THE BEE OMAHA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1917 9 REAL ESTATE Investment A Good Buy $28,000 Phill lot, right down town, with brlrk tmproemita, paying 7 Mi par cent nflt on th foil price. Thla property ha a specu lative value tn addition to a safe, steady income. $8,000 cash, or possibly leas, vrUI handle for a quick deal. GLOVER & SPAIN Don. S962. Realtors. m City Nafl Bk. Bldg. SEE US FOR INVESTMENT ANT ' SPECULATIVE PKOPKRTY. A. P. Tl'KET & SON. REALTOR. 110 First National Bank lildg. APARTMENT I7M0 income 12 pel cent, one yeai on very fine location; mort gaffe o2M and will acoept S0.vM In trade: balance eaao or negotiable paper. CALKlNb A CO., Douglas 1.13 Cliy Nat'l Bank Bldg REAL 5 I A It I o Exchange WANTED A DRUQ STORE I will trade my new. modern 7-room bungalow at Smtthwtck (Pall River county) S, P., fo a good drug more; no Incumbrance' - m o hides barn, large chicken house, ice house, & acres of good land; running water, tree. An Ideal chicken farm. AddreM U. G. Klanigan. 340. E. 8tb SU Fremont, Neb 6-ROOM bouse, modern except heat, on Leavenworth car line; will trade for one or two good clear lots. House only 5 yean old and In first oUss condition. BIO 4 RLALTY CO.. 1015-16 W. O. W. Bldg. D. 3S: THB GREATEST GAIN 68,718 In paid wan t-ade ever made by any Omaba paper, la the record of TUB OMAHA BEE for 181. BUST RESULTS LOW EST RATB WE have exchange for Kimball Co. land. Raw nr Improved. INTER -STATE REALTY CO., Landors, 5-0 City Nat- IXmg. 8882. 'OH SALE OR EXCHANGE Improved 160-acre farm, 8 ml. from Bea trice, about 120 acres under cultivation. ..RCHER REALTY CO.. 680 Brandels Bldg. WE have so nit ud Humus and rental prop erties fo Neb or Iowa land Edward F William Co (.mans Nafl Bank Bldg REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. START YOUR HUM a! IN BENSON. BUY THH LOT. liO.HO down and 1 00 per month; price 1200 00; size. 0x128; located on Locus r St.. between Clark and Barn ham. not far from school and car Una. Geo B. Wright. Ree Office. Omaha. FOR SALE IN BENSON. Forty lots, orchards, grapes, cottage, ce ment walk, well, outbuildings, etc.. J6.&60. one-third cash. Phone Walnut 1301. Dundee. SEVERAL lo u, build t ii8 restriction. 13, 600.00. Adjoining Happy Hollow Circle 8400 00 to J1,000 . W. L. SKI, BY SONS. Uoug. 1610. Florence. WANTS AN OFFER. Owner leaving state must sell 7 acres Improved., near Florence-; Is asking $2,000. F. D. .VEAD, 810 S. 18th St D. 171 825U ACRE, acreage sold; 8 tracts left at $300 Lasl chance Call Nelhaway Flo 228. SMALL fruit farm near Florence, two blocks from car and paved road. 1611 Parnam. South Side. A GENTLEMAN'S HUM E. A stately, spacious mansion on 3iM Ave., overlooking Hanscom Park, with 12 large airy rooms. 7 fire places, steam heat and Innumerable closets and pantries. Ter raced plot. 180x176 feet. Price, $12,000. Only $2,600' cash required. For sale only oy the SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 4926 South i4th St. Phone South 1247. MEDIUM PRICED HOMES. On the South Side, on full-slued lota, ranging from $1,600 to 43,000 In different localities, with all city improvements, near schools and churches; can be nougat from us on a small cash payment. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. 4926 S. 24th St. Phone South 1247 CHEAP HOMES. VVs nave a large oumbui of small booses with 8 to rooms, ranging Id price from I $00 to 81,200, on full sized lots, which vre can sell at your own terms. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 4926 8. 24tb St. Phone South 1247. FOUR ACRES. Wlt improved Will lake tfuud ounge i'iw s part payment. S. P 3H.'W1CK & SON. livlnr 1608 300 Bee Bittg s ROOMS, bath, downstairs flnisheonakT cement basement, furnace heat, 60-foot lot, east front, owner wants to leave town. Sell cheap. Call S. 8180. 4418 South 21st street. REAL EST ATE WAN TED WANTK1 4. 6 and -roomed houses tha' can be sold for $100 casta, balance $16 per month; send complete description first tetter. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., .1 320 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1064. 