Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1917, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Yon cu
your want-ad at
night service for
yoar convenience.
Tyler 1000.
Cloudy;. Colder
VOL. XL VI. NO. 206.
Oh train, at Hotati.
Nawi Standi, ttc, Jfl.
Armed Band Reported to Have
Entered U. S. Northwest of
Hachita and Escaped
With Men and Loot.
Number of Mexican Ranch
Hands and Live Stock Also
Seized by Raiders.
El Paso, Tex, Feb. 13. Armed
Mexicans, believed to have been Villa
followers, crossed the border sixty
miles southwest of Hachita, N. M.,
today and took prisoners three Mor
mons, a number of Mexican ranch
hands and live stock, according to a
telegram received here late today
from Hachita by an American cattle
man. The message was received from Bob
Morehead, foreman of the Alamo
Hueco ranch, saying the "Corner
ranch," which is on the American
ide of the line, was raided by armed
and mounted Mexicans.
Included among the property taken
was thirty-five mules, $1,500 in com
missary stores and other ranch stock.
The Mexican families also were asid
to have been forced to accompany
the bandits, in addition to the Mex
ican ranch hands, according to the
Seek to Confirm Report.
Columbus, N. M, Feb. 13. Military
officers here were making every ef
fort tonight to confirm the reported
raid of the "Corner Ranch" on the
American side of the border, south
west of Hachita, N..M.
Another message received by Amer
ican cattlemen here today told of a
raid on the Nogales ranch, located on
the Mexican side of the boundary,
south of Hachita, N. M., but which
is owned by American cattlemen.
The "Corner Ranch," so-called be
cause it is located in a corner formed,
by an offset in the international "boun
dary near Monument No. S3, extends
for several miles along the American
side of the boundary and Is located
entirely in American territory.
Ten dead horses were found on the
Nogales ranch after the Mexicans had
raided it and a large quantity of sup
plies, ranch stock and other prop
erty was taken, the message stated.
Several ranch employes were made
, prisoners.
Traffic Is Suspended. .,'
Juarez, Feb. 13. All passenger
traffic has been suspended on the
Mexican Central railroad between
here and Chihuahua City in order to
use the passenger equipment for mov
ing troops to Juarez and into the
Casas Grandes country to oppose the
advance of the Villa forces toward
the border.
Another troop train arrived at 4 a.
m. today with 250 calvalry from the
Chihuahua City garrison, increasing
the strength of the local garrison to
1,000 men, according to General Jose
Carlos Murguia. Other troop' trains
are scheduled to arrive late today
and tomorrow, carrying the re
maind of the 1,500 cavalry reinforce
ments from the state capital.
As soon as these arrive General
Murguia personally will take the field
against Jose Ynez Salazar, who is
reported in the vicinity of Palomas,
and will leave General Pablo Gon
zales in temporary command of the
border garrison here. These troops
will leave the railroad at Barreal,
forty miles southwest of here, and
march overland toward Palomas to
engage the Villa forces, it was an
nounced. ,
Eight-Hour Law for Women
Workers Gets Death Blow
Charleston, S. C, Feb. 13. The
bill providing for an eight-hour day
for women was practically killed to
day when the house by a vote of 44
to 42 declined to recall the measure
from the committee, where action on
it had been indefinitely postponed.
The Weather
For Nebraakar-Cloudy ; colder
Temperatnrw at Onwh,
t Hour. nee.
. m.
, 27
t a, m
7 a. m 27
8 a. m 24
a. m.. 25
10 a. m 26
11 a. m 27
12 m 28
1 P. m 30
2 P. m 30
3 p. m 32
4 P. m :(3
5 p. m 32
6 p. m 31
1 P- m so
8 P. m as
ComparatWe Local Record.
iicnen yesteraay . . . . 33 14
Lowest yesterday.,.. 24 4
Mean temperature.... 28 5
Precipitation 00 .00
Temperature and precipitation departure
from the normal:
Vorrnal temperature 23
Rxcew for the day " 5
Total excess nines March 1 .""no
Normal precipitation OS inch
Deficiency for the day 03 inch
Total rainfall nine Marrh 1 17.42 inches
Deficiency since March 1 .... 12 93 inches
Deficiency cor. period, im 69 Inch
Defciency cor. period, 1914 1.64 inches
Bporto from Station at 7 p. m.
