Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 X
Soldiers Will Protect ' Judge
During Trial of Alleged Mur
derer, Beginning Monday.
Murray, Ky, Feb. 17. Umter the
protection of Kentucky National
Guardsmen the trial of Lobe Mar
tin, a negro, charged with the murder
of Guthrie Duiguid, a policeman, be
gins bere tomorrow.
The soldiery was sent here tinder
orders from Governor A. 0. Stanley
to guard against the possibility of a
repetition of scenes enacted early
last month, when a mob threatened
the life of Grcuit Judge Charles Bush
and Commonwealth's Attorney Denny
The trouble which arose at that
time was the occasion of a harried
night trip by Governor Stanley to
Murray for the purpose of using his
personal influence in averting the
danger which it was reported threat
ened the court
Judge Bush granted continuance
when the negro was presented for
inal January 10 and Martin quietly
-was taken out of Murray and lodged
in the city jail of Paducah, Ky.
Mob Threatens Court
When it was announced that a con
tinuance had been granted, there
arose from the crowd in the court
avom an angry demand that the negro
le placed on trial at once. This was
accoiucanied by threats against the
judge and prosecutor and demands
were made that Martin be brought
Mdc for trial.
late in the day Governor Stanley
aa mtormea or long distance teie
fioone messages of the situation at
Murray. It was reported to him that
tbs circuit judge- and the common'
"wealth s attorney were confined m
their hotel by an angry crowd which
threatened to dynamite the building.
Declaring that be would give the
mob an oooorrunirv to "lynch the
governor of Kentucky first," Gov
ernor Stanley started for Murray
aboard a special train. Every avail
able umt of the Kentucky Itaoona!
Guard was on the Mexican border
and there was no other force which
be could call upon in the emergency.
The governor halted at Faducab
long enough to give personal orders
to the sheriff of Calloway county that
the negro was not to be returned to
Murray, under any circumstancea
less be himself gave the word.
Governor Addresses Crowd,
Arriving at Murray at 9 o'clock in
Se morning. Governor Stanley went
rst to the hotel where Jndge Bush
A Commonwealth's Attorney Smith
4 spent the night Later, after the
Evening of the court, be addressed
irowd which filled the court room
: its capacity. Pleading that the
be allowed to take its course,
'. ernor Stanley said he had come
; '. to protect the court "with my
; body if necessary." When he
j rushed speaking a brother of the
with whose death Martin was
ted arose and endorsed the gov-
fs appeal. The court then ad
led and the crowd filed quietly
I toe room.
Lying the court room, Governor
Icy went about the streets talk-
b individuals, repeating the argn
h of his address and rebuking
: tendency to revive the mob spirit
i had ruled the day before. By
he apparently had dominated
itoan'on and there appeared to be
anger of further trouble. Shortly
safter he left Murray' on his spe
ttrain, accompanied by officials of
xrooDA Recalled from Border.
veral days after the Murray tnci
it Governor Stanley requested the
Bra from the Mexican border of
see companies of the Kentucky Na
9hal Guard, whose home stations
sere k widely separated sections of
ne state. The War department com-
jued and Lomoany A of the first
- cgiment from LousmiDc, Company
D of the Third regiment, from Hop
i kmsville, and the Frankfort company
of the Second regiment were returned
tcom the border and mustered out of
the federal service.
The Hc-pkmeviue company received
, esoers last Monday to move to Mur-
fay for doty dm iiig Martin's trial.
. Many dtssene of Calloway county
, protested against the sending of the
troops, asserting 'that there was no
.dinger of vsosenee bvt Governor
Stanley was not witling to take
chance of a rrprtitkei of the dia-
.JRfealtby Farmer Wife
Wins Separate Support
The divorce srrit of the Thieses.
i wtixii has been pending in district
i court for several monthe, came to
end Saturday looming when a de
cree Ol eperace maancnauce was
granted to Mary Ethel Thies from
Ferry Joseph Thies, a wealthy farmer.