1. 1ST your 6 and 6 -room bouses with us WE SELL f HEM OSBORNE REALTY CO Doug 1474 1 WILL buy a good Dundee home, sii to eight rooms, for cash; west of (th and esst of 62d. Bos, 307. Omaba Bee. - MONEY TO LOAN WANTED. HIGH CLASS LOANS. IjO.OO . to $300.00. Ten per cent .uterest per annum and 14 per cent brokerage fees. Provided by law. Lasy Payments. Utmost Privacy. Twenty-five Years Established, OMAHA LOAN CO. Licensed and Bonded. Tel. Doug. a. Room 340 Pajtton Blk. FURNITURE, pianos, ind. notes as security! $40 t-mo. H. H. gds., total cost, $3.60; $40 " Indorsed notes, total cost, $2.00. mailer, larger am'ts., proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. Organised by Omaha Business Men. 433 Rose Bldg., 16th scd Farnam. Ty 68s. Z n Dial Gross. 410 NTTctb, rT608 1. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. CITY and farm loans pro ptly ruadw. Rates 6, h and 6 per ceut. Reasonable com mission. UNITED STATES TRLST CO, 111 South 17th. Omaha. Neb. City and Farm Loans 6, and 6 per cent. Also first mart cages on farms and Omaha real estate for sale. J. H. Dumont & Co.. 41t-18 Keellne Bldg.. 17th and Harney. PER CENT to 0 per cent on beat class city residences In amount $2,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commission. PETERS TRUST CO.. 18S2 Farnam St THB GREATEST GAIN 68,788 In paid want ads ever made by any umaha paper Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 116. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE, PRIVATE money to loan on first mortgage. No commission charged. Mortgages bought. Colfax 3180. No. 1296, Bee. STANDARD SECURITY ANi INVESTMENT CO., 8 WEAU BLDG IttTH AN D FARNAM. H.oOO MORTGAGE bearing 6 per rent'sem'l ann.. secured by property valued at $18, SflO. Talmage-Loomta In v. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. . SUOPEN a CO., PRIVATE MONEY. $600,000 to loan on Omaha real estate or Central Neb. land. W L. Selbey A Sons. Keellne Bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches We also buy good farm mort gages. fcHokv luv. Co., Omaha, RELIABLE insurance. See O'Nell's Real Estate and Insurance Agency. 633-6 Bran rels Theater Tel. Tyler lett MONEY on farm loans for city and H- W Binder. City National Bank Bldg. INSURANCE, Fire, Tornado, Automobile. See Urlmutel. 840 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. 5y2 CITY GARVIN BR08.. LOANS Om. Nat, Bk. Bldg. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. MONKY HARRISON MORTON. BID Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NKB FARMS IVKBKFR R K CO luls Omaba Nat L FARM and i-lty loam. and 6 per rent W H Thomas K..lln. Bldg Doua 148 WORLD REALTY CO Bun Theater Building CITY and farm loans, lowest rates, B. H. LOUOEB. Inc.. 68 Keellns Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made promptly F D. WeadT Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Sta. LOW RATES. C. 6 CARL BERG. 812 Brand-ts Theater Bldg. D. 686. NO DELAY in closing loans W T Graham. 604 Bee Bldg Abstracts of Title. IZ dm Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co., IV CI I 306 S. 17th St. ground floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. REE DABST R A OTCOo.des t ibs it rac t oN flee In Nehraska. 206 Brandels Theater- Financial Wanted. GALLAGHER & NELSON Represent prompt pay insurance com panies. 644 Brandels Bldg., Omaha, Neb. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Florida Lauds. HAISE ALFALFA IN FLORIDA INatal Ha tbla winter Flrat cutting. 