Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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7 A
Nursing the Fragile Flowers
Through Four Seasons Is
Not an Easy Task.
Where dc you think all those flower
beds that will soon appear in the
parks and squares and school grounds
come from?
They- don't just "happen." They
don't just grow by themsejves.
Oh, you knew that, did you? Well,
of course, I suppose you did. But
did you ever stop to think how much
hard work is represented in those
All winter the plants are growing
in the city's green house In Hanscom
park. They start from the seed in
shallow boxes, about 1,001) seeds be
ing planted in each shailow box.
When the plants arc an inch or
two high they are taken out and set
in tiny flower pots. Later they are
transferred to biKger pots, and still
later to still bigger ones.
Just now Mr. Hummel' men arc
working on a little job of transferring
15,000 geraniums from three-Inch to
four-inch pots, the final transfer be
fore they arc set out in Ihe open.
City Floriculturist C. R. Wolff es
timates that they grow about 450,000
plants and flowers in the city's green
house annrally.
Populous Kingdom.
1 1 certainly is a thickly populated
land nf flowers, all kinds of cm. from
the dainty narcissus to the giant
palms, that rear their heads high
against the glass roof. Regiments of
carnations, army corps of geraniums
and innumerable companies of other
Just at the present time 5,000 hya
cinths, narcissus, tulips and daffodils
are in full bloom with all colors of
the rainbow and many colors that the
rainbow never thought of.
Over in the other greenhouse, the
one with the little dome on it, the
orchids live in the solemn seclusion
that befits their rarity. Such shapes
of petals and salyxes as you never
dreamed of are here. And such per
fect blendings and splashings of color
as make one pause to reflect humbly
npon the crudeness of man's best work
when compared with that of nature.
About March 1 twelve hotbeds will
be built outside to make room for
the thousands of growing plants that
must populate the many flower beds
:n the spring time.
That Spring Job.
Among the little jobs Brother Hum
mcl's department has to do in the
spring is to set out 14,435 geraniums
and 11,195 border plants in beds be
longing to the city. Mr. Wolff has
it all figured out.
Hanscom park has seven beds which
take 3,300 geraniums and 2,900 border
plants. Jefferson square requires
ninety geraniums and 150 border
plants. At the public library 350
plants will be placed in a flower bed.
At the emergency hospital a bed will
be planted requiring 500 plants. Other
beauty spots are placed at the various
fire barns. And so it goes. There
will be also twenty-five beds of cannas
in various places requiring the placing
of 6,250 cannas.
Growing the plants for these beds
and placing them in the beds and
keeping them looking nice, all this is
just a small part of Mr. Wolffs job.
How would you like to be Mr. Wolff?
Half Million is
Offered Bertschy -For
His New.Find
a., -a f ecnnnnn i,- a
T T D . .. i .1. .. 1 . I. - I
j. i. iiiav.ujF iui uic luiiiiuia ui luc
process he has recently discovered
of tempering steel at exceptionally
low cost. Mr. Bertschy, at his Harney
street plant, the Bertschy Engineering
company plant, has been for some
weeks demonstrating his discovery
for the edification and entertainment
of his friends.
. He takes a common soft wire nail
and by the application of his quick
and cheap process converts it into
the hardest steel, so that when flat
tened down to a chisel blade, he cuts
iron, steel or stone with it with equal
Mr. Bertschy holds that by his
process common rolled steel may be
quickly tempered at a cost of but 1
cent per pound. The common rolled
steel is worth about 3 cents a pound,
while the hardened steel is worth
$3.50 a pound.
New Kids for -the Kiddies
fi i
y w
Park Commissioner Hummel has
a pair of the new kids. He says he
is not kidding about this. They are
real baby goats and are as lively
as a pair of crickets. The mother is
of Texan ancestry and Joe Hummel
avers there is a little bit of the border
spirit in the kids.