Mrs. Thies alleged cruelty. The
court found that the evidence was
not sufficient to grant a decree of
absorate divorce. The wife was al
lowed $35 a month for the support of
herself and minor child and $350 feet
for her attorneys.
The following decrees were also
granted in divorce court:
KiM GertanaJe tiaa Moris R. Oar-
Mercer A. Basins Craa Iota
. Sughea.
Loon Osaka tram HareM Oooks,
v Divorce petitions filed by dissatis
fied wives ana nusoanas are as tot
' lows:
Bmma D. WooW wnfcnst Hansl JT.
Wontf. uaMDMCt alleged. I
Lola . Crals ssalBet Jabs A. Craig.
ernslty alleged.
Henrr P. Hersell sgaroat LOBi C H-
nil deeeraor, uhm.
Cartsuan Niiaea
asrtloa alleged.
Ann Oertnsaa Itwta agalnat Carl Zrwtn,
WWII? alleged.
Mar isoCrawMMi against Lm lfoCreswm,
Benaupport alleged.
Minnie Beltelinan against Mntoa Bsttes.
nu, nensupport alleged.
Buford and Anderson
Pose as Fire Department
A fire, due to an overheated stove.
hi roe Mate furniture company, four
teenth and Dodge streets, was ex
tinguished by Police Chauffeur Bu
ford and Conductor Anderson with
out the help of the. fire department
The officers were returning from a
call at Sixteenth and Dodge streets
when they noticed a number of ex
cited clerks trying to put out a small
blaze with brooms. With the aid of
the fire extinguisher on the patrol
they had no difficulty in extinguishing
the flames. Several mattresses and
Noted Architect to
With Bankers Realty Investment Co,
F. W. Fitzpatrick has been engaged
by the Bankers Realty Investment
company as head of its construction
Among architects ot America r. W.
Fitzpatrick is a household name. Born
Canada, he entered the great west
the United States many years ago
d has fought his way to the very
front rank of the architects of Amer
ica. For years he was a member of
the firm of Traphageu & Fitzpatrick
Duluth. the firm that planned so
many of the important buildings in
the cities ot the northwest In 18
was called to the service of the
federal government and for seven
years more he rendered it distin
guished service, being in charge of
the government's most important
building operations. In 1904 he re
signed from the federal government
service to devote his efforts to the
work of a consulting architect, and
during later years he designed and
planned a large nifmber of big build
ings in uiis country, as wen as in
Some of the finest buildings in Mon
treal, Toronto and Winnipeg, as well
as in our own country, were designed
by Mr. Fitzpatrick for local archi
tects. It was Mr. Fitzpatrick who. awav
back in the eighties, in co-operation
with a Swedish engineer, developed a
scheme for constructing tall, steel or
iron Trame buildings. Ia fact, it is
perhaps true that he was the first to
originate and make possible the plan
upon which present day skyscrapers
are built
With all of his busv life Mr. Fit.
Patrick has found time in which to do
pioneer work in other movements for
the public good. He was the first
to give impetus to the "city beauti
ful" idea for the city of Washington,
laboring for an appointment by the
president of the art commission that
later did much good work in the
Youth Would Marry Young Woman
Who Abandoned Her Little Babe
Chfvefrv amontr the workadav nmv
pie of the world, as portrayed by 6.
Henry in his tales of the four million,
is very much alive in Omaha, judging
from a story which came to light in
the office of the county attorney.
ttiui yny am lurgrwucss III ma
heart after reading the newspaper
atones of Anna Clayton, a young
mother who abandoned her 12 days'
old baby a couple of days ago, giving
as her excuse the fact that a man by
the name of John Flynn, not the
father of the child, however, wanted
to marry her if she would get rid of
the child, a local gallant visited Coun
ty Attorney Magney and expressed a
wish to make the young woman his
wife. '
This man, who has never teen
Anna Clayton, told the county attor-
Socialists Will
Words for Bullets
War agarnst war with words as
ammunition instead of shot and shell
will be waged eloquently at the Audi
torium Sunday afternoon by socialists
and all other pacifists.