90 days. 160 to S8U annually on 10 land. 61 P. von Blk Walnut HIM (eventngal. Iottl Land. 80 ACRES Well Improved five miles northeast of Logan, la., $130 per acre. $8,000 cash will handle this. Can give possession March 1, or have tenant for It at $600. Ed B Glbbs, 3229 Harney St. OmaJia, Neb. Michigan Lands. FOR SALE i-CLOVER-LAND FARMS. Grains thrive. Drouth, hail unknown. Root crops, dairying, grazing. Ideal. Fine roads, market ; .1'3 growing days. Aver age killing frosts October 2. Terms easy George Rowell, Jr., 28 Bacon Blk., Mar quette, Mich. Missouri I ands SMALL MO Farm $10 cash and $6 month ly; no Interest or taxes; highly productive land; close to S big markets. Write for photographs and full Information. Munger, A-lifl N. Y. Life Bldg. Kansas City, Mo. GREAT BARGAINS $6 down. $6 monthly bays 40 acres, good fruit and poultry land, near town. Southern Missouri. Price only $290. Address Bog 808, Excelsior Springs, Mo, Nebraska Lands. WE FARM the farm we sell you. THE HUNGER FORD POTATO GROWERS' ASSN., Co-operative Potato Farming, 16th and Howard Sta., opposite Auditorium WE'J land made dry enough for crops or no pay. Is our way of draining land. No tract too large or too wet. Guarantee Drainage Co. Oakland. Neh, ONE-HALF section Buffalo Co. corn and alfalfa land, value of improvements over $5,000; tint location; $60 er acre; deal with owner. Box Y 849, Omaha Bee. Full SALto Best large body high grade medium priced land id Nebraska; very little money required C. Bradley, Wol bach. Neb. New Mexico Land. CATTLE AND SHEEP RANCH For sale. 60 sections, all fenced and leased, over $32,000 improvements, two good wells, plenty shelter. Will run 20,000 sheep, storked now with 1,000 high grade Here ford cattle. Price $130,000. Box H, Hope, N. M. Wisconsin Lands. WE OWN 150,000 ACRES. $7.50 to $25.00 per acre. Reasonable terms. GRIMMER LAND CO., Marinette, Wisconsin. Miscellaneous. GX VERNMENT LANDS Many thousand acres, agricultural and timber. In Oregon and California, railroad grant lands, will be opened to homestead and sale; large sectional map and entry modifications, information about county soils, products, climate, rainfall, elevations, etc., postpaid, VI. Conlan & Co., 234 North lth St, Portland, Ore AUTOMOBILES WILLYS-OVERI.ND, INC USED CAR DEPT. Douglas 32C0. 2047-49 Farnam. Overland Tourings and Roadsters. Studebaker Tourings. Max will Tourings. Ford Tourings. Oaklaad Tourings. Mitchell Tourings. Buick Tourings. Hudson Tourings. Terms If desired. Prompt attention given to ail Interested oit-of-town bu;era. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 2209 Farnam St Douglas $410. .. Cadillac "$" Touring. 1916 Stearns-Knight Touring, 1916 Chevrolet Touring. ALL TO B SACRIFICED. IS PCT. Cash rebate on your auto insurance pol icy if your car Is equipped with PERRY LOCK, Phone Douglas 3217. 894 Brandets Bldg. 11913 PAIGE, electric equipped, $210. 11914, 6-60 Maxwell speedster, $440. Several second-hand Franklins. TELL & BINKLEY, 2318 Harney St, , D. 1670. 200 SHARES' of- Gross Dixon and some cash for good second-hand Ford car. J. H. Johnson, 3761 N. 46tb St Phone Col. 2612 . WE will trade you a new Ford for yonr old one. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO., 20th and Harney. Douglas 625 1. 2 IN 1 VUL. CO., 1616 Paven port St. 60 Per Cent Saved on Year Tire Expense. D. 444a. CRfcSTOWN"Varagar"$T6 S. 24th St, parts r lit p 20, A p person '09 and 'II, Olds II. 1 .axons, $2, etc. WILL pay CASH FOR several used TWO CYLINDER CARS. Phone Harney 670$ and ask for JOHN. BERTSCHY "Kan-Ftx-It." Southeast cor ner 20th and Harney Sts. Douglas 2662. CASH for any Ford. Webster 3168 evenings' Rd 7401 days. Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT auto repairing, "service car al ways ready. ' Omaha Garage, 2010 .Har ncy 8t. Tyler 665 Auto Repairing and Painting. $100 reward for magneto we can't repair. Colls repaired. Baysdorfer, 210 N. 18th. NEB. Auto Radiator Repair Service, and prlcesright. 218 S, 19th. D. 78M. PERSONAL THE GREATEST GAIN 63,728 In Paid Want-ads ever made by an Omaha paper. Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1916. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATB. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, tnaga slnes. We collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4126 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new borne, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. MISS LARSON Baths, massage and mani curing Scalp and facial massage. Staats Institute, 150ti Harney St D. 7097. Open evenings and Sundays. PRIVATE home for Invalid and lck poo ple. L. Honig. 