Want -Ad Rates WO Alt TAKEN Nil LESS THAN A TOTAL OF M OB LEW) THAN 10. FEB DAT. . . CASH WITH OBDiia. Set Solid (No Dtaplaj). 1C ,lr word eacbvtraertlon II raragrapnea or wspieyea typei to ptr lln, .. " ! pr lln. I or more ooneeratlve Ijeertlon. (Count ell word! to the lino.) HITCATIOK8 WANTED. Weeklf rate .Wo per nno ' CAJtDI OF THANHS. DEATHS AND FUNERAL MOWCIWl llo per lino each Inewrtlon . (Count ! worda to the lino.) I (Minimum ebvn U oonti.l IfONTHLT RATE FOR STANnTOO ADS. (No onante ,f oopy allowed.) on. iin , ,."!;.; Two line, or more PV " 1M (Count U vrorde to the ttne.) ALL FORBION ADVERTISING 'WO" ners Tftu-rain ri.aRHIiriCATIONS: Hi. i. worn one time to per wort, two or moro eonaeeutlv, lo' oorUoaa. SPECIAL COMBINATION BATE ' On lnd, rwattrr end Othor A.orUto. run! nui u amis (mm. hfl 000 dm 11 V ) . ITH CKNT'-'BT FARMER, (oor 110,00. weeaiv). A unUnol circulation which will reach both tho city ana rural miasm. j' Special Reg, . . 1 V Ralea. Rata. z tnaortlftna In Omaha Boo and i iHMtu. aah (-n Parmer. nor lino Mo , tic ,f Ineartlon, tn Omaha Boo and , , I Inanition tn tOth Con. Farmer, ; par word 0 . 1 Inaartlona tn Omaha Boo and I Imhii.. in aiK nn Farmer.. r 1'no o Ho 7 Inaortlono In Omaha Bee and t InMrtlon In loth (JOB. Farmer, . 10UB Ito .', .(Contract rataa on application.) THE BEB will not bo responslole for mora than ono Incorrect Inoortlon of. an .fiver tteement ordered for moro than ono tlma. ADVERTISERS ahould retain recelpta iivan . by The Boo In payment tor want ana, ae no mistake can bo recttfled without them. Ufltt THE TELEPHONE If you cannot con . venlently bring or aend In your ada. Aalt 1 for a Want Ad Taker, and you will re ceive tho aarae food eervtce aa when de livering your ad at tne ornee..,. PHONE TTLKR 1000. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSB: EVkVINO EDITIONS U.Ot M, MORENO EDITIONS... .,,..'.4:0, P. M V '- 1 MOVIE PROGRAM. Came efTerUige of tho hoot Mottoa Pto- inre TBeacer, n train na (( nan. a imuy.j "tforth. 1ITII AND LAKE "GRANT, POL'ICE REPORTER" .. .... AND .. A OENERAL PROORAM. ' AND 14TH AND BINNET , ' ;. 1 LILLIAN QISH .......... . . 1M ' "THE CHILDREN PAY." rUROP ' I4TH AND LOTIIROi' MART NASH In "ARMS AND THE?1 WOMEN" ' AND COMPANT. South. APOLLO 2IT11 A LEAVENWORTH . , , JOHN BARRTMORB .. JN 1 "ARE YOU A MASON?" ROHLI'F 2441 LEAVENWORTH BABY MARIE OSBORNE-"," IN , - " JOT AND THE PRAOON.i- West. HONROH .. . . III! FARNAM - i WILLIAM COURTNHT In "SEALED LIPS" nrl "THE UNITED STATES DEFENDERS. South Side. 1PHHUM . 34TH AND-lf Margarita Fischer . , . ,-. ' in . - ,; "THE BUTTERFLY GIRL." FLORISTS. BEST QUALITY CUT FLOWERS or planbj. Art combtnattonN ahlpped every where. Bicollent oervlco to our cuetom, era in Beat yearn recommend. 11EH8 d BWOBODA, HII Farnam St. Dou. UL FonteneUo Flonat. LfcELURMON ml Doudaa St. Douflaa 11(4. LAROEBT aaoortment of 'fneah llownra. L. HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. PARKER Flower ahop, til 8. Hth. D. 1101. A. DOHAOHUE. Hi! Harney, Dou. 1001. BATH, National Florlet, l0t Farnam St. - FUNERAL DIRECTORS. BUI.8B A MEPEN, undartakero and an balmara, TCI s. ltth St. Douilaa lilt. DUFFT A JOHNSTON, erobalmera and tu- neral djroctori. TIT S. ltth SI. Tylerlt7( FRATERNAL; ORDERS. CROUNSST HALL. Oppoolte poetofflco. . New hall for lodpa ' aneotinca ana aencea, isxceiient noer, . TOUNO A DOHERTT, jpijrandhijrheatrd ' ' BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrtha J. L. and H. Pr"etteye, (.nariea, nn: .Mnn ana nutn wasnor, hoa- pltal, (trl; OoortoVJ, and Leath Miller, heapltal, rlrh Jooeph and Jennie Taylor, Wl Dodio, flrl; Frank and Marte Corny; Itlt -etouth Twentieth, boy.; Ooorso and Lleeto Jtalna, 10K. Caatelar, tlrlj William ana Ida May stotten, utl Monroe, boy Outaoppo and Lucia ' Branoata, 010 Pierce, boy; Edward and. Vera Wolverton. loot Wirt, boy; Rudolph and Anna Poneo, 1314 South -Twenty-lira t, boy; John and Nettle Standi, 113 Wirt, boy; Jamoa and Hilda Murphy, toil North Seventeenth, elrl; Otto and Leona Korman, tiot, South Twelfth. avi. .- Death Ireno Johnaon, t, 0)1 North Twenty-fourth; Mra. Katie Murphy. 10. Ill Cs John Monleiue, to, tia ; Charlea H. Haneen, 1 month, (tit South Thlrly-thlrd: Phyllto McAyoy. 1 year, IT1I South Thir teenth;' 8. A. Haielton, t7, Twenty-flrat and iiowey avenue; ueorae uraaien. It, hoa. pltal! Charlotte Rowland. 03. hnenliai Anna Mundelln, to, Fiftieth and Nebraeka avenue: I. B. Amea, To. TOO North Six- teenthr Marlon F. Cook, II, HIT Military avenue; jeery eraraneri, ea, isoi , fierce William w. Brown, ti, 1131 Jetlereon. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Marriage itceneea were taauod to the fol lowing ooupiea s. Name and Reeldenoe: vAte. . i.eonie etara, . umiu ...... Anna Novak. . Omehn. ..... , "Y Anthony Oberrouter, ' Omaha lrma Swift, Omaha.. .over si .over 11 Rdward J. Dawadn, Da Molaea, la.... Myrle Gray, La Motnea, la SJ WtlHam A. Scott. Schuyler. Xeb. 17 Ilase! B. Hamilton, Omaha 38 lOnry JohiuiAeaaen, Omaha. is !(f Branaraan, Conncit Bluffs, la. t( Cyrua Uplcher, Battle Creek, Neb.,;..., 6 Lucy Weal, Council Bluffi, la, 47 Kdward Haanka. Omaha,, 1. ..:.,. if Anna Pleakach, Omaha 10 Km 11 V.Svoboda, Omaha 11 Kmlly Spata.fAbiet Neb.., t7 Arthur Xar. Omaha... 11 Joaephlno Sam,- Omaha.,...,.,,,,,,,, 21 Hdward Magulre, Lincoln, Neb M Uara Martin, Council Bluff, la 19 U Dfwki. Omaha... n timitto J. Hamann, Lake Park. la....... 11 Wiliiani 3. Leech, Omaha.,. over 11 Anna O, Qlaaaon, Omaha,. . .over 11 Lynn Baron, Atlantic, la. is Adala Saundera. AtlaaUo, la.f. , 81 John Oormley, Rockford, lU.....,,,Tover 11 Laura M. Oilleople, Cleveland, O....ovor II ' BUILDING PERMITS. The (ollowiag bulldtag permit, tiay. been laauedl , Margolla Broe., Oaffe it Herwlta. 