Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 17

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    The Omaha Sunday
1 VOL. XL VI NO. 39.
News of the Week in Social and Club Circles
r. V i . I y V4w
Zu. - jfr' f M&XJ&mmm
which Omaha people will take part. ?"J p iJ) ,' 'X. r,
Granville Barker w ill be the chief j.i''-J "ir ' t ' . ,. '
aiternoon attraction among bocietv If fr'f3 J A 1 -V Allison, have been since the Vale
people tomorrow The Art. so- I , Jyf I ( rfV?i 1 prom fes.ivitie.,.
hininK to bring -Mr. Barker to Omaha. f ftyj , ' " 1 ' i'fl f
Members of the boards of both socio- 'jT A y l&trf ,ft Z AM " -"A 1
tics will meet him at luncheon at the W ' '"Z Ljff t 'tM ' 'it 4 f4
Omaha club. fu. jTT ';. sij? ,,. Z JctT' y "( , 1 ii It
Mabel Allen, three of Mrs. Wclpton's
pnpils, accompanied by Miss Grace
Slabaugh, will sing.
Among the Winter Sojourners.
G. V. Wattles expects to go out
to his Hollywood home early in
Mrs. Albert Swartzlander is in
Washington, where she is stopping at
the Grafton. Later she expects to go
to Charleston, S. C. with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Howland and
Miss Marjorie Howland, left Sunday,
for Florida and will sail from Kev
West for Havana, to be gone six
Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Hull returned
Monday from New Orleans.-
.Vr. Lucius Wakeley left Saturday
on a western tour, which will extend
to Los Angeles.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roberts ac
companied Mr. and Mrs. John Brady. 1
Hal Brady and Mr. and Mrs, Tom
Davis and children to Belleair, Fla.,
last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts
(CwtlaMd Pm Two, Colraa Om.)
as an art center were it not
for the efforts of public
spirited women, is a question.
Indeed it seems that most every op
jportunity to hear and see and en ivy
! something that is beautiful in art.
1 literature, music and the drama is
' brought here through the efforts of
the coterie of women who make up
: the membership of the Fine Arts so
; ciety, the Tuesday Morning Musical
' club or the newer Drama league. .
One such instance is that of the
' Portmanteau theater's coming Friday
at the Boyd theater under the aus
! pices of the Drama league. To the
, efforts of Mrs. Samuel Burns, Mrs.
Lowrie Childs; Mrs. A. W. JefTeris.
s Mrs. E. C. Twamley and Mrs. J. E.
Summers much of the success for
promoting the event is due.
The Stage is the 'Thing.
Tuesday evening the play, which
has been brewing ever since the lire
that destroyed the Harry Doorly
home, and with it the prospect of pre
senting "Lady Windermere's Fan,"
"The Amazons." by Sir Arthur Wing
I'inero will he presented it the Bran
Hi is theater. The characters of the
Though not as active as the before- play have been rehearsing faithfully
; mentioned women. Mrs. Lawrence morning, noon and night, particulnrlv
.Haydeu and Mrs. Jay D. Foster must since the arrival of Miss Lillian Fitch
'also be named among the patronesses from Chicago. The prominent people
of art, for each of them hold mem- who take part in the play wish less
ii l: :.. n -i . -i. . . -i ,1 .1 -.1...., lU-lr
luiisiiiij in an uirce societies lor me shiii aunin mini man auuui men
Tea for Clef Club.
Mrs; Douglas Welpton will enter
tain this afternoon from 4 until 6 at
her home for the members of the Clef
club,1 their wives and husbands, when
fifty guests are expected. The two
living rooms will be decorated with
pink Killarney roses while jonquils
will form the centerpiece for the din
ing room table. Mrs. Welpton will
be assisted by Mcsdames August
orglum, Sherman Welpton, r. H.
(rirtin and Misses Corinne Paulson,
Henrietta Hees and Grace Hancock.
