Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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n a
Goddie Rosenbaum Will Tell
Nebraska Retailers What's
the Matter With Them.
"The Things I Don't Like About
You" is the subject of one of the ad
dresses to be delivered at the con
vention of the Nebraska Retail
Clothiers' association at the Hotel
Fontenelle this week. That subject
itself is expected to bring in quite a
delegation, for there are many who
want to know what is the matter
with them if it can be told without
Well. Gaddie Rosenbaum of Kala
mazoo, treasurer of the Kalamazoo
Pant company, is to be here to tell
it to the delegates. He comes to
tell the clothier about some of the
"crimes" of the trade that is, some
of the things that some people re
gard as such. He will give his obser
vations of some of the clothiers'
shortcomings, for he is one himself.
F. M. Short of Chicago, vice presi
dent of the Federal Advertising
agency, is also to be here to talk on
the value of team work. He is a
man of wide experience in the general
mercantile field.
Selling the Fanner.
Charles Beno of Council BlafFs is
to be here to talk on "More Ginger."
John Cogaiv of Omaha will talk on
making the store pay a better divi
dend. "Selling the Farmer" is the
subject to be discussed by S. R. Mc
Kelvey of Lincoln. Intensified re
tail advertising is to be discussed by
Charles C. Percy, director of sales
promotion of the Joseph &'Feiss
company, Cleveland. Emerson E.
Smith of the Spier & Simon company
of Lincoln is to talk on the psy
chology of salesmanship. VV. B. I yr
rcll, vice president of the Bradley
Knitting company, Delevan, Wis.,
has chosen the subject "Sheep's
Clothing. E. J. berg, display man
ager of the Burgess-Nash company
and president of the International
Association of Display Men, is to
give an exhibition of practical win
uow dressing.
The evening of February 21 the
visiting clothiers are to be tendered
a banquet by the manufacturers and
wholesalers ot Omaha.
The dates of the convention are
February 20 and 21.
Social Circles
Mrs. S. M. Felton left last week
for Jamestown, S. D., to visit her son.
Miss Anna Linder of Silver Hill,
Ala., is visiting at the home of her
brother, track Linder.
Miss Margaret Fedde came last
week from Lincoln to spend the week
end with her parents.
Miss Esther Madsen was hostess for
the Dorcas society last Friday eve
Miss Adele Craig of Indianapolis
was a guest at the home of C F. Faris
last week.
The women of the English Lutheran
church will give their annual Wash
ington birthday party next Wednes
day atternoon.
Miss Olga Sorenson was pleasantly
surprised last Monday evening by a
dozen of her friends in' honor of her
birthday anniversary.
Invitations were received here for
the wedding of Miss Amy Hazard and
Alfred Appleby at Irvington last
Mrs. T. J. McGuire entertained at
her home Wednesday afternoon at a
Valentine party.
Miss Gertrude I. Welch entertained
six little folks at a birthday dinner at
her home in Cherrvcrott.
The women of the Municipal league
presented the high school with a pic
ture of Lincoln. Mrs. Speedie made
the presentation during the program
given on Monday.
Mrs. V. Kennev of Bensonhurst left
Friday evening for Kansas City, where
she was called by the death of her
Miss Sarah Robinson entertained on
Friday afternoon in honor of her
birthday anniversary. There were
fourteen guests present.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Cabbage last Thursday.
Mrs. Cabbage was formerly Miss Isa
bel Hawkins.
. Mr. R. L. Robinson left last Fri
day for a few days' trip to Boise,
Mrs. C. C. Williams was hostess
at a 1 o'clock dinner for the Benson
Icenxinptnn last Fndav.
Mrs. j. L. Corbaley entertained for
the 0. F. B. kensington at her home
last Thursday afternoon.
The Baptist Missionary Circle of
Benson will give a tea next i nursaay
at the home of Mrs. J. I. McKara,
when Mrs. Stnrgill will give a mis
sinnarv talk.
The Benson Woman's Foreign
Missionary society will meet Wednes
day at the home ot Mrs. n. rnimps.
