Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1917, SOCIETY, Page 4, Image 20

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    4 B
39 cents
One Roll to a
Haddorff Music House
1807 Farnam Street
"Watch Our Windows"
Mendelssohn Choir
PRICES $1.00, 1.50, $2.00 and $2.50
The Name of
"Kranich & Bach"
on the fall board of a piano
. ; vy is a guarantee of ,
Tonal Excellence
which finds expression only in
$ti the rare instances when tart '
1 C y imbues with subtle sympathy ; ,
' ' craftsmen possessing the high-.,',,, If
est order of mechanical genius
; A. Hospe Co.
' ' 1513-1515 Douglas St. Omaha
: Exchange your silent piano for s player piano or Victrola.
! ' Stedio lOt Kartell Block
2I Booth, lit SL Phono Bee lit.
Teacher of Banjo, Meaoolre. Cellar and
fiawatiaa iMtrasaeata. m
i Mandolin Orehestra Meets
Every Thursday
Agent tor the Gibson Mandoline, Goiters
, and Vega Banjce.
. 19th and Farnam Stav
f '
6 "
F t?
Haddbrff Pianos
Are Dependable
hi every way. The very soul of
music is in the tone of a Haddorff
Piano. They are' built by master
craftsmen from the very finest
materials. Liberal payment terms, if
you wish.
Offer. PnSV lUettels, Orchestra rne.
tlM, KoseesMo Classes
Pnblte Mtmaw
at the Fonteneflt. bjr
Trio of Bow Toner Soto
Tickets at Owl Drag Co.. '
Hoopo't and Harp Studio.
Henry Cox "SSMsS:
Thrto Great Secret, of Masieal Pedagogy
vevoiop steamy CM aizpressloa unalleng.
All Styles-AU Woods ,
Yes ! We Have Them!
DO you want a $76.00 style in fumed oak or a $100.00
style in mahogany? It doesn't make any difference to
us, we have them all. Don't think just because you
couldn't find exactly what you wanted Bomewhere else
that it can't be had. Any style Victrola you want is here,
ready to be sent to your home. .
Purchase your Victor Victrola from Burgess-Nash
Company the house of Courtesy, Quality, Service and
Reliability. If you don't wish to pay all cash, make your
own terms. They will be accepted if witjiin reason. .
; It' pleasure for ns to play
everybody!? store"
Where to Go and
Of an Artistic
I A 1 with a hunger for good art
I I and a few hours of day
I I litrrit which he might call
tWCOl his own, might happily
mSBCSJ employ his time could he
but know where our art treasures lie.
But he would never, never find them
if not especially directed by one of
the initiated. The hotels exhibit no
announcements of them, the police
do not know of them and the conduc
tors on the street cars could hardly be
expected to mention them; yet who
else might one ask? The Commercial
club might tell of the Lininger gal
lery, but not everyone interested in
art would have access to this kindly
source of information.
But if through sheer luck or by ac
cident he should find himself within
thri . Lininger gallery at Eighteenth
and Davenport streets he would there
discover as much art as be could ab
sorb and amusement and diversion
would be his. Should he happen to
be a supersensitive mortal in search
of really great works, he would find
in "The Philosopher's Den" a work of
Florence M. Rhoades
Studio 614 McCague Bldg. 1
James Edward Carnal
Voices tected free by appointment.
Director of First Methodist Church choir
end the Menoma male chores.
Studio, 612-818 MeCegae Bids.,
Phonec: Studio, D. 4804: Roc. R. S848.
Florence Basler-Palmer
Coet-hing in German and Italian Sontra
Pupils prepared (or concert and church
Positions Voles Hearings Free.
Studio, 1807 Farnam St-. Omaha, Nab.
Phona Douglas Mli.
Concert Organist, Pianist and
436-487-438 Rose Bldg.,
Sixteenth and Farnam St ,
, Tyler 2467-J.
1804 Farnam St
(Pupil of Wager Swayne)
Walter B.Graham
Studio, Suite 1 and 2 Wead Bldg.
Phone Red 4444
From the rudiment of tone placing to
artistic finishing for concert, oratorio,
reerlal and opera.
