Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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Women Should
Get This Habit
As Well As Men
Don't eat bite of ibrcakfast until
you drink glass of
hot water.
Happy, bright, alert vigorous and
vivacious a Rood, clear skin; a nat-
'ural, rosy complexion and freedom
from illness are assured only by
clean, healthy blood. If only every
woman and likewise every man could
realize the wonders of the morning
inside bath, what a gratifying change
would take place.
Instead of the thousands of sickly,
aiiacmic-lookinz men, women and
girls with pasty or muddy complex
ions; instead of the multitudes of
"nerve wrecks. rundowns, brain
fags" and pessimists we should see a
virile, optimistic throng ot rosy
cheeked people everywhere.
An inside bath is had by drinking,
each morning before breakfast, a
Klass of real hot water with a tea
spoonful of limestone phosphate in
it to wash from the stomach, liver,
kidneys and ten yrds of bowels the
previous day's indigestible waste,
sour fermentations and poisons, thus
cleansing, sweetening and freshening
the entire alimentary canal before
putting more food into the stomach.
Those subject to sick headache, bil
iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism,
colds; and particularly those who
imc a pallid, sallow complexion and
who are constipated very often, are
urged to obtain a quarter pound of
limestone phosphate at the drug store
which will cost but a trifle, but is
sufficient to demonstrate the quick
and remarkable change in both health
and. appearance awaiting those who
practice internal, sanitation. We must
remember that inside cleanliness is
more important than outside, because
the skhr does not absorb impurities
to contaminate the blood, while the
pores in the thirty feet of bowels do.
Causes of
"Catching Cold"
Persocs who are extremely suscep
tible to influenza or even a simple
cold, are either engaged in profes
sional work, or have considerable tax
upon' them in factory and office. In
fact, resistance to cold is r.ot so much
of what one wears as of what one is.
Since science has established this fact,
it is necessary for all whose work
requires some especially keen exer
cise of the mind, to guard themselves
against taking cold. So bear in mind
that Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
judiciously used is a most efficient
means of preventing or overcoming
coughs, colds and grip. In the first
place it is a food and also an aid in
the digestion of other foods. By its
tonic and stimulating effect upon the
little digestive glands along the
mucous surfaces of the stomach, Duf
. fy's enables that organ to obtain from
the food all its nourishing proper
ties, and to properly digest and as
similate the same. In this the most
important step in the treatment of
coughs and colds, the system is fur
nished wtih the necessary strength
and vigor to resist and offset the
wasting inroads of these coniplaints.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey also im
parts heat and energy to the body,
which, together with its well known
remedial power, will enable you. as it
has thousands of previous cold suf
ferers, to "Get Duffy's and Keep
Sold by most druggists, grocers
and dealers, $1.00. J they can't Sup
ply you, write us. Lsetul household
booklet free. The Duffy Malt Whis
key Co., Rochester, N. Y.
Turn Hair Dark
With Sage Tea
GranAna kept her locks dark, glossy
and youthful with a simple mix
ture of Sage Tea and Sulphur.
The old-time mixture of Sage Tea
and Sulphur for darkening gray,
streaked and faded hair is grandmoth
er's recipe, and folks are again using
it to keep their hair a good, even col
or, which is quite sensible, as we are
living in an age when a youthful ap
pearance is of the greatest advantage.
Nowadays, though, we don't have
the troublesome task of gathering the
sage and the mussy mixing at home.
All drug stores sell the ready-to-use
product, improved by the addition of
other ingredients called "Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound" for
about 50 cents a bottle. It is very
popular because nobody can discover
it has been applied. Simply moisten
your comb or a soft brush with it
and draw this through your hair, tak
ing one small strand at a time; by
morning the gray hair disappears, but
what delights the ladies with Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound is that,
besides beautifully darkening the hair
after a few applications, it also pro
duces that soft luster and appearance
of abundance which is so attractive.
This ready-to-use preparation is a
delightful toilet requisite for those
''who desire a more youthful appear
ance. It is not intended for the cure,
mitigation or prevention of disease.
The symptoms of kidney and blad
der troubles are often very distressing
and leave the sysleTtr-in a run-down
condition. The kidneys seem to suffer
most, as almost every victim com
plains of lame back and urinary trou
bles, which should not be neglected,
asthese danger signals often lead? to
dangerous kidney troubles.