This happy family was brought out
to a sunny field the other afternoon
and the baby goats immediately be
gan cutting up all sort of capers, just
as if they were glad to be alive and
kicking. They are practicing climb
ing the sides of buildings and are
learning to nibble tin cans and other
bric-a-brac. One of them tried to
nibble a tire on Mr. Hummel's auto
They are in winter quarters at pres
ent, but in the early spring will be
given a home in the Riverview park
South Side Family
Is Found in Need of
Medical Attention
During their housing investigation
work of the South Side inspectors
of the Welfare board found a hus
band and wife and nine children liv
ing in four rooms, the father tuber
cular and five of the children af
flicted with sore throats. The head
of this' household is working, but has
received no medical attention.
"There is urgent need of regulation
of tubercular patients in Omaha. It
seems that a person with an advanced
case of the disease is allowed to work
with other people and without restric
tions as to his habits," stated Super
intendent Schrejber of the Welfare
House to Give Gold Spoon
To Speaker's Grandson
Washington, I''eb. 17. Young
Champ Clark Thomson of New Or
leans, grandson of Speaker Clark, will
get a gold knife, fork, spoon and cup
as a gilt of the house. At the sug
gestion of Republican Leader Mann
on the floor today every member con
tributed to such a present.
Hungarians Planning
To Locate in the West
Lajos Steiner, connected with the
colonization department of the Union
Pacific, has about matured plans for
planting a number of large colonies
of Hungarians in western Nebraska
and eastern Colorado and Wyoming
during the coming summer,
Mr. Steiner proposes to bring mar
ried men generally and place them
upon the cheap lands. They will
some largely from the steel mills and
industrial plants of Pennsylvania and,
as a rule, he asserts that prior to
coming to the United States they
were farmers.
Railroad Workman Falls
Fifteen Feet to Viaduct
While working on a signal device
fifteen (feet above the level of the L
street viaduct in South Omaha, F. W.
Robinson of Gilmore, Neb., a Union
Pacific enploye, fell. An ugly gash
across his forehead was the worst of
his injuries. Police Surgeon Losey
attended him.
Use Sunderland's Certified Goal
To Wind Up the Winter-
Quick Deliveries
Careful Service
70 Fine Big Teams
Guaranteed High
Purchase thesort,
1)1 Will
Small Orders Always Welcome
You Have Our Cordial Invitation to
Try Sunderland Now For Fuel
Sunderland Brothers Co.
Entire Third Floor Keellne Building
17th and Harney Streets
One of Our Yards is Near Your Home
Piano Prices
Over 200 Instruments
Must Be Sold Re
gardless of Profit
We are compelled to make room for
our Columbia Grafonola Wholesale
Department. Several carloads of Graf
ooolaa and Records have been re
ceived and many more now in transit.
We realise the only thins: that will
dispose of this mammoth stock of
new and slightly used upright, grand
and player pinnoa quickly ia the price
and terms, and what we do not sell
in th next ten days we will have to
place In storage. This is your oppor
tunity to save money on ' a high
grade piano.
Here are. a Few Samples of the
Reductions You May Expect
to Find
$600 Knabe Square $25
$225 Decker Upright $60
$2B0 Krell Upright $95
$300 Kroeger Upright $85
$300 Kurtzman Upright. .$135
$400 Steger & Sons $198
$750 Steinway Upright. . .$600
$425 Emerson Upright . .$319
$475 Hardman Upright .. $347
$450 Chickering $75
$1,000 Chickering Grand $150
$1,200 Steinway Grand.. $565
Our toe It of new piano, consists of
the finest product of the piano mak
ers' art, including; the famous Stein
way, the standard piano of the world:
also the celebrated Hardman, Stej-er
A Sona, Emerson. McPhail and our
own sweet-toned Schmoller St Muel
ler piano, sold from factory-to-hom
at a savins to you of from $100 to
$5.00 a month b rings a beauti
ful instrument to yoar bom..
Hifh grade Piano, for rent
$3.50 per month and op. One
year's rent allowed on pare has
Schmoller & Mueller
Piano Co.
1311-1313 Farnam Street
Omaha, Neb.
The Leading Piano House
of the West.
Estab. 1859. TeL Dong. 1623
3!x Exceptional Assortments and Values in New Spring Merchandisers
J U7M1 iv ti i r r n . ti n Cl RAT J..
