Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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Kansas City Lady Darkened Her
uray Hair and Made it Soft
and Glossy by a Simple
Home Process.
8he Tells How She Did It.
A well-known resident of Kansas
City, Mo., who darkened her gray hair
by a simple home process, made the
following statement: "Any lady or
gentleman can darken their gray or
laded ftair, and make it soft and
glossy withi this simple recipe, which
they can mix at home. To half a pint
of water add 1 oz. of bay rum, 1 small
oox ot rJarbo Compound and !4 oz
of glycerine. These ingredients can
be purchased at any drug store at
very little cost. Apply to the hair
every other day until the gray hair
is uarKcnea sumciemiy. it is not
sticky or greasy and does not rub off.
it will make a gray haired person
look 10 to 20 years younger." Adv.
Sage Tea Turns
Gray Hair Dark
It's Grandmother's recipe to bring
color, lustre and youtntulness to
hair when faded, streaked
or gray.
That beautiful, even shade of dark.
glossy hair can only be had by brew
ing a mixture ot hage lea and Sul
phur. Your hair is your charm. II
makes or mars the face. When it
lades, turns gray or streaked, just an
application or two of Saee and Sul
phur enhances its appearance a hun-
Don't bother to prepare the mix
ture; you can get this famous old re
cipe improved by the addition of
other ingredients for 50 cents a Urge
bottle, all ready for use. It is called
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com.
pound:, This can always be depended
upon to bring back the natural color
and lustre of your hair.
Everybody uses "Wyeth's" Sage
and Sulphur Compound now because
it darkens so naturally and evenly
that nobody can tell it has been apr
plied. You simply dampen a sponge
or soft brush with it and draw this
through the hair, taking one small
strand at a time; by morning the gray
hair has disappeared, and after an
other application it becomes beauti
fully dark and appears glossy and
lustrous. This ready-to-use prepara
tion is a delightful toilet requisite for
those who desire dark hair and a
youthful appearance. It is not in
tended for the cure, mitigation or pre
vention of disease. Advertisement.
Salts Fine for
Aching Kidneys
We eat too much meat, which clogs
Kidneys, then Back hurts and
Bladder bothers you.
Supreme Court Holds Rule in
Contravention of Statutes
of Nebraska.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Feb. 21. (Special Tele
gram.) "The State Banking board
cannot adopt rules concerning the
granting of charters to proposed new
banks which are in 'contravention of
the statutes, and if it doest such rules
are void."
This is the opinion of the supreme
court in the case wherein the State
Banking board refused a charter to
the proposed Nebraska State ban
of Sidney, on the grounds that there
was not sufficient business to lustifv
anotner nank.
The case was taken to the Lan
caster district court, which ruled
against the board and in an opinion
by Justice Hamer the ruling is sus
tamed, though Morrissey and Rose
Rose Rice Wins.
The supreme court commission.
an opinion bv Commissioner McGirr.
rhrms the judgment of the district
court ot Done as countv. in whir
Rose H. Rice sued the Supreme For
est, Woodmen Lircle, for salarv
supreme physician for the year endin
June 1, 1912. The judgment amount
to ,8UV.U0.
Further Trial Ordered.
The state partially wins its case
the controversy over what is known
the Keller case, lnvolvins the rich!
oi ine state to inherit Drooertv
Adams county belonging to Harry
Keller, who died without heirs. The
roperty comonses eiehtv acres of
and worth about $12,000. Claim to th
property was made by Louis Keller,
wno claimed to be a brother. The dis
trict court of Adams county decided
against the state, which appealed to
rne supreme court, which finds the
evidence given in the lower court "un
Mutuciorj ana remands tne case
tor further proceedinns.
Most folks forget that the kidneys,
like the bowels, get sluggish and
clogged and need a flushing occasion
ally, else we have backache and dull
misery in the kidney region, severe
headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid
liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and
all sorts of bladder disorders.
You simply must keep your kidneys
active and clean, and the moment you
feel an ache or pain in the kidney
region, get about four ounces of lad
Salts from any good drug store here,
take a tablespoonful in a glass of
water before breakfast for a few davs
and your kidneys will then act fine.
This famous salts is made from the
acid of grapes and lemon juice, com
bined with lithia, and is harmless to
flush clogged kidneys and stimulate
them to normal activity, it also neu
tranzes tne acids in the urine so it
no longer irritates, thus ending blad
der disorders.
