12 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 18. 1917. " V Want -Ad Rates NO Al TAKEN FOB MCSS THAN A TOTAL OF SO. OB LESS THAN Its FEB DAY. CASH WITH OBnXR. 8t Solid Ne DtsDler).' 1C .per word each raeertlea It Paracraphed or Displayed la 1M trpe! o per Ita. en. tlm To per line. S or more eonswfltlve Ltaertlou (Count all word, to the lias.) . . bTTTATIONS WANTBT1. WMklr rat. , lo V CARDS OF THANKS, DEATHS AND 4 FUNERAL NOTICEHl Ho per line each Ineertien (Coant l worda to the line.) (Mlalmam eharae, to cents.) MONTHT.T BATH FOB BTANntNO ADS. (No chute of ooer allowed.) One line J; " Two llae or more Per line. 11.10 (Co oat ata rorda to the Une.) ALL FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER HELP WANTED CLABBIFICATION8: to per word " " IHo per word, two or more oonsecutlve la serUons. a FECIAL COMBINATION BATE Oa land, Penrtry end Other AdvertWas. THE OMAHA BEE (ever O.0OO dailvi. I0TH CENTUM FARMER, (orer 110.000 A combined circulation whloh will reach both the eltr and rural realdnnt Special Ref. Rales. Rate, f Insertion, la Omaha Bee and 1 Inecrtloa la loth On. Farmer, per line He 41. I Insertions la Omaha Bee aad 1 insertion In loth Cob. Farmer. per word 00 70 7 lnaertlono In Omaha Bee and -1 Ineertlon la Nth Cen. Farmer. per Use T Insertion. In Omaha Bee and I Ineertlon la SOth Cen. Farmer. per word 10 lie lie (Contract ratea oa application.) THE BEE wffl not he reeponerble (or more than one Incorrect Ineertlon of an adver. tleement ordered for more than one time. ADVERTISERS ahould renin receipt! elven bTsJhe Bee In permntt for Want Ada, ae no mistake can be rectified without them. USB THE TELEPHONE If rou cannot eon venlentlr bring or lend la Tour ade. Ask for a Want Ad Taker, and rou will re ceive the eamo food ssrvlce aa wboo de. Avertae rour ad at the office. PHONE TTLER 1000. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE! EVENING EDITIONS 11:00 M. MORNINO EDITIONS 10:00 F. M. DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. MURPHY Charles A., aaed 14 vrars 4 mo. 10 daye, at Stool Falle. B. D.. Feb. 14. 1017. Funeral Monday at I p. m. from N. P. Swaneon chapel, 17th and Cumins 8t. in terment Foreat Lawo cemetery.- Frlende ere welcome. CARD OP THANKS. WE DESIRE to express our heartfelt thank to the Masonic fraternity, our friends and relatives for the ay m pa thy shown after the death of our beloved husband and brother-in-law, GRACE LI8STTZ. MR. AND MRS. H. LAPIDTTS. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. IIULSB ft RIEPEM. . b I mora, 701 0. JUh undertakers and em- 8U Douglas 1236. DUFFY A JOHNSTON, embalm and fu nsral directors. TIT 8. lth 8L Tyisr 167. FLORISTS. BEST. QUALITY CUT, FLOWERS or plan La, Art combinations shipped every where. Excellent service to our custom era In past yeara recommend. HESS 4- bwoboda, 116 Fa mam wt. uoug. i toi( lontenolle LEE L. LARMON Plorl.t 1114 Deugla. SL Dougls 1144. LARORflT assortment sf fresh flowers, L. HENDERSON,15J9 FARNAM. PAHKKR" Flower .hop, tii 8- UtK b". iioa' A. IKINAOHUK, 1482 Harney. Doug. 1001. BATH. National rfortrt, 1K04 F.rnam St. FRATERNAL ORDERS. ATTENTION. P R ICK LAY ER8 1 All member, of bricklayer.' union No. t. r Kebraeka, are requested to attend the meeting Tueeday evening, February SO, buelneaf of Importance. ED SHANNON. President MARRIAGE LICENSES. Marriage licenses were lssuud to th fol-: lowing couples: j Name and Residence: Age. tflarl" Andecson. Us Mntnes, la 23 lillma Johnson, Bes Moines, la 21 Robert W. Koch, Orand Island, Neb... 21 151 vlna Llehr, Omaha... St fllev Klrsrhbaum, Omaha... 21 Florence Thrane, Waterloo, Neb II Olarenna B. Callahan. Omaha 2 Hannah A. Burton, Otnaha tl Joseph K- Shaughneaitr, Omaha,. , , ,., 17 Uarv II. Hurt, Louisville, Ky U Eugene J. Webb, Omaha 27 Edna Hunkers, Omaha. 99 Roderick I Broa, Omaha....,.,.,. srer St Hortense Hanson, Omaha ...over II Orrllle C. Klsor, Omaha , 20 Qrare M. Morrison. Omaha 28 BIRTHS ANDDEATHS. Births Carl and Ellen J onsen, JOit 0k street, girl. Deaths Mrs. Arthur Mullen, l, hospital: Mrs. Charlotte C. Ostroin, 13, ill North .Nineteenth street; John Papal, 60, 1379 South Thirteenth street; Robert 1. Jenson, f. .months, child's saving Institute; Olga K II ltd ret h, is, 6640 Garfield avenue; Jacob Irfbf-n. 1 month. 3430 t'harles stritet: Mrs. tot nor V. Abramson, 3, Twenty-second and K streets; Helen O. Johnson, 4 months, For lr -eighth and SI streets; H. Ooth, 19, 1714 Castelar street; Mary M. Johnson, 1 month, rhlld's saving toitttute; Mary M. Castes, 1 monh, JJJMtouth 'qt:?onJ.t.g- .,,, BUILDING PERMITS. JIarry Quade, 3 7 ft 2 South Six teen Lh street, frsme dw HMng, l00. SPECIAL NOTICE FREE l.EQAi, AID, Ncdy men and women may have free legal ad v Ire and afmlstance by applying . to the , Hoard of I'ubllo Welfare, Third Klfor, City Halt Hours I to S p. m.. etcept Maturdsy. Triepnone 1'ougias Sim THIS Is to certify that I. U. W. Uttle. will positively not be responsible for any ' debts contracted by J. IS. Utile or M, K. Harrows. AUCTldN SALES AUCTION SALE Qf high-grade furniture of a ten-room home at 1919 South ZZd. Mondsy. Feb. , If, at 2 p. m. sharp. This furniture In from one of the bust homes we have sold "- this year. If you want something good de not fsil to attend this sale. beautiful quarter-sawed oak. buffet, . quarter-sawed oak . dining table, oak dining chairs, writing denk, library table. drcHBfrs, c-hlffoneers. leather upholstered 1 rorklng chairs, Vernls Martin beds, all pictures, four 9x12 rugs, eight small rugs, gas range. Ice box, tireless cooker, dress- ing tub!, shadB, draperies and all other articles that go to make up a complete rmtiif. will be sold to the highest bidder slurulay, hb, 19, at 3 p. m. 1010 South 22d St Dowd Auction Co., Auct's. FOR SALE Mitvcellaneout Furniture and Household Goods. IX'oNOMt 8 ALB By" pufchsiingurfur niture where your money roes ths farth est. Our goods are rare bargains at the f prices we Quote. Don t take our word, all vrm ask Is that you corns and see. The 8TATK rVRNlTURlS CO 14th and ZXdgs titM. Douglas 1317. Jf"lNH buffet and bookcase, mission finish. a large davenport, 2 alngls brass beds complete, child s bed ana other furniture aio upright piano; all nearly new; prices rht. Phone or call Mr, Flaming, ears uoraon van co. uoug. if 4. THB OREATB8TTiv."N--tl,7II In paid want ads erer made by any Omaha paper, is the record - mt TUB OMAHA BKR for if 14. