FEBRUARY 1917. 10 THE BEE: OMAHA, Want -Ad Rates MO AD TAKE M1M I FAS THAN A TOTAL OF Ma OB LKM8 THAN ls PER DAY. CASH WITH ORDZli. Sot Solid (No Dteplar). f word e.eh Inaartl.n If Fuairaphed or Dlsclajed Is Larfer 1C i par Ilea .ne time la par Una. I ar mora ooaatatl Ijaartlona (Count all wrde to la. Una.) nTCATIOK WASTED. Weekly rata P" ltoa ubm or thanks! pf.aths aot VCJTE&AL NOTICES! MP par Hna aach Inaortloa e&unt al worn, to tha Una.) minimum caarse, M centa.) JIOKTHLT ATB TO STAKTimO ADS. (No ehaate af wtl allowed.) Ona It. .V";!; I. Two Haa. or mora Par ' (Coast all irarda to tha Una.) - all roRinojt ADvmtTiirmo tjttobii BeLP WANTED CXAasiru... '""- le oar word. oVnsecativ. ta mo por word, two or mora RPBCIAI. COmnWATIOII O. laoi Poal-T o-d Otffr MrtrOt. THB OMAHA BEE (oror 34.044 "Hr). loTH CENTCKT FARM KB, (ovor 1I4.0W weekly). A oombraod etrenlatton which wtn reaca both tha ol tr and ratal reeldent. . Rpeclal Rav. Rataa. Rata, t lnaortlon la Omaha Bm and 1 raaartloa Is 10th Cos. Farmar. par lis o S lnaartloD fa Omaha Bea and 1 InaartloB la lath Cos. Farmar, par word 0 ' T lnaortlosa la Omaha Baa and 1 Inaortloa la lath Cos. Farmar, por l'n f Inaorttoso la Omaha Baa and 1 Inaartlon In toth Cos. Farmar, T par wo'rd (Contract rataa on application.) TUB BEB will sot ho raaponalhla for moro than ono Incoiract Inaartlon of an advor tlaomant ordered for moro than on tlma. ADVERTISERS ahould rotaln rocalpla liven or Tha Boo Is psrrnent for Want Ada, a no mlatako can ba reclined without thorn. DSB THB TELEPHONE If oo cannot con arslantly hrtnt or aand In jourmde. Ask for a Want Ad Taker, and you will ro. celre tha earn food eervle aa whaa da- Uvertac your ad at tho offlee, PHONE TTLER 10. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSB: BTENTNO EDITIONS lt:M M. MORNINO EDITIONS.. !: P. U. MOVIE PROGRAM. Carraat oVorlata of tho hoot Hotloa Ma- ar Thootora la Omaha. (I naaseueiiT.) North. DIAMOND :TH AND LAKE "CLOSED ROADS" WITH HOUSE PETERS AND BARBARA TENANT AND COMEDT. D ItTH AND BINNKI ' JUNE CAPRICE IN "A MODERN CINDERELLA." SbPN I4TH AND LOTHROP S. RANKIN DREW AND VIRGINIA PEA RSON IN 'THOU ART THE MAN." South. Stril A LEAVENWORTH LOUISE HUFF AND JACK PICKFORI) IN s - "SEVENTEEN." 3341 LEAVENWORTH VIOLAJ DANA 7 "THE LIGHT OF HAPPjjnCSa . . West. 2333 FARNAM k DOROTHT PHILLIPS AND JACK MULHA1.L IN "THE PRICE OF SILENCE." South Side. ORPHEU3I S4TH AND M IfECONIJ CHAPTER OF "PEARLS OF OUR GIRL REPORTERS TOM MIX IN TWISTED TRAILS," CARD OP THANKS. WE wish to extend 'our many thanka to . frlenda and netghbore for klndneaa and aympathleg shown ua during the lllneaa and death of our dear huaband and father, especially the beautiful floral offerlnga at UirloB Paclflo railroad locomotive depart ment employes. 4 MRS ANTON JOHNSON AND FAMILT. PLORISTS. BEST QUALITY CUT FLOWERS or plants. Art romblnatlona ahlppad every. . where. Excellent service to our custom era In paat yeara recommends. HESS At SWOBODA, 1413 Farnam St. Doug. 1601, Pontenella Florlat. LEE lu LARMON UDougUJlSt Douglss Slad. LARGEST sasortment of frosh" "flowera, L. HENDERSON, 1 519 FARNAM. PARKER Flower ahop. til 8. 14th. D. 3102. A. DO NAG HUB. 1432 Harney, Doug. 1001. BATH, National Florlat. 1104 Farnam St. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HULSE RIBPEN, undartakera and om balmera, IH I, ltth 81. Douglaa 1314, DUFFT A JOHNSTON, ambalmera and fu. aaral directors. 717 I. 13th St. Tyler 1473. FRATERNAL ORDERS. , CROUNSB KAI.L. , Oppoofto postofflce. New ball for lodge meetings and dancea. Excellent floor, YOUNG A DOHERTT, J!2 Braodela Theater Bldg. Doug. 1371. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Msrriafe lleenHs were lseuotl to the fol- lowlng couples: . Novme sod Resltfeneet ' ' '' Age. Hairy Lavrrer, Friend, Neb J3 Mut McOormaclc, Qoehner, Nebv...,.., it Hsrry Uedley, Omaha,.,,.,.,,,.,,,', tl, t4 Berth. Hedley, Omaba .1 , AdMph Kroger, Polk, Neb;.. SO Mintits Harden, Orsnd Island, Neb.... 34 Henry Blowers. Omaha.. Agnes WlHiama, Omaha. 13 Harrey A, Chrlatensen, Council Blnff.,24 Uable B. 8tran, Omaha.,..,..., Charles A. MoCana, Omaha..',.,,.,.,., it Ruth O. McLata, Omaha 23 Harry Haalea. Craig, Neb 21 Froeeie Davis, Craig. Neb.,'. 21 Walter W. Tuttle, Florence Neb It Irene Soreneeu, Florence, Neb It John Pappaa, Omaha. ., 3T Margaret Gates, Omaha....; ,, ) Hugh Halt Omaha 21 OeneTtsvs Woodley, Omaha , , 30 V.mil K Hobsa, Rogers, Neb ...,. IT Beesis A. Cain, Schuyler, Neb 21 Arthur S. Rothschild, Omaha 2 , Ross Orktn, Omaha 22 ' William H. Kogst. Omaha.. 14 Hyrtis Elsaaser.) Omaha..... 34 John C Moore, Genoa, Neb......,'.,,,. 24 Mabls O. fiamuelsos, Qenoa, Neb 36 lls Oplaod, Omaha. ...... a. s if Helen .Freed, Omaha 17 Oeorgs W. Kilns, Omaha.... Christina Haas. Omaha Arthur Brat rem. Valley, Neb Edna Merrywealher, Valley. Neb. h, Valley. jVeb 7m Duert, Omaha. Chios Duert Wabash, Ind tames C. Jensen, Hondamon, la..... Aibertla sL Weldon, Mondamon, la. 'arias; B. Appleby, Kennard, Neh...,rtv 20 Assy B, Hasard, lrvlngton, Neb..'. It JTMd Neumann, Boyer, la., , 21 fjrpha Campbell, Detolt, la, 21 BUILDING PERMITS. The following building permits have been tssued: , Harrison 4 Morton, 2427-21 Farnam. . 'brick repair shop, IMOtv SPECIAL NOTICE V H1S Is to certify that 1, G. W. Utile, ' will positively not be responsibis for any dabta tMmtracled by J. B. Little or M. - U. Barmrs. - BIRTHS AND DEATHS. tllrtna Lawrence and Cora Smith. 3803 Dodga, boy; John and Belle Mattos, Flor ence, boy; Tony and Anna Benlnato. S40T South Seventeenth, boy; Charloa and Alama Swanaon, 3349 North Forty-Ural, boy; Charloa D. and Lurllla Colfman, 1344 North Seventeenth, girl; Parry and Julia Hamp ton, 680ft South Twentieth. gtrli Tom and Katla Cuplta, 1313 Deer Park hoularard. girl; Jooeph and Emma Voborll, 3313 Houlh Twelfth, girl; Fred and Francle Hhuchnrann, 3407 South Twelfth, air I; 81 vatora and Sarah Hataltlo, 1334 South Twentieth, boy; Frank and Francla Holub, 1447 South Eleventh, boy; Chorion E. ana Klale M. Orlilnjor. 