Station and State Temp, nigh- Rain
ui "ostnor. (p.m. ejit.
inejiinnB, Mowing.
t)avenoort. cra 1
Denver, snowing 28
Dea Molnea, clear 32
nodge City, cloudy
North Platte, cloudy.'."," 28
Omaha, part cloudy.... 30
Pueblo, cloudy 3g
Rapid City, clear 26
Halt Lake City, cloudy. 2
Santa Ke, snowing-. . . . .
Sheridan, part cloudy., 30
Sioux City, cloudy 25
Valentin, clear 26
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
Indicates below zero.
L. A. WELSH, Meteorologist.
Proposed Law Would Open
Ports of U. S. to Warships of
Nations Fighting It.
Washington. Feb. 13. A bill di-
rected against ruthless submarine
warfare and proposing to open the
ports, harbors and waters of the
United States in time of war to war
ships or vessels of belligerents against
whom such warfare is waged, was in
troduced today by Senator Saulsbury
of Delaware, president pro tempore
of the senate and a member of the
foreign relations committee. At his
request it was referred to the com
The bill is entitled "an act to dis
courage the violation of international
law upon the high seas.
"This measure." said Senator Sauls
bury, "may enable the government,
without a declaration oi war, to as
sist in preventing violation of inter
national rights at sea, by giving as
sistance to those engaged in abating
unrecognized and unwarranted svs
tems of warfare. It is a step that
may be effective in the present inter
national crisis without a declaration of
war on our part.
Uther senators pointed out that the
bill would permit the United States
to give aid to the entente allies as
long as the German submarine cam
paign is maintained, without any fur
ther action of congress civintr the
president authority to use armed
forces of the nation to protect Ameri
can seamen and property on the seas.
1 here was no discussion of the bill
in the senate, although many senators
after its introduction pointed out that
in tne present situation the measure
would open the ports of the United
States to British, French or other al
lied warships convovin.7 merchant
vessels, and also would enable bel
ligerents to patrol the waters of the
United states Jreely m a campaign
against German raiders.
National Defense
Council Names
Committee Heads
Washington, Feb. 13. Further
progress toward premanent provisions
lor mobilization ot the nation s indus
tries and resources in war time was
made today at the secord joint meet
ing this week of the national defense
council and its civilian advisory com
mission, oeven committees were ap
pointed 'to take charge of the division
work, with a member of the commis
sion as chairman -of each committee.
The committee and chairmen are as
Medicine Dr. Franklin H, Martin of
Labor flamuel compere of Washington.
Transportation Daniel Wltlard of Balti
Science and Research Dr. Hollls Godfrey
of Philadelphia.
Raw Material Bernard Barach of New
Munitions Howard E. Coffio of Detroit.
Supplies Julius Rosenwald of Chicago.
The chairmen were authorized to
select committeemen from either
government or civil life.
Resigning Pastor
Says Money Not Why
He's Leaving Omaha
Rev. J. A. Maxweil, pastor of Cal
vary Baptist church, has resigned and
will accept a call to the First Baptist
church at Williamsport, Pa. He ex
pects to assume his new duties
March 4.
Rev. Mr. Maxwell will tell his con
gregation why he decided to leave the
local church at the services next Sun
day. He came here in November,
1913, and at once won the regards of
his parishioners." He receives an an
nual salary of $2,400 in Omaha. The
Williamsport church offers him $100 a
year more.' "But," said the resigning
pastor, "the matter of salary did not
prompt my decision to leave."
I. W. Carpenter, one of the church
trustees, said the question of salary
would eagerly be met by the congre
gation, if any kind of a monetary ad
justment could keep him here.
Port of Athens
Is Swept by Fire;
Many Lives Lost
London, Feb. 13. Fire is sweeping
through a large section of the
Piraeus and has caused a heavy loss
of life, according to a Reuter's dis
patch sent from the Greek port last
night. At the time the dispatch was
filed the fire had been raging for four
hours and was uncontrolled, in spite
of the combined efforts of all the
available Greek firemen and soldiers,
aided by French, British and Italian
sailors. The conflagration started in
a munition factory late Monday after
noon and spread rapidly over a con
siderable area.