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATH. MONEV-RAI8INQ BALE. 19,999 stock of furniture, rugs, liooleum, sll kinds of bedding:, complete Una of house furnishings, 1139-1647 N. 84th. Tel Web. 1(97. Open T:39 a. m. till 11 p. STOVES, AU. KINDS. So. u. Orat. Prloee right. Cltjr, Kurnlture Co, 10T s. 14ta. Ural furniture Co, ill M. lOtk St. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. mfatTliADBFROM CARPETS. Write for Illustrated (older of rugs, made from carpets. Freight paid. Lin coln Ru Factory. Lincoln Neb, FURNfTUREforflve-room house tot sale reasonable. Call Hinwy 8003. Pianos and Musical Instruments. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Party leaving the city has left her up right grand piano of standard make with me to dispose of. Used short time, good as new, prefer cash, but will arrange convenient terms with party of good ref erences. Box 1472, Bee. PIANO, upright, practically new, excellent tone and condition; will sacrifice. 2211 Evans. HfOHrlaas Stelger piano, almost new; will sacrifice for cash, Harney 1821. Pianos and Musical Instruments. IOWIS an upright piano, beautiful dark case, standard make, bought 2 V yearn ago; I must sell it, ts I have no use for same; good as new; maJte me an offer: prefer cash, but will sell on payments to reliable party with good references, for particulars address Box 1418, Bee. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We real, repair, sll needle asd Parte of all aewlng machine,. MICKKL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. lith and Harney 8U. Don. 1IH, Billiards andocket fsbles". FOR 8A1'K BILLIARD TABLES. " Brand new. carom and pocket, with complete outfit, lleO; eecond-band tablea at re duced prlcee; bowllns alleye and enppllea; eeer payments. Clsar .lore fixture, a specialty. Send for cstaloffue. THE BIIUN8WICK-BALKB-COLLENUER CO., 407-401 South 10th St. , Machinery and Engines. ' NEW AND SBCONDHAND MOTORS. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, J 11 -IV a. urn pu, wmm. BOILERS, steam, elsetrle. gee enslnea, Plpea Oroee wrechlos Co.. Hit Cumlas. Printino; and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co.. alao public Steno. Phone for prlcee. Doug lea MO!. (40 Paxton Blk. OET our price, on Job printing. UNITED STATES PRINTING CO. Bee Bldg. Deuglaa 1171. WATERS-BABNHARDT Ptg. Co., aualltr printing. Tel. Poug. 1100. H4 a lllb BL Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS Kid. rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver typewriter I month, for fc. Central Typewriting Exohange, 1001 Karnam. BBMINOTONS, Monarch, and Smith Pre mier, for rent: eent anywhere. Remington Typewriting Company. V. 1204. GUARANTEED typewrlwra, 110 up. Writ, tor Hit. Midland Typ. Co.. Bee Bldg. Store and Office Futures. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For .mailer oneroll topeektaJ.rgftlniJ7ejr432l FOR SALE Complete ret of wood working machinery for manufacturing mill work and nitnrna. Bo 144a, Bee. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO., Down 'Comfortera made orer )u.t Ilk. new. An your own feather, back, when we renovate. We call for and deliver. 1007 Cumins. Doug. J447. FOR SALB Uncalled-for ruga at weaving price. Oat. City Rug Manufacturing and Carpet Cleaning Co., 1(11 N. 24th St. Woboter 1041. 8MOKKRS! New InvenUon. Everj-rraoy match lighter, save, tue paata. mce tec. H. W. Forde, 111 Podd Ave., Sharon, Pa. SHOWCASES, wall cam, I aafe., very fine hall clock, national caen reaiaier, pnjmr baler. S noblneon, til S. 14th. D. 1171. IjftSK Filing cabinet, addreeeoirraph and anything perteining to a mwwn omoe. Well Weill at eacrtnee. Deug. 7744. Di:sK9, ufee, aralea, ehowcaw.. .helving. to. We only aeil. vmena riiu,e ana SuppIT CO. 414-H-lt B. 18th. Doug. 1734, DRY KTNDLINa WOOD. ACME BOX COWPAWT. HA KM BIT !.!. SALT, ll.JI bhL A. W. Werner. 101 W. Htb. SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF YOU HAVE soma article that has out lived its usefulness a yn. hmmw wv m little ad and run It la this column at le per word. You will be more than pleased with the remarkable offerings you will receive. One or two Insertions in nearly all cases are sufficient to get what you wauL TRY IT TODAY. , 1-OR sals or trade, two. Knight gasoline lighting systems, complete, in i.rsi-c. condition; have Just put In electric. Also one Peerless P. C. Generator 90v 1.1 K. W 80 Amp, In good working order, complete with rheostat. Want $ ft. soda fountain or what have you? Call Mr. Slater at Wellington Inn, alter a p, THB "GREATEST GAIN 61,714. In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha ptper, la the record oi TUB OMAHA BBH for 1111. BK8T nSll' o lAiw mi r t i at. WB swap or buy kodaks; fllmsdeveloped Studio. NevJIlloBUr, llj 5"Jrn.ir XITTLB AD In this column will bring aooai poiuw ".'' - FOR sale or will trad7 for" what hava youT a..l 1411 tOOO TlWin, -WANTED TO BUY. Bones n n u.ihl.M, U.iiniirln sr ff Is paying cash for bones In any quanlty. SL Iula Mo. WANTED To purchase, old books of all description, large or uin wiivw, no matter what you have, send postal and buyers will lall and pay cash, city or country. Bof 7369, Bee. mirnrrif A XT Tays Highest THces UU 1 1 fer Pornitnra, Rura, Clothea, Pianos Offloo Pun. 1 tare, Trunks. Shoes. Douglas 39T1. Res.. Webster 4104. DESKS DESKS DESKS New deaka, used drake, bought, aold and traded. J. C. Heed, 1307 Farnam. I. 0144. WANTED Old fal.. teeth. Don't matter U broken. I pay 91 to I. per art. Hail 10 I U.ier, 1007 S. Ftdh St., Philadelphia, Pa Will eend oa.h by return mall. TtrMTTMS r'W hlgho.t price or JEilNlVllNO clothe., .hoe., trunk etc Bed 8107. Bee.. Dougla. 