134 Emmet, girl: Harry M. and Olive T. Kelly, 3123 Burt, atlrl ; Arthur and Sophia B. Annln. Mil North Nlneteooth, girl; Andrew and Bonn A. Homlg. Slot South Second, girl; Andrew A. and Mamie Morrr, 3430 South Twentieth, girl; Otto and Leona Norman, 4303 South Twelfth, girl; Peter and Hermlna Vanaago. 3423 South Nineteenth, alrl: Harry and Bee- ala Norrla, 3413 Templeton, girl; Jarsoa H. and Hertha C. Hart, 3433 Fowler avenoe. boy: Frank and Maria Corny, 4413 Bouia Twentieth, hoy; Joeeph and Jennie Tay- hora, 3373 Dodgo, girl; Morrta ana bomio Oland, 3307 N, girl; Oenrgo and Mary Lowe, Twenty-alzth and N, girl. Deathe Peter Speck, 31, 3334 h; Mama Hlgglna, 4, 3413 South Thlrtylhlrd ave- ; Irene jonnaon, tr, za norm iwrnf fourth: Margaret O. Gannon. 7, 103 South Twenty-Unit: William T. Oarnlner, -17, 1433 North Nineteenth; tieorgo . neiiey, e, ltOI Ca Iflomla: Florence llenoeraon, e daya, 1341 South Thirteenth; Edward F. Ryan, 37, Tnirty-nmtn ana t: riorence C. Donley, (I, 3103 North Twenty-fourth; Walter Koeper, 17, 3311 Larlmora avanua; Samuel H. unghtwan, 73, soapitaL MEDICAL. TOU CAN HAVE TOUR HEALTH I LATEST AND MOST SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT. . , CONSULTATION, EXAMINATION FREE. Dr. Barnes treat guooaaafully all , Curable, Dlaeaaes of tho Noaa, Throat, Lungs, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Heart, Brain, Nerves, Blood and Skin, sa well aa Catarrh of any part of tha body, Conatlpatton, Chronlo and Acuta Rheumatlam, Ulcere, Neuralgia, Sol atlo Lumbago. 1 Dr. Barnea Is the only physician In this part of tho' country admin istering this Britain of treatment. Invsstlgata It. DR. CHARLES BARNES, ulta 111 to 120 Rota Bldg. I. E. Corner 14th and Farnam Its. Phono Tyler 1434. DR. E. R. TARRT, PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. B. ft. Tarry enrea piles, natola and other rectal dlaeasea without anriical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid ontll cured. Write for book on rec tal elaeasea with teetlmonlala, . DR. R. TARRT, 143 Bea Bldg. Omaha. Nab. DR. M. PRTOR. k T.. THB WELL KNOwn Conditioner and Trainer oi aihwwi Haa a Sclentlflo Treatment for All Typoa of Rhoumatlam. 14-11 PATTERSON BI.K. RUPTURE Succeaafully treated wlthant a aursloal aoeratlon. Call or wrlta Dr. Frank H. Wray. 304 Bee Bldg. , Chiropractors. DR. BURHORN. ROSE BLDO. Palmar school graduate. Doug. I34T. ' rin KMni.f.lcNHKnG. SANITARIUM, Lady attendant. 2h and Farnam. D. 7333. Dr. J. C. Lawrence, BairaBiag. Dr. FrancoB Dawaon. 602-8RoBeBld. T. 2343. Drarjohnaton. la'siTw. O. W.'Bidg. D. 48237 Dentists. " . . Dr. Bradbury. No pain 311 W. O. w. Bldg. Tatt'a Dent lima.. 303 Boaa Bldg. D. 313J. FOR SALE Miscellaneoui Furniture and Household Coodi. ECONOMY SALE By purchasing your fur niture where your money soee me term- . r, mrm rare li . r. . I n. t the prlcaa wa quota. Don't take our word, air we aak la that you come and aee. The STATE FURNITURE CO., 14th and Dodge Sta. Douslaa 1317. AUCTION Household soods. painters' swinging stags and tools, horse, buggies, harness, 2 p. m. aturasy, wo. it At nns rt.a. at i-iku.l.a a4Vlnrwirna Ad. mlntstrator. THW" ORKATK8T GAIN H,72t In paid want ads ever mads by any Omaha paper, Is the record Ot THB OMAHA II KB for lilt. BKHT R B81I LTS LOWEST RATS. MONEY-RAISING SALE. Is. 000 slock or furniture, ruse, linoleum, . all kinds of bedding, complete lino of house furnishings, 1I3I-1B47 N. 24th. Tsl. Wab. 140T. Opon T:3B a. m. till U p. " RUOa MADE FROM CARPETS. Writs for Illustrated folder of n "made from carpets. Freight paid. 1 coin Bus Factory. Lincoln, Neb. BTOVKS, ALL kfrJus. Bee us Orst. Prices . right. City Furniture Co mi b. 14111. ' Loyal Furniture Co., 223 N. ltth It. EXCEPTIONALLY fine l-Oft piano. Will sell choap lor casn, or sxenange tor aiamona or vacant lot, Tfl. uougias aiTT. BK1H complete, drak, kitchen table, chairs, ilia t ting ro pe. C heap. us 11 iJoug . Sewing Machinei. . - "SEWING MACHINES . Wa rent, repair, sell needles and parts 01 all sewing machines. MH'sLKL'S NERRAHKA CXCLU CO., 16th and Harney Sta. Doug. 11(2, - BUlUrda and Pocket Tables.' FOR BALK BILLIARD TABLED, Brand new, carom and pocket, with complete - outfit. tibOl second -nana tames at duced prices; bowling alleys and supplies easy nay men is. wigar store natures specialty. Send for catalogue. THB BRUNSWICK-BALK B-COLLENDER CO- . 4UT-40I South 10th St, Clothing, Furs, Etc. BUFFALO OVERCOAT BARGAIN. A fine coat, have been offered $71, Will sell now lor tbg It taken immediately. R. r. Lyman, 111 v in ton at. rnone v. 4143 . ' Machinery and Enginea. NEW ANDBBC05fD-HAND MOTORS. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 212-20 B. 12th SL. Omaha. BOILERS, steam, electric, gas engines. Pipes urose wrecaing -q nil uumiag. PrintinK and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., also public Steno, Phone for prices. Douglaa 2192, (40 Pazton Blk. - GET our price on job printing. UNITED STATES PRINTING CO., Bee Bldg. . Douglaa 1172. WATERS-BAKNHARDT Ptg. Co., quality prlntlnv. Tel. uoug. 11 so. tz a. l.th Bt Typewriters and Supplies. NEW machines sold .the same a rent It per month. See us before you buy or rent. Shipped any place on ten days free trial. Butts' Typewriter Bxchangs, 410 s. lttn at., umiiu, wen. TYPEWRITERS sdld, rented and repaired. Rent as Oliver typewriter 3 months tor $6j Central Typewriting Exchange, not Farnam. I REMINGTONS, Monarcha and Smith Pre- niters for rent; sent anywhere. Hemiagton Typewriting company, u. 1884. GUARANTEED typewriters, 10 up. Write for list, Midland Typ. Co.. Bee Bldg. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO., Down Comforters made over Just like new,, All your own feathers back, when wa renovate. Ws csll for and deliver. 