Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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Locomotives and Freight Cars
. Wearing Out Because of Un
xtvizl Demands On Them.
President Wilson and Cabinet
Members Are Guests at
Postponement of Hearing
higher prices in the future and again
the talk of $2 wheat is being re
vived. , ,
Corn was a half cent off. yet the de
mand was good, and about all the of
ferings were taken, large quantities
h.;.,y hnuoht fnr the southern olan-
of one of the big French guns that has been booming out it;
song of death to the German who attempted to recapture the
ground lost on the Somme.
tations and the nearby feed lots. Re
ceipts were sixty-seven carloads and
i the sales were made at 9454 and 96
! cents a bushel.
j Oats were down one-half cent, sell
ing at 55"4 and 55J4 cents a bushel,
j Receipts were thirty-two carloads.
Heartens Shippers to Be
lieve All is Well.
10 'A
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
Bewe, Switzerland, Feb. 17. (Via
Paris.) Although the most serious
of the great problems which today
occupy the attention of the German
leaders is the food question, of al
rnoieo,ual importance is the situation
presented by transportation difficul
ties. Until the present winter these
difficulties were felt, but wore little
recognised generally as constituting
a major problem until the shortage
of food became acute hy rrason (if
the lack of rolling stock, the deprecia
tion of freight cars and the sudden
cofd spell which froze the rivers ami
canals, hindering or preventing trans
portation of the most necessary foods
to centers of population.
Surplus Cars Worn Out.
At' the beginning of the war Ger
many had a surplus of railway car
riages, freight cars and locomotives,
which had been provided expressly
against emergency, in consequence,
transportation in the first two years
of the war was adequate for all the
tinuual demands made upon it, not
withstanding the extension of the ler
, ritory served. The conquest of Hel
' gium resulted in the capture of a com
, paratively large number of Belgian
freight cars, which today may be
seen everywhere in Germany, Poland,
, Lithuania, Austria. Hungary, Serbia
. and Roumanta. The factories in
. ' which rolling stock ordinarily is pro
s duced and repaired, however, are
' needed urgently at present for other
; purposes. Moreover, the shortage of
oils has made it impossible to keep
! the cars in proper condition. Such
few cr as were captured in Rus
' sia have been found unavailable be
; cause they are of broader gauge. The
German surplus, deteriorating from
; month to month, has gradually gone
to pieces. Shortly before the corre-'
- spondent left Berlin it was deescribed
, by an unusually outspoken German
railway official as "miserable."
; Passenger Service Decreased.
J From tyne to time passenger serv-
- ice in all parts of Germany has been
? reduced, until at the present time the
J trains, which at this ason are cold
J to the freezing point, are terribly
'overcrowded, frequently late and sel
tdom complete even short journeys
I without at least one hot box. Since
the beginning of the war the govern
ment has proceeded on the basis that
'the troops must be supplied with all
kinds of necessities at the expense of
' everythin else, and even the mag
nificent German trackage system is
loaded down constantly with trains
! carrying troops, supplies and ammu
' nition. Npt only is it impossible for
civilians behind the front to .travel
.'.without difficulty, but food supplies
; often are jeopardized. Centers like
J, Berlin have not had even their scant
allotment of potatoes, flour and other
; commodities.
i The arrival of spring' and warmer
! weather will help the situation, but
not greatly, because it will merely
make water transportation again pos
sible. Thorough-going repairs for
the re-establishment of railroad equip
ment would be possible only by cut
ting down the output of ammunition
from factories that in peace times
were car shops, but were reorganized
for war purposes.
Situation In Austria Worse.
All that applies to Germany is
doubly true oi Austria and especially
of Huugary, where the gradually in
creasing shortage of cars and depre
ciation of rolling stock in general
are added to the difficulties imposed
by the tremendous stretches that arc
single-tracked; for instance, from
points only a short distance from
Budapest all the way to Transyl
vania. Whereas the Germans in the
early days of the war had men and
materials to reconstruct hundreds of
miles of broad gauge tracks in Russia,
the praews of double-tracking lines
of communication to Roumania, Ser
bia and Albania is increasingly diffi
cult. Austria-Hungary, which is less
ready than Germany to resort to.
stringent measures, remied for the
time heihg to consider plan pro
posed by Germany for lightening the
transportation problem by preventing
prospective travelers from using
trains unnecessarily. It was pointed
out that the train service might be
reduced still further if travel were
regulated by a card system.