Jad Salts is harmless: inexoensive
makes a delightful effervescent lithia-
water drink which everybody should
take now and then to keep their kid
neys clean, tnus avoiding serious
complications. V
A well-known local druggist says
he sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who
believe in overcoming kidney trouble
wnne it is tne only trouble. Adv.
It is not necessary to shampoo
your hair so frequently if it is en
tirely and properly cleansed each time
by the use ot a really good shampoo.
The easiest to use and quickest dry
ing shampoo that we can recommend
to our readers is one that brings out
all the natural beauty of the hair and
may be enjoyed at very little expense,
1 by dissolving a teaspoonful of can
throx, which can be obtained from anv
druggist, in a cup of hot water. This
makes a full" cup of shampoo liquid,
enough so it is easy to annlv it to
all the hair instead of just the top of
the head, this when rubbed into
the scalp and onto every strand of
hair, chemically dissolves all impuri
ties. It is very soothing and cooling
in its action, as well as beneficial to
both scalp and hair. After rinsing out
the lather so created, you will find
the scalp is fresh, clean and free from
dandruff, while the hair dries quickly
and evenly, developing a bright luster
and a soft fluffiness that makes it seem
very heavy. Advertisement.
You have swollen feet and hands! Stiff,
itchy Joints! Sharp-shooting rheumatic pains
tortura you. You have arhtnff hack, pain In
ths lower abdomen, difficulty when unrtnat
lni! Look out: Thene are dancer nlfnals.
Trouble Is with your kidneys. Uric acid
poisoning. In one form or another, has set
In. It may lead to dropsy or fatal Bright1!
disease If not cheeked.
Get some GOLD MEDAL Haarlem OH
Capsules Immediately. They are an old prep
aration, used all over the world for cen
turies, combining natural healing oil and
herns, well-known to physicians and used by
thousands In their daily practice. The Cap
sules are not an experimental, make shift
"patent medicine," or "salt," whose effect In
only temporary. They are a standard rem
edy, and act naturally, gently and quickly.
But when you go to the drugglnt, Insist on
getting the purs, original Haarlem Oil In
Capsules. Be sure the name GOLD MEDAL
Is on the box, and thus protect yourself
against counterfeit. Advertisement.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at aUdruggists.,
Notes from Beatrice
And Gage County
Beatrice, Neb., Feb. 21. (Special.)
Twenty-five dentists from this sec
tion of the state attended the annual
meeting ot the boutheastern Denta
association here yesterday. These of-
licers were elected: President, .Dr. E
W. Fellers of Beatrice; vice president,
Dr. L. B. Fritz of Wymore; secretary
treasurer, C. T. Hatfield of Fairburv:
Dr. B. L. Spellman of Beatrice was
elected a delegate to the state meeting
iu ne neia at umalia.
Announcement was received here
yesterday of the death of E. E. Clute,
formerly of this city, which occurred
at his home at Oklahoma City. The
deceased was a brother of Mrs. J. B
rarKer 01 tnis city, who arrived at
Oklahoma city a few hours before his
death. He was 51 years of age and
unmarried. The body will be brought
10 Deatrice ior interment. "
Ocorge E. Champ and Miss Anna
Thielman, and John S. Bures and
Miss Emily Hubka, all of Odell, this
county, were married yesterday by
juuge j rweeie.
Residence for Bishop Duffy
Bought at Grand Island
Grand Island. Neb.. Feb. 21. fSne.
cial.) Negotiations were closed today
whereby the residence of Mrs Inlm
Schwynn will become the property of
niMiup james n. uurty ot the local
diocese of the Catholic church, and
with his occupancy Grand Island will
become the see city of the district. It
has been boughtor about $11,000. It
is a large two-story brick structure
centrally located.
Double Wedding at Lyons.
Lyons, Neb., Feb. 21. fSneciall
A double wedding occurred yesterday
at me nome ot Mr. John ichroeder.
His two daughters were married,
Anna m. to uscar Melland of Clark,
S. D., and Cora L. to Emil Swanson
of Lyons. Rev. Charles Wayne Ray,
pastor of the First Methodist church,
officiated. The wedding was a quiet
anair, wiin only tne nearest friends
present as guests. Both young men
are fanners and after a short honey
moon trip will settle down on their
respective farms.
State House Notes
(From a HtafT Correspondent.)
Llnroln. Feb. 21. (Special. ) The lower
branch of the legislature stopped business
for three-quarters of an hour this mornflig
" iv mpnvrn oy ne v. John Q
noimea or .ew York city, who told the
memoers w nat ne Know about militnrv
training and his objection to the teaching
v. Koniiruiiuiy irwwns vi a mimary charac
ter In the schools.
