Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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End Constipation
and Indigestion
The "New O-EAT IT Food W.y" U
Way Without Medicine or Exer
cise. It Doea Its Work by Keeping
Your System Free. From "Clog
ging," and Succeeds Where Pills
and Medicines Fails
Tha new purs food, O-EAT-IT, comts
ready to serve in crisp, toasted slices that
keep fresh and tasty indefinitcly-conUms
much more of Uie coarse outer parts of
trains than any other food you have ever
tried. Three of these small, tasty slices
with your meals supplies the stomach and
bowels with a coarse ample bulk that makes
constipation and indigestion impossible. A
well-known physician writes us that he con
siders O-EAT-IT a real food blessing: for
all mankind. Why continue to take medi
cine and suffer from constipation and indi
gestion? Try O-EAT-IT today. Kor sale
by more than 100 leading grocers in Omaha
and Council Bluffs. 10c a package, or
mailed prepaid on receipt of price. O-EAT-IT
Co., 278 Studsbaker Bldg., Chicago, III.
1 Rrief Cihi News I
' 1
Tells How To Get Quick Relief
from Head-Colds. It's Splendid!
In one minute your clogged nos
trils will open, the air passages of
your head will clear and you can
breathe freely. No more hawking,
snuming, blowing, ncadache, dryness.
no struggling lor breath at night
your cold or catarrh will he gone.
Get a small bottle of lily's Cream
Bairn from your druggist now. Apply
a little ot this fragrant, antiseptic
ncaling cream in your nostrils. It pen
etratrs through every air passage of
tne head, soothes the inflamed
swollen mucous membrane and relief
comes instantly.
It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed-up
with a cold or nasty catarrh Relief
comes so quickly. Advertisement
Cocoanut Oil Makes
A Splendid Shampoo
If you want to keep your hair in
good condition, be careful what you
wash it with.
Most soaps and prepared shampoos
contain too much alkali. This dries
the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and
is very harmful. Just plain mulsified
cocoarfut oil (which is pure and en
tirely greascless). is much better than
the most expensive soap or anything
else you can use tor shampooing, as
this can t possibly injure the hair.
Simply moisten -your hair with wa
ter and rub it in. One or two tea-
spoonfuls will make an abundance of
rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the
hair and sralp thoroughly. The lather
rinses out easny ana removes every
particle oP dust, dirt, dandruff and
excessive oil. The hair dries quickly
a-l evenly, and it leaves it fine and
snKy, bright, flufly and easy to man
You can get mulsified cocoanut oil
at most any drug store. It is very
cheap, and a tew ounces is enough to
last everyone in the family for
months. Advertisement
Yon Can't Brush Or
Wash Out Dandruff
The only sure way to get rid of
dandruff is to dissolve it, then you
destroy it entirely. To do this, get
about four ounces qf ordinary liquid
arvon; apply it at night when retiring;
use enough to rpoistcn the scalp and
ruo u in genny wtin ine nngcr tips.
Do this tonight, and by morning.
most, if not all, of your dandruff will
be gone, and three or four more ap
plications will completely dissolve and
entirely destroy every single sign and
trace ot it, no matter how much dan
draff you may have.
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop
at once, and your hair will be fluffv
lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and
look and feel a hundred times better.
You. can get liquid arvon at any
drug Store. It is inexpensive and
never fails to do the work. Adv.
In every home Sloan'. Lini
ment has earned its place in
the medicine chest as a relief
from pains and aches.
Quickly penetrates wittoot mb
cing and soothes the soreness.
Cleaner and more effective than
mussy plasters or ointments, it does
not stain the skin.
For rheumatism, neuralgia, gout, lum
bago, sprains and strains use Sloan's Lini
ment. At all druggists, 25c. 50c. $1.00.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.,
Wedding Rings Edholro, Jeweler.
Hat Boot Print It .Now Beacon Prow.
Kleaer. Book, moved to Loyal Hotel Bldg.