Pupil from the Koirhrllehe Komerea
terinm von Leipsig, Germany.
TeU Red 687S. Mil Harney.
Apt. 14. The Hacwood.
Luella Anderson
51 S McCague Bldg.,
Harney 6715
Cora Schwartz
304 Lyric Bldg. Tyler 1631.
Jean P. Duf field
Rooms 8 and 0 Baldrige Bldg.
over record for you. ,
What to See
Nature in Omaha
the noblest qualities. For this work
was painted before the days when ar
tists went crazy over impressionism
and contains the subdued charms that
were fascinating to big artists forty
years, ago. The canvas has a lovely
quiet old tone and is painted with
rare ability, and it is safe to predict
that this picture will still be consid
ered great when many bf the later
day impressionistic works are hang
ing in dark cellars or store room.
Another praiseworthy painting
which the discriminating art lover
would find is the "Return of Spring"
by Boagereau, which work put Omaha
discreditibly before the art world
some twenty-six years ago, when a
zealous religionist, shocked by the ab
sence of clothing about the painting,
hurled a chair against the dainty,
chaste, node figure, puncturing the
canvas horribly. The late Mr. Lin
inger afterwards redeemed Omaha by
purchasing the painting in Paris, after
it had been repaired by the master
himself. The painting was one of Mr.
Lininger's favorites. . While it was
painted early in the artist's career,
and is not as delightful as some of his
later works, such as "The Bathers"
in the Chicago Art institute, it is,
nevertheless, a "Bougereau" and has
much of the inimitable charm which
made that artist's work so nniversally
admired. .
But should the art-hungry one not
have received his fill from the con
templation of these older works, he
will have but a short walk to the
public library, where on the top floor
he may see some of the choicest can
vases to be found anywhere. It is not
necessary for the lover' of great art
to travel half way across the con
tinent, suffering inconveniences and
expense and losa of valuable time to
find works of the highest order, for
to the right and to the left of the
main stairway leading to the third
floor, hanging eight feet above the
height of the eye, are two master
pieces of which Parts, London or New
York might be proud. Many of us
have traveled thousands of miles to
see less worthy works than these,
which represent Davis and Dessar at
their best.
A few steps farther, partly con
cealed in the dim light of the gallery,
one may hunt out the finest examples
of Robert Reid, Whitman, Couse,
Redficld, Palmer, Meakin and of other
artists perhaps greater in name if not
in quality. Here the visitor may be
filled with expressions as beautiful as
dreams, finding qualities to cancel his
Breath Control Voice Placing
Studio 513-614 Karbach Block
15th and Douglas Sts.
' Phone Donslam, 7780
Btwffoe Kom 4 sad 8, Brttric 91k.,
tOth and FvMtt St.
Rseidrnae Telephone, HarMy 2785.
513 McCague Bldg.
Organist First M. E. Church.
Phone Douglaa 4304.
504 Karbach Block
Res. PhoM, Wefc. 6259.
Effie Steen Kittelson
Teehniojve of the 8peakinf Voice,
Phr.teal CoHare. Pantomime,
Dramatic Art
913 Bilrd Bid., 1701 DoosIm Stmt
I , Phone Trier HIS
Miss Frances Nash
Omaha' eh arming Concert
Pianist of national reputation,
now concertlzlng in the east,
owns, prefers and plays the
STEINWAY PUno in private as
well as In public. Her motto to
have the best procurable with
her keea tense of tone-eolor
directed ber to select ths
the most beautiful and durable
piano In the world, preference
to all other makes.
Miss France Naah, like all the
' greatest artists of the past and
the present day, knows fully
that the STWNWAY Is the only
piano which fully meets her
artistic requirements.
. Visitors as wall ss Intending
purchasers are cordially invited
to pay as a visit of Inspection
and axamlne the ' largest stock
of these celebrated Instruments
ever shown in the west.
BcMttfal Haheguy Fprightt,
S550 ana Co
Finish Mahoetaar Grands,
OoBeenlerjt tonne Involving .monta
ly peymenta may he arranged. Lib
eral aMowaseee will no made en
plasoe or player planee ef etater
makes taken in elnnance.