Dahlman and Miss
Samuels to Lead Grand Ball
The annual fete and ball of the
local lodge of the Theatrical Me
chanics asspciation will he held Wed-
' nesday night at the Auditorium. The
committee in" charge of the event has
prepared for 1,000 couples and ar
ranged to have the big dance floor
decorated in keeping with the occa
sion. This event is staffed this vear at
the Auditorium with a view o pro
vide rooai tor tne long list ot people
to whom invitations have been sent.
It will be a "dry ball," and a dress
attatr, to which a general invitation
has been issued. Mayor Dahlman has
agreed to lead the grand march with
Miss Ray Samuels, who is scheduled
. as a headh'ner at the Orpheum this
week. -
Spanish Style of Home
Is Popular in Omaha
Applications are already coming in
to the Metropolitan Realty company
for reservations of apartments in the
St Regis apartment house, being
built at Thirty-seventh and Jonea
' streets. The work is now being push
ed w,ith all possible speed since the
- weather has moderated a little.
The St Regis is to be a handsome
structure from the outside view as
well as inside. The Spanish renais
sance style of architecture is to be
carried out in detail. A lily pond, a
fountain, shrubbery and miniature
trees all within the "U" shaped court
yard, will help to carry out the Span
ish suggestion.
Michigan Tennis Team
Will Invade the East
r The University of Michigan's ten
nis team will make its eastern trip
early in May. Yale, Princeton, Brown,
Cornell, Navy, Lehigh and Lafayette
will be opponents of the Wolverines.
I 4 kit '
WW -
.nfviiiMii m
Nebraska Optometrists Will
Study Skiametry at Session Here
Skiametry is not one of the "omet-.
ries" studied in the high school, nor
grade school, nor yet in the Commer
cial High school.
' No, but several hundred full grown
men in the state are coming to
Omaha this week to study it. They
will study it at the Paxton hotel. The
men who arc coming arc the members
.of the Nebraska Association of Opto
Skiametry is one of the branches of
their profession. They know what it
means, even if the laity does not
know. More than that, they are go
ing to study dynamic skiametry. Dr.
W. U. Needles is coming all the way
from Kansas City to lecture to them
on dynamic skiametry.
Of course, they are going to hear
lectures on other technical subjects,
too. For theirs is an intricate pro
fession and trade. Their work in life
is to make old eyes new by the proper
adjustment of suitable glasses.
Ojj Wednesday morning they are to
havf a round table discussion, led by
C. C. McLeese of Davenport, Neb.
This discussion will have considerable
range, touching perhaps on skiametry
Aim of Institution Is to Train
Thos Who Are Unable to Go
Through High School. .
The establishment of a junior high
school is one ot the problems which
the new Board of Education hopes to
work out this year. It is possible that
this feature may be inaugurated at
the opening of the new schoojl year
next September. Members of the
eachcrs"and course of study commit,
lee are inclined to favor the junior
high school, but considerable thought
must be given to the details before
the proposition takes form.
The purpose of the junior high
school education is to broaden thfl op
portunities of children who do not
expect to go beyond the Eighth grade
in their school work, llns proposed
school would embrace the Seventh
and Eighth grades and would in a
way remove what one of the board
members refers to as the sudden jump
from elementary to high schools.
To Get Advanced Training.
The iunior high school would be
particularly for those who do not ex
pect to enter high school. The rec
ords show that many public school
children stop at the Eighth grade.
That class would be given some of the
branches now taught in the high
schools and during these last two
years of the grades they would be
offered advanced manual training
Chairman Wells of the teachers'
committee is favorably impressed
with the junior high school idea and
asserts that his committee expects
to go into the subject thoroughly in
the near luture.
Reports from cities where the jun
ior high school idea has been tried
out indicate its success.
Safe Robber's Sob Story.
Softens Jenning's Heart
"I want to wait for my wife and
daughter here," said a well dressed
man as he entered the photographic
studio of Sam C. Jennings, 315 South
Sixteenth street.
"You are welcome to do so," said
Mr. Jennings, and went upstairs to
finish some work. He was not up
there for more than a few minutes
when he heard his safe door slam.