1107 Cuming. Doug. 346T. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelving, etc. Ws only sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co. 414-l-lt 8. 12th. Doug. 2724. DRY KINDLING BOX COMPANY. WOOD. ACMB HARNET .127. SALT, 1.7. bbl. A, W. Wagner, 101 N. 14th. Give your Want Ad a chance to make good. Kun it m luc bee. t SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF TOU HAVE aoma article that haa out lived Ita uaefulneaa to yon, matt up a little ad and run It In thla column at lc nor word. Tou will ba mora than plaaaed with tha remarkable offerings you will recelro. Ona or two Inaertlona In nearly au cases are aufflclent to get what you want. TRY IT TOI'AI. THE GREATEST OAIM ot,73t. In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, la the record of THE OMAHA BEB for lilt. BEBTRESULT OWKBT KATE. WE awap or buy kodaka; fllmadaveloped free, ono-day eerviee. .aao mw Studio. Neville Blk llli and Harney. "LITTLE AD 1b thla column will bring about Borne remarkable exchanges. WANTED TO BUY. guttman frFu;. sr Clothes, Piano Office Furolttira, Trunki, fihoea. Douvtu 9971. Rm., Webster 4ZQ4. DESKS DESKS .DESKS New deaka, used desks, booght. Bold and traded, J. C. Reed, 1247 Farnam. D. t!44. WANTED Old faiae teeth. Don't matter If broken. Ipay II to li por aet. Mall to L. Meier, 2007 8. Fifth St., Philadelphia. Pa. Will aend caah by return mall. TITMTTWC! Faya hlgheat price for dEjlNlVU.NO clotheo. ahola. trunks. etc Red 3337. -Res., Douglas 3021. AN lfpy NCEMENTS Accountants. E. A. DW0RAK, C. P. A. 131 Rsmga Bldg. Phono Doug. 3in. Bakeries. ORTMAN'S NEW ENGLAND BAKERY. 311 N. ItTH BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HATDEN BROTHERS. OUR MOTTO "BETTER BAKED OOODB." CAKES, paatry and fancy bakery gooda aiipplled to parties, loogea ana enteriaii:. monls. Z. H. Reeder, 1604 N. 18th. W. 3337. Brass and Iron Foundries. Pston-Mltchea Con 27th and Martha Sts. Baths. ELECTRIC TURKISH BATHS. Tha onlr absolutely sanitary bath. Highly recommended by physicians. Staata Institute, 1508 Harney St. D. 7021. Open evenings and Sundays. DR. BEN I) A Sulphur, steam, Modern Turk ish BATHS ANL MASSAGE. Private aparflnenta for ladlea, with lady 'attend ant. 1313 Farnam. Phone Doug. 6377. RITTENHOUSB sanitarium; all kinds baths. 314-314 Balrd Blk nth and Douglas German nurse, maaaage, bathe of all kinds 221 Neville Block, 14th and Harnejv Caxpentert and Contractors. LESSARD A SON, 2021 Cuming, Tyler M2I. Chirnnftrliara. Carrie J. Burford 420 Pazton Blk. Bad 4l3Tf1 Dancing Academy, TiV T TTYP1 BALL TUBS.. THURS.. ULJ IJUVllI SAT.. SUN. EVE. SCHOOL MON. EVE. HI B. 13th St.. Op. V'ontenelie. Detectives. Privats detective, evidence secured, all strictly confidential. Oov. ref. Flo. 343. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. aecured to all caeca. Tyler 1133. Interstate Detective Aas'n, 432 Ramie Bldg. S. D. JOLLY, SIS Paxton. Red 7401. Dressmaking. NURSES' uniforms, aprons and lioase dresees. Tyler 242. Sewing by day. 1822 Locust. Webster 262. Mrsi RTATConnclly, 2l)0Bslrd Bldg. D. 270.. Terry Dressmakg Co., 20th and Farnam. SEWING DAY OR WEEK. TYLER 12M. Accordian Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered- buttons, all slses and styles, hemstitching, picot edging, em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, sys let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 200 Douglas Blk Douglas 1B3S. VAN ARMAN Dress Pleating and Button vo,, aa-T fax ton um. uoug. sios. Accor dion, knife, side, space, box, sunburst and combination pleating, hemstitching, ploot edgtnsV 'pinking, ruchlng, covering but tons, siTslyles and t.11 slses. Pride list free. ACCORDION, Side Knife, Box. Pleating, Got. Buttons, Hemstitching. Neb. Pleating and Button Co.. 431-2 Paxton Blk. R 4242. Fixtures and Wirine. r.TT'DTT'TKT Electric washing machines, xytJXWXVlXl electric Irons and resdlns lamps. 22Z2 Cuming Bt. Douglas 2510. Insurance. I BANKERS LIFE OF LtNCOLN. 112-14 City Natl. Bank Bldg, Doug. 2811. Job Printina:. GATE CITY Printing Co., hlgh-grads print- ing. rt. J4tn. r no.no web. 1017. Masseurea. SWEDISH and muscular msasage, electric treatment of all kinds. Staata Instltuts. 150t Harney St. Douglas 7017. Open ev enings snd Sundays. Massage, chiropody. Minnie Nagle, Jfll-14 Balrd Blag., 17tb Douglas. O. 2452. MISS LILLY Massage, baths. It 3 Farn'm. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter- na IIapi. I ta,inr fn tA nwa4alai fi 1 Painrinsr anH Pantr Hansrinw. PAINTING and cleaning, 10c per room and up. we clean carpets in your Home with out removing same, 11 per rug and up. wenster sauj. CALL Charles Roadh for diaper hanging and interior aecorating. uougiaa 33o. Pianos for Rent $2.(0 per mo. A. Hospe Co., IBIS Douglas. Theatrical Costumes. LARGEST stock of costumes for theatricals and masquerades In the country for sals or rent. Lteben Bon, 1514 Howard. THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suits, for rent, 204 N. 17th. John Feldraan. D. 8121 Towel SuDoliea. Omaha Towel Supply. Htl S. 11th. D.S2I. Wedding Stationerr. WEDDING announcements and printing. uougias rnnting uo. tsi. uoug. , Where to Eat. EAT HOME COOKED MEALS NEW UBlJCATESiHSN. 1804 FARNAM. ATHIN8 aanltary reataurant, under new management. Good meala, 1 So. Tables for ladlea. Johnson A Douvoa, 414 8. 