Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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Sunshine and Air and Q
Ban Will Quickly Re
store Its Natural Color.
You Can Have Soft, Lus
trous, Handsome Hair
in Abundance Without
Sticky or Dangerous
Chemicals "Back to
Of course, the use of dyes to darken rray
bair is unpleasant and not in rood taste
even dangerou. in fact. But since the
natural color can now be restored to gray
or faded hair in a perfectly simple, health
ful, natural way, why should anyone have
array bair? Why should you?
Sunshine and air, the rood rift of
Nature, combined with the use of Q-Ban
Hair Color Restorer, the rood rift of science,
will bring back the natural color of your
hair, evenly and pleasantly, and just as
surely as it is true that sunshine and air
are free. Thousands of the foremost people
in this country have restored their hair's
natural color and renewed their youthful
look in just this way. It is nothing to be
ashamed of, like the use of dyes. Nor does
it arouses suspicion, as dyes do, by the un
natural appearance they give the hair.
All you need to do to rain rich and covet
ed beauty of hair, without a trace of gray,
is to wet your hair with Q-Ban Hair Color
Restorer, and when it is dry enough expose
it to the free and pure sunshine and air,
repeating this daily while your hair grad
ually and evenly returns to its original, uni
form shade. Q-Ban does not pretend to work
miracles over night, remember. Such claims
belong to dangerous dyes, sticky paints and
fakes. Q-Ban's work is safe, permanent and
natural, and keeps' the change from making
yon conspicuous. Your hair will become
more glossy, lustrous, soft, abundant and
Ironclad Guarantee
Q-Ban is all ready to nse. It is not a dye.
It is guaranteed to be harmless. A targe bot
tle costs only 60c. It is the only guaranteed
preparation for the purpose. Your money
back if not satisfied.
The secret of Q-Ban's wonderful results
is the process of oxidation brought about
by the exposure of your hair to the air and
sunshine after it has been applied. This very
process makes it safe and sane and cleanly,
and is one reason for Q-Ban's tremendous
popularity. Beware of imitations. Q-Ban is
made from a scientific formula of glycerin,
nwefel, alcohol, ethyle and delicate perfume,
the discovery of great chemists. It is in
dorsed by Prof. Von Huber.
Put your trust in guaranteed Q-Ban and
sunshine and air to restore gTay hair. "Back
to Nature." Get Q-Ban at Sherman & Mc
Donnell Drug Stores or at any druggist's,
or write Hessig-Ellis Drug Co., Memphis,
Term, giving your druggist's name and ad
dress. Try Q-Ban Hair Tonic, Q-Ban Liquid
Shampoo and Q-Ban Toilet Soap. Also Q
ftan Depilatory (odorless) for removing
superfluous hair. Interesting illustrated book
let, "Hair Culture," sent frea.- Adv.
Says you really feel clean, sweet
and fresh inside, and
are seldom ill.
!f you are to wake up
with a coated tongue, foul breath or a
dull, dizzy headache; or, if your
meals sour and turn into gas and
acids, you have a real surprise await
ingyou. Tomorrow morning, immediately
upon arising, drink a glass of hot
water with a teaspoon ful of limestone
phosphate in it. This is intended to
first neutralize and then wash out of
your stomach, liver, kidneys and
thirty feet of intestines all the indi
gestible waste, poisons, sour bile and
toxins, thus cleansing, sweetening and
purifying the entire, alimentary canal.
Those subject to sick headaches,
backache, bilious attacks, constipation
or any form of stomach trouble are
urged to get a quarter pound of lime
stone phosphate from the drug store
.and begin enjoying this morning in
side bath. It is said that men and
women who try this become enthu
siastic and keep it up daily. It is a
splendid health measure, for it is more
important to kee"p clean and pure on
the inside than on tire outside, because
the skin pores do not absorb impuri
ties into the blood, causing disease,
while the bowel pores do.
The principle of bathing inside is
not new, as millions of people prac
tice it. Just as hot water and soap
cieanse, purity and tresnen the skin,
so hot water and a teaspoonful of lime
stone pnospnate act on the stomach
liver, kidneys and bowels. Limestone
phosphate is an inexpensive white
powder and almost tasteless. Adv.