11x0 North Twenty-fourth, fireproof More. 130.- 001; II. Hovgaard, 111! Pratt, frame iwell- Ing, ,,..,; Miller Haakeloack, tl Cm, (ran, .welling, II, tM. ., '.. . ' SPECIAL NOTICE a, C. C. PETERSEN, will not bft reaponalble for any debu contracted by my wife, Sra. C. M. Potoraorj. oa or altar thla data. MEDICAL. TOIJ CAN HAVE TOUR HEALTH 1 LATEST AND MOST SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT. CONSULTATION. EXAMINATION FREE. Dr. Barnea tree to aucceaafully all ' Curable Dlaeaooa of tho Noee. Throat, Lunta, Stomach, Liver. ' Ktdoeye, Heart,. Brain, Nervoa, Blood and Skin, aa well aa , Catarrh of anr part of tho body, Conatl nation, Chronlo and Acuto Rhemnatlam, Ulcere, Neuralgia, Sol- . atto Lumbago. s Dr. Barnea la the only phyalclaa In Ihte part of the country admln laterlng thla ayatem of treatment, Invoetlgato It. DR. CHARVES BARNES, Suite til to 020 Rove Bldg. S. B. Corner 10th and Farnam Sta , Phono Tyler ItlO. DR. E. R. TARRY, f " , ' PILES. FISTULA r CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry curea pllea, flatula and other rectal dieeaaee without eurglcal operation. ' Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on roe tal dteeaeea with teatlmonlala. DR. E, R. TAnni, 2t0 Bee Bldg.' Omana. Neb. DR. M. PRYOR, M. T , THE WKLLKNUWH Conditioner and Trainer oi Aimeiee, . Ilea a Srlenllflo Treatment for , All Typea of Rheumatlam, 14-16 I'ATTKRHON BLK. RUPTURE Succeeafully treated without a aurglcal operation, call or write nr. Frank H. Wray, 101 Bee Bldr Chiropractora. DR. BUHHORN, ROSE BLDO. Palmar achool graduate. Doug. M4T. DR. KNOLLENBERO, SANITARIUM. Lady attendant. 4lh and Farnam. D. 7106. T. J, C.Tawrcnc. Bai'rd "Bldg D. 0401. Dr. Francea Da warm, 602-Roae Bid. T. 23tt. Dra. Johnaion, 1J26W. O. W. Bldg. D. 0020. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain OH W. O. W. Bldg. Taft'a Dent. Boat.. 301 Boaa Bldg. P. Mil. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture tnd Household Goods, ECONOMY BALK By purchasing your fur niture where your money aoca tne lartn- aot. Oar goods are rare bargains at the prloeo wo quote. Don't take our word, all wo aak la that you coma and aee. Tho STATE FURNITURE CO., It lb and Dodgs f 81a. Douglaa HIT. THE GREATEST GAIN 61,711 In paid want ada ever made by any Omaha paper, la the record Of THE OMAHA HKK for 1U. ' BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATTB. MON-KY-RAIHINO SALItL. 16.000 etock of furniture, ruga, linoleum. all klnda of bedding, complete line of houee fumiahlnga, 1131-1817 N. ltth. Tel. Web. 1407. OpenJfUO ajn. till 11 p. m. r RUGS MADE FROM CARPETS. Write for llluatrated folder of ruga, made from oarpeta. Freight paid. Lln- mln Him Fartnrv. Lincoln. Neb. STOVES, ALL KINDS! Sre ua Srat. Prlcoe .right.' City Furniture Co., 107 B. lllo. Loyal Furniture Co., 323 N. Utb St. jtCKI'TlONALLY fln f00 plane. Will Bell cneap ir -eon, or eaunanan i iiuh. or vacant I'll. Tel. uougiaa BHDS coinple a, deak, kitchen table, chalra, matting rope, .-itwxp. .an iuua. w. Sewing Machine!. DEWING MACHINES W rant, repftlr, !! aeatiua and ptvrU of all Mwtng mttrninea. 'MICKHL'8 i: NKBRA8KA CYCLJD CO., 11th and Harney 8ts. Oouv. Hit, Billiards and Pocket Tablet. TOR BA!,lt BILLIARD TABLK8, Brand w, carom -ana pocKr, wttn compiwi outflt, too. lecond'band Ubioo at r- duocu prloMi bowllnn atleya and tuppllt; oay nrmenta. ClKar otoro flxturea a pMlalty. Send tor caUloffuo. THJE BKUNHWICK-HAI.KK-CULLKiNDBR CO.. 4.7-401 Houth Jtth Bt. - Clothing. Fura. Etc. BUFFAU5 OVERCOAT RAROATk. " A (In coat, have been offnrod $T&, Will uell now tor Hit It taken im mediately. R. F. Lyman. 14X7 Vinton Ht, Phone U. iUl. Machinery and Enginct, KKW ANI8ECOND-HAND MOTORS. KXPBRT KUBCTRICIANS ANO UAOHINISTS. LB BRON ELKCTRICAL WORKS, 111-.0 B. 12th BL, Omaha. . BOIL.KH8. team, electric, gao enslnea, Printing and Office Supplies. COUHBRClALt DupUcatlng Co., alto public Steno. - Phone for pneea. ovouriu ibvi. 640 Paxton Blk (JEST our prlcea on Job printing-. t UN1TRU HTATKS UiiVl'ir. CO., Be Bids. Houglaa lift. WATBR8 BAflNHARDT Ptg. Co.. quality prtntlngTel. Doug. 8110. 624 S. 13th St Typewriters and Supplies. NBW machtnaa aold tho same aa rent IS xpr montiv, nee ua oeioro you ouy or rent, shipped any place en ten aaya free - trial. Butta' Typewriter Bichanaa. 410 a.lth omiha, wa. TTPBWRITKRS sold, rentediwtkmd repaired. Rent an uuver typewriter a montu cor h. Central Typowiltlnc Exchange, lias Farnam, RttMINGTONS. Monarch, and Smith Pro- mlera ror rent; aent auywuoro. nenungioa Typewriting company, u. iw. QUA R ANTE K t typewHten, 10 up. Write lor llat. Midland Typ. Co,, sea Bldg. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO., Down Com for Un made over Juat like new. All your own tea there back, whan we renovate. Wo call lor and deliver. ItOT Cuming, Doug. 847. 11SKS. aafea, acalea, ahowcaaea, thelvlng, ate. Wo only aell. Omaha Ptxtur and Supply Co, 414O0-1S S. 18th. Doug. 174, DRT KINDLING WOOD. ACM 19 BOX COMPANY. HARNET 1117. SALT, 11.75 bbl. A. W. Wagner. S0l N. ltth. SWAPPERS' COLUMN IT TOU HAVK ooma article that hag out lived lta uaefulneaa to you. make ud i little ad and run It lit thla Tolumn at lc per word. You will he more than pleaaed with the remarkable offering you will receive. One or two Inaertlon In nearly all caea ar aurncieni to get what you want. ' TRY IT TODAY. ' THK GRBATEST GAIN 88.TSS. In pajd want-ada over made by any Omaha ptper, la he record ot THE OMAHA BEB for 1114. BKSTt RK8ULT8 LOWEST RATH. Wfe awap or buy kodvKai ft I mad ve loped free, one-day MrvirV Kaae Kodak Studio. Neville Blk., ltit and Harney. A L1TTLB AD tn thla column will bring about oome remarkable exebangea. WANTED TO BUY.' nTTTTlTl, 4 XT Pay, Hlgheet Prloea UUllJIirui for Furniture, Ruga, Clothea, Piano. 