12tb Ht BURBOUOHS CAFB. OMAHA. NBB. (Service). LINCOLN, NEB. 314 & 13th at. 113 a 13th at BUSINESS CHANCES UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. ' Wanted a red-blooded man of unanen- tlonabte reputation between ths ago of 21 and 40 to fill a position of trust with a growing omah concern, balary depends on tne anility oi applicant. Applicant must furnish high-class ref erences as to character and ability. This pelt Ion requires an Investment of from 15.000 to 27.000. which will return an. oomo of at least 35 per cent annually to a reputable umana manucacturina com pany, which has been operative for five years and Is endorsed by the leading people or umana. In replying, please mention references. which will be treated confidentially. Box 1334. Bee. TO LEASE from ons to flvs .years. garage and machine shop; equipped fur any kind of labor, located on the main Ltnooin Highway, sue of garage lot no, wun ten living . rooms above garage. modern: rue oi macnine snon eoxizs rt. Rents for $4S0 a month. Will take $6,000 for -six months' rent, In advance, and for what accessories 1 have on hand. .None out in tarea tea parties neea apply. N. G. Brewer, sianey, men. i $100,000 corporation manufacturing-talklni macninee wwi icrruoriai managers wita 2300 to fboo capital to ri nance contract. Plays and equals any $60 instrument Wholesale price tie. Big money-maker. Address Salesmanager. 1012 Republic mag., cnicago. FOR BALE A new stock ef merchandise In a good live country town, dolnr good business and will be sold at a bar gln, If taken within nsxt 10 daya Cheap rvnt. Must sell, have other business. Lock oox ns, israaisn. neo. THB GREATEST GAIN M.73I In paid went-eas ever mtds by any Omaha ,paper Is ths record ot THE OMAHA JKH for 1F16. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. HIGHEST SPOT CASH PAID for stores an J stocks or mersnanaise. in city or country , quick action. OMAHA SALVAGE CO., , lit Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., ! - Tel. Douglas 1822. v ' VARIETY BUSINESS. For sale in good Nebraska town, 200 population. Qood location, territory. Ger man and BoJbemian communlfy. Stock will Invoice but i:.400. Address X Prochsaka, Bag J, Mowslls, Nob. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Good clean stock of hardware at invoice price. Also good, uree-cnair barber shop located In good town In cen tral Nebraska. Both doing a good busi ness and good reasons for selling. Write for particulars. Box Y 267, Bee GOOD BUSINESS OPENINGS Ob ths South Side, If for sals, are reas onable In price and are worth while, ytu may be sure are listed Exclusively with ths SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 4I2S 8. 24th St. Phons South U4T. FOR SALE Interest In -established plumbing and heating business, will In voice from $800 to 11,000; party must have cash to squat same. P. O. Box 762, City. t00 WILL buy half share In employment bureau In e$ty of 45,000. Only high class employment bureau In city. Good oppor tunity for live man; 201 Trimble Blk., Bioux city, ia. FOR SALE Only commercial hotel In good Uvs Iowa town of 2,200. Two R. Rys. 2 nicely furnished rooms. Will make lease to suit purchaser. Writs T 162, Bee. A RACKET STORE. A toWBvof 2,400, In southern Nebraska. Good country. No dead stock. Bargain. Box Y 264, Be MEAT MARKET. tale cheap. In town of t.ttf people. For Only one other shop In town. Call or write. Palace Market, McCoofc, Neb. FOR SALE. Picture show, practically new, now showing to full houses. Must be sold at once. Box 124, Sidney, Is, FOR SALE Restaurant, confectionery and room. Esubllahed lilt; fins business, a good opening for a live wire. Address G. M. Dlschner, Garrstson, 8. D. FOR SALE Good, .clean stock of hardware; live town, central Nebraska. Good rea son for selling. Be quick. Address Y 257, Bea. r - ASK m. to shew ysu how 1 recently earned 12,600. Have circled tho globe trying Ui find something better. F. r. Tnompson, M. D.', 8 8. State St., Chicago. DO WD Sals and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed out mors mdae. stocks than any other firm In U. B. write tor tenia. DOCtOinfomiation regarding a fins lo cation 1m Nebraska. Can be obtained by addressing Box Y Kb, Omaha Bee. MOTION picture machines (new and re built), theaters supplied, Omaha Film Exchsngo, 102 S. 14lh St. fnwpt.ETB fixtures cf 2-chalr barber shop, very reasonaote. Jiiiier noiet, oouiu OmahaT - Phone South 118$. TALKING MACHINE manufacturers; I have a talking machine patent tnst win inter est you. Write Hans . weve nancoca. ia. WE BUY. we sell motion victors theaters. machines, feature Dims. fjo-operaiivo Film and Supply Co., 210 Biomley Bldg. WILLIAMS, established 2t years. To buy or sell business see him. 411 McCagus Bldg. Reference, U. B. National Bank IF YOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming house call on suscn zsorgnoa, 720 World-Herald Bldg. Phons D. 821. GOOD opening for the second drug store comer building, a spienaia location. w dress G. M. Dlschner. oarretson. a. v. FOR SALE Confectionary, cigar, lunch and bakery; an up-to-date store, fries itou. Easy terms. Doug. 2255. B!iiinT TiTntTRAND dollars stock Af mdse. will (ratio tor goon western noDrwu Box Y 851, Bee. TO GET In or out of business call on GANGESTAD. 432 Bee BIQC uour. sen. GUARANTY PLAN; get In eimit business. All states. F. V. Knlest, Ben Biog.. umiaa. FOR SALE First class bath, massage par lor; excellent location. Box isji. nee. WANT Job printing plant to move to small town, uanan. Met ague was. Rooming Houses.- ROOMINO HOUSES, all sizes, great bar gains. 41' nose Bldg rnons Trier moi. FOR SALE Rooming house, 221 N. 26th St. Douglas 82fft. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS ' IK you loss snythtng and will advertise it here you will surely recover 11 hy an honest person. Remarkable recov eries are brought about every day through this column. v THE HONEST WAT, If you And something of, value, or a keepsake of value oniy to the owner. Is to Insert a small ad. The owner of the article In most cases Is will tng to refund the cost of advertising. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY POM PANY. Peranna havine- Inat some article WOO Id do well to call up the office of ths Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In ths street car. Many articles each day are tamed in and ths company Is anxious to restore them to tho rightful owners. Call Tyler 800: THE GREATEST GAIN -1-8,71$ In nsld want ads ever mads by any Omaha paper, Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1214. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE LOST Wednesday forenoon pink coral cameo pin, goia L.ess setting; on norm- bound Sherman Ave. car. Liberal rewara. Call Doug. 4381. A. K. Red fie Id, 1424 S. 17th St. LOST Open-faced gold watch and fob, Elgin movement, containing green stone. Reward. Call Doug. 8711 or Doug. 182&. H. H. Miles, care of Omaha Macaroni Co. LOST Pln.sesl purse with silver mount ing, between 24th and Farnam and 14th and Jackson. Kindly return to 8411 Jack son. Reward. FOUND a sanitary Soda Fountain. GREEN'S PHARMACY, ltth and Howard. LOST Suitcase between Burlington station and Fontenelle Hotel. Suitable reward. Tel. Douglas 602 or Webster 2411. LOST Friday noon between Sid and 35th and Webster, ladles' gold watch and too. I Harney 417. Reward. - LOST A Docketbonk between Ford hospital and cross-town line on itn. containing. $11. Red 8481. LOST Large Airedale dog, December $1, Wore tan collar. Reward. Colfax 4141. LOST A sunburst brooch, downtown dis trict, Fhons Tyler 1 3. 1 Rewara, SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY BATE, 80o PER'LINB. - Business ads, regular rates; I lines ons week I lines ons week.'.....,.. 40c each extra Una 20c per week Male. - AjliTrWnd first-class French chef, best of references, 16 years' Europe snd America experience. Economical, sober, steady. Want position. Will guarantee first-class, quick, economical service. Bog 1243, Bee. YOUNG man "with railroad eipexlence, wants position as snipping ctera. cm ployed at present but wishes change. Good character and, habits. A-l references. JIOX IJttU, PBB, - THE OREATBST GAIN 41, Til in nsld want-aaa ever msae - oy any Omaha paper la ths record of . THE OMAHA BEE for 1014. tSUtti KBiOVUl LUWCBT HATH. POSITION as bookkeeper or manager ef amatl business wanted. Dane, ssd 27, college graduate. State salary, etc. Writs A. Larson, Elkhorn, Iowa. MIDDLE-AGED man wishes position as traveling salesman. Can furnish best or references. . P. S. Hants, 2434 Crown Point Ave. YOUNG man, 20 years, amptoyed, wishes to work tor room rent, private lamity pre ferred. Address Box 1342, Bee. YOUNG man wants position running Ford. Call Red 8382 1 to 4:30 p. m. MAN wants position tatting care ot offics, city references. Call Doug. 7602. INSIDE work, mtddle-aged man; handy with tools or machinery, web. 02X0. ASHES or all kinds of hauling. Tyler 3662. Female. WIDOW with two children wtfuld like posi tion as housekeeper or cook; country pre ferred. Mrs. A. M. Newlln, 32$ & lth St. Lincoln, Neb. , - POSITION wanted by lady cook tn small town; can cook with or without menu; state wages. Box T 84 T. Bee. THB BEE charge for "Situation ads" ts lowsr than any other form of advertising not enough to cover the cost ot printing. TOUNO girl, aged 22 years, with hospitall training, wishes private nursing. Box 1248, Bee. YOUfffO lady ateno with soms experience wishes position; references. Doug. 6477. DAY work wanted, washing or cleaning. , Walnut 2438. Laundry and Day Work. WANTED Laundry work or housework. Mrs. Julia Jones. 044 N. 27th. Har. 6737. WANTED Bundle washing, specialty mads of silks; also fins underwear. Web. 148$. WANTED Bundle Washing, first-class work done. Phase Webster 8708. FOR experienced bundle washing, salt Web ster 1877. Prompt delivery. HELP WANTED FEMALE Laundry ind Day Work. EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work of any kind. Douglas 41 Iff. FIRST-CLASS laundress by ths day. Call EXPERIENCED colored woman wants day work of any kind. Web. 201. Lace curtains nicely laundefed. Web. .416. CURTAINS .sundered. H. 1130- 2814 Dodge. Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AOENCT. 1414 Davenport 8t. Douglaa 1314. Headquartera for hotel help. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and .Offices. WANTED AN ACTIVE OR SI LENT PARTNER: MAN MUST RESIDE IN OMAHA. WHO WISHES TO INVEST FROM 27.&O0 TO (M00 IN A BUSINESS THAT IS PAYING FROM 36 TO M PER CENT PER ANNUM. WILL STAND THE MOST RIGID INVES TIGATIONS. HAVE BEEN OP ERATING IN OMAHA OVER SEVEN YEARS. BOX 1334, BEE. PRIVATE SEC, (STENO.) $100.00 STENOGRAPHER 86.00 STENO., (BEGINNER) BO. 00 R. R. OFFICE CLERK 86. M SALESMAN 100.00 THE CANO AGENCY, H00 BEB BLDG. STENO., 100; Steno., 8fi; steno., $76; bkkpr., 7B; snipping ciers, iod to md, bank clerk, 27; typisL 6&; office hnv. 22B. WATTS REF. CO., lSTNAT. BK. BLDG. (TTrcNOORAPHER and clerk. S7S. WESTERN REFERENCE BOHU ABB-H. FOR A HIGH-CLASS' commercial position see us. THIRTY-SEVEN openings to oe filled at once. NO FILING FEE only tOc to Investigate references. THB MARTI CO., 1317 W. O. -W. Bldg. PROFIT and lose clerk. 850. t WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASSN. THE GREATEST GAIN 68,728 , In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper. Is the record of THE -OMAHA BEE for ltl. ' BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. MANAGER, general merchandise store. must be able to take Interest to tne ex tent of 22,000. salary 1100. WESTERN REFERENCE k. BOND Aflfl'N. JUNIOR office clerk, high school graduate, 886-860- WE8TERN REFERENCE A BOND ASffN. GENERAL office clerk, experience unnec essary, good penman, good at iigures, ao. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. UMU.nn A rW rnminarrlal na-UiMftna. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASB'NJ DISBURSEMENT clerk, 266-176. , Western Reference and Bona ass n.' ASSISTANT rajihier wholesale. ISO. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N, Professions and Trades. MECHANICIAN wanted to take charge of nrivate sarase for trucks ana ousiness cars. Must be competent to keep ma chines operating and to make records and renorta. Mtut 'furnish references to character, habits and competency. Ad dress Box 272, Bee. WANTED Stove roan, one who understands repairing ana eeiiing up swrw, employment to right party. Hart man Fur niture and carpet uo.. ins uoua-ias. DRUG POSITIONS ALL STATE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-16 City National Bank Bldg. WANTED" Experienced marker and as- sorter at the Globe Laundry uo., xan- cotn, wen. ELEVATOR dot: steady employment. Hart roan Furniture ana carpet jo., Douglas. . ' RULER in bindery. Permanent. Out-of- town position for good man, box lave, Bee. WANTED AU all-around fountain man In flrst-elsss drug store for out of city at once, References required, box i-m, nee. Salesmen and Solicitors. ADVERTISING specialty salesman for our complete line of fine art calendars, alumi num, cloth, fans, lead nenciis. rulers, cel luloid, thermometers, pennants, signs and metal novelties; Exclusive protection given good men in this city and outside tern torles. Connect with the fastest drawing specialty house In Nebraska. M. F. Shater tt Co. 12th and Farnam Sts. Fourth floor. SALESMEN I averaged 260 per week for the last 20 weeks, securing advance sub scribers for 'The Story of the Great War," an elaborate history of the European con- , test In twelve volumes, three-fourths of ' which is now ready. Let me show you how. I want three live salesmen for Omaha and vicinity. Call 312 , Balrd bids.' Inaotrs H. Batuer. WANTED Local representatives Dout las, Sarpy and Saunders counties to assist In sale of tho best land and llvs stock orooosltlon ever offered. This Is an attrac tlva proposition; curiosity hunters save your stamps and my time. W. G. Temple-. ton. 403 Bee Bldg. WANTED A young man to travel and so licit, good proposition to right party. See Li. b. cook, Rome Hotel, mornings, 2-8 afternoons. EXCELLENT money to experienced house to house salesmen, easy proposition for real live salesman. Call 209 N. 13th St. TRAVELING salesman, staple . line, Ne braska territory, 8100. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N, SALES positions, mercantile lines. WESTERN' REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. Agents and Canvassers. TEN men tiTlravel and take orders for a club of magaslnes. New plan, no advance collections to make. All -our- men are making good. Call afternoons, L. - J. Longbottom. local manager Woman's World, Boquet Hotel. i Trade Scnools. AUTO MECHANICS EARN BIG MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASS'N, 2817 N. 20th St, Omaha. Send for Free Catlaogue. CALL or write for our free Illustrated cata ' logue explaining how we teach the barber trade quickly by actual experience, care ful Instruction, -etc. Largest modern equtpped barber college in ths west. Motor's. 110 S. 14th, Omaha, Neb. (Estab lished 1823.) LEARN barber trade; be Independent mors than make your expenses while learning Wages or percentage. We don't over charge you to begin. .402 Dodge St TRI.CITT BARBER COLLBOB. NIGHT SCHOOL Autos and electric start ers. For particulars call Douglas 4472, or write us. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLBOB, 20 SO Farnam St, Omaha. Hotels and Restaurants. WAITRESS wanted. Home restaurant 1216 Farnam. Miscellaneous. RAILWAY Mall Clerk Examinations 5n Omaha soon commence. $76 month, feample questions .free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept 830 B. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED First class experienced lumber ysrd manager for Nebraska point. Btaie ace. experience, salary expected In first letter. Box 4866, Bee. . HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED 100 teachers to fill our calls for next year's work. If you have experience and education write us for Informstion concerning these vacaneted. Tha Stewart School Berv.ce, 114 IN. I3tk St. Lincoln. Neb. WANTED Men, women to try examinations for government jobs. 670 montn, vacations. Common education sufficient Apply im mediately to Bot T-811. Bes. ' Hors-Live Stock Vehicle ONE-HORSE MITCHELL WAGONS AND AUTO TRAILERS. L- Wt ars overstocked on ons-horss wag ons several styles to select from, also automobile trailers, 10 styles. AU new stock. For a few days wtn sell these warons and trailers at less than the pres ent wholesale prices. This class of goods Is advancing steadily. Can be Inspected on our sample floor. MITCHELL WAGON CO., 1112 Farnam St. NOTICE to tho farmers. Pair of farm mares with a good Inch and a quarter harness. 7 and 8 rears 'Old: weisnt z,aeo ins,, sass, Also a team t mules 7 and years old. weighing 2,600 lbs,, $140. One good single driving horse for sals, asm Mason at. BARGAIN tor cash; 10 blc farm mares, pan mules. Lady Owner, 2127 Douglas St FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS! If you fail to And ths room you deslrs among these ade call at Ths Bes office for at Room List Gives complete detailed description of va cant rooms in all parts of ths city. If more convenient phone The Bes Wsnt Ad Dept. and give your name and address and a list will be mailed to you at ones. New lists ars issued every week. Furnished Rooms. THE GREATEST GAIN 68.T2S In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, la the record ot THE OMAHA BEE for If 16. BEST RESULTS LOWEST BATS. 211 8. 26TFT-ST. Modern, .nicely furnished, well heated; plenty hot -water; splendid location. Phone Douglas 4080. NICE, clean basement room, suitable for student -or lady employed; walking dis tance. H. 4963. 212 Park Ave. 1202 SO. 17TH ST. Close In, all modern room,' nicely furnished, one block from car line. Phone Red 8129. 2227 JONES ST. Modern ; private family; walktng distance. Douglas 6747. THREE furniohed rooms for rent, entirely modwrn; 4244 Harney St. 632, 8. 