Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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You Cannot
Hide Your Fat
Ovrfatncsi is the one mtBfortune you
can not hide from yourself or from those
round you. If too thin, your dressmaker
or tailor can supply the deficiencies, but
the overfat carry a burden they can not
conel. There is one sure way to reduce
your weUrbt safely and quickly. The harm
less Marmola Prescription, which changes
the fstty tissues and fat-producinc foods to
solid flesh and energy, helps the general
health and digestion, permits you to eat
and Hv as you like, and leaves the skin
clear and smooth. This famous prescription
Is now condensed into tablet form. Each
tablet contains an exact dose of the same
harmless ingredients that made the original
prescription capable of reducing the overfat
body at the rate of two, three or four pounds
a week without the slightest ill effects. Take
but one tablet after each meat and at bed
time until the normal weight is reached and
the bodily health completely restored. Ask
your druggist for Marmola Prescription Tab
lets, or send to the Marmola Co., 864 Wood
ward Ave, Detroit, Mich., and you will re
ceive for 76c a full case enough to utart
you well on your way to slimness and hap
piness. Advertisement.
With the poisons and toxins from
system before putting more
food Into stomach.
Says Inslde-bathlng makes any
one look and feel clean,
aweet and refreshed.
Brief City News
Wash yourself on the inside before
breakfast like you do Jn the outside.
This is vastly more important because
the skin pores do not absorb impuri
ties into the blood, causing illness,
while the bowel pores do.
For every ounce of food and drink
taken into the stomach, nearly an
ounce of waste material must be car
ried out of the body. If this waste
material is not eliminated day by day
it quickly ferments and generates
poisons, gases and toxins which are
absorbed or sucked into the blood
stream, through the lymph ducts
which 'should suck only nourishment
to sustain the body.
A splendid health measure is to
drink, before breakfast each day, a
glass of real hot water with a tea
spoonful of limestone phosphate in
it, which is a harmless way to wash
these poisons, gases and toxins from
the stomach, liver, kidneys and bow
els; thus cleansing, sweetening and
freshening the entire alimentary
canal before putting more food into
the stomach.
A quarter pound of limestone phos
phate costs but very little at the drug
store, but is sufficient to make any
one an enthusiast on inside-bathing.
Men and women who are accustomed
to wake up with a dull, aching head
or have furred tongue, bad taste,
nasty breath, sallow complexion, oth
ers who have bilious attacks, acid
stomach or constipation, are assured
of pronounced improvement in both
health and appearance shortly. Advt.
We are very much pleased with the re
ports received from our customers who have
tested Swamp-Root and proved its value,
They are very favorably Impressed with it
and as a kidney, liver and bladder medicine
we believe it stands equal to the best. Our
sales repeat and for several years we have
not heard anything but grateful words for
Wedding Rings Ed holm. Jeweler.
Have Hoot Print It Now Beacon Prtaa.
Kleaer, Books, moved to Loyal Hotel 31dg.
Public Library Open The public
linrury will be open from 2 to 8 p, m
Seats for Vets Special seats will be
reserved for civil war veterans at the
patriotic celebration at the Auditorium
Thursday evening.
Council Delayed n Pay The city
council will meet Friday morning.
instead of Thursday, on account of
George Washington a birthday.
Lights Out Early Electric lights In
the Hanscom park district went out
about 11 o'clock Tuesday night. Late
home-seekers did a quick-step in the
middle or the street.
Chicken Dinner The women of the
North Side Christian church will give
a chicken pie supper Thursday even
ing iron, b to 8 o clock at Twenty
second and Lothrop streets.
Cows Must Bo Tested Dairy and
Milk Inspector Bossie has sent to all
dairymen serving Omaha to have
their cows tuberculin tested before
April 1. This is an annual inspection
which is required by law.
Des Moines Rabbi Coming Rabbi
Herman Cohen of Des Moines will
conduct services nt the Beth Hume
drosh synagogue. Nineteenth and Burt
streets. Friday evening under the aus
pices of the Modtrn O.thodox society.
Concert Club Gives Conile Operetta
The loung Mens Christian Asso
elation Concert club gave the comic
operetta, "Captain von der Hum,
Tuesday evening before the Omaha
Seymour lodge of the Woodmen of
the World, and received enthusiastic
Admirer Fractures Her Skull Anna
Crutchfleld, 1119 Davenport street
colored, received a badly lacerated
scalp and slightly fractured skull
when one of her admirers tapped
her over the head with an iron bar.
She was given attention by Police
burgeon Meyers.