4011. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accountants, E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. Ml Range Bldg. Phone Doug. till. Baths. RbBCTRIO TURKISH BATHS. The onlr abeolutely sanitary bath. Highly reoommendud by physlclane Staat. lnatltute, Itoa Itarn.y St. O. 7007. Upea evening, ana nunaaya i)H. BEN DA- Suluhur. .team. Modern Turk. leB BATHS AND MAHUAOB. Privet, apartment, for ladle., with lady attend ant.. 1.10 Farn.m. fnoe foug. ..n. RITTENHOUSK eanltarlum; .11 kind, hatha 10-114 Balrd Blk., 17th and Douglaa. German nuree, tnaaaage, bath, of .11 klnua. ail Neville Block. IQtn and narney. . Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Ultcbell Co., 17th and Martha Sta. Bakeriei. ORTMAN'S KBW RNOLAND BAKEKT. 1H H. 14TB BRANCH KS PUBLIC MARKET ANU HATDEN HROTHER9. OUR MOTTO "BETTER BAKED OOODS." CAKES, paatry and fancy bakery good, supplied to parties, lodge, and .ntertaii: menu. Z. H. Reeder, 1100 N. 11th. W. 1127. Dancing Academy. rtB T Ttvp BALL TUBS.. THTOS.. UCj IiUad bat., sun. eve. school HON. EVE. Ill S. llth SL, Op. Penteaelle. Detectives. ' COlfPETKNT tavaatlsator, evidence secured. civil criminal cases. 400 Paxton. Deus. 4001 OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION. Ill lit Nat'l Bank Bloc Phone Tyler 1110. Private detective, evidence secured, all cases, strlctlr confidentlaL Oov. ref. Flo. 041. JAMBS ALLAN, III N.vlll. Blk. Evidence secured in all cases. Tyler Ills. tnurstats Detective Ass'n, 411 Ramae Bldf. S. D. JOLLT, 111 Paiton. Red T401. Dressmaking. NURSES' anlforma, aprons and Tyler 041. Bowing by dsy. till Locust, w.beter 111. Urs. R. A. Connelly, 411 Barbach. D. 1101. Terry Di wmafc'g Co., 10th aad Farnam. siewiNU dat or vnisi. TrLBsTisii. ANNOUNCEMENTS Carpentsrs and Contractors. LESSARD It SON. 1011 Cuming. Tyler 1411 Chiropodists. Carrie J. nurf'rd. 420 Canon Blk. Red 46S7. Accordiao Pleating. ACCORDION, aide, knife, .unburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all slses snd styles, hemstitching, plcot edrlng, em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work, buttonholee, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. . 200 Dnuvlas Blk. Douglas 1016. VAN ARMAN Drees Pleating and Button Co., 114-7 Paxton Blk.. Doug. 1100. Accor dion, knife, side, spsce, box, sunburst and combination pleating, hemstitching, plcot edging, pinking, niching, covering but tons, all styles and 1.11 slies.' Price list free. ACCORDION, Side, Knife, Box Pleatlns. Cov. Buttons, Hemstitching. Neb. Fleeting and Button Co., 421-1 Paxton Blk. R. 4141. Electrolysis. Superfluous hair removed by elertrlelty: nee die work guar'pt'd. Miss Allender. g4 Bee. Fixtures and Wiring. electric Irons and reading 1771 Cuming St. Douglas 1H1. Insurance. BANKERS LIFE OF LTNCOUf. 011-14 City Nstl. Bank Bldg. Doug. tin. Job Printing. OATB CITY Printing Co., high-grade print ing. 2111 N. 4th. Phone Web. 1617. Masse ures. MASSEUSE COLLEGE 41 Paxton Blk. Phono Red 1S7 or Tyler 1117. Mrs. Augusta Hoeg, graduate In Swedish movement and ratuKf. diploma; 30 years' experience: Instructor In hospital! Chicago, Omaha and Council Blair., Treatments glTn in offices and homes. Special rates to nurses. 8WKDISH and muscular massage, eleetrlo treatment of all kinds. BteaLa Institute, 1408 llsrney 8t. Douglas 7097. Opea ev enings and Sundays. liasnage, chiropody. Minnie Nagte, 101-14 Balrd Bldg., 17th t Douglas. D. 35I. MUM MLlY Massagei batha 1133 Farn'm. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Ptenj'. 6' Brandels. D. 6441. Painting and Paper Hanging. PAINTINO snd cleaning, I to per room and up. We clean carpets In your home with out removing same, fl par rug and up. Webster 2443. CALL Charles Aoadh for paper hanrtng and Interior decorating. Douglas lilt. Pianos for Rent t.M par mo. A. Hoops Co.. 1418 Douglas. Theatneal Costumea. LAR0B8T stock of costumes for theatricals and masquerades In ths country for sale or rent.' Lleben k. Bon, 1614 Howard. THEATRICAL gowns fufl7eao' suits, for rent. S04 N. 17th. John Feldraan. D. Silt. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Bupplr. 207 B. tlth. T. 121. Wedding Stationery. WKDDTNO announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. TsL Dang. 444. Where to Eat. EAT HOME COOKED MEALS NKW DBL1CATB88KN, 1100 FAIIWAM. BlIRBOIIOMS CAPB. OUAHA, NUB. (Service). LINCOLN. NEB. 114 S. Uth St. Ill S. 11th SL AUTOMOBILES Twenty-One Slightly Used Late Cars Electric Lights and Starters Have been traded in as part payment on new Overlands. 2 Coupes 2 Roadsters 12 5-passenger 4 7-passenger 1 Light Truck Makes Buick, Overland, Maxwell, S t u d e baker, Ford, Mitch ell and Waverly Electric Coupe. Willys Overland, Inc. Used Car Department, , 2047 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 3292. a W. TO AN CIS AUTO CO. USED CAR DEPT. 4-eyL Tsss. Lceler. flrat-elasl oendl tloa. A few 1011-11 atamn rtnrlac o-pem, modern equipment. One 1011 l-cyl. 7-raea. Overland, aiod m etroOpmenL One 4yL Overland light delivery car. One l-cyl. 1011 Stadebaker totning oar. On. 101T l-cyl. Detrolter, l-pasa.. slightly used. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., 9211-11 jrarnem SL Douglas III FORD 0NE-T0I7 TRUCK ATTACHMENT THE CAMELFORD CONVERTS ANY FORD INTO A STURDY ONE-TON TRUCK. I $40.00 DEALERS, THIS IS THE LOWEST MONET-MAKINO " PROPOSITION ON EARTH. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. MAREMONT MANUFACTURING COMPANT, HI S WABASU AVE., CHICAGO. AUTOMOBILES BARGAINS IN USED CARS. 1 Interstate S Interstate 1 Wlnton 4 Franklin I Franklin "D" ... I Mollns 7 Jackson I Pierce Limousins f Chalmers II Cadlllsc t:oo 400 ISO 175 76 ir,o 150 MO 400 760 460 11 Franklin 11 Franklin, Model D II Rambler 14 Franklin Landaul.t II Hudson 11-10 II Hudson Sedan 16-40 17 Hudson Bedan 10-40 II Chalmers 'IS Light Biz... II Stearns-Knlgllt ... 300 ... 160 ... 1,000 ... 1,400 ... 1.300 ... 100 ... 300 OUT L. SMITH, S.nrles First. 043 Farnam 8,t AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 1101 Farnam SL Douglas 1110. 1010 Buick Roadster Sacrifice 1110 Saion Roadster 1160 '1011 Hupmoblle Sscrlflcs 1011 Sterns Knight Hacrlllce IS PCT. Cud rbt on your auto Iniuraoc pol ley If your cat la equlpp with PKRRY LOCK. Phonos Dooclau 3317. 14 Brandeli Bids. 11119 PAIOE, electi-to equipped, 1210. 1 114, 4-60 Mil we 11 speedoter, 1400. Several coa4i-hsUid Franklin. 2311 Harnoy SI. P. H7. WB will trade you a new Ford for your old one. INDUSTRIAL QARAOE CO.. 3th and Harney. Domlaa i38l. FOR 8ALK A fine looking; electric car, in rood condition. For further par tlcu lars c&ll Harney 692 between 10 a. m. and 12 m. . C. W. FFANC18 AUTO CO. Used Car Dopt i:U-18 Farnam Ft. Douglas 8fi, Almost any make at reasonable price. 2 IN 1 VUL. CO.f 1(16 Tavenpert Ht 14 Per Cent Saved on Tear Tire Epenae. FOR SALE at sacrifice, fine Hudson six automoMe and nearly new player piano. Inquire room 614, New Sanlord hotel. TPASSENOER Buick, perfect working or der. A. N. Schulze, 1S4 Axnea Ave. Call after p. ra. Colfai 201.7. WILL iay CA8H FOR several uaed TWO CTLINDRR CARS. Phone Harney t708 and at for JOHN. b-PASSKNOBR Studebaher, llfi niodel; 1916, 6-pasaenffer Cole for sale, cheap. Watt. 637 Paxton Block. ONE 1H Ford truck ; Carter car parts for sale. 910 No. ZM. Telephone D. 1Z8. It 1 4 Hupmoblle roadster at bariraln; eloc Iric tlfchta, self-aUrter. Call Hamey 4196. BKRTSCHY "Kan-Flz-lt." Southenat cor ner 20th and Harney Sta. Doug-la 3661. Wanted. WANT KP Good lilt or 1917 Ford. Will take It In as part payment on 640 acres of state school land, worth $640. Write owner, R. W. Ludwlck, 403 Uanler Bldg.. Lincoln, Neb. ' Aoto Livery and Garages. EXPERT auto repairing, "service car al ways ready." Omaha Garage, 2010 .Har ney St. Tyler 666. Auto Repairing and Painting. lion reward for magneto we can't repair. Colls repaired. Baysdorfef, 210 N. 18th. NEB. Aulo Radiator Repair Service, and prices right. 318 a Ittlvg D. 7310. Motorcycles and Bicycles HARLET-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bar gains In usd machines. Victor Roes, "The Idotorcyele Man" , 2761 Leavenworth. BUSINESS CHANCES Receiver's Sale Head Tloose, principal hotel m Jefferson, Iowa, and eighty acres of Cans county, Minnesota, land. Bids will be received by the re ceiver at his offflee at Hubbard. Iowa, antll mUntght of March 14. 1917. Fer full particulars Inquire of O. O. Marshraan. receiver, Hub bard, Iowa, or of N. H. Austin, equitable owner, Eagle drove, Iowa. FRKR FOR ONFJ. MONTH. Oar weekly magazine, "Inside Invest ment," is dovoteil to a llnanctal Idea worthy of consideration. A real "inaldo Investment" should easily double In value very three months. Figure for younelf what $100 would amount to In a few years If Invested and reinvested on thai baBla. Our raagaxine points the way to making such investments; 13 per year. Bend today for one month's free subscrip tion. Address Mclntyre Companies, Lim ited, 3D 7 2 Westminster Bldf., Chicago. PATENTS THAT PROTECT AND P A Tf . BOOKS ANT) ADVICE FRBE. Send sketch or model for search. Highest references. Best results. Promptness assured. Watson E. Coleman ft 14 P St., N. W WASHINGTON. D. C. . CIGAR STORE FIXTURES. For sale, Including 24-toot wall esse, three show cases, ten-foot plate glass top and marble base, all flemish oak fli Ish; electric cash register, mirrors, up holstered chairs, etc. Also one billiard table and three pocket pool tables, six square legs, cues, rue racks, all flemish oak; twelvo wire chairs. Everything good as new. For quick sale. Box 404, York, Nett. FOR RENT, property for an implement bus iness, neat door to a new largo modern garage: best location on Main St,; has bjen Implements for thirty-five years ; only one dealer In town. Here Is a chance for a good live dealer to go Into an old established place and get a good business. No stork to sell: old stock all sold out. Write George W. Heine, Hooper, Neb. BUT Amalgamated -Oil, one cent a share; 100 per cent dividends In to days possible; production now coming in ground floor stock, one cent a share, doubles price shortly, tl par value, 110 buys 1,000 shares. Write for full details. Amalga mated Oil Co.. 1122 Colcord Bldg., Okla homa City. OkL THB STOCK MARKET. A thorough course of Instruction In brokerage, the markets, traders' methods, margins, partial payments, analyses, trends, charts, technicalities- the market for small traders. Addreas for Informa tion, Oeorgs Arnold A Co., SSl River St Chicago. LIGHTNING PUNCTURE SEALER. Instantly seals ail tire punctures. Abso lutely guaranteed. Highest endorsements, 300 per eent profit. Sales managers wanted by established manufacturer. Ex. elusive territory. 300 to $1,000 capital re quired. President. 