For Free GataJogee, Portraits of
Moalcal Celebrities, Prices tad Terms,
address . .
Schmoller & MaeUer
The beading Piano Moose la ths West.
llti-ll I sraaat St, Omaha, Heb,
. Brsdoatve Stesonray RepreaisSiislvea
for Noaxnelui and Western Iowa.
Music, Art and Drama
I Jff I ,
deepest longings. For the works shine
of their own intrinsic worth. Several
of the artists whose masterful works
hang reticently on these dimly lighted
walls are not now producing the equal
of these works. Many years hence,
when another generation of artists
stand before these immortal paint
ings, they will wonder how mere men,
living so many years before, could
have known so much and have painted
so well. It is true that the most dis
criminating observer will not fail to
be profoundly impressed by these
works. The only pity is that the paint
ings cannot be seen in a light and
environment more in keeping with
their greatness.
Of course, there are private collec-1
tions in Omaha of more than ordinary
merit, but the visitor has but little
chance of ever seeinK these. But if
there were nothing else of a highly
nature, the collections betore men
tioned would be well worth a visit
to Omaha to see.
Many letters of appreciation have
been received from readers of the lit
tle pamphlet, "Without Prejudice,"
which was issued by the Art Gild last
month. One, article on the meaning
of technic is especially fine and may
be printed in these columns in the
near future.
Dr. BeiT. Plne-Tar-Dooer.
For your cold and bronchial coord. ue
Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honpy. It cuts the
phlrgm, relievea congestion. Only 2&c. AH
Give your Want Ad a chance to
make good, Run it in The Bee
Arlington Block. 1611 Dodxe St.
Telephone Tyler 274
Voice Placing, Building and Tone Pro
duction Singing and Sneaking Voice.
Director Dickerman School of Voice,
Acting and Expreaaion
Omaha, Neb,
At the Brandeis Theater
- AT 3:30 O'CLOCK
Lower Floor, $1.50.
Balcony, 50c and $1.00
Recently of Florence, - Italy,
and Paris, France.
Pupil of the late Frank Kin Clark
Gives a variety of mnsieal program,
rangituj from simple ballads In English
to the highest type of classical songs in
their original language.
3208 Burt St. Phone Harney 4D5I.
is J
Musical Calendar
February 19, Omaha Mendelssohn
Choir and . Minneapolis Sym
phony Orchestra, Omaha Audi
torium, 8:JS p. m. Last number
of the Associated Retailers con
cert course.
February 20, Leopold Godowsky,
piano recital, Brandeis theater,
3 :30 p. m. Auspices of the Tues
day Morning Musical club. .
February 25, Paul Reimers, noted
tenor, Metropolitan club house,
3:30 p. m. '
February 27; Mrs. Louise Shadduck
Zabriskie, and Mrs. Edith - L.
- Wagoner, first annual sonata re
cital at the First Christian church.
Twenty-sixth and Harney streets,
8:15 p. m.
February 28, Mme, ' Charlotte
Lund, Norwegian soprano, in re
cital at the Y. W. C. A. audi
torium 8:15 p. m.
March 3, 8:15 p. m., Mmc Mar
guerite Melville Lischniewska,
piano recital, Brownell Hall.
LASS lessons are considered
I I in this editorial. The class
I I lesson idea is a plan
eee9Pial whereby a teacher essays
Iwyi I t0 teacn tne uses of a
VmXSf musical instrument to a
class of pupils, instead of to individ
ual pupils inprivate lessons. It is sup
posed to be a scheme whereby people
can get music lessons cheaper than
would be possible, otherwise, but as a
matter of. fact, this is not so. Class
lessons are only successful in the
practical study of an instrument as
supplementary to individual lessons,
where they have a place, and are of
value in the advancement of general
musical knowledge. Otherwise, in the
opinion of many of, the leading local
teachers they are but a makeshift, in
which a vast amount of time and a
considerable amount of money accom
plishes a minimum of result. Really,
they are the most expensive means of
studying music.