'Office furniture. Trunk., Bhoea. Douxl.it 1071. Re... Wehet.r .300. Desks desks : desks New deaka, used dnka, bought;" aold and radraL J C. Reed. IS 07 arnara. D. WANTBDlTfalaa tooth. Don t matter If broken. I pay fl to 16 per .feet. Mall to U Manor. 107 S- Fifth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Will aend caah by return mail. TlVlSIlirTMQ w trh-a.t price for v ' - ctoibrMi. anoea, trutuu, etc. R-d sT. Ra:; DougiaJi loss. ANNOUNCEMENTS . Accountintt. E. " A, DWORAK, C. P. A. Ill Itamra Bldg. Fbon. Doug. xlll .... B.keriee. : . ORTMAN'S - KKW JCTK1I.AND BAKEHT. 313 N. ltTH BRANCH PUBLIC MARKET AND HATDBN BROTHER. OCR MOTTO "BKTTKR llAKKU QOOBS. Bras, and Iron Foundriea. .Paxtoa-alUch.ll Co, 31th ajtd alartha SU. THE BEE: ANNOUNCEMENTS Bakeries. "" CAKES, paatry and fancy bakery goode aupplled to partlea, lodgea and entertaln menta. Z. H. Seeder, 1501 N. 11th. W. I03T. Baths. Highly recommended by phyelelana. Staata Inatttota, 1608 Harney SL D. 7007. Open eveninga and Sundaya ' DR. BENDA Sulphur, ateam. Modern Turk- lah BATHS ANL MAHSAOE. Private aiiartmenta for huLea, with lady attend anta. lilt Farnam. Phone Doug. 6877. RITTEN HOUSE aanltarlum; all klnda bathe. Z10-Z14 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglaa. German nurae, maaaage, hatha of all klnda zziNeville Hlock, ltth and Harney. Carpenters and Contractor. LESHARD A BON, 2021 Cuming. Tyler IMS. ChiroDOdiits. Carrie J. Burford tail Paaton Blk. Red t&BT. Dancinc Academy. TW T TTYV7 ball tues.. thurs.. XJfU UU AAV hat.. SUN. EVE. SCHOOL MON. EVE. Ill 8. 18th St., Op. Footenelie. Detectives. t Private detective, evidence anc tired, all atrletly conlldentlal. Gov. rer. Flo. 548. JAMES ALLAN, 111 Neville Blk. Evidence eecureo in all caeee. Tyler H3t. nteratale Uetgctlvw Aaa'n. 432 Ramge Bldg" V. JOLLT, 611 Paxton. Red 74. DressmakiiiK. NURSES unlfnrma, aprona and houae dreaaea. Tyler 043. Sewing by day. !923Locuat. Webater 253. Mra.'R.X"Conn"eTl?,'200Balrd Bldg.TrTfotT Terry Dreaamak'g Co. v 30th -and Farnam. 8BWINC1 DAY-ORwifi wC TYLErTboIT Accordian Pleating. rVORDION, aide, knife, aunburat, boi leafing, covered button, all nUea and at y lea, hematltchlng, plcot edging, em broidery, blading, braiding, cording, eye In t cut work, button ho lee, pennant. UF,AL BUTTON AND I'LEATINO CO;. sno Doui-laa Blk. Dougiaa it 31. VAN ARMAN Dreea Pleating and Button uo., ifae-i faxton Hlk. Dour, Slot, Aoror dlon, knife, aide, apace box, eunburat and combination pleating, hematltchlng. plcot edging, pinking, ruchlng, covering but tone, all etylee and f.11 elaee. Price llat frea ACCORDION, Side, Knife. Box Pleating. uev. Bottom. Hematltchlng. Neb. Pleating ana Mutton Co.. 431-8 paxton Jilk. R. 4043. ORDERS taken. Knitting, crochet. Anna Robb, Red Oak. la.. 1411 Foreat Ava . Fixtures and Wiring. riTTPlVTXT . Electrle waahlng maehlnea, XJJ XbAXAl electrlo lrona and readlna lampa. 2ZZ8 t'umlng St. Douglao 2510. Furnace Cleamni. BORNBMAN, fur., chlm. cleaning. D. Till. Insurance. BANKERS LI PR OF LINCOLN. iyt.14 Cy Natl. Bank Bldg. DoUr, jut. Job Printing. - OATB C3TT Printing Co.. high-grado Print ing, an at h. i,4tn. mono web. 117. Masseures. . SWEDISH and muacular maaaage, electric treatment of all klnda, Btaata Inatttute, 1696 Harney Bt, Dougiaa 7t7, open ev eninga and Sundaya. Maaaage, chiropody. Minnie Naglo. 101-14 juaird mag., nth Douglas, d. 1461, MI 88 LILLY Maaaage, bath. 1321 Fern'm. Patent Attornevs. PATENTS procured, bought and aold. Inter- national FatTiH-rt?rf.r6i,. Brandeut. D. 4611. Painting and Paper Hanging. PAINTING and cleaning, 60c per room and up. we ciflaji carpeta in your borne with out removing aaine, t per rag ana up. weoeter as 63. CALL Charlea Roadh for paper hanging and interior decorating. Dougiaa J3o. Pianoa for Rent. 18.60 per mo. A. Hoape Co., lfill Douglas. theatrical Costumes. IaAROBflT stock of costumes for theatricals and masquerades tn the country for sals or rent. Liniwn son, 1614 Howard. THEATRICAL gowns, full dreaa auIU, for rest, io n. 17th. John Feldraan. D. Ills. Towel SuDDlies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 B. 11th. D. 121. Wedding; Stationerr. WT5DDINO announcements 1 and printing. uougiaa rrinting to. toi. jjous;. 144, Where to Eat. eat home; cooked meals NKW DKLK-ATKBB1CN, HOI FARNAM. ATklr?RTnBltary roataarant, under new management, load meela,flle. Table, for BURROUOHS CAPB. OMAHA. NEB. (Service). LINCOLN, NKB. Ill B. llth BL 111 e 11th BL BUSINESS CHANCES UNUSUAL OPi-urtTUNITY. Wanted a red-blooded man of unauea. tlonabi reputation between the ase of 11 and 40 to fill a position of truat with a growing umana concern, salary depends on tne acuity or applicant. Applicant must furnish high-class ref erences as to character shd ability. This psitlon require an Investment of from 11.000 to 17,000, which will return an In come of at least 11 per cent annually In a reputable Omaha manufacturing com pany, which ha been operative for five years and I endorasd by th leadlug people of Omaha. In replying, please mention references, which will be treated confidentially. Box 1224, Bee. j 1100,000 MANUFACTURING corporation wants capable man to manage office and saleamen. Possibilities unlimited. From 1)00 to IT 00 capl tal necessary. You handle own money. Wili pay expanses to Chicago If you are man we want. Secre tary, J012 Republic Bldg,Chlcago. CANDY STORB AND FACTORY. On on of tho busiest streets In San Francisco, Cal store, soda fountain and factory, opmpleto in every detail; eatab llahed trade. 