f V THE BEE: OMAHA, 11..: IS I i. Bee Want-Ads ! MOVIE PROGRAM. Curat offering of the bnt MeMen Ple Inrt Tbcatan in Omaha. (Change Dly.) North. niAUOND. S4TH AND LAKE BRYANT WASHBURN. In ' "THE FINAL FRAUD" THK HAZARD8 OF HKLEN" orandT HTH AND BINNKT ' CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG ' In I MARRIAOE LA CARTE. lothSop,-" i irf aSd loturop WILLIAM DUNK1N and i MARY ANDERSON. In "THE LAST MASS" South. APOLLO, JTII AND LEAVENWORTH SESBl'E HATAKAWA and MYRTLE HTEDMAN. In "THE SOUL OF KURA SAN" Roill.rK, 5SM LEAVENWORTH SECOND CHAPTER OF PEARL WHITE, In "PEARL OP THE ARMY" "QUANT-POLICE REPORTER" West. MONROE. 21165 FARNAM HUTH STONEHOt-SE and JACK MULHALL, In -'"LOVE AFLAME" South Side. CIRPrlEtrM. 2(TH AND M ONE GGOD PICTURE i ' and EXCELLENT COMEDT DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES, MUNDELIN Mrs. 0. F.. 48, a resident of Omaha for 'hirty yari, died at 8 o'clock Friday night after an Illness of three week, The funeral will be held from her resi dence. Fiftieth and Nebraska avenue, Tuesday, 2:30 p. m. Mri. Mundt..n fa sur vived by her husband and five sons, G. W Richard and Herman, all of Omaba, and E. M. and H. A., Portland, Ore., and two daughters. Misses Reals and Mario. Iniermeat will be made at Foreit Lawn remetery. i KFFTNGER-Reh."nard. died Saturday, Feb ruary 10, aged 83 years, ' Funeral services Tuesday, February 13, 1:16 a. in. at residence, 3714 H. lfth St.. .to St. Patrick's church, where services wlll be held at o'clock. Interment St. ' 'Mary's cemetery. Friends welcome. KlNDftED William, February 017, aged 43 years, at residence In Florence. Funeral Tuesday at 13:30 from the Presbyterian church In Florence. Inter ment Blair, Neb. rOK U. P.. axed 42 years. . Funeral, Tuesday from residence, 1617 Military avenue. Interment Allen ceme tery. FLORISTS. Rfelrf QUALITY CUT FLOWERS or Atlanta. Art combinations shipped every where. Eieel)ent service to our custom ers' in test years recommends. JKSM A BWOBQOA, 141ft Farnsm Ht, Doug. 1601. KontneIl Florist. LEE L. LARMON 1014 pouglss St. pouglss 8844. LAROKflT assortment of fresh flowers. 1HEJMI0N,1SI9 FARNAM. PACKER Flow'er shop, 411 S. 'lfith. P. 31113. A. PONAOHUE, 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. if AT II m National florist, 1104 Farnam St FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HULHJC A RIEPEN, undertakers and em 0,1 1 m er,' 7 l- J th Bt- jl flom'sa 1334. PUFFt A JOHNSTON, embalmers and fu neral d tree tots. 717 S. 18th St. Tyler 1474. FRATERNAL ORDERS. "OtiNSB HALL. Opposite postofflce. New! hall for ledge meetings and dances. Excellent floor. TOUNQ A POHBRTY, .21 Brandele Theater Bldg. Pong. 1171. CARD OF THANKS. TO THE MANT FRiENPS for the sympathy shown and for jhe beautiful flowers given, we offer our heart-felt thanks. MR. AND MRS. PORTER BOGOa . , BIRTHS AND DEATHS Births Vito and' Vita Llparl, 1133 North Seventeenth, girl; Rlcardo and Alvera Fada ntt( 271 P6uglas, girl; Verardo and Etvere Ferragutl, 417 Popple ton, boy: James H. and Hertha C. Hart, 3481 Fowler, boy; Harry ana Bessie Norm. u Temp eton. siri: Peter and Ilermlne Van sago, 3422 South Nineteenth, girl; Andrew A. and .Mamie Meier. 2460 South Twentieth, sir : Andre and Edith A. Horn If, SI 08 South Second, gin; johh ana Bene ftisttox, Florence, boy Charles and Alma Swanson, 2341 North Korty-nrst, boy; Tony and Anne Benlnato, Z4D7 Bouth seventh, hoy; Andrew and Bes sie OreiY, 1044 Dominion, girl. Deaths- J. Norman Murphy. 4 months. 1704 Chicago; J am pi A. WooHman, 71, 2223 Capitol avenue i Ruth P. Dunn, 73, (303 North Twenty-second i Charles Everly, 62, Pasion hotel; Thomas Milan, 44, 4614 South Thirty-sixth; Catherine Boggs, 16, 1721 North Sixtieth; Mrs. Teresa Padroeky, 44. sua Q; Bif Clark, 18 days, 3121 Lake: Herman WestOver, 71, Forty -third and 1: Frank Holub, 34, 1447 South Eleventh; Pearl M, Crannell, 38, hospital. . .M?PJjyCENSES. iiarrlage licenses were Issued to the fol lowing couples: Name and Residence: Age, R l hard Nile Booth, Omaha.,. over 31 Mary Lula Heuck, Omaha..,,., .....aver 11 Wllllira A. Beck, Omaha...... 46 Flora B. Parker, Omaha .,.., 31 Ralph Karstens, Omaha,.,..'...... 31 Vcrn Bartlett, Omaha 18 Joseph Dorak, Omaha.. 43 Leopoldtna Hodek, Omaha.,., , 16 Frank John. Meraa....... Kits, Lang,, Omaha Ear, t. Kelly, Florence Rose Dlnff ens, Florence Karl J. Waldfrri, Alberts City, la.. Ids, Btab.1, Chicago.. 14 18 98 12 LOST-FOUND-REWARDS ' IF yeu los anything and will advertise It ' hers you will surely recover, It l( found by an honest person. Remarkable recov eries ar brought about every day through mis erilumn THE HONEST WAT, if yoo find something of value, or a keepsake of value only to the owner, la to thsert a smsll ad. The owner or the article in most eases Is will ing to refund the cost of advertising. omaha a council bluffs street . Railway company. Persons hiving lost some article would do well to es.ll up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street oar. : Many articles each day are turned tn and the company is anxious to restore i hern to the rightful owners. Call Tyier ago. - LOST Between Parley hotel and llth 'm Kerns m or Harney, one platinum din ner ring set with diamonds and .emerald; ooe gold dlaorand soiitars ring; one plati num lava 111 re with two. diamonds est In onyx; wrapped together In tissue paper. Liberal reward. Phone Mies Reynolds. Douglas1 483, or Harley Hotel evenings and Sunday. THE GREATEST OAIN 68,716 In pall want ads ever nude by any Omaha paper. Is the record ol THE OMAHA BEE for 1816. BEHT RESULTS LOWEST RATE . FOUND . a sanitary Soda Fountain "ttrcSWe PHARMACTtimdJiowarit LOrrrOn car between 83d and 17tn and Cuming, north to Spsncer St., gray leather purse.