"Down with war. Down with the in
human social system that breeds
wars. Long live peace. Long live the
international solidarity of the workers
of all nations." These and a few
other ' like statements preface a
printed invitation to attend the mass
Speakers of national repute will
be on hand to marshal the facts and
theories of history and economics and
array them as arguments against
war and militarism. Also, says John
T. Goings, chairman of the protesting
committee agamst war, I hose who
favor war and have the courage of
their convictions will get full op
portunity to be beard.
Denizens of East Bottoms
Pick Pears from Dumps
A local conrnrission firm on Friday
banted four carloads of California
pears to the new city dump at Wil
low slough, northeast of Carter lake.
The frutt was spoiled m storage in
Omaha. These were canning pears
and it is said that the high price of
- last fall affected the market for
this class of fruit An attempt to
keep the pears in storage resulted in
spoliation by frost
Residents of the east bottoms gath
ered np a lot of the fruit.
Stevens Has Cold Feet
And Very Nimble Fingers
George Stevens' feet were cold. So
when he proceeded to rub them
against Paul Sve, his bed mate at
Father Flanagan's hotel, the latter
took the matter as a joke. When Sve
awoke, however, he found that be
sides being touched with cold feet, he
had also been touched for $3. He
had his bed mate arrested. In police
court Saturday morning Stevens got
thirty days in the worknouse.
Dnrino- the fifteen years that I
have sold Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Root
in this locality I have not heard
single unfavorable comment from my
patrons. Tney are weu pieasea wim
the results obtained in all the differ
ent ailments of the kidneys, liver and
bladder. I know that Swamp-Root is
a fine medicine and I like to recom
mend it
Very troly toots,
Sept 21, 1916. Ostrander, Minn,
Prove Wkat Swnnrp-Root
When your back aches end your bladder and kidneys seem to be dis
ordered, remember it is needless to suffer go to your nearest drug store
and get a bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root It is physician's prescription
for diseases of the kidneys and bladder. It has stood the test of years and has
reputation for quickly and effectively giving results in thousands of esses.
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample
size bottle. It will convinA anyone. You will also receive booklet of valu
.ki. ieiereieHan tolltno- ahnnt the kidneva snd bladder. When writing, be
sure end mention The Omaha Sunday
size bottles for sale at all drug stores.
Come to Omaha
beautifying of the national capital.
Joe Mitchell Chappie, the famous
cuuor oi ine nauonai autgaziuc,
referring to Mr. Fitzoatrick. says:
"Always of a scientific trend of
thought, his contributions to various
magazines and newspapers are most
interesting and to the point and are
widely quoted. In addition to his
work in this, his specialty, he has ac
complished splendid results in the ad
vancement of architectural and civic
ey that in. his opinion all the young
woman needed was a good husband
and admitted that he wanted a wife.
County Attorney Magney informed
the young gallant that the only thing
that would prevent him from pushing
the case against Anna would be an
order from the district court The
county attorney's office is said to be
preparing to file a charge of attempted
murder against the young woman.
Following her arrest she named a Lin
coln man as the father of her child. '
The child, which is now in the
Child Saving institute, is also in de
mand. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Hughes
of Clarinda, la., have written the
county attorney expressing a wish to
adopt the baby and give it a good
home. Their application is being con
sidered. Baby Boy Bandits
Who Strong-Armed
Girl Get "Theirs"
Charged with having strongarmed
Evelyn Flower, 5 years old, and
robbed her of some small change,
four South Side youths, ranging in
ages from 9 to 13 years, were ar
raigned before Judge Sears in juvenile
court, who presided in the absence of
Judge Leslie.
Tony Kadzickousky, 12 years old,
said to bave been the leader of the
youthful "highwaymen," was ordered
taken to the state industrial school at
Krarnrv. Stenhen Bnrdlira. 11 vears
old, Andrew Macek, 9 years old and
Sam Zaep, 13 years old, were re
leased on parol to the juvenile court
The Radzickousky boy was the
youngest offender charged with
strongarming ever arraigned before
Judge Sears in the tatter's career as
a judge.
