2 B What is Going On in Society. Circles (Controlled Item did not decide to go until the day , before and will remain south until the middle of March. Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Allison and son. s I .TU.,.e.lr.u fnr Achrvllle. Hants. tti "''". l N'. C, to remain until spring. lne' were met in Chicago by Miss Grace i l.as hr-en past tor the I Yale prom, and who accompanies them south. . Mrs: E. P. Peck accompanied her '!at:gh:er; Mrs. Joseph Barker, to Cal ifornia last week and will take a bun galow at l.a lolla for a few Months. Mr. Barker will join them for Easter. Mr. and Mrs. W.- H. McCord are expected home today from Belleair, I- la., where they have been since early in January. ' . Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Farnsworth have returned from Hollywood, Cal. Mrs. Joslyn. who went .west with them, will remain until after the cold eather is over. Mrs. Frank T. Hamilton and daugh ter. F.xelona. left last Saturday for Los Angeles and San Diego for a six weeks' sojourn. Affair of Past Week. Mrs. Milton Barlow gave a lunch eon at hr home Friday for Mrs. Rob ert Beecher Howell, Mrs. John L. Kenncdv, Mrs. L. F. Crofoot. Mrs. C. C. George. Mrs. Edgar Morsman. Mrs. Wird Burgess, Mrs. Osgood F.astman, Mrs. Sam Caldwell. Mrs. K. S. Westbrook, Mrs. Moshier Col petzer and Miss Prances Wessells. The table was pretty with spring flow ers. Mr. and Mrs. A. l Reed gave a farewell tea Wednesday it the Fonte nelle for Mrs. Joseph Barker, who left the next day for California. The party included Mr. and Mrs. J. deFor rt Rirhirdn. Caotain and Mrs. James McKinley, Mt. and Mrs. Ward Hnriress and Charles T. Kountae. A number of Omaha people were guests Thursday evening at the as- crmhlv rianre at the Grand hotel m Council Bluffs. Mr. and Mrs. J. J Hess gave a dinner preceding the dance and had at guests Mr. 'and Mrs. E. W. Dixon, Mr. ana Mrs. u C. Redick. Mr. and Mrs. Hannan, Mrs. Melhop, C. W. Hull,' Ben War rn nt Charles T. Stewart. Miss Gretchen McConnell and Miss Eusrenie Whitmore were other Amahi o-irla.at the assembly Dr. and Mrs. I. C. Wood and Mrs. E. F. Brown of Omaha were the guests at dinner Friday evening of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McConnell of Council Bluffs. The women were amnnir the iruests at a delightful ken sington given by Mrs, McConnell the same afternoon. The Women of Viking lodge gave urnrise oartv at the bwedisli audi torium Thursday eveningin honor of the twentieth birthday of Miss Engla Hem. Miss w Eliiabeth Carr entertained Friday afternoon at an informal ken sington, when fifteen guests were present. MfsS'OrDha Ouinn and Mrs. Oar ence - Keeline of Council Bluffs gave a dinner Wednesday evening to twelve of the intimate friends of Miss ' Nelle Benton, who is to be married Monday evening to Mr, Jere Van Mrs. M. C. Peters gave a small bridge party Thursday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Elmer Bryaon of Los Angeles, formerly of Omaha, who has been visiting Mrs. JJrapcr smitn. Mra. G. V. Chandler entertained at a luncheon at her home Friday. The following women were present: MwUmM Uetdamaa IS. Weberg. K. Karl. !'. Mt.een. W. .fobs of K. Culbertaoa, ' rremoat, J. Brown, ' J. rloutharlasd of Fremont Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Shubert enter tained at a valentine party at their home Wednesday evening. The eve ning was spent io playing cards and games, Mra. C J. rernandes winning the prise, those present were: Measra. and llieaaasas B. B. Anderson, M. B. Hollttigawartb. af J. Fernandas. - Council Hla&e, la. Otis Ketchnsji. Mra. J. A. Baattv. air. T. Thorns. A surprise party was given for lira. F. E. Boyce Thursday afternoon at her home in Council Bluffs. Those present were: Mdra J, R. Klser, O. B. Kins. ' Mark Mohler. .1. B. Robinson. . W. Waldo. J. S. ShaADoa, J, W. Sbaa U CaMtar. Blaarba Lamanc W. airtart. Goatts of Visitors. . Miss Nan Murphy it visiting in Sioux Citv for two or three weeks. Mr. and Mrt. Clarke Coit expect Mr. Coit't mother to arrive today for an indefinite stay with them at the Blackstone. Mrs. Camobell Fair, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reed and Mr. and .Mrs. E. P. Peck, left Wed nesday for Fort Podge, It., to .visit her son, Campbell. Mrs. William Fitzgerald and little son, who have been visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Byrne, leave Monday for their home in troy, X. Y. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Doorly of ONLY 98 ' Waldemere Watch Chains LEFT ' ' ,3.00 Value, Te Clot Out, Spseial, at This exceptionally fine Gentle mane Gold Filled Watch Chain is guaranteed for 15 years. Soldered links; 24 different styles to choose from. OaJy Om taj Each Cvateaaer. Players' Club Members at Rehearsal for "The Amazons" Society folk are looking forward with interest to the presentation Tuesday evening of Sir Arthur Wing Pinero's "The Amazons" by local amateurs, members of the old Play ers' club and others. The perform ance it for the benefit of the Ameri can Ambulance in Paris, which is an added reason for the large seat sale: The play tells the amusing experi ences of the three "Amazons," who were brought up as boys, taught to hunt, shoot, ride and indulge in all the sports that men enjoy and di vulges what happened when they met the three men of their choice. Box parties for this event will be given by Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Kountze, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reed, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Smith, Mrs. ,T. L. Kim ball and Mrt Victor Caldwell, among others. Large line parties will also be entertained. i , The cast includes:" ' ' ' ldr najrttojordan MIm Jar ttlsflna Uadr Noalln ftalturbet Miss Aaaa Burto Lady Wllhelmlna H-l'orbt ...Mra. Miriam Haltaraoa Bovac Lady Ttaonaain Belturbat., t... i Mm. Harry rjoorly Oareaaiit dhutar. . . . Mlaa Araballa Klmkall lrd Uttanr ,..a Morakallaa Lord Twsanwaya . . . . . , ..Ilebart Blout Monataur Ia Orlvat. Oanrva Melntrra Bv. Roaar Mlnehla. ; . Roaa B. Towlo Touatl (Mtlarl !, ...Bab.rt Oanaall Hltton (aaaiaaaav. ,.Pvl Conlay Oris (pdmettmr.,. .'. Ray Lowa England arrived Sunday evening and are guests of hit brother, Harry Doorly, and Mrt. Doorly. Mr. John Doorly it a Christian Science lec turer and it returning from a lecture four of the wett. Mrs. F. A. Heller leaves today for her home in Chicago after an ex tended visit with Mrs. Fred Wallace. Co-eds Meet to Sew. - 1 The Utopian society of the Univer sity of Omaha was entertained Sat urday afternoon at the home of Miss Mamie Kiuian. Moat ot tne time was spent in doing fancy tewing, after which a light luncheon was served. Those present were: Maria Cnjnar, Makla Nantt. Jaanatla Boyd, Lulu Mlllan Olea Joraoaaon. Iwills Kly. LllllaA Hendervon, Olsa Andenwa. Lllllaa Aadaraas, Bathar Kakpb, Clan Llndtar, Peraonal Mention. ; Mr. C C. Belden. who is on his way home from New York, will spend to day in Indianapolis and will hear Dr. frank Loveuna preacn. Lr. Love- IT.S0 Black Kid Vamps, brown buek tops 17.50 Havana Browns with buek tops (Just the thing to go with mustard colored Suits). ST.S0 Gray Buek Laced Boot! flM Havana Brown, with mouM tope $7.00 Grey Kid Vamps, with whit kid tops, THE OMAHA aW t W M t SSSaSBWtaBOBS LB. .Ill In the upper group ia shown the company of the Players' club that will present "The Amazon." Standing Miss Arabell Kimball, Robert Stout, George Mclntyre, John Railey, Ross Towle, Paul Cooley, Robert Connell, Miss Lillian Fitch, direc tor. Seated Miss Anna Bourke, Miss Joy Higgins, Miriam Patterson Boyce and Mrs. Henry Doorly. In the smaller group is shown one of the interesting scenes from the play, the actors being Miriam Patterson Boyce, Miss Anna Bourke and Mrs. Henry Doorly. land was formerly the pastor of the First Methodist church in this city. Mile. Marie Andre of Brownell Hall received news last