Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1917, Image 8
THt; BEK: OMAHA, FEBRUARY 1917. Want -Ad Rates Hp AD TAKEN FOB LESS THAN A TOTAL OF 0c OB lEWt THAN Ids PF.B DAT. CASH WITH 0BD4B. 8ft Solid (No DtapUy). 4 -per word each Insertion IC K EaratTaphed or Dlaplay.d In Larger type: lo par lino " "" 7o por litre, I or mora eenaeeotlv. I iaaruona , (Count alx worda to the Una.) SITTATIONS WANTED. Waekljr rata !00 V" CABD OF THANKS. DEATHS AND VINEBAL NOTICES: , lOe per line Inaartloo (Count al worda to tha Una.) (Minimum charge, 50 centa.) MONTHLT RATE FOB BTANDTOO ADS (No cbama of copy allowaa.l One Una -Two linos or mora ner ,lne' (Count all rorda to tha Una.) 11.80 ALL FOREIGN ADVF.RTISTNO UNDER uvT.t wtvTan frt.ASmpiCATIONS Sc par word..... .. " ,,nle Hi" per word, two or mora oonsecuttTa In sertions. S FECIAL COMBINATION BATE 0 Load. Poltry and Other AdierUatM. tlr Au.u. DRt (nvr .0.000 dally I. 10TU CBNTURT FARMKB. (oyer U0.0M A combined elrrulatlou which will rameb both tha city and rural reaiaenc 1 Special Rev. Rataa. Rata. S fnoartiona In Omaha Bee and 1 tna.r-Hnn In tOth !"!. Farmer. . er line I Inaertlona hi Omaha Bee and i iu.tiH in een r Vumir. nor word ' T inaertlona In Omaha Bee and t iHurilmi Ih aih Cm. famtf. par Una " f Inaertlona In Omaha Bae and 1 lnaortton w loth Con. Farmer, par wi word ! (Contract rataa on application.) H BEE will not be responsible for mora 1 than one incorrect insertion of an adver tisement ordered for mora than one time. ADVERTISERS should retain receipts given by The Be In payment for Want Ads, aa no mistake can be rectified without them. USB THE TELEPHONE If you cannot con veniently bring or send In your ads. Ask far a Want Ad Taker, and you will re ... eelve the same good service as when de livering yoqr ad at the office. PHONE TTLER 1000. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE. BVBNTNO EDITIONS lltM K MORN1NO EDITIONS 19:00 P. M. ' MOVIE PROGRAM. ; Cmwt euTartnge of tha heat Motion pie. tore Theatara la Omaha. (Chang Dally.) North. 1RAND . 1TH AND BINNET WILLIAM S. HART IN "THE DEVIL'S DOUBLE." DIAMOND S4TH AND LAKE ' FIRST OF PEARL WHITE IN "PEARL OF THE ARMT." t FLORENCE LA BAD1B IN "SAINT, DEVIL AND WOMAN." LOTHROP flTH AND LOTHROP rupertTulian IN THE RIGHT TO B8 HAPPT." South. RIJH'LFF :t(l LEAVENWORTH OLADTS COBDRN IN "THE BATTLE OF LIFE" AND COMEDT. LLO iiTH A LEAVENWORTH MARY M'LAREN IN THE MTSTBRIOOT MRS. M." West MONROE ( FARNAM MURIEL OSTRICHE IN THE CIRCUS ROMANCE." South Side. mPHBUM . . . , HTH AMD M AN IKTERESTING FEATURE ' SHOWN HERE AND A GOOD COMEDT. DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES, COOK M. F., a(ed I years, died BUvrdar morning. Funeral Tweajdar from resManee, KIT Military arena. Interment Allan oame- tery. JORNBON Irene, Monday, February It, ace 41 yearn. Funeral from raaldanoa. III K. 14th St., Wednaaday, February It, at t p. m. In terment Forest Lawn eemetery FLORISTS. BEST QUALITY CUT FLOWER sr plants. Art combinations shipped avary- . where. Excellent nerrlcetto our custom ers In peat years recomihendB. HESS A SWOBODA, 1416 Pernam St- Doug. 1601. Fontanel. triorlsL LEE L. LARMON lt.14 Doaflaa St, Douglas SI44. LARGEST t of fresh flowers. L.' HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. PARKER Flower shop, 411 S. Hth. D. M. A. DON AO HUE, 1822 UarnftV. Dour. 1001. BATH. National Florist, 1104 Farnam St ! FUNERAL DIRECTORS. UITL8B ft R tic PEN, undertakers aod em balmera. 701 B. Hth BL Douglas 1331. DUrVT ft JOHNSTON, emoalmera and fu neral directors. 717 S. Hth St Tyler 17. FRATERNAL ORDERS. CROtTNSB HALL. Opposite New hall tor lodge dm tings and dances. RxcelleBt floor, TOUNO ft DOHKRTT. Ill Brandela Theater Bldg. Doug. HT1. CARD OP THANKS. WE dtlak-o to enreaa oar sincere aDorecla- tlon and heartfelt thanks to our friends " and neighbors for the man? acta of klnd ., neas shown during tha Illness and at the death of our beloved mother, and alatar. ( Nil. Alice v n loump, Mrs. Elisabeth StsvandMra. ffm. Bdmondaon, R. H. Van Deuaen, . Mra Annts Johnson. W, p. Van Deuaen, Mrs. Anna Zlmmer C. J. Van Deuaen, man. Mrs. Llllle Litton. TO THB MA NT mi ENDS for the srmpathr ahown and for tha beautiful flowers given. we on or our oeariieu inanaa. MR- AND MRS, PORTER BOOOS. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Oacar and Anna Parmer, 474 North Forty-flrrt, twin firU; H. M. and fiusta Nichols. 30.4 North Nineteenth, twin boys; R. K. and Blva Nightingale, S101 Grant, girt, Edward F. and Leah L Loary, 404 North Fortieth, girl; George B. and Amy B. Levering, hospital boy; WUltam and Clara Mehrens. 6ff North Twenty-third; John and Rath Wagner, Twenty-fourth and Harney, girl. Deaths Reinhard Ef finger, II, 1714 South Nineteenth; Mary P. Parker, g months, fii7 North Nineteenth; Alios MeDermott, IS. Davenport; George A. Watta. 1, 112 North Twenty-first; Edward UcttachroiL i$. 4W Wirt. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Mart-tags llcenaea vera Issued to tha fol lowing couples: f. Nam and Residence. Age. Robert Karr, Omaha 33 Emma Canaraky, Omaha..... , 30 Lewis P. MOM, St. Edward, Neb 26 Jennie Mann, St Edward, Neb.......,., 27 Henry W. Brawn, Log Angeles, Ca4 , 66 Clara E. Blake, Seattle, Wash.,...,,,. 41 Ralph Lund, Council Bluffs, la., 21 Evelyn Gliding, Council Bluffs, la 1 19 Lars Borggraft, Omaha,., 26 Bessie Oldhan Omaha 24 Joseph Dvorak, St. Paol, Neb.. 20 Blanche Lanka, St Paul, Neb 2 BUILDING PERMITS. - The following permit have been Issued: Shulsr A Cary, 616 North Forty-third, frame dwelling, f2,&00; Carey Cleaning com pny, 2406 North Twenty -fourth, addition to tar. . , . MEDICAL. TOU CAN HAVE TOUR HEALTH! LATEST AND MOST SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT. CONSULTATION, EXAMINATION FREB. Dr. Barnes treats successful lr all Curable Diseases of ths Now, Throat, Lungs. Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Heart, Brain, Nervea, Blood and Skin, ai veil as Catarrh of any part of tha body. Constipation, Chronic and Acuta Rheumatism, Ulcers, Neuralgia. Sci atic Lumbago. Dr. Barnea la the only physic! en In this part of tha country adtnln ' 1st e ring this system of treatment. Investigate tt. DR. CHARLES BARNES. Suite lit to 630 Row Bldg. I. B. Corner Hth and Kan-am Sta. Phone Tyler 3430. DR. E. R. TARRY, PILES, FISTULA CUBED. v Dr. B. R, Tarry CTrea p. lea, Bstula and other recUl diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until, cured. Write for book on rec tal Idlsoases with testimonials. DR. eTr. TARBT, 40 Be Bldg. Omaha, Neb. DR. M. PRTOR, M.T.. THE WELL KNOWN Conditioner and Trainer of Athletes, Has a Scientific Treatment for All Types of Rheumatism. 14-16 PATTERSON BLK. RUPTURE Suceeaafully treated without a aurgleal operation. Call or write Dr. Frank H. Wray, 3o Bea Bldg. Chiropractors. DR. BURHORN, HOSE BLDO. Palmer school graduate. Doug. H4T. DR. KNOLLENBERQ, SANITARIUM. Lady atendarit.24jh and Karnam. D. 72, Dr7J. C. Lawrenre, Balrd Bldg. D. 8 tel. Dr. Francea Dawson. .01-1 Roae Bid. T. 2360. DraT johnetoririJJS 'W. O. W. Bldg. P. "2. Dentisti. Dr. Bradbury. No pain lt W. O. W. Bldg. Taft'a Dent. Rtna. 1 "' 90S Boae Bldg. D. 21s. FOR SALE MiscelUneoui Furniture : and Household Goodi. ECONOMT BALE By purchaalng your fur ntture where your money goee the farth eat. Our gooda are rare bargalniat the nrlcee we auote. Don't take our word, all we ank la that you coma and aee. The HTATE FURNITURE CO., Hth and Dodge Sta Douglaa 1317. THE OREATBST GAIN 51,731 In nald want ada ever made by any Omaha paper, le the record of THE OMAHA BEE for lilt. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. MONEY-RAISING SALE. IK.000 Ktock of furniture, ruaa. linoleum. all klnda of bedding, complete lino of home furnlahlnga, U.19-1SI7 N. Hth. Tel. Web. 1607. Open 7:30 a, m. till 11 n, m. RUOS MADE FROM CARPETS. Write for llluetrated folder of ruga, made from carpeta. Freight paid. Lin coln Rug Factory. Lincoln, Neb. STOVES, ALL KINDS. See ua Brat. Frtcee right. City Furniture Co., 107 B. 14th. Loyal Furniture Co.. 333 N. 16th St. MISSION book caae, rockere, podaeUl ma hogany dreeaer, hraaa bed with hair mat. trree. Doug. 6336. Call evenlnga. BEDS complete, desk, kitchen table, chairs, matting rope. Cheap. Call Doug. 6468. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Wa rent, repair, aell needles and parte of all newlng machine. MICKBL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., lBth and Harney Sta. Doug. 1613. Billiards and Pocket Tables. FOR SALE BILLIARD TABLES Brand new, carom and pocket, with complete outfit. 1160: aecond-band tablea at no. duuad prlcea; bowling alleya and aupplleaj eaey payments.' cigar atore tutor ea apeetelty. Send for catalogue. THE BRUN8WICK-BALKB-COLLENDER CO. 407-400 South 10th BL Machinery and Engines. NEW AND SECOND-HAND MOTORS, EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, . 311-30 B. Hth BL. Omaha. BOILERS, ateam, electric, gaa enainea. Flpea oroaa wracking vo iai fuming. Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., also public Bteno. rnone tor prices, uougiaa asvs. 640 Paxton Blk. GET our prices on Job printing. UNITED BTATB.O stBINTINO CO., Bee Bldg. Douglas 1171 WATERS-EARNHARDT Ptg, Co., quality printing. Tel. Poug. alio. a. lata at. Typewrit era and Supplies. NEW machines sold the saiuo aa rent II per month, nee us neiore you bay or .rent, nnippea any piaco on icn amy free trial. Butts Typewriter Exchange. 410 S. Itth at. Omaha. Neb TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an unver typewriter s monina ror tb. Central Typewriting Esohange, ltOi Farnam. REMINGTONS, Monarcha and Smith Pre miers for rent; sent anywnsre. Remington Typewriting company, u. izs. GUARANTEED typewriters, 110 up. Write for list. Midland Typ. ko uee mat. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO., Down Comforters made over just like new. All your own feathers back, when we renovate. We eail (or and deliver. 1107 Cuming. Doug. 24tO DESKS safes, scales, showcases, shelvli eto. we only sell, omana future ana Supply Co. 4118-18 S. 13th. Doug. 2724. DRY KINDLING BOX COMPANY. WOOD. ACME HARNEY 1117. SALT, 21.76 bbl. A. W, Wagner. 201 N. 16th. SWAPPERS' COLUMN Or YOU HAVE some article that haa out tlved rt usefulness to you, make up a little ad and run It In this column at lc per word. You will bo more than pleased with the remarkable offerings you will receive. One or two Inaertlona in nearly all cases are sufficient to get what you want TRY IT TODAY. THE GREATEST GAIN 62,728. In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha pi. per. Is tha record ol THB OMAHA BEE for 1116. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. WE swap or buy kodaks; fllmsdeveloped free, one -day service. Kaae Kodak Studio. Neyills Blk.. tt and Harney. A LITTLE AD lit thla column will bring About some remarkable exchanges. WANTED TO BUY. GUTTMAN Pays Highest Prices for Furniture, Rugs, Clothes, Ptanoa Office Furniture. Trunka, Shoes. Douglas 3971. Res.. Webster 4304. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 6146. WANTED Old false teeth. Don't matter If broken. I pay $1 to $6 per set. Mail te L. Maser, 2007 8. Ptfth St. Philadelphia, Pa. Will send cash by rstnrn malL IP you are a former "W. C. S." student of advertising and are willing te sell your P. C. S. books on advertising, please write bos 1333. Baa. TITWtnNQi highest price for jjiiU0 clothes, shoes, trunks. etc. Red 3337. Res., Douglss 8033. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accountants. E. A. DWORAK, C. P.'A. 632 Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. 2166. Brass and Iron Foundries. Patton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Sta. Bakeries. ORTMANS NEW ENGLAND BAKERY, 212 N. HTH BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HAY DEN BROTHERS. OUR MOTTO '-ytTTHUi fiAJUSD 00008.' ANNOUNCEMENTS Bakcriei. CAKES, pastry and fancy bakery goods supplied to paries, lodges ana entertain ments. Z. H. Reedr, 150 N. lth- W. II XT. Baths. I ELECTRIC TURKISH BATHS. The only absolutely sanitary bath. Highly recommended by physlciana. Staats Institute, ISO Harney St. D. 70S7, Open evenings and Sundays. DR, BKNDA Sulphur, steam; Modern Turk- lh BATHS ANI. MA8SAGE. Private apartments (or lad Us, with lady attend ants, 19IS Farnam. Phone Doug. 6177. RITTENHOUSE sanitarium; till kinds baths. 210-214 Balrd Blk., 17th and Douglas. German nurse, massage, baths of all kind. 22 Neviiif Block, 16th and Harney. Carpenters and Contractors. LESSA H D t BON, 3021 Cuming. Tyler 1 432. Chiropodists. arrio J. Burf'.rd S2 1'sxton Blk. Red 4S67. Dancine Academy. TW T TTYff BALL TUEB., THURS.. UCj LUAU 8At, htjn. EVE. SCHOOL MON. EVE. Ill S. IHlbSt., Op. Fontenelia. Detectives. Private detective, evidence secured, all eases. strictly confidential. Oov. rer, Flo. Mfe. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler 113B. IntersUU Defective Ass'n, 433 Ramge Bldg. S. D. JOLLY, 613 Pajton. Red 740L Dressmaking. : Nt'RSES' on I forme, aprons and hoow drfasfss. Tyler t42. Sewing by dsy. 1SZ3 Locust. Webster 162. Mrs! R? A. ConneUyTiiOo" Balrd Bldg.' bTifoC Terry Dressmak'g Co,, 20th and Farnam. HE wTn6-DAT 6 RW ic B K . TTLER 12 T Everything for Women. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all size and styles, hemstitching, plcot edging, em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, sys' let cut work, buttonholes, peananta. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 300 Douglaa Bk Douglas lta. VAN ARMAN Dress Pleating and Bntton Co., 338-7 rax ton Blk. Doug. 3109. Accor dlont' knife, side, spacs, box, sunburst and combination pleating, hemstitching, plcot edging, pinking, niching, covering but tons, all styles and (.11 sizes. Price list free. ACCORDION, Side, Knife, Box Pleating, Cav. Buttons, Hemstitching. Neb. Pleating and Hotton Co., 431-3 Paxton Blk. R. 4143, ORDERS taken. Knitting, crochet Anna Robb, Red Oak, la., 1411 Forest Are Fixtures and Wiring. - TYFrRlf TM E.ctrt waahlng machines, J-U electric irons and readlna lampa. azzi '.-uming m. Douglas Zbit, Furnace Cleaning. BORNEMAN, fur., cblm. cleaning. D. Insurance. BANKERS LIFE OF LFNCOLN, 113-14 City Natl. Bank Bldg. v Doug. Job Printinff. GATE CITY Printing Co., high-grade print- mg it zun. Phone Web. 1837 Masseures. SWEDISH and muacalar massage, electric treatment of all kinds. Staats Institute, 1606 Harney St. Douglas 7097. Open ev- enings and Sundays. Massage, chiropody. Minnie Nagle, 208-14 Balrd Bldg., 17th & Douglaa. D. 2468. MISS LILLY Maasage, baths. 1322 Parn'm. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent Co., 583 Brandela. D. 6491 Painting and Paper Hanging. PAINTING and cleaning, SOc per room and up. we clean carpeta In your home with out removing same, II per rug and tip. w Abater CALL Charles Roadh for paper hanging and Interior decorating. Douglas 3390. Pianos for Rent. 13.10 par mo. A. Hospe Co., 1612 Douglas. Theatrical Costumes. LARGEST stock of costumes for theatricals and masquerades In the country for sale or rent. uebn a Bon, 1614 Howard. THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suits, for rent. 204 N. 17th. John Feldman. D. 2128 Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 307 S. 11th- D. S3I. Wedding Stationer. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas printing Co. Tel. Doug. 844, Where to Eat. EAT HOME COOKED MEALS NEW DELICATESSEN, 106 FARNAM. ATHINS sanitary restaurant, under new management. Good meals, lfic. Tables for ladles. Jonnaon ft XJouvos, 616 B. 13th St 7 ' BURROUGHS CAPE. OMAHA, NEB. (Service), LINCOLN, NEB. 316 S. 11th St 133 8. 13th St BUSINESS CHANCES UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. Wanted a red-blooded man of nnqueav tlonable reputation between the ago of 21 and 40 to fill a position of trnst with growing Omaha concern. Salary depends on ine aDiiity or applicant. Applicant must furnish high-class ref erences aa to character and ability. Thta psltlon requires an investment of from 16,000 to 17,000, which will return an In come of at least 26 per cent annually In a reputable umana manuracturlnE com pany, which haa been operative for five years and Is endorsed by the leading people ot umana. In replying, pleaae mention references, which will be treated confidentially. Box 1334, Bee. IF YOU HAVE l,260 TO INVEST. and willing to work, we have the busi ness you are looking for. This is a ree taurant, centrally located and Is doing a spienam Business or irom iio to IU each day, and has eight living rooms Which are rented tor fioo per month. BIG 4 REALTY CO., 1016 W. O. W. Bldg. D. 3426 THB GREATEST GAIN 68.73S In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper la the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1116. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. HIGHEST SPOT CASH PAID for stores aoj stocks of merchandise. In city or country quick action. OMAHA SALVAGE CO.. 260 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., j TeJ. Douglas 1822. GOOD BUB ilN E8S OPENINGS On the South Side, tt for sale, are reas onable In price and are worth while, you may be sure are tiated exclusively with the SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. 4936 8, 34th St Phone Sontb 1247. FOR SALE H Interest In ectabtlahed plumbing and heating business, will In' voice from 8800 tp 81.000; party must have cash to equal same. F. O. Box 763, City. FOR 8ALB-6nly commercial hotel In good live Iowa town of 3,zoo. Two R, Rye 36 nicely furnished rooms. Will make tease to suit purchaser. Write Y 862, Bea. MEAT MARKET. For sale cheap. In town of 6,600 people. Only one other shop in town. Call or write. Palace Market McCook. Neb. FOR SALE. rw-ture show, practically new. now showing to full houses. Must be sold a onre. Box 124, Sidney. la. FOR SALE Restaurant, confectionery and rooms. Established 1896; flqe business, a gooa opening tor a nve wire. Auareas u. M. Dtacnnar. uarretson, h. v. FOR SALE Good, clean stock of hardware: live town, central Nebraska. Good rea son for selling. Be quick. Addi 267, Bee, POR SALE Tha best paying rea taurant In tfnagepori, nto, nuiui pio pooh contract. MOTION picture machtnea built), theaters supplied. Exchange, 108 8. 14rh St (new and Omaha Pi In COMPLETE Oxturea of 2-chatr barber shop, very reasonable. Miller Hotel, South Omaha. Phone South 1982, WE BUY. wa sail motion picture theaters. machine, feature films. Co-operative Film and Supply On.. 310 3faamlsy Bldg. WILLIAMS, established 29 yearn To buy or sail business see him. 411 MoCagua Bldg. Reference. U. 8, National Bank. DOWD Sals and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed out mors mdse, stocks than any other Arm In U. 8. Writs for term. IF iTOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming house call on Busch ft BorghoS, 20 World-Herald Bldg. Phono D. 2212. GOOD opening for the aecond drug atore corner building. A splendid location. Ad dreus G. M. Dlachnar, Garretson, S. D. EIGHT THOUSAND dollars stock of mdse, will trade for good western Nebraska land. Box Y 861, Bee. CONFECTIONERY business for location. Box 1294. Bee. aaie; good TO GET In or out of bualneas call on GANG EST AD. 422 Bea Bldg. Dong. 24. 7. OUARANTY PLAN; get In or out bualnem. All states. P. V. Kntest, Bee Bldg., Omaha. WANT Job printing plant to move to A town. Cmh MtCaa-aa Bid BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE First class bath, massage par- lorjeit-ellent location. Boi 1Z31. Bea. Rooming H poses. ROOMING HOUSES, all ,' great bar I'bon. Tyler 1.17. gains. 419 Rose Bldg. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IP you lose anything and will advertise It here you will surely recover tt u muna by an honest person. Remarkable recov eries are brought about every day through this column. THE HONEST WAT. If you And something of value, or a keepsake of value only to the owner, Is to Insert a small ad. The owner of the article In most esses is will ing to refund the cost of advertising. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call np the office of the Omaha it Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it In the street car. Many articles each day ar turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owners. Call Tyler 800. LOST Saturday noon. In Burgess-Nash store, black leather purse containing small change, key, notebook and calling earns. Will the finder please call Harney 3846? THE GREATEST GAIN 68,738 In paid want ads ever made by any Omaha paper, Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1916. BEST R ESULT8 LOWEST RATE FOUND a sanitary Soda Fo an tain. GREEN'S PHARMACY. Hth and Howard. LOST Suit caae between Burlington station and Fontenelle Hotel. Suitable reward. TeL Douglas 602, or Webster MIL LOST On car between 23d and 17th and Cnmlng, north to Spencer St, gray lea.ther purse. Reward. Harney 2024. LOST Friday noon between 23d and 36th and Webster, ladles' gold watch and fob. Harney 6187. Reward. . LOST Large Airedale dog, December 3L Wore tan collar. Rewand. Colfax 4141, SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, 2oe PER LINE. Business ads, regular rates- 2 tinea one week 40c t ltneo one week, .60e each extra line .20c per week Hale. FOUR YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Capable young man. single, four years office experience desires position with per son or firm who can offer a future for honesty, energy and ability, present em ploy men t four years, furnish references and bond, go anywhere. Box Y 837, Bea. MECHANICAL ENGINEER, with 7 years' experience in dentgnlng machinery and wiling; outfflde position preferred where above knowledge is required. Parker, Douglas 6044. ALL round first-daft. French chef, best of references, 16 years Europe and America experience. Economical, sober, steady. Want position. Will guarantee Srst-claas, quick, economical service. Box 1343, Bee. THE GREATEST GAIN 68,728 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper Is the record of THE OMAHA REE for 1816. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. CHAUFFEUR, colored, age 26 years, wishes position In private family; tareful driver seven years' experience: all around man experienced with all makes of cars. Box 1214, Bee. POSITION as bookkeeper or manager of small business wanted. Dane, aged 27, college graduate. State salary, etc Write A. Larsen, Elkhorn, Iowa. YOUNG man, 20 years, employed, wlabea to work for rspm rent private family pro- re rred. Address Box 1 34 3, ee. POSITION as aaslstant bookkeeper by young man. Good references and training Box J334, HB9. MAN wants position taking care of office, city references. Call Doug. 7S0Z. INSIDE work, mktdle-aged man; handy with tools or machinery. Web. 6310. ASHES or all kinds of hauling. Tyler 2661. Female. WIDOW with two children would like poal tion aa housekeeper or cook; country pre ferred. Mrs. A. M. Newlin. 228 8. 10th St, Lincoln, Neb. POSITION wanted by lady cook in small Town; can cooK.jriin or wnnaui menu; state wages. Box T 847, Bee. THE BEE charge for "Situation ads" lower than any other form of advertising not enough to cover the cost of printing. WANTED Laundry work or house work. Mrs. J una Jones, 144 N. 6737. 27th. Harney YOUNG girl, aged 22 years, with hospital training, wtsnea private nursing, box 1348, Bee. COMPETENT colored maid for general housework wants situation. Box 1320, Bee. WANTED A place to work morning and evenings for board and room. Red 2366. COOKING by experienced colored woman also janitor work. Red 6366. A WIDOW with boy 3 years old, wants po sition aa housekeeper. Webster 6636. DAY work wanted, washing or cleaning. Walnut 2638. Laundry and Day Work. WANTED Laundry ' work or housework. Mrs. Julia Jones, 144 N, ZTtn. fiar. 6717, WANTED Bundle waahlng, specialty made of silks; also nne underwear. Web. 1483. WANTED Bundle washing. flrst-class work done. Phone Webster 3874. FOR experienced bundle washing, call Web ster 1877. .Prompt delivery. EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work of any kind. Douglas 6130. COLORED woman wants dsy work for Tuesd a ys. Webster 941. DAY work wanted by reliable colored wom an. Call Douglas 6698. FIRST-CLASS laundress by the day. Web. 6027. EXPERIENCED colored woman work of any kind. wb. 3401. CURTAINS laundered. H. 1130. 2614 Dodge. DAY WORK, any kind. Webster 23C1 Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1610 Davenport St. Douglas 1866. Headquarters for hotel help. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. WANTED AN ACTTVE OR SI LENT PARTNER: MAN MUST RESIDE IN OMAHA. WHO WISHES TO INVEST FROM $7,600 TO II, SM IN A BUSINESS THAT IS PATINO FROM S6 TO SO PER CENT PER ANNUM. WII.U STAND THE MOST RIGID INVES TIGATIONS. HAVE BEEN OP ERATING IN OMAHA OVER SEVEN TEARS. BOX ISSt, BEE. WE HATE fifty -two openings In various commercial lines to be f tilled. If out of employment or desirous of making a change see us at once. NO FILING FEE, only 69 cents to Investigate references. THE MARTI CO., 1317-18 W. O. W. Bldg. STENO., $t00; steno.. $76; steno., $66; office clerk. $&; typist. $66; typist, $66; steno. and clerk, $70. WATTS REF. CO., First Nat Bank Bldg. STENO I 76 STENO $6 PRIVATE SECT 1M THB CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDG. WAITED Experienced soda and lunch man. One who tn furnish references. Apply at office of Sherman eV McConneU Dmg Co., comer 16th and Dodge. THE GREATEST GAIN 62.TI2 -In paid want-ads ever mads by any Omaha paper, Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1916. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. STENOGRAPHER and office clerk for hank In western own ot Neb.; A-l future; sal ary, $70. WATTS REF. CO., First Nat L Bank Bldg. HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N. Professions and -Trades. DRUG POSITIONS ALL STATE. - CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-16 qity National Bank Bldg. RULER in bindery. Permanent Out-f town poaltion for good man. Bex 1296, Bee. WANTED First -claaa '-- Sroa HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. WANTED An all-around fountain man in flrst-class drug store for out of city si once. References required. Box T-848, Bee. S HO E if AK E R wanted, good salary to right man. Apply at once. 632 s. 16tn nt. TheWlde Awake. ; . CIGAR makers wanted. J. L. Galbreth. Superior, Neb. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED AGENTS THROUGH OUT THE COUNTRY TO SELL FORD ACCESSORIES. 50 TO 100 PER CENT PROFIT. SIDE LINE OR EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS. ONE SIDE LINE MAN AVERAGES $100 FOR EACH TWO WEEKS' TRIP. OTHERS MAKING BIG PROFITS. AUTO DEVICE SALES CO., 884-6-8 BRANDEIS BLDG. WANTED Local representatives In Doug las, Sarpy and Saunders counties to assist In sale of the best land and live stock proposition ever offered. This is an attrac tive proposition; curiosity hunters save your stamps and my time. W. G. Temple ton, 603 Bea Bldg. SALESMEN WANTED for good territory. Steady poaltion, with good pay. MULTIPLEX SIGN CO., 140S Farnam. Douglas 3666. SALESMEN WANTED For city, to sell roofing direct to consumer. Salary and commlaslon. Call between 1 and 11 a. m. 633 Brandets Bldg. WANTED Salesman calling on automobile trade, to handle fast seller aa side line. 602 Paxton Blk. SALES positions, mercantile lines. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. WANT- -Two good (talesmen, road be good. 609 Paxton Blk. must Trade Scnools. ACTO MECHANICS EARN BIG MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASS'N. 2617 N. 20th St., Omaha. Send for Free Catlaogue. CALL or write for our free 111 nat rated cata logue explaining how we teach tha barber trade quickly by actual experience care ful Instruction, etc. Largest modern equipped barber college In the west Holer's, 110 S. 14th. Omaha, Neb. (Estab lished 1392.) LEARN barber trade; be Independent, more than make your expenses wntie learning Wages or percentage. Ws don't over charge you to begin. x402 Dodge St TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE NIGHT SCHOOL Autos and electric start ers. Por particulars call Douglas 4473, or write us. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, 2069 Farnam St., Omaha. Agents and Canvassers. ONE agent for each county to sell folding bath tub. Will give gooa commission ana bonus to ttve wires. E. F. Cavanaft, nam view. Neb. Hotejs and Restaurants. GOOD lunh man wanted to run business. 624 So. 16th St- Miscellaneous. RAIliWAT Mail. Clerk Examinations Omaha soon commence. 6 - & montn. Sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. 238 B. Roches trN.Y: FIREMEN, BRAKEMEN, beginners paid 1126-2160 monthly; no strike. Railway, Box Y-S31, Bee. HELP WANTED -FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER, fine office 265 Stenographer and dictaphone opr. ... fci Stenographer, bright beginner 4' NO FILING FEE, only 60 cent to Invest! gate references. THE MARTI CO., 1217 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER and clerk, small office, ififl: steno. and clerk, insurance, iu 76, steno.i and clerk, small office, good bright beginner, 242.60. Western Reference A Bond . Assn. STENOGRAPHER, who Is good at figures. one who - has good personality ana ex perienced meeting the public. Salary 50 to 26S. Excellent future. WATTS REF. CO., First Nat'l. Bank Bldg. STENO. (BEGINNER) STENO " DICTAPHONE OPR 60 THE CANO AGENCY. 600 bjulhj. STENO., 26; Sleno. and Diet. Opr., $70; Steno., $86; Bteno., ou; i-mci. wpr., ntunn nd Ttnokkeener. 260:i Steno., $40. WATTS REF. CO., First Nat'l. Bank Bldg. BOOKKEEPING, stenographic, clerical po sitions. , WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASffN. Professions and Trades. WANTED Girls with common school edu cation, between 18 and 22 yeara, to iaae up local and long distance telephone work. C F. Lambert. 1807 Douglas St. WANTED 16 girls to learn to pack crack ers, good wages, Iten Biscuit Co., 13th and Capitol Av Household and Domestic. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework; must be good good; place where second girl and laundress are era ployed. Mrs. J. Klein, 137 So. 36th SL Harney 3913. WANTED An experienced girl for general houseworK; must oe gooa coo; piaco where second girl and laundresa are em ployed. Mrs. J. Klein. 137 So. 26th St. wXntKD Neat, capAle young white girl for general housework; no washing; small family; must be good ctvok. Call Harney 6292. WANTED A competent white girl for gen eral housework; must 00 gooa cook; no washing, good wagee. Phone Har. 6678. COMPETENT white girl for general house work. Must bo good cook. No laundry. TeL Harney 3014. WANTED-- A competent cook, references re quired. ""-Apply 206 SoT 32d Ave. phone Harney 206. WANTED A girl for general housework, one who can go home nights. Harney 2301. GIRL for general housework; no waahlng. uo cooking, 2605 Bt- Marya Ave.D. 7686. W ANE D G 1 rl for house work; two In family. Tel. Harney 6074. WANTED 2 competent second girls at the Woodruff, 114 No. 18th. CAPABLE white gtrt wanted, Wal. 2112. good wages. HELP WANTED tie and Female. WANTED Mehv women to try examlnaUona for government Jobs. $70 month, vacation. Common education sufficient. Apply Im mediately to Box Y.-811. Bea. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day is enrollment day. Book keeping. Bhorthand, stenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branchea. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, Douglas 1666. 19th and Harney Bta. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, DAT AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. Bo trance 220. Douglaa 6890. Y. M. C. A. Pay and Night School Musical REAGAN'S Orchestra: god music; rataa rea sonable. Phone South 226. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. VERT chotca f-room ateam-haatecl apart ment on west Kamara afreet. JOHN W. ROBBIN8, 1I0 Farnam St. ST. CLAIRE. Hlb and Harney, I -room aparUnenta. Call Harney 147. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. ' Apartments. DESIRABLE furnished and unfurnished spartmenta. All slses and prices, splen did location: 24th and Farnam.-D. 1472. 2719 DEWEY ave the Wayne, 2 rooms and bath; steam heat $30. Garvin Bros.. 246 umaaa wauonai janK iag. FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find the room you desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete detslled description ot va cant rooms in all parts of the city. If more convenient phono The Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address and a list will be mailed to you at once. New lists are issued every week. Furnished Rooms. THE GREATEST GAIN 62,122 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1916. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. LARGE front room, well lighted and heated. in new modem home, private rarauy , very reasonable to right party. Close to car. West Farnam. Harney 2563. TWO neatly furnished single rooms, alt mod ern, electric llghta, bath In connection, prefer two working girls; rent very rea sonable. Harney 66S2. 1214 Park Avsj HEATED room for working men. Modern home. 342S Decatur. Web. 4674. 2E71 DAVENPORT Modern sleeping rooms in private home. 1706 CHICAGO Modern and suitable for two gentlemen. Red 6266. 