Mrs. MacDowell Entertained Here. , Unique in its chirm and lack of "artistic concert" is the personality of Mrs. Edward MacDowell, widow of the great American composer, ac cording to all who have had the pleas ore of meeting her since her recital at the Young Women's Christian as sociation Saturday evening. The chief subject of her conversation is the re markable Peterborough colony to which she is giving all her efforts. In spite of this, her tact is so truly re markable that each person seems ir resistibly drawn into his share of the conversation and the delightful func tions which were given in her honor yesterday fairly sparkled with en thusiasm. Mrs. MacDowell was the guest of Mrs. Edith L. Wagoner at dinner Sunday. In the afternoon Mrs. Myron L. Learned gave a particularly de lightful tea in her honor. The houae was decorated with spring flowers, violets, jonquils and irexta. Mrs. W. C Shannon, sister of Mrs. Learned, poured tea and was assisted by Mrs. William Sears Poppleton, Mrs. Edith L. Wagoner and Miss Lyn Marschner. Sixty guests were present. Following the tea Mrs. MacDowell and Mis May Robson were the honor guests of Miss Eugenie Whitmore at - a cozy little gathering at her home. About fifteen guests were included in the party. In the evening Mrs. MacDowell and Mrs. Wagoner were the guests of Miss Henrietta M. Rees, musical critic of The Bee. Mrs. MacDowetfi plans are still Indefinite. Because of a severe cold she has been obliged topostpone her engagement in Sioux Cttv from this evening sntil Thursday afternoon. To day she a confined to her room in the hotel and will probably remain here several days to rest. Those who have enjoyed Mrs. MacDowell's star in the city axe delighted to hear that on ner inp nexi year sac may again visit Omaha in the interests of the Peterborough colony. Aimoum fluent Tea. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Benton announced the engagement of their daughter, Helen Frances, known to her friends as "Nell," and Mr. Jere Van Rensselaer, jr- son of Mr and Mrs. Van Rensselaer of this city, at an attractive tea at the Benton home m Council B toffs this afternoon. The wedding will be a quiet home affair next Monday evening. Both young people are popular m the younger set. Mtts Benton is Chevy Chase girl, having attended that ' school with Miss lheda Beresheim, who will be ner maid of honor. M H. W. Hicks of Sioux Falls, S. D, sister ot the bride, will be the matron of honor. Charles Benton, her broth er, who will come home from the Uni versity of Iowa for the wedding, will be best man, Little Jack and Bert; Hicks, Mrs. Hicks' children, wii stretch the ribbons. A southern wedding trip, including Dallas, forth Worth and other lexas points, returning via Denver, is planned by the young people, after which they will be at home temporar ily in Council Bluffs. Lavender and green was the dainty color scheme carried out in the dec orations for the tea. The tea table held small vases of sweet peas and lavender shaded candles at each end and the place cards were particularly attractive and conformed to the gen eral decoration scheme. Heart-shaped cakes and other dainties carried out the same idea, Honor Church Workers. Mr. and Mrs. Bliss H. Headley were given a farewell surprise party Saturday evening at the home ot Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Youngman by the : union circle and men's department of the North Side Christian church, and friends and relatives. They were pre sented with chest of silver, Rev. George L. Peters, pastor of the church, making the presentation speech. Mr. and Mrs. Headley leave Omaha March 1 to make their home in Broken Bow, Neb. Over sixty euest were present. The Christian Mother society of St Joseph's church assembled in the parish hall Sunday to do honor to their secretary. Mrs. J. M. Nacnturall, in recognition of her services to the society as secretary for a term of fifteen consecutive years. The presi dent. Mrs. loseoh Lane, made the presentation speech for a gift given. A most enjoyable afternoon was spent with music and dancing. The Christian Mother society of St Jo seph's church has a membership of 200, of whom about 150 were present on (his occasion. Social Gossip. Messrs. Lloyd Walters, Otto Smke, Robert Cam, Theodore PhilKppi and E. J. Hornberger attended the Acacia fraternity banquet Friday evening and the annual formal party Saturday eve ning in Lincoln. Miss Amy Schau attended the Chi Omega sorority party last week-end in Lmeofn, Mr. J. Frank Dicta, accompanied by his daughters, Miss Nina and Miss Louise, left Friday evening for a two months' stay in California, where they will visit Los Angeles, Cotonado Beach and San Francisco. Miss Lenore Burkett of Lincoln is spending a few days in the city vis iting school friends. Mr. Charles T. Kotmtze returns in the morning from a two weeks' stay in the east. Mrs. Kountze is not ex pected until later. Mrs. Lee Huff is visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Sidles in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. George Brandeis re turned this morning from New York. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bosworth of Chicago are expected the latter part of the week. Upon their arrival the party will start for a winter trip in California. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Vail of Pongh keepiie returned to their home Wed nesday evening. Mrs. A. B. Jaooith expects to go east to visit her daugh ters some time during the spring. Miss Amy Gilmore writes from Louisville, Ky where she is the guest of Mrs. Arthur Krock, formerly Miss Peggy Polleys, of the delightful time . she is having. Before her return to Omaha she plana to visit New York, Philadelphia and Chicago, thus pro longing her trip for several weeks more. ., . , Plan War Relief Benefit At a meeting of Jewish women at the home of Mrs. Charles S. Elgutter yesterday it was decided that a large card party will be given at the Black stone Wednesday, February 28, at 2 o'clock, for the benefit of the Jewish war relief fund. Committees will be VISITOR GUEST AT MANY SOCIAL FUNCTIONS. , 'k , f " S4- ,'K Wfiw appointed and other arrangements made in the near future. Two rehearsals daily are being held for "The Amazons," the play to be given next week for the benefit of the American Ambulance at raris. One rehearsal was held at the theater today and there will be another this evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Doorry. 1 ickets tor the pro duction may be secured from mem bers of the cast or at war relief head quarters in the Baird building. ForrteneUe Hotel Birthday. The Fontenetle celebrates its sec ond anniversary February 25 and al ready the manager, Mr. John F. Let too, is planning to make the day a festive one. Society leaders are ar ranging numerous affairs on this day which will rival the opening dinner of the hotel in brilliance. The hotel will be decorated for the event and special music and menus provided. Fish Sale Postponed. Miss Arabell Kimball has postponed her gold fish sale from Wednesday of this week to Saturday, February 24. The change was made necessary on account of a rehearsal of "The Amazons," the war relief play in which Miss Kimball takes part, which has been called for Wednesday. The proceeds of the fish sale are for the Creche- Stork News. A daughter was born yesterday aft ernoon at Birch Knoll sanitarium to Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Leary. Informal Entertaining. Mr. and Mrs. George Koch enter tained a party of seven at the Fonte- nelle Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 1 nomas r. Omnlan had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Jeffers and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Carey. The Alpha Phi sorority held its regular monthly meeting today at the home of Mrs, Gunner Nasburg. The afternoon was spent in sewing, after which tea was served. Phi Lamba Epsilon fraternity is holding a reunion at the Fontenetle hotel today. Mr. Frank Warren is in charse of the affair. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Adams are entertaining this evening at a fam ily dinner for Mr. William Harold Neidlinger of East Orange, N. J., the well-known composer, who is in the city as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Adams, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Sunderland. The three men are old friends and Mr. Neidlinger is making his visit a reunion and a complete rest He will be here for only a short trme. Women's Athletics M'ss Fanny Durack. Australia's champion woman swimmer, is to visit the United States in the near future. Bowling tournaments exclusively for women are being staged this win ter by managers of Boston bowling alleys. As a fall pastime, field hockey prom ises to become popular among east ern college and high school girls as is foot ball among their big brothers. Like father, like daughter. The two daughters of "Cap" Anson, the old Chicago ball player, are experts at the "gentlemen's game " While bet ter known for his work