Fine Fireplace Goods Sunderland
Fall to Get the Coin As D. C. Mc-
Xeai. 2123 North Twenty-second
street, passed Tenth and Davenport
streets about 10:30 Tuesday evening
he was assaulted by two negroes. He
received lacerations on the face and
slight body bruises. He reported to
the police that robbery was the mo
tive, but that his assailants became
frightened and ran off before they
frisked him.
Postal Clerk Confesses United
States Marshal Flynn has gone to
Springflcld, 111., with Charles W. Wal
lace, the railway postal clerk of Rock
Island, who was arrested here on the
charge of stealing from the malls.
Wallace waived preliminary hearing
here and confessed to postal inspec
tors, who caught him through decoy
letters. The man blamed the high cost
of living for his downfall. He had
been in the service nine years and has
a wife and three children living at
Rock Island.
Very truly fours,
HUNTER ft CO.. Druggist.
June 21st, 1916.
Pine Star, Ark.
Letter to
Dr. Kilmer ft Co.,
Bingham ton, N. Y.
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer ft Co., Bing.
ham ton, N. Y., for a sample size bottle. It
will convince anyone. You will also receive
a booklet of valuable information, telling
about the kidneys and bladder. When writ
ing, be sure and mention The Omaha Daily
Bee. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size
bottles for sale at all drug stores.
Use Cocoanut Oil
For Washing Hair
If you want to keep your hair in
good condition, be careful what you
wash it with.
Most soaps and prepared shampoos
contain too much alkali. This dries
the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and
is very harmful. Just plain mulsificd
cocoanut oil .(which is pure and en
tirely grease. ess), is much better than
the most expensive soap or anything
else you can use for shampooing, as
this can't possibly injure the hair.
Simply moisten your hair with water
t and rub it in. One or two tcaspoon
fuls will make an abundance of rich,
creamy lather, and cleanses the hair
and scalp thoroughly. The lather
rinses out easily, and removes every
particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and ex
cessive oil. The hair dries quickly
and evenly, and it leaves it fine and
silky, bright, fluffy and easy to man
age. You can get mulsificd cocoanut oil
at most any drug store. It is very
cheap, and a few ounces is enough to
last everyone in the family for
mouths. Advertisement.
Then you must know that
sickness leaves weakness and
you should commence taking
to put an edge on your appetite,
put power in your blood, induce
restful sleep and restore a
your nerve force. Scott't 5
is a true tonic-food which is Tjl
free from alcohol.
Scott Bot.dc, Bloombld. If. J. 16-3
Fined on Disorderly Charge Henry
Suhr, Aetna hotel, arrested Tuesday
night on the charge of running a dis
orderly house, was fined $15 and costs
In police court. Two Inmates of the
place forfeited bonds of $10 each.
Grace Ford, 636 South Twenty-fourth
street, arrested on a similar charge,
forfeited bonds of $25. Four Inmates
arrested in the raid failed to appear
In police court and forfeited bonds of
$10 each. The bonds of Mary Wil
liams, 2234 Farnam street, amounting
to $25, were also forfeited.
Hitch in Match
Between Al McCoy
And Australian
Albany, X. Y., Feb. 21.The ten
round boxing bout to be fought by Al
McCoy and Les Darcy, the Aus
tralian, at Madisqn Square Garden on
March 5 seerns to be prohibited by a
decision of the State Athletic com
mission, in accordance with which
McLoy must first fulhll a verbal con
tract made with the Broadway Sport
ing club of Brooklyn. The decision
was announced tonight by Commis
sioner Kraney, who had voted against
compelling McCoy to fulfill his verbal
Chairman Wenck of the commis
sion, at a meeting in New York yes
terday, voted to hold McCoy to the
verbal contract, and, the deciding vole
was cast by telegraph today by Com
missioner Liyer, wjio agreed with the
McCoy was said to have agreed
verbally to meet Jack Union of In
dianapolis before the Broadway Snort
ing club last September. When he
was matched with Darcy the club
asked that the commission compel
Mct,oy to tulhll his agreement.
Dr. Condra Issues Call for
Big Conservation Convention
The call for the convention of the
National Conservation congress this
year emanates from Nebraska. This
is by reason of the fact that Dr.
George E. Condra of the University
of Nebraska is president of the na
tional organization this year.
His call for the congress is just is
sued. The dates arc April 3-5, and
the place is New Orleans.
"Flood Control a' National Prob
lem," is the principal subject for dis
cussion. 1 he congress is cslled pri
marily to formulate a definite national
policy for flood control and drainage.