Haw Care Coida.
Avotfl ipoMirai and drafts. . Sat right.
Take Dr. KlnCl New DfeKOvarr. It klltt
and deetroya the oold sarraa. An dros
rltta. Advartlannattt. 1
No More Brown Tastes
In Your Mouth.
If roa win roard and protect roar
- We tern Mt itaodard for r-Jlrf
tram Ua and aompltoaUooe and we have
to Hn w to it.
Try onr Mttwral 8prfec Bathe and
drink Brawn Park Mineral Spring
wauo that will ton yon ui and ra-
iim nraak aleknaaa, Onr Bathe are
vary eocoeaafa a a relief lor roen
matiira. Brown Park .
Mineral Springs
OataoBathis PbroJciaa In Ours.
ZSth and O Sta. Sooth Side.
i Sooth 079.
' I believe you have a splendid, re
liable kidney, liver ami bladder medi
cine in Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
and my customers who have taken it
daring the past thirty-sir. years have
nothing hat praise for what it ac
complished for them. On account of
the splendid reputation which it. en
joys in the trade I have no hesitancy
in recommending it for troubles for
which it is intended.
Yours very truly,
J. G. SUSBEN, Druggist
Sept 21, 1914. Bastings, Minn,
WH1 D For Yon.
Bee. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar
Pythian Veterans to Meet for
Annual Banquet on Mon
day Evening.
The Pythian Veterans will hold
their nineteenth annual banquet at the
Hotel Loyal Monday, February 19, at
6:30 p. m. U. B. Balcombe, J. M.
McFarland and M. H. Hoerner are
the committee in charge .Following
is the toast list:
TMitmutff, John Q, Ooaa, P. 8. R.
"The Grand Lodge," a. W. MorwUth.
P. (1 C. ,
-Pythian Natal Day," Oeorre A, kfacnef,
P. O. 0.
"Pythian F. C. and B," Will H. Un O.
K. R. and S.
"Frlenderdp, the Cenwntou," Dr. L. A.
Mf-rrlam. I. C.
"The Old Guard of Pytntarrtam," James C
Dahlman, P. C.
"Jl Plain Tal,- W. & Lard a, tV B.
"royalty to Our Conntrr a Tanat OC Onr
Order," T. W. MCulloairh. Kt
"Pythian Fidelity." w. W. Tonne P. 8. B.
Dr. Roy A. Dodge has been elected
secretary of the Veterans. Other offi
cers will be elected at the close of the
Nebraska Lodge No. 1 will hold its
regular weekly meeting Monday eve
ning at 8 o'clock sharp in Crounse
hall. There will be work in both the
second and third ranks. We need all
knights at this meeting and urge that
special effort be made to attend.
Woodmen of the World.
Next Tuesday evening at Crounse
hall, under the auspices of Seymour
Camp No. 16, Woodmen of the World,
will be rendered the comic operetta,
"Captain van der Hnm," by the Young
Men's Christian Association Glee club,
Prof. Lee G. Kratx, director. The
entertainment will be followed by an
informal dancing party.
Tuesday evening, February 27, the
protection degrees will be conferred
uoon a class of new members.
Seymour Camp now has a member
ship ot the largest wooamen
of the World camp in the city.
The degree team of Seymour Camp
is preparing to go to Lincoln next
month to the state coirvenOon, and
will enter the drill contest
South Omaha Camp No. 211 on
Wednesday evening initiated a class
of candidates and elected the follow
ing delegates to represent the camp at
the head camp meeting in uncoin:
Frank J. Helm, A. E. Carter and Dan
German-American Camp No. 104
will hold its work session Tuesday
evening in New Bohemian Turner
hall, at which time a large class of
candidates will be initiated.
Marconi Camp No. 421 will meet
Wednesday evening in Columbia hall.
The full initiation ceremony will be
fhren to a large class of candidates,
am Mancuso and Stephan Zaghini
will look after the entertainment of
members and visitors.