A dispatch to Renter's Telegram
company from Piraeus this evening,
says the fire is under control.
Nebraska Delegation '
Back From Cumberland Gap
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, Feb. 13. (Special Tel
egram.) Senator Norris and Repre
sentatives Sloan and Reavis, the lat
ter accompanied by Mrs. Reavis, re
turned today from Cumberland Gap,
Tenn., where they participated in the
exerecises commemorative of Lincoln
day at Lincoln university. The Ne
braska participants in the exe.cises
speak of it as among the pteasantest
in their memory, the occasion being
inspiring to a large degree.
Senator Norris and Congressman
Sloan with others made short ad
dresses during the two days' cele
SeventeenifCrew of Steamer
Torpedoed by German U
Boat Missing, Others Be
ing Reported Saved.
Big British Vessel in the Sonth
African Trade Reported
London, Feb. 13. Lloyds Shipping
Agency this afternoon announces that
the White Star line steamship Afric,
of 11,999 tons gross, had been sunk.
Part of the crew of the liner was
The Exchange Telegram company
says the Afric was sunk by a sub
marine and that seventeen of its crew
are missing.
The report that seventeen of the
Afric's crew are missing was con
firmed this evening.
New York, Feb. 13. The White
Star Line has a report that the
steamship Afric has been sunk. Offi
cials of the company say they have
no confirmation. The Afric has a
gross tonnage of 11,999. It was last
reported in the maritime register as
leaving Capetown, Africa, on Decem
ber 3, with its destination not (riven
The Afric belonged to the Oceanic
Steam .navigation comoanv. a sub
sidiary company of the White Star
line. Steamship men here familiar
with the vessel said it had accom
modations for about 500 nasscneers.
second class only. It was engaged
in the Capetown and Australian ser
vice. At the office of the White Star
line here it was said the shio had been
engaged in admiralty service, but
whether so engaged when sunk they
did not know.
Two Liners Reach New York.
New York, Feb. 13. Two British
passenger liners, the Laconia, from
Liverpool February 3, and the As-
cania. from London January 25,
reached here today and reported hav
ing passed through the war zone
without sighting anything unusual.
(Jn the Laconia were thirty-seven
passengers and on the Ascania seven
teen, the majority being Canadians
returning from visits to England.
Passenuers on the Ascania said
that prior to leaving London reports
were being circulated that the Ger
man raider Mocwe had been captured
by British cruisers and was then in
that port.
Canopic at Boston.
Boston. Feb. 13. The White Star
liner Canopic from Mediterranean
ports with passengers arrived at quar
antine today.
American on Saxonian Wounded.
Queenstown. Feb. 13. (Via Lon
don.) Of the three American fire
men who were aboard- the British
steamship Saxonian when it was
shelled, torpedoed and sunk by a Ger
man submarine last Wednesday one
of them, James Weyguard, was
wounded by a shell splinter and is
now in the hosoital here.
Elwood Moore of St. Louis. Ameri
can fireman on the Saxonian, said the
submarine which sank the vessel gave
no warning, but immediately began
to shell the ship on sighting it. While
getting into, one of the boats Wev-
guard was wounded by the shell
splinter. 1 nomas Williams, boat
swain, was injured badly and after
ward died.
The attack was made at a Doint
fully 250 miles from shore. One boat
containing twenty-three men was
afloat for sixty-eight hours before the
occupants were picked up. The cap
tain was taken prisoner on tne sub
marine. Two More Ships Sunk.
London, Feb. 13. The sinkine of
the British steamer Foreland is also
announced by Lloyds.
the Norwegian motor vessel West
has been sunk, Llovds ShiDoine
agency announced today. The crew
was landed.
The Foreland was a steamer of 1.-
960 tons gross, built at Sunderlandrin
1914 and owned in London.
The Norwegian motor vessel West
is not listed s in available shipping I
Several Lost. i
Newport News, Va., Feb. 13. Mem-i
Ders ot tne crew ot the British
steamer Oxonian, brought into port
today a story that the Onouian sunk
by gunfire an Austrian submarine
which attacked it in the Mediterran
ean, December 28. They said some of
the men on the submarine were saved
by a French patrol boat, but that sev
eral were believed lost.