I'ersons eminently qualified have ac
cepted invitations to address the con
1' rank G. Udell of Omaha and New
York is the executive secretary. Cre
dentials must be addresstd to him at
New Orleans,
In closing the call President Con
dra says:
Otfr country is in the midst of
formulating a national policy with
reference to its resources and indus
trial development. The National Con
servation congress, as a public forum
and constructive organization, seeks to
be of assistance in this movement. In
this task it invites the support of
every citizen and organization having
at heart the national welfare.
"Communications with regard to
the general scope and work of the
congress and its committees and pro
gram should be addressed to the pres
ident, Dr. G. E. Condra, University of
Nebraska, Lincoln. Communications
regarding credentials and delegations
should be addressed to Frank G.
Odell, secretary of the National Con
servation congress, New Orleans. For
information concerning local arrange
ments and accommodations, write
Commissioner M. L. Alexander,
chairman local committee, New Or
Out in the Cold Once More
Manufacturers Load Their
Guests With Sacks of
Things Good to Eat.
It was just "Poof!" and the high
cost of living exploded into thin air for
some 400 Omaha people last night
who attended the annual "Madc-in-
Omaha" dinner of the Omaha Manu
facturers' association at the Commer
cial club.
For every person who went there
went home positively burdened with
cans of coffee, cartons of butter and
butterine, cases of soda crackers,
sacks of flour, packages of macaroni
and miles and miles of noodles.
The manufacturers were eiving
things away again last night giving
products away, just to show what kind
of goods they are manufacturing here.
Gifts on Every Hand.
Thus every one of the 400 plates in
the house had before it a free 50-cent
can of ground coffee, and every chair
Had hung upon it a big white sack full
of macaroni, flour, butter, coffee,
cocoa, candy, and then a wealth of
sundry delicacies that will make the
table squeak with their weight for a
All this was separate and distinct
from the handsome and templing
menu served to the banqueters for the
dinner, the basis of which was the
breast of guinea fowl.
Then came the drawing of special
prizes. Howard Colliding was one of
the principal dispensers. Bill Mona
chal! was the chief truck horse han
dling the goods and Al C. Scott was
the spieler, and such a constant stream
of lingo as he spilled would make a
fake-jewelry auctioneer cleave his
skull for very envy.
Knapp Is Favored.
There may or may not have been
method in the madness which directed
Sciatica, Etc.
Free Trial of a New Method That Curat by
Removing the Cauee. Send No Money.
We've a new method that cures Neuralgia,
Neuritis, Rheumatism, Asthma, Sciatica,
Neurasthenia, Tie Douloureux, etc., and we
want you to try it at our expense. No mat
ter how great your pain, or how terrible the
torture you endure from diseased nerves,
our method will bring prompt and blessed
relief. No matter whether your case is oc
casional or chronic, nor what your age or
occupation, this method should cure you
right in your home.
The Mulhall Method Hoes not contain a
drop of morphine, opium, chloral, cocaine,
acetanilid or any narcotic whatsoever. It
provides a nerve food that cures by remov
ing the cause.
We especially want to send it to those
so-called "Incurable" cases that have tried
all the various doctors, dopes, sanitnriumn,
"opathys," etc., without relief. We want to
show everyone at our own expense that thin
method wilt end at once and for all time,
all those tortures and twinges of almost
unbearable pain that are present in Neural
gia. Neuritis. Sciatica, Migraine, Tic Dou
loureux, Neurasthenia and other nerve dis
eases. This free offer is too important to neglect
a single day. Write now and begin the cure
at once. -Address Mulhall Co., Room 674
Brisbane Bldg.. Buffalo,- N. Y.
the dispensing of these special gifts,
of which there were many hundreds
Nevertheless, the fact remains, that no
sooner were remarks pased about the
scant thatching of the head of F. S
Knapp than it fell to his lot to draw
a bottle Ojf hair tonic, Again it fell to
the lot ui Mrs. W. A. Ellis to draw a
washing machine, though she has for
years refused to have one when "Bill"
wanted to buy it, for she knew hav
ing one in the house meant that it
must be used by the lady of the house
I'enn P. Fodrca had to walk al' the
way from the end of the ball to the
platform when his number was called,
only to get a dainty box of Velvetina
for his complexion. Mrs, W. I. De
Winter won an excellent electric lamp.
J VV. Gamble got a sack of Hour, and
so the merrv night wore on,
Berlin Children May
Be Sent to Country
Amsterdam (Via London), Feb. 21.
The Berlin Vorwaerts says that a
mass deportation of Berlin children
to the country is planned. It is be
lieved that this step will relieve the
food difficulty in the city and enable
the children to be better fed.
Hrtlioh Melse Leather.