134 National Ufa Bldg, Chicago. BUSINESS CHANCES lino.000 FORK ION CORPORATION, wants sales manager, sell patented spe cially to merchants, manufacturers. No competition; highest endorsements; ex clusive territory, tremendous European Bucrts, new In America. 1600 to $1,600 capital necessary. Scott Manufacturing Co., 123 W, Madison, Chicago. CANDY STORE AND FACTORY. On one of the busiest streets In San FranrlsctT Cal store, soda fountain and factory, complete in every detail: estab lished trade. $3,600, terms. II. Neuhaus & Hon, Humboldt Bank Bldg., Ban Fran cisco, Cal. SPI.ENDIDPENING M.an with sales and managerial ability who can Invest $3,000 In capital stock of largest auto accessory firm west of Chicago can secure responsi ble position. Company paying good profit. Need additional capital to cover new field. Hank and trade references. Box 1437, Bee. SALOONS. For Hale In Kansas City. Mo., we have a 30-day option on a few choice locations. Not desrl ones, but money makers at a reasonable price. Magnuaaon Sales Co., Wilbtr, Neb. FORTUNES being made In wheat: A gentle man In position to secure authentic advance market Information, will direct accounts placed with Chicago brokers for small commission; 30 years' experience. Address 13-:, 4711 St Lawrence Ave., Chicago. THE GREATEST GAIN $8,738 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper la the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 111$. BEUT R tULTS -LO W ESTRATE. HiaifESTPOT CASH PAID for stores anj stocks of merchandise. In city or country; itulck action. OMAHA SALVAHR CO.. .30 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., Tel. Douglas 1833. F'OR WALK Only picturo show and amuno mont place In town of 750 with line sur rounding territory. Almost all new equip ment and business growing. Oood reasons for seltfirg. $600 for quick deal. No brok ers. Gem Theater, Adams, Neb. VARIETY BUSINESS. For sale in good Nebraska town, 00 population. Oood location, territory Her man and Bohemian community. Stock will invoice but 12,600. Address V. Prochaxka, Pox 63, Howells, Neb. ILLINOIS manufacturer wants manager with $:O0 to $700, open store, handle new De Luxe-A -Tone Phonograph; retails $1$ or more: plays equal to any $50 Instrument; should clear $8,000 first year. DeLuxe, 1427 Carroll Ave., Chicago. FOR HALK Good clean stock of hardware at invoice price. Also good three-chair barber shop located in good town In cen tral Nebraska. Both doing a good busi ness and good reasons for selling. Write for particulars. Box Y 857, Bee. GOOD BUSINESS OPENINGS On the South Side, If for sale, are reas onable in price and are worth while, you may be sure are listed exclusively with the SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. .413$ 8. 24th St ' Phone South 12$7. GENERAL merchandise store in good Ne braska town, doing $2,000 business each month. Good staple stock, rent, $4$, 3 year lease, good reason for selling, 420 Rose Bldg. Tyler 763. NOW Is the time to locate for the sum mer's candy and Ice cream business. Have a real snap If taken at once; town of 1,600. Aet quick. Inquire 2306, Leavenworth St., Omaha. DETROIT office address on your stationery will add prestige to your business. Mall and communications promptly forwarded. Inquiries answered. $3 per month. United Service, 60 Campau Bldg., Detroit. FOR SALE or Exchange On It paper and Job plant In western Nebraska county seat County and ballot printing. Might con sider real estate on this. Write A. K. Holmes, Taylor, Neb. FREE TO INVESTOR! Warn Ing. Don't Invest 1 cent until you read Successful Finance. Learn how fortunes are made ' and lost; free trial subscription. Success ful Finance, 838 Federal St., Chicago. MOVIE show In Nebraska town of 10.000, only one other show in town, fine equip ment can bo had right; let mo shoy you this. 420 Rose Bldg. Tyler 75S. FOR SALE. Picture show, practically new, now showing to full houses. Must be sold at once. Box 124, Sidney, Ia. B1LLIARD parlor locations. Modern hotel, room for seven tables; big city locations for ten and fifteen tables. International Billiard Table Company, Kansas City, M. PROFITABLE picture theater, priced right; will pay for Itself twice In twelve months. Hurry. Reasons, other business. Ideal, Bertrand, Neb. WANTED Partner to appoint agents in state; good money guaranteed to reliable party; small capital required. If Inter ested see Lee Golden, Millard Hotel, city. LlSLIcXTBSENtorVwTth run from $300 to $600 per month; living rooms In back; owner la sick and must sell. Call S. 1247. FOR SALE Restaurant, confectionery and rooms. Established 1896; fine business, a good opening for a live wire. Addreas G. M. Dlschner, Garretaon, S. D. FOR SALE Good, clean stock of hardware; live town, central Nebraska. Goqd rea son for selling. Be quick. Address Y 867, Bee. MOVING picture show In good live Iowa town, best equipment; can sell this at a bargain. 420 Rose Bldg. Tyler 763. DOWD Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed out more radse. stocks than any other firm In U. 8. Writs for terrus. TALK iWMACli INK manufacturers; I "have a talking machlno patent that will inter est you. Write Haas E. Neve, Hancock, la. WE BUY, we sell motion picture theaters, machines, feature films. Co-operative Film and Supply Co.. 210 Bromley Bldg. WILLIAlrflCVsUbHsh To boy or sell business see him. 411 McCague Bldg. Reference. U. B. National Bank. IF YOTJ want to sell or buy a business or rooming house call on Bosch fc Borghoff, TM World-Herald Bldg. Phone D. 111$. GOOD opening for the second drug store comer building. A splendid location. Ad dress G. M. Dlschner, Qarretaon. 