3348 Pratt St.Cotfax 3384. MISSES LILLY AND GOULD BaTnT" maj sage. 1322 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 2410. LUELLA WEBSTER, massage and" mani curing. 61H Pax ton Blk. Red K400. MISS S. BENJAMIN, manicuring, facial, scalp treatment. Staats Ins. 1608 Harney. MISS NASH BRUCMAN. scientific masseuse and baths. 203 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. ALL Right Private Maternity Home, 3011 Miami St Webster 2808. SCIENTIFIC massage. 620 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 6372. E. BROTT Magnetic massage. 2424 Cuming MISS LILLY, mass., chiropody. 1322 Farnam. Manicuring and mass, 1623 Farnam. Rm. 1$. Hor45s Live Stock Vehicles 3.726" flRED ewesmbouletteiiran tine condition, shear 11 lbs. MA ewe lambs, coming yearlings, from above ewes and blackface bucks; will allow sheep to b run on range that Is tine until July. Price l0.7f each. AH ewes under f years old. Box H. Hope, N. M. BARGAIN" for -aah7 li """faVm" maree, nyxn mulesfidy Owner. 21 2T Douglas Ht. FARM LAND WANTED RAI'CHES. Farm Lands, bought sold, ex changed. S. S. and R. E. Montgomery. REAL ESTATE A most attractive home built to live in, not to rent; built to last a lifetime ; beautifully finished and decorated ; ' in the very best residence district. Thin is one of the best built homes in Omaha. Stone foundation and base ment under the whole house, and solid brick above; full brick cross wall. No veneer. The porch steps, front, hack and to the sun parlor, are all stone. The roof is slate. The coal bins and fruit cellar of tile. There is practically no cost for painting or re pairs. The library with built-in book cases is solid cherry; the halls and stair case of oak. The dininp room is pan eled in Venitian oak. All floors up stairs as well as down are hardwood, quarter-sawed beach, except the kit chen, which is maple, and tile under the stove. A large double storm win dowed and screened sun porch is con nected with both the library and din ing room by French doors. T)y: walls of the first floor and uppe" hall are covered with hand decorirted burlap, except the music room. There are three bath rooms, the ample closets all have outside windows and ward robes and chest of drawers, which will delight, any woman. There is a laundry, , fruit cellar, furnace room and space which can be finished for a billiard room in the basement, which is cemented throughout. Soft water is furnished from a large cis tern. The house has a gas hot-water heater for summer use, thermostat, electric outlets, etc. It is so well built that 15 tons of coal will heat it throughout, and with solid brick walls it is wonderfully cool in summer. As it is at the very crest of the hill in the summer there is always a breeze there if anywhere. It is con venient to the car line and in the choicest residence section of Omaha. The price is very reasonable, and terms will be made to suit the buy er's convenience. CALL AT 3903 DEWEY AVE., OR TELEPHONE HARNEY 3462. LEGAL NOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS' MRBT1NO. The annual meeting of the atockholdera of The Bee Publishing Company will be held at the office ot eald company, Omaha. Nebraska, at 4 o'clock p. m., on Monday, March Mb, 1H17, for the election of the Board of Directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other busi ness as may properly com. before tha moot, ing. By order of the President. N. P. FEIU Secretary. S P4d5t NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land Company will be held at the office of aald Company, Room 701, First National Bank Building, Lincoln, Ne braska, at 11 o'clock a. m., on the Seventh day of March A. IX, 1117. Lincoln, Nebraska, Marrh 6th, 1917. C. H. MOaUILL, President. W. W. TURNER, Secretary and Treasurer. S7-K6130t Kitchen in Jail Disgusts Men of The Grand Jury Following its inspection of the city jail, it is felt certain that the grand jury.will recommend that a new jail be builL The jurors were shown over the structure from top