Young Women Moot TonightThe
Young Women's Ifsbrew association
will meet tonight at S o'clock in the
Fax ton block.
Says She Was Deserted Desertion
is alleged by Clara Hewitt in a divorce!
suit brought in district court against
Alfred LeHoy Hewitt.
Stoiimfltter I xaminors Thomas As
telford and Joseph Fatek have been
appointed to the city examining board
of master steamfittcrs.
Valentine Parly Ruth Lodge No. 1
will give a Valentine party Wednes
day evening at the Odd Fellows' hall.
Fourteenth and Dodge. All Odd Fel
lows and their wives are invited.
Cost to Heat City HhII Heating
the city hall from an outside plant,
from October 19 to January 10, cost
$..'.237.76, acording to a bill receivtd
by the city council. This is at the
rate of $27 pe.- day.
iet Pennies and Candy Thieves
gained entrance to a store at 16T0
Capitol avenue by forcing a rear door.
Mrs. L. bchaeffcr, proprietress, re
ported the loss of 150 pennies, cigars,
candy and a lot of notions.
Falls from Wagon Ed Carey,
teamster, fell from the seat of his
wagon at Fifteenth and Cass streets
and suffered serious scalp wounds. He
struck the tongue of the wagon. The
police surgeons attended the injured j
New City Hall Kn trance The old
Calendar Man Steals Two Days
From Month, But Holidays
Atone for Theft.
By A. R. GROH.
Here's old February, robbed at its
nirtb of two days to make two other
months bigger, now come into honor
by possession of more holidays than
any other month. It lias Lincoln's
birthday and Washington's birthday,
not to mention groundhog day and
Valentine's day.
Perhaps you think the Fourth of
July is a national holiday. Put it isn't
It is a holiday in atl the states, how
ever, as is Christmas. The president's
proclamation for Thanksgiving day
makes that a legal holiday only in the
District , of Columbia and the terri
tories. Action by the governors is
necessary to make it a holiday each
year in the variuus states.
The only holiday provided by na
tional statute is Labor day, the first
Monday in September.
The state of Mississippi has no
statutory- holidays, but by common
consent lhankscivme day. fourth ot
entranrp tn iho ritv hH nn Varna m ulv and Christmas arc observed
street has been shut off and the new anous holidays arc observed in
into the basement, which has been re
modeled. The Farnam street entrance
will be lowered to sidewalk level.
City Has More Cases City Attorney
Rine's report for 1916 submitted to
the city council, shows the following
information: Cases pending, January
1. 1916, ninety-seven; cases filed dur
ing 191t, seventy-three; cases disposed
of during 1916, sixty-nine; cases pend
ing January 1, 1917, 101.
To Manufacture Machinery The H.
W. Levering Machine company, which
will manufacture and repair machin
ery, has filed articles of incorporation
with the county clerjt. The capital
is $10,000. James Lucena, Willis C.
Crosby, Harry W. Levering, D. W.
Kelley and 1. F. Winterer are the in
corporators. I
New Wyoming Superintendent Ef
fective February 15, N. C. Allen, su
perintendent of the Iowa division of
the Burlington, with headquarters at
Creston, becomes superintendent of
the Wyoming division of the same
road, with headquarters at Casper,
succeeding W. T. Sailer, transferred
Baby (ioats at the Zoo A pair of
Daoy goats were born on Monday at
ine pant department zoo.
City Wants Two More Tracks The
city clerk hps been authorized to ad
vertise for wo two-and-one-half-ton
automobile trucks for the street clean
ing and maintenance department.
Ttu;e trucks will give the department
a battery or eight large motor-driven
whir. Its. Commissioner J 'arks states
he intends to motorize th entire street
det ... t in the interest of economy
and off, ncy.