He rushed downstairs and accused the
visitor of robbing the safe.
The man denied the charge very
indignantly. Jennings notified the
police by telephone. Then the stran
ger confessed that he had rilled the
safe. He returned the money to Jen
nings, with sob story about a sick
child. Jennings let him go and then
notified Captain of Detectives Ma
loney of what'he had done.
"Thank you very much," said the
captain in words that bristled with
again, and on various other subjects
bearing on the trade and profession
Their convention is scheduled for
two days of actual work and one
half day of registration. The regis
tration is to begin Monday afternoon
The actual sessions arc held Tues
day and Wednesday.
Then Wednesday evening they are
to enjoy the theater, party, the din
ner aim the dancing at the Hotel
Fontenelle along with the jewelers
of the state, who will also be here
to begin their state convention the
following day.
The officers of the association are:
President, Max J. Egge, Grand
Island; first vice president, K C. Cal
houn, Pawnee City; second vice presi
dent, H. R. Cronk. Omaha; secretary
treasurer, H. R. Tillotsou, Harvard.
Following are the members of the
executive and legislative committees
of the optometrists: Executive com
mittee: A. S. Miller, Madison; A. W.
Neihart, Elmwood; B. B. Combs,
Omaha; C. A. Hewitt, Ncligh. Legis
lative committee: Ed Neiwohner. Co
lumbus; E. H. Flitton, Omaha; D. D.
Draper, Lincoln.
Prospect for New Building
Bright and Work Will
Start Soon.
Reports of $14,000 gained in assets
and of $12,000 pledged in addition to
ward the building of a new church
edifi ce since last fall, caused enthusi
asm among seventy-five men and
women at the annual meeting and
dinner of the Unitarian church of
Omaha Friday evening at the Pax
ton hotel.
A brick church and parish house,
built in L shape with basement, will
be erected in the spring at Turner
boulevard and Harney street, at a cost
of $.15,000, according to last night's
report by the building committee and
trustees. Decision on some of the
details of construction was to have
been made, but illness of Architect
Alan McDonald prevented considera
tion of sketches and specifications.
Prospect Bright.
W. F. Bixter, chairman of the fi
nance committee, announced that the
subscriptions to date toward the
building fund greatly exceeded ex
pectations and forecasted marked suc
cess in the church's efforts to erect
an edifice that would be paid for in
advance by comparatively small
pledges from all the Unitarians of
the city.
Mrs. Georsre A. loslvn. William
Newton and C. W. Russell were re
elected trustees of the church. Mr.
Russell, as chairman of the trustees,
presided at the meeting and reported
for that board.
Rev. Robert F. Leavens, castor.
told of church activities since he came
here last October. B. W. Capen. treas
irer, told of the big gain in assets,
making a total of $2.1,000 now in
Mrs. Russell, vice president of the
Women's Alliance of the church, re
ported for the president, Mrs. George
W. Holdrcgc, who was ill. Charles
Bennett spoke for the Unitarian club,
of which he was formerly president.
Emphasis was placed upon the lec
ture to be given next Thursday at
the Boyd theater by John Haynes
Holmes, Unitarian pastor in New
York city. Last year the lecturer was
welt received in Umaha.
Hiccoughs for Two Days;
Doctors Can't Stop Them
A violtnt spasm of hiccoughs, from
which he has suffered for the last
thirty-six hours, may prove fatal to
Tom W. Moore, Arcade hotel, who
is now ' at St. Joseph s hospital,
Moore was attacked with the snasm
following a hearty meal Friday and
all efforts of police surgeons to stop
the attack have failed. He is in a
very weakened condition at the hospital.
I 33
Washington, Feb. !7. Patriotic
fervor stirred participants at the
closing dinner of the season given by
the Gridiron club of Washington to
nigJit, with President Wilson, mem
bers of the cabinet and others promi
nent in government and business life
of the nation as guests.
Songs that rang with the spirit of
Americanism and demonstrations or
loyally to the 'president w?rc inter
spersed with travesties on the peace
note leak investigation, woman suf
frage pickets at the White House
gates, prohibition for the District of
Columbia, California's part in the na
tional election, with Senator-Elect
Hiram Johnson impersonating him
self, and with other satirical allusions
to various phases of national life.
Sang a Song of Leaks.
