THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1917. By MELLIFICIA. Febnury 13, 1917. For the Visiting Frenchmen. Oh, these fascinating French men I How many hearts of our young girls are palpitating at the thought of the "distingue" foreigners. They are be ing feted and invited to teas and gen erally talked to death. At least four of the debonair gentlemen are mak ing their headquarters in the city, stopping at the Blackstone, attending the meetings of the French society and proving perfectly delightful lions for the afternoon teaa. The latest tea, in honor of one of these gentle men, was given Sunday afternoon by an attractive girl of the older debu tante set and her equally charming elder sister. "Cultivating the gentlemen P said one charming matron, "why, my dear, all the gills are perfectly crazy about " them." At the lecture given by Prof. Al bert G. van Heclte of Louvain uni versity before L'Alliance Francaise last evening very interesting pictures of the Belgian refugee children were shown. The lantern, however, which was used to project the pictures upon the screen, was rather noisy in ac tion. This fact led one of the French gentlemen to remark drolly to one sitting near, "Ah, madame, we' have not only it picture machine, we have ze talking machine." Another one who remarked a boat the pleasant teas at which they are being entertained contented himself with saying, "Ah, lose teas I For the Belgian professor and his engaging Belgian wife. Miss May Mahoney had a few Belgian relief workers in for tea this afternoon. Prof. Hecke has taught some of Miss Mahoney's friends whom ahe visited in Belgium and is acquainted with the Prince Henry de Croy who wa Miss Mahoney's goest in this city. This evening Dr. and Mrs. Harold GHford have asked Prof. Hecke and his wife for dinner. , With the Bridge Clubs. Mrs. Will Schnorr will entertain . the Junior Bridge club at her home tomorrow. Mrs. John Redick entertained the Tuesday Bridge club at her home to day. Spring flowers formed the dec orations. Because of the absence from the city of a number of the members, four guests were invited. They were: M"oamM Veelames Charlia K. Meta, Arthur Rogers, Paul Uellarher, Harry Tuksy. Unique Children's Party. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McKitrick en tertained on Monday evening, the guests coming dressed as children. They played children's games; went to school again and teased the teacher, and when school was dismissed re tired to the cloak room, where they found their lunches in souvenir bas , kets and buckets. Hollis Johnson as the "Dutch Kid," and Davey Larson as "Ole Larson," ware particularly ef fective costumes and were naughty boy'' . ' ; : . ; v' ' On the Calendar. '. I The St. James Orphanage Sewing club will meet Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Peter Cunningham. The Fidelia club will entertain at a valentine dancing and card party to morrow evening at the hall on Thirty ninth and Webster streets. Mrs. E. C Jensen will entertain a few tables of guests at bridge in formally at her home Wednesday in honor of here sister, Mrs. Edmund V. Krug of Pasadena, Cal who is visiting their mother, Mrs. John F. Coad, Snowbound Coming Here. Mrs. Will J. Coad arrived in Omaha Friday from a visit in St Paul. Mr. Coad returned a week before. She had expected to reach home almost a week earlier, bat was stalled in a snowdrift at Mankato, Minn, for sev eral days. The passengers did not actually suffer, but the delay was very tedious. Finally Mrs. Coad took a train for Chicago and came home by that roundabout route. Since her ar rival in Omaha she has been ill from the effects of the experience. Minneapolis was a wonderfoDy gay place during Mrs. Coad's visit, for the winter carnival was in progress. The whole city was given over to the car nival spirit Men wore costumes rep resentative of their different dubs, wore them on the streets, to work and everywhere. The national skiing (contest took place and skating and (tobogganing contests were staged. Mr. and Mrs.' Coad, who were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Park Learned, took part in some of the events. Entertain for Visitors. Mrs. Ed Vestal of Knoxvifle, Teruu, who will be the, guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L Frantz, for two or three weeks more, a being; entertained at numerous miunnu uuoi. l lancn eon at the Blackatone on Sattrrday is planned by a number of her friends. Mrs. M. Dailey entertained at a theater party in honor of her daugh ter's guest. Miss Dorothy Daven port, of Evanston, 111. For Bride-Elect f , Mrs. M. B. Cameron entertained