Benson chapter of the P. E. 0.
meets Monday at the nome ot Mrs,
J. T. Fickard, when Mrs. e a. mc
.tsnn trives the history of "Ne
braska Railroads." and a report from
the committee of the meeting at the
Fontenelle will be given.
Benson Woman's club added three
new members at last week s meeting.
The club will assist in the public
ouenins of the city gymnasium.
The Baptist Philathea class met at
the home of Mrs. J. Wallick last
Tuesday evening and elected the
following officers: President, Mrs.
O'Linn McGuire: vice president. Miss
Emma Ehlers; secretary, Mrs. Ray
Rnhinson: treasurer. Mrs. A. I-aris.
After the business session a shower
was given for Miss Ethel Hamer, a
member, and who is to be a spring
Amonff those ervine Valentine par,
ties last week were Misses Roma
Roth, Genevieve Cass and Eloise
The Westminster Guild will meet
at the church Monday evening for a
6:30 dinner followed by a business
and social meetimz.
Mrs. J. Calvert entertained the
Loyal Daughters' club at a Valentine
party last Tuesday evening. About
twentv truests were present.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson en
tertained the Baptist Young People's
union at a social gathering at their
home last Friday evening.
Mrs. Mort Armstrong returned on
Stato association here this week.
Barclay is 'president and Wescott
C.C Wescott
Tuesday from a seven week's visit
with relatives in Ohio.
Miss Hazel Wilcox has returned
home from a ten days' visit with
friends in David City.
Social Gossip
tfiss Valada Rodeman was shop
ping in Omaha Thursday afternoon.
Mr. tna Kunn ot iiretna was a
visitor here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs.
Kuhn were formerly of Ralston and
are contemplating moving back this
Mr. Brown of Omaha gave a lec
ture at the Methodist f.piscopal
church Tuesday evening, which was
largely attended.
Quite a number from this vicinity
attended the wrestling match at the
Auditorium Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Propst and
daughter and Mrs. D. L. Ham mo
tored to Omaha bunday evening.
Basket Stores Cut Big
Melon With Employes
Lincoln and Omaha employes of the
Basket Stores of those two cities
shared in a melon cut by the com
pany for the year closed, amounting
to $20,192.85, under the profit sharing
plan of the company.
Checks were given to the employes
of the Lincoln stores recently at
the annual banquet in the Red room
of the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation, and to the Omaha employes
at their banquet in Omaha Tuesday
night, amounting to $15,099.31. The
company had previously distributed a
little over $o,uuu among lis employes
during the year.
All managers and clerks, who have
been with the company a year or
over shared in the profits. Abont 100
managers and clerks participated. Em
ployes of the company were given a
larger share than the company re
tained for itself, President Herman
said. .
The total sales for 1916 were $1,870,
171.34, a gain over 1915 of $519,
Five Little Girls Kidnaped
At Salt Lake City in Day
Salt Lake City, Feb. 17. Five girls
have been reported missing here with
in the last twenty-four hours and the
police department declared its belief
today that an organized band of kid
napers is responsible. The missing
girls are: Marian urana, o; Louise
Bossard. 8: Rebecca Burch, 15: Mar-
jorie Harshorn, 13, and Agnes Hen
derson, id.
Efficiency I
N Charf
EstahlUhwl ISM
Dr. Bailer, Free. Dr. Shlph.ra, Mgr.
706 City Nat'! Bank Bldg.
IStm an fUnur Streets,
Minneapolis Symphony Orches
tra and Mendelssohn Choir
of Omaha Together.
The fifth and last number of the
Retailers' course will lie given at the
Auditorium, Monday evening, by the
Mendelssohn Choir of nearly 00
voices jn joint concert with the
Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra of
eighty-five pieces.
1 he anticipated combined forces of
the Mendelssohn Choir with Thomas
J. Kelly, conductor, and the Minne
apolis symphony Orchestra, with
tmu Oberhoher, 'conductor, has
aroused a great amount of interest
among Omaha music lovers, who fully
realize that -a program rendered by I
such a combination of musical talent I
will be far above the ordinary.
Notice to Seatholders.
The local management announces
that a limited number of reserved
seats are being offered at $1 each.