Wrestlers in Good Shane Joseph
btecher and Charles Feters are phy
sically fit to engage in a wrestling
match. The city council was so ad
i.sed by a local physician, who exam
ined the wrestlers according to law
The examinations were said to have
been made before a match which was,
held last week. Having witnessed the
match, some of the city commission
ers were, amused when the city clerk
read the physician s certification.
New Signal Company Capitalized
at $500,000, the Hydraulic Signal com
pany, which will manufacture signal
and other railroad appliances, has filed
articles of incorporation with the
county clerk. The company has the
Hoover Hydraulic signal. Headquar
tcrs and the main plant are to be in
Omaha, with branches in all parts of
the United States, fi. M. Granville,
r . A. Gordon. Percy K Gwynne, G. K.
Kerrin and F. W. Lunbcck are the in
Tine Fiwplace Goods Sunderland
Hospital Trusty
Peddles Dope to
Other Inmates
Olaf Benson, an inmate of the
county hospital and a trusty for three
and a half years, was arrested for
stealing "dope" used at the institu-
lon and peddling it to inmates. Ben
son, who had heen at the hospital for
a number of years, was the only per
son at the place who had access to
the drug room.
With Benson was arrested Carl
Norgaard, also an inmate, on whose
person was found a bottle containing
tiout Halt an ounce ot dope. Nor-
gaard is said to have purchased the
drug from Benson.
With the arrest of Benson, officials
at the hospital believe the, have put
end to the pill peddling. Re
cently 1,000 quarter grain tablets of
morphine were reported stolen from
the hospital.
George Doane's Kneecap
Is Dislocated by Fall
George W. Doane of the city water
ffices will be confined te his home
for an indefinite time on account of an
injured knee caused by slipping on
tcps outside- ot the Auditorium last
riday evening. Mr. Doane did not
consider the injury serious until after
he wrestling match, when it was
ecessary to be assisted" to his home
The kneecap was dislocated. He ex
pects it wiU be six weeks before he
will be able to resume his work.
George Armstrong of the police de
partment suffered severe injuries
hen he slipped on the Auditorium
teps the same evening.
olice Nab Drug Clerk
Who Tries to Cash Check
Arson Hunter, 1413 South Thir
teenth street, an employe of Sherman
& McConnell Drug company, was ar
rested, charged with trving to cash a
check that did not belong to him.
Hunter, police say, was sent to mail
number of checks for. the firm he
works for and on his wav extracted
one of them and tried to cash it.
various states. Here are some 01
January 8, anniversary of the battle
of New Orleans, in Louisiana.
January 19, Lee's birthday, in Flor
ida, Georgia, North and South Caro
lina, Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi
and Arkansas.
February 12, Georgia dav, in Geor
gia. Holidiv for Carnivals.
Shrove Tuesaay. in Alabama and
Florida (in counties having a car
nival). March 2, anniversary of Texan inde
pendence, in Texas.
March 4, Inauguration day, in Dis
trict of Columbia, in years when a
president is inaugurated.
March 22, emancipation day, in
Porto Rico.
Good Friday, in eleven states.
April 12, Halifax independence reso
lutions, in North Carolina.
April 13, Thomas Jefferson's birth
day, in Alabama.
April 19, Patriots' day, in Maine and
April 21, anniversary of the battle
of San Jacinto, in .Texas.
Arbor day, which might be called
the "most useful holiday," was started
in Nebraska and is now observed in
most of the states on various spring
dates, according to climatic condi
tions, for tree planting.
April 26, Confederate Memorial dav
in four southern states.
May 10, Confederate Memorial day.
in two southern states.
May (second Friday) Confederate
dav, in J ennessee. -J
May 20, signing of the Mecklen
burg declaration ol independence.' in
North Carolina.
Decoration Day in North.
May 30, Decoration day in all states
except eight southern states.
June 3, Jefferson Davis' birthday, ir
eight southern states.
June 1 1, Kamchamcha day, in Ha
June IS, Pioneer day, in Idaho.
June 10, Admissior day, in Wyo
ming. June 24, Pioneers' day, in Utah.