Mr. Holmes did not mention the name of
the president during his entire address, but
took the stand that compulsory military
training was nothing more than militarism
In an aggravated form or wmiM
such a condition.
'The Commonwealth Power company bet
filing feo that they could beat nntJ..r
company to water rights; they lost, and
now they want the stata to refund 2,GS&,"
said Senator Robertson of Holt, opposing
on the floor of the senate a resolution to
allow the company to sue the state. The
resolution, fathered by Sawyer of Lancas
ter, lost by a vote of IS to 14.
Governor Neville has offered llOfl
for the arrest of the murderer of Joe Mar
lines in me union Racine yards at Grand
Island, February 17.
Secretary Danlelson and Hiram Uvn .f
the tSate Board of Agrlrulture. are In
Chicago this week In attendance at a meet
ing of the American Trotting association
and also of the general attraction meeting
which books attractions for state fairs.
A telegram from Carroll Fox. inert for
the United States bureau of public health.
Kepresentativs Horrmelster endorse
House Roll No. 124, the bill backed bv1 the
old-line doctors of this state for a reorgani
sation oi me iiiio neann aepartment. rox
made a survey ot the Nebraska health de-i
partment In 1016, and he recommended1
most of the things provided for In House
Roll No. 124. j
few years ago the wolf bounty law of
Nebraska was wiped off the statute books
by a progressive legislature, because It was
costing the state treasury MMQ0 or 170,000
a year and wolves were multiplying because1
of the bounty. Now the house committee ,
oo agriculture haa recommended for passage ,
bill to restore tne bounty ana make it
higher than ever, $2 a head for coyotes
and It for gray wolves.
Constipation and Hick Headache.
Dr. King's New Life Pills will relieve you
of both, clean out the bowels and make you
feel fine. 16c. All druggists. -A4r.
Little Consideration Given
To Soldiers on Tax Matter
(Krom a Staff Corragpoiidrnt. 1
Lincoln, Feb. 21. (Special.) Sol
dier boys received very little consider
ation at the hands of the revenue and
taxation committee when a bill to ex
empt them from poll tax came up be
fore that committee, the bill being
recommended for indefinite postpone
ment. The bill was rescued and by a
close vote placed on the general file.
A catfish is a game bird, so pro
mulgated) the house, and in the future
will be protected the same as other
game fish and it will be unlawful to
take them with a seine.
An attempt to make violaters of the
fish and game laws subject to im-
Imprisonment, as well as a nne, tailed
to go through on hnal passage, though
for a time it looked as if it might
pass. On a call of the house, how
ever, members begin changing their
votes and when the final count came
the bill was found to be defeated. "4
to 15.
General is Appointed
Commander of Southern
Department of Army,
Nebraska Bankers Appear
Before House Committee
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln. Neb.. Feb. 21. (Special
Telegram.) State and national bank
ers met last evening before the bank
mg committee of the house to con
sider bills before the legislature cov
ering the banking business.
Among those speaking to the com
mittee were:
. R. Cnln, jr.. of Omaha: T. It Math-
ewa of Fremont. Fred Volnp of Herlhner,
P. Nelson of l.ons Pine. w. n. MrlJon-
Id of North Plane. W. 3. Collett of Crete.
Q. ,1. Thornley of Alnnwo . J. '.. May ol
Ohadron. Dun Morrla of Kearney. A. N.
Matters of Gerlng, J. II. Riley of ljenkel-
man and one or two othera.
The Jensen. hill limiting interest on
deposits to 4 per cent was the prin
cipal bill under discussion and the
bone of contention appeared to be
whether a state law could compel na
tional banks to observe it. The Mur-
tev anti-promotor bill also received
some consideration.
Senator Buhrman's Bill
Is Passed by the House
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Feb. 21. (Special.) The
first senate bill to pass the house
Buhrman s S. K 6, requiring real
estate conveyances to name the actual
consideration, under penalty of $10 to
$500 fine got through by a close
squeak. It hao forty-seven votes on
the initial showdown. By resorting
to a call of the house, Mr. Fries suc
ceeded in bringing in enough ab
sentees to raise the total to fifty-four,
or three more than enough.
Allowing banks to bold one-third
of their combined capital and surplus
in the form of real estate and bank
fixtures, as provided in H. R. 317, re
ceived the o. k. of the house, the bill
passing by 52 to 40.