on the dia mond, Anson is a billiard player of more than average ability. Cotuit Mass.. claims the distinction of being the home town of three of the world's greatest archers among the fair sex. The trio is composed of Miss C M. Wesson, the national wo man s champion: Miss Crockett and Miss F. 1. Wesson. Miss Sara Livingston of Seattle, Wash., who ranks fifth in this year's list of the United States National Lawn Tennis association, among the women players, never wielded a rac quet until three years ago, when she first took up the game for the benefit of her health. Many international golf experts have expressed the opinion that Miss Alexia Stirling of Atlanta, the youthful holder of the women's na tional championship, is the first Amer ican woman who would be capable of holding her own in competition with the foremost women players of England. The array of tennis victories scored by Miss Motla Bjurstedt the last year will probably stand as a record for a long time to come. Among the events won by the Morse girl daring 1916 were the national championship, Heights Casino, national indoor, met ropolitan, Pelham invitation, Penn sylvania and Eastern state, clav court Great Lakes, Old Dominion, Nyack, Rockaway, New York Lawn Tennis club and the Virginia and New Jersey state tines. THE BEE: SUFFRAGE WOMEN NAB OPPORTUNITY Quote Lincoln to Rouse Sym pathy for Cause Among Senators and People. WILL INVADE THE CAPITOL Omaha suffragists are by no means aslccn at their Dost these ways while the antis are making trips to Lincoln. Twenty prominent women took ad vantage of the municipal patriotic celebration at the Audiorium to show their spirit and. incidentally, to do some effective campaigning. A com mittee of women, among whom were Mesdames II. C. Sumney. K. B. How ell, J. M. Metcalfe, Charles Sherman, Kndolf von Luttgen, James Lee, Ada ; Atkinson, Helen Foots, J. H. Bligh, D. R. Mills, C. S. Stcboins, A. J. Love, Draper Smith, T. E. Brady, Myrtle Kelley, James Richardson, K. L. Burke, and the Misses Helen Soren son, Gladys Shamp, Mona Cowcll. Gretchen McConnell and Grace i nomas, aistrmutea oeiore tne pro gram copies of the petition which will be presented Thursday before the sen ate at Lincoln. A large number of enthusiastic suf fragists will go to the capital then to lend support to the passage of the suffrage bill. The petition is prefaced by a quotation from Abraham Lin- i coin, as follows: "'I go for all, before all, sharing the privileges of government who as I sist in bearing its burdens, by no j meami excluding women ' Agreeing with this sentiment, we urge your support of Senate File No. 78, giving presidential suffrage to .Nebraska women. While Washing Windows Woman Finds Dead Man Dead for twelve hours, George B. Kelly. 62 years old, a magazine solici tor, was found lying on the floor of his room at 190 California street. Evi dence convinced the police that the man died of laudanum poisoning, a suicide. The dead man left a note, which reads: "Give my satchel to A. R. Kelley, 308 Paxton block." Little is known of the man who killed himself. The landlady, who discovered the body while washing windows, believes he was unmarried. Monument to Commemorate Heroism of the Belgians (Ottrreapondene. of Th. AlOflted Prow.) Paris, Jan. 20. A monument de signed by Corporal George Hendrick of Brussels and erected by the Bel gian army on the battlefield of the Yser. will commemorate the heroism of the Belgian soldiers who fell there in defense of the last little comer ot free Belgium. A massive wall, symbolical of the rampart that opposed the German ad vance in Flanders, will rise from the center of the semi-circle of parapets, so arranged as to recall the trench life on, the Yser front. Thirty-four small columns will be erected at the base of the ramparts to bear the en graved names of men who died on the Yser. A block of uncut stone bearing 'on one face the verses that the late poet Verhaeren consecrated to the young Belgians who died for their country, will be placed in the front of the wall. Ernst Thinks Cowell Will Not Reconsider Resignation President Ernst reluctantly stated that there seems little chance that Robert Cowell will reconsider his de termination to resign from the Board of Education. The resignation will be presented to the board next Mon day evening. . Among the men being considered for the prospective vacancy are: G. W. Sumner, treasurer of the Fair mont Creamery company; W. A. Fos ter, former member of the board and defeated for re-election last fall: S. C Bekin, another defeated candidate at the last election. Other names will be considered by the committee of the whole Friday afternoon. Sues On Accident Policy For Ptomaine Poisoning Whether a death which occurred as a result of ptomaine poisoning can be regarded in the eyes of the law as an accident will be determined in district court when the suit of Mrs. Ida A. Orton against the Illinois Commercial Men's association comes up for hearing. The plaintiff's hus band, the late Hubert M. OTton, held a $5,000 accident policy with the in surance company. Mrs. Orton al leges that her husband came to his death as a result of eating contami nated food. Horse Steps On Roland Hannan, Ducking Motorcycle In attempting to avoid a motorcy cle at Fifteenth and Dodge streets, Roland Hannan, 627 South Twenty seventh street, collided with a coal wagon driven by H. Grossman, 518 North Twentieth street, and received painful but not serious injuries- One of the horses stepped on the messen ger boy's arm and leg but no bones were broken. After first-aid treat ment by Police Surgeon Shook he was sent to his home. His bicycle was smashed. Will Dance to Drive Away That Lonesome Feeling "Lonesome Janes" and "Lonesome Johns" will not be lonesome Tuesday evenmg. 1 hat is the date set for the first party of the "Friendship club," which was organized last Thursday on the occasion ot the second party given this year at Metropolitan hall for lonesome folks. Dancing and cards will be the en tertainment. Each club member will be permitted to bring a friend to help dissipate the lonesomeness. ASS FOE and GET HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Um BlMMtitutM Mat KOU MB arte. OMAHA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1917. Alexa Stirling Shines as Golfer ' vV1 A MX rrxzss ' ZAl fsdVj 1 isxumbw.; P;7f;f ? "Class never fails to reach the top sooner or later," is an axiom of golf that is as old as the royal and an cient game itself. It proved the de ciding factor in the women's national rhamnionshiD golf tournament, held over the famous Belmont Spring Coun try club course last October. Miss Woman Should Boom Her Husband By DOROTHY DIX. There is one subject upon which every woman's lips sftouH be fastened with a Yale lock, and that is her hus band's weaknesses. Unfortunately, so far from this be ing the case, the main diversion of many a wife is descanting upon the things she haa to endure in her lord and master; and, where two or three married women are gathered together, you may hear a catalogue of masculine frailties enumerated that would make a police blotter look like the "good conduct record in a Sunday school. This is bad principW, bad faith, bad taste and bad business. Aa long as a wife lives with her husband she should keep silent about his faults. The first pubhc criticism that she is justified in making of the man whose name she bears is when she files a bill of complaints in her divorce. Perhaps women would be more careful in criticising their husbands to outsiders if they realized that, as a general thing, it is the wife who writes her husband's price tag and that peo ple take him at her valuation. If a woman thinks her husband is great, if she respects his opinions, and quotes his views; if she has faith in his winning out and making a place for himself in the world by reason of his intelligence, enterprise and thrift, before we know it we are all speaking i of him as a coming man, and giving him our support, We have no better authority for it than what his wife says. And we feel there could be no better, for if a man's wife doesn't know him through and through, noboAy etse on earth does. On the other hand, if a woman is always calling attention to her hus band's faults, although she may mere ly do it for sclf-krincation, and to show what a meek Christian spirit she has, she creates a prejudice against him that nothing he can do dispels. How did we get the impression that Jones is a slack and inefficient busi ness man? From Mrs. Jones, who is always complaining about the things she can't afford, because her husband j is not ttettmg along well in his busi ness, is always unlucky in his ventures. Where did we get the idea tnat Smith, whom we have never seen to be anything but a model of sobriety, is drinking, and gambling and carous ing around every night? From his wife who is a rabid Puritan and pro hibitionist, and whose tears and la mentations over a glass of beer or a game of bridge lead the public to be lieve that her husband comes home with