Sunday of the death in France of her mother. Madame Andre baa been In failing health for some months and Mile. Andre had planned to go abroad to see her this summer if possible. Mrs. W. A Fraser, who was oper ated on Friday afternoon at the Clark son hospital, is resting comfortably. She will not return to her home for three weeks. Dr. and Mrs. Roy A. Dodge and daughter, Mist Violet, and Miss Le nore Williams have returned from I'lattsmouth, Neb., where they at tended the anniversary dancing party. Mrs. Worcester Woodward - of Lewis, la., is the gaett of her niece, Mrs. Clara Crum. Omaha women who assisted at the LADIES Her la a list of extraordinary values ia Shoet, mind you, not broken llnea or old styles, but new stylet, many not over 30 days old, In Just the com binations you want. laoad boots h All these and many ' ' ' thus amounting to over 14 style going at this reasonaU prtre, In spit of the continual rait In price of leather. Extra Specials Patent Vtmps with Kid or Cloth Tops, button or lace. . . . Staple Blaek Vied Kid, lsee or button, low or high heels. . . $045 3 Be Sure To Come Up Monday SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 18. 1917. reception given Thursday evening by Governor and Mrs. Neville at the governor's mansion were: Mrs. Jens Keilson and the Misses Katherine Newbranch, Sybil Gantt and Myrtle Beeler. J. H. Millard it recovering from the fall he sustained two weeks ago and ia able to be about the house, but is not yet at his office Mrs. W. G. Templeton was called to Mason City by the serious ill- Burgess-Nash Company. "numoorU stor" (50.00 IN PRIZES For Boys Who Build the Best Bird Houses A Novel Burges-Nah Contest in Which Every Boy Will Be Interested cozy little house for these little friends to live in? Eight Chances to Win Prizes Full Particulars About Prizes at Sporting Goods , Department, Fourth Floor ' ' Make your plant now to enter this contest, fill out the coupon;, mail it to us or deliver in person at the Sporting Good: Department. Houses may be built of wood, bark, brick, concrete or small tree limbs, old lumber and varion other articles. Even if you don't win s prise we will help sell your bird house for you. . ,, Judges fully competent will make the swards. The contest will begin Saturday,' March 10th, and will close Saturday, March 17th. Houses entered in the contest will be ex hibited on Fourth Floor, where boys may see their own and other entries. . Fill in coupon mail or bring in person to Sporting Goods Department Burgess-Nash Company Bird House Contest ' Please enter my name aa s participant in the Burgess-Nash Bird Bouse Contest. . Name ..... ..... i - Address. ncss of her sister, Mrs. Alex Tipton. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Beard left yesterday for an extended eastern and "southern trip.' .... ,. Mr. W. D. Bancker of Indianapolis was recently called to Brooklyn by the death of his mother. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Berryman moved from the Hamilton to the Colonial Wednesday. Mrs. Edward Lang has returned from a sojourn of several months at her old home in Savannah, Ga. Miss Cececilia Stasch gave a sur prise party Thursday evening for Mr. rj vi Wonl! Sticks and for Miss Anna Schlegal, whois leaving the city. The evening "was spent in playing games and Gancing. rtatex for Dancing Party. rt. I Mar rlnh Dre-Lenten dance to be given at Keep s Dancing academy Tuesday evening will be a patriotic dance. The hall will be beautifully decorated with American flags. The club will give no more dances until March 17. The Cinosam Dancing club will give a George Washington dance at Scottish Rite cathedral Thursday ,; The hall will be decorated especially for the occasion. Patriotic ...Tn i. r, 1,l Kv a aelerted songs win uc ub "j choir. George Washington refresh ments will be served. The Friday Night Dancing club will give its usual dancing party this week. Betrothal Armooncement. Mr. and Mrt. Harry