During the ' afternoon Mrs. Oliver
F.Idridge, Miss Alice Duval and Miss
ifostcnnsr of art education. Mrs. Hav-
Iden returned but a short time ago
j after an absence of more than two
j years in Washington, D. C. She has
j taken an apartment at the Genoa.
1 Musical Events Attract.
inotives for giving it, which is o en
dow another col or more, in the.
American hospital in Paris. The
boxes, as was announced Friday, have
almost all been taken, and the seat
sale in the house has been excellent.
Fridav evening the Portmanteau
Omaha society appreciates Omaha , theater, that expensive and entirely
, musicians to the extent that it is novel theatrical attraction, will be
I willing to give up a much-anticipated presented at Boyd's Iheater by the
and brilliant Mardi Gras ball at the Drama league. Long ago the sale of
Omaha club in order that it may at- boxes for that performance was
tend the performance of the Mendel- closed and the committee in charge,
! ssohn choir and Minneapolis Sym- composed of Mesdamcs Samuel
; phony orchestra at the Auditorium Burns, J. T. Stewart, II; J. K. Sum-
jiionuay evening, i ne spienani scries nlcrs Edgar Morsmau. A. W. lef-
I of concerts and operas which ha
; come to Omaha under the auspices of
the Associated Retailers has been
successful from fyst to last. Kacli
; night the boxes hve been filled
ifrom the first one when the immortal
;Gcra!dine appeared in "Carmen," to
the most recent number, when Mc
jCormack delighted a capacity audi
ence with his rendition of familiar
feris, Charles Johannes. Edward Por
ter Peck, Warren Blackwell, Leonard
Everett. E. C. Twamley, Louis
Nash, C. D. Armstrong, H. H. Bald
rige, Myron Learned, Lowrie Childs,
Miss Kate McHugh and Miss Ara
be Ii Kimball, is enthusiastic about the
interest being evinced.
Almost all these entertainments
nave taken an immense am out of
So 'many persons refused to miss " P"1 "'J' w.01mn; fving pasti:
this closing concert number of, the Wl.,l,0.ut efforts we should not -
r:a h.t . ftr.f tu. ,iu have neen tnus privileged to add to r: r..
ilia. - mo. .- v.ui, (fiaxa-- .. . , - . l,r. l IV4 tIIJT,
'ment issued a statement that instead
!of -obliging everyone to attend 'in below by attending the unique and
'fani-v rutliim tr,v r.r UllUSUal m tllC WHJ' Of 1UUS1C aild the
mit those who wished to attend the drama- f.or ,'lcse auntages let us
'concert to come in regulation evening 2ne credlt m crclllt ,s dut'
jdress. Before the last of the week. Lenten Observance Begins,
however, it was decided to abandon , , , ,
altogether the idea of a Mardi Gras , Opportunely, perhaps-, the season of
'ball at the present time. To console 'astl"6 and abstinence from the giddy
those who had their costumes all pre- pleasures of the world (for those who
'pared it is said that, perhaps, later observe it), begins this week. This
.the project may be carried out.- The Pcrlod during which the majority of
box holders for the concert tomorrow society people find entertainment in
'evening are the same as usual. SUC1 serious-minded pleasures as lee
being transformed into sewing circles, in California. On their return she mother, Mrs. J. J. Brown, in Cali-
Some as the Original Cooking club, and her daughter, Mrs. Minnie Wil- fornia.
sew for the Child Saving Institute. son, will live at the Blackstone. Mr. John L. Kennedy returned Wednes-
The Tuesday Bridge club will meet and Mrs. Ward Burgess go west !u day from several weeks in New York,
on Thursday of this week with Mrs. Mr. E. E. Calvin's, private car and Mrs. Kennedy went to Chicago to
Ross Towle, to decide whether their will join Mrs. Calvin and daughter, meet hint. ,
sewing shall be done for charity or Nellie, at Ocean Park, in Los An- Mr8. Arlhur c. Smith a(ld Mi
or tlfcmselyes. Other c ubs will fol- geles. Hlrriet Smi,h are pcclcd home to-
low suit and engage in Hie SCII-crUCI- Mr 3nrl Mr, r t;, VWrr h. ,lav (rnm Vpw Vnrk Mis, Harrir-I
me of Sewing. returned from Chirarrn and St. I.niii Smith has also been ill Washington
In the latter place Mrs. Meyer visited visiting.