June 2s, Landing of American
troops, in Porto Rico.
August 1, Colorado dav. in Colo
August 16. Bennington battle dav,
in Vermont.
September 9, Admission dav. in
Septemberl2. Old Defenders' dav.
in Baltimore, Md.
October 12, Columbus day, in twen
tv-one states.
October 18, Alaska day, in Alaska.
i Knocks Obstinate 8
? Coughs in a Hurry 8
S A Simple Hone-Made Remedy g
g that Geta at the Canae. S
fmmm mert-o-Mt)
Bronchia. Croup, Cough and Colds, of
insoey back. Sofe and guaranteed by
Stkwmuv k. HeConnall Drug Co.
Some Good Advice.
"Don't think too much of your own
methods. Watch other people's ways
ana learn troin tnem. 1 nis is good
advice, especially when bilious or
constipated. You will find many peo
ple who use Chamberlains Tablets for
these ailments with the best results,
and will do well to follow their ex
ample. Advertisement.
Try Stnaa'i liniment for KJienm&ilam.
If rou have rheumatism, lambaco,'. get
a 26c bottle of Sloan' LlnlmenL It fcllla
the pain. All drUffaiaUL Advertisement.
Thousands of Deoole normally healthv
in everv other resnect. are annoyed with
a persistent hanging-on bronchial cough
year aiur year, uiaiuruing tueir sleep
and making life disagreeable. It's so
needless there's an old home-made
remedv that will end such a comrh
easily and quickly.
uec irom any druggist - zu, ounces ol
Pinex" ( 50 cents worth ) , pour it into
nint bottle and fill the bottle with nlain
granulated Bugar syrup. Begin taking
it at once. Gradually hut surely you
will notice the phlegm thin out and then
disappear altogether, thus ending a
couch that, vou never thought would end.
it also promptly loosens a dry or ticht
eongh, stops the troublesome throat
tickle, soothes the irritated membranes
that line the throat and bronchial tubes,
and relief comes almost immediately.
A day's use will usually break up an or
dinary throat or chest cold, and for
bronchitis, croup, whooping cough and
bronchial asthma there is nothing
better. It tastes pleasant and keeps
Pinei is a moat valuable concentrated
compound of genuine Norway pine ex
tract, combined with guaiacol and is
used by millions of people every year
for throat and chest colds with splendid
To avoid disappointment, ask yonr
drngp-ist for "2 ounces of Pinex" "with
full directions and don't accept anything
else. A guarantee of absolute satisfac
tion or monev promptly refunded goes
with this preparation. The Pinex Co..
I't Wayne. Ind.
Imw met ui mn III Trw Imma
IntmTMt hi drama
hat wanad atmply
becauaa of tha un
pracadentad interact
the public taltea fat
burlesque. Don't ba
iley a it? Go thii
weak yourself If
you're really open to
October 31, Admission day, in
November 1, AH Saints' day, in
November (firs Friday), Tioneer
day, in Montana.
High School Boy
And Baby Victims
Of Meningitis
Walter Koeper, 17-year-old attend
ant of High School of Commerce, last
Saturday morning was stricken with
an illness which has been HJavnrwrl a
cerrebro-spinal menii gitis. He is be
ing attended at a hospital. He is a
son of Mr. and .Mrs. K. II. Koeper;
of ll Larimorc avenue. J
The health department will fumi
gate the High School of Commerce.
Another South Side virt'.m of this.!
disease is Mclvin Higgins, S years i
of age, living at 5615 South Thirty-!
third avenue. He died at noon. '
War Argument Ends When !
Blanton Gets Broken Skull;
An iron bar which fractured Clar
ence blanton s skn 1 r 3
I argument in the American Smelting
! and Refining company's plant. Hlan-
ton, who lives at the St. James hotel,
I was arguing with a fellow-workman
, about the submarine issue w hen
I Blanton was hit on the head. He is!