Home Remedy
for All Pain
Are yon in palnT This li tbe question
yon will bear daily, and to b able to relieve
Daln. whether It be a tllrht nervous head
ache or tbe mo it excruciating ufferlngi of
oeuraiffla or rheumatism, brings the height
of pleasure to both patient and doctor.
Touching tola point, Hugo Engle, A.M.
M.D., aays, Antl-kamnta tablet hav be
come favorites with members of the medical
Erofesslon; they are very reliable In all
lndBof pain, and act at once. Jo stop pain
quickly, tbe dose Is one or two tablets re
peated in two or three boors tr required.
Antl-kamnia tablets relieve all pains due
to rheumatism, headache, sciatica, neural
gia, toothache, goat, and are especially
uful for all conditions known as women's
aches and pains. Antl-kamnia tablets bave
no unpleasant arter-effecta, ana in w perceni
of all cases they stop the pain Immediately.
nk for A. K. Tablet. Obtainable at drag
store,' m any quantity aesisea."
We are told that the old time remedies
arc beat and invariably contain less harm
ful yrt hotter mediclna than those which
are in use today.- This being so, undoubtedly
the following old fashioned rectps which
lfl quick acting will bo welcomed by many
as there seems to be a regular epidemic of
coughs at ths present time. Secure from
your druggiHt I ounce Parmlnt (double
Btrcngih). take this home and add to It
a quarter pint of hot water and 4 ounces
t granulated sugar, stir until dissolved.
rh, a laplenpoonful four time a day. No
ni'.rr racking your whole body with a cough,
''losgvd nostrils should open, air paaaagpa
nf jour head should clear and your breath
ing berorne easy. Parmlnt syrup m pleasant
to take, easy to prepare and coats little.
Kvery Pf-on who haa a stubborn cough
lunV cold or catarrh In any form should
give thin prescription a trlaL Adv.
I! Brief City News
Wedding Ring. Bdbolm. Jrweler.
11. v. Boo, Print It Now He aeon Preao.
Ktemr, Book,, moved to Loyal Hotel Bldg.
V. W. H. A. Meeting The Tonne
Women's Hebrew association will
meet Tuesday evening In the Younp
Men's Hebrew association rooms in
the Paxton block.
Picture for Park School Mrs. T. It.
Rutledge presented Park school with
a picture of Lincoln. When the gift
was shown from room to room the
boys and girls cheered lustily.
Talk on Salesmanship Charles L.
Sykes, scientific salesman, will give
an illustrated talk Tuesday evening
at the Deaf Institute on "Salesman
ship Applied to Every-Day Life."
Sells Dundee Home E. W. Pooley
has just sold through Glover & Spain
his residence at 5017 Chicago street,
in Dundee, to Mr. Charles O'Neill
Rich. The consideration was close
to $8,000.
Takes Poison by Mistake Hazel
Bowers, a domestic, at 724 North
Eighteenth street, took five bichloride
of mercury tablets by mistake for
charcoal tablets. She was attended by
Police Surgeon Myera She will re
cover. Charged With Bootlegging Deputy
United States Marshal Morgan of
South Sioux City brought Charles
Erickson to Omaha for trial in the
local federal court on a charge of in
troducing liquor on the Indian res
ervation at Winnebago.
Fight Raise in Paper Rate P. P.
Murray, chief clerk of the traffic bu
reau of the Commercial club, has gone
to Excelsior Springs to appear in a
rate case in which the Omaha job
bers are Joining with others through
out the country protesting against the
rise in freight rates on paper.
Hit by Falling Timber William
Hildebrand, 2716 South Twenty-fifth
street, was hit on the head Sunday
morning by a falling timber while
assisting In wrecking an old building
at Ninth and Dodge streets. He suf
fered a bad bruise on the right side
of the head. He was taken to his
Alfenhairm Bound Over Sol Alfcn-
baum, charged with using the malls to
detraud, was bound over for trial in
the United States district court fol
lowing a preliminary hearing before
united States Commissioner McLaugh
lin. Bond was placed at (1,000 and
then reduced to $500. Alfenbaum was
accused of reporting false sales to the
Nu Gold Ring company of Omaha, by
whom he was employed, so that be
could collect the commissions.
Bean Supper Thursday In accord
ance with an annual custom, members
of Lee Korby comp No. 1, Spanish-
American "war veterans, will observe
the nineteenth anniversary of the sink
ing of the battleship Maine with i
"bean supper" at the Grand Army of
the Republic rooms in the court house
Thursday evening. The program will
start at 8 o'clock. Spanish-American
war veterans in all parts of the coun
try will hold similar observances on
that evening.