to bottom, and many of them expressed surprise at the unsanitary and dilapilated condi tion of the building. What particu larly attracted the attention of the jurors K'as the kitchen in the cellar that had to be reached by a subter ranean passage, the floor and passage of which was dirt-lined. After view ing the kitchen one of the grand jury members said: . "I never could cat anything after going down there." Comments from other members were along the same order. The cellf in which the prisoners are kept also came in for its share of unfavorable comment The prand jury spent the greater part of the morning in listening to cases being tried by Police . Judge Fitzgerald. . To Plant Trees to Keep Snow from Railroad Tracks Union Pacific officials are figuring on evolving a plan by which, if it is adopted, in the future they hope to eliminate snow blockades along that portion of the line through western Nebraska, Wyoming and other prairie districts. The plart is to plant trees. Estimates are being obtained on the comparative growth of the trees best adapted to the altitude at differ ent points along the line of road and their ability to withstand dry weather. In the event the information justifies making the experiment, it is prob able that rows of trees will be planted along the right-of-way, on the north side of the tracks. The idea of the of ficials is that if trees that will adapt themselves to climatic conditions can be secured, wind breaks may be grown up. And it is argued that in a few years these trees will have reached a growth sufficient to hold the snow back from off the tracks, even during the most severe storms. Fire Engine Driver Dies At Hospital of Pneumonia Edward F. Ryan, driver at fire en gine house No. 5, died Monday morn ing in a hospital. After dropsy had developed to an acute stage pneumo nia set in and caused death. Mr. Ryan resided at 3822 T street, South Side, was single and 28 years of age. He was a member of the fire depart ment five and one-half years. Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-iToneT. Hony soothes the Irritation, Pine Tar cnta the phlegm, relieves congestion, soothes the raw spots. 25c. All druggists. Advertisement. V HEADS OF UNITED STATES AND GERMAN FIGHTING FORCES Josephu Daniels and Newton D. Baker are the secretaries of navy and war, respectively. General von Stein is the German minister of war and Admiral von Capelle is the German minister of marine. llil yj) f VON STW a BAKE" ' "Wild Horse" Men Granted Appeals On Writs of Error Charles M. Thompson and C. A. Smith, convicted conspirators in the Arizona wild horse swindle, who got jail sentences in the United States district court, have been granted ap peals by Judge Woodrough on. writs of error filed by their attorney, Harry Fleharty. The appeal bonds were fixed at $5,000 each. Thompson was sentenced to serve one year and a day in the federal penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kan., while Smith was condemned to the Grand Island jail for three months. Hogs Set New Record and Lambs Tie the High Mark Mr. Hog set another high record mark at the Omaha yards when the bulk of the 11,000 on hand sold at from $11.90 to $1220 per hundred. Quite a number of the higher grade hogs sold for $1225, the best price ever paid here. Some Mexican lambs sold for $14.50, which equals the record for the yards. Brought Here for Burial Beside Body of His Wife Funeral services for John H, Dav enport, 53, of Las Vegas, Nev., who died February 6 t Phoenix, Ariz., were held from the N. P. Swanson Save $160 on this Chalmers Six-30 Tn 2054 Farnam St., undertaking parln-s Monday after noon at 2 o'clock John Davenport was formerly an Omaha man and be fore his death requested that he be buried at the side of his wife at ihe Forest Lawn cemetery. Funeral serv ices were conducted by Rev. Titus Lowe. Fifteen Hundred New Accounts Are Opened Only 1,551 new accounts were opened in the retail stores in Omaha during January, 1917, as compared to 1,789 new accounts in January, 1916. This comes out in the