- Reward. Harney 8024. LOST Large Airedale dog, Dumber 1L - Wor.n collar. Reward. Colfax 4141. LOST--At or hear Strand theaterTTadleTB7 iu tapg. ginger can Harney 870. BTLVER hrlndle bull terrier; weighs from b to 80 lbs.; reward. Harney 8118. LOfjT Red horn cow. In NorthOmhis7 MEDICAL DR. If. FRYOR. H. T., THE WELL KNOWN Condltlonw and Trainer of Athlete . . HM Scientific Treatment for . All Type, of Rheumatlam. 14-16 PATTERSON BIJC RUPTURE SticceaafuTlr treated without a urglcal operation. Call or writ. Br. frank H. Wray. 1H Bm Bldg. . . MEDICAL TOU CAN HAVE TOUR HEALTH I LATEST AND MOST SCIENTIFIC . ' TREATMENT. CONSULTATION,. EXAMINATION FREE. Dr. Barnes treats successfully all Curable ' Diseases of the Nose, Throat, Lungs. , Stoma b, Liver. Kldceys, Heart Brain, Nerves, Bleofl and Skin, ss well as Catarrh of any part 'of the body, Constipation, Chronic and Acute Rheumatism, Ulcers, Neuralgia, Set atle Lumbago. Pr. Barnes Is the. only physician In this patt of the country admin istering this system of treatment. Investigate It. DR. CHARLES BARNES. .Suite 613 to 620 Roee Bldg 8. E. Comer 16th and Farnam Sts, Phone Tyler 1410. PR. E. R. TARRT, PILES, FISTULA CURED. "v Pr. K. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula snd other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rec tal 'diseases with testimonials. PR. E. R. TARRT, 24, Be. Bids. Omaha. Neb. Chiropractors. DR-'BURHORN, ROSE BLDO. Palmar achool graduate. Dong. 6J47. -DR. KNOLLENBERO, SANITARIUM. Ladyattendajit24th and Farnam. D. 72.6. Dr. J. C. lAwrence. Balrd Bldg. P. ,4,1. Dr. Franrea Dawaon. 6fl2-3JioaeBld:T.2366: brr7ohnat;nTlS26'W. 6. W. Bldg. D. ,S2. . Dentists. Dr. Bradrniry. No pain (It W. O. w Bldg. Taffa Dent. Rma.. 303 Roae Bldg.D. 218. FOR SALE Miicellaneout Furniture-and Household Goods. ECONOMY SALE By purchaalng your fur niture where your money goea the rartn eet. Our gooda are rare bargalna at th. prleea we quote. Don't take our word, all we aak la that you come and Me. The STATE FURNITURE CO., 14th Mid Dodge Sta. Douglaa 1317. T1!b" GREATEST OAIN 61,738 Tn paid want ade ever made by arty Omaha paper, la the word ot THE OMAHA BEE for 1,11. BKST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. . MONEY-RAISINO SALE. 16,0,0 atock of furniture, ruga, linoleum, all klnda of bedding, complete line of houae funilahtnga, 183,-1847 N. 24th. Tel. Web. 1,07. Open7:3, a. m. till 11 p. px RUG8" MADE FROat CARPETS. Write for llluatrated folder of ruga, made from carpete. Freight pd. Lin coln Rug Factory. Lincoln, Neb. STOVES, ALL KINDS. See ua flrat Price. right, city Furniture Co., 107 a. 14U. Loral Furniture Co., 311 N. Hth Bt. FURNACE, aa god aa new, cheap. 2,01 Waolworth Ave. AM leaving city. furniture for aal. walnut ll. UAIIOOANT antique buffet, 1(0 year, old. Box 378, Bee. Piano and Musical Instruments. VERY eiMClal bargain In high grade piano. raah or oaky term,, call 3111 uavenport, forenoon.. iaoo MAHOGANY piano, Mueller make. flratelaa. conditio.. 1126 caah. 1248 a Hth. Sewing Machines. "SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts of all sewing mar hi nee. MICK K 1.8 NEBRASKA CYCLE CO,, llth and Harney Sts. Doug. 143. BiUUrds and Pocket Tables. FOR SALE BILLIARD TABLES. Brand new, carom and pocket, with complete outfit, 180; second-hand tables at re duced prices; bowling alleys and supplies; easy payments. Cigar store fixtures a specialty. Send for catslngue. THE BRUNSWICK-BALK E-COLLEN PER CO., 407-408 South 10th St. Harness. Saddles, Traveling Goods. B MAKH them "oursnivea "and self direct to consumer, no middle mans profit. Why pay two pi of It for Interior goods when you can get high-grade goods at first cost 7' ' ALFRED CORNISH A Co. 1110 Farnam St, Omaha. Neb. 'Machinery and Engines. NEW AND SECOND-HANP MOTORS. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. 'LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 118-30 S. 13th St., Omaha. BOILERS, steam, electric, gas engines, xPipes Oroas Wrecking Co, 1818 Cuming. Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., also public Steno. Phone for prices. Douglas 1801. 640 PaKton Blk. 6ET our prices on Job printing. , UNITED STATES PRINTING- CO., Bee Bldg. Pouglas 1172. WATKRS-BARNHARDT Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2180. 834 8. 13th St. Typewriters and Supplies. NEW machines sold the same as rent 88 per month. See us before you buy or rent Shipped any place on ten days' free trial. Butts' Typewriter Hxcbaiige, 410 B. ltn Eft., umana, wen. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver typewriter 8 months for 1, . Central Typewriting Exchange, 180 Farnam. REMINGTONS. Monarche and Smith Pre oilers for rent: sent anywhere. Remington Typewriting Company. D. 1184. GUARANTEED typewriters, 110 up, Write for .let. Midland Typ. co.. Be Bldg. Miscellaneous. OMAHA. PILLOW CO., Down Comforters made over Just like new. All your own feathers back, when we renovate. We call for and deliver. 1807 Coming. Doug. 947- - DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelving. etc. , We only sell. Omaha Ftxturs and Supply Co. 414-16-18 8. 12lh. Poug. 2724. PRY KINDLING BOX COMPANY. WOOP. ACME HARNEY HIT. OAK and glass psrtltions In fine shape, also large office table. Phone P. 4111. SALT, $1.78 bbl. A. W Wagner, 801 N. 16th. SWAPreiCOLUMN IF TOU HAVE some article that has out. lived Its usefulness to you. make ud i little ad and ruu It In this column at 1c per word. You will be more than pleased with the remsrkable offerings you will receive. One or two insertions in nearly all cases are sufficient to get what you want TRY IT TODAY. THE GREATEST OAIN 68,738. Tn paid ' want-ada ever mada by .ny Omaha, paper, la the record ot THB OMAHA BEE ror 1,1,. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. WE awap or buy kodaka; fllmadeveloped tree, one.day aervlce. Kaae Kodak Studio. Neville Blk., llth and Harney. A LITTLE AD In thla column wilt bring about some remarkable exchange.. WANTED TO BUY. flTTTTMAN ig Fr,c UUlllUmi for Furnltur.. Ruga. Clothea, Planoa Office Furniture. Trunke, Shoea. Douglaa 3371. Rea., Webster 4201 DESKS DESKS . DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. P. 8146. WANTEP Old false teeth. Pon't matter If broken. I pay tl to 86 par set. Mall to L, Maser, 200T S. Fifth St., Philadelphia. Fa. win send casn by return mall. IF you are a former "F. C. 8." student of advertising and are willing to sell your r. u. a. doohs on advertising, pi writs box 1328, Be. TFNkTTMI .pR highest price for v ' , clothes, shoes, trunks. etc. KM szst. Rea Douglaa 8038. Motorcvcleo and Bicycles HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bar- galns in used machines. Vletor Roos. Tha Motoreyole Msn." 8768 Lmtob worth. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accountants. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. tik Ramga Blg. Ppon. Doug. 2HI. Brass and Iroh Foundries. Pmton-lntEhfflfr Co.. g7lb and M.rth. 8U. Bakeries. . ORTMAN'S NEW ENGLAND BAKERY, tl! N. 1TH BRANCH LB PUBLIC MARKET AND ' HAYDEN BROTHERS. OUR MOTTO "BETTER BAKED QOODg." CAKES. Paltry and fancy bakery fooda aupnllcd to parllfta, Indata and entertalu rrmnta. Z. H. Rdor, 1806 N. nth. W. 1,27. Baths. ELECTRIC TURKISH BATHS. The only abaolutely aanitary bath. HlKhly recommrnd'rd by phystciana. Staata Inatltilta, lf.08 Harney St. J. 70,7. Open evening and Sunday,. DR. BENDA Sulphur'."ateam, Modern Tark lah BATHS ANC MASSAGE. Flint, apartmenta for ladiea, with lady attend. anta. 1,1, Farnam. Phone Doug. 6,77. RITTENIIOUSE eanltarlum; all kind, hatha. 210-21 4BaJrdBlk.. 17th and Dnutlaa. German nnrae, maaeale, batha of all klndaT 22, Neville Blork, lth and Harney. Carpenters and Contractors. LESSAHD & SON, 2021 Cumin,. Tyler !. Chiropodists. Carrie J. Burford. 2U Paxton Btk. Red 4617. Dancing Academy. TiTT T TTYS1 ball tubs., thurs.. UULUAll SAT, SUN. EVE. SCHOOL HON. EVE. Ill S. 11th St., Op. Fontanel!. Detectives. Prf Vat. deteetlve, evidence aecured, all eaaeav atrlctly conndentlal. Gov. ref. Flo. 646 JAMBS ALLAN, Sli Neville Blk. Evldenc. .kwn in ail caaee. lyier lid.. tnterstste Detective Ass'n, 432 Rsmge Bldg. Dressmaking. Sewing by day. 1823 Locuat. Webatnr 2,1 Mra. R. A. ConneMyr2boBaird BldgD7270,7 Terry Dreaamak'g Co., 20th and Farnam. SEWINIV-riAT" OR WEEK. TYLERi2. Everything for Women. ACCORDION, aldr, knife, aunburat. box pleating, covered buttona. all aliea and atylea, hematltchlng, plcot edging, em broidery, beading, braiding, cordtng, eye let cut work, buttonholea, pennanta. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLBATINO CO., 200 Douglaa Blk Dnuerla 1,3. VAN ARMAN Dress Pleating and Button to., aa-7 fax (on rllk. Doug. 3108. Accor dion, knife, side, space, box, sunburst and combination pleating, hemstitching, plcot edging, pinking, niching, covering hut tons. all styles and l.11 sizes. Price list free. ACCORDION, Side, Knife, Box Pleating, cov, Buttons, Hemstitching. Neb. Pleating and Button Co.. 431-3 Paxton Blk. R. 4242. Fixtures and Wirinir. HTTPTf TM Eltrle washing machines, UlbXVlll electric Irons and reading lamps. 2121 Cuming St. Douglas 2618. Furnace C lea nine. BORNEMAN, fur., chlm. cleaning. P. 7288. Hair Dressinz. IDEAL Hair Parlors, 307 Baird Bldg. MatuU curing, toiiet articles. Douglas 6186. Insurance. BANKERS LIFE OF LINCOLN. 813-14 City Nstl. Rank Bldg. Doug. 2818. lob Printin-r. GATE CITY Printing Co., high-grade print ing, zbzi in. 34tn. Phone Web. 1887. Masseur eg. SWEDISH and muscular massage, electric treatment of all kinds. H tails Institute, lbu Harney St. Douglas 7087. Open ev enlngs and Sundays. Massage, chiropody. Minnie Nagle, 208-14 Uaira Hid nth . Douglaa. D. 1468. MISS LILLY Masaage, batha. 1322 Fa mm. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent Co., 68.1 Bran dels. P. 66IL Painting and Paper Hanging. PAINTING and cleaning, 60e per room and up. we clean carpets in your home with out removing same, 1 per. rug and up. Webster 2863. CALL Charles Roadh for paper hanging and interior decorating. Xouglas 3380. Pianos for Rent 13.60 per mo. A. Hospe Co., 1612 Ponglss. Theatrical Costumes. LARGEST stock of costumes for theatricals and masquerades In the country fy sale .. " 'J"Bg" ooa, loie iiowara. THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suits, for rent. 30 n. 17th. John Feldraan. P. 1128. Towel SuDDlies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. llth. Wedding Stationery. WSTPPING announcements and printing, Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Dong. 644. Where to Eat. EAT HOME COOKED MEALS NEW DELICATESSEN, 180, FARNAM. BilRROOcfHSCAFB; OMAHA, NEB. (Service), LINCOLN, NEB. I'X-Sjt"" 81. 138 g. Hth St. BUSINESS CHANCES UNUSUAL OFPuflTUNITY. Wanted a red-blooded man of unques tionable reputation between the age of 28 and 40 to fill a position of trust with a growing Omaha concern. Salary depends on the anility or applicant. Applicant muet furnish high-class ref. erenres as to character and ability, This psltlon requires an Investment of from 16.000 to 87,000, whlrh will return an In come of at least 26 per cent annually In a reputaoie urn ana manufacturing com' pany, which has been operative for five years snd Is endorsed by the leading people oi umana. In replying, please mention refsrsncea. which will bo treated confidentially. Box 1.84. uee. THE GREATEST GAIN 68.718 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper is the record of THB OMAHA BEE for 1816. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. HIGHEST SPOT CASH PAID for stores an locks of merchandise. In olty or country; quick action. OMAHA BALVARE CO., 760 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., Tel. Douglas 1833. OOOD BUS TN ESS OPENINGS On the South Side, If for sale, are reas onable In price snd are worth while, you may be sure are listed exclusively with (he SOUTH OMAHA IK V run I M KNT UU 4t2f S. 24th BL Phone South 1147. rOR SALE Jewelry store In good lows town of 660 population. Qood location, ter trtrv and rich tttrmAit and -Irtah rotnmun. Ity. All new fixtures and stock. Wftl Invoice around 81.800. Must reiA at once. Good reason. Box Y 816, Bee. MEAT MARKET. For sale cheap. In town of 8.600 people. Only one other shop In town. Call or write. Palace Market, MeCook. Neb. FOR SALB Restaurant, confectionery and rooms. Established 1818; fins business, a good opening tor a live wire. Address U. M. Plschner. Garretson, S. P. FOR SALE Good, clean stock of hardware; live town, central Nebraska, uood na- son for selling. Be quick. Address Y 287, Bee. MOTION picture machines (new and re built), theaters supplies!. Omaha Film Exchange, 108 8. 14th St. COMPLETE fixtures cf 3 -chair barber shop, very reasonable. Miller Hotel, South Omaha. Phone South 1881. WE BUY, we sell motion ploturs theaters. machines, feature films. Co-operative Film and supply Co.. ;io Biomioy Bldg. WILLIAMS, established 28 years. To buy or sell business see him. 411 MeCagus Bldg. Reference, U. s. National Bank. POWD Sals and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed out more mdse, stocks than any other Brtn in u. s. writs tor terns. IF YOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming bouse call on Buach Sorghos, ' 188 World-Hsrald Bldg. Phone f D. 2318. OOOD opening for the second drug store corner building. A splendid location. Aa dreus Q. M. Plschner, Garretson. 8. P. CONFECTIONERY business for sale; good location, box lis. Bee, TO GET tn or out of business call on GANG EST AD. 422 Bee Bldg. Poug. 247T. GUARANTY PLAN; get In or out business. All states. F. V. Kulest, Bes Bldg.. Omaha. WANT job printing plant to move to small town. Can an, McCague Bldg. FOR SALB First class bath, masaags par- lor; excel l co-location, box 13ji. Bee, Rooming Houses. ROOMING HOUSES, all sties, great bar gains. 4it Ross Bldg, mono Tyler ist. HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED Men, women to try examinations for government jobs. 870 month, vacation common education sufficient. Apply lm mediately to Boa X-iii. its. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, 8c PER LINE. Business sds, regular rates; 1 lines one week r 40 lines one week 60c each extra line. . . . 4. . . . v..v.20e per week Hale. FOUR YEARS' EXPERIENCE. 1 Capable yeung man, single, Jftnr years office experience desires posRlon with per son! or firm who can offer a future for honesty, energy and ability, present em ployment four years, furnish references and bond, go anywhere. Box Y 817, Dfta. ALL round ftrst-eiass French chef, best of references. 16 years' Europe and America experience,' Economical,, sober, , steady. Want position. Will guarantee first-class, quick, economical service. Box 1243, Bee. THE GREATEST GAIN 61,738 Tn- paid want-ads ever made by any Omaba paper Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1816. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATH. CHAUFFEUR, colored, age It years, wishes position in private family; tare mi driver; seven years' experience; all around man; experienced with all makes of cars. Box 1214, Bee. P6VlTTON as bookkeeper or manager of small business wanted. Dane, as op 17, collets graduate. Stats salary, etc Writs At Larsen. Blkhorn. Iowa. ' POSITION wanted by young man. Five years experience as bookkeeper and stenog rapher. Address Box 1178, Bos, MAN wants position taking cars of office, City references. Call Loug. 7S02. INSIDE work, mMdle-aged man; handy with tools or machinery, web. 6310. ASHES or all kinds of hauling. Tyler 281. Female. W1POW with two children would like posi tion as housekeeper or cook; country pre ferred. Mrs. A. M. NewUn, 228 S. 10th Bt., Lincoln, Neb. POSITION wanted by lady cook In small town; can cook with or without menu; state wages. Box Y 847. Bee. THE BEE charge for "Situation ads" is lower than any other form of advertising not enough to cover the cost of printing. WANTEP Laundry work or housework. Mrs. Julia Jones, S44 N. 27th. Harney 6717. YOUNG girl, aged 22 years, with hospital training, wishes private nursing. Box 1248, Bee. COMPETENT colored maid for general housework wants situation. Box 1330, Bee. COOKING by experienced colored woman; so Janitor work. Red 539S. A WIDOW with boy 2 years old, wants po sition as housekeeper. Webster 6836. Laundry and Day Work. WANTED Laundry work or housework. Mrs. Julia Jones. 844 N. 27th. Har. 5737. WANTEP Bundle washing, specialty made of silks; also One underwear, web. 1483. FOR experienced bundle washing, call Web ster 1877. prompt delivery. EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work jif any Kina. ijoogias siau. COLORED woman wants day work for Tueedays. Webster 941. PAY work wanted by reliable colored wom an. Call Pouglas 6688. FIRST-CLASS laundrei by the day. Call Web. 8027. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants day work or any kind. web. 3401. CURTAINS laundered, H. 1130. 2614 Podge. PAY WORK, any kind. Webster 2361. Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1610 Davenport St. Pouglas 188. Headquarters for hotel help. COOK In small hotef west. Mrs. Smith. 414 S. 17th Ave. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. - WANTEP AN ACTIVE OR SI LENT PARTNER; MAN MUST RE8IPE IN OMAHA. WHO WISHES TO INVEST FROM $7,50 TO $8,600 IN A BUSINESS THAT IS PAYING FROM 35 TO 60 PER CENT PER ANNUM. WILL , STAND THE MOST RIOIP INVES TIGATIONS. HAVE BEEN OP ERATING TN OMAHA OVER SEVEN YEARS. FURNITURE, carpet salesman. Prefer a married man between 25 and IS years of age with at least 4 or S years' experience. This is an exceptional good opening. Nebraska town of 3,00. Salary $90 to start. Lumber, coal yard manager, small town tn Nebraska. Salary $76 to start, with a bonus at the entt .of the year. Stenographer (Lincoln, Neb.). Prefer a man with lumber 'experience. Salary $76 to start. The above positions to be filled at once. Send stamp with complete data of experience for an early reply- CO-OPbRATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1M6-16 City Nat. Bank Bldg. TYPEWRITER opr., abstract office, $76; steno., iig; steno., ist; bookkeeper, $8; lumber yard mgr., $78; bookkeeper and cashier, $90; extension clerk, $50, Many others. 1 'all, phone or write. NO FIL MNG FEE. Only 60 cents to Investigate references. TH B MARTI CO., 1817 W. O. W, Bldg. STENO $85.00 BOOKKEEPER (R. R.) $86.00 CLERK $80.00 STENO ,". $78.00 DICTAPHONE OPR . $76. THE CANO AGENCw! 60 BEE BLDG, STENOGRAPH BR and ofHce clerk for bank In western town of Neb., A-l future, sal ary, $7. WATTS REF. CO.," First Nat. Bak. Bldg. THE GREATEST OAIN 68,718 In" paid want-rds ever made by any Omaha paper, Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 191. V BEST RECTLT9 LOWEST RATH. STENOGRAPHER and private secretary, one witn mgn scnooi education, sioo. WATTS REJPjjCO.. First Nat. Bk. Bldg. HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. ' Professions and Trades. WANTED All-round, blacksmith; stogie msn; Swede or German preferred; steady employment to right man. Andrew & Burkland. Mead. Neb. RULER tn bindery. Permanent Out-of-town' position for good man. Box 1296, Bee. DRUG POTTONS ALL STATE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-16 City National Bank Bldg. WANTED An all-around fountain man In first-class drug store for out of city st once. References required. Box T-848, Bee. WANTICD--Toung Polish man to learn win dow cleaning, good pay. Box Y 141, Bee. CIGAR makers wanted. Superior, Neb. J. L. Galhreth. Salesmen and Solicitors, WANTED AGENTS THROUGH OUT THE COUNTRY TO SELL FORD ACCESSORIES. 50 TO 100 PER CENT PROFIT. SIDE LINE OR EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS. ONE SIDE LINE MAN AVERAGES $100 FOR EACH TWO WEEKS TRIP. OTHERS MAKING BIG PROFITS. AUTO DEVICE SALES CO., 884-6-8 BRANDEIS BLDG. I SALESMEN I averaged $S0 per week for the lsst 2 weeks, securing advance sub scribers for "The Story of the Great War," an elaborate history of th European con flict in twelve volumes, three-fourths of which is now ready. Let me ehow you how. 1 want three live salesmen for Omaha and vicinity. Call 111 Balrd Bldg. Inquire H. Battgsr. WANTED An agent In every town and village In state not already taken, for two farm tractors that are astonishing the world; price $100 and $160. Reference and deposits or bond required. Salesman here Is a live wire's harvest Address Peterson. 1416 Lafayette Ave Omaha. mono walnut aaie. WANTED Local representatives In Doug las, Sarpy and Saunders counties to assist tn sale of th best land and live stock proposition ever offered. This is an attrac tive proposition ; curiosity hunters save your stamps and my time. W. Tempie fpV Ml Be Bldg. HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. , SALESMEN WANTED fori good territory. Steady position, with good pay. MULTIPLEX SIGN CO.. 1468. Farnam. . Douglas 3665. SALESMEN WANTED For, .city, to sell roofing direct to consumer, salary ana commission. Call between 9 and 11 a. m. 633 Brandels Bke. WANTED Sslesman railing on automobile trade, to handle fast seller as side line. 609 Paxton Blk. SALES positions, mercantile lines. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N WANT Two good salesmen, road work ; must be good. 609 paxton bik. Trade School. ' AUTO MECHANICS EARN BIG MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASS'N, 2817 N. 20th St., Omaha. Send for Free Catlaogue. LEARN barber trade; be Independent, mors than make your expenses while learning Wages or percentage. We don't over charge you to begin. .462 Podge St. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGSL NIGHT SCHOOL Autos and electric start ers. For particulars call Pouglas 4472, or write us. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, 2089 Farnam St., Omaha. . JAgejandanvwws ONE agent for each county to sell folding bath tub. Will give good commission and bonus to live wires. E. F. Cavanah, Plain view, Neb. - Miscellaneous. RAILWAY Mail Clerk Examinations in Omaha soon commence. 8)7 & month. Sample Questions free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. 239 B, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED--X" colored man and wife to help with housework in exchange for a furn ished basement apartment Call Har-. ney 1876. FIREMEN, BRAKEMEN, beginners paid 812&-8160 monthly; no strike. Railway, Box Y-831, Bee. - WANTED 10 boilding laborers, corner 9th and Podge Sts., Monday noon. H. C. Struehen. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. ' STENOGRAPHER, $0; typist, $65-875; dic taphone opr., $60 ; dictaphone opr.. 70; steno.. B0; stcno., beginner, 240. NO FIL ING FEE. only f0 cents to investigate references. THE MARTI CO., 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, who Is good at figures, one who has good personality and ex perienced meeting the public Salary $50 to $65. Excellent future, WATTS REF. CO., First Nat Bank Bldg. STENO."and diet-opr., $70; steno., $76; steno., $65; steno. and bookkeeper, $50; steno., $50. WATTS REF. CO- First Nat. Bank Bldg. PICTAPHONE OPR. $.60.00 STENO.'. $40.00 STENO. $30.00 THE CANO AGENCY, 600BEE BLPG. B6k"EPING. stenographic, clerical po sitions. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. STENOGRAPHER who has had experience writing collection letters; A-l ruture. WATTS REF. CO., First Nat. Bank Bldg. Professions and Trades. WAMTRI3 atria with common srhool edU' cation,' between IS and 22 years, to take up local and long distance leiepnone wun. C. F. Lambert, isoi uougiae m. WANTKlS 15 a-lrls to learn to nark crack era. KObd wages. Iten Biscuit Co., 12th and Capitol Ave. v Household and Domestic. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework,; must be good good; place wnerc second giri ana reunareoa um em ployed. Mrs. J. Klein, 137 So. 35th St Harnriy . 1913.. WAirfED An exoeriencod girl for general housework; most be good cook; place where second girl and1 laundress are em ploy (-4. Mrs. J. Klein, 137 S 25 1 h S t . WAN T EDNeat, capable young white glri family; must be good cook. Call Harney as- ' . WANTEP An experlncd woman for washlYig antt 'cleaning Monday. Phone WebvlMtJ... - isr i TuTTlCTi A eorUDeten t cook, references re quired. Apply 20 So. 32d Ave. Phono Harney 20. WANTBD-JA girt for general housework. one wno can go noma nmiim, nwmcj GIRL for general housework; no washing. DO COOtUng. SOVO OU Jry O flv. n. lunn WOMAN of t35 or 35, as attendant for In valid; no laundry or cooking. Doug. 7161. GIRL for general housework. Call Poug las 889. WANTEP Girl for house work; two In family. Tel. Harney 074: WANTED 3 competent second girls at the Woodruff. 114 No. 18th. CAPABLE white girl wanted; good wages. Wal. 3112. Hotels and Restaurants. WAITRESS wanted and girl to wash dishes. 2601 Q St., South Omaha. dlRLforiiihoteL 34 S. 26th, So, Side. Phone South 3282. EDUCATIONAL BOTLES COLLEGE, DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. EVery day is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, Douglas 1565. 19th and Harney Sta VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, DAY AND EVENING SCHOOL& Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. Entrance 220. Douglas 6890. y. M. C. A. Day and Night School. Musical. REAGAN'S Orchestra; god music; rates rea sonable. Phone froutn sn. FOR RENT Business Prp'ty Stores. 231 CUMING 8r 20x80, good location, near erosstown transfer, $27.50. 23 Cuming St., office, scales, yards and bins, suitable ror coal and leea store. $16.00. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Tyler 1836 333 Rose Bldg. NEW STORES, LEAVENWORTH, JUST WEST OF 24TH. Can arrange space to suit tenants at from $26 to $50 per month; also space on 2d floor for light manufacturing. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. 4714 SO. 24TH ST., $100; center of South Omaha business district. . H. Benner, Ramge Blk. P. 8406. MODERN STORE, 16th St, near postofflce, $75 month. U. P. Stebbins, 1610 Chicago. MODERN STORES AND OFFICES In Far nam Bldg. First Trust Co.. D. Hal. STORE for rent, 16th St, near postofflce. O. P. Stebbins, 161 Chicago. Otrtcea and Desk Room. OFFICES. Single and en suite. In a central loca tion. BROWN BLDG.. Room 47 Douglas 1828. DESIRABLE office rooms In the remodeled Crounse block. 11 N. Hth St. (opposite postofflce). $10 to $15 per month. Conrad Young, 323 Brand els Theater. Doug. lo71, CHOICE o.tce space. Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglaa. McCague Inv. Co. Miscellaneous. LARGE, light basement, 16th and Howard, cheap.' Wright Lasbur Doug. 152. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. BT. CLAIRE. 24th and Harney, 8-roem apartmenta. Call Harney ,47. South. UU EeAvSnWORTH 3 steam-heated Date. Call Douglaa 3525. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Ho use a. Apartments. , PESIRABLD furnished and unfurnished apartment. All sixes and prices, splen did location. 24th and Farnam. D. 1471. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Houses and Flats. WE WANT good houses to rent. FAYNK HCATKH. ail Omala Nat l Bldg. Fhotfc Doug 1018. FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find the room you desire among tbf-se ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Olives complete detailed description of vs cant rooms in all parts of the city. If more convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Pept. and give your name and address and a list will be mailed to you at once. New lists are iseupd every week. Furnished Rooms. THE GREATEST GAIN 68,738 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1916. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. $10, large, newly furnished and papered, front room, on bath room floor; strictly modem. Respectable, permanent gentle men. One small room 712 N. 2d. LARGE front room, well lighted and heated, in new modern home, private tamuy; ery reasonable to right party. Close to car. West Farnam. Harney 2a63. TWO neatly furnished single rooms, all mod ern, electric lights, bath. In connection, prefer two working girls; rent very rea sonable. Harney 6668. 1314 Park Ave. DAVENPORT. 2408 Large, well-furnished room; modern, private home. References required. FARNAM, 2040 Irge modern front room, 1st floor, walking distance; $4.60 ror two men. HEATEP room for working men. Modem home. 242S Decatur. Web. 4674. :02 CALIFORNIA One large front parlor for rent. Reasonable. NEATLY furnished room, private family. ror lady employed. Phone Harney ONE large steam-heated room; cozy and convenient 2201 Farnam. 