delirium tremens and breaks up the furniture. What makes us think that Tomp kins, who seems a good fellow, is a hypocrite, who conceals a cruel and malevolent nature behind a smiling mask? Because Mrs. Tompkins asked advice of the Mothers' Meet in? about how one should deal with a man who used his superior strength to maltreat a young and helpless child, the day after Tompkins whipped Bobby for running ott to join tne Indiana. It is his wife, almost always his Couldn't Straighten Up. Mrs. J. M. Sprinkle, of Ben Hut, Vs sayt that Csrdni cured her per manently tetKmblet: M Abo at two rears ago. . . I got into awfully bad health. . . I m going down hill in health, could arty drag around. . . My friends reoomownded that I try Cardut ..Ml began using Cardul, and in a short time I wm greatly improved. . . Before starting It I couldn't straight en up to save me. . . Buffered great pains in the abdomen, sides and back worse than anywhere. . . After the use of one bottle I had no more pain at all. !. . The cure has been permanent. . . neither had to have a doctor or take any medicine since.1 If yon suffer from any of the ailments common to women, try Cardni, Too Woman's Tonic. Tour druggist sells it 8-33 Alexa Stirling of Atlanta, Ga.. win ner of the premier title, is without doubt the best all-round woman golfer reared under the Stars and Stripes. This 19-year-old southern beauty has displayed the most consistent game ever exhibited by any feminine wielder of the golf clubs- wife, to whom a man owes his rep utation, and considering that a man's success depends on how he stands m his community, it does look as if his wife might be a little more careful of it. Of course women say that they never talk about their husbands to anyone but their mothers, and their dearest friends, whom they can trust. As for threshing over John's faults with mother, that way lies disaster, for seen through mother's magnifying glasses, a husband's tiniest weakness looms up as big as an elephant. And the queer part of this dis loyalty tlrat so many women show to their husbands is that they don't mean it They complain of their own particular Johns, but they wouldn't trade them off for any other men liv ing. They berate their husbands be cause they can't resist the tempta tion to represent themselves as mar tyrs who endure awful persecution with a calm sweet smile that hides their real sufferings from the world. To sustain this heroic pose, 1 a woman is bound to have a living sorrow, and as the handiest person around the house, the husband is forced into supplying the role of villain. But no woman should deceive her self into thinking that her complaints of her husband do him no harm. They are fatal, for just as no general could win a battle if he had traitor ous troops at his back, just as no merchant conld succeed in business if his junior partner was always call ing attention to the poor line of goods the firm carried, so disaffection of the wife brings about the downfall of many a home and family. AH of which teaches us that it is a wife's place to boom her husband. Leave the knocking for other people to do. There will be plenty of them to attend thoroughly to the job. "Brownatone" Tints Your Hair In a Minute Preferred to Slow Acting Dye. The BtraiRhteBt road and the shortest rut to Um ecirtatnty of an attractive and beauti ful appearsm: li the use of "Brownatone" itHir main. This preparation will instantly change gray, streaked or faded hair tn the aoftest and richest golden brown, medium, dark brown or black Just aa you wlnh. JuHt comb or brash It into your hair. Impossible of detec tion, will no rob or wanh off. and needs retouching only as the hair urowa out. "Brownatone" hair stain In far superior to "dyes," and In ab solutely harmless in iivery way. Sold br all drurrtota. In two alses. tic and $1.00. If you are of fered a substitme, nave annoyance by re fimlnit It and ordering "Brownatone" direct from the maker. Insist on "Brownatone" at your hair dresser's. A trial bottle and intereating booklet will be mailed for 10 cents. Mention shade de sired Address The Kenton Pharmacal Co., 638 8 rike St., Covington. Ky. Bold and ruaranteed In Omaha br Sher man ft McConnell Urux Co. Stores and other Isadtnc dmlcra. PATRIOTISM HIGH WITH YOUNG OMAHA Kindergarten Kiddies Proudly Flaunt the Old Eed, White and Blue. BOY SCOUTS IN UNIFORMS An unuual spirit of patriotism ' animated 25,000 public school chil dren Monday and the same may be said of the children of the parochial t schools. The birthday anniversary of j Ahraham Lincoln was observed and t this occasion was made the basis of patriotic exercises in which the flag was a prominent feature. 