The hard times party given by
Thomas Camp No. 523 in the Benson
Auditorium Saturday evening was a
success. The attendance was large,
the music furnished by Jacobs or
chestra, was satisfactory, and the cos
tumes so much m harmony witn tne
style of the party that all pronounced
it a success.
Benson Camp No. 288 will meet
Tuesday evening to confer degrees
and initiate candidates. The hospital
corps will be present to give a demon
stration ot Its eneeuveness m nospiuu
work after having been through a
thoroush course in training during the
winter months. The First regiment
hand, an adiunct ot this camp, will
accompany the corps and render some
choice selections.
Lithuanian Camp No. 444 meets to
day at 2 p. m. at 5306 South Thirty-
An Open
States Senator Mason on N mated Iron
And His Reply Thereto.
As a pioneer in Pure Food
the rights of the Great
It is your duty, Senator Mason, to tell the public just what
you think of Nuxated Iron and just what benefits you
obtained from taking it at 65 years of age, when
you were all run down, after the hardest
fought political campaign of your life.
Senator Kaaon, an
ot the
real It bis man at
a national Same ,w work tor Soar Tew
m tbe Unites Btatee Boom of BmiiuoeWa
twea and Sot six yean In the Dotted States
Sonata Is aonrlas lealaUttoo rarformf labor
and the great III or people has written
ronr nams tnAeUbtr
the groat lawmakers and
Senator Mason, there are rhonsends
net and women hi
eeed something to I
give -them mai
vigor, vitality ai
did. bat they do
JUSt ran Ton
not know whet to take
do sot all ana row same ad
for conanltms phyafetana and
obtaining Information en thai sublet.
When you were an the floor at fha
mate roe advocated and fnnghl for
Pure rood and Dross logis anion teasuee
yon believed It to be for the rood of
the people you vara the rather of the
Rural Free Denvery system for this same
tisssiiisii slant for the
people of Illinois, you are now advooatlng
the sight-hour working law tar this earns
Ttun 4tenYtor Msvmd, to it not
dvf? to UU IM pMpto J-
atrt Irea did fr yo t tt rm
si of
f Mo matter wbothar It to
law or wht&t not. If It It tor tlw ood
of tbo poopllo to It not your duty to holp
mtvK It known to thorn?
NuxatMl Ito l noi a ptviow meoi
etno oor oooro. romody. Howard
.Tarn, UU of tbo Uoitod Statoi PuMle
HaaJth Serrlco, -jn: "In my opinion
orvante Inm to beyond , Qooottoa tbo
croouot of ill srtnatrth IwiMora. If
pooplo would only throw tway habit
fonrtlnv drnsa and iuumoh concoction
and tako olmplo Nuxated Iron. I un con
vlnood that tbo Uvo of tbiMManda of
perooa mlirht bo aavod who now dit
owy yar from poMiav ffrippo,
conatunptlon, kidney. Uwor and htart
trouble, etc. Tho real and true eauee
which BUrtod thotr dtoeaewi wu both
Inf more -nor low than lack of Iron
tn tho blood, - Iron to ebeolutel doc.
aary to enable your blood to chance food
Into living tlMue. Wlthoat It, no matter
how Mweh or what you oat, jroor food
meioly poeoii thnravh yoa without dulnn
yon any food. You don't set the stronnth
out of U. and aa a co equenco you becom
seeond street. Woodmen of the World
Robin Hood Camp No. 30 will meet
Monday evening in Woodmen of the
World hall, Florence.
Alpha Camp No. 1 elected delegates
and alternates to tbe head camp con
vention as follows: W. J. Taylor,
Julius Wiig, Emil Motz, Mike Keiser
and L. K Aidrrch.
Woodmen Circle Items.
W. A. Fraser Grove No. 1 met last
Friday evening in Crounse hall. The
Dora Alexander guards assisted in
conferring the degrees. Their special
drill was under the leadership of the
new captain, Alice Trudeau. The fol
lowing were guests of honor: Dora
Alexander, supreme clerk; Mary Tay
lor, Effie Rogers and Dr. Jamie Call
fass, past supreme physician. The fol
lowing were elected delegates to the
head camp: Daisv Blmn, Cora S.