I at St. Catherine's hospital in a dan-1
1 gerous condition. The police know 1
! the name of his assailant.
! Alleges Delivery Firms'
Do Not Take Out Licenses,
"The city license inspector's office I
Is a inke " i an 3ll.n-,,i.. -.1. :.. !
. , ,. M.nni.n lllilMt III.
letters written by K.A. i'utm.iii. mana-!
ger of the Auto Delivery ami Mes
senger company, lb City Commis
sioner Butler and referred by the I
commissioner to the city council.
It is alleged that four messenger
companies operated during 1916 with
city licenses as required by law; that
the city license inspector's attention
was called to this situation and that
the matter went by default.
"It is not fair to the companies who
are complying with the law. If the
license inspector docs not make these
companies take out licenses, I will
swear out warrants against them my
self," wrote Mr. l'utniau.
Texas Legislature Kills
Proposed Boxing Law
Austin. Tex., I-eb. U.-A hill to
allow ten-round boxing bouts in
Texas was killed in the house of rep
resentatives today when the enacting
clause was stricken out. It was de
feated wtih an overwhelming number
of negative votes.
Don't Use Dyes Restore
Natural Color With
Healthful Remedy
Money Back Guarantee. '
Big Demand for Rooms
At the Ad Club Convention1
If the Omaha Ad club fellows want;
a piace 10 sleep wlien they go to St.
Louis this Slimmer for !h n.;nnl
convention they will have to get their
ma in soon lor rooms in the hotels,
for rooms are going fast.
Clyde II. Smith, who was in Omaha
from Kansas City yesterday, said that
the moment St. Louis n' .-lin.
the meeting place Chicago wired fur
1 .000 reservations in the hotels; 'hat
Cincinnati soon fol!nurrt ,,-irN
quest for 600 rooms, and so on. He
urged the Omaha fellows to make
up their list of delegates very soon
and reserve room if ili- i.i i.-
certain of a place to sleep.
Asks Big Damages for
Slipping On the Sidewalk
Mary Coleman has advised the city
commissioners that she will begin suit
against the city for $10,000 personal
damajfes for injuries suffered when
she slipped on an icy sidewalk at
Thirtieth and Spalding streets. She
is now being attended at a hospital.
An Effective Laxative
For Growing Children
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
Highly Recommended as
a Family Remedy
, In children the slightest irregulari
ty of the bowels has a tendency to
disturb the entire digestive system,
and unless promptly remedied invites
serious illness. The experienced
mother knows that by training her
children to regularity in this respect,
and when occasion arises administer
ing a mild laxative, she will have little
need tor the doctors services.
Mrs. Leo Weigand. 325 Central
Ave., N. S Pittsburg, l'a., whose two
boys, I-rank and Joseph, are shown
m the illustration, writes that she has
found Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin a
most effective laxative, nut only for
the children but also for herself, and
that she will always keep it in the
house to use when needed. Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin is a combination
of simple laxative herbs with pepsin
that arts easily and naturally, with
out griping or other pain or discom
fort. It is pleasant to the taste so
that children like it, and is equally
effective on the strongest constitution.
Joseph LfoWcifend
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin can be
obtained at any drug store for fifty
cents, and should have a place in
every home. It will save many times
its cost in lessened doctor bills and
maintain the health of the entire fain
ily. To avoid imitations and ineffec
tive substitutes be sure to get Dr.
Caldwell's .Syrup Pepsin. See that a
facsimile of Dr. Caldwell's signature
and his portrait appear on the yellow
carton in which the bottle is packed.
A trial bottle, free of charge, can be
obtained by writing to Dr. W. B.
Caldwell. 455 Washington, St., Monti
cello. Illinois.