Lloyds Report of Sinking.
Washington, Feb. 13. Llovds re-
port today of ships sunk by submar
ines shows a total of 6.808 tons. All
the vessels named have been reported
by news dispatches except the British
brigantine Ada which the Lloyds re
port said had been sunk by gunfire
wimout warning, its crew was
Canned Food Will Be One-
Third Higher, Say Jobbers
Chirairrv Vrh It Ukl.,,t.
government's high cost of living Th-
vcauijdtiuii wun ine announcement
that rannrl var. ...Ill ..I . it , t
--....v. r,wuu ,, AUUUl ,1.1 1-J
per cent higher this year than in 1916.
D f L r?, , . ...
urwuK ui inc norma irosts, which
will keep a great quantity of fresh
fruit and vegetables out of the mar
ket, canned goods will be more in de
mand as a staple, wholesalers say. It
was aUn ascr,.! th-t tl,.
. .,i. hi,. I,, manu
facturers cannot get enough tin; that
inc larmers are demanding about 100
Der cent more for their rrr,o nA u
the general consumption has increased.
American Legation at Berne
Thronged With People Seek
ing to Get Home,
Paris, Feb. 13. James W. Gerard,
former American ambassador to Ger
many, and Mrs, Gerard are expected
to arrive in Paris XMrsday. They
will be guests" of William Graves
Sharp, American ambassador to
France, and Mrs. Sharp.
Berne (Via Paris), Feb. 13. Am
bassador Gerard announced today that
he probably would elave for Paris on
Tuesday evening with the immediate
embassy staff. He informed other
Americans desirous of returning to
America that they were welcome to
accompany him, but must make their
passport and other arrangements
though the legation here, which now
has sole jurisdiction.
In consequence, the legation has
been thronged by about a hundred
Americans whose passports are good
only for Germany and neutral coun
tries and must be validated for France
by special Slate department authoriza
tion. Anxious crowds also inquired
about railroad communications, espe
cially sleepers, which supply appar
ently will prove inadequate if every
one wants to leave with Mr. Gerard.
Berne, already flooded with Ameri
cans, was today awaiting further in
flux with the impending arrival of an
other traitiload, including consuls who
were unable to catch the ambassa
dorial train, because Mr. Gerard was
cut off from telegraphic and mail
facilities and could not instruct them
ill time. In addition, another contin
gent of civilians who could hot leave
Germany is expected..
Mr. Gerard maintained his reticence
today and merely shrugged his shoul
ders when shown ah alleged semi-official
announcement in the Cologne Ga
zette declaring that Germany expects
war with America.
Twenty-Five Millions
In Gold from Canada
New York, Feb. 13. Gold amount
ing lo $25,000,000 has arrived from
Canada for J. P. Morgan & Co. for
account of the British government, it
was learned today. This is the first
large consignment for British account
since early in January when the move
ment was suspended with tro placing
of the British loan in this market.
German People Are Weary of War,
But Devoted to the Military Leaders
' Rotterdam, Feb. 12. (Via London,
Feb. 13.) Two Americans who have
reached Rotterdam since the break
in diplomatic relations between Ger
many and the United States although
in both cases their passports had
been applied for before the rupture
gave similar accounts of present con
ditions in Germany to the Associated
Press today. One of these men came
from Berlin, the other from Frank
fort. Each had been in Germany a
little more than a year and in that
time each man lost thirty pounds in
weight. I
Theodore Wurslin, an engineer of
Jamaica, N. Y., said his experiences
with working men in Berlin showed
him that they were tired of the war.
but nevertheless determined to hold
out. Many of them earn good wages,
virtually all of which they spend for
food, and they are thus better off than
persons higher in the social scale. Mr.
Wurslin said he often saw groups of
British, French and Russiar-ar pris
A Valentine for All of
' r$$vJ en' I WT
Former Head of Republic, Gen
eral Gomez, Has Landed
in Island.
Havanna, Feb. 13. President Meno
cal has just issued a decree authoriz
ing a call for volunteers between the
ages of 18 to 45 years to serve for a
periotf oPninety days. Tt is rumored
that the former president, General
Jose Miguel Gomez, has landed at
Camaguey and that Lieutenant Col
onel Quinones, commander of the
Camaguey forces has revolted with
all his men.