Dr. Kilrner's Swamp-Root, which
soon heals and strengthens the vkid
ncys, is a splendid kidney, liver and
bladder remedy, and, being an herbal
compound, has a gentle healing effect
on the kidneys, which is almost im
mediately noticed in most cases by
those who use it.
A trial will convince anyone who
may be in need of it. Better get a
bottle from your nearest drug store,
and start treatment at once.
However, if you wish first to test
this great preparation, send ten cents
Ift Fir k'ilmpr Rr Cr RinrrliQni.r,
N. Y., for a sample bottle. When
writing be sure and mention The
Omaha Daily Bee. Advertisement
But Executive Committee of
Commercial Club Would In
crease Some Salaries.
Measures now in the legislature af
fecting Omaha and Douglas xounty
were thoroughly gone over and either
approved or disapproved by the Com
mercial club of Omaha at Tuesday's
meeting of the executive committee.
The committee opposed the meas
ure seeking to increase the salary of
the county surveyor to $2,500 besides
the $1,000 he receives for surveying
the roads.
It opposed the increase in salaries
of the public defender, the register
of deeds, the clerk of municipal court.
It opposed the creation of the office
of county comptroller.
It opposed the proposed increase
of salaries of firemen and policemen.
It opposed the proposed increase in
salaries of the county commissioners.
It opposed the creating of the of
fice of county accountant to check the
village and school district treasurer.
No Court Reporter.
It opposed the creating of a court
treporter for the grand jury.
It opposed the increase of salaries
of district court bailiffs from $1,200
to $1,500.
It opposed the increase in salaries
of the deputy register of deeds and
It opposed the increase in salary for
the fire chief.
It opposed the bill providing for
the elimination of primaries for the
selection of candidates for the city
commission; although it approved
the proposed primary for the selec
tion of candidates' for the board of
education; also approved the bill pro
viding for a nonpartisan primary for
the selection of members of the Water
Jt opposed tlie bill to place all pub
lic utilities in the state under the con
trol of the state railway commission.
Insuring Incompetents.
It opposed the proposed civil serv
ice system for 'the city employes,
holding that the bill as drawn is
merely a means of keeping a. lot of
incompetents in jobs. v
Besides this, the committee recom
mended that the salary of the county
judge be increased to $3,500, and that
the salary of the clerk be increased
from $2,300 to $3,000. It recom
mended the increase of the salary of
the county clerk from $2,400 to
It recommended that the county
attorney be allowed an additional
deputy on account of the additional
work turned over to that office by the
law abolishing the office of coroner.
It recommended that the salaries of
the county attorney's deputies be
fixed by the judges of ,the district
court within certain maximum
amounts fixed by law, and that the
maximum to be received by the chief
deputy be. fixed at $1,800. It recom
mended the county attorney be al
lowed a messenger, with salary fixed
at $125. '
It recommended that the salary of
the deputy election commissioner be
fixed at $1,800. It recommended that
the salary of the deputy sheriff bt
fixed at $2,500. f
Wants Divorce Because
Spouse Has Too Many Names
Valentine's day proved popular with
a legion of dissatisfied wives and hus
bands who are-seeking freedom from
the bonds of matrimony in divorce
court. The largest batch of petitions
for any one day for some time was
Evelyn J. Singer has a unique com
plaint. She has a husband with too
many names to suit her everyday
tastes. Mrs. Singer says that she
married Theodore Singer, but two
days later found out his name was
George M. Tool. Then, the wife al
leges, he disappeared for a while, and
bobbed. up again: with the monicker
of Charles.
The following wivcS allege cruelty;
Flora M.' Petersen against Charles
C. Petersen.
Marian Baker against Charles J.
Genevieve T. Slavin against George
F. Slavin.
Charles M. Hall would be freed
from Orrel Hall on grounds of al
leged cruelty.
Nonsupport allegations are made
by Freda W. Fick against Oliver A.
Fick, and Lucinda Theunert against
Charles R. Theunert.
The following three husbands would"
have the divorce court give them their '
freedom on grounds of alleged deser
tion: Clyde Wheeler .against Dorothy
Ralph Lee Bell against Grace Sears
Bayard L. McMullcn against Ethel
McMulIen. "
Delegates Selected for
National D. A. R. Congress
Delegates to the national Daugh
ters of the American Revolution con
gress to be held in Washington, D.