3. D. DOCfolt--forinattan a fine lo cution In Nebraska. Can ba obtained by addreaslng Box Y 868, Omaha Bee. EIGHT THOUSAND dollars stock of mdse, will trade for good western Nebraska, land. Box Y 851, Bee. FOR SALE Confectionary, cigar, lunch and bakery: an up-to-date store. Prlco $400. Easy terms. Doug. 9226. MOTION picture machines (new and re built), theaters supplied, Omaha Film Exchange. J01 ft. 14th St COMPLETE flxturea of 2 -chair barber shop, very reasonable. Miller Hotel, South Omaha. Phone South 1082. MOVING PICTURE nachtnen, new and re built, all makes; supplies. Western Sup ply Co. aoi Nat Bid g; BICYCLE, general repair shop with all equipments aad stock; plenty of work. 261S N. 20th. FOR SALE nly fully equipped wood yard In Omaha. Can handle coal and grain; good trackage. Phone Floreueo 386. WANTED Lady business partner of some means for good proposition In Montana; give particulars. Addreas Box 1448, Bee. DRY CLEANING business, doing $2,000 a year ; can be doubled : chea p for cash. Address Pantorlura, Sutton, Neb. HAVE buyer for good paying Omaha grocery store; must be worth the money asked. 420 Rose Bldg. Tyler 768. PARTNER with $400 capital to manufac ture the biggest paying staple article made. Sis. Bee. FOR SALE Pool table, balls, cues, racks, perfect condition. P. C. Caldwell. Phone S. 3107. FOR SALE -lee and cold storage plant and B,te fw bottling works; good condition. TO GET IrT or out of business call on OA NO EST AD. A22 Bee Bldy. Doug. 34TT. OWING to sickness, my drug store for sale, chnap. If taken at once. Box Y 668, Bee. FOR RENT Auto repairaShop, must be an expert Write to F. E. Pulec, Narka, Kan. SPECIAL plans to sell a business late. F. V. Knlest Bee Bldg., or real as Oraaba. WANT Job printing plant to move to small town. Canan. McCague Bldg. MOVIE for sale, doing fine business. Call Walnut 1816, mornings. Rooming Houses. ROOMWG HOUSE. Rooming house sacrifice, T rooms, well furnished, strictly modern, close In, best of furniture. For quick sale. 8460. 430 Rose Bldg., Tyler '751. ROOMING HOUSES, all slsea. great bar galna. $18 Rose Bldg. Phona Tyler 1417. FOR SALE Rooming house, 71$ X. 16th St Apply Bam Zeidtan. . 1$ ROOMS, all full; desirable location; bar gain foreaeh. 1811 Cam Douglas 8373. LOST-FOUN D-REWARDS FOUND a sanitary Soda Fountain. GREEN'S PHARMACY. lta and Howard. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IF you lose anything and will advertise It here you will surely recover It If found by an honest person. Remarkable recov eries are brought about every day through this column. THE HONEST WAY, If you find something of value, or a keepsake of value only to the owner, Is to Insert a small ad. The owner of the article In most cases Is will ing to refund the cost of advertlalng. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons 'having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha Sl Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It la the Street car. Many articles each day ar turned In and the company ts anxious to restore th-m to the rightful owners. Call Tyler 800. THE GREATEST GAIN 68,71$ In paid want ads ever mads by any O mil ha paper, ts the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 191$. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATH LOST Silver mesh bag Wednesday evening on Hanscom Park car, about 6:1$, con taining small articles, valued as keepsake. Liberal reward If returned to DrexeL Shoo Co.,Mlas Eggers. Call Harney ISO!. LOST Wednesday forenoon pink coral cameo pin, gold Leas setting; on north bound Sherman Ave. car. Liberal reward. Call Doug. 4286. A. E. Redfleld, 1424 S. 17th St LOST Pin, sea I purse with silver mount ing, between 3tb and Karnam and 31th and Jackson. Kindly return to 1611 Jack son, Reward. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, 10c PER LINE. Business ads, regular rates; S lines one week 40t t lines one week oc each extra line. . . . . . , .30c per week Hale. YOUNG man with railroad experience, wants position as shipping clerk. Em ployed at present but wishes change. Good character and' habits, A-l references. Box 1360, Bee. THB GREATEST GAIN 68,718 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper Is the record of TH E OMAHA BEE for 116. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. REFINED young woman, accustomed to management of own home, deslrea posi tion as housekeeper in modern homo In city; capable of assuming entire respon sibility. Box Y 862, Bee. COMPETENT office man open for position; either temporary or permanent. Experi enced bookkeeper, auditor and general ac countant. Clean record, good references. Box 1467, Bee. Middle-aged man wishes position as traveling salesman. Can furnish beat of references. P. S. ManU, 2Hii Crown Point Ave. WANT A position on large farm to run tractor and attend to machinery; experi enced farmer. Box 1417, Bee. INSIDE work, middle-aged man; handy with tools or machinery. Web. 6210. YOUNG man desires position to run electric elevator; licensed. Webster 6(ji2. YOUNG man wants position running Ford. Call Red 8382 1 to 4:30 p. m. MAN wants position taking care of office, city references. Call Doug. 7802. YOUNG man wants Job driving Ford truck. Give references. Webster 6677. ASHES or all kinds of hauling. Tyler 2S6. Female. THE BEE charge for "Situation ads" Is lower than any other form of advertising not enough to cover the cost of printing. A TRAINED nurse desires position In doc tor's office, or would act as companion to Invalid. Box 1441, Bee. WANTED Position aa housekeeper; middle aged woman. Mrs. New, Hotel Neville, 16th and Dodge. YOUNG lady steno. with some experience wishes position; references. Doug. 8477. Experienced saleslady wants position In mill inery store. Ad. Box 177, Wall Lake, la. DAY work wanted, washing or cleaning. Walnu 2J 3S. Practical nurse; terms reasonable. Web. 6583. Laundry and Day Work. WANTED Laundry work or housework. Mrs. Julia Jones, 84 1 N. 37th. Har. 6737. WANEIV Bundle washing or Ironing by the day. Phone Web. 14S7,. WAJTE1--Bundie washing, first-class work done. Phono Webster 3798. WIDOW with one child, wishes respectable position oa housekeeper. Box 1397, Bee. YOUNG lady wishes position as housekeeper for a man. Box 1406, Bee. DAY work wanted by reliable colored wo man. Call Douglas 6698. EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work of any kind. Douglas 6130. Lace curtains nicely laundered. Web. 6416. CTJRtX.NS laundered. hTiiSO. 