2118 Douglas, large front room; well fur- niened; close tn; first floor. $3 tor two. N. 20th, 10fl, modern well -furnished rooms. for gentlemen only. Pouglas 8477. FURNISHED, steam-heated room. Apart ment C. 1612 Chicago. 21'. I DAVENPORT Modern sleeping rooms in private home. 1706 CHICAGO Modern and suitable for two gentlemen. Red 5856. 227 JONES ST. Modern, private family, walking distance. Douglas 6747. NICELY furnished steam-heated rooms, 2406 Harney St MODERN sleeping rooms; well furnished; good location. Douglas 7834. FURNISHED rooms for rent; strictly mod em. Colfax 141 6. THREE furnished rooms for rent, entirely mooern ; 4244 Harney st Housekeeping Rooms. 609 S. 25TH AVE. Front rooms, down stairs, nicely furnished, modern tn every respect. Call Doug. 8033. LARGE, pleasant home with kitchenette and alcove for light housekeeping. 2618 Davenport 614, N. 31ST ST. Light housekeeping rooms; warning distance; rent reasonable. ioug- las 6512. LARGE two-room apartment Also large parior, main floor. 2648 Dodge. Harney 4170. LINCOLN apartments, furnished hoasekeep- ing rooms, sio-j iicago. 1611 HOWARD ST., housekeeping apart ments. Call Tyler 1892. $32218 Leavenworth. Two furnished light housekeeping rooms-. -224' PRATT ST. 3 housekeeping rooms: references required. Web. 3113. Board and Room CONNECTING front rooms, new flat steam heat, plenty of hot water. Will make rate to 3 young men or couple. Ex cellent board. 2124 Douglas. 3530 Lincoln boulevard, large beautiful room, well lighted and heated. Home cooking and conveniences. Gentleman preferred Walnut 3522. WANTED Two men willing to share same rooms, home cooking, erasonable, close to car.604 So. 35th St. Harney 6164. BOARD and room for two. Private family. Call Colfax 2662. LARGE downstairs room, modern home. 107 S. 25th Ave. Hotels. WORKWOMEN'S hotel. 209 N. llth Bt Night week or month. Reasonable. CalL Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS. CALL THE BEE WANT-AP PEPT. and And out all about the FURNISHEP ROOM GUIDE It's a plan that Is helping many people rent their rooms. YOUNG man, 20 years, employed, wishes to worn ror room rent, private family preferred. Address Box 1314, Bee. TRAVELING man and wife want room and board tn private family. References ex changed. Box 1329. Bee. GENTLEMAN wants furnished room, steam heat, close in; home privileges. Box 1241, FOR RENT HOUSES West. 3303 HOWARD ST. A 2-story frame, 7 rooms and sleeping porch. New furnace. Room for one car in garage u desired. House rent, $30, ALFRED THOMAS, 308 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. STONE HOUSE and garage at 61st and Podge. $70. W. L. Selby AvSons. Douglaa l&io. Keei me mag. North. 6 ROOMS, all modem, east front, porches, everything new and up-to-the-minute. Walking distance. $36 per month. Poug las 08S6. TRAVER BROTHERS. 81 New First National Bank Bldg. 7-itOOM all modern house, newly decorated ne- furnace, $20. 2016 N 22a St. Tel. Red 1881. FIVE rooms, all modern., nleeFy papered; walking distance. 116 N. 27th Ave. Doug las 7660. 5-ROOM, new bungalow, with garage.. 2447 Crown Point Ave., $35. Douglas 3477. 5-R. modern bungalow. $30. Walnut 3317. South. 6-ROOM new modern cottage. $20. Call Har ney 6530. , 208 SOUTH 41st, hot water plant $86. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 664. ELEGANT 6-rm. .house. 1407 South Sth St Miscellaneous. WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. 5-R. 603 Martha St. 1J.5 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. S R. 2914 Saratoga St 19.0 6-R.616 N. 17th St 20.06 6 R. 2819 No. 27th St (for col ored) 16 STRICTLY MODERN. 6-R. 6327 N. 27th St 26. 7-R.4612 S. 23d St (good brick dwelling, close to business cen ter of Sooth Omaha) SS t-R 2430 Bristol St (good brick dwelling, with large barn In the rear) 22.5 8-R. 3849 Charles St (In first class condition, with large garage in rear) Zb lfl-R. H221 Dodge St 40.00 6-R. 3018 Dewey Ave. (very choice brick dwelling within walk ing distance to business center and in first -c is as residence dis trict) nT.60 WE HAVE OTHERS. SEE OUR COM PLETE PRINTED LIST BEFORE RENT ING. . PORTER ft SHOTWELL, 202 S. 17th St. Doug. 5013. Office with HOME BUILDERS. WHAT HAVU YOU FOR RENT In the way of four, five or six roo, modern up-to-dale apartments? Prefer ence will be given to those in better districts of the cily. want to deal direct with owners; no agents. TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 1016. "PETERSTRUST COMPANY?" , RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. 8-ROOM modern house with garacr fur " furs, close lo car line, on pavtO street. $30 montm Uounlas 29. llbT'eEhMlVrpj,rli 7f the city crkigh s- t. rn f rw Bids MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIRfc-PROOK WAREHOUSE. Parking, storage and mov- ins. 219 N I lib St Phone Douglas 394 FIDELITY 'ISnJik- FREE Phone Douglas for complete list of vacant houses and apart - , . raenta. aisu for storage, mining. ' Ifilli and' Jackauii Sts. MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to orders fat moving, packing or storage. Office at Raymond Furniture Co., 161$ and Ifli Howard St. Phone D. 6624. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for howbord goods and pianos, moving; packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 802 S. Hth St. Pouglas 4161. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 230, or Douglas 4338. Maggard Van and two men. $1.26 per hour. Van and Storage Co., Moving, Packing, Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 111. JP t?l?64,Tvl Express Co. Moving, JXEjEjU packing and storage. 