The management wishes tn lay par
ticular stress upon the fact, that the
subscribers must use their tickets at
the concert next Monday evening, be
cause this is the last number of the
Most of the season tickets are dated
for- one (the last) number to take
place in March, but as the March
date was changed to February 19,
holders of tickets will lose on the last
number if they do not attend the con
cert next Monday evening.
Program for Concert.
The following is the program for
Monday evening:
A National Anthem The Star SnanfflMl
Thfl Monde Iwwihn Phnlr, Minne
apolis Symphony Orrhi'fitra and the
Symphony No. 1 in Oi mirwr. . . . Kalltnlkow
1. Allegro MfwWato.
2. Andante Ootnnwdnmfnls.
3, Sohzo : Allegro nnn-troupes.
4, Finale: A11ritro Mnrlorato.
Choral Excerpts from the Oratorio
"Elijah" Mendelssohn
(a) "He That Shalt Knriura to the End."
(b) "Be Not Afraid."
(With Orrhcdtra.)
Overture to a Comedy of Shakespeare
(Intriucins an old English tune
from FltswtUlam'i book.)
Ore heat ra.
Finale to Part 1 of "Elijah" Thank
Be to 3od Mendelssohn
The Choir and Orrheetra.
Madriral In Pride of Way..C. W. Cadman
Old lullaby (Scottish) O, Can Yo Sew
Cushions Arr. by Granville Han took
Russian Folk Song Volga Boat Son
Arr. by Kurt Schindler
Motet (six-part) by "Babylon's Wove"
The Mendelssohn Choir.
Vals Triste, from "Kuolema" Sibelius
Tone Poem Flnlandia Sibelius
The "Hallelujah" Chorus from "The
Menaiah" Handel
The Choir and the Orchestra,
Grand Jury May Not Quit
Work for Another Week
Contrary to "positive assurances
from high authorities" that the Brand
jury would wind up its three weeks'
session Saturday afternoon, the body
1503-1510 Douglas St.
-assembling the new
spring garments into
special value groups
Each season this store strives to specialize in each
respective line on garments at certain attractive
prices. Right now, with the spring stocks nearing
completion, this grouping is under way, and we
believe the values we will offer this spring will set
a new standard.
-the new suits
At Three Feature Prices
$25 29 $35
A host of as pretty styles as you'll encounter in
suits averaging $5 to $10 more elsewhere all the
new fabrics, colorings, models for Miss and Matron.
A try-on will convince you that these suits need
fear no rival for cleverness of design nor strength
of value.
-featuring the new coats at $15, $19??, $25
Models adapted for every type of wear. Colors and fabrics to meet each individual taste. The coats
at these prices are truly exceptional values, and the range of selection decidedly broad.
-wonderful dress values $14l?, $19!?, $24!5
We've crowded the greatest amount of style, quality and fit into the dresses at these three prices
that has been possible to do. Assortments are unusually broad. They compare with garments selling
at one-third more.
All the new, favored colors,
every price. Blouses of these
mm iri!iiiwi;iih!1 ma BBaaaaiggHngesaH mmmmmmmamm iiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiii'iiii'iiiiiminiMi jg
Pretty Miss to Sing With the High
School Boys
Little, Miss Riiu Snyder, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snyder of Coun
cil Bluffs, is to sing the title roll
in the comic opera, "Pocahontas,"
which will he gicvn hy the Glee clubs
of Council Muffs High school at the
Nicholas theater, Friday evening.
Miss Snyder is a member of this
year's senior class. Her voice is a
clear, pretty soprano. She is dark
and petite and well suited to the part
of the romantic fndian girl.
For a number of years it has been
customary for the Glee clubs to per
sent some cantata or light opera in
the late winter or early spring. About
sixty-seven boys and girls, chiefly
from the three upper high school
classes, comprise the (ilee clubs. The
majority of these will form the chor
uses. Other leading parts will be
taken by Wheaton Clark, as the noble
Captain John Smith; by Harold
Hughes as John Rolfe, his friend, and
by Mildred Buz7a, as "Ahmeek." The
production is under the direction of
Miss Angie Middlcton, supervisor of
music in the public schools.