Bunce, Stella Wilson, Dr. Olga
Stastny, Florence Holden, Dora L.
Bryan and Leigle R. Howell
Alpha Grove No. 2 initiated a large
class of candidates last Tuesday eve
ning and elected the following dele
gates to attend the head camp con
vention: Nancy Kingsbury, Mrs. M.
C. Anderson, Sylvia Beats, Mrs. Ida
Lane and Mrs. Catherine Demsey.
The following supreme officers were
guests of honor: Mary E. La Rocco,
supreme advisor; Dora Alexander, su
preme clerk; Mary Taylor, chairman
supreme managers; Effie Rogers, Ma
mie E. Long and Maggie Hyde, su
preme managers.
Mrs. Kate Remington, guardian of
Welcome Grove No. 54, will meet with
the new officers and drill team Mon
day evening in Druid hall for se
hearsal and drill.
Knights of the D. 0. K. K.
AH votaries of Shadnkiam Temple
No. 84, D. O. K. K., will meet at
Knights of Pythias hall, 400 West
Broadway, Council Bluffs, at 7 JO p. m.
to go to Omaha to visit Jan Hus
lodge, Knights of Pythias. All offi
cers will be in full uniform. Wear
your fez.
Brotherhood of American Yeomen.
Last Wednesday evening Omaha
Homestead No. 1404 gave a mask
Next Wednesday everting the Yeo
men will celebrate the twentieth anni
versary of the founding of the order.
The meeting will be public. All the
homesteads in Omaha and friends are
invited to attend. Supreme officer will
be present
E B. Vroman, recently appointed
district manager by the supreme of
fice, has added a list of prizes to his
former list
Tribe of Ben Hur.
The musical program rendered last
Thursday evening was highly appre
ciated. Next Thursday evening there
will be a masquerade dancing party.
Fraternal Aid Union.
A prize card party win be given
Tuesday evening by Mondamin Lodge
No. Ill, Fraternal Aid Union. Dancing
wiU be on the program.
Odd Fellows.
Omaha Lodge No. 2, Independent
Order of Odd Fellows, will have sev
eral important matters up for con
sideration Friday evening.
State Lodge No. 10 wiU have degree
work Monday evening.
Heauei ian Encampment No. 2 con
ferred the golden rule and royal pur
ple degrees on several candidates last
i hursday.
- Triangular Encampment No. 70 will
have degree work Wednesday eve
ning. Rtrth Lodge No. 1 gave a Valentine
oartv Wednesday evening. "The
Gypsy's Warning" was presented,
Mrs. Bnllhart taking tbe solo part
Mr. and Mrs. Weingand in "The Ger
man Musicians" created much laugh
The regular meeting of Ruth lodge
Letter to Former United
and Drugs Legislation
Masses of the American
weak, pare and atakrr looking, Juat like a
pleat trrtng to grow In a aoll denetent In
Iron. A patient of mine remarked to me
(after having been on I III weeka course
of Nnxated Iran) : Be Dvekar, thee then
ataaT kt like naasht.'
"Prwrloan to nateg Nnxated Iron. I had
bean preocriblng the varloue mineral ealta
ina f. eoara, onlr
to meet compiainie
teeth, diatorfoed dlgeatlon.
etc. and I
reached the coocluaton that the
onlr war to eupplr Iron waa to get the
of uaMual to eat very large quantities of apln
e aeh, eaarota and ratrtUe, when I came aoroaa
Nuxaud Iron, an elegant, ingenious prepara
e Uon onntalnlnr orgatuo Iron, which haa no
deatmetrro aotlon on the teeth no cor-
rootve enact on tne iiomecn ana wojea ia
MBV ..iiuiui ... th blood end
onlckly makoa Its presence felt by mcraaaod
vigor, snap and staying powsr.
Tf yon ars net strong or well yon owo
It to yourself to make the following teet:
Ses how long you can work or how far
you can walk wKhout becoming tired. Next
talre rwa mw siam taotets oi muira iron
three times per day after meals for two
Gfratlemen; unicago, j.xx.