Ramaekers Nominated for
Postmaster at Lindsay
Lindsay, Neb., Fell. 21. (Special.)
W. J. Ramaekers was nominated for
postmaster at the primary election
yesterday by thirty votes over his
nearest onDonent. Will Winkler. The
other candidates were Frank Schaech-
er. Jacob Borer. Frank Connelly, hd
Peterson and J. P. Johnson. Five
hundred and eight votes were cast
Fairbury News Notes.
Fairburv. Neb.. Feb. 21. (Special.)
Robert Scothom and Mrs. J. Uuack
enbush were married Tuesday by
County Judge L. J. Nutzman.
Albert Iweitel, a farmer living sev
eral miles northwest of the city, n
ancrroiislv ill with Dneumonia.
L. H. Hamilton has been appointed
roundhouse foreman at Fairbury to
succeed W. N. Foster, resigned.
A reduction ot extra board hremen
employed on the Nebraska division of
the Rock Island was made .at this
noint hv local ODerating officials.
Nat Downs has departed for Hot
Springs, Ark. William Lostello, an
ther Kock island engineer, is also in
Hot Sorines. Mr. Lostello was
stricken with paralysis on the streets
of Omaha in December.
A safety first meeting ot Nebraska
ivision employes was held at Fair
bury Tuesday afternoon.
Nehawka Teachers Re-elected.
Nehawka, Neb., Feb. 21. (Special.)
The board of education Monday
evening re-elected the whole corps of
teachers for the coming year, tne
teachers are R. E. Dale, superintend
ent; Uadore Sheldon, principal; Ko-
wena Pollard, assistant principal; fcva
Fowler, grammar; Clara Rutherford,
intermediate; Lena Flint, primary.
Nehawka High school has an enroll
ment of fifty-one this year, more than
alf of these being tuition pupils.
Geneva High Closed.
Geneva. Neb.. Feb. 21. The High
school has been temporarily closed
here on account of an epidemic of
phtheria. The basket ball team,
scheduled to play Beatrice Friday
evening, was unable to make the trip.
El Paso, Tex., Feb. 21. Major Gen
eral John J. Pershing received a mes
sage today from Major General Hugh
L. Srott, chief of staff of the United
States army, announcing the appoint'
nient of General Pershing to be com.
.......,4.- AfUA .. A ........
taking the place made vacant by
Major General Frederick Funston'j
General Pershing has planned to
leave here tomorrow evening for San
Antonio, where he will take charge of
the department of which he has-been
in temporary command since the
death of General Funston Monday
hile no announcement has vet
been made, it is expected that Briga
dier General George Bell, jr.. will re
sume command of the El Paso patrol
In his telegram announcing his ap
pointment General Scott also sent his
personal congratulations) to General
Pershing upon his appointment.
Effective at Once.
Washington, Feb. 21. Major Gen
eral John J. Pershing was formally
appointed commander ot the south
em department today, succeeding
Major General Frederick Funston.
The appointment will take effect im
mediately and does not require con
firmation by the senate.
Mayfield to Be Chairman
Of State Board of Control
l From a Staff Corraapondent.
Lincoln, Feb. 21. (Special.).
When Gene Mayfield takes his place
on the board of control on the first
day of March, to fill the unexpired
term of Judge Kennedy, he will sit
as chairman ot the board.
The rules of the board make the
outgoing member chairman for the
last year of his term, and as Mr. May
field is taking the place of the pres
ent chairman he will officiate as his
successor. .
Masons Hold Initiation.
Falls City, Neb., Feb. 21. (Special.)
The Royal Arch Degree Masons
held a banquet in the Christian church
dining room Monday night, preceding
the initiation ot a number of candi
dates in the Masonic hall, to which
many members from Tecumseh and
Pawnee City were present.
Fine Stock Snapped Up.
Grand Island, Neb., Feb. 21. (Spe
cial.) Following the Hereford breed
ers' stock sale, Phil Dawson of Endi
cott yesterday put on sale fifty thor
oughbred Poland-China hogs. Many
buyers were attracted and good prices
were maintained.
Social Glass
vs. Kidneys
b "FmyPkture
Strong drinks, like beer, whiskey.
tea and coffee, irritate the kidneys
and habitual use tends to weaken
them. Daily backache, with headache,
nervousness, dizzy spells and a rheu
matic condition should be taken as a
warning of kidney trouble. Cut out,
or at least moderate the stimulant,
and use Doan's Kidney Pills. They
are fine for weak kidneys. Thousands
recommend them. i
Here i an Omaha case:
Charles Mar ley, 118S N. Eighteenth St.,
aaya: My kidneys were very Irregular In
action and caused ma considerable trouble.