U. m April from the Umaha chapter
will be the regent, Mrs. F. R. Straight,
and Miss Dove Mitchell. Their alter
nates arc: Mesdames J. B. Reynolds,
W. L. Selby, J. t. Dale, A. C. Stokes.
F. B. Bryant, D. C Stapleton, W. A.
Smith, R. C. Hoyt, F. S. Porter and
J R. Key. These women were named
at a meeting held Tuesday at the
home ot Mrs. J. U Weetrt.
At the state conference, to be held
in Fremont the latter part of March,
Omaha chapter will be represented bv
Mesdames Straight, A. K. Gault, F.
S. Porter and L. D. Shipman. The
alternates are Mesdames Selby, J. O.
Goodwin, J. J. Foster and John
Omaha Commercial Club
Wants New State Capitol
A new capitol building for Lincoln
is highly recommended' by the Com
mercial club of Omaha. "The neces
sity is entirely obvious," says a reso
lution adopted by the executive -committee,
"and the work has already
been too long delayed. It should be
undertaken now with all possible dis
patch." An &r, PleaMBt iAiatlv.,
One or two r. King'i New Lira Pllla at
nig ht iDnureo a tnm and euy movement of
ihe boweli. Zlo. All drusgUto. Adv.
Want County to Get Clerk Fees,
But Not During Bob Smith s Term
Executive Committee of Com
mercial Club Goes On Rec
ord as Being Against
Fee Grabbing.
The fees collected by the clerk of
the district court in county
for sen ices in connection with nat
uralization should be turned over to
the county treasurer, is the opinion
of the Commercial club of Omaha,
a. expressed 'y the legislative coni
Httee and approved by the executive
committee of the club.
Still the club would not have any
legislation that would affect the per
sonal pocketini, of such fees by the
present district clerk, Bob Snvitli.
Smith himsel' is a member of the
legislative committee which drafted
t" ; recommendation that it be made
illegal in the futu. . but perfectly
Old Woman Wanders in iPort s!reet- s iie was t" h.' w?y
viu iiviiiui! iiBiiuwio im i home from Hanscom park where, he
SearCn lOr Her UaUPnierihd been skating, me aged woman
proper during the term of the present
The legislative committtee's recom
mendation, which was endorser' by
the executive committee, was that a
law be passed requiring clerks ot the
district courts in the state generally
to perform service in connection with
naturalization laws of the United,
The present law, it is pointed out,
leaves this optional. They recommend
further "that fees received for this
service by the clerk of the district
court in this county be turned over to
the county treasurer, and that no
change be made in the salary of the
clerk, but that a provision requiring
that the fees be turned ver to the
treasurer shall not take eff.ct during
the present term of the clerk of the
district cou.t, and that the bill be so
worded as not to affect the pending
titration between the clerk of the
district court of Douglas county and
the people, which is l ow up for hear
ing in the state supreme court"
Mrs. S. E. Dorr of Willow Lake,
S. D., age3 about 65, was found wan
dering about the streets at a late hour
bv William Wentworth, 5012 Daven-
had several large grins and had come
to the city to visit with her daughter,
Mrs. John Cole, whom she has not
seen for nearly two years. Mrs. Dorr
had first gone to 3004 Farnam street,
the place where her daughter waa sup-.
posed to reside, but the house wai
vacant. Police are' trying- to locate
her daughter. ' i ..... .
Give your Want Ad a chance to
make good. Run it in The Bee.
You May Choose Your Hearse
at Omaha Auto Show A
Lugubrious Feature.
The great national shows of New
York and Chicago may be larger
than the Omaha automobile exposi
tion and they may be more preten
tious and expensive, but there's at
least one feature in which Omaha will
surpass the big fellows. Omaha will
have a larger automobile hearse dis
play. Clarke Powell, 'manager of the
local exposition, has been advised at
least six motor hearses and perhaps
more will be snown at the'auto show.
One dealer says he has prospective
buyers from points as far away as
South Dakota, Kansas and Wyoming
coming to Omaha to see his display
of hearses. Chicago only had two
hearses at its exhibition.
O. C. Friend, president, and John
W. Bates, vice president of the
Mitchell 'Motors company of Racine,
Wis., will be in attendance at the
Omaha show, according to advices
received by Manager Powell. Bates
is one of the best known automobile
engineers in the countrv and ranks
well up among the notables of the
American automobile industry. A
luncheon in honor of these distin
guished guests will be given Feb
ruary 27 by J. T. Stewart. 2d.