Communication with Camaguey
still is seveyd and no train has ar
rived from there since yesterday.
The president's decree calling for
volunteers announces that it is not
necessary for those responding to be
Cuban citizens, nor that they should
be able to read or write Spanish.
Fighting is also reported at Canas,
forty miles from here.
General Gomez is one of the leaders
of the liberal party in Cuba and was
often mentioned as a possible candi
date for re-election as president. He
was once quoted as saying that the
elecVion of President Menocal would
mean revolution. It was reported that
he left Havana aboard his private
yacht on Friday just before the revo
lutionary outbreak.
Bill Proposes Duty
On Sugar from Newly
Acquired Islands
Washington, Feb. 13. Appointment
of a commission to investigate condi
tions and needs of the newly acquired
Danish West Indies is proposed in a
bill prepared by Senators Stone,
Hitchcock and Lodge. The bill would
provide for a provisional government
administration of affairs pending the
commission's report.
Under the terms of the bill tariff
regulations of United States would be
applied to the islands, provided that
United States and Danish West In
dian products would be interchanged
free of dutj. lvxceptiOn would be
made, however, on exportation of
sugar to the United States, on which
there would be levied an export duty
of $8 a ton.
oners, especially Russians, sweeping
the streets, carting goods and per
forming other labor. He said thev
were never molested or insulted. Of
Mr. Wurslin's ten American asso
ciates, about half had decided to re
main in Germany whatever happened.
The other American is a New York
business man, who said the food
situation was very bad in Frankfort.
He told harrowing stories of the hard
ships undergone by the people, who,
he said, were utterly weary of the
war, but entirely devoted to the mili
tary leaders.
Both of these men asserted that the
break between Germany and America
had caused no excitement, that Ameri
cans in Germany were being well
treated and that no apprehension need
be felt for the welfare of those left
behind.' While agreeing that most ar
ticles of food were still to be had by
persons with well-filled purses, tliey
said the poorer classes were suffering,
but that the country is not near flic
starvation point.
Fourth Guard Organization
Coming to Fort Crook With
Field Hospital.
Although February 21 has been set
as the day when the Fifth regiment
will bem ustered out of the federal
service, the signal corps of Fremont,
commanded by Captain Jess, will be
allowed to leave Fort Crook February
16. This has been decided upon by
Captain James Everington, senior
mustering-out officer, and as a result,
army officers are now turning all their
attention to the Fremont organiza
tion so that it can leave the post on
the day set.
The reason for mustering out the
signal corps is that it is a separate
organization and not connected with
th Fifth regiment. At present there
arc sixty-three men and officers in
the organization. Thirty-two horses,
which the corps used on the border,
will be taken to Fremont for the
wire men to use in their drills.
Word received at Fort Crook is
that Nebraska field hospital, the only
Nebraska unit now on the border, will
not be sent to Fort Crook until the
Fifth rciment has left. With the field
hospital will come the Fourth South
Dakota infantry, which will be mus
tered out at Fort Crook.
Captain James Everington, detailed
Tuesday by the War department inspector-instructor
of the Nebraska
National Guard, will make his home,
following the departure of the troops,
at Lincoln. 1
Aged Veterinarian
Cuts His Own Throat
At Walthill, Neb.
Lyons, Neb., Feb. 13. (Special.)
Dr. Cass Smith, 82 years old, a trav
eling veterinarian, who has been a
familiar character in this part of the
stale for years, lies at the point of
death in a Walthill hospital. Des
pondent over financial difliculti's, he
CUt his own throat Monday aftirnnnn
I Dr. Smith arrived in Walthill Mon
day morning. He is said to have
threatencd several times to take his
own life if his practice did not pick
up. I-'or years Dr. Smith made his
home in this town. He has a son,
Kr"d Smith, at Guering, Neb., and
a daughter in California.
Swifts Offer Aid in Probe
Of igh Cost of Foodstuffs
Washington. Feb. 13, Swift &
Company, Chicago packers offered
their co-operation to the federal trade
commission today in its food price in
vestigation. Louis F. Swift tele
graphing that be believed one of the
first questions taken up should be the
failure of live stock production to
keep pare with the population.
