Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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VI II "VM t . 1 I NL'l LnmRPt - II I I li-l- - I I u.n 1 'Mr ICIA- n M ' I I I I II I I
-1 ' I 111 ft
Drawn for
The Bee
Conference Held in Endeavor
to Compromise Strike of
the Players.
Kew York, Feb. 13. The National
league and the Base Ball Players'
Fraternity came to the parting of the
ways here late toda', whil Manager
John J. McGraw of the New York
National league club, and President
David L. Fultz of the Players' asso
ciation, were in secret conference "n
deavoring to reach a common ground
upon which the so-called strike of
the players could be compromised.
The senior organization passed unani
mously a resolution abrogating the
agreement made with the fraternity at
Cincinati on January 6, 1914, and
when McGraw returned to the meet
ing it first appeared as if his self
imposed mission had been in vain.
Later, when President Tener, of the
National league read the resolution
to newspaper representatives, he ex
plained that no discrimination was to
be made against a"y player, who
might have been or continued to be
a member of the fraternity, but that
the league would no longer recognize
the organization and that all dealings
in the future would be with the play
ers as individuals.
Principal Request By Fultz.
As this was the principal request
made by Fultz in his conference with
McGraw as a guarantee before taking
steps looking toward the lifting of
the strike order insofar as it affected
the major leagues, it appeared that
his request had received consideration.
That the magnates realized the se
riousness of the situation that faces
base hall, both from intetrnal and in
ternational complications, was shown
by the fact that the base ball writers
were called intot the meeting of the
league for one of the very few times
in the forty-odd years of its existence
and the following resolution was read,
after which the magnates stated that
they were ready to answer any ques
tions which might be asked:
"Whereas, the ball players' fratern
ity has violated the letter and spirit
of an agreement made between na
tional agreement leagues, clubs and
players, entered into of date January
6, 1914, therefore be it resolved by
the National league of professional
base ball clubs that insofar as that
league is concerned, this agreement
be and is hereby abrogated and all
relations between this league and said
fraternity are hereby severed and
Won't Predict Action.
When the resolution was shown to
Fultz he refused to state what action
the fraternity would take until he had
consulted other officers of the organi
zation. Before he left McGraw, ar
rangements were made to meet again
tomorrow, when Fultz hoped to go
before the National league, but the
action of that organization virtually
barred the way for such a move. Mc
Graw returned immediately to the
National league headquarters and ex
plained what he accomplished to
President Hempstead of the New
York club, who in turn laid the result
of his manager's efforts before the
magnates, but what effect, if any, the
report had was not disclosed.
Several of the club owners were
aware that the fraternity officials were
eager to meet the big league mag
nates more than half way and this
may have had some bearing upon
their action. Several prominent men,
both inside and outside base ball cir
cles, had been asked to use their ef
forts to bring about a meeting be
tween the club owners and the eladers
of the fraternity, but McGraw was the
only one who appeared willing to step
into the breach and endeavor to bring
about a settlement of the trouble.
Whether Fultz will decide to call
off the strike upon the strength of
the National league resolution could
not be learned tonight.
Greater Omaha League
Holds Meeting Tonight
A meeting of the Greater Omaha
league, Omaha's leading Class A aina
Icur loop, will be held tonight at the
city hall. Officials, it is expected, will
lie elected and plans for the approach
ng season started.
Constipation and Indigestion.
These are twin evils. Persons suf
fering from indigestion are often
troubled with constipation. Mrs.
Robert Allison, Mattoon, 111., writes
that when she first moved to Mattoon
she was a great sufferer from indiges
tion and constipation. Food dis
tressed her and there was a feeling
like a heavy weight pressing on her
stomach and chest. She did not rest
well at night, and felt worn out a
good part of the time. One bottle of
Chamberlain's Tablets corrected this
trouble so that she has since felt like
a different person Advertisement.
Ym Will Get tailnt Belief.
Dr. B.ll'a Plne-Ttr-Honey soothe your
louvti, altar Inflammation, tooaena th
mucoui and you breathe much better. 25c.
All druffflvta. Advertisement. j
National League Will Not
Longer Recognize Agree
ment With Fraternity.
New York, Feb. 13. Abrogation by
the National league of the agreement
with the Base Ball Players' fraternity
of January 6, 1914, known as the
"Cincinnati agreement," was an
nounced by the National league club
owners after their meeting here to
day. It was reported from other sources,
however, that a settlement of the play
ers' strike might be expected along
more reciprocal lines.