A special feature of this year's per
formance will be the appearance of
the high school orchestra, which has
been working as hard and as faith
fully as have the members of the
opera cast.
failed to adjourn and will in all prob
ability resume its star chamber ses
sions again Monday morning. No one
seems to know why the sixteen
closed-door jurymen arc staying on
the job, as apparently there is noth
ing in sight lor them to do but dis
pose of a few police court cases which
could be handled hy the county attor
ney's office without their assistance.
Two witnesses were subpoenaed
and called before the inquisitors to
testify Saturday morning. One of
them, Harry Armstrong, is a brother
Jury in Stephenson
Case Fails to Agree
Aurora, Neb., Feb. 17. (Special
Telegram.) Shortly before noon to
day the jury in the damage case of
Samuel C. Stephenson against the
Union Pacific notified Judge Corcoran
that it could not agree and it was dis
missed. The jurors had been out for
about twenty hours. They announced
that the final ballot stood seven to
five. The trial lasted three days.
Stephenson sued for $2,500 damages
for injuries he received in a wreck
near North Loup. The case will be
tried again in April.
Steel Net is Placed at
Gate of New York Port
New York, Feb. 17. A steel net,
designed to protect the port of New
York from hostile submarine and
other war craft in the event of war
was put in place at the entrance of
the harbor today. For the present it
will be kept in position only between
sunset and sunrise and will bar all
ships from leaving or entering the
harbor during the night. In case of
war, its construction provides for
placing it as a permanent barrier.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Orion - t,
-distinctive new blouses
In Three Popular Groups
$595' $g50 $g75
Under each price heading we've classed hosts of highly distinctive
Blouses. Values that you'll recognize as unusual at first glance.
all the new fabrics, all the new style
types are responsible for this store's
at Their Concert
jonr .photo
of a grand juryman. William Ash-
worth was the other witness.
A humorous incident of the 117
edition of the grand jury was the
bodv's investigation of a burlesque
gambling party staged at the Uni
versity club not long since. Accora
iiiir to rumors, the sixteen jurymen
believed in good faith that they were
on the trail of "something hot." A
member of the University club was
subpoenaed and quizzed, it is said,
as tn where the gambling parapher
nalia used at the burlesque "bucking
the tiger" jollification was obtained.
It is understood that the grand jury
would like to know where, on short
notice, the wise ones can lay in a
supply of roulette wheels, crap tables,
faro layouts and other necessities of
the green cloth world.
Woodrough Refuses to
Withdraw the Charges
Federal Judge Woodrough has re
fused to grant an aDDeal made by
David Riseman, who sought to have
charges of concealing bankruptcy as
sets against him withdrawn.
I?timan fnrmerlv conducted a littl
variety store at Twenty-fourth and
1 ..L-n tri.ta Kut nnnarinflv rntlldn't
make it a success, for he filed a bank
ruptcy petition.
But accusations were made that be
fore he filed the petition Riseman had
backed express wagons up to the rear
door of his establishment and carried
away considerable of the assets, some
of which it is alleged were later found
in Council Bluffs. A complaint was
made against Riseman for concealing
these assets.
Kiseman first appealed to Referee
lnnnM in liaim tli rharcreii dis
missed, but the referee refused. Then
Riseman appealed to Judge Wood
rough and the judge overruled the ap
creations a wonderful exhibit at
slogan: "Famous For Blouses."
Public to Be Invited to Witness
Activities When Plant is
War abroad anil freight congestion j
in this country has caused months of
delay in repairing equipment for use
at the army balloon school at Fort
Omaha. But within a few days the
first flights will he attempted, savs
Captain C. Del-. Chandler, U. S. A.,
who is in charge.
1 he public will be admitted to the
grounds and permitted to watch the
activities there, although greater pre
cautions are now being taken than
ever before in peace times to guard
military secrets. Much information
concerning the balloon establishment
here is withheld.
"With Omaha's tine, mild weather
slipping by day after day lately while
we have been impatiently waiting
since last November for repair ma
terial to come from the east, we have
become very disappointed and dis
couraged," 'said Captain Chandler.