I Tir I riAiisnnris a( MnsVAas Kmiii I-a I ill e Knew MAM IV1 fnAl XT K
isiaw iiiuuoaiiuo ui juagci uujrcid iu 11110 uuoj uiuit mvituaj
The Ne'w Things
Are here, Madame, waiting for
you; broad assortments of the
things you want and you'll find
Pleasingly Priced.
Jewelry Novelties
Scores of the clever new
ideas now on display popular,
practical, beautiful; yet inex
pensive. Let us show them to
A Superb Showing of Spring Styles in Women's Outer Apparel
Although foreign creators have sent their quota of clever and delightful models, to the American
designers and originators belongs the credit for a wealth of most beautiful and practical ideas that will
make the selection of spring apparel a real pleasure. Throughout the wide range of clever ideas, from the
most conservative to the- ultra-fashionable, you'll find the qualities most satisfying, the pricings sur
prisingly moderate.
Beautiful New Dresses for All Occasions
Sports Dresses Afternoon Dresses Dancing Dresses
In Ihe popular new Yo LA splendid variety of
San Silks; an immense designs in the new Silk
assortment for selection weaves and colors; sur
jClewr new designs, in
the season's newest ma
I terials and colorings ;
prising values, at ; exceptional values, at
$35, $39.75, $45! $19.50, $25, $75$25, $29.75, $35
Nobby Cloth Dresses
A bevy of new styles in the season's
most wanted weaves and colors
$10.00 to $45.00
Wool Jersey Dresses
A wide range of styles in these very
popular dresses, priced at
$29.50 to $45.00
A Special Purchase of 200 Charming New Spring Dresses in Taf
fetas, Crepes, Novelties, pretty combinations and the wanted wool
materials, all colors and in splendid assortment of CI C Aft
clever styles ; special
The New Suits I New Coat Styles
are a revelation in point of originality and individ
uality of design. You'll find showing of the new
modes here Monday fully up to expectations. Re
markable values at $25, $35 and $45
Scores of exclusive models at $49 up to $75
Combine" satisfying assortments of style ideas from
the foremeost designers with prices that constitute
them really remarkable values. -See Monday spe
cials at $19.50
Other Classy Coats at $25, $29.75 up to $69.
NEW BLOUSES Hundreds of new ideas in Georgettes and Silk Crepes, Novelties, etc. Many in the
new Japanese and yarn embroidered effects. Some very unique and charming effects in the CC AA
offerings; Monday Special, at
New Spring Silks
Our showing of the new Silk weaves
and colors is now complete. Sports Silks
are in great demand. Yo San, Fairway,
Sports Tussah and Tassore. Fuigi Silks
ffom Japan in pretty oriental effects. In
this extraordinary collection you will
find Silks suitable for all occasions. Spe
cial showing Monday.
50 pieces of 40-inch Satin Striped Pus
sy Willow and Sumara Silks, in hand
some printed effects ; novelty stripes and
coin dots, at $2.50, $3.50
100 pieces of Satin Striped Taffeta, in
Sports styles; also the more subdued ef
fects. This is a wonderful showing con
sidering the present high prices, at $1.48
to ....$1.75
50 pieces of 40-inch Fanchette Crepe,
a cloth very similar to georgette. Strong
and durable ; in a full line of street and
evening shades, at $1.50
5,000 yards of plain and fancy Dress
Silks, 36 and 40 inches wide. Chiffon
Taffetas, Silk Poplins, All-Silk Crepe de
Chine, striped and checked dress Silks,
Satin Messaline, Print Warp Novelties;
worth up to $1.75, at $1.10, $1.18
25 pieces of yard wide Silk Poplins; a
good, serviceable silk, in navy, brown,
green, taupe, wine, plum, wisteria and
DI&C&; very special, m oocy
tjw I'li'inti hii. i i.ii,r mrT'iiiin:i.;imiiMinrj
I Specials in Laces 5
I and Dress Trim- :
I mings for Monday
Z A wonderful display of new .
I Spring Laces.
Oriental Flouncing!, embroid- 2
.red in colors, 18 and 27 inches -
- wide, very good for fancy "
1 dresses, at, yard $1.50 and $3 ;
2 A (rood assortment of Filet I
Oriental and Chantilly Laces, ?