13,111, terms. H. Neuhaua A Son, Humboldt Bank Bldg., San Fran cisco, Cat. FOR SALE A new stock of merchandise In a good live country town, doing a good business and will be sold at s bar gain. If taken within next 10 days. Cheap rent. Must sell, have o(hr baslaaaa. Lock Box 143, Bradlsh, Neb. THK GREATEST GAIN -11,711 - In paid want-ads ever mad, by any Omaha paper Is th record f THB OMAHA BUS fer 1111. BEST RESULTS LOWEST KATE. HIGHEST SPOT CASH PAID for stores and stocks ox merchandise, In city or country quick action. OMAHA SALVAGE CO.. . Ill Omaha Nat Bank Bldg, . x Tel. Douglaa 1111 GOOD BUSINESS OPENINOS On the South Side, If for sals, ar re enable tn price and ar worth while, you may b aure are listed exclusively with th SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 4121 S. 24th St. Phone South 124T. FOR SALE H Interest' in established plumbing and heating business, will In voice from 100 to. 11,000; party must have caah ts equal same. P. O, Box t3, City. -. - . , . FOR SALE -Only -commercial hotel la woo live Iowa town of 2.2V0, Two K. Kyaf. 2 nicely furnished rooms. Will make lsass to suit purchaser, write T Boi, Bee,, MEAT MARKET." For sals cheap. In town of 1,1.00 people. Only, one other shop In townf Call or writs. Palace Marine t McCook, Neb. FOR SALE. Picture show, practically now. showing to full houses. Must tw sold at once. Box 124, Sidney, la, FOR BALE Restaurant, confectionery and rooms. Established istl: fin busli good opening: for a live wire. Address Q, M. wtaenner. uarroison, b. u. fc FOR SALE -Good, clean stock of hardware live town, central Nebraska., Good rea son for selling. Be quick. : Address Y 357, Be. - - " . ' MOTION picture machine (new and re built , theater aupplled. Omaha Film Exchange. 101 S. 14th St. COMPLETE fixtures of 2-chair barber ahop. very reasonable, jllller Hotel. . South Omaha. Phone South 1111. TALKING MACHINE manufacturers; X have a talking machine patent that will Inter est you. Write Hans E. Neve, Hancock, la. WE BUY. we sell moUon picture theaters. machines, feature films. Co-operative Fllnind8upply ,Cw 110 BiSmley Bids. WILLIAM fl. subiliearit years To" bur or sell business see him. 411 McCacue Bldg. Reference, u, a. National Bank. DOWD Sal and Auction Co., Omaha, bars closed out more mdae. stocks than any Other flrm in j"-."- ' terms. IP TOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming house emu on Busch at Borghokt. 7 14 World-Hrld BM- Phone DI Jll. GOOD opening for the second drug store corner building. A splendid location. Ad- area M. M. auusiiuc. uwretMB H. u, OMAHA. ' ' FEBRUARY 191T. BUSINESS CHANCES EIOHT THOUSAND dollars stock of indue, will trade for good western Nebraska tana. BojMT 161. Bee. TO OBT in or out of business call on OANQBBTAP. 421 Bee BldgT-Posg. tt. OUARANTT PLAN; get In or oiit bustneas. All states, r. V. KnleatT B Bldg-. umana. WANT job prlnttng plant to move W mU town, uanan. acviut oiuf. . FOR SALB First claaa bath, maaaage par lor; excellent location. Hox mi. ee. Rooming Houses. ROOMING HOUSEH. all alaea, great bar- galna. 411 Rom Bldg I'bon Trier xai. FOR SALS Rooming house. 221 S. 26th 8L Douglas 1 10 1. i - LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IF you loae anything and will advertise It here you will 'eurely recover it u iuna by an honest person. Remarkable recov eries are brought about evsry day through thla ralnmn THE HONEST WAT, If you find something or value, or a keepaako ol value oniy w the owner, Ma to Insert a amall ad. The owner of the article In moat caae Is will ing to refund tho coat of advertlelng. OMAHA S: COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost aom article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to saoertaln whether they loft it tn the street car. Many article each day are turned In and the company la anxioua to reatore them to the rightful - owners. Call Tyler 109. THE GREATEST GAIN 51,731 In paid want ads over, made by any OmitM paper, Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1114. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATH LOST Saturday noon, In Burgesa-Nash atorf, black leather purse containing amall change, knr. notebook and calltna carda. Will the Under please call Harney 3846? LOST Open-faced gold watch and fob, Kigm movement, containing green stone. Reward. Call Doug. 2711 or Doug. 1126. H. H. Mllea, care of Omaha Macaroni Co. LOST Pocket book containing money and diamond brooch between Wellington and Keene hotels. Reward. Mra. Dan forth, Wel lington hotel. , , - ' LOST Pin, seal puree with silver mount ing, between 3sth and Farnam and 36th and jackeon. Kindly return to 3611 Jack non. Heward. FOUND a aanltary Soda Fountain. 1 GREEN'S PHARMACY, lath and Howard. LOST Sultcaae between Burlington station and Kontenelie Hotel. Suitable reward. Tel. Douglaa 602, or Webater 1111. ( LOST Friday noon between 3Jd and 3&th and webater, ladles gold watch and too. Harney 4117. Reward. LOST A pocket book between Ford hospital and croaa-town tin . on 24th. Containing 111. Red 34)11. LOST Largs Airedale dog, December' 11, Wore tan collar. Reward. Colfax 4141. LOST A sunburst brooch, downtown dla- tnet. mene Tyler -4. Reward. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, JOc PER LINE. Business ada, regular rates, i ' 1 tinea on week . ,. 4tc I lines one week,.,...'...., c each eitra liae... 2 Ac per w Male. MECHANICAL ENGINEER, with 7 rears' experience In designing machinery and gelling; outside position preferred where iwTti i.ntwiea;e is require. rariter. Tyler 1710. ALL round first-class French chef, beat of references, 16 yeara' Europe and America experience. . Bconomlcal, . sober, steady. Want position. Will guarantee first-class, quick, economical service. Box 1242, Bee. YOUNO man with railroad experience, .'wants- position - as shipping clerk. Em ployed at present, but -wishes change, , Good character and' habits, A-l reerenoes. Box 1360, Bee. v ( THE GREATEST GAIN 61,7 M Jn paid want-ads ever mad by any Omaha paper is th - record of THB OMAHA BEE for ltll. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. CHAUFFEUR, colored, age 21 yeara, wishes position in private family; careful driver; seven years' experience: all around man; . experienced with, all makes of car., Box ' 1A, UPO, POSITION as bookkeeper or manager of amall business wanted. Dane, aged 27, college graduate. . Stat salary, etc Writs A. Jbaraen, K.kborn, jowa.- YOUNQ man, 21 yeara, employed, wishes to work for room rent, private family prs- ; rerred. Address box iuz, Mee. POSITION as aaslatant bookkeeper by yofeng ( man. Good referencea and training. Box 1334, Be. - MAN wants position taking car of office, city references. Call Doug. 7102. m INSIDE work, mktdle-aged man; handy with tools or macnlnery. Web. (210, ASHES or all kinds of hauling. Tyler 2111. . , Female. -. . 1 WIDOW with two children would like posi tion aa housekeeper or cook: country ore- ferred. Mrs. A. M, New 1 In, 321 & 10th St.. 'Lincoln. Neb. POSITION wanted by lady cook in amall town; can cook wttn or without menu; atate wagea. box j M7, Bee. THE BEE charge for "Situation ads" lower than any outer form of advertising not enougn to cover tn- cost or printing. YOUNG glri; aged 11 years, with hospital training, wisnes private nursing. Box 1341, nee. YOUNG lady alone, with some experience wianea position; rsierences. uoug. 8477, WANTED A place to work morning and eveninga tor board and room. Red 23SS. COOKING by experienced colored woman. a iso janitor wore. Kea mm. A WIDOW with boy 2 yeara old. wanta po sition as nousexesper. wenster sale. DAY work wanted, washing or cleaning. wainui xeas. Laundry and Day Work. W A NTED Laundry work or housework. Mm. j una Jones, 44 n. 17th. Mar. 1737, WANTED Bundle waahlng, specialty made of silks; also line underwear. Wb. 1411. WANTED Bund 1 waahlng, first-class work dons, Fhons Webster 1174. FOR experienced bundle waahlng, call Web ater 1877. Prompt delivery. .- EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work of any Kind, uougias aits. COLORED woman - wanta day work tor Tuesday Webster 941, DAY work wanted by reliable colored worn- n. call Douglas csrs. FIRST-CLASS laundress by. the day. Web, 6P2T. , ' EXPERIENCED colored woman want day wont or any aino. weo. sivi. Lace curtatna nicely laundered. Web, 141C. CURTAINS launderedp. 1130. 2114 PodgT Hotels and Resuursnta. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 111! Davenport St. - Douglas Ills. JieadQuarters for hotel help. HELP WANTED MALE Store, tnd Offices. - WANTED AN ACTIVE OR 8T- . LENT PAJtTNBR; MAN MUST RK81DK IN OMAHA, WHO WISHES TO INVEST FROM 17.500 TO 11.100 IN A BUSINESS THAT IS PAYING FROM 31 TO 60 PER CENT PER ANNUM. WILL STAND THB MOST RIGID INVES TIGATIONS. HAVE BEEN OP ERATING IN OMAHA OVER SEVEN YEARS. BOX 18.4, BEB. CLERK (R. R.).... .180.00 STENOGRAPHER a......,,,.,.,, ..171.00 STENOGRAPHER . . ..... 181.00 CLERK , ...171.00 BKKPR. AND STENO........ $10.00 ' THK UAMU AUJfiW(JT, fOQ BKH B1.LK1. STENO., $100; Steno., lumber, 115; Steno., 171; office clerk, 110; office clerk. $71 tvnlst. 170; steno.. berlaner. $41. Many others NO FILING FEE only $0 con la to investigate references, THB MARTI CO., 131T W. O. W. Bldg. STENO., $100; steno., $1$; steno., ifF: bookkeeper, $71; ledger clerk, $$; bill ' clerk. $11: m l Merk. 11: llle clerk. 130. WATTS RBF. CO 1ST NAT. JfK. BLDG. SI41PP1NO cCerS. who" Is. sood1 Mnman and good at fliurea. , Halary $f to 176. 1 , WATTS EBP. CO 1ST MAT.M4C. BLDG. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices GENERAL office clerk, young man, 11 to IN years of age, exporleace unneceaaary, must be rood at fisurea. sood penman, high jwhool graduate. Vood future, 150. , Wee tern Kererenee & Bona Asa n, inc4 761 Omaha National Bank Bldg. . , TH'OREATSST OAIN 68,731 9 In paid want-ada ever made by any Omaha paper, la the record of THE OMAHA BBS for 1111. s BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. HIOH-ORADK commercial positions. WESTERN REFERENCE, St BOND ASSN. Profession! and, Trades. DRUG POSITIONS ALL STATE, CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO... 1815-14 City National Bank Bldg. RULER tn bindery. Permanent Out-of- town position for good man. box jzm, Bee. WANTED An all-around fountain Jpaa In flret-clas' drug atore for out of city at once. Reference required. Bo T-S4I, Be. Salesmen and Solicitors. HIGH CLASS SALESMEN, WANTED 5 by firm which deMres to open up new territory la Nebraska and Iowa. Apllcants preferred, will be men over 30 who can ahow good records as sales men and who can also ahow themselves to be men of good personal character, and. In addition, It Is desired that such ap plicants ahall be familiar with territory and with methods of doing business In two states above mentioned. Positions open are such as will enable hard workers to earn from $50 to $200 per week. Only high class men will receive con sideration so when writing give full par ticulars regarding present connections and pant accomplishment a. All Information ao given will be treated in a strictly con fidential manner. . Address Box 1326, Bee. ADVERTISING specialty salesman for our complete line or nne art caienaara, alumi num, cloth, fans, lead pencils, rulers, cel luloid, thermometers, pennants, signs and metal novelties. Exclusive protection glvwn aood men In thla city and outside terri tories. Connect with the fastest .drawing specialty house In