Daon of North Platte Saturday announced the en gagement of their daughter, Harri ette Beecher, to Dr. Frank M. Con lin of this city. The wedding will take place early in ApriL The University Mixers' club will give an informal dancing party at the Blackstone Tuesday evening. The patrons and patronesses for the affair will be Dr. and Mrt. A. L. Barr. Dr. and Mrt. E. H. Breenmg and Prof, and Mra. J. E. O'Brien. HERE'S an excellent chance for boys to Bhow their talents along manual training lines an opportunity to make some spending money m a con test full of lively interest and keen competition. There's more in this contest, it has a humane aspect in that many little homes will be made for the little feathered friends who will gladden our summer with their songs, and what boy wnnlri not ha nrond to build a Mr. and Mrs. A. Dansky announce the engagement of their daughter, Pauline, t Mr. Israel Krasne of Oak land, Neb. The wedding will take place in the spring. Wedding Announcements. Miss Lucy K. Dodson of Wake field, Kan., and Mr. Lynn Smith of Reverton, la., were married Wednes day by the Rev. T. J. Mackay of All Saints' church. Mrs. Etta Tucker and Miss Kate Schaefer of Omaha wit nessed the ceremony. Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock at the Central United Presbyterian church will take place the marriage of Miss Jennie Ma Hislop, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hislop. to Mr. James Carlisle Kimble, son of Judge Sam Kimble of Manhattan. Kan. The young couple will leave immediately after the ceremony for Chinook, Kan., where they will make their home. Social Events in Prospect. The Prettiest Mile club will play golf Tuesday morning at Clark's in door golf course, and from there will go to the Blackstone for luncheon. Evety two weeks the women of the club plan to hold these luncheons un til their new club house is com pleted. The Rotary club will entertain at a dinner-dance at the Fontenelle Tuesday evening. February 27, in celebration of the twelfth anniversary of the club. Wives, sisters and friends of the members will be honor guests. Mrs. Roger Homan will entertain the J. F. W. club at luncheon at the Blackstone Monday. Covers will be laid for twenty-two. Kiaor-Morrison Nuptials. The marriage of Miss Grace Louise Morrison, daughter of Mrs. J. E. Mor rison, to Mr. Orville C. Kisor, son of Mr. Joseph Kisor of Frankfort, Mo., took place Saturday evening at 8 o'clock in the apartment in Drake Court, where the young people expect to go to housekeeping immediately. The Rev. C. E. Cobbey of the First Christian church performed the cere money. Only the relatives and intimate friends of the young people were pres ent Mra. E. R. Smith and Miss Mary Louise Smith of Lincoln came for the wedding. Pink roses were used as decorations throughout the rooms. A wedding supper followed the serv ice. The bride wore a gown of Delft blue taffeta with a corsage bouquet of frezia, lilies and yellow roses. For Visiting Girls. Mrs. Clay H. Thomas entertained at bridge at her home Saturday after noon in honor of her week-end guests, the Misses Florinda and Lenora Young of Macedonia. Ia. Two Lin coln girls who are the guests of Mrs. C. L. Lewis, Misses Daphne Stickle and Josephine Lane, were also mem bers ot the party, i lie otner guesrs included : Meedamee MeadamM namill Beldec. Anan Raymond, R. B. Pnrla. Morris Dunham, Ckeater Walla. Honjamln Harmon, Paul Wadaworth Goorre Pratt, ot Council Bluffs, C. L. Lowta. W, H. Thomaa, Benefit for Wsr Relief. Most promising is the outlook for the success of the large card party for the Jewish war relief fund, which local Jewish women are sponsoring, at the Blackstone Wednesday, Feb ruary 28. Already twenty beautiful prizes have been donated and the ticket sale has assumed great pro portions. Tickets may be secured Management Men and Women Who are accustomed to things of excellence, whose judgement is soundest, invariably surround them