I have often said I would never recommend
medicine of any kind. I believe that the doctor's
plaoe. However, after the hardest political
campaiKn of my life, without a chance for a Ta
cation, I had been starting to court every morn
ing with that horrible tired feeling one cannot
desoribe. X waa advised to try Huxated Iron. As
a pioneer in the pure food end drug legislation,
I was at first loath to try an advertised remedy,
but after advising with one of my medical
friends, I gave it a test. The results have
been so beneficial in my own case, I made np my
mind to let my friends know about it, and you are
at liberty to publish this statement if you so
desire. I am no 65 years of age and I feel
that a remedy which will build np the strength
and increase the power of endurance of one at ey
age, should be 'known to the world.
lours very truly,
will be held next Saturday evening,
when the Rebekah degree will be con
ferred on several candidates.
Ladies' Auxiliary of Clan Gordon.
The Ladies' Auxiliary of Clan Gor
don No. 63 will give a carnival and
dance at the Swedish Auditorium next
Friday evening for the relief of the
war sufferers.
Lawton Auxiliary.
The General Henry W. Lawton
Auxiliary to Lee Forby Camp, United
Spanish War Veterans, will hold its
regular meeting Wednesday in Me
morial halt when new work will be
taken up.
Sympathy for Coal Barons
Burdened by Business
Pity the poor coal man!
He has plenty of coal on hand;
prices are higher than ever before; a
cold wave is here and folks had to
stock up their coal bins before Sun
day. So Old King Coal's flunkies were
forced to deliver a lot of coaL
Verily, the way of the coal man is
hard hard cash.
on Eczema
It frill take Jotf few MMrti to -fa hi
nd at m what aur expoieone baa been in
tbewm- of crateftri cmtxm With the ootb
tar waah of oil D. D. D. tttc, sec and fl-M.
Your iony back mrieai tbo fint bottt r
tterea yoc
e Irficcxxid. Wcxsll
Sherman ft McOmnofl Drug Co.
"I had been overworking for years
and my stomach gave out I had no
appetite and what I ate formed gas
and soared. Was always constipated.
Nothing helped until I tried bock
thorn bark, glycerine, ete, as mixed
in Adler-i-ka, ONE SPOONFUL
astonished me with its INSTANT ac
tion." Because Adler-i-ka empties
BOTH large and small intestine it
relieves ANY CASE constipation,
sour stomach or gas and prevents ap
pendicitis. It has QUICKEST ac
tion of anything we ever sold. The
Sherman-McConneil Drag Co 16th
and Dodge, and tbe Owl Drag Cct,
16th and Harney.
" i
. "SB
and as a pronounced champion of all bills protecting
People as against trusts
JWwr OwtttJ$ltSs9r Wm. . iTueo. meeJfr
KHd Hi tmmr o V V. & Cmtrm fnm IUimtu
MffiC. I
Remarkable Record of
Onaha Insurance Man
District Manager
of the Northwestern Mutual Life
hieuinoe Company.
A number of yean ago a cattle
boat sailing from Hanover, Ger
many, bad for a passenger a little
stowaway who was bound for
America, the land of opportunities.
This stowaway was H. G. Fricke,
and that America has proven the
land of Ins opportunity Is proven
by the tact that be holds the record
of doing nearly twice as much busi
ness In lilt as any other agent of
tha eomoany which he represents.
This phenomenal sneoess has been
obtained attar bat toco- years' con
nection with 41m Omaha Agency,
which covers the state ot Nebraska.
When asked as to what he consid
ered the greatest factor m his suc
cess be stated that "Service to the
people" has been his slogan and ad
herence to this policy has many
times eansed him to travel fifty or
sixty miles to answer in person ln
qtdriss from those who desired In
formation In regard to life Insur
ance. "My office at Sit Bnmdels
Bldg, is bat the hesdqcaiters from
which I work, carrying -the gospel
of "protection of those we love
whesever audience win be given,"
Is the attitude of Mr. Pricks.