Consumers' League Exhibit A Con
surners' league exhibit, part of which
is tne same as tnat at the Panama-Pa
cific exposition; is on display at the
Young Women s Christian association.
A number of pictures portraying the
workers in the sweat shop and th
conditions under which they work are
shown In contrast to the Consumers'
league pictures, and goods bearing the
Consumers league label from the local
stores are displayed. The exhibit is
open both day and In the evening.
To Cut Down loss The loss and
damage committee of the Burlington
is noidlng its regular occasional meet
ing at local headquarters. Jt is pre
sided over Dy J. jj. Shields, Chicago,
auditor of freight accounts, and is
attended by L. R Allen, assistant gen
eral manager, Chicago, and local offi
cials. The loss and damage commit
tee of the Burlington has to do with
the matter of eliminating the cause
for claims for damages to freight ship
ments and ulso to determine the most
satisfactory methods for the settle
ment of such cims.
Fine Fireplace Goods Sunderland,
Willcox Says This .
Not the Time for
Party Discussion
New York, Feb. 12. William R.
Willcox, chairman of the republican
national committee, in a letter tonight
to George W. Perkins and Everett
Colby, progressive members of the re
publican campaign committee in the
recent campaign, announces his in
tention of calling a meeting probably
ill May next. On January 31, Mr.
Perkins and Mr. Colby addressed a
letter to Mr. Willcox in which they
urged him to call a meeting of the
national committee "to discuss fully
and openly the grave and important
questions that confront our country
In his reply Mr. Wilcox pointed out
that it would be inopportune now to
call the national committee together
because 'events have taken place
which have brought our country to
the verge bf war," and "this is a time
w hen partisan discussion is stilled and
when the best thoughts of our'people,
regardless of party feeling, is turned
to the loyal support of the admini
stration in Washington in all its ef
forts to meet honorably and fearlessly
the crisis which faces the nation."
After referring to the desire of Mr.
Perkins and Mr. Colby that the re
publican party should "be the one
cohesive organization of the regular
republican vote, the progressive-republican
vote, the progressive vote
and the independent vote," Chairman
Willcox declared that the recent elec
tion, although resulting in the defeat
of the republican ticket, had shown
"tljat the effort made to bring about
a reunited party was largely success
ful." '
Ex-Senator Patrick Takes
Fall Out of Federal Court
Former State Senator W. R. Pat
rick, speaking before the Philosoph
ical society on the "Federal ludiciarv
and the People's Rights," condemned
the federal courts on tlie ground that
they have too much power. As a
remedy he advocated that the people
should have the right to recall fed
eral judges.
Increased Wages for Six
Million English People
, London, Feb. 12. Wages of 6.000.-
000 work people were increased about
$1.50 to $3 per week during 1916 Em
ployment has increased until the de
mand "is greater than the supply, and
the price of food has gone ud 87 oer
cent since the war began, according
to the official review of the Board of
Trmta Concha and Colda ot One.
Dangflrotu bronchial and lane ailments
follow netleetttf eolda lake Dr. King's
New Discovery, It will kiep you well. All
Suddenness of Wilson's Break
ing Off Relations Causes
Dismay in Berlin,
Copenhagen,(Via London), Feb. 12.
Little hope or expectatiou prevails
in Berlin that war with the United
States is avoidable or that a modus
vivendi reconciling the policies of the
two governments ca.- be found.
There now t a desire on the part
of the authorities and a vast bulk of
the people to avoid .dual hostility in
any way consistent with the general
lines of the present submarine policy,
but only in such a way. Accordingly,
instructions were given, so The As
sociated Pcess has been reliably in
formed, to submarine commanders be
fore they started on their February
mission, to .ake the sate side when
neutral vessels, particularly American,
were in question vhenever possible.
Wouldn't Be Punished.
Enemy merchantmen when rec
ognised as such were ordered to be
sunk at sight, but neutral merchant
me., were to be warned when such
action in theit judgment was con
sistent with the object of the cam
paign and the safety of their ships.
It is realized, however, after the
prompt and resoljtc stand taken by
President Wilson that thee orders
could only be pall.ative and only
ucier, not avoid, an ultimate break.
