Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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Sherman County Member Said
by Shannon to Have
Manipnlated Bill.
(From a Staff Correspondsnt.)
Lincoln, Feb. 13. (Special.) As
tht outcome of the altercation which
took place in the lobby of the Lincoln
hotel last niftht between Neilscn of
Douglas and Trumble of Sherman, in
which the latter slapped the Omaha
man on the eye, Shannon of Douglas
and Trumble staged another turn this
afternoon on the floor of the house in
which the former made charges re
flecting upon Trumble as chairman of
the corporations committee and the
latter retorted by using the small and
ugly word.
Ir developed in the colloquy be
tween Shannon and Trumble that the
bill, II. R. 128 requiring enclosure of
entrances and exists of street cars,
was voted upon by the committee last
I hursriay and instructions given the
chairman to report it out for the gen
eral tile, with an amendment allow
ing the companies until January 1,
WS, to make the required change in
their cars. Chairman 1 rumble, how
ever, did not report the bill, but held
it because the amendment had not
been drafted.
Bill is Postponed.
In the committee session Monday,
.Mr. Dafoe moved to reconsider, and
a motion was then adopted to recom
mend it for indefinite postponement,
the vote being 6 to 3.
Mr. Shannon moved in the house
this afternoon that the bill be placed
on the general file, notwithstanding
this reconsideration and reversal. He
charged Trumble with bad faith and
playing into the hands of the corpor
ations, in not reporting the bill after
last week's meeting. He claimed to
have had several talks with Trumble,
and each time, he declared, the latter
told him the bill would be reported
out, when the amendment was ready.
"I took him at his word as a gentle
man," said Shannon, "and trusted him
to do as he said he would. I was
amazed when 1 heard of what hap
pened yesterday. Is that a fair deal.
Is that the kind of men we have for
chairmen of our committee, and are
we going to let them throttle bills by
carrying them around in their
All sorts of charges were bandied
about, including one that the bill was
not introduced in good faith.
Instructions to Committee.
The whole controversy "was ended
when the house adopted a motion by
Peterson to refer the bill back fo the
corporations committee. Chairman
Trumble then announced a special
meeting, immediately after adjourn
ment, for the purpose of considering
it again. '
To guard against such, occurrences
hereafter, a motion was made by Mr.
Richmond, and adopted by the house,
requairing the chairman to take a rec
ord of the roll call whenever a vote is
had in a committee on indefinite post
ponement of a bill.
School of Irrigation.
For once the protest of Chairman
Reischick of the finance committee
availed little, for the house in com
mittee of the whole advanced to third
reading the Stearns bill, establishing
a school of irrigation at Scottsbluff,
and another, the La Bounty bill, ap
propriating $5,000 for a district fair
at Maywood. Mr. Reischick and oth
ers were afraid that it was setting a
bad example and that other parts of
the state would want appropriations
for fairs, but by a tight margin the
latter went through by a vote of 46
to 44.
Mr. Good descovered that the Bates
hill, legalizing boxing, still occupied
1 he head of the general file and want
ed to know why this was thus. "That
bill was sent back for redrafting," said
he. "and has no place where it is."
Bates promptly announced that he
was willing the bill should go to the
foot of the last, and to the foot it
will go.
Bills to Third Reading.
I. Tt. 382. Dorsey and Others Memorialis
ing congress to legislate for relief of car
xhnruige conditions.
II. n. 366, Schneider; H. R. 341. Sass New
mipH fish car for state hatcheries. $15,000
impropriated: and repairs at South Bend
liatcherles. 111. 000.
II. R. 167, Cronin Surety companies for
bidden to cancel policies without authority
from state Insurance department, after no
tice and hearing.
Bills Passed.
IT. R. 451. Richard Fixing oil Inspection
fecH at 5 cents per barrel In large lots.
II. R. 50, Trumble (Jiving undertakers a
preferred lien for $15 on estates for funeral
H. U 337. Stearns Authorizing Irrigation
districts to issue warrants when there is no
iMKh on hand.
H. R. 6:1 (emergency clause) Omaha an-n.-XHllon
bill, taking In Benson and Flor-
Laundry at Creighton Burned.
Crcighton, Ncb Feb. 13. (Spe
cial.) The Creighton steam laundry
was entirely destroyed by fire, which
started at noon Sunday. Only the
charred walls are standing. The fire
had gained considerable headway, but
the firemen kept it from spreading to
the residence attached on the east of
the laundry and a barn across the
alley. The origin of the fire is unknown.