21st Ave. Three rooms, fursished or unfurnished. Tyler 1667-J. MODERN sleeping rooms; well furnished; gooq location. Douglas 7834. NICELY furnished steam-heated rooms, 2404 Harney St. . Honsekeepintr Rooms. NICE clean rooms for light housekeeping. with kitchenette; In all modern hone; furnish gas, electricity and heat; on car line. 13.60. Douglas 7658. TWO neatly furnished single rooms, all modern, electric lights, bath in connection, prefer two working girls; rent very rca sonable. Harney 6668. 1814 Park Ave, 602 SO. 26TH AVE. Front roojns, down stairs, nicely furnished, modern In every respect. Csll Douglas 8033. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, two suites, new furniture; everything furnished. 2iC4Vi uougiaa street. ' LARGE pleasant home, with kitchenette and alcove for light housekeeping. 3tl8 Divenport LINCOLN apartments, furnished housekeep- ing rooms, zioz Chicago St. , Board and oora PINKNEY. 2123 Room and board for two. also garage for rent. Webster 6070. "Hotels. WORKWOMEN'S hotel. 201 N. 13th St Reasonable. Call. Night, week or month. Rooms Wanted. REFINED gentleman and his sister want to rent by the week one bedroom, sitting room, with davenport, kitchenette and private bath; walking distance. Box 1382, Bee. TOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THE BEB WANT-AD DEPT. and find out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE It's a plan that Is helping many people rent their rooms. TRAVELING man and wife want room and board In private family. References ex changed. Box 1328, Bee, FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. VERT choice 6 -room steam-heated apart ment on west Farnam street. JOHN W. ROB BINS,'' 1802 Farnam St. ST. CLAIRE, 24th and Harne, 3 -room apartments. Csll Harney 647. llorth. 1214 BURT, new 4 -room modern steam heated Apt. South and east front; winter, 136; summer, 230. RING WALT. Brandeis Theater Bldg. Miscellaneous. PAYNE & SLATER, - v REALTORS. APARTMENTS CLOSE IN THB LAFAYETTE, 17th Ave. and Jack son St. . Apt. 33, 2 rooms and bath; $21 summer; 226 winter. Apt 12, 3 rooms and bath; $30 sum mer; $36 winter. THB PORTLAND, Park Ave. and Leav. sn worth St. 6 rooms and bath, very desirable,, ready March 1. $42.50 flat rate. PAYNE & SLATER CO- tit Omaha Nat. Bldg. Doug. 1010. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. DESIRABLE furnished and unfurnished tspartments.ll sizes snd prices, splen did location. 2Uh and Farnam. D. 1472. 2719 DEWEY srfe., the Wayne, 2 rooms and bath; steam heat, $30. Garvin Bros., 346 Omaha National Jlank Bldg. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses, WHAT have you for rent in the way ot four, five and six-room modern up-to-date apartments? Prefer ence will be given to those In bet ter districts of the city. Want to deal direct with owners. No sgents. TelOhons Douglas 1016. WE want good houses to rent. Payne & Biater, ic umana Nat Bldg. Phono Doug. 1010. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER' and clerk, small office. iso; dook Keeper -and typist, beginner, $36; general office clerk, experience unnecea- ssry, ?35 stenographer, beginner. $40-160 stenographer, some einerlenct. 266: tin. or rap her and bookkeeper, up v town office, no. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N, . (INC.) 762 Omaha National Bank Bldg. A LARGE department Store of this city wishes to secure a competent woman for their book department only . those who understand work of this character and who are capable of hand Una- the de partment, without much assistance, need apptK. aax az, nee. TWELVE STENOGRAPHIC POSITIONS to be nlled at once, 4v to $76. NO FILING FEE only 60 cents to In Xettlgate references. THE MARTI CO., 1317 Wv O. W. Bldg. STENO., $76; steno., $66; steno., $60; steno, ana DKKpr., sou; steno., s&o; typist, $40; office clerk, $26; typist and clerk, $60; aicia-pnone opr., sbu. WATTS REF. CO., 1ST NAT. BK. BLDG, STENOGRAPHER $46.00 STENOGRAPHER 80.00 THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. WANTED, stenographer and filing clerk. experience, qua. meat tons ana salary ex- pected. Box 1367. Bee. 4 STENO. with some experience, or bright be ginner: lair salary to start Apply 2a floor Neo. national nanx. BOOKKEEPING, stenographic clerical po sit tons. i WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. Professions and Trades, WANTED Girls with common school edu cation, between 18 and 22 years, to take up local and long distance telephone work. C. F. Lambert 1W Douglas Ht WANTED 16 girls to learn to pack crack ers, good wages. Iten Biscuit Co., 12th and Capitol Ave. WANTED Experienced 1617 Burt St. chocolate dipper. Saleswomen and Solicitors. EXCELLENT money to experienced house to house salesladies, easy proposition for real live salesladies, call ZOl N. 13th St TRAVELING salesman, established trade. eastern neorssKa, tib-siuu. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND . ASS'N, Household and Domestic WANTED Neat, cspable .young white girl for seneral housework; no washing;; small family; must be good cook. CsH Harney 6222. , WANTED A competent white girl for gen eral house worn.: must De good cook: Washing, gpod wages. Rhone Har. 6478. WANTED Competent girl for housework live in family; $30 a month. Mrs. G. R. Hagens, 76 South Purbtn, Casper, Wyo. WHITE sir! for general housework. washing, small family. Mrs. Dr. Hlrsch- mann, 2226 So. 16th. Tyler 1837. COMPETENT white girl for general house work, musi oe soon cook. jo ia unary. Tel. Harney boh. - WANTED-- girl for general housework, one who can go home nights, Harney .2301. WANTED A competent housemaid. H. Bnrkley, 2177 Davenport Harney 2641, WANTED $ competent second girls at ths FOR RENT HOUSES West. . 