127 Farnam St. Web. 2748, Doug. 6146. tWn"cYtY EXPRESS CO., 1622-CassSt Pouglas 1717. Trunks stored a specialty. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West WKST FARNAM. atucco. 7-r.. modern. Lot value. II. ,0.: house value, ,4.,.,. All tor, ll.. 11, No. llth Ave. Doug. 1,47. North. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. Owner leaving city, offers home in Bemln Park district at a big sacrifice. House Is strictly modern, except furnace. Has electric lights, water and sewer and la In good condition. Near school house, close to car line and in good neighborhood. Lot Is 60x120; has 8 cherry trees; side walks in and paid for. Offered for $M00. Terms If desired. 3517 Franklin St Must Be Sold 6-room modern cottage, 4609 North Slst Street Price reduced to $1,850 for quick sale. Ses us at once. Hiatt Company, ,45-T-S Omaha Nat 1 Bk. Bldg. Tyler . NEW BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, located on car line, near Fon tenelle park; nicely finished Interior; handily arranged; south front lot; yard nicely sodded; permanent walks; all mod ern. x Price only $2,650; easy terms. C G. CARLBERG. $12 Brand eis Theater Bldg. NEW BUNGALOW. Five rooms, strictly modem, finished tn Oak. Located at 3922 N. 26th St Price $3,16. Terms. Will take small cottags in trade. NORRIS & NORRIS. 40 Bee Building. Phone Douglas 4$T. A SNAP Seven rooms amd bath; new; all modern: large garage; $2,00 will handle. 224 N. 36th Ave, South. BRAND NEW. 6 ROOMS. Living room, den. dining room. kttcen, pantry on 1st floor, living room finished In oak. two nice bedrooms and bath on 2d floor; furnace; strictly modern in everyy way. Buyer can make own selection of ltg htlng fixtures ; east front lot paved street Price $2,400; $250 down, balance monthly. Located near 36th and MaxUia. C G. CARLBERG, 112 Brandeta Theater Bldg. 4418 SO. 2IST ST. (-room house, bath, downstairs ftntshea In oak, cement basement furnace Heart 60-foot let, east front; owner wnta to leave town. Sell cheap. Call S. 2160. 8-ROOM house, modern, corner lot 3 blocks east Hans com park, 3 blocks school. 2801 Wool worth Ave. Miscellaneous. CLOSE IN . NEW BUNGALOW Largs living reom, dining room, hitches SB Qrst deer; three large bedrooms and bath OB seen ad floor; oak finish and oak floors; huUt-tn bookcases and buffet; full basesnoDt; guaranteed furnace; east front lot; paved street; fine location. Price 14.60. Tens. SCOTT AND HILL CO., Doug 1. Ground Fir McCague Bldg. Just Completed NEW 3-ROOM BUNGALOW--$100 DOWN $16 PER MONTH. Has built-in bed, giving 4-room accom modations. FuU cement basement and good well. Lot lays high and sightly in a nice location. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Reed. HASTINGS & HEY DEN, Realtors, 1614 Harney St THE GREATEST GAIN 68,738 In paid want-ads ever made by an Omaha paper, la the record of THfl OMAHA BEE far 1818. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RAT- CHOICE HOMES. -Modern to the minute, ranging tn price from $3,000 to $6,000, on large plots, re fined surroundings and every known im provement and convenience; for sale at your own terms, exclusively by the SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. 4825 S. 24th St Phone South 1247. MODERN BUNGALOW Fine location, east front, paved street ( rooms, hardwood floors snd finish, close to school and car. A bargain at $3.00. Easy terms Call owner P5ug 172J. , FIVE rooms, new. oak finish, fully deco rated, all modern, etc., $2,760: $20 cash, balance monthly Colfax 7835 NEW bungalow, also 8-r. and gardening; your terms and price; Inv. with $400. rent 2 bouses (cost 88.500). $2,600. P. 217. J B ROBINSON. Real Estate and insur ance. 442 Bee Bldg. Pouglas 8007. REAL ESTATE B'nesa Pr'pty Down Town Business Property This is a three-story brick building In established retail district, with stores be low and flats above; located I ft blocks from 16th and Harney Sts.; lot 60x132 ft. Under lease to good tenants for $6,240 per year. Price only $26,000 for long iimn leasehold. Desirable terms. Pays nearly 10 per cent on purchase price. George & Company, 80S City National Bank Bldg. - Phone Douglas 756. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. THREE Cathedral District lots. Including corner, at a bargain; worth $2,250; asking only $1,775; on terms of $330 down; bal ance monthly. SHULER & CARY, REALTORS, Phone D. 6074 204 Kefline Bldg. LOT in West Lawn addition, 50x13.2 feet 62d and Woodland Ave, $30 down; Tbc a week. Price $319: no interest or taxes fur 3 years. Phone Walnut .'iSH. A CATHEDRAL district lot bargain; 44 foot frontage south; best bargain tn the district at $600. Phone Doug. 5074. North. AFTER looking at MINNE IX'SA, 300 dif ferent buyers decided that it was the best proposition on the markot nnd they barked their judgment by buying lots. IF TOU will come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 742 Omaha Nat. Bank rMrig. Tyler 187. IHfc, liKbA i h&l tiAliN iS.738 in paid 'vant-add ever made by an Omaha paper is ihw record of THE U.M A H A Ufcfc. tor 1916. BEiST KKSI'l.TS-- l. HV EST R.T REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE IKALKAGE. a 66-lou eUTt-e O 9 A "J. trackage at Gibson. Suitable tor Industry desiring lurife area with low price Also have 6 acres beautifully located on boulevard b E part without trttrkHga W L tielby Sons Ko-ettn- Ridg REAL ESTATE Other Cities ELEPHANT Butte Dam. Rio Grande Val ley World's greatest1 irrigation enter prise Watering Dona-Ana farms. Now rvaU fi'f neiilers . Prsctlea,. rea c,. oftTHtton prntroutis twin Hekera Writs fot circuisr Duna-Aua s arms A I linnet;, LI Paso. Tea. ...