W - I II-. I ) 1 t I I 1 I .. . . . . , T. ,
Mr and Mm i.nn H.wir,. ,iii " ' "u oeir. mr. Mrs. tiowiru tiaiorige rciuriien
:.r-. l,"''.r.. "?.d. L" Hoerr will be remembered as one of Monday from New Haven, where she
the tennis cracks who has attended was one of the hostesses at the Yale
bridal dinner Tuesdav even
ine at their home for their daughter. l ,r"n'B CT?C" wno aucn"c
Miss Marie, whose marriage t6 Mr t,,f( t0Hrneys "ere severat imes. His promv
Samuel Carrier will take place Thurs- Z " 1 scho1 ' M". Mr. and Mrs. John L. Webster
day evening. Members of the wed- Me5'cr- have returned from New York and a
ding party will be the guests. They Mr'- E. H. Sprague expects to go short trip to Richmond, Va.
are as follows: Miss Ethclwyn Hodge, to Chicago this week to visit her M. C. Peters is in New York this
who will be her sister's maid of sisters. week.
honor; Miss Hazel Evans, who will Mrs. L. F. Crofoot leaves today for Miss Eugenie Whitmore accom-
sing at the wedding; Miss Gretchen Boston to join her mother and sister, panied May Robson and her company
McConnell, who wi I play the wed- Mrs. E. W. Nash and Miss Frances to Lincoln and Beatrice, returning
ding march; Miss Helen Carrier and Nash, and to hear the latter play in Wednesday.
Miss Kditn lone, who will art as jii. -i. t- , v, i, -.i.
i , frn .. ju anrit a,, nnr.r.r...n;,., , , . i w -" , . -uin-cri wiin inc uusion lympnony .tus. ividiiiia tiein vvem iu uuuax
iUc.u.y aucrnuoii anotner e.xcei- "' "" " XX.a Z'u, A r 5'reicnerS; ivir. uuy fwiunop. at Cambridge next week. Mrs. Cro- Springs Saturday for two weeks,
.ent musical event w,l occur, namely, be women who have worked so l ard Mr Carrier's best man; Mr. Colin foot wiU 1urn in about tw0 wcek3( 'Mr and Mr,. Thomaa J. Kelly of
tT Kf vuuuwsii, ysin appear uviorc - v. v.v.v,.. nvyK. ".cy anu ,r. ihus uowt accompanied by Mrs. Nash. Chicago are at the Blackstone until
at the Brandeis theatpr. Three more As" some one said, "It has been
artists or groups of artists still re- said three dozen times before," but Social Gossip.
main on tne ciuo s schedule the Chi- my story wouia oe incomplete it I Mrs. L. A. Buttress will be at the Uandalt If Rmwn ho ri,..,i u a v..i. i,- c,.
cago sensation, Galli Curci, Pablo- failed to mention the fact that among home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgess from the east and is at the Black- tirday' morning from New York
Casals and his wife, Susan Mctcalf- the Lent-observing, bridge clubs arc while Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgess arc stone during the absence of his where she and her niece, Miss Grace
u. .-j vr a u - after the concert Monday evening.
returned from two weeks in Chicago. wh,cn Mr. Kelly conducts the Men
; " delssohn choir.
Social Calendar
Monday ,
Box and line parties for the Minne
apolis .Symphony orechstra and
Mendelssohn choir concert at the
Auditorium. ,
Luncheon for Granville Barker at
the Omaha club.