Soldier's Home Notes
Ornnd Island, Feb. 13. (Rpectal.) A
rniifitcal entertainment was Kiven at the
R. J. Koush cottage at Uurkett a ffw fve
ninga ago by Mr. r'Urk am Mm. Kinsay,
l'akf and coffee were served,
Saturday was monthly pay dky for the
homo employes. Misa Downey, (he book
keeper, nave out checks to the sum of
(bout $2,500.
Joseph Stoekman, a paralytic patient In
the West hospital Is reported to be In a condition. T. fi. Butter, also a
patient In thn name building. Id In very
poor henlth. and two sons and a daughter
ire at hia bedside.
Joiteph NbII will bo to Omaha tnt week
to undergo ari operation for a disability to
hln eyes.
Mrs. Rentfrow has moved a building
from TV st Lawn to th iouih gate of the
home. Hmall cottagoa ar- in demand near
here, a many of the members prefer to
rentd on the outside in lh Hummer, pro
vided the location in within the half-mile
Mr. and Mri. Jam C'umminirn received
word recently from their xnu In Omaha to
I he effect that his recent operation was
MiTfiful, and he has now been able to
"cturn to hla residence.
Notes from Beatrice
And Gage County
Beatrice, Neb., Feb. U. (Special.)
H. R. Ruyle of this city yesterday
purchased the hardware store of
Ralph Ramsey at Virginia. He will
assume charge of the place at once.
Mr. Ramsey will locate in Beatrice.
Mr!. Camillc Teissedre, formerly of
this city, died at her home at Marys
ville, Kan., Sunday. The deceased
was 71 years of age and is survived by
her husband and four children, Mrs.
Joseph Fountain of Omaha being one
of them.
A four-passenger touring car, which
was stolen at Lincoln Saturday night
from John Mallat, was found aban
doned on the North Sixth street road
near this city yesterday by Chief of
Police Hayden. The officers have
been' unable to get any clue to the
A branch of the Red Cross society
wilt be organized in this city by the
Daughters of the American Revolu
tion and a committee will visit Lin
coln for the purpose of seeking in
formation regarding the organization
at that placf.
News Notes From York
And County of York
York, Neb., Feb. 13. (Special)
M. W. Rayley, representing an
Omaha dry goods company, was quite
severely injured in an automobile ac
cident. Mr. Rayley was returning in
an auto from McCool Junction when
at an intersection of a street the car
collided with a car driven by a farmer.
Mr. Rayley was thrown to the ground
and when picked up he was uncon
scious. He was cut with glass from
the windshield and complained that
his chest was very snre. The attend
ing physician says his patient is quite
badly bruised, hut thinks he will be
all right in a few days. The ma
chine driven by the farmer contained
the man, his wife and little girl. The
woman was only slightly injured.
Lloyd I!. Preston and Madge Cart
wright, both of this city, were united
in marriage Sunday afternoon at the
Presbyterian parsonage. Rev.
Thomas F. B. Smith officiated.
Charles J. Munson, aged 77 years,
died at his home, 1718 Iowa avenue,
Sunday night.
P. E. 0. Sisterhood Has
Patriotic Evening
Harvard, Neb., Feb. 13. (Special.)
The P. Hr O. Sisterhood held a
patriotic evening at the home of Mrs.
Anna E. Thomas, the chaplain of
Chapter L, upon Lincoln's birthday.
The program was as follows: Piano
duet, Miss Nora Hjelm and Mrs.
George H. Thomas; Lincoln's Gettys
burg address, George H. Thomas;
song, "America," the audience; story
of the flag, G. J. Thomas; song, "Star
Spangled Banner," the audience; reci
tation, "Glorious Old U. S. A.," Miss
Laura Lanham; piano selection, pa
triotic medley, Mrs. Hattie T.
Scheer; recitation, "Review of the
Grand Army," Miss Gertrude Tickler;
song, "Tenting Tonight," the audi
ence. At the conclusion of the pro
gram, Mr. Thomas called Miss
Bengtson, president of Chapter L, to
the front and in the name of his com
rades of Post No. 60, Grand Army
of the Republic, presented the chap
ter with a silk flag, to be used as an
altar drape.