The commission today asked Presi
dent Wilson fo approve a $400,000
appropriation for the investigation.
The Department of Agriculture which
will assist in the inquiry also will ask
for a sum.
Caucus Revenue Bill
Is Reported to Senate
Washington, Feb. 13. The revenue
bill as agreed upon by the senate
democratic caucus and designed to
raise about $350,000,000, was reported I
to tne senate today by Lhairman
Simmons of thr finance committee.
Senator Gallingcr, republican leader,
said he believed republican senators
would be satisfied if it were taken up
Friday, and that plan probably will
be adopted.
i ,
j Formal Notice from Berlin that
; the Day of Grace to All
Nations of the World
Has Expired.
Washington Officials Now Fear
that Overt Act May Come
at Any Moment.
Washington, Feb. 13. Anotiier
communication has been sent to Ger
many throimh the Swiss minister
j here, looking to the release of the
American seamen taken to Germany
I on the prize ship Yarrowdale and now
j retained while, Germany seeks as
i surances of the status of it seamen
in American ports. The exact nature
of the communication is not disclosed,
but it is believed to be a demand for
the release of the Americans.
Washington, Feb. 13, Berlin's for
mal announcement that the time has
expired for all exceptions in the cam
paign of rnthlrssiiess, turned attention
here today to the questions which con
front the American governmei.t, in
whatever next steps may be taken to
meet the situation.
President Wilson abandoned his
usual morning game of golf and re
mained at work in his study. In the
afternoon the cabinet met and went
over the situation.
Among the questions now being
carefully considered are:)
The proposed conference of neu
trals to outline the rights of the na
tions not engaged in the war. This
has not taken form and its exact
status has not been divulged; never
theless it is known the idea has not
been abandoned.
Loaning guns for the arming of
American merchant ships. The pre
ponderance of opinion among officials
who have advised the president on
this point favors having, the navy
furnish the juna.
Action on Austria's situation in the
new campaign. The new ambassador,
Count 'Tarnowski, still is waiting to
present his credentials,
A reply to Mexico's suggestion for
embargoes on food and ammunition
to the belligerents. '
Any or all of these questions arc
expected to be decided in the near
future. i
While it was reiterated today that
the president would not be rushed
into war, it was plain that all officials
realized that the muclh. feared overt
act might come at any time.
Official Warning Given.
Amsterdam, Feb. 13. (Via Lon
don.) All periods of grace for neutral
ships entering the zones announced as
prohibited by Germany have now ex
pired, according to a Berlin official
statement, received here. The state
ment sa'ys that immunity ceases in re
spect to the Atlantic and English
channel zones on the night of Feb
ruary 12, for the North sea zone Feb
ruary 6 and for the Mediterranean
zone on February 10. It continues:
''Frorn now on, therefore, in all
prohibited zones the warning which
has been issued is in full force and
shipping can no longer expect individ
ual warning. Vessels which enter the
prohibited areas do so with a full
knowledge of the dangers threatening
them and their crews. It is expressly
stated that all news spread from
enemy sources about any torpedoing
of neutral ships without previous
warning, before the dates mentioned
for the various prohibited areas, is
"The periods of grace mentioned
were also in force for enemy pas
senger vessels because it was possible
that they were carrying neutral pas
sengers .ho were perhaps ignorant of
the new blockade regulations."
Issue Up to Wilson.
London, Feb. ."President Wil
son wishes to make an attempt to
break the German blockade; the
American government must be re-'
sponsible for what happen," says the
Berlin Vossische Zeitung in com
menting on tha report that two Amer
icn merchant vessels had left for
the blockaded zone, according to the
Exchange Telegraph company's Co
penhagen correspondent.
The correspondent reports that the
announcement of the vessels' depar
ture, had caused a pronounced sensa
tion in Berlin.
The American vessels referred to
doubtless are the unarmed freight
steamers Orleans and Rochester,
which sailed from New York for
Bordeaux on Saturday.
New York's Coldest Day
For Exactly Three Years
New York, Feb. 13. This is New
York's coldest day in exactly three
years. Temperatures dropped offi
cially to the zero mark for the first
time since February 13, 1914, when
the reading was one degree below.
Whenou want to se
cure a good tenant
for that vacant room
Tyler 1000
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