persia, la., about forty miles east of Council Bluffs, at 7:30 o'clock last evening. The start was made from the balloon shed at Fort Omaha at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Ow ing to the distance and the bad condition of the roads, the balloon's crew will make the return trip to Fort Omaha by train. It was orig inally intended to bring the men and the gas bag back in a motor truck, which, filled with supplies, was in readiness when word of the landing was received. Those who made the ascent were Captain Charles DeF. Chandler, the commanding officer, and Captain Bower and First Lieutenant David son. Anything over an hour is con sidered a successful flight, accord ing to members of the balloon corps at Fort Omaha. It was practically an ideal after noon for 'a balloon flight. A 19,000 fcet capacity balloon was used in the ascent. Break Between U, S, And Austria Sure to Come, Says Berlin Berne. Feb. 22. (Via Paris.) Aus tria's reply to the United States de fining its position in the submarine war is known in Berlin, according to the Frankfurter Zeitmu, which pre dicts that a breach of relations be tween Washington and Vienna is in evitable. The paper's Berlin corre spondent says: "The memorandum which President Wilson has sent to the Vienna gov ernment leaves no doubt that the breach of relations between the United States and Germany will soon be followed by a breach with Austria-Hungary." bread, the party on the train should be also. Another result of the monarch's in tervention has been that Vienna street cars are still running day and night. Dr. Weiskirchuer, the burgomaster, had decided that no cars should be run between 9 in the morning and 5 in fhc afternoon. After a talk with the emperor over the telephone, how ever, the ruler of the municipality changed his mind. In order to avoid side-stepping by the city council, the emperor himself fixed the number of cars which were to run. Some official circles in Vienna and elsewhere throughout the empire have not yet recovered from the shock caused by the energetic methods of Emperor Francis Joseph's young suc cessor. Red tape has been cut, right and left, and official heads continue to fall in the general cleanup which is still going on. It is a sad time for certain army officers who have been enjoying staff sinecures. In one in stance the emperor sent a batch of seventy to the front and replaced them by invalided officers. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. WILSON RENEWS ALLEGIANCE TO I AMERICAN FLAG j Cabinet Members, Diplomats and Congressmen Stand at Salute at the ' Patri otic Ceremony. LOUD CHEERS FOR FRANCE i Ambassador Acknowledges Ap- plause as Traditional Friend j ship is Mentioned. ADDRESS IS BY POMERENE Washington, Feb. 22. President Wilson participated in George Wash ington's birthday exercises here to day, at which frequent reference was made to the present international sit uation. "It is much less of an adventure to write history than to try to enact it," said the president in presenting a gold medal to a school boy for writing an essay on history. The president pledged allegiance anew to the American flag and, with the remainder of an audience, includ ing members of the cabinet, diplo mats and congressmen, he stood at salute while the pledging allegiance was repeated. The exercises, held under the joint auspices of the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Sons of the American Revolution and the Sons of the Revolution, were marked by an outburst of patriotic fervor when President Wilson appeared. A huge American Hag was displayed and the marine band played "The Star Span gled Banner. Cheers for France. Reference to the traditional friend ship between the United States and France was made by Newell B. Wood worth of Syracuse, N. Y.. past presi dent of the Sons of the American Res olution, while Jules Jusserand, the French ambassador, stood and ac knowledged applause, Mr. Wood worth declared that in the present situation the people stand patriotically behind their president and are ready to answer an call for the nation. Address by Pomerene. N Senator" Pomerene of Ohio delivered the principal address. He denounced Germany's submarine campaign and ' as'iilcd the pacificists who are urging a referendum on the question of war. "I hope that they will make an ar rangement under which the enemy will do no more shooting until the vote is taken," said the senator. Senator Pomer.-ne said that both Germany and Great Britain had vio lated American rights, b it that only Germany had sacrificed American lives. He urged all Americans to stand behind the president in the ., present emergency. Senators Take Day i Off After Hearing ' ' Senator Seal Talk (From a Staff Correpotidnt) Lincoln, Feb. 22. (Special.) While the house of representatives could not find anybody today worth paying tribute to, the senate arose, to the situation and inspiration of the day and paid a mark of tribute not only to General George Washington, the father of his country, but to Colonel Harry Bradley, the janitor of the senate. As the senators entered the cham ber this morning they passed under two flags suspended across the door way, while each desk- displayed a miniature emblem of the star "span gled banner. Pictures of Washing ton, Lincoln and Wilson were dis played on the wall and the inspira tion brought out a speech from Senator Sandall in which he called attention to the fact that Mr. Wash ington was dead and that Mr. Bradley was very much alive. , After prayer and roll call, on mo tion of Senator Kohl, the senate ad journed after listening to a five-minute address by Stnator Bcal on the life and character of Washington. Ladies' Legislative League Banquet Next Thursday (Frora fitaff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Feb. 22. (Special.) The annual banquet of the Nebraska Legislative Ladies' league will be held at the Lincoln hotel in Lincoln on Thursday evening, March 1, at 6 o'clock. Members who plan to at tend should make reservations for themselves "(or for their husbands) by notifying Mrs. i Edgar Howard, Lindell hotel, Lincoln, on or before February 26. Banquet tickets $1. The Best Way and the cheapest way to secure The Best Help is through the Help Wanted col umns of The Bee. Your ad will cost you only lc per word. Call Tyler 1000 You are as close to- . The Be Want Ad Dept. as your phone is to you. '