District Court Opens Jury
Term in Cass County
Plattsmouth, Neb., Feb. 13. (Spe
cial.) District court was opened
Monday afternoon for the jury term
and the first case to be taken up was
that of Miss Emma Kaufmann against
Thomas E. Parmele of Louisville, the
suit being for some telephone stock,
which the plaintiff claims was given to
her by her friend, William Volk, who
some years since was drowned while
swimming in a small lake near Ce
dar Creek, this county, and which
stock she claims was in the posses
sion of Mr. Parmele. The jurors are
Clark Gonzales. F. A. Finkle, Lee
Cole, J. G. Meisinger, J. L. Lohmeyer,
W. L. Kelly, S. R. James, Frank
Schopp, Theodore Davis, J. W. Ba
tey, R. O. Hutchens and August
Krecklow. The trial began this morn
ing. v
Two Women Hurt in Auto
Upset Near Falls City
Falls City, Neb., Feb. 13. Spe
eiaL) Misses Margaret and Jose
phine O'Donald of Dawson were seri
ously hurt in an automobile upset two
miles west ot balem. Saturday even
ing. The lights on the car failed and
the driver was unable to see a turn in
the road and the car went into the
ditch and upset. Both women had
arms broken and sustained severe
bruises. The car is almsot a com
plete wreck.
Killed by Train at Falls City.
Falls City. Neb.. Feb. 13. (Spe
cial.) An unidentified Mexican about
30 years old was killed in the Mis
souri Pacific division yards here Sun
day about 1 p. m. by passenger train
No. iuj, northbound. He steoDed
from between a string of cars on one
of the side tracks and did not see the
passenger train. There was nothing
by which he could be identified. It is
thought that he had arrived that
morning from the north. The bodv
was interred in the cemetery at the
county Jarm Monday morning.
A Smooth, Hairless
Skin for Every Woman"
(The Modern Beauty.)
With the aid of a plain delatone
paste it is an easy matter to rid the
skin of unsightly hairy growths. The
paste is made by mixing some water
with powdered delatone. This is ap
plied to the hairs not wanted and
after 2 or 3 minutes rubbed off and
the skin washed, when every trace
of hair will have vanished. When you
go to your druggist for delatone, be
sure you get the genuine article. Adv
Are Your Bowels Regular?
Dr. King's New Life rills will keep the
trowels resolsr and overcome constipation,
relieve Indigestion and slckJiedat'he. iSc.
All druggists. Advertisement.
The Crime
of the Age
in committed every day
by the line of wrong
StImocs. 1 will examine
your eyes and fit them
properly. If you hmve
not the remdy cash, you
can arrange tn make it in payment.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
dr. j. t. McCarthy
Salts 707-709 Brandels Bldg. ' Red 4499.
Rocky Road Ahead of Retailer,
Is Prediction of Associa
tion President.
Supreme Conrt Rules State Can
Collect Only Enough
Meet Expenses.
(From a Staff Correspondent. I
Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 13. (Special
Telegram.) The state of Nebraska
cannot charge more for inspection of
oils than the real expense necessary
to make the inspection. This is the
opinion of the supreme court handed
down this morning in the cases
brought by the oil companies to re
strain the state oil department from
charging 10 cents a barrel for inspec
tion of oils. The opinion was writ
ten by Judge Cornish and was his
first since election to the court. There
is in the hands of the supreme court
oil inspection fees amounting to
about $115,000.
(From a 'Staff Correspondent
Lincoln, Xeb., Feb. 1.1. (Special
Telegram.) A rocky road confronts
the retailer, according to V. C. El
liott, president of the Nebraska State
Retailers, in session here this week.
More small merchants will he regu
late to the rear, because of the
growth of commercialism In the fu
ture than at any lime in the whole
past, was the way he put it in an
address today.
He discussed th' matter of high
prices a"d said that thorough organi
zation on the part of the retailers was
the only solution and even then the
situation might be serious. That the
retailer was somewhat to blame, be
cause of his inefficiency ami the lack
of effective advertising, was also his
James B. Moorman, representative
of th" Federal Farm Loan bureau
said aht the new system would mean
much to the retailer as it would give
him roe business and more n( a
basis. He got a round of applause
whe" he said that home enterprises
of.whafver character should receive
the lowaly support of every citizen.
Frank 1. Ringer and C. W. Russell
of Omaha and several others, gave
talks on co-operation. In the even
ing, John A. Brush of St. Louis, gave
an illustrated lectur11 on shoes.