Also that if President Wilson stood
by his am ouncement that the destruc
tion of American lives or ships would
he regarded as an act of hostil.ty
casus belli must come -joncr
later probabl; sooner on account of
the numbers of Americans on enemy
Sink Foe Ships on Sight
Moreover, thre w-s the discretion
ary nature of the Ins'ructions to sub
manne c, mmanders who were in
formed that while the careful course
toward neutrals wao recommended
and desired, they wtuld no longer be
subjected to punishment for depart
ing from their former proceedun. oU
warning, if they found this advisable
It is cot.sidered thi.t the onlj possi
bility of the avoidance of hostilities
would result from a m jdificalion of
its standpi nt by one or Ihe other side
and so far as could he judged from the
positive declaration of Alfred Zim
I'termann, the German minister of for
eign affairs, and other officials before
The Associated Press correspondent's
departure from Berlin, there was no
probability that Germany would give
way this time or abandon the ruthless
campaign now started
Possible to Tell Story.
From a neutral cable office it now
is possible to tell the story of the de
velopment of the present crisis on
which the most rigid censorship has
been applied in Germany.
To the observer in Berlin the ap
proach of the crisis had been plainly
and definitely evident since the re
jection of Germany's peace overtures.
Information as to Germany's definite
decision to start a sharpened submar
ine and even the form it would take,
namely, a blockade of specified regions
( though the idea ot a prohibited zone
was later substituted for that of a
'blockade" at the request of the r.aval
authorities who anticipated possible
tormal objections under the blockade
regulations) was received by The As
sociated Press almost on the morrow
of Ambassador Gerard's speech on
German-American good relations, de
livered at the banquet of the Ameri
can Association of Commerce and
Trade early in January.
Decision Reached,
A week later it was stated that a
full decision on the situation had not
been reached and that the campaign
would not be launched unlil after
further consultations with Gernianv's
allies and the receipt of certain infor
mation irom Lount bcrnstorrt and
Count Tarnowski von Tarnow. re
spectively German and Austro-Hun-garian
ambassadors to the United
States, of their concept of armed mer
chantmen and their liability to attack
as warships.
Ihe final decision on an out-and-
out submarine campaign of a so-called
ruthless type apparently was taken at
the grand Austrp-Gcrman conference
at German headquarters on the Ger
man emperor's birthday, though The
Associated Press hoard the statement
that submarines departing several
days earlier for stations on the sub
marine hunting grounds were provid
ed with contingent orders for this
Divorce Yourself
from Pain and
Kidney Disorder
(By Dr. L. C. Babcock.)
Simple methods arc usually 1 the
most effective ones when treating
any disorder of the human system.
The mere drinking of a cup of hot
water each morning, plenty of pure
water all day, and a little Anurie
(double strength) before every meal
has been found the most effective
means of overcoming kidney trouble.
Death would occur if the kidneys did
not work day and night in separat
ing poisons and uric acid from the
The danger signals are backache,
depressions, aches, pains, heaviness,
drowsiness, lrmaDimy, neadaches,
chilliness, rheumatic twinges, swollen
joints, gout.
It is such a simple matter to step
into your favorite druir store nnd nh.
tain Anurie, which was first discover
ed by Dr. Pierce, of the Surgical In
stitute, Buffalo. Every druggist dis
penses it.
'All people in America and especial
ly those who are past middle age, are
prone to cat too much meat and in
consequence deposit uric aeid (uratic
salts) in their tissues and joints. They
often suffer from twinges of rheu
matism or lumbago, sometimes from
gout, swollen hands or feet. Such
people are not always able to exercise
sufficiently in the outdoor air in
order to sweat freely and excrete im
purities through the skin. Anurie will
overcome such conditions as rheu
matism, dropsical swellings, cold ex
tremities, scalding and burning urine
and sleeplessness due to constant
need of getting out of bed at night,
by carrying off the uric acid poison.
"'.hut Jz:
III OlrtltJIUL Ilia Ul (M I. U It I IUU.-1 I'll IIIVI
approaching crisis. i
Break Causes Dismay.
Nothing? could be done except to rc- j
port to Washington the developments
which appeared in the pros ot the I
world hft'ore the embassy dispatches
had started from Berlin and await the
anticipated explosion.
"This came in the shape of a rupture
of relations