2614 DodgcT Colored woman wants day work. Web. 3401. Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1610 Davenport St. Douglas 186$. Headquarters for hotel help. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. W ANTED AN ACTIVE OR SI LENT PARTNER ; MAN MUST RESIDE IN OMAHA, WHO WISHES TO INVEST FROM $7,600 TO $8,600 IN A BUSINESS THAT IS PAYING FROM 36 TO 60 PER CENT PER ANNUM. WILL STAND THB MOST RIGID INVES TIGATIONS, HAVE BEEN OP ERATING IN OMAHA OVER SEVliN YEARS. BOX 132$. BEE. MANAGER, general merchandising store, must take Interest, salary $100; book keeper and! stenogrs pher. $1 00 ; book keeper, mercantile house, $76; office clerk, young man, position out-of-town, trans portation furnished, $76 ; general office clerk, good at figures, good penman, $66; bookkeeper, lumber and coal, $66; stenog rapher and clerk, $76; billing clerk, typ ist, $60; correspond tint, $86; assistant cashier, small wholesale, young man, $50; general office clerk, prefer high school graduate, experience unnecessary, $40-$50. Western Reference and Bond Ass'n., . Western Reference A Bond Ansa.. Inc., 763 Omaha National Bank Building. NO FILING FEE. Stenographer-asst bkkpr., $40. Stenographer (good penman), $S0. Stenographer (Smith-Premier), $40. Stenographer-file clerk, $35. Stenographer (Oliver), $40. Stenographer (out city), $76. Stenographer-dictaphone, $65. Stenographer-book keeper, $66. Stenographer (beginner), $30, Typist-ftle clerk, $.15. Stock reoonl clerk. t3S. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE COMPANY, 1016-16 City Nat Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER 100.00 STENOGRAPHER, wholesale. . 76.00 STENOGRAPHER, railroad 70.00 STENOGRAPHER ft CLERK 70.00 BOOKKEEPER 76.00 OFFICE CLERK, gowd penman.... 76.00 TYPIST 66.00 BOOKKEEPER, out-of-town 80.00 STOCK CLERK, good future 86.00 OFFICE CLKRK 30.00 OFFICE BOY 26.00 WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY", 1188 FIRST NAT. BK. BLDG. WILL offer to live young men an interest In high class office business, must be up-to-date in correspondence,, knowledge of accounts, Collections and adjustments. To the right man will make Investment pay- able largely out of profits; advise to state experience and previous connect Ions In detsil, to be held confidential. State phone number. Address Box Y 864, Be. BOOKKEEPER $100 PRIVATE SEC. (steno) $100 SALESMAN (Investment) $100 NIGHT CASHIER $36 and board STOCK CLERK $40 THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDG. THE "GREATEST GAIN 66.718 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper. Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 181$. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. WANTED A young man about 18, good appearance and Intelligent for stock clerk; splendid opportunity. Apply Or chard Wllhelm Drapery Pt HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND A8SM. Professions and Trades. WANTED Experienced marker and as eorter at the Globs LtAindry Co., Lin coln, Neb. HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. NOW EXCEPTIOXAL OPPORTUNITY NOW Men to learn ths barber trade. A few weeks of Intelligent training saves three years trying to learn. A great scarcity of barbers everywhere. Jobs waiting for you. Tools given. Wages Saturday, Board if desired. Writs now. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, 110 S. 14th St, Omaha, Neb. PORTERS WANTED. Dependable men for porter work, only those who are steady and attend strictly to business need apply. Supt office, bal cony. Burgees-Nash Co. WANTED A reliable, trustworthy man; one who has executive ability and ts capa ble of taking charge of a number of por ters; cleanliness of building an essential duty. Salary according to ability. Ad dress Box 317, Bee! MECHANICIAN-walited to take charge of private garage for trucks and business cars. Must be competent to keep ma chines operating, and to make records and reports. Must furnish references aa to character, habits and competency. Ad dress Box 379, Bee. WANTED Refinery operators. Experienced lead refinery men, familiar with Parks' proress lead refining, cupelling and re torts. State experience and wages In re ply. Address Apartment E, 407 Knox ville Ave., Peoria, III. WANTED An architectural draftsman of experience, state salary desired. Apply t Fluke A Meglnnis, 633 Bankers Life Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. BE AN automobile expert In six weeks': our big book tells you how. Rahe's Automo bile School, 601 E. llth St., Kansas City, Mo. WANTED First-class painter and paper hanger, one who can handle customers, steady work, write at once. Knud Knudsen, Geneva, Neb. DRUG POSITIONS ALL STATE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-16 City National Bank Btdg. Salesmen and Solicitors. SELL STARK TREES Immense advertis ing campaign, magnificent four-color cat alogue and special salesmen's helps maks big sales easy. Prestige of Stark