Columbus, Neb., Feb. Li. --("Special
Telegram.) Confirmed Bachelorhood
in this city lost its most honored mem
ber with the marriage Monday morn
ing of I'eter J. McCaffrey, city water
commissioner and cx-railroatl man, 1o
Miss Mamie McTaggart, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McTaggart.
"I'ete," as the bridegroom is pop
ularly known, is secretary of the local
aerie of Kaglcs and a member of the
Llks Lodge. The wedding ceremony
took place in St. lionaventuras'
church. Rev. Father' Hillary, officiat
ing. Miss Mac Rossiter and Mrs.
Richey of Omaha were the brides
maid and matron of honor and the
bridegroom was attended by George.
Turner as best man. Following a
honeymoon trip to Omaha the couple
will reside temporarily at the borne
of the bride's parents. v
Fairhiiry. Neb., Feb. 1.1. (Special.)
At the home of A. R Duggcr of
this city today his eldest daughter,
Miss Gracia, was married to Dwight
B. Young. Rev. ). T. Parker of the
Baptist church officiated. Mr. and
Mrs. Young departed for St. Joseph,
Mo., to spend their honeymoon.
Miss Kmilic M. Hamann of Lake
Park, la., and L. D. Dierks were mar
ried by Rev. Charles V. Savidge
Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock.
They were accompanied by James M.
Miss Jennie Mann, daughter of Au
gustus Mann, and Lewis P. Moss,
both of St. Edwards, Neb., were mar
ried by Rev. Charles W. Savidge
Monday evening.
News Notes of Tecumseh.
Tecumseh, Neb., Feb. 13. (Special.)
Nexws comes to Tecumseh that
Frank P. Alexander, for many years
in the hardware business in this city,
died at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Noble White, at Santa Cruz,
Cal. Mr. Alexander was aged 65
years. He is survived by his widow
and two daughters. The family left
Tecumseh for California thirteen
years ago.
Robert Rijss. 13-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Ross, of Lincoln,
formerly of Tecumseh, who was
knocked down and run over by an
automobile in Lincoln, did not suffer
serious injury. He was able to get.
8p and walk unaided after he had been
run over. .
Railway Commission Lacks
Money to Carry on Work
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Feb. 13. (Special.) The
State Railway commission is in dis
tress. They have no money to pay
salaries of the hired hands and the
state legislature looks coldly upon
their pleadings for assistance. The
commission has some important hear
ings scheduled, one of them affecting
rates on live stock shipments from
western Nebraska. The commission
wants to send a man to Chicago to
make investigations, hut there is no
The legislature recently ordered the
commission to make an invest igatiun
of the ear shortage. Xhc investiga
tion was made and when the commis
sion sent in its hill in the way of an
appropriation to pay the expense, the
house turned it down. Then they
were struck with remorse, and jigged
back. But the jigging didn't help
,.,,.i, ( .i.:i ..;.. ii. -n.
priation they tied it up by not affixing
the emergency clause, ana as a result
the commission will have to wait un
tail Tulv 1 for the money.
' The important hearing coming on
I February 23, affecting live stock ship
j ments. covers federal usurpation of
intrastate authority.
Hold Anniversary Services.
Harvard, Neb., Feb. 13. (Special.)
Joint Washington and Lincoln me
morial services of the Congregational
and Methodistchurches of this city
were held at the Methodist church on
Sunday morning. An invitation had
been extended to the members of
Richardson Post No. 60, Grand Army
of the Republic, Woman's Relief
Corp No. 2 and Circle No. 24. Lalic5
of the Grand Army of the Republic,
and their families, and these organi
zations occupied seats of honor. Rev.
B. K. Ebergart of the Methodist
church spoke of Washington, Rev.
F. J. Tresidder of the Congregational
church spoke of Lincoln.
If you are in
You will not have to com
plain about a cold body.
It is more economical to
keep healthy than to get sick
and have to build up again.
Brown Park Mineral Spring
Baths and drinking water
will help keep you healthy.
Brown Park
Mineral Springs
25 th and O Sts., South Sid
Phon South 870.
Osteopathic Phjrtician in Cbarfo.
Have you
Your food will continue to dis
agree with you, and cause dis
tress until you strengthen your'
digestive organs, and tone and
sweeten the stomach. You can
do this quickly and surely by
promptly taking a few doses of
Their natural action relieves
the stomach of undigested food,
stimulates the flow of gastric
juice, renews the activity of
the liver and bowels, and
strengthens the digestive sys
tern. Take them with confi
dence, for 60 years' experience
prove that Beecham's Pills
Are good for
the Stomach
Larroat Sale of Any Madiclne in tho World.