Live Stock Pavilion and '
Athletic Field for Hebron
Hebron, Neb., Feb. 13. Special
Telegram.) A $35,000 stock pavilion
and athletic field for Hebron was as
sured last night when the Hebron
Commercial club decided to incorpo
rate and get behind the proposition.
A committee spent today selling
shares in the corporation and at a
late hour they reported that $10,000
had been pledged and that they had
not met with a single refusal. The
new field will be used extensively
by the Interstate Pure-Bred Live
Stock association, an organization
composed of stock raisers over the
middle west. It will also satisfy a
long felt need among students of the
city and country who have no suit
able place for outdoor athletics.
School District Unions
Are Order of the Day
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Feb. 13. (Special.) Miss
Cora Thompson of the state superin
tendent's office has gone to Murdock
to look into the consolidation of sev
eral school districts surrounding the
town. Murdock will be the center of
the new consolidation with four dis
tricts adjoining coming in on the
State Superintendent Qemmons will
go to Saline county next Monday to
consider the consolidation of several
school districts in the northwest part
of the county.
Putting Competition
For Women Thursday
A thirty-six hole putting competi
tion, open to all women golfers in
Omaha, will be held on the indoor
links at the Burge3-Nash company.
Thursday afternoon. A large entry list
is anticipated, as a number of the
feminine sharks have been practicing
on the indoor course the last week
or so.
Wblst Sootm.
Prairie Park Whist club scores thin week
Shaweross and Buck. . . 25
DrwyfooB and Rennie .............. . .252
Hoover and Srannell 261
Ellis and Martin -.,....240
Barton and Reynolds 235
Abbott and Shields ..1 . .215
Gallup and Stebblns .208
iloB and Yost 207
Brure and Van Bnren 207
Lewis and Manning 202
Canada Fir Kills Two.
Saskatoon. Sask., Feb. IX. Two Uvea were
lost last night when fire destroyed a hotel
at Etstow, Sank. Anton loiter. 2ft years
old, a grain buyer, was burned to death in
his room and the 9-months-old son of George
W. Dunn also perished. The fire Is believed
to have been started by an oil lamp. The
los was estimated at $10,000.
Ames Cyclones Win,
Ames. la., Feb. 13. (Special Telegram.)
The Ames Cyclones blew the roof off the
Drake Bulldogs, 26 to 9, in a Missouri Val
ley conference basket ball game in the state
gymnasium here thla afternoon. Drake got
only two field goals, both by Eddy,
Poor Farm Site to Be Disposed
Of if Legislature Will
Grant Permission.
The county commissioners hive
officially approved the bill drafted by
County Attorney Magney, Judge
Troup and Judge Day to be presented
to the legislature authorizing them
to sell the present county hospital
poor farm site and to issue and sell
bonds for the purpose of obtaining
funds for the erection of a new in
stitution. Condcmmed by practically every
organization in Omaha and Douglas
county and characterized by the dis
trict judges as "a disgrace and eye
sore to civilization," the present in
stitution with its inadequate and un
sanitary facilities will soon be a thing
of the past, if the bill is passed by the
state solons.
Though the bill will apply only to
Douglas county, inasmuch as it pro
vides for counties with 150,000 or
more inhabitants, the proposed legis
lation authorizes any county board
or board of supervisors to "sell lands
or lots belonging to counties to se
cure funds for the purpose of erect
ing a poor house, or addition, or a
county hospital, or both; or to issue
and sell bonds for the purpose of
erecting such institutions, when ap
proved by a vote of the electors of
said counties."
The bill will necessarily have to be
presented to the legislature by Gov
ernor Neville. The commissioners
prepared a letter to be sent to the
governor, urging immediate action on
the bill.
Philippine Bank Named
Correspondent by Board
Washington, Feb. 13. The Federal
Reserve board today formally ap
pointed the Philippine National bank
at Manila, to be correspondent in the
Philippines of the San Francisco Re
serve bank. This is the first actual
appointment of a foreign correspond
ent bank.
Illinois Senate Passes
Bill for Dry Vote in 1918
Springfield, III., Feb. 13. A bill to
submit the question of state-wide pro
hibition to a popular vote in the gen
eral election of 1918 passed the senate
today, 31 to 18.
Chicago and Also Seaports Are
in Position Now to Re
ceive Freight.
So far as all the Omaha roads are
concerned, the embargo is off and all
of the transportation lines are in the
clear. However, this docs not apply
to unlimited shipments and classifi
cations to points beyond. In order to
get freight beyond Chicago in carload
lots, with the exception of meats and
perishables, permits from connecting
lines must be secured. These permits
show that at destination there is stor
age capacity for the consignments.