! 18-in. wide, for jabots; at, per J
1 yard $1.29 I
Filet Edfes and Insertions, 3 to m
r JO inches wide, yd., 25c and 85c
" Normandy VaL Edges and In- ?
1 sertions for underwear; special I
at, yard 10c
f Shadow FlounciiiRS, '18 and 27 -
T inches wide, at, yd., 49c and 59c ;
, Fancy Silk Braids at, yd., 25c
i Beaded Ornaments, in colors,
r at, each 50c and 98c "
Narrow Beaded Bands, in all -?
colors at, yard 75c T
- Narrow Silk Braid at, yd., 5c -
French and German Val. Edges i
it and Insertions to match, at, a
I yard 5c and 7 He
f liniiliilT'liJnliilitliilhlifliili liiiiilitlt'lirlirfNliillisnr'liTI
Have Your New Spring
Gown, Dress or Suit
fitted over a
The spring lines are now
ready a model that will
fit your figure perfectly.
Come in, see the new ones.
New Spring Dress Goods
The new weaves and colors are here
for your approval. Jersey Cloths, Sports
Plaids and Stripes, in the latest colorings.
The new Burella Coating, French Serg
es and Epingles, at popular prices. N
15 pieces of,all wool Jersey Cloths, 54
inches wide, in the shades of new gold,
chartreuse, vieux rose, sailor blue, em
pire green. See them Monday, at. .$2.50
50 pieces of New Sports Plaids and
Stripes; handsome, stylish colorings in
the latest combinations. Wonderfully
smart effects, at . $1.98, $2.50
200 pieces of all wool French Serges
and Taffetas, every new color; just the
right weight for spring. The $1.25 qual
ity, Monday, at 98c
See our new styles in Semi-Made Skirts
smart styles, made by our expert tail
ors. Veryt easy to finish, one seam left
open to give a perfect fitting skirt. See
them Monday, at .$2.98, $3.98
Skirts Made to Your Measure. Oar
new models are now ready. Let our tail
or make your spring skirt. Select your
material from our large stock of new
dress goods. We guarantee you a per
fectly fitted and finished skirt. For the
making ...$2.00
Attractive Specials on
House Furnishings.
t 10-qt. aluminum preserving kettle. .$1.29
S6-qt. aluminum sauce pan.. 98c
1-qt. aluminum rice cooker $1.10
8-qt. aluminum percolator $1.10
C P-qt. gray enamel preserving kettle . . . . 39e
3 17-qt gray enamel dish pan . . . 39c
2-qt. all white enamel coffee pot 49c
2-qt. all white enamel rice cooker. . . .49c
6-qt. all white enamel preserving kettle 49c
4-qt all white enamel sauce pan 49c
10-qt blue enamel water pails 39c
Any 25c oil or polish 19c
Medium size triangle O-cedar oil mop . . 69c
Large size triangle O-cedar oil mop. . 98c
60-lb. flour can 89c
25-lb. flour can 59c
lssssS'spalts Try H AYDEN'S First toyswfws
Kitchen Cabinets
30 Kitchen Cabinets, whit en$unt4fi
interior, roll top curtain tilting flour
bin, ilidine aluminum top, air tight
bread and cake box. Glaus twinr, tea.
coffee and spice jars, sliding shelf,
etc, at ,19.8S
Remember we also have cheaper cab
inet. Dining Tables
$26.00 Dining Table, round top, 8 foot
extenriion, quarter sawed oak, (fumed
or golden), heavy base, 4S-lnch or 41
foot solid oak top, only $19.00
Same table, extends 6 feet instead of
8 feet, at 1.00
Other good table for $11.00 and $14 JO
$22.00 Brass Bed, continuous round
posts, 2-inches thick, heavy fillers, in
head and foot ends, the best made.
,t $16.50
Same pattern brass bed, lighter fillers,
only $14.00
Straight design, 2 -Inch post Brass Bed,
at $10 J0 and $12.78
Large 2-ineh continuous post Beds,
light steel construction, massive fillers,
guaranteed the beat quality made, $0.05
Similar pattern Vernls Martin Bed, thin
fillers 5JW
Home Furnishers Will Find Big
Savings in Buying at This Sale.