Have 1000 eases of Golden Sheaf and
Union Leader Whiskey, 4 and 5 years
old, bottled in bond,made from Ne
braska and Iowa choicest grain, for
sale cheap. Now is your chance to put
in a few cases.
Full quarts, 12 bottiss in rm $ 9.00
24 pinta in cue mM..., 9.50
48 ooe-half pinta in caao...... 104)0
(5- or 10-caa lots 50c ease reduction.)
Single gallon lota.. $3.00 per gal.
5 or 10-f-aJ. lota $20 per gaL
Send for oar price Est on cat prices.
Largest Family Liquor House in the West.
Largest Mail Order House in the West.
Opposite Union Stock Yards. Omaha, Neb.
and combines, we believe
woefca. Then test ybur strcnirth a train and
see how much you nave pained. lTrom my
own experience with Nuxated Iron, I feel It
la such a valuable remedy thftt tt ahould
bo kept In every hospital and prescribed
by ovary phyatcian in thio country."
Dr. Saner, a Boston physician, who haa
tttudled both In thin country and great
Buropean Medical Inatitutlona. says: "Thflre
can bo no strong, vi pro roue iron men and
beautiful, healthy women without Iron. Not
Ions ago a man came to me who waa nearly
half a century old and asked me to give
him a preliminary examination for life in
surance. 2 was astonished to find htm
with tho tyood pressure of a boy of 20
and aa full of vigor, vim and vitality aa
a young man; In fact a young man he
really waa, notwithstanding his age. The
secret, he said, waa taking Iron nuxated
iron had filled him with renewed life. At
30 he was In bad health; at 46 he was
careworn and nearly all In now at 60,
after taking nuxated Iron, a mlrac le of
vitality and his face beaming with the
buoyancy of youth."
Dr. Schuyler C. Jauea, Visiting Sur
geon, St. Elizabeth's Hospital, New York,
says: "I have never before given out any
medical Information or advtce for publica
tion, as I ordinarily do not believe In it.
But In the case of Nuxated Iron I feel
I would bo remiss In my duty not to men
tion It. I have taken .It myself and given
it to my patients with most surprising and
satisfactory results. And those who ivinh
quickly to Increase their strength, power
and endurance will find It a most 'remark
able and wonderfully effective remedy."
Dr. T. A. Wallace, a physician of mnny
years' experience In this country and who
has been given many honorary titles in
England, says: "I do not make a practice
of recom mending advertised medicinal
products, but I have found Nuxated Iron
so potent In nervous, run-down conditions,
that I believe all should know of It. The
men ajd women of today need more iron
tn their blood than was the case twenty or
thirty years ago. Tbto because of the de
mlnerallaod diet which now Is served dally
In thousands of homes and also because of
the demand for greater resistance neces
sary to offset the greater number of health
hasards to be met at every turn."
NOTE: Nuxated Iron which was used by
Former United States Senator Mason at 115
years of age with such surprising and nat
lsfactory results and which Is prescribed
and recommended above by physicians in
such a great variety of cases, Is not a
patent medicine nor secret remedy, but one
which Is well known to druggists and whose
Iron constituent are widely prwicrtbed by
eminent physicians both In Europe and
America. Unlike tho older Inorganic iron
products. It Is easily assimilated, does not
injure the teeth, make them black, nor up
set tho stomach; on the contrary, It Is a
most potent remedy In nearly all forms of
Indigestion as well as for nervous run-down
conditions. Tho manufacturers have unch
Kreat confidence tn nuxated Iron tbat thry
offer to forfeit lloO.Oo to any rbarllsble
Institution If they oannot take any man
or woman under W who lacks iron, und
Increase their strength 100 per cent or over
In four weeks time, provided they have no
serious organic trouble. They also oftVr to
refund your money, if It does not at at
double your strength and endurance :-i t-n
days' time. It Is dispensed In thin cl by
Sherman McConnell Drug Htores and all
good druggists. Advertisement,
frisiA, were destroyed.