Even with the most competent
teacher this is true, for . progress is
necessarily slow, and governed by the
dullest pupil in the class who con
stantly holds the others back. The
teacher cannot possibly give to each
one of the pupils the undivided atten
Leopold ObdovattT, who will appear. In a
recital at tbe Brandeta tAeater on TveMar
afternoon, February 20, under, the aaaplcea
of the Ttieadajr Morning Mueleai olub. re
cently appeared in Denver Jid in'' tsoe
Angelea. The enthnttum waa so great that
he was brought from San Pnuiclacf .for
the'Mocond appearance. Here In Omaha, the
outlook (or a.' targ awtience on Tweday
nftrnoon bIbO Is moat promising a.i munlc
lana and tumMc lorera are looking forward
with much Sntereat to the coming of thii
celebrated piantnL The program will begin
promptly at 3:30 o'clock. .
Mrs. Lonioe Sb&ttuck-Zabriskie, violinist,
and Edith It. Wagoner, pianist, will present
a novelty to Omaha awuencea in their forth
coming sonata recital at the Fiiut Christian
church, February 17. Although sonata re
citals are given In many other cities, It
just so happens that this is the first to be
presented in Omaha. Both Mrs. Zabrtskle
and Mrs. 'Wagones are popular In musical
circles, where their talent and muscianshlp
have won them hosts of friends. Tickets
for this recital are now on sale at the
music stores.
Paul Reiberst tenor, who appears t the
I Metropolitan Club House next Sunday after
j noon. Is called the "Master of Lleder, Chan
con and Folk Song." Mr. Reimers appeared
1 In Omaha before the Tuesday Morning Mu
1 Bical club and made an instantaneooc hit
last season. His programs are most enjoy
able, and the one to be given next Sunday
afternoon no exception. . .
Madam Charlotte Lund, prima donna so-
! prano, comes to the Young Women's
Christian association auditorium for a con
: cert on the evening of February 28. AL
1 though ofANorweglan parentage, a grand
niece of Ofe Bull and a relative of Oretg.
she is Intensely loyal to America. Iter re
pertoire is extensive, covering the French
as well aj the German, Italian and Scan
dinavian schools. Musics. I America says:
"The marked applause Indicated the audi
ence's approval of Mine Lnori's pure voice,
her Interpretation, skill and ber variety of
Marguerite Melville -Lhwntewska, pianist,
will appear In recital at Brownell Itail for
the benefit of the building fund. Saturday
evening, March 3. Madame Melvllle-biss-ntewska
is making her second American
tour this year after many years spent
abroad. For eight years, Mme Melvllle-Llsz-niewnka
was assletant to the late Theodor
Leschetlzky. She has toured Germany,
Russia, England, Scandinavia, Switzerland
and Holland and appeared as soloist with
many famous orchestras. Madame Melvllle
Mssnlewska is one of the few woman ever
admitted into the Royal Maaterschool for
composition in Berlin. Two of- her best
known compositions are her sonata for
violin and piano, which waa awarded
a prise In Paris by distinguished judges, and
a quintet which has been played by the
celebrated Rose quartet of Vienna and Prof.
Pessau of Berlin.
Ons of Patrick O'Nell's pupils, William
Hunt, goes to Red Oak this week to sing the
double parts, Adama and Raphael, Id the
"Creation.'' Miss Bovard, who has come
from Des Moines to study with Mr. O'Nell,
expects to make a career in light opera. - j
Last Thursday evening pupils of Florence
Basler-Pslmer gave a mualcal for the Ben
Hur Lodge In the Lyric building, assisted by
pupils of Miss Maekld, Mrs. Klttlesoo and
Mr. Brill.
This afternoon at 4:S0 o'clock at the Old
Peonie s Home. 3214 Wirt street, a sacred
concert will be given by pupils of Florence
''The 8erer.aders," composed of perform
or on tbe mandolin, guitar, banjo and
ukelete, are planning to give a concert about
the second week In March at Um First Chris,
tian church. Francis Potter directs the or-,
A party of Omahans went to Arlington.