My back ached pretty much alt the time.
When I came to set down or straighten up.
I found it a great effort. Doan's Kidney
Pills soon overcame the trouble, made my
back feel strong and put my kidneys in
good working order. 1 am aeventy.four years
of age now and I am enjoring first-elaas
T was badly ruptured while lifting a, trunk
nevnral yar ago. Doctor! said my only
hope of rur wbi an operation. Truasea did
me no (rood. Finally I got hold of lomo
thing that quickly and completely cured
me. Team have panned and the rupture
haa never relumed, although ! am doing
hard work aa a carpenter. There waa no
operation, no lost time, oo trouble. I have
nothing to sell, but will give full Information
about how you may And a complete cure
without operation. If you write to me, Eu
gne M. Pullen, Carpenter, lt9C Marcellue
Avunue, Manaequan, N. J. Batter cut out
this notice and show It to any othera who
are ruptured you may aava a Ufa or at
least stop the misery of rupture and the
worry and danger of an operation. Adv.
Farm Loan Bank
Is Deluged With
Calls for Money
Although not yet organized for
business, the Omaha federal land
bank already has applications on tile
for almost $4iKl,000 of farm loans.
George L. l-oomis. collector of in
ternal revenue, who recently re
ceived subscriptions for stock of the
federal land bank in the Omaha dis
trict, says that action on the ap
plications cannot be taken until the
central board in charge of all the
federal land banks appoints directors
for this district and the latter or
Youth Killed Instructing
Boys How to "Hop" Cars
KallsCity, Neb., Feb. 21. (Special.)
While riding on a freight in the
Missouri Pacific yards Sunday eve
ning, Jesse Miller, a l.i-vcar-old lad
Ipst his footing and fell under the
train. He was killed instantly. He
had been used to "hopping" the trains
as they switched about the yards.
Lpon this occasion he had compan
ions to whom he was giving instruc
tions in walking the humners. The
other boys were successful in jump
ing off and Miller had just called to
them "Watch me" and attempted to
and the home had been left in charge
ot a Korean student.
Fire originating in the blacksmith
shop of William Taveleka destroyed
that place and the general merchan
dise store of May & May at Pavlinc,
near here, last night. The loss is
about $l'.000, including $2,00(1 worth
of equipment in the blacksmith shop.
1'artial insurance was carried.
Mrs. Keil of Barada Injured.
Falls City, Neb., Feb. 21. (Spe
cial.) Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keil, on
their way to Barada from their home,
upset their car when they ran into a
number of pigs. Mr. Ke(l was thrown
clear of the wreckage, but Mrs. Keil
was pinned underneath the car ami
sustained four broken ribs and re
ceived internal injuries.
Dr. Ferdinand King, a New York City phyeiclan and author, saysi "There cott be no string,
vigorous, (Von men nor beautiful, healthy, rosy-cheeked women without Iron rwuxatcd iron
jump when he lost his fooling and ; ,l,e" three tlmea par day after moale will Increase the strength and endurance of weak.
list l 1 1 H II 11 1 C (.Ala. ' " r-' ... .w " - - J Ri.uwn. ini
old forma of metallic Iron which may Injure the teeth, corrode the atomath, and thereby
do more harm than good. Take only organic Iron Nuxuated Iron. It is disuensed in
this city by Sherman a McConnell Drug Stores end all good druggiata.
Heavy Damages Given
For Attack Upon Wife
Hastings. Neb.. Feb. 21. (Special
Telegram.) Damages in the sum of
$2,500 were awarded lohn M. Baker
by the jury in the district court on
his claim for $150,000 against Samuel
A. Westing on the charge that West
ing forcibly attacked the plaintiff's
wife. The defendant will ask for a
new trial and if ocnrruled will appeal
to the supreme court.
A bursted pipe flooded the home of
Bishop G. A. Beecher last night while
the family was out of town, causing
extensive damage to furniture, rugs,
etc., and ruining plaster in several
rooms. Mrs. Beecher was in Omaha
If you have catarrh, catarrhal deaf
nee or head no, tea go to your dnif
rUt and get 1 oi. of Parmtnt (double
trength), take thia home, adit to it
U pint of hot water and 4 ore. of
granulated augar. Take 1 tableapoon
ful 4 tlmea a day.