"" February 28 will be Farmers' clay
at the show. Farmers' day was an
innovation lait year and proved to
be the most successful day of the
show. It is expected to be the same
success this- year.
Avers His Wife
Has Wallop Like
! One Jess Willard
Pearl Fuller, a South Side laborer,
wants no more of a wife who, he al
leges, is capable ioT dealing knockout
blows with her fists and anytmng else
she can get her hands on when do
mestic hostilities begin. In a divorce
petition filed in district court against
Matilda Fuller he charges that re
cently his spouse walloped him over
the head with a checker board. knock-N
ing him unconscious for a half hour.
At times, according to his allegations.
she went after him in approved pugi
listic style. As a side issue in the
suit he alleged infidelity.
Pastor Forgives
Mail Who Would
Hit Him With Ax
The reclaiming of aouls by the po
lice court route was so much against
ethics of Rev. Frank Henderson, pas
tor of the Westminster chapel at
Eleventh and Grace streets that he
settled his differences against T. D.
Mantor without the aid of the law.
Mantor was arrested Thursday even
ing while waiting for the pastor with
an ax and shotgun, determined, the
(police sav. to put an end to the "pas-K-i-
jji: u: n.. -u,!,. "
VUr S IIICUUMUK III IIW tAllliiy aiina.
Pastor and parishoner settled their
differences out of the court room, and
as a result when the Mantor case
was called for trial the pastor did
not appear against him.
Fire Finds Sick Woman
Unable to Leave Her Bed
Fire at 5:54 a. m. did only slight
damage at 1442 South Nineteenth
street. Workmen of the Union Fuel
company nearby discovered Ihe blaze
and when they tried to notify the
occupants found Mrs. Knapp alone
and so weak from prolonged sickness
that she couldn't leave the bed.
Sparks from the furnace chimney had
set fire to the roof. It was easily extinguished.
. An Entire
Devoted to
Men's Wear
Ibiandeis Storesl
Ride Up on
the Escalator
Second Floor
Detroit Beauty Doctor Gives Simple
Recipe to Darken Gray Hair and
Make It Soft and Glossy.
Miss Alice Whitney, a well-known
beauty doctor of Detroit, Mich., re
cently gave out the following state
ment: "Anyone can prepare a simple
mixture at home, at very little cost,
that will darken gray hair, and make
it soft and glossy. To a half pint of
water add 1 oz. of bay rum, a small
box of Barbo Compound and li oz.
of glycerine. These ingredients can
be bought at any drug store at very
little cost. Apply to the hair twice
a week until the desired shade is ob
tained. This will make a gray-haired
person look twenty vears younger. It
is not sticky or greasy ana does not
rub off. Advertisement.
11017 1 CURED
'Without Apparatus, Inhalers, Salves,
Lotions, Harmful Drugs, Smoke
or Electricity.
Heals Day and Night
It U a new way. It is something; abso
lutely different. No lotions, spray or sickly
imallltur sslves or creaou. No atomiser, or
any apparatus of any kind. Nothltif to
molts or In bale-. No steaming or rubbing
or Injections. No electricity or vibration or
massage. No powder; no plasters; no keep
ing In tha house. Nothing 9t that kind at
f C I v 1
all. ttommhtng new and different, some
thing dollghtfut and healthful, something
Instantly sucecHsful, You do not have to'
watt, and llnRrr and pay out a lot of money.
You can stop It over night and I will gladly
tell you how FRISK. I am not a doctor
and this Is not a no-Vailed doctor's prencrlp
tlon but I urn cured and my frlrnds are
cured, aftd you ran lw i-urd. Tour suffer
ing wtll stop at once like, magic.
I Am Free-You Can Be Free
fwo Weeks' Old Baby
Had Painful Rash On
Face. Cuticura Healed
Costing Only $1.25.
"When my brother was about two
weeks old we noticed a red rash break
ing out on his face which we took to be
a DaDy rasa, it Decame
more irritating and even
painful. It caused him
to scratch due to the
itching and thusirritated
him till he lost his rest
at night The trouble
lasted about fourweeks.
"A lady advised Cuti
cura Soap and Ointment and I wrote for
a tree sample. I tnen; more
and we used about three cakes of Cuti
cura Soap and one box of Cuticura Oint
ment and now he it healed." (Signed)
Miss Beatrice Bertram, Marion, Wise,
July 14, 1916.