3303 HOWARD ST. A 2-story frame, 7 rooms and sleeping porch. New furnace. Room for one cal In garage if desired. House rent. 820. ALFRED THOMAS 308 First Nat. 13k. Bldg. North. ""LOOK! $20.00 PER MONTH, ' $5.00 MOVING EXPENSES ALLOWED. f large rooms and bath; boat and water furnished; respectable surround ings; rent reduction on sweunt Improve ments being made. LINTON BLOCK, 18TH AND MASON. THE BYRON-REED COMPANY, Douglas 207. V 218 So. 17th St. 0 ROOMS,' all modern, east front, porches. everything new and up-to-the-minute. "Walking distance, 836 per month. Doug las 6886. , T RAVER BROTHERS, Sit New First National BankBldg. HiTSPBNCERSt. 8-r.. all mod 826.01 2022 S. 18th St, dandy 6-r., all mod. 20.00 2124 NI7th St., 7-r., all mod 20.00 2676 Wirt St., 6-r.. mod. ex. heat.. 12.00 1106 N. 22d St, 4-r., mod 16.00 RASP B ROS 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. 1106 N. 22d., 4-r. flat, steel range, gas stove, Jtltchen cabinet water paid, $16. RASP BROS., 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. fROOM all modern hotise, newly decorated, nc furnace. 120-2016 N 22d St. Tel. Red 1631. Miscellaneous. WE HATES WHAT TOO WANT. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. C-R. 503 Martha St .11!. 64 MODKRN EXCEPT HEAT. I t-R 2914 Saratoga St 20. 04 6- R. 61S No. 17th St 30.00 4-R. 2319 No. !7th-St., (for col ored) 15.00 BTRICTLT MODERN 4- R.-5337 No. 27th St 326.00 7- R. 4612 So. 23d St., (Rood brick dwelling, close to butttDesa cen ter of South Omaha) 26.00 -R. 2430 Bristol St., (good brlclt , i dwelling with large barn In the rear) 23.60 8- R. 3843 Charles St., (In llrst- claaa condition, with large gar age In rear) 26.00 5- R. 3114 Woolvorth Are 41.00 -R. 669 So. 26th St 92.60 9- R. 669 So. 26th Ava 36.00 19-R 2221 Dodge St 49.09 FLATS. a STRICTLY MODERN. 4-R. 3018 Dewey Ave ,..,897.60 PORTER ft SHOTWKLL, 303 So. 17th St. Doug. E013, Office with HOME BUILDERS. PETERJ5 TRUST COMPANY. RENTAL HEADQUARTERS 8-ROOM modern house with garage for 3 rare, cloae to car line, on pave, eireei. 330 month. Douglaa 2596. ' 2818 Seward, 6 roorna, small barn, $14. 1664 N. 20th. 4 rooms, water paid) 13.60. RINOWALT. Brandela Theater Bldg. HOUSES In all uarta of the city. CRE1GH. SO. 48 ft UU.. 4.8 BM Bldg. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN O :9- FIREPROOF WABEHOU8E. Packing, storage and mov ing. 219 N. 11th St Phons Douglas 324; m)ELITY FREE ' Phons Douglas, 4$ for complete list of .vacant be uses and apart , meats. Also for sorajge, moving. 14th and Jscksoh Bts. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to orders tot moving, packing or storage. Offics at Raymond Furniture Co.. 1611 and Ills Howard 8t. Phone D. 6624. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked'' rooms for household goods and pishes, moving; packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN JkciU LT1UKAUB IAJ., 103 8. lth at. Douglas 41$l (JSiobe Van and Storage Oo. For real service In moving, packtAjl and storing, call Tyler 234, or Douglas 4334. Ti J Van and two men, Maggara w. por hour. Vsn and Storage Co., Moving. Packing. Storage and Shipping. Phons Dong. 1444. J.P T?T7TT'n Express Co. Moving, . J. XXCjEjLP Packing and storags. 1 207 iFamsm St. Web. 2744. Doug. 4144. TWIN CITY EXPRESS CO.. 1533 Cass St Douglss 1717. Trunks stored a specially. FOR RENT B usines Pr'p'ty Stores. FOR RENT. V For results, list your houses, flats, apartments and business properties with us. We have more calls from desirable tensnts than wo can fill. . HI ATT COMPANY.V Tyler 0. . 245 Ora, Nat Baftk Bldg. NEW STORKS. LEAVENWORTH, .JUST Wea r ur it in, Can arrange space to suit tenants at from V-i to S&9 per month; also space on A finr.or light manufacturlnr. JOHN W. ROpBINS. 1803 FARNAM ST. 314-314 8, 18TH T Double storeroom and fine light basement; steam neat, eieci. Its. Building has lighten thres sides. Will remodel or enlarge to suit. Oarvln Bros., 346 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. HI S. 16TH St., s'teara heat, $100. Restaurant to rrnt -with fixtures, gas cloven, at 107 fl. 16th St. 4716 SO. 24TH,ST., $100; center of South Omaha bnsrnRs district E. H. Bennsr, RamgeJBlk. D. S406. MODERN STORE liith St., near postofflce, $75 month. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. MODERN STORES AND OFFICES In Far nam Bldg. First Trust Co.. D.1161. ' Offices and Desk Room. "7 OFFICES. Single and en suite. In a central loov UB" BROWN BLDG., Room 407. Douglas lift. DESIRABLE office rooms In the remodeled Crounse block, 119 N. 16th St (opposite postolTlcc). $10 to $16 per month. ,Gonrad young. 322 jBrandels Tneater. Doug, inn. r : - i. 3 $16 S. 19TH ST., 2d fl 22x26 ft., stam heat elect It Reasonable rent Oarvln Bros., 346 Omaha Nat. Bk. B:dg. CHOICE o.tce space. Balrd Bldg 17th and Douglas. McCagus In v. Co. Miscellaneous. LARGE, light basement, 16th and Howard, cheap. Wright ft Lasbur. Doug. 162. EDUCATIONAL BOTI.ES COLLEQa DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer clal and .English branchee. Catalogue fres. BOYLES 'OLLF.GB. Douglaa 1666. ltth and Harney Sts. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, " DAT AND BVCNING SCHOOLS. S3pconc Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. Entrance 220. Douglas 6490. T. M. C. A. Day snd Night School. Musical. RljAGAN'S Orchestra; god music; rates rea sonable. Phone South 326. "Ticmjl oa t 1 1, I o Exchange THB GREATEST' OA IN 61,711 In paid wsnt -ads ever made hy any Oma ba ps per, is t he record of THB OUAHA BEB Cor 1116. BEST R LSlTLTS 'LOWE8T RATI 'On 3ALB OR EXCHANGE. Improved 160 -a, ere farm. 8 ml. from Bea tries, about izti'arres under cultivation. t.RCFBR KKAI.TT CO.. 6fto Bran lt la Bldg. NONRESIDENT, what have youT Six-room house. 6 years old. Strictly modern.. Oar age. Northwest. Owner, SmKh, Room $0$, Caatle Hotel. , .VK nevfeooiv good oorass and -rental prop- rilaA fnr Ntth AF Intra Jlanrt Rdwarrl a. ( Williams Co., Omaha Nan Baok Ball, Woo dm a, lis m. .isin. , i '