2227 JONES ST. Modern, private family, walking distance. Douglas 6747. NICELY furnished steam-heated rooms, 2406 Harney St. MODERN sleeping rooms: well furnished; gooq location. Douglas 7334. THREE furnished rooms for rent, entlrely monern; 4244 Harney St. 632 S. 21st Ave. Three rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Tyler 1667-L Housekeeping Rooms. 609 SO. 26TH AVE. Front rooms, down stairs, nicely furnished, modern In every respect. Call Douglas 2033. 609 S. 2BTH AVE. Ftont rooms, down- stairs, nicely furnished, modern In every respect. Call Doug. 8038. 3 ROOMS Heated, furnished, modern, pri- vate nome; Kcr. H. bzt. 3013 cnicago at. NICE steam, warm, housekeeping rooms. Electric lights. 2312 Douglaa. LINCOLN apartments, furnished housekeep ing rooms. 2103 Chicago. 1611 HOWARD ST., honaekespi n g apart mentg. Call Tyler 1M2. 23 22J8 Leavenworth, houaekeeplng rooms. Two tarnished light !224 PRATT ST. 2 housekeeping references required. Web. XU2. Board and Room WANTED Two men willing to share same rooms, home cooking, orasonable, close to car. 604 So. 36th St. Harney 6144. PINKNEY, 2123 Room and board for two. also garage for rent Webster 6970. LARGE 107 8- downstalra 26 th Ave. room, modern home. Hotels. WORKWOMEN'S hoteL Night, week or month. 209 N. IStb St Reasonable. Call Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THE BEE WANT-AD DEPT. and And out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE It's a plan that Is helping many people rent their rooms. YOUNG man, 20 years, employed, wishes to work for room rent, private family preierrea. Address box 1314, see. TRAVELINO man and wife want room and board In private family. References ex changed. Box 1329, Bee. FOR RENT HOUSES West 3303 HOWARD ST. A 2-story frame, 7 rooms and sleeping porch. New furnace. Room for one car In garage If desired. House rent, $20. ALFRED THOMAS, 202 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. STONE HOUSE and garage at 61st and Dodge, 270. W. L. Selby tfe Sons.vDouglas 1610. Keel Ine Bldg. North. LOOK I . $20.00 PER MONTH, $5.00 MOVING EXPENSES ALLOWED. 6 large rooms and bath;, heat and water furnished; respectable surround. Ings; rent reduction on account Improve ments bHng made. LINTON BLOCK, 13TH AND MASON. THE BYRON REED COMPANY Douglaa 297. 213 So. 17th St. 6 ROOMS, all modern, east front, porches, everything new and up - to- tne- minute. Walking distance. $36 per month. Doug las 6886. 'TRAVER BROTHERS, 219 New First National Bank Bldg. 2116 Spencer St., 8-r., all mod $35.00 2922 S. 18th St., dandy 6-r., all mod 20.00 2124 N. 27th St., 7-r.. all mod 20.00 2636 Wirt St., 6-r., mod. ex. ht 12.00 1106 N. 23d Bty 4-r., mod 1S.0& RASP BROS., 210 Keel toe Bldg. Tyler 721 7-ROOM all modern hetise, newly decorated, ne- furnace, $20. 2016 N 22d St. Tel. Red 1881. 6-R. modern bungalow, $30. Walnnt 2317, South. 202 SOUTH 41st, hot water plant, $26. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 664. ELEGANT 6-rm. house. 1407 South 2th St. Miscellaneous. we have what you want, houses and cottages. Partly modern. 6-R. 603 Martha 8t 12.60 MODERN EXCEPT HhlAT. g.R. 3914 Saratoga St 20.06 B.R.C1C N. 17th-St 20.00 6-R. 2819 No. 27th St. for col- orod) 16.00 STRICTLY MODERN. 6-R. 223 Park Ave 20.00 6.r,6327 jj. 27th St 26.00 7-R, 4612 S. 23d St (good brick dwelling, close to business .cen ter of South Omaha) 26.06 g.R. 2430 Bristol St. (good brick dwelling, with large barn la the rear) 22.66 i.r,-384S Charles St (In flrst class condition, with large garage In rear) 25.06 10-R. 2221 Dodge St 40.00 6-R. 3012 Dewey Ave, (very choice brick dwelling within walk ing distance to business center and in flrst-class residence dis trict) 37.1 STRICTLY MODERN APARTMENT S 6-R. 2918 Farnam $25.00 and 33.00 WE HAVE OTHERS. SEE OUR COM PLETE PRINTED LIST BEFORE RENT ING. PORTER A SHOTWELL, 202 S. 17th St. Doug. 6012. Office with HOME BUILDERS. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. 8-ROOM modern house with garage for 3 cars, close to car line, on paved street. $30 month. Douglas 2696. BOUSES it. all parts of the city. CREIGH. SO.JS A CO.. 66 Bee Bldg. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN-CO. riRBPROCIF WAREHOUSE. Packiai, store-., and mo.. las. lit N lllb St Fnone Dmillee 314. I FIDELITY s',?RNvTci- FREE Phone Douglas ' 18 for complete list of vacant btuaea and apart l Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jeckeon Sta. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to orders fof moving, packing or storage. Office at Raymond Furniture Co.. 1613 and 1616 Howard St. Phone O. bbzt. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms tor household goods and pianos, moving; packing and snipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.i 192 8. 16th St. Douglas 4182. Globe Van and Storage Co, For real service In moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 220. or Douglas 4336, Haggard Van and two men. $1.26 per hour. Vsn aod Storage Co.. Moving, Packing, Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 1116. MOVING AND STORAGE J. C. REED Express Co. Moving, Packing ajhd a to rate. 1207 Farnam St. Web. 2748. Doug. 614t. TWIN CITY EXPSfliTCO.. 1622 Caas 8L Douglas 1717. Trunks stored a specialty. FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores. 2212 CUMING ST. 30x60, good location, near crosstown transfer, $27.60. 2306 Cuming SL, 'office, scalea, yards and bins, suitable for coal and feed store, 236.00. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Tyler 1636 332 Rose Bldg. NEW STORES. LEAVENWORTH, JXJSt WEST OF 24TH. Can arrange space to suit tenants at from $26 to $60 per month; also space on 2d floor for light manufacturing. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1202 FARNAM ST. 14-316 S. 19TH ST. Double storeroom and fine light basement: steam heat, elect. Its. Building has light on three sides. Will remodel or enlarge to suit. Garvin Bros.. 345 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. 4716 SO. 24TH ST., $100; center of South Omaha business district. E. a. Bennex. Ramge Blk. D. 2406. MODERN STORE, 16th SU near postofflea. $76 month, o. F. stebbins, i.6io cmcago. MODERN STORES AND OFFICES In Far nam Bldg. First Trust Co.. P. 116L Offices and Desk Room. OFFICES. Single and en suite. In a cetttrml loca tion. ' BROWN BLDG Room 407 Douglaa 1628. DESIRABLE office rooms In the remodeled Crounse block, 112 N. 16th SL (opposite postofllce). $10 to $15 per month. Conrad Young, 323 Brandels Theater. Doug. 167L 216 S. 19TH ST., 2d fl., 22x26 fL, steam heat, elect. It. Reasonable rent. Garvin Broa.. 846 Omaha Nat. Bk. B'.dtr. CHOICE Vice space Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas. McCague lnv. Co. Miscellaneous. TRACKAGE SPACE FOR RENT. Close in. good brick building. Call us up quick. BIRKETT & CO., Dong. 643. 250. Bee Bldg. LARGE, light basement, 16th and Howard, cheap. Wright & Lasburv, Doug. 162. WANTED TO RENT Furnished Apartments and Houses. WANTED Nicely furnished house, respect able nelgbbornood, three adulta, excellent raference given, prefer walking distance of Crelghton college. Paxton HoteL Room 140. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses WE want more houses and apartments te rent. The fact tnat we nave practically cleaned tmt our big list Is conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental service. If you want to keep your places rented see Payne & Slater Co., "Omaha e Rental Men,-?! Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 1016. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West A most attractive home built to live in, not to rent; built to last a lifetime ; beautifully finished and decorated; in the very best residence district. This is one of the best built homes in Omaha. Stone foundation and base ment under the whole house, and solid brick above; full brick cross wall. JNo veneer. The porch steps, front, back and to the sun parlor, are all stone. The roof is slate. The coal bins and fruit cellar of tile. There is practically no cost for painting or re pairs. The library with built-in book cases is solid cherry; the halls and stair case of oak. The dining room is pan eled in Venitian oak. AH floors up stairs as well as down are hardwood, quarter-sawed beach, except the kit chen, which is maple, and tile under the stove. A large double storm win dowed and screened sun porch is con nected with both the library and din ing room by French doors. The walls of the first floor and upper hall are covered with hand decorated burlap, except the music room. There arc three bath rooms. The ample closets all have outside windows and ward robes and chest of drawers, which will delight any woman. There is a laundry, fruit cellar, furnace room and space which can be finished for a billiard room in the basement, which is cemented throughout- Soft water is furnished from a large cis tern. The house has a gas hot-water heater for summer use, thermostat,1 electric outlets, etc. It is so well built that 15 tons of coal will heat it throughout, and with solid brick walls it is wonderfully cool in summer. As it is at the very crest of Hie hill in the summer there is always a breeze there if anywhere. It is con venient to the car line and in the choicest residence section of Omaha. The price is very reasonable, and terms will be made to suit the buy er's convenience. CALL AT 3903 DEWEY AVE., OR TELEPHONE HARNEY 3462. HOW'S THIS? New, 8-r., strictly mod. homo; oak tin Isb; full basement; nice cor. lot, 2 paved stfi.; 1 blk. to car; high, sightly location, in Bemis Park district. An unusual value at $3,860. Best terms. IF TOU WANT TO MAKE MONET, See this at once; triple frame flat, ?4 rooms, bringing largo returns aa rooming and light housekeeping place; well lo cated, close in; on car line; paving paid Can sell property and furniahings, or either; all clear, on very easy terms, or take good exchange in whole or part. This le a real bargain at IT. Hon, but must bo sold at once. Will consider any offer made. Investigate it today. McKttrtck R. K. Co.. D. 14S2. Tyler 2 1 40-J. WST PARNAM. atucco, 1-r.. modern. Lot value, 83. ooft; houae valua, .4.000. All for, l.S,0. II No. 38tb Av. Doua;. S047. North. NEW BUNGALOW. T ,lv1ng room, dining room, kitrh-n, I wo bedrooms, bath, stairway to largp floored attic, handily arranged, south front lot, near car Mno, loratd just south of Fon tenelia park on Bedford Avn, Price only 13,660; $200 down balance monthly. C. G. CARLBERG. 112 Brandela Theater Bldg. $200 DOWN $25 A MONTH. 7 rooms, strictly modern bungalow, just north of Kountze park. East front, ful! lot. full cement basement, furnace lint Why rent when you can buy a bungalow Ilka this the same as rent? PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 537 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. P. 1781. NRW BUNGALOW. Five rooms, strictly modern, finished In Oak. Located at 3933 K, 35th St Pries 11,160. Terms. Will take small cottag In trade. NORHIS A NORRI8. 400 Boe Building. Phone Douglae 4270. South. 4418 SO. '1ST ST. I -room housr, bath, down taint flnlshtd tn ' oak. cement basement, furnace heal. RO-foot lot, cast front; owner wants lo leave town. Sell rhcap.Tall 8 3UI0, FlVK-ROOM cottage, tot 27x160 ft. Inquire sOI Porpleton Ave. ('.heap for caah, owner.