The leak inquiry was caricatured
in several sketches, one of them a
musical melange, and another a
melodramatic effusion entitled "The
Waif," in which "Administration
Leak" appeared as the heroine and
"Barney (T. W.) Lawson" as the
irrepressible villain. Introducing the
musical sketch, one of the corre
spondents with a tremulo tenor sang
'Down on the Leaky Way." wliicl
was followed by another sung by a
club member in the character of Rep
resentative Wood of Indiana, whose
resolution led to the congressional
investigation into charges of a leak
on l he peace note message.
J he l-eaky Way chorus ran thus:
Corns whr? the Inffirmatlon oozei,
Down on th beaky Way;
Come sea the Ijimba at play,
Be.ars eager for the fray:
Come hear the tickler cently ticking,
(Jiving the leaka away,
Bee the brokers gay,
They are making hay,
Down on the beaky Way.
The impersonator of Representative
Wood was presented as "William
Wood, the Plumben the Man Who
Stops the Leaks," who sang:
I rome from Tndlanny,
A itateaman grat and true,
And when 1 smell a scandal
I don't care what I do;
Oh. if I hear a rumor.
I follow It for weeks.
For I'm William Wood, the plumtwr,
I'm the truy who tops the leaks.
Jeat at the Suffragettes.
"Hazel Jones," as one of 4hc silent
suffrage sentinels at the White
House, was introduced and made the
target of seyeral jibes jn a minstrel
"Do you know Hasel Jons?" queried one
of the wandering mlnBtrel-correaponrlnntn.
"Why, yes," was the response. "She l
on ft of the silent sentinels at tho White
House gates."
"Do you know Hazel had an awful acci
dent T"
"Is that so? What happened to Hazel?"
"Why, one of those bfg fat squirrels in
the Whitf iloune grounds hit off her ear."
"That's horrible. Did they kill the squir
"N'o, Indeed. The president said It wasn't
i hi squirrel's fault, and the president was
1 must disagree with you. The president
was wrong."
You Can t Blame a Squirrel.
"Well, suppose you were a squirrel and
you were hungry and you couldn't get any
pork chops, or lamb chops, beef steak, or
fried onions, or anything like that, and
you were just a plain, old-fashioned squirrel
with an appetite for nuts, and tor eight
hours in the rain and the snow and the sleet
somebody stood In front of your house that
they called Hazel I loave It to you. The
president was right; he sure was right."
Camping Tonight was a song to
the suffrage sentinels, running thus:
We're camping tonight on the White House .
grounds, i
Give us a rousing cheer; I
Our golden flag we hold aloft.
Of cops we have no fear.
Many of the pickets are weary tonight.
Within for the war to cease
Many are the chilblains and frost- mites, too, '
It is no lire of ease.
What They Didn't Tell.
"Tom Lawson, Barney Baruch,
Charley Sabin and Otto Kahn" ap
peared as a quartet, singing:
"They met Tom Uwoon In the Street,
Barney and Charles and Ot.
Tit said: "You buys appeared to know
More than the public ought;
Now won't you come to Washington
And tell about the leak?'
They whispered: No. no, thank you Tom.'
And dldn t give a squeak.
"But Tom came, willing, eager, toe,
And said l hey should be brought
3o Henry sent a Hergeant-at-arms for
Burney and Charles and Ot.
'Now boyn,' said Bob, 'rome tell us all
About this Inside ring.'
They whispered: 'No. no thank you, Bob.' i
And dldn t tell a thing.
Dr. Grayson, whose nomination as '
medical director of the navy with
rank of rear admiral, was another
target for musical shafts to the tune
of "Captain Jinks."
lies an Aiimirsi great, in tne new Nary,
HI name is Dr. Cary O.
And though he'll seldom go to sea,
He's sn Admiral In the Navy;
And If the Navy has a chtll
Take a pill, take a pill.
No bnttleshtp will have the grip
While he's Admiral In the Navy.
Putting a Hawkeye to Test
' In initiating a new member of the
club. John Snare, correspondent of
the Des Moines Register-Leader,
psuedo Ellis island officials conducted
an immigration examination for ad
Inspector to applicant sharply: "Born?"
Applicant: 'Tea."
"Business ?"
"Foreign country?"
"Who Is president of the United States?"