Washing on, Feb. St.Tho nrltUh war
office tin taken pon.soj.nton of ntl th leather
In the Uuttfil Ktt)KU)iu, the 'ommri'e de
partment was Infitrmcil In a mMiM-ntm imlny
from the American eonoul avrti'ml at Lomlnti
1,1'kther protlintMl ln-lw.-eii now ami Mttn-h
:i aim, will he taken ovor Another .-Mhle-Itrati.
atmoiinc-1 th not sure of ail utu.iltl
atocha of rv jut and prohibition of d.'u.
tiiKK In Jtitiv
Fifty More Subseas
Voted Into Navy Bill
Which Is Approved
Washington. Feb. 21. Construction
oi fifty additional submarines, half oi
them to be built on the I'autic coast,
is proposed in n amendment to tile
naval appropriation bill agreed to late
today bv the senate naval committee.
Kightcen submarines were provided
for in the house bill.
Final approval of the bill was voted
by the committee, with the total
raised to about a billion dollars by
adding $128,000.0(10 to the measure as
it passed the house. Appropriations
are carried for the coming year's
share of the great three-year building
program, and there are various spe
cial provisions, including authoriza
tion for commandeering of private
ship building and munitions plants in
time of national peril.
Outbreak of Smallpox
Has Run Its Course
The medical inspection department
of the public schools reports that the
outbreak of smallpox tn the Druid
Hill school district seems to have
abated. There were only six case,s
and the threatened spread seems to
have expended itself. The school has
been fumigated and all children ex
amined by school nurses.
The Business of
Being a Boy is a
strenuous employment.
Sturdy boys and girls are
not built out of books
alone. The best food for
growing youngsters is
Shredded Wheat, the whole
wheat food that builds
healthy tissue, good bone
and develops sound teeth
and healthy gums. For
breakfast or any meal, with
milk or cream. Delicious
with preserved fruit.
Made at Niagara Falls, N. Y.
R.fftilar SIipi He, fiOc. II. At Pnisgtiti.
Flush the Kidneys
Hon Uric Acid Causes lion! Bkcinatlsi, Mutate
(BY L. H. SMITH, M. D.)
It was not until the discovery by Sir
Irthnr Gerod, in 1848, that the blood of
;oiHy patient contained uric acid in an
'xceamvely large amount, that much
mention was paid to this subject.
Later scientific men learned that in
gout, also rheumatism, the kidneys do
not, work properly to throw off the uric,
icid poison; consequently uric acid crys-
t..-n.,.Hinnitjd in md ahout the joints,
in the muscles, where an inflamma
tion is set up in the nearby tissues.
Hague has said, that " gout ia rheu
matism, and rheumatism is gout "
If uric acid is formed in excess within
the body it is passed on to the kid
neys, which act as a filler to pass
off this poison. If the excess 'snot
excreted by the kidneys, it Is distri
buted thru the tissues. The choice
sites for such storage are in the joints,
muscle-sheaths, where the circulation
is weakest, and where also the al kal i n
ity of the blood is lowest. Conse
quently we must do everything to
1 1 throw off this uric acid poison, and
simple methods are best. Flush the
kidneys by drinking ft to 8 glasses of
water betwesn meals. A pint of hot
water a half hour before meals.
Take Anuric (double or triple
strength), three times a day for
awhile. Invigorate and aesistthe kid;
neys to flush out the uric acid poisons!
During winter months the circulation
is apt to be sluggish and the blood
stream retarded. If uric acid is nres-
ent it is apt to clog the capillaries.
This accounts for many acute condi
tions, such as headache, neuralgia,
gastric disturbances, and dull mind.
As the condition progresses, we often
have h'mbago, disease of the heart
and arteries, breaking down of the
kidneys, rheumatism and gouty symp
toms. Eat less meat, drink more
water, and take Anuric (double or
triple strength) after meals and at bed
time for several weeks at a time, and
you will be free from uric acid and
the diseases that follow
Neuralgia and Hhootlns Paint.
Hloan's Llnlinetu Is a wonderful medicine
for neuralgia and aharp Bhootlng pains, ap
plied to painful spot It stops the ache. Only
25c. All druggists. Advertisement.
Truck Dealer Wanted
We have a big opportunity for a man
who wants to get into the commercial auto
mobile truck business. The greatest line of
trucks manufactured. A truck for every
purpose. Only high class man wanted, as
the proposition is a big one for the right
party. For interview, write
Care The Omaha Bee.
Burgess-Mash Company
Wednesday, Fab. 21, 1917.
everybody!; stored
Phono Douglas 137.