monthly re port of J. H. Taylor, chairman of the committee on credits of the Asso ciated Retailers of Omaha. Of re fused accounts and accounts closed there were 182 in the month. Fifty nine bad checks were reported to the department during the month. Four Divorce Decrees Granted; Two Are Suing The following decrees have, been granted in a divorce court: Christina Lafayette from Jesse Lafayette. Anastasl Erca from Anna Erca. - Ruth E. Burrh from William C. Bnrch. Oeruld J. Kublk from Alice M. Kublk. Anna Barden is suing Bert M. Bar den for divorce on grounds of alleged cruelty. lohn Stuchrk would be freed from Delia Stuehrk. He alleges desertion. Yes, This Is the Car! A 5-Passenger Chalmers Touring Car. A beauty. Savesyou$160if bought today. Price beginning March 1st $1250. Price today $1090. Correct in style. Full stream line. Roomy, but not too big. With a short turning radius. Low, comfortable seats with high backs. Unusual power capacity. All the energy you can need or ask for. All the speed you ever require, unless you go in for racing. Sound and safe and sensible from end to end. An enviable car in any society. The 2-passenger Chalmers Roadster, built on the same chassis advances in price $180 March 1st. See both cars now and reach your final decision. Present Prices . $1090 SeTsa-aaiisapr ig . . 1350 Stras " LaanaiM . . 1070 Sra " TmCat (AD arkas f.a.1. Detraft) Western Motor Car Chsi. R. Hannan, Jr., President. .Walter S. Johnson, Sec'y and Sales Mgr. . V. Abbott, Vice Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Omaha, Neb. ROBIN RED BREAST SPRIHGHARB1NGER Qroh Interviews the Cheerful Fellow, Who Is Perched in a Cherry Tree. WIFE TO COME BACK LATER By A. R. GROH. Whom do you think 1 saw yester day? Robin Red Breast, harbinger of spring. Yes. sir. He was busy, harbingering spring with all hif might in our back yard. He was in a cherry tree. I walked slowly in his direction. He cocked a curious eye at me. "Welcome home, dear Red Breast," I said. "Thank you kindly, sir," he replied, "but I fear I came a little early. That warm day or two fooled me." "You can't come too early to u.. us," 1 said. "Thank you,' he said, 'but vou must remember that our nests aren't steam heated and the frozen gtound makes our feet nuinh. That's why I'm sit ting in this tree. Gathers Up Crumbs. "What in the world do you live on at this time of year?" I asked. "Well." said Robin, "we would be in a tight place if it weren't for the Audubon society people and other friends, who throw crumbi out for us. For myself, I'd rather have a nice fat angle worm any day than the best bread on earth. But I'll manage to get along on this till the worms begin to appear. "1 was looking over the old nest and I'm afraid wife and 1 will have to build a new one. Wind and rain and snow have about done for the old one." He looked up in a maple tree at the fluttering remnants of last year's nest. i "Do you mean to tell me you find your way back to the verv same nest every year?" I cried in astonishment. Robin smiled. finds Old Nest. "Why, certainly," he said. "But how can you?" I said. "Even a person couldn't do that?" "Ah, we can do many things that persons can't do," he said. "My win ter home is in a larch tree in the yard of a home near Birmingham, Ala. Wife is stili down there. She'll be up in a few days. Her health isn't anv too good. I just came ahead to have a look at the nest and get thincs readv. "Just a minute and 111 get you some crumbs, I said. ' Prefers Bugs, "These crumbs are very good," said Robini "Still, as I remarked before, I look forward to the good old worms and buss. "Well, just so you let our cherries alone, you can have all the worms and bugs you want, 1 declarer!. Robin looked hurt "1 didn't think that of yon, sir," he said. "I took a few Ust year, just a very few. But after I had eaten about a thousand bugs and worms I felt you wouldn't mind if I took a cherry or two just as a sort ot dessert, now ever, if you " "Dear Robin," I cried, "you just take all the cherries you want and welcome Having vour cheerful