Nebraska. M. F. Shafer A Co. 12th and Farnam sta. rourtn noor. WANTED Local representatives in Doug las, Sarpy and Saunders counties to assist In sale of the beat land and live etock proposition ever offered. This Is an attrac tive proposition ; curiosity hunters savs your stamps and my time. W. Q. Temple ton, 103 Bee Btdg. . CilPCMJTM WAMTFTl for good territory. Steady position, with avauut r.av MULTIPLEX SIGN CO., 1408 Farnam. s Douglas 2165. WANTED A youns man to travel and so licit, good proposition to ngnt party, nee L. s. Cook, Rome Hotel, iq-iz mornings, t-t afternoona. " - SALESMEN WANTED For city, to sell roofing direct to consumer. Salary and commission. Call between $ and 11 a. 131 Brandels Bids;. - - 1 EXCELLENT money td experienced house to house salesmen,, easy proposition tor real live salesman. Call 209 N. 13tb St. SALES poalttona, - mercantile lines. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASSN. Agents and Canvassers. WANTED Agenta In every .town to sell Hair-drying comb. Dries hair quieaiy oy simply ' combing;, Makes snampooing pleasure Instead of a drudgery. Address H. H. Wensel, Basin, 'Mont. Trade Scnoola. ... AUTO MECHANICS .. . -j ' ,. EARN BIG MONEY. ';. ' " Never Idle Big Demand. ( "Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING itSSN. r . XH17 in. new Bt., umana. ' Send for Free Catlaogue. CALL or write for our free Illustrated cata logue explaining how we teach the barber trade quickly by actual experience, care ful instruction, etc. Largest modern eaulnoed barber collese Jn the west. Meier's, 110 a 14th. Omaha, Neb. (Estab lished 18IS.) LEARN barber rade; be Independent; more than maxe your expense wnue learning; Wages or percentage. We don't over charge you to begin. ,401 Dodge St TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. - , NIGHT SCHOOL Autos snd electrlo start era. For particulars call Douglas 4471, or write us. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, 206$ Farnam St., Omaha. Hotels and Restaurants. GOOD -. lunch man Wanted is run. business. 024 80. llth St. Miscellaneous. - RAILWAY Mall . Clark Examinations In Omaha soon eommenoe. montn. Sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept 230 B, Rochester, N. Y.' WANTED First class experienced lumber yard manager for Nebraaka point. Btaxe age, experience, salary 'expected in first letter. Box 4866, Bee. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for man and wife on fruit ranch in wasmngton. au year work. Box 1161, Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE' Stores and Offices, j STENOGRAPHER and clerk. Mfg. firm, $76; tvnlat .nd clerk. 170: city salesman, ata- ple line, muat be under 20, calling on jobbing trade. $100; traveling salesman. automobiles, wholesale, 1126-1160, Western Reference dt Bond Ass's, Xne Originators of the Reference Business, 713 Omaha National Bank Bldg. A LARGE department store of this city wishes to secure a competent woe for their hook department only those who understand work of this character and who are capable of handling the de partment, without much assistance, need SDOIV. BOX 37 Z. BOB. STENOGRAPHER and clerk,, $11 f experl- enced typist, small office, out-of-town, 111-170: stenographer snd clerk, beginner, high school graduate, $60; general office clerk, experience unneceaaary, s-Jft. Western Reference se Bond Asa'n, Inc. 762 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 8TENO.. 276: Steno. and Diet. Opr.. $70 ttteno., ; mono., fee; cneno., oiiice clerk, $16; Bkkpr. and caahler, $40; office clerk, 13 f; steno., ; meno., WATTS RBF CO.. 1ST NATL BK. BLDG. STENOGRAPHER $00.00 DICTAPHONE OPR $00.00 STENOGRAPHER $40.1 THB CANO AGENCY, 100 BEB BLDG. STENO.. $46: Steno.. $60: Steno., $60; typist. $40. NO FILING F Hi is only eu cents 10 Investigate references. ' THB MARTI CO., 131T W. -Q. W. Bldg. STENO. with some experience, or bright be ginner; fair salary to start. Apply aa floor Neb. National Baax. BOOKKEEPING, atcBoffraplUe. clerical po- anions. WESTERN REFERENCE. A BOND AtWN. Professions and Trades. WANTED Girls with common school edu cation, between 1$ snd 12 years, to take up local and long oietan.ee teiepnone worn. c. f. Lambert, ibqt iwugias u - WANTED 16 girls to learn to pack crack era, ,TQod wages. Iten Biscuit Co., 12th and Capitol Ave. . - ' 1 ' WANTED Eiperlencsd chocolate dipper. 1617 Burt St. , .. Saleswomen and Solicitors. EXCELLENT money to experienced house to house salesladies, easy proposition for real live aalesladlee. Call 209 N. llth St Household mod Domestic. WANTED Neat, capable young white girl for general houaework; no washing; small family; muat be good cook.- Call Harney K93. .s. ; WANTED A competent white girl for gen eral noueeworH.; must t?e svou cook; no wasnmg, gooa waves. - rnone rtar. B(s. WANTED Competent girl for. housework five In family; $30 a month. Mrs. G. ft. Hagena, 706 South Durbln, Casper, Wyo. COMPETENT white girl for general houae work. Must be good eook. No laundry. Tel. Harney 014. ; WANTED A girl for general housework. one who can go noma nignts. Harney 301. WANTED Girl for house work; two In family. Tel. Harney am. WANTED 2 competent second girls at the Woodruff, 114 No. llth. CAPABLE white girt wanted; good wacas. wai. nix.--' HELP; WANTED Hale and Female. WANTED Msn, woman to try examinations ' for government jobs, 870 montn, vacatlona. ' Common education sufficient. Apply 1m saeolateiy ve sws. a-, stes. , , FOR RENT ROOMS . ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS! If you fal to find the room yott desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives , complete detailed description of va cant rooms In all parts of the city. If more convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address and a Hat will be mailed (o you at one. New list ar Issued every week. . Furnished Rooms. THE GREATEST GAIN 61.71$ Tn paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 191S. BKST RESULTS LOWEST RATH. NICE, clean basnmenf room, suitable for student or lady employed; wanting uis tanc. H. 4113. 113 Park Ave; HEATED room for working men. home. 2428 Decatur. Web. 4674. 1701 CHICAGO Modern and suitable for two gentlemen. Red 51M, 2227 JONES ST. Modern, private family, walking distance. Douglas. 6747. . MODERN Bleeping roomsT well furnished; cpod location. Douglaa 7134. THREE furnished rooms for rent, entirely modern; 4244 Harney St. 132 S. 2 let Ave. Three 700ms, furnished or unrumlsned. Tyler 1667-j. MODERN sleeping rooms; well furnished; good location. Douglas 7834. NICELY furnished steam-heated rooms, 2406 Harney St. - . Housekeeping Rooms. NICE" clran rooms for light housekeeping. with kitchenette: in all modern nom. furnish gas. electricity and heat; on car line. $3.60. Douglas 7668. 609 SO. . 26TH AVE. Front rooms, down stairs, nicely furnished,, modern in every respect. Csll Douglaa 8033. ; HOUSEKEEPING rooms, two suites, new furniture; everything" furnished. z&Mtt Douglas Street. LARGE pleasant home, with kitchenette and &lcjvp for light nouseaeeping. 201a Davenport.' . NICE steam, warm, housekeeping rooms. Electric lights. ISfJ Douglas. $3 2318 Leavenworth. Two furnished light houaekeeping rooms. 2324 PRATT ST. 3 housekeeping references required. Web. 3113. Board and Room WANTED Two men willing to ahara same rooms, home cooking, eraaonaoie, ciose to car. 104 So. 36th St. Harney 6114. PINKNET, $123 Room and board for two, also aarase for rent. .Webster 6970. LARGE downstairs room, modern home. S6th Ave. Hotels. WORKINGMEN'S hotel. 201 N. 13th St. . Reasonable. Call. Night, week or montn. Rooms Wanted. TOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THE BEE WANT-AD uicrT. ana nna out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE It's s plsn that ts helping many people rent their rooms. TRAVELING man and wife want room and board In private family. References ex c hanged. Box 132$, Bew , - FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. VERT choice 8-room Bteam-heatad apart ment on weat Farnam Btreet. JOHN W. ROBB1NS. loi Farnam gt ST. CLAIRE, i.th air. Harney, t-raom apartment.. Call Harney I.T. Miscellaneous. PAYNE & SLATER, REALTORS. . APARTMENTS. The LAFATETTE, 17th Ae. ana Jackeon St. Apt. II, 3 room, ana Mtn. 121 mm mer, 3I winter. - Apt. 12, I rooms and bathi 130 summer. 136 winter. THS PORTIjAND, Park Ave. ana Leaven worth St I room, and oatn, very aeeir able. ready March 1. 1,3.10 flat rate. PAYNE & SLATER CO., v 111 Omaha Nat'l Bld. Phone Don,. 1011 T7. TATTACHED. 111-13 , South 26th Ave.. l-r, -r. mod- each. 136.00. ,61-1? South 26th Ave rood., 136.00 and 117.10... New and very desirable. . ' Ne oharge for rent to March 1. A. P. TUKEY & SON, REALTORS. Phone Den,. 602. 120 First Nat'l BK. Bids; slLEAANT .-room apartment, very close in haa Just been newly aecoraceo. . oee PAYNE as SLATER CO., Realtors. Phone Dour 1011. til Omaha nal I mas. FOR RENT FURNISHED" Apartments and Houses. Apartments. DESIRABLE furnished and unfurnished apartments. All sizes ana pnoes, splen did location. 14th and Farnam. D. 1471. FOR RENT HOUSES West 3303 HOWARD BT. A 3-etory frame, 7 rooma and alevpmg perch. Mew furnace. Room for one car la sarage If desired. Houee rent, 130. ALFRED THOMAS, , 101 Flrat Nat. Bit. Bldf. " North. ' LOOK I " $20.00 PER MONTH, $5.00 MOVING EXPENSES ALLOWED. ',. ' I larva room, and bath; heat and water fttrnlahed: . reapectable surround- lass; rent reduction en account .Improve ment, belnff maae. - - LINTON BLOCK. 1ITH AND MASON. THE BYRON REED COMPANY, Pout-las 197. 213 So. 17th St. 6 ROOMS, all modern, east front, porches, everything- new ana np-to-ine-minuie. Walking distance. 13, per month. Doug, las nil. - ' traver Brothers, 111 New Flrat National Bank Bldg. . 1101 N. 22d.. -r. flat, steel range, gas stove, kitchen cabinet, water paia. .i. RASP BROS., 310 Keellne Bldg. Tyler T21. 7-ROOM ail modern houae, newly decorated. nev furnace. 120. goic w ,za Ht. TeL ilea lin. South. 201 SOUTH ,l.t, hot water plant, $26, tt JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUOLA8 664. ELEGANT 6-rm. house. 140T South 1th St Miscellaneous. WE HAVE WHAT TOU WANT. 1 - i HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. I-R SOS Marina St ...... II. to MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. . I-JL 1,14 Saratoga St D.O0 l-ft. Ill N. 17th St i. 20.00 -H 111. No. 27th. St. ((or col- ..ored) .0 STRICTLY MODERN. -R !1J Park A'. 30.00 -R, 63!7 N. 37th St 35.00 J-R. 4413 a :d St. (good brick . dwelling, close to bualnea, ce,f ter of South Omaha) .....21.00 .R.2430 Bristol St. good hrlck . dwelling, with large barn U th, rear) .... ll.M l-R. SI4I Charlea St. (In flrt elan condition, with large garage ' In rear) 34. 00 1,-R. 3381 Dodge St..... 40. M -R.-n301l Dewer Ave. (rery choice brick dwelling within walk ing dietance to bualnese center and In Bret-class residence dis trict) n.u l-R. 3114 Wool worth... 41.00 ,-R. 44, South 24th St 32.40 - -R. 44, South 24th St...'. 33.10 STRICTLY MODERN APARTMENTS. l-R. toil Farnam 134.00 and 11.00 VI HAVE OTHERS. SEE OUR COM PLETE PRlNTEOsXlST BEFORE RENT ING, v PORTER 4 SHOTWELL. 1,1 8. 