Children's Beds or Cribs
$11.00 Children's Beds or Cribs. In the white or
Vernls Martin, drop Bide, with rods close together
for safety,' only $5 JO
One odd lot of Dressers, Chiffoniers and Dressing
Tobies $9-50
One-motion collapsible folding Go-Cart with rub
ber tires and hood, Sturgia makethe very best
quality. Folding Sulkies, rubber tires, one motion,
only $5 JO
Semi-folding Sulkies, rubber tires ete. only $2.75
Davenports and Rockers
Bed Davenports. Urge or small style, in
the Spanish or black, golden oak or
fumed, with heavy arms and thick up
holstered backs, only $26.00
Large arm rockers with leather back
and seats, supported with heavy coil
springs, only $5J0
4 other patterns Arm Rockers, leather
seats (real leather), Spanish or black,
at ssme price $5 JO
wood seat Arm Kocki
$2 JO and $4JO
Library Tables
$ 22.fi0 Library Tables. 4-foot top,
heavy massive base, fumed and golden
oak, book ends and straight line with
drawer, $ patterns to choose from
at $17.00
Fumed oak Library Table, 42-lnch top,
$12.00 value $7 JO
The Big Grocery Department
W advise our easterners to
buy Flour now. The market is
getting higher every day.
Monday 48-lb. sacks best High
Grade Diamond H Flour; guar
anteed to give perfect su Us tac
tion, PER 48-LB. SACK, $2.20
14 lbs. Best Pure Cane Granulated
Sugar for $1.00
6 lbs. choice Japan Rice 25c
lbs. best White or Yellow Com-
raeal for 15c
6 lbs. best Rolled White Breakfast
Oatmeal for 25c
Skinner's famoes Macaroni or Spa
ghetti, pkg SVjC
Nebraska Maid Macaroni or Spa
ghetti pkg 7V,c
Jello for dessert, pkg $Vse
Large Jars pure Fruit Preserves . 25c
Large jars pure Strained Honey.. 30c
Shredded Cocoanut, lb 20c
tt-Ib. pkg. Baking ChoeoUte. . .17Vtc
E. C. Corn Flakes, pkg. 6yc
Bulk Peanut Batter, lb. I2Vc
Fsnty Queen Olives, quart. .... .35c
Fancy Sour Pickles, quart 10c
No. 2 cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn
for 12VC
No. 2 eana Early June Peas 10c
16hs. cans Condensed Milk 10c
Assorted Soups, Kamo brand, can BVsc
The best Tea Sittings, lb l?Vjc
Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, lb. 20c
The Best Creamery Butter, pkg., 44c
The Best Creamery Butter, bulk, per
pound '. 42c
Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery But
ter, lb. 40c
Fancy No. 1 Dairy Table Batter, per
lb 3Ac
The best strictly fresh Eggs, dps. 45c
Full cream New York White. Wiscon
sin. Young America or full cream
Brick Cheese, lb. 30c
Special Orange and Grape Fruit Sale
This extra fancy Highland Navel fruit
Nothing xtner grown m uauiornta. '
28S size, per dosen ,12c
250 sise, per dosen 15e
21S site, per dosen ..17Vte
zoo sise, per dosen. .......... .20c
176 sise, per dosen 25c '
160 sise, per dosen , .30c
126 site, per dosen 35c
Fresh Southern Vegetables Shipped
in Daily.
Fresh Beets, Carrots, Turnips, Shal-."
lots. Radishes or Parsley, bunch . . 5c
Fancy Cauliflower, per lb..,,..t2Vt '
Fancy Head Lettuee, head 7Vs
S heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce lOo
Old Beets, Carrots, Turnips, Parsnips V
or nuuioagas. id. se v w
Fancy Cucumbers, lb..,..7Ve te IOc-1 V
Fancy Tomatoes, lb. 20c 3
Fancy Brussels Sprouts, lb. 15c '
Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, ft. 10c ' tr
I large Soap Bunches ,..10e m