selves with settings which appeal to their comfort and happiness. Physical and mental comfort and that complete satisfaction which one has in the stopping at a hotel of un questioned prestige are embodied in the FONTENELLE and if s service. In appointments and finish the FONTENELLE attains the ultimate possibilities. Peraonal Supervision ot a Widely Experienced Management enjoyed by Omahans and visitors alike for its CUISINE AND SERVICE 330 ROOMS 330 BATHS Rates, $1.50 and up ; Management JOHN F. LETTON . The moat talked of and best thought of hotel between Chicago and San Francisco Omaha's Greatest Hotel Enterprise 11 from any member of the executive committee, which includes Mrs. Charles S. Elgutter, as chairman: Mrs. Nathan Mantel, secretary, and Mrs. Morns Levy, treasurer. Other women serving on the committee are: Maadamaa-r Maadanwa Simon Mayor, - - H. Unvoraaat, -Harry A. Wolf. PhlUp Shar, Frederick CokQ. Cora Wolf. Victor Roaewawr. Arthur Roaanbhlm. Honry Hlller, . Fred Hadra, 8am Frank, Honry RoasnthaJ, Harry Willnaky, Lonkj Somroar, j Jacob Sloaborg. Jr., Max Bnrkanradd, ( R. Knlakofaky, Morria Carta. B. A. Simon. William Harrki. William Holzman. MUaoa M)aM Hedwls Roaanatoek, Erca Hadrm. With the Social Clubs. The Bluebird Social club met Thursday evening at the home of Miss Mary Barry. The next meeting will be held the first of March at the home of Miss Doris Boardman. The members present were: Mlam Mlaaaa Edith Tllloo. Bdllh Work. Frances ZtanMSll, Dorla, Boartfman, Margaret Barrr, Rath Aelheimer, Pearl MattaoD. Mary Barry. Mrs. L. H. Oldfield entertained at a valentine party Wednesday for the W. W. club. The table decorations and ptace favors were suggestive of valentine day. Lovers were lain ior. Moedamea J. Jacob Ueaa, P. Marlla. J. K McCombe, P. Brubaker, Oeorse Swoboda, Meadamoa B. F. Dlffonbachar, W. 8. Hampton, H. r. Shearer, N. Martin. W, C. Prloa. I H. o aneia, . Mrs. Watson Townsend entertained her Neighborhood Bridge clnb at her home Thursday. In two weeks the club will meet with Mrs. McAdams. Y. W. Girls Get Option For. a Recreation Park The Athletic club of the Young Women's Christian association has purchased an option on the South Side Country club and some adjoining land, which they are planning to con vert into a recreation park and sum mer camp. The camp will not be limited to the use of the Athletic I'.ub, but will be designed to meet the needs of girls who must spend their vacations in Omaha and those interested in out-of-door recreation. Brodegaard Stores Sue Three Men for Diamonds The Brodegaard jewelry stores are suing H. J. Abrahams, Harry Willm- -I XtrA P.rnrlro'sarri for 7.000. said to represent the value of eighteen diamond amounting io iwcnijmn karats, which, the plaintiff alleges, the three mer. took possession of and rnnv.rtr4 to their own use on or about August 1, 1914. - Safe Fat Reduction VmIuc. reduce, redaee is the loaraa of all fat people. Oat thin, b illm, ia the err of faabion snd aocietj. And tne orer-iai wring their hands in mortification and hejp teiimeu: revolting at nanaeating dmae, afraid, of violent exercise, dreading the un welcome tnd unsatisfying diet, nntil the. hi mw.n th harmleaa Harmola Prescription anil learn through it that tier may safely reduce two, three or four pounds a ween without one change to their mode of life, but harmlessly, secretly and quickly reach ing their ideal of figure, with a smoother skin, better appcttt and health than they have ever known. And now comes Mannols Prescription Tablets from the same fam ously harmless formula aa the Marmola Prescription. It behoovea yon to learn the satisfactory, beneficial effects of this great, safe fat reducer by giving to your druggist 7Se for a generous sixed ease, or sending a like amount to the Harmola Co 8S4 Wood ward Ave.. Detroit. Mich., with reqnest that they mail to yon a full case of Haraota Prescription IBOieia. nnrtruBcmtiiu John F. Letton BRODEGAARD BROS. 0.