Cuticura Soap and Ointment are not
only wonderful Dealers but are also won
derful preventives of skin and scalp
troubles if used exclusively. The Soap,
for daily use in the toilet, cleanses and
purifies, the Ointment soothes and heals
any little irritations, roughness, pimples,
For Free Sample Each by Return
Mail address post-card: "Cuticura,
Dept. H, Boston." Sold everywhere.
My rstarrh flilhy and loathsome, It
mode mv ill. Il dulled my mind. It under
mined my hnlilt and ws weakening my
will. The lwktnp. roughing, spitting mad"
nif obnoxious to all, and my foul breath and
uinKUHliiiK habit ven my loved
onnp avoid tin' (lerrelly. My delight In life
was dulled and my faculties Impaired. I
knew that in lime It would hrlng me to
an untimely grave, because every moment
of the day and night tt was slowly yet
surely sapping my vitality.
But I found a cure, and I am ready to
tall you about It FREE. Write me promptly.
fiend no money. Just your name and ad
dreju on a postal card, Say: "Dear Sam
Katz: Please tell me how you cured your
catarrh and how I can cure mine." That's
all you need to say, I will understand, and
I will write to you with complete Informa
tion. FREE, at once. Do not delay. Send
postal card or write me a letter today.
Ton't think of turning this- page until you
have asked for this wonderful treatment
that can do for you what It has done tor
HAM KATZ, Roam, BO110
&Ot Indiana Avenue Chicago, ILL
It Quickly Loosens Up Coughs and
Colds in Throat or Chest
Just a little Musterole rubbed on your
sore, tight chest before you go to bed
will loosen up congestion and break up
most severe colds and coughs.
Musterole is a clean white ointment
made with oil of mustard. Simply rub
it on. No plaster necessary. Better than
mustard plaster and does not blister.
Thousands who use Musterole will tell
what relief it gives from sore throat,
bronchitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck,
asthma, neuralgia, headache, congestion,
pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and
aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore
muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet
and colds (it often prevents pneumonia).
Hart Schaffner & Marx
At $19.50 and $23.50
And the headlines tell a,story
so complete in itself that every
man with an Overcoat need will
immediately recognize this as an
unusual opportunity.
Eart Schaffner & Marx on a
label is the highest guarantee of
quality that we know of it is
the hallmark of style and work
manship and behind the makers'
guarantee stands ours double
insurance of satisfaction.
Big, warm, comfortable Over
coats also the Pinch Backs,
Chesterfields and all the dressy
An offering of Overcoats that
stand at the head of the
Suitsand Overcoats for Men and Young Men
Of Other Desirable Makes
styles, fabrics
MS ;
' Copyright Hart 8chWbMC& Man
Suits and Overcoats in limitless variety, embracing
and patterns most desired at this time-1
Have Sold Here at $18.00 and $22.50, Your Choice Now .
Hundreds of High Grade Pants, $2.98, $3.98, $5
That Have Sold Here at Much Higher Prices
Fancy materials and blue serges a great assortment to choose from.
$125 Genuine Coon Coats at $65.00
Eightyrfive High-Grade Pur-Lined Coats at Reduced Prices.
Second Floor Men's Bldg. '
restores cigar enjoyment
TNSTEAD of ill
treating your cigar
enjoyment with
heavy cigars, suppose
that you try smoking
cigars of quite a dif
ferent type.
In making Tom Moore
the kind of cigar it is, we
have acted on the modern
principle that few men can
or should smoke heavy
cigars exclusively.
You may say, "But I like
Havana tobaccos." Very
well, Tom Moore's filler is
Havana leaf. Yet, Tom
Moore smokes mildly. This
is partly due to the two
years' ageing in even tem
perature which we give the
aromatic Havana leaf
partly due to Tom Moore's
mild Sumatra wrapper-
partly due to our cigar
workers' care in keeping
the air passages through the
cigar open just enough for
free, "instant" draft andr
smooth, even burning. ,
If cigars don't taste as good
to you as they used to, refresh
yourself with a few Tom
Moore's. We will be very
much surprised if your cigar
enjoyment fails to come back
and stay with you.
vj minwimaniiiiiiiiiiiMtiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiii
T E'N'.'.'C EN .T S
KantM City, Missouri. '
Omaha Branch. 1715 Douflas Strait.