"'Woodrow Wilson."
"What does he do?"
"Spends most of hil time dodging women
with yellow flags.'
"Who Is the vice president?"
"I don't know."
"Never mind, neither do we. Who makes
the laws?"
"Woodrow Wilson."
"If Wilson makes the laws, what does
congress do?"
"Squanders money on creeks, rivulets and
bluffs, mostly bluffs."
Thereupon the applicant qualified
for admission.
Some Ah Sin Stuff.
In the inauguration of Ira E. Ben
nett, originally from California, as
president of the club, a group of Cali
fornia "bad men" and Senator-elect
Hiram J. Johnson appeared. "Ah Sin"
described the recent election, conclud
ing thus:
"The vottne- went on a way that I grieve.
And my feelings were shocked at the state
of Hy's sleeve
Chock full of double-cross ballots, the same
with Intent to deceive.
The result, as we know, oonvutsed the
whole land.
And here's Hiram 3.. who did not under
And his smile It Is child-like and bland."
Johnson See here, you Hongkong hatchet
man, do you mean anything personal?
Ah ftln whuu mattah VOdi no likee?
Johnson (In despair) You see, gents, the
reward we reformers receive to be the
chop suey of the heathen. And yet the last
hope of the nation comes from California
yes, irom gionous aiiiornia, aninins
hope, where o'er and o'er and more and
more h, sunset land, of poet's strand
where the Pacific rolls and rolls ah, genu.
I could go on forever, singing the glories of
tnat goiaen iana 01 iiowers ana wenaeriui
Ah Sin Tou singes In senate, executive
kSession. saber
The evening closed with the club
sin triii tr 'Hello, usidiron: Hello,
frTi-i..,...,,...,,., imWJ
The German-American Insurance
company, which has been in conven
tion at the home offices in the Bee
building, brought the arlnual meeting
to a close yesterday. At this conven
tion it was announced that William
Hruce Voting had been elected ac
tuary of the company and had already
assumed the duties of his position.
Mr. Young attended the state univer
sity, where he was a member of the
Delta Upsilon fraternity. Afterward
he went to the University of Michi
gan, where he took a law course and
graduated from the university. He
took post-graduate work, makuig a
specialty of the scientific side of the
insurance business.
At a luncheon at the Commercial
club speeches of congratulation were
made on the success of the organiza
tion by William H. Smith, state audi
tor; W. B. Eastham, state insurance
commissioner; Willis E. Reed, attor
ney general; Charles C. Rosewater
and Rev John F. Poucher.
The officers of the company are
G. I.. E. Klingbeil, president; George
J. Haslam, M. D., vice president; W.
W. Young, treasurers and general
counsel; D. D. Hall, secretary. This
Nebraska institution was organized
April 6, 1906, and has had phenomenal
growth. It now has over $U,000,000
of insurance in force.
Wood Asks Sportsmen to
Teach Boys to Use Rifles
New York, Feb. 17. Major Gen
eral Leonard Wood, commander of
the Department of the East, address
ing the Canadian camp here last night
declared sportsmen should take a
hand in the preparedness movement
by teaching every youth how to use
a gun effectively. He declared only
one person in 500 in this country
knows how to handle a high-powered
"You hear in these days,' he ad
ded, "much about 'America for all the
world.' We want that feeling, of
course, if all the people coming here
will live up to the ideals of this coun
try, but we don't want them if they
bring to these shores any of the ani
mosities of the old world. They must
stand shoulder, to shoulder for
Sunday 50c Tabic de'Hote
Dinner from 11 A. M. to 8 P. M.
Pickles, Olives, Young Onions
Cream of Tomato au Croutons
Roast Prime Rib of Beef,
au Jus 1
Stuffed Roast Chicken en Glace
and Celery Dressing
Roast Veal, Oyster Dressing
Sweet Potatoes, Wax Beans
Head Lettuce Salad, French
Mince Pie or Cream Pie
Ice Cream and Cake
From Pales
Send Fer Free Trial Treatment
No matttr how Ions or bow hod go te
joor emc8i,t today and get a 60 cent
box of Pjromid Pilo Trutment. It wul
TVs PrrasaM SaaUe Fraoa'a Stifle Trial.
Jve relief, and a single bos often euros,
trial package mailed free In plan wrap
per if yon send na eonpse. below.