Bros., 101 years In business, makes you welcoma wherever you go. H. D. Phelps, Kansas, made $218.10 net In five weeks; never had sold a tree In his life before. G. F. Snyder of Nebraska made $61.30 In less than six day's work. E. B. Robinson, Massachusetts, cleared $17.76 a dya; Ernest Hatler, Illinois, made $76 In less than a week; L. L. Jenkins, Illinois, made $110 last week; you can succeed In this busi ness, using all or part of your time; pleas ant outdoor work; liberal pay paid weekly; liberal bonus premiums given; trees fur nished free for paying traveling expenses; complete selling outfit. Including 101st anniversary display book,' showing all va rieties of fruit in actual size and color, free; more men wanted at once to get or ders; greatest tree selling season for ten years. Write quick for salesman's cer tificate and territory. We will train and educate you In orcharding, landscaping and salesmanship, all free. Stark Broa, R. R, 31, Louisiana, Mo. HIGH CLASS SALESMEN WANTED by firm which desires to open up new territory In Nebraska and Iowa. Apltcanta preferred will be men ever $0 who can show good records as sales men and who can also show themselves to be men of good personal character, and. In addition, it is desired that such ap plicants shall be familiar with territory and with metbods of doing business In twtl states ahove mentioned. Positions open are such as will easbto hard workers to earn from $60 to $-00 per week. Only high class men will receive con sideration so when writing give full par ticulars regarding present connections and past accomplishments. All Information so given will be treated In a strictly con fidential manner. Address Box 1325, Bee. BIG MONEY, BIG LINE. All necessities. Groceries, paints, oils, stock food, sell at wholesale. Goods and house nationally known. Ask your banker. Enormous sums paid for crops Insure vast trsde. Quit road stay In home territory build homes and bank accounts as hun dreds do. Regular trade, Quickly, easily covered. No collections or losses. No capital required simple but effective sell ing plan earns for you $100 to $460 monthly easy. Write today. John Sexton & Co., Wholesale Grocers, 238 W. LakO St, Chicago. WERE YOU EVER OFFERED A GROCERY STORE? OUR PROPOSITION IS BETTER. Let us tell you how you can nanld flour, canned goods, provisions, an entire line of groceries, as well as paints, roofing, stock foods, automobile and machinery oils and greases. No rent to pay, no Invest ment In stock. Large orders taken from samples. Goods of guaranteed and proven quality. Selling experience not necessary. Very profitable work for 'workers.' Ad dress R- a Hill, Presldeat Hitehooek BT11 Co., Chicago. Reference; Any bank or ex press company. SALE S ME N W ANTE D Say what wrmNt you think of an opening that would gtva you a monoply of the territory allotted antomoblle for soliciting, salary and com mission, binding 1 contract, safe for both parties. Yon to Invest from $1,000 ts $5,000 In ths company's securities, accord ing to the earning possibilities of the ter ritory allotted to the right man. The above opportunity would spell life-long position with Increasing value. Only first class specialty men or shoe men need as ply. Address Box Y 860, Bee. ATTENTION Tea, coffee or grocery sales men. Write today for money making proposition, selling full line of groceries, teas, coffees and home supplies direct to consumers, including restaurants, ho tels, farmers and ranchmen. Line of goods not found In ordinary stores. Sales made from sample. $300 to $600 per month earned by scores of our men. Goods known the country over, having been sold for more than 26 years. Our reference any bank anywhere. The E. C. Harley Co., 1019 E. Third St., Dayton . O. WANTED at once, three to five salesmen In each state to sell our 81-Jewel guaran teed watches direct to wearer on easy Installment payments of only $2.60 month ly; priced much lower than others charge. We pay straight salary $100 month, all expenses and big extra commissions ; year's contract for hustlers. Can use sev eral men In different localities, wtth or without experience. Address Ths Pope Co., Longvlew. Tex. SALESMEN wanted to scjl farmers, also dealers, Sal-Tonik, m Mica ted condiment (salt and pepper), fifty pound blocks for alt stock. Vermifuge, disease preventive, condition. Stock licking It "doctor them selves automatically." No trouble, no feed ing, no dosing, no waste, big demand, easy seller, liberal weekly commission ad vancements. Write for sales producing 'circular. Guarantee Veterinary Co., Sioux CltyJLa. SPECIALTY SALESMAN MAGAZINE. One hundred pages monthly; chuck full of Inspirational selling talks; where to buy, how to sell; every Issue Is a course in salesmanship; vigorously and fearlessly exposes fradulent advertisers; salesman's true friend aad champion. Yearly, $1; three months' trjal subscription 20c Stamps accepted.) Specialty Salesman Magaslne. 608 A, S. Dearborn St, Chicago. WE CAN use a few good salesmen who can produce business In volume and who have had experience In heavy hardware or Implements. Have a fine proposition and good opening for the right man In Min neapolis. Dakotas or Iowa. Must be a live wire, not over $6 years old. State age, experience. In application. Address Box Y $63. Bee. ADVERTISING specialty salesman "for 'our complete line of fine art calendars, alumi num, cloth, fans, lead pencils, rulers, eel- ' luloid, thermometers, pennants, signs and metal novelties. Exclusive protection given good men In this city snd outside terrt toriese. Connect with the fastest growing specialty house In Nebraska. M. F. Shsfer Co. 13th and Farnam Sts. Fourth floor. rrw4(rrsi