Railroad officials learn that the con
gestion along the Atlantic seaboard
has been relieved to some extent, but
the ports lack much of being open.
For instance, in order to get consign
ments into New York and Boston, it
is asserted that permits showing stor
age space is required in every in
stance. Baltimore, it is said, is wide
open and for the present, at least, is
receiving all the grain and merchan
dise otfercd.
The Rock Island officials are con
gratulating themselves upon the fact
that for the present they have an open
port in New Orleans and considerable
grain elevator space on their own ter
minals, or on the terminals of closclv
allied tines. Galveston, another of
the gulf ports, is closed as tight as a
drum, but it is asserted that indica
tions are that it will be open within
a few days.
Attempt to Raise
Newspaper Postage
Rate Is a Failure
Washington, Feb. 13. By a vote of
37 to 34, the senate today refused to
suspend its rules and permit attach
ment to the postoffirc appropriation
bill of provisions increasing of the
postage rates on "ewspapers and
magazines, and decreasing to 1-cent
the rate on drop letters. This is ex
petced to end the fight on the provis
ion at this session.
Kansas Senate Defeats
Constitutional Change
Topeka. Kan., Feb. 13. Today the
state senate defeated the resolution
providing that the question of calling
a constitutional convention be sub
mitted to the voters.
jfPmm Style
double Ueer
"In a Com by tt-iT
Brewed and Bottled by
Jetter Brewing Co., Ltd.
M X Mna.
Vn4 Supplied j m. Jtttm.
Ffcou DndH 4031.
Sunny Brook the pure food whiskey
The FAVORITE WHISKEY for the HOME. You can always DEPEND on
-sunn I BKUVii. ' as an excellent beverage, or for MEDICINAL PURPOSES.
"ASpIendid Natural Tonic"---;-
6 Years'
'A Case
'mmrmrmmmmmrt 'i xwBpwmi mm
Constable Hensel Said to Have
Told Naughty Stories About
Card Game.
Cries of "wolf," in the matter of
persistent rumors that the grand
jury was on the eve of final adjourn
ment, have been rampant about the
court house for several days, and now
"another good authority" has it that
the star chamber body intends to re
turn a second big batch of indictments
within the week and call all bets off
for the present session.
Alleged gambling in the very
shadows of the court house walls, in
which a well known Omaha
preacher's son is said to have "sat
in" at card games with such regularity
that the fond father of the youth re
quested the closed-door jurors to
make an investigation, is understood
to be the subject of a probe.
A. R. Ucnsel, veteran constable in
the county court, was subpoenaed to
appear before the grand jury to tell
what he knew about the alleged scene
of the preacher's son "bucking the
tiger" proclivities. It is said that
"Shorty" Hansel burst in on the game
one peaceful afternoon when much
money was in sight in the "gamble
on the green."
The grand jury is winding up its
two weeks' vice probe deluxe by dis
posing of the odds and ends of cases
under consideration.
One of the witnesses, Tuesday
morning was James Whelan, who ap
peared before the body a second time
to testify in regard to an alleged
fraudulent transfer of a land title.
Other witnesses quizzed by the six
teen men of mystery were Mrs. I.or
etta Kennedy, 511 South Twenty-second
street, and E. L. Falir, an attorney.
Italian Seaplanes
Drop Bombs On Navy
Yards Near Trieste
Rome, Feb. 13. (Via Paris.)--I.alian
seaplanes caused considerable
damage in an air raid on the San
Rocco navy yard near Trieste on Sun
day night, according to an official
statement by the admiralty. The
statement says that a number of
bombs were dropped, causing the out
break of an extensive fire. All of the
machines, which belonged to the up
per Adriatic squadron, returned safely.
Received Direct From Caul
Twie. . Week
Live Lobster a Specialty
A number 8 hat may
. cover a mighty in
tellect or it may cover a
plain case of big head.
They're the same yet different.
They're both hats-on-heads.
Don't judge by externals.
Several kinds of tobacco come in tins.
VELVET tobacco is put up in tins. But that
doesn't make it like other kinds.
The finest selected leaf from Kentucky's
richest Burley fields is only the beginning of
VELVET. Then a full two years' ageing in
wooden hogsheads a matter of large storage
ana investment expense.;
Then a careful manufac
turing method employing
the widest experience or
life-long tobacco men.
What goes into the tin governs
the pipe satisfaction that comes
out of it. And we believe you JJ
will prefer VELVET to any JJ
other pipe tobacco at any price. S
10c Tins 5c Metal-lined Bass m
One Pound Glass Humidors M