&oH ovarywharo. In box, 10 25.
This Beautiful Schmoller & Mueller
Cabinet Grand Piano
tPuDy guaranteed for 25
years, with two years' ex
change privilege.
This is the biggest Piano
value in the world and will
save you $150 to $200 by plac
ing your order now.
Nat. tha Uphiard Of T.rnm
a month sends one of these beautiful pianos
to your home with stool and scarf FREE
Call today, as we intend to sell only 100 instruments at
this remarkable low price and on these unheard-of terms.
Four years to pay.
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
1311-13 FAB.NAM ST., OMAHA, NEB.
Largest Piano House in the West. Established 1859.
Sets the
For Growing
I D J Cl I Telephone
I orandeis Stores k..
The Fashion Display Changes Daily
JUST a trifle earlier than ever, ths year, we are. prepared with the my latest that
Fashion offers and tke dirision of our Apparel Department into Specialty Shops
enables us to offer a seniee, if anything, more personal thein tver.
Women's Suits
That Are
At the left, the illustration shows
one of the newest Suits of Poiret Twill
Cloth, embroidered in shades of green
semi-fitting coat, divided in the back
of the skirt and elaborated with but
tons and buttonholes; pointed gaunt
let cuffs, a large sailor collar and a ,
straight line skirt complete this model
smart as it can be and one of the
very best suits we are showing just
now. Lined with beautiful figured,
soft taffeta.
The Specialty Shop for Misses and Small Women
Offers Jersey Dresses,
Jersey Sports Suits and
Jersey Top Coats
Of course, we could not begin to describe
them all suffice to say, they are some of the
brightest gems in this wonderful collection of
"youthful" wear.
The Coat-Dresa style is very popular, buttoning
all the way down the front from the neck to the
shoe tops and accordion pleated skirts come in
for their share of approbation. Colors run riot
"Shadow Lawn" Gold, Emerald Green, Rose, Pur-'
pie, White, Ruby, Lanvin Blue, Beige, etc.
We are also showing stunning models, in Jersey
Sports Suits and Top Coats
$19.75 to $59.75
In Women's Dresses and Coats
Unusual Price
Inducements Make
Interesting News
THE influx of the very
newest styles is s'o rapid just
now, that it is very necessary
that we make room for the
newer, even though the com
paratively new be sacrificed
in doing so therefore it is
announcement like this:
not surprising that we make an
One Hundred Dresses
at $10.00 Each
That have had price tags on them
this season ranging up to $30.00. All
are desirable models, smart and up-to-date,
in such materials as Serges,
Wool Crepes, Taffetas and Messa
lines. About Twenty-four Party Frocks
in the lot made of Chiffon, Georgette
and Silk.
New Spring Coats Are
Here at Popular Prices
Snappy styles, in Gaberdines, Serg
es, Poiret Twills, Velour Checks and
Novelty Mixtures; new belted or flar
ing models, made doubly attractive
by clever collars of fancy or plain
silks; pockets are a feature.. Fancy
buttons and stitchings all contribute their
share to the charm that is undeniable.
Prices: $15, $19 and $22.50.
Second Floor.
Sweets for Your Sweetheart on St. Valentine's Day
DON'T FORGET to visit the Candy Department, where all sorts of Candies and
appropriate Novelties are ready. It is the day of vail days when a gift of Sweets is
appreciated and don't forget the little ones.
Special Cream Heart Wafer, red, pink and
white, at, per lb 40c
Beautiful Heart Boxes, all sizes from Vi-lb. to
6 lbs., filled with our finest confectionary.
V4-lb. box filled, at 50c
1- Ib. Heart Box, at 75c
2- lb. Heart Box, at $1.25 lo $5.00
Small Heart Boxes, empty, at 5c to 19c
Candy Fairy Hearts, Conversation Hearts and
Butterfly Hearts, at 29c
Candy Peanut Hearts, each 5c, 10c and 15c
Special Heart Brick Ice Cream, any color,
packed and delivered to all parts of the city, .
quart brick , 50c
Double Brick Heart Ice Cream, quart brick. , ,75
PompoUo Room.
rOlVUNr wonderful Basement Sale of Shoes-See
vA-flVIlll vJ Wednesday paper's for details. -