ores ence here is worth all the cherries on the tree." suso 255 2SS0 Co. I Phone Dorrglas 3958. RECIPE TO CLEAR A PIMPLY SKIN Pimples are Imparities Seeking an Outlet Through Skin Pores. Pimples, sores and boils usually re sult from toxins, poisons and impari ties which are generated in the bowels and then absorbed into the blood through the very ducts which should absorb only nourishment to sustain the body. It is the function of the kidneys to filter impurities from the blood and cast them out in the form of urine, but in many instances the bowels create more toxins and impurities than the kidneys can eliminate, then the blood uses the skin pores as the next best means of getting rid of these impuri ties which often break out all over the skin in the form of pimples. The surest way to clear the skin of these eruptions, says a noted author ity, is to get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts and take a tablespoonful in a glass of hot water each morning before breakfast for one week. 1 his will prevent the formation of toxins in the bowels. It also stimulates the kidneys to normal activity, thus coaxing them to filter the blood of impurities and clearing the skin of pimples. Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia. Here you have a pleasant effervescent drink which usually makes pimples disappear; cleanses the blood and is excellent lor the kidneys as well. Advertisement. To Preserve, Purify and Beautify the Skin, Scalp, Hair arid Handa Cuticura Soap and Oint ment are supreme;. You can find no others more effective no matter what you pay than these fra grant, super - creamy emollients. For Trial Free by Return Mail address post-card: "Crrtlenra, Dept. 22F, Boston." Sold throughout the world. BAD BREATH Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove It ' Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub- sntute tor calomel, act gently on the bowels and positively do the work. People afflicted with bad breath find ?uick relief through Dr. Edwards' Hive Tablets. The pleasant, snpv coated tablets are taken for bad breath h all he I, ,.i (turn Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act gen tly but firmly on the bowels and liver, stimulating them to natarat action, clearing' the blood and gently purifying the entire system. They, do that which dangerous calomel does without any of the bad after effects. All the benefits of nasty, sickening, griping cathartics are derived from Dir. Edwards' Olive Tablets without grip- uut, pdja ot any uisagrccaoie enccis. Dr. F. M. Edwards discovered the formula after seventeen years of prac tice among patients afflicted with bowel and liver complaint with the attendant bad breath. Dr. Edward.' Oltvr Tablets are imre. ly a vegetable compound mixed with olive oil ; yon will know them by their olive color. Take one or two every night for a week and note the effect 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. DRIVE AWAYJEADACHE Rub Musterole on Forehead and Temples A headache remedy without the dan gers of "headache medicine." Relieves headache and that miserable feeling from colds or congestion. And it acts at once I Musterole is a dean, white ointment, made with oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does not buster. Used only externally, and in no way can affect stomach and heart, as some in ternal medicines da Excellent for sore throat, bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, con gestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, all pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest .(it often prevents pneumonia). . NUXATED IRON increase Btrength of delieatt. nervouB, run down people 200 per cent In ten dan in many Instances. 9109 forfeit If it faila a per full explanation tn large article aotm to appear in this paper. Auk your doctor or druKEiit about it. tibertnan A MeConneU Drug Stores alwayr carry It In toclt- KEUEVE THROAT IRRITATION THB NEW 10e BOX FITS TUB PCKTUST tWW8t.Mac.MD.fl, AtDnmiau. BROWN'S MowiuiTROCrtES JOHN L MOWN SON. Bodaa, Maaa