Nobody likes to une dan serous, dirty
sticky dyes, but no one wants to have gray
hiir nowadays. No one nords to. If your
hair is gray all over, or just setting gray
or streaked with itray or if it Is faded
out Hnd lifeless simply set a bottle of
Q-Rnn Hair Color Restorer. This is a harmlesi
Mould, all reaAy to use. Ittis guaranteed
to the limit by the makers to give satinfae
tion or your money back.
In a very simple, healthful way it hrinits
hack the natural color to gray or faded
hair, evenly and irradujtlly (so no one can
tell). .Simply apply Q-lisn Hair Color Ke.
! storer like a shampoo and have beautiful.
soft, lustrous hair in abundance and with
i never ana in a streak of gray. You will
j he simply delighted with your look of you'h
1 and vigor. Hememher, U-llan is, not a patent
mrdicinr, not a dye. I(h work is certain,
safe and permanent. Only 60c at Sherman
'A McConnell, and all good drug stores, or
I write Menu In-Kl lis Drug Co., Memphis,
Tenn., mentioning druggist's name. Illus
trated, interesting hook on "Hiir Culture."
sent free. Try Q-Ban Hair Tonic, Q-Ban
L.quid Khampoo, gsn toilet boap,
U-Ran Depilatory (odorless) for removing
superfluous hair. Advertisement.
Sour Stomach, Lazy Liver.
Colds, Headache
Thra nattUna; ffaetfv ,
harmlot, natural acting, as
fe VssisaBsJ l'n"BHT Lew.oc.B W
li iiiuMi ii mm timZr
"Take One Tonight
fie Fine Tomorrow"
Burgess-Wash CotiPAtiY.
JjwdajsFebruary 13, 1917.
Phone Douglas 137.
Extra Special!
The New Spring-Day Time
Dresses and Frocks
For Women and Misses Three Groups Specially Priced at
$16.50, $19.75 and $22.50
jn $19.75. - m r-rv-
$22.50 (j
SELDOM, indeed, have we seen a more fascinating display of the new ideas in dresses
than this one here made ready for your viewing and selection Wednesday.
More Than Twenty-five of the Newest Models
Including such favored materials and colorings as
Crepe de Chene Satin Charmeuse Navy, Light Blue, Gray,
Wool Crepes Fancy Plaid Taffetas Gold, Mustard, Black,
Serges Combination Taffetas White, Etc., Etc.
In the women's section, sizes 36 to 44.
Burgesi-Nash Co.-
In the misses' section, sizes 14, 16, 18 and 20.
Two Extremely Special Values
In Women's Shoes Wednesday
DEEP price reductions made to close certain lines
you're the one that will be benefited.
Women'. Shoes Re
duced to $2.85
Wichert'a arch mode boots
hi patent colt and dull calf,
turn soles, full Louis French
heels, for dress. Welt soles.
Louis Cuban heels for the
Women' Shoes Re
duced to $3.35
Another big lot of black Rus
sia calf button
Tan Russia calf lace
Black kid lace
Patent colt, cloth top, turn
Patent colt, welt soles
BwfMB-Naah Ca. Sond Floor
Pure Aluminum Berlin Sauce
Pans ay Under Price
Two special groups:
Pure aluminum bcrlin sauce pans, with alum
inum cover:
2-quart size, reduced to 65c
4-quart size, reduced to 86c
Enameled Dish Pans
Blue enamel oval dish pans, white lined with
u i i, 1 1 r t . '
Biae nanuies; bm penect:
1 2-quart size, reduced to 75c
16-quart size, reduced to 95c
"Quality" Wash Machines, $11.50
Ball-bearing, extra large size tub, all machin
ery on top and made of the heaviest of cast
ings; 111.50.
Electric Irons, at $4.00
"American quality" electric irons, element guaranteed 1 yoar;
complete with detachable cord and stand, $4.00.
Clothes Wringers, at $3.95
Chemical brand wringer, 6-year guarantee, ball bearing; rolls
are compounded so as to withstand the effect of washing com
pounds; special, $3.95.
Burgoas-Naah Co. Oowb Sulra Stora . '