"There is no possibility of our at
tempting a balloon (light before Tues
day, but we hope to be ready to do
something then or soon after."
Repairs Were Needed.
The Fort Omaha balloon plant, in
cluding huge shed, hydrogen plant
and outfit of large ruhheriaed cotton
gas bags, was installed by Captain
Chandler a number of years ago.
When the post was recently redesig
nated as a balloon training station, it
was found to need extensive repairs.
Many special parts and materials,
both metal and rubber, were ordered
for the necessary repair work last
fall, but have not yet arrived. Al
though all the material needed is made
in the United States, foreign war or
1917 Hudson
like new,
Mfri- Detroit
3814 Farnam
Harney 800
Open Sunday
We Make
Engraved Printing Plates
that Print
feijry department
Truck Dealer Wanted
We have a big opportunity for a man
who wants to get into the commercial auto
mobile truck business. The greatest line of
trucks manufactured. A truck for every
purpose. Only high class man wanted, as
the proposition is a big one for the right
party. For interview, write
Care The Omaha Bee.
Persistence is the cardinal virtue in
advertising; no matter how good ad
vertising may be in other respects, ,
it must be run frequendy and con
stantly to be really successful.
'HII""""" i ii i ij 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i ii n
ders, scarcity of materiala, making of
the goods to order, and now the rail
road freight congestion, have greatly
delayed the repair work.
One hundred men, newly enlisted in
the army, are now at Fort Omaha.
They have kept the experienced men
busy giving them general army train
ing, and will rapidly be instructed in
the work of handling ballooning
equipment on the ground.
Captain D. H. Bowen and Lieuten
ant L. C. Davidson of the army are
also at the fort to receive instruction
as observation balloon pilots. Cap
tain Chandler and Leo Stevens, a civ
ilian expert and maker of balloons,
are the instructors.
While stormy weather will not in
terfere with balloon voyages, wind
conditions must be right. Captain
Chandler says a flight would not be
attempted in such wind conditions as
prevailed Saturday.
Pittsburgher to Speak
To Salesmanship Club
The Salesmanship club of Omaha
has reached out as far as Pittsburgh
for a speaker. This organization is
new, but bustling. It fills a need in
Omaha, or so it seems to the members
from the way the membership has
hounded forward since it was organ
ized a few weeks ago.
The Pittsburgh man who is to speak
here Monday night at the meeting at
the Hotel Rome is Graham C. Wells,
general salesmanager of the Provi
dence Life & Trust company.
Millard Hotel
From 12 M. to 2 P. M.
Good Muiie Whil. You Eat
Chicken a La Creole
Celery Hearts
Fried Spring Chicken,
Cream Gravy
Special Tenderloin Steak,
Broiled Bordalaise
Roast Stuffed Goose,
Apple Sauce
Roast Young Turkey,
Cranberry Sauce
Prime Roast Beef, au Jus
Roast Spring Chicken, .
Celery Dressing
Mashed Potatoes
Boiled Potatoes
Mashed Rutabagas
Lima Bean Salad Mayonnaise
Apple Pie, Loganberry Pie,
Pineapple Cream Pie
Vanilla Ice Cream
Peach Tapioca Pudding,
Whipped Cream
Tea Coffee Milk
Why is
Hair Is by far the most conspicuous
thing about us and is probably the
most easily damaged by bad or care
less treatment. If we are very care
ful in hair washing, we will have
virtually no hair troubles. A,n espe
cially fine shampoo for this weather,
one that brings out all the natural
beauty of the hair, that dissolves and
entirely removes all dandruff, excess
oil and dirt, can easily be used at
trifling expense by simply dissolving
a teaspoonful of canthrox- (which you
can get at any druggists) in a cup of
hot water. This makes a full cup of
shampoo liquid, enough so it is easy
to apply it to all the hair instead
of just the top of the head. This
chemically dissolves all impurities
and creates a soothing, cooling lather.
Rinsing leaves the scalp spotlessly
clean, soft and pliant, while the hair
takes on the glossy richness of natural
color, also a flufliness which makes it
seem much heavier than it is. After
a canthrox shampoo, arranging the
hair is a pleasure. Advertisement.
, . , , 7
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