1 he kindergarten tots at toward Rosewater school proudly wore three cornered caps and tri-colored paper badges of their own making. They marched and sang "America," and re ceived simple stories of Lincoln and what he did for his country. Lincoln's Gettysburg address and "The Perfect Tribute" were read in most of the rooms where children were old enough to comprehend these impressive compositions. At Come nius school the children of fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades gathered 4 in the auditorium of the school for joint exercises. Stereopticon views ot the civil war and events in connec tion with that great conflict were presented at Windsor school. Posters of Lincoln and essays were features of the day at Park school. Salutes to the flag and singing of "America" also marked the programs at this school. Many school children wore tiny flags. The schools were open as usual. Pupils of the high schools were excused in time to attend the Lincoln-Washington program at the Auditorium and all Boy Scouts were dismissed in time to get home, don their uniforms and get to the Audi torium in time to serve as ushers. According to the rules of the Board of Education, janitors of the schools are required to raise flags on Lin coln's birthday anniversary. Mme. Charlotte Lund to Sing at Y. W. C. A. Soon Mme. Charlotte Lund, the Nor wegian soprano, will sing at the Young Women's Christian associa tion auditorium on the evening of February 24. Skinners THE HIGHEST QUALITY EGG NOODLES 36 hff flrejw Book fkt SKINNER MFG. CO. OMAHA, USA 4MtCeSTMACM0MUCnnVIII AMERICA So as to be sure of uni formly good Oranges, ask for Sunkist, and have them delivered in tha original tissue wrappers. Phone your dealer. Smnkist Uniformly Good Oranges Calif orni Frait Gfoww Excitant Baltimore & Ohio all-steel train of today. mam The Baltimore & Ohio has carried the public to the inauguration of twenty presidents at Washington The Baltimore & Ohio is the natural route to Wash ington. It is not only the shortest route, but it is the only line running solid through all-steel trains via Wash ington to Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. It is also the only line operating drawing-room, compartment and observation lounging library cars direct to Washing ton. All through trains via Washington with liberal stop-over privileges. Today the roadbed and trains of the Baltimore ft Ohio are aa immeasurably in advance of its equipment in the days of President Jackson aa the capital city itself is in advance of what is was then. SPECIAL REDUCED round-trip fares will be in effect from Chicago to Washington for the Inauguration. Four all-steel trains daily from Chicago to the East The Pittsburgh .Washington-New York Express 825 a-m. The Washington Special - 105 .m. The Waahingtoit-New Yorkf Limited - - 5:45 p.m. The WashiiigtMi.New York Night Express lfcO0p.m. All trains leave Orand Central Station. Fifth Avenue and Harrison Street, Chicago, sard Street Station twenty-five minute, later. Ticket, rnsr b. porcha.ed St th. CltT Ticket OfBc.. W South CI era St. at Grand CwtrsJ 8lation, and st all principal hotels, .1.0 St Ura St. Stuoa t C. ELRICK, Tr.vellns Paieeneer Afent, U Woodmen of the World Bids, Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 967. Baltimore & Ohio "Oar PoMmfn An Oar Guests" Jieware the Cold Storage Egg! tnhfa ork an food ana dfetetlcs Doctor Robert Hutchison says, "the absence of carbo hydrates prevents egga from being in any sense a complete food." This refers to the fresh egg the egg with a clean ball of health. What would the Doctor say of the modem cold storage egg? At present prices two eggs coat ten cents and the egg b not a complete food I Some thing must be eaten with it to supply the needed carbo hydrates. Two Shredded Wheat Biscrjits, with cream or milk, make a complete, perfect meal at a cost of bar or five cents. Made at, Niagara Falls, N. Y. "Any time you want real goodies me Calumet Baking Powder) My mother uses it tie s tried all otoeri she's learned her lesson now the sticks to Calumet " Unequalled for making tender, wholesome, light bak ings, Wonderful leavening and raiiine Qualities uniform results. Mother says Calumet ii im mo economical to 1 oomical 10 me. Try It al Recuracl Hisbost Awuds NfC-IBni Aw W Slip In hmd Cm ' 4 1 11 iok mtm economical to aaj auataco oomical o me. Try U at once.