17th St. Doug. 4012. . Office with HOME BUtLDURS. TITERS TRUST COMPANY. RENTAL HEADQUARTERS - FOR OMAHA 3 -ROOM modern hooae with garage for 3 rra. eloee to car line, on paved atroet. I 20 montn. peuglaa sa.. HOUSES in all part, of tb city. CRKIQH. SONS CO.. tM Bee Bide MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. , , FIREPROOF WAREHODSa - Paektor. attwaa. and mo,. In,. Ill N. llth BL Pbone Douclaa 114. N T TTV i-ental FREE. X' aXJUAJA. A A SI CR VICE Phon Douglas fl$ for coraplets t list of vacant hsusee and apart- , meets. Also for storage, moving. Ktb and Jackson Sts. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. J Careful attention given to orders fed moving, packing or storage. - Offlc al Raymond Furniture Co., 1611 and 111! Howard St Phone D. 6614. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianoa, moving; packing suns) shipping. OMAHA VAN .SNU DTUHAUB JUM $01 a nth st. Douglas 4111. Globe Van and Storage Co For real Berries tn moving, packlitf ana),, storing, call Tyler 230, or Douglas 43M. Maggard - TiirZl,w"- Van and Stsrags Co.. Moving, Packing, Storage and Shipping;. Phone Dong. 14H. Jp P1?l?Tl Express Co. Moving, J IXEjEjU ' Packing and storage. 1207 Farnam St. Web. 1741. Doug. 6140. TWIN CITT EX PR SSS CO., 1611 Cass St. Douglas 1717. Trunks storea a specialty. FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stofes. FOR RENT. ' For results, list your houses, flats, apartments and business properties with, us. We have more calls from desirable tenants than we can fill, . HIATT COMPANY, Tyler 10. 246 Om, Nat Bank Bldg. ' NBW STORKS. LEAVENWORTH, JUST WEST OF 24TH. Can arrange space to suit tenants at - from $26 to $60 per month; also specs e. 3d floor for light manufacturing. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1S02 FARNAM ST. Ill 8. 16TH St., steam heat, 1100. Restaurant to rent wun nxiures, stoves, at 107 S. 15ih St. 4716 SO. 24TH ST.. $100; .center of Soutti Omaha business district. E. H. Benner Ramge Blk. D. 6406 MODERN STORE, 16th St, near postoSlce, $76 month. O. P. Btebblna, 1610 Chicago. MODERN STORES AND OFFICES In FnlV nam Bldg. First Trust Co.. D. 1161. " Offices and" Desk Room. OFFICES. Single and n suite, in a central loon. tlea. BROWN BLDG- Room 407. Douglas IMS. DESIRABLE office rooms in the remodeled. Crounae block, 111 N. 16th St. (oppoalte poatoffice). $10 to $15 per month. Conrad Young, 322 Brandels Theater. Doug. 1&71. CHOICE o:lce apace. Balrd Bldg 17tb and Douglas. McCacue Inv. Co. - Miscellaneous. TRACKAGE SPACE -FOR RENT. Close In, good brick building, Call us up quick. BIRKETT & CO f Dong. 033. 260 BeeNBldg. IaAROE, light bassrnent, 10th and Howard cheap. Wright s& Lasburr. Dong. 162. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses, WE want more houses and apartments to rent. The fact that we have practically cleaned out pur big list Is conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental system. If you want to keep your places rented sen . .Payne k Slater Co., "Omaha's Rental Men," 010 Op. Wat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1010. WE want good houses to rent. PAYNE fc suATfSK, 018 ymaba nat'l idg. Phone 101a. EDUCATIONAL I BOYLES COLLEGE! DAY SCHOOL. . ' NIGHT SCHOOL. Srery day la enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy, typewrit Ing, telegraphy, civil service all oommer-t clal and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, Douglas 1565. 18th and Harney Sts. VAN 8ANT SCHOOL OP BUSINESS, DAY AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. Entrance 220. Douglas 6800. Y. M. C. A. Day and Night School. Musical. REAGAN'S Orchestra; god music; rates i sonable. Phone South 326. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West A most attractive home - built to live in, not to rent; ' built to last a lifetime; ! beautifully finished and? decorated; V; in the very best reddetretu district. a This is one of the best forSt Iranm bt. Omaha. Stone foundation and base ment under the whole house, and solid brick above; full brick cross walL No reneer. The porcn stepa, front, back and to the sun parlor, ara all stone. The roof is slate. The coal bins and fruit cellar of tile. There is j practically no cost for painting or re pairs. , . " ' The library with built-in book eases) is solid cherry; the halls and stair case of oak. The dining room is pan eled in Venitian oak. All floors up- -stairs as well as down are hardwood, quarter-sawed beach, except the kit chen, which is maple, and tile under the stove. A large double storm win dowed and screened sun porch is con nected with both the library and din ing room by French doors. The walls of the first floor and upper hall are covered with hand decorated burlap, except the music room. There are three bath rooms. The ample closets all have outside windows and ward robes and chest of drawers, which will delight any woman. There is a laundry, fruit cellar, furnace room and space which can be finished for 1 - l:ii: l i .Ua k...-,.-. A UllllMU 1UUIU III MIC UHCIUClin which is cemented throughout. Soft water is furnished from a large cis tern. The house has a gas hot-water heater for summer use, thermostat, electric outlets, etc. T. ' 11 1 ! 1. . I I 1C 1 .4 IB BU weu UU11I, bun. au buns ui i;uai will heat it throughout, and with solid brick walls it is wonderfully cool .in summer, As it is at the very crest of the hill in the summer there is always a breeze there if anywhere. It is con venient to the car line and in the choicest residence section of Omaha. The price is very "reasonable, and terms will be made to suit the buy er's convenience. CALL AT 3903 DEWEY AVE., 0E - . .... 1 fcLtmuiNr. BAanii aiois. 49TH AND DOUGLAS. I rooms strictly modern bungalow. Oak ftniih and oak floors. Combination feot . wtuer boat. raved strsat, paring all Miri 1.4.1 0x140. Priced at a. bariraLB iiKiiro, . PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. 137 Omaha Nat. Ilk. Bldg, D 17IL