Monday Bridge Luncheon club,
Mrs. Chester Nieman, hostess.
Bridge Luncheon club, Mrs., W. J.
Comic!!, hostess.
Luncheon for J. F. VV. club at
Blackstone, Mrs. Roger Homan,
Van Rensselaer-Benton wedding in
Council Bluffs.
and line parties for the benefit
performance of "The Amazons."
University Mixers' club, informal
dance at Blackstone.
Parties for Tuesday Morning Musi
cal club concert, 3:30 p. m.
Luncheon for Prettiest Mile Golf
club at Blackstone.
Winter Dancing club costume par
ty, Hartc hall.
Le Mars dancing party a? Keeps'
club, Mrs. W. M. Simpson,
Tuesday Bridge club, Mrs Ross
Towle, hostess.
Junior Bridge club, Miss Blanche
Deuel, hostess.
Original Cooking club, Mrs.
Luther Kountze, hostess.
Annual Washington's birthday din
ner at Omaha club.
Fancy dress party for children by
Miss Mary Coll. t
Cinosam club dancifig party at
Scottish Rite cathedral.
Carrier-Hodge wedding.
Friday Night Dancing club party.
Regular monthly dance of Unita
, riau Junior club.
club, Mrs.
hostess, 2:30
Feil, host-
Club Calendar
Monday 4
Drama league and Fine Arts so
ciety, Granville Barker lecture,
the Fontenelle, 3:45 p. m.
Omaha Woman's club, Metropoli
tan club house, 2:30 p. m. ,
Association of Collegiate Alumnae,
music section, Y. W. C. A, 4
p. m.
Child Conservation league, Dundee
circle, Mrs. 1. H. Arey, hostess,
2:30 p. ni.
Omaha Woman's club, oratory
department, 10 a. m.; parliamen
tary practice, 2:30 p. m.
Business Women's council, court
house, 11 to 2 p; in. '
South Omaha Woman's club, Li
brary hall, 2:30 p. m. '
Business Women's club, Y. W. C.
A., 7 p. in.
Custer Sunshine
Stephen Bowes,
p. m.
Mu Sigma, Hps. N,
ess, 9:30 a. m.
Omaha Woman's
department, 10 a. m. v
Association of Collegiate Alumnae,
story tellers' section, Mia Helen
Sommer, hostess, 4 p. m.
Omaha Suffrage association, Lyric
hall, 2:30 p. m.
Clio club, Mrs. R. E. McEachron,
hostess, 2:30 p. m.
Railway Mail Service Woman's
club, Mrs. F. J. McTee, hostess,
2:30 p. m.
Miller Park Mothers' circle, school
auditorium, 3:30 p. m.
W. C. T. U., Omaha union, Mrs.
D. H. Broatchie, hostess, 2 p. m.
Wyche Story Tellers' league, pub
lic library, 4:15 p. m.
Daughters of American Revolution
Washington parties, Major Sad
ler chapter at Mrs. Hugh Mc
Culloch s and Omaha chapter
with Mrs. A. C. Stokes.
Omaha Woman's club home eco
nomics department, 10 a. m.
Wellesley club, Mrs. Ralph Kiewit,
Friday '
Child Conservation league, North
Side circle, Mrs. F. A. Miller,
hostess, 2 p.m.
West Omaha Mothers' Culture
club, Mrs. W, W. Carmichael,
hostess, 2:30 p. m.
Society of American Widows, Mrs.
B. C. Turpin, hostess, 7:30 p. m.
Scottish Rite Woman's club at
' cathedral, 2 p. m.
Saturday - , ,
Association of Collegiate Alumnae,
drama section. Miss Mary Wal
lace, hostess, 11 a. m.
South Omaha 'Woman's club, mu
sic department, Mrs. J. E. Lush,
hostess, 2:30 p. m.
" -