Neb., Thursday to assist local musicians In
giving the cantata of "Paradise," by J. W,
Lerman. Mr. Eisner- directed the cantata,
Mr. Carnal sang ths bass parts, Howard
3te berg, tenor; Mrs. Eisner, soprano, and
Miss Partnella Bngte, contralto. Miss Mar
guerite Carnal was the accompanist. Arling
ton furnished a chorus of fifty voices.
The words of Dr. Edward A. Rtrmety, a
well known New York publicist, build up a
baautiful picture of the all-powerful In
fluence of music in the home circle: "Music
in tbe family circles punas up ine inumaie.
relations between parents and children, be-'
tweeo sisters and brothers, that are the.
basis of the finest feeling In life. Sharing
In experiences such as hearing of the great
master-pieces of music, brings the family
circle closer. Music enlarges the life of the
individual. Through mualc our own minds
are strengthened and clarified. We are
elevated so that we can ahare the experi
ences of ths great human leaders. The
najuilons. the emotions of life, moods of
other times and of other people become our
own. The things that can never be put into
words are communicated by music.'' There
fore get music In the homo In every possible
way, If you aim to make your dwelling
nlmce the center or happiness. iei me giris
practice playing and singing te their heart's
Omaha Musical Notes
i '
tion individually which he could give
in private work, attention which the
innumerable details pf musical educa
tion a pupil must know to progress
actually demand. For these reasons
it is only under rare circumstances
that . good teachers will accept any
class work of this kind and then only
in small classes where they can listen
carefully to unison work and devote
as much time as possible to each
member. , ,
But in the hands of the poorly pre
pared or purely mercenary teacher the
class lesson becomes -a deplorable
abuse, and many are the hope and
aspirations wrecked on account of it.
Many also are the dollars which the
teacher takes in under the false pre
tense of teaching poor people or their
children music, dollar which they can
ill afford to spare. The class assumes
large proportions, and the individual
tone is swallowed up in the general
mass of sound. The teacher can not
possibly hear and correct each one.
Wrong notes slip in, bad habits, are
formed, and wrong musical ideas be
come fixed in the mind, while the ear
instead of being sharpened to dis
criminate between tones, becomes in
different to discord. For this kind of
work each pupil in the class pays a
fee almost equal to the sum he would
have to pay for private lessons from
a good teacher. Many times there are
good young teachers just starting
who would teach for almost the same
j fee. Yet this kind of a teacher mav
have from ten up in a class, thus re
ceiving more for his time while he
gives less knowledge than any
t f q Vi r In nrmr I.maii. TIim It
later the pupil wishes to go on
with bis work, what is his dismay
to find that he must unlearn all he
has done and acquire new habits and
a new point of view entirely. Nine
times out of ten be becomes discour
aged and gives it up, and a musical
talent that with careful handling in
the beginning might have been devel
oped to bring much pleasure into the
world is crashed out or blighted be
yond recovery.
Class lessons with but two or three
in a class have been tried with fair
success in some voice and piano
studios. These have resolved them
selves into short individual lessons for
each one and whatever the pupil may
learn from listening for the rest of
(Conilriord era Page Free,
hoowe. These are signs of glskfteeas and It
would be hard-hearted and unsympathetic
for anyone 'to stop them from giving ex
pression., rto their happy thoughts. I
James Goddard, basso of the Chicago
opera company, spent a few day In Omaha
this week with Walter B. Graham and
family, preparatory to making a oooeert
tour to the coast Mr, Goddard has Just
closed a very 'strenuous season of opera. In
addition to the regular roles aastgiMd him.
he , was called upon to prepare the rote or
Gumemans In "Parsifal" and the king in
"Lohengrin" o less than throe week'
notice. He not only did so, but ssMhg thesn
without a? orchestra rehearsal, ,
Miss Gertrude Alkm,' contralto, pupfl of
Mr, Graham, recently gang with great sac- .
cess at Rod Oak, assisting en the 'XT. W.
Best Artist Series" with TaJtarieo, pianist.