ThU will often bring quick relief
from the dlatreaaing head nodes.
Clogged noatrlle ahould open, breath
ing become easy and the mucoua atop
dropping Into the throat.
It la eaiy to make, taetei pleaaant
and Costa little. Every one who haa
catarrh ahould give this treatment
a trial. You wilt probably find it ia
Jut what you need.
ti m nip
i D1U 7
Up go the prices down goes the quality.
That is what greets the parent looking for chil
dren's shoes in most stores in these days of "war
prices." ,
Quality and CHOOL the
Prloe of Same
True, they cost ns more, but we have so many
customers that have bought these shoes for years at
these prices that we will not change.
Children's, 8y, to 11 $2.56
Missei', 11 to 3 $2.50
Young Women's, 2 to 6 $3.00
1411 FARNAM.
Did that itching keep
you awake last night?
And how can you expect to sleep
tonight unless you do something to re
lieve the trouble ? Ectema and otherltch
in; skin troubles don't often heal them
selves. But It is surprising bow quickly
heals sick skins
Almost daily we hear from a skin
sufferer who says " Resinol Ointment
stopped my itching at once and I got
the first good night's sleep I had had
in weeks. Now my skin is well."
Resinol Ointment ia told br druggiata everywhere.
Every NiqM
For Constipation
Sa&and Sure
p. .a.....
j Perry Lock
! Steering Wheel
a positive
SO at all Drug Stores
IWfiMllbtiniCo.Ws Buffalo.N.Y.
. No two locks have, ken
jlike. Front wheels are wild
when car is locked. I
Ask us about it now. Phone I
Douglas 8217.
Auto Device Sales Co.
884-6-8 Brandeis Bldg.
Omaha, Neb.
Buy Flag
brandeis Stores
for school,
library and homo
49c to $12.00
Thursday Is Washington's Birthday
THE HISTORY, so glorious, which chronicles the stern
struggles in which our rights and liberties passed
through the awful baptism of fire and blood, is eloquent
with the deeds of many patriots, warriors and statesmen ;
but these all fall into one prominent and com
manding figure, towering up above the whole group in
unapproachable majesty, whose exalted character, warm
and bright with every public and private virtue, and vital
with the essential spirit of wisdom, has burst all sectional
and national bounds and made the name of Washington
the property of all mankind. ,
Here Are New and Pleasing Draperies
DO YOU REALIZE that the only index to the character of your living quarters that
the passing throng have is the indication shown by the draperies you have at your
Of course our homes are made to live in and not for outward appearance, never
theless we all of us like to make good impressions. Why not consult our experts
when you desire to buy Draperies for your windows?
Here are some suggestions worth. while:
Pretty Muslin Curtains, with pink or yellow dots;
special at, a pair $1.50
Marquintta Curtains with hemstitched edge and
lace; ecru color, a pair $1.08
ISO Pieces of Tape Edge Etamine, Voiles, Marquis
ettes and Scrims, a yard 25. 20J and 30
60 Pieces of 36-inch Drapery Materials, in blues,
peens and rose, Thursday at, a yard ..75
Kapock Drapery Silks, 48 inches wide, nice assort
ment of the new colors, a yard SI. 98
Lace Edge Curtains, we are showing dozens of new patterns, at, a pair $2.08 and $3 08
Third Floor.
48-inch Extra Fine Grade Filet Net; many new
patterns, your choice, a yard 85t
The Specialty Shop
For Misses and Small
Smart Skirts
Tailored and Sports
styles the most attrac
tive separate skirts 'ever
shown for Misses and
Small Women specializ
ing in this particular is an
other "service" this spe
cialty shop offers.
Made of Taffeta, Wool
Velour, Serge, Satin and
Flannel, also Gaberdine.
$5.00 to $10.98
N. B. Even though we do
not herald their arrival in the
newspapers new apparel is ar
riving here daily fascinating
styles that you will want to
Second Floor.
New Frill Blouses
Are Beautiful
THE "FRILL" cannot be denied
its place as Fashion's favorite
is so thoroughly estab
lished that "we must
put on frills," if we
would have our
Blouses in the
latest mode.
These smart Frills look exceptionally well worn
outside the jacket of a smart tailored suit.
We are showing some remarkably beautiful mod
els here,
At $5.00 to $7.50
All the newest colorings, such as rose, watermelon
pink, beige, flesh, gold and all the colorings of the