111 Pyramid Bide.. Marshall, Mick.
Kindly send mo a Free sample of
Fyrojoid Flla TreBtaaeat, in plan wrapper.
Masse ...
S I'VX 'I. I " W IV
Si1' .,.v
. Is?
Shippers in Nebraska are now j
likely to escape the proposed increase
in demurrage charges on intrastate
A hearing which was to have been
held on the application February 15
has been indefinitely postponed. This
is taken by the shippers to mean that
ihe matter is not likely to be decided
before the limit of time during which
the increase ordered on interstate
business is to be effective.
Nebraska shippers consider them
selves particularly fortunate in this
matter. The question of increased de
murrage came up strongly in the In
terstate Commerce commission dur
ing the heat of the car shortage trou
bles. The interstate body allowed
the roads to put into effect an in
creased scale. It provided that after
the expjration of free time the rail
roads might charge $1 for the first
day the car was held out of use. It
held that they might charge $2 the
second day. $3 the third day and $5
a day for every day after that time.
This, however, being an interstate
order, applied only to interstate busi
ness. What Iowa Did.
Iowa and some of the other states
in the west allowed the same rule to
apply on business within the state, or
intrastate business. -The railroads at
once made application to the Nebraska
Mate Railway commission for permis
sion to apply the same rule here on
intrastate business.
The hearing has been repeatedly
postponed. . The order of the inter
state commission, being made merely
to cover the emergency situation
growing out of the car shortage, ex
pires May 1. Since the last post
ponement of the hearing it is believed
now that no hearing will occur before
the interstate order expires, after
which date, of course, there will no
Monger be any interstate grounds for
seeking a state order.
Wheat Advances a Bit
Despite Slow Market
While wheat was a little slow, ow
ing to the embargo placed on ship
ments to seaboard, prices were a half
to a cent up, selling at $1.77 and $1.80
per bushel, with forty-six carloads on
the market.
With the embargo raised on ship
ments and the strong export demand
existing, dealers arc anticipating
j Monday Special I
; ' Men's I
: Spring Shirts !
89c j
? All the newest patterns,
j made with silk bosom and
cufft ; a big bargain at 89c 1
Sizes 14 to 16i2 1
T&(T'7?V?M ft CAN BE
FREE Proof to
accord in to their own ststcmenta, has rnred ever fear tlwueancl men, wosnen end child
ren of their torhirinr skin disease in the short time I have made this offer public.
! f yon are a mfferer from Erwma, Salt Rheum, Itch, Tetter new mind how bad try mr
treatment. It has cured Uw worst cases I ewr saw. The wooden accomplished in your own
case will be proof.
J. C. HUTZELL, Druggist, 2465
Please send, without cort or obligation
Port Office .,
Street and No.
Has Used Duffy's Since 1879
hj.lil&mJfrS - !
doses, two or three times each day. That accounts for the perfect health I
am now enjoying and a big appetite. I go to my meals regularly three times
each day hungry. Previous to my taking Duffy's Malt Tdnic my appetite was
aiways impaired." (Signed) Michael J. Gibbons, 2337 Christian Street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
has earned the undisputed reputation of an excellent tonic stimulant for
temperate use. Because it improves digestion and assimilation of the food
and helps give tone and vitality to the system, it is to the troublous hours of
waning life like oil is to machinery. To delay the effects of old age and
bring back some of the vivacity of youth, many medical men recommend
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, for it aids in generating sufficient strength to
enjoy the peaceful retrospective which should be the blessed lot of all in the
evening time of life. That is why many men and women well along in years
Sold in SEALED BOTTLES ONLY. Beware of imitations.
U jay s Gvt Duffy's from your local ermtiat, (racer or dealer.
Rill t 1 -0 per bottle. If he csaaot supply yon. write its.
alwaBaSend for useful household booklet free.
The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co,
Give your Want Ad a chance to
make good, Run it in The Bee.
For Young
and Old
Keep Your Digestion Perfect Noth
ini Is Quite So Safe and Pleasant
Ai Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
Thoaunds of men and women hive fotnwl
Stuart's Dynpepiiia Tablets the safest and
most reliable preparation for any form of
indigestion or stomach trouble. But the Tab-
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try in 1866 from Ireland. Shortly after
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