The New Models in Shoes
For Women Are Ready for You
WE want you to see these new styles we want you
to come and let us show you how splendidly pre
pared we arc when it comes to footwear for spring.
Women's New Black Boots
In kid, lace and button style, the
newest lasts and patterns; a very com
plete showing.
The New Colored Kids and Com
bination Lace Boots, $7.95
Golden brown kid boots. . . .
Mouse brown kid boots. . . .
Sea gull gray kid boots. . . .
Black and white kid boots. .
Black with ivory kid tops. .
Black with gray kid tops. . .
Covered and leather Louis
Cuban heels, turn and light
welt soles.
Burgess-Nosh Co. Second Floor.
James A. Banister fine shoes for men Fourth Floor.
We'll Cut, Fit and
Pin Your New Dress
Free of Charge
AS a special feature of
our piece goods sec
tions, we have secured for
a limited time the services
Mrs. Moulton
and Staff
of the Keister Dressmak
ing school, who will cut,
fit and pin any material
you may buy at 98c the
yard or over without
Mrs. Moulton and staff
are masters in Women's
garment construction.
They have knowledge of
styles, of fabrics and trim
mings in the widest sense.
The Well-Known "Standard" Rotary Sew
ing Machines-Price Range $39.00 to $65
IN OUR Sewing Machine. Section on the fourth
floor we carry a complete line of the "Standard"
Rotaiy Sewing Machines, because they are consider
ed the best sewing machine on the market, both by
the housewives who use them and by the manufac
turer. When "purchasing the "Standard" Rotary, with
the combination lock and chain improvement, you
get practically two machines for the price of one,
Easy running Every late improvement Terms $1.00 per week.
illlf III & .eY 1 a. t fA
"Wizard" Sewing Machine at $15.50
An unusually attractive value for Th ursday is this well made and dependable
'Wizard" Sewing Machine at $15.50.
Burgass-Nash Co. Fourth Floor.
Useful Wash Day Items
Specially Priced Thursday
jjjiij h andles!j
for l-69
Extra' Chemical
Gray enameled water pails, 10
quart size, first quality, at 39c.
Wire carpet beaters, made of
spring wire, wooden handles, 10c
Vacuum washing machines,
made of heavy zinc; may be
used for washing the finest fab
rics, special, at 98c,
Special Leader
ffqs ml ti
i3 c u r t a i n
?3trctcher, full
size, brass
nickel pitted
nin. at CO.
H a r dwood
step 8 1 o o 1 s,
heavily var
nished, made
of good hard
wood lumber,
I well Draced,
very useful
around the
la home, at 85c.
flfn' G a lvanized
iron water
pails, first quality, 10-quart size,
special, 25c.
O'Cedar furniture polish, 12
ounce size, at 38c.
Elm splint . clothes baskets,
good size, wood bottom, special,
at 59c.
w a rrantetl
for 5 years
special, at
1 r onine
board, with stand, very firm and
rigid; good size, at 98c.
Ironing boards, 5-foot size,
made of basswood, special, 69c.
Climax wall paper cleaner, per
can, 9c.
Galvanized iron wash tubs,
with wringer attachments, No. 2
size, first quality, special, $1.25,
Gas plate with two powerful
burners, just the right size for
the laundry, at $1.95.
E 1 e c trie
irons, full 6
lb. size, heav
ily nickel
plated, com
plete w i 1 1.
stand and
d c t achable
cord; fully guaranteed, $4.00.
O'Cedar triangle oil mops,
oiled ready for use, complete
with polished handles, special,
at 59c.
Tampico scrub brush, solid
back, Thursday, at 5c.
Parlor broom, 4 sewed, var
nished handle, best quality corn,
Thursday, special, at 35c.
Wash Boards, good size, 29c.
Burfess-Naah Co. Down-Stalra Stora.
Percale Remnants,' 10c
Short lengths, 2 to 10 yards,
of standard percales, 3G inches
wide, light shades, 10c yard.
Mercerized Poplins, 15VzC
27-inch mercerized poplins,
light or dark shades, also white,
15 14c yard.
Buriess-Naah Co. Down-Stalra Store
Soaps. Cleansers.
Etc. for Wash Day
Ivory Soap
5 cakes, 22c
Fels Naptha Soap
10 cakes, 44c
P. & G. White Naptha
10 cakes, 44c
Beat 'Em All Soap
6 cakes, 25c
Sunbrite Cleanser
.3 cans, 10c
Star Naptha Washing
Large Package, 19c
Sof-tone, for softening
water v
Package, 9c
Kleenatone, for cleaning
bath tubs, etc.
Can, 9c
Burgaaa-Naah Co. Down-Stairs Store