The Red Oak Express amy. The staging of
Miss Alkln and her gracious manner cap
tivated all and she was repeatedly recalled
tor i
A program win be gtvan by pupils of
Miss Alice Mackensto In her studio, Sunday,
February IS, at 3 p. m. On the Sunday fol
lowing the same program will be given at
the Toung Women's Christian association
auditorium. Those who will take part are
Misses Hazel True, Hazel Long, and Mabel
Morrow. Mr. Joseph Bateman, Miss Mar
garet Sharpless, Miss Mabel Morrow, Mrs.
Martha Brill hart and Messrs.. Wallace, and
The Concordia Singing society will giro an
afternoon concert Sunday, February 33, at.
3:30 at the Omaha Muatk Vereln. Seven
teenth and Cast, streets. Besides vartouft
choral numbers the program will contain a
group of vlotln music, Including a duet for
violin and clarinet, played by two members
of the society. Mr. Harry Dlsbrow wilt
sing two soloe, and a one-act comic operetta'
will be giwn. Mlas Helen Mackin and Mrs. .
Dtebrow will act as accompanhrU.
The pupils of Miss Tda X. Worse will glvs
a piano recital Thursday evening, February
32, at 3 o'clock at the Sehmoller ft Muel
ler Piano company building, 1213
street. Pupils taking part are : .
Trene Mason,
Miriam K fries ton,
Sarah Wofalner,
Helen Lewison,
Eunice Nelson,
Ruth Wleck,
Ilia Chase,
Alverta Triera,
Mary Houck.
Mary Ste?stss,
Hope Allen, r'
Mae Larson,
EtTlce Rawbrwy,
Minnie Levy,
Noll Wheeler,
Janette lvinaon,
Mildred HeroMoma
Esther. Hoist ein,
LaVlta Lowe, J-
Minnie Wolhner.
leoretta Flood.
Beula Phillips,
Mrs. Mary Flanagan will
vocal selection. The pabUo at most eor-
dially invited. ,
Mr. riaude Coyle. violinist, baa moved to
617 Fifth avenue, Council Bluffs. Mr. Coyle
is directing the orchestras in the Council
Bluffs schools.
Miss Loretta De Lone is arrangfng a most
unique program for Palm Sunday evening, 1 '
consisting of sftcrtwl numbers, harp classics
and melodies, .to be presented at the Hotel
Fonteaelle. According to eastern tnuslr,
critics Miss De Lone Is America's foremost'
young woman harpist, and the most skillful
and artistic performnr of harp classics,
well as soulful, interpretation of favorite
melodies. .
One of the recent additions to Omaha'
musical circles Is Mrs. Louis Meier, who has
been very successful In her piano work with
small children In Portland, Ore. She to th
wife of the Strand organist. Mrs. Meter
opened a studio In the Lyric last week.
The trupUl of Annie Glasgow haro planned
to meet once a month on Sunday at Ifiss .
Glasgow's studio to play for one another.
A social hour will follow, so that they
may get acquainted. . . ,
An Interesting program waa grven by the
pupils of Miss Emily Cleve, Petruary 7.
Those on me program w-re:
Xlvira Loftman,
Haxel Vows,
Roger Johnston,
Martha Barsch, .
Katharine Linjon-
Lee Kraus,
Ladle Ajrdersom,
FM Loss Linch,
Blanche KM.
N. L. Xofregter,
Virginia PtxJey.
Augusta MeogeodelK.
Mrs. Douglas Welpton, the retiring presi
dent of the Omaha Clef club, has asked tbe "
members and their wives and huabands to
drop In Informally this afternoon for a
cup of tea with her. Aside from bar oral
Invitation at the last meeting, that are
bo invitations Issued.
The friends of Miss EUoutoe Bhriraard will
be Interested to know of her successful mu
steal career since she left Omaha. Miss
Sheppard received all of her musical train-,
ing under Mr. Goodwal Dickerman and re
turns every summer to assist her former .
teacher In his school.
Following - the remarkable ovation given
Mme. Gall I -Curd on her appearanos with
tbe Chicago Grand Opera company, the Vic
tor Talking Machine company annoonees
that she will make records exclusively for
thft Victor. The two new GalM-Curtl record"
just out are "Ieareot Name," In Italian, and
content ; let mi soys vduu no me
The Ifepanure. in spanieii. b