to day at a prenuptial luncheon at the Blackstone in honor of Miss Marie Hodge, when covers were laid for ' eight guests.. The table was at tractively decorated with a basket of pink Killarney roses and favors in the shape of little band boxes with ping roses on top and filled with can dies. The place cards represented band boxes, which were bursting open with pink roses and bearing the name ' Marie. Welsh People Meet The Cambro-American society of Omaha was entertained Thursday - evening by Mr. Jean Jones. Bishop Arthur Williams and Mrs. Williams ". were the guests of honor and con tributed to the program of the eve ning, ine next meeting; will be m the form of a celebration of St Davids day. the Welsh national dav. on March 1. Mr. John T. Yates will De tne speaker ot the occasion. To Honor Mrs. Mai-rirn ' Mrs. Edward MacDowetl, wife of the fnremnar Anvriran nmAu, mII be honor guest at the Valentine dinner ot tne uet ciud tonight at the Hotel LoyaL Mrs. MacDowetl is remaining over until late WeHne-erlav ftmnnn mnA will be honor guest with Miss Lillian "My Valentine" Q Q By Nell Brinkley MY VALENTINE I made her. Will her face fit into your heart? Many a man's heart looks just this way on the Good St. Valentine's Day out of it looks eyes and a smile that you with another sort of eyes and smile looking out of yours may not think beautiful but that fill his heart with a bubbling, throbbing wine that all but just spills over, and are the very eyes and smile of the face that "launched a thousand ships" to him. Sings the Lover: "Oh, flower -face, the peak of your black hair and the point of your little chin are of such fashion that they fit just in my heart line on line. So do I prove that you are mine my Valentine there is no quarrel about itl NELL BRINKLEY. luncheon of the Omaha Woman's Press club tomorrow at the Loyal. Miss Fitch has come to direct re hearsals of "The Amazon." Notes at Random, Mrs. Blackburn, who has been the guest of Mrs. A. G. Buchanan for the lasty three weeks, left yesterday for her borne in Des Moines, Dr. J. A. Fuller, son of the late John A. Fuller, will leave Friday for his home in Las Vegas, Nevada. Mr. U C Kosewater returned last week end from Los Angeles, Miss oelda Brown leaves this eve ning for New York. S. M. Brown. W. J. Mortne. Mrs. Paul H. Ellis, W. White, J. A. Beaty, S. B. Campbell, E. E. Rhys, J. H. Langhren, Mrs W. Butts and E. Ormnras saton (vary day will help you stay wsIL Order Sunldst now and keep a supply of those uniformly food orange in the) houaaj always. Sunkist Uniformly Good Oranges r. H. -Barrett of this city, are among the winter guests at Hotel Clark, Los Angeles. Informal Entertaining. Mrs. A. J. Rothschild, whose mar riage to Miss Rose Orkin will take place tomorrow evening, will enter tain this evening at a dinner party at the Blackstone,- when covers will be laid for twenty-five guests. Mrs. Fred Wallace entertained in formally this afternoon at a Valen tine tea in honor of Mrs. F. N. Heller of Chicago, her house guest. The par lors were decorated in red roses and jiiiiliiltiiHtnitaiNliHlnvHniiiiaiiiiiiuiiiii(iuliiiimaaJl $ A Beautiful Birthday Gift 1 I EVERY CHILD f MAGAZINE i ONE DOLLAR A YEAR - i Gran Samson, Editor Tel. H. 3S8T, ? 108-111 N. lain St, Omaha. fifteen guests were invited in to meet Mrs. Heller. Mrs. Samuel Reynolds was hostess this afternoon to the Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae association when twelve members were present The afternoon was spent in hemming table linen for the sorority house in Lincoln. Mrs. W. M. Giller entertained at an informal luncheon at the Blackstone, when covers were laid for six. Fall Quarts I Yrs. Old SI OLD CROW WHISKEY GUCKENHEIMER RYE San lust California Wine, per quart ..50c Fro coupons for genuine" cut glav decanhira and dinner aeta. Ail coupon out wiU b redeemed. CACKLEY BROS, 2&L Tba Old R.lieUo Lkioor Hone. MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY, Jf These l KG douahmrts arc good For Goodness SakegE use HO Baking Powder Parity Firtt It will never disappoint yon try h if you like good things to eat OFi Ounces for OK conotrucb Edited btf Irma D. Grof& JDom&&cs cfcietice- Deiartmen' Central JChfScAooL. Table Decoration. The holiday month of February, with its three special days within four weeks, sets one to thinking of deco rations for the table. It is only too true that table decorations have vio lated every rule of good tastes for we have blindly followed the dictates of certain magazines whose cardinal principle seems to have been "how much can we pile on?" I hope that day is passing, and that the party table of the present is dominated by the idea of simplicity. Effectiveness of decoration is always best secured by a tew well-chosen bits ot color. In the choice of a centerpiece we taboo immediately any large, high ar rangement of flowers or greenery. A low bowl or basket or a bud vase containing one or two flowers, is al ways in good taste. The new low bowls containing flower standards in sure artistic arrangement A tulle bow on a basket handle aids in car rying out a color scheme. for a small table colored candles with shades are a doubtful addition to an artistic centerpiece. They are apt to crowd too close to the flowers and detract from their beauty. At a large table candles are helptul. They may, however, be used at a small table in place of a centerpiece, a group of two or three of them held together by smilax. I once saw an in teresting arrangement at an oblone table for eight a single candle to ward one corner and a single flower in a slender vase toward the opposite corner. To carry out a color scheme there are always nut cases, favors and place cards. If all three devices are used, two of the three should be unobtru sive. For example, with attractive favors, use small, plain-colored nut cases and very simple place cards. The place cards may be combined with the rrat cases or the favors, as seen in the downtown stores. Some of the common mistakes in ornateness are the use of ribbon or paper streamers flat on the tablecloth; the strewing ot paper decorations on the cloth, and the use of decorated paper tablecloths with other elaborate decorations. It one chooses a deco rated cloth, then srrrety other table appointments, including china, should be of the simplest, not to spoil its ef fectiveness. It is sometimes said that flowers should never be placed on the cloth, but, personally, I have always been pleased to find a blossom at my plate though perhaps I should not be I Very effective place cards mar be made by tying a plain white card to a small flower. In striving for ah effectively dec orated table choose one point of in terestit usually is the centerpiece, it may be the candles or the favors and make everything else subordinate) to that point of interest. February Dinner Menus. SUNDAY. Clear Tomato Soap. Wafers. Casserole of Chicken wrth Pea. Baked Potatoes on the Hart Shell Hot Biscuit Fruit Salad. Cheese Wafers. Milton Pudding. MONDAY. Hamburger Cakes wifh Horseradish Cream Saaee. Mashed Potatoes. Browned Parent pa. Tomato Gelatine Salad. Pineapple Rice Compote. TUESDAY. Chicken and Macaroni Baked. (Left from Sunday Dinner. Corn Fritters. String- Bean Salad. Norwegian Prune Puddlns. With Whipped Cream. WEDNESDAY. Broiled Lamb Chops. Tomato and Choose Pudding-. French Fried Potatoes. Lettuce Salad. Caramel Costard. Wafers. THURSDAY. Beef Stew with Dumpling. Scalloped Corn. Celery and Nut Salad. Chocolate Pie. FRIDAY. Split Pea Soon. Wafere. Steamed Halibut with Maitre dHotet Butter. Boiled Potatoea. Grapefruit Salad. Steamed Cottage Pudding with Cherry Sauce 8ATCBDAY. Rolled Shoulder of Mutton Baked. Boiled Rice. Creamed Peaa In Turnip Cups. Lettuce Salad. Thousand Island Dressing. Peach Cobbler. TOMATO AND CHEESE PUDDING. 1 pt. canned tomatoes tt t. salt 1 c. bread crumbs Pepper 1-3 c. grated cheese Mix, pour into a buttered baking dish, sprinkle with buttered crumbs, and bake twenty minutes in a moder ately hot oven. wi st k m r a R I WONDERLIFT KLruft MM WoftKS Wonders m$WM Htsh abbomaa eoot fl 2 - mmWm1 erlaas liked into normal PfifeS: ne.l1.f.lo.,ba. 1 Sway back ehen.rf SJ&XtSBg (reccful. stylish liaee. ISif A Nw "bridse" pre- rent, in, pro- WSP&m notes deep brestaiag and WSSStP healthful poise -SSW'2 Wondtrlift Corsets are not "something like," nor a mere "improvement." They represent an Original, Distinctive Patented Invention Rendering an Invaluable Service Wholly New The Wonderlift Bandlet copies Nature. It does the work of tired, relaxed abdominal muscles in Nature's way. It is elastic, and fully adjustable. By restoring fallen organs and ligaments to healthful position, the Bandlet re-establishes natural symmetry and produces the best style-effect possible to the individual figure. ' By relieving strain on nerves and muscles, it tones up the whole system; brings back youthful vigor and good looks. There are eight distinct Wonderlift models for every type of figure, from bony to super-stout SS.OOo S7.50. $10 and $12 A very large number of women probably a majority if once properly fitted in the right Won derlift will never be persuaded to wear any other. BE A WISE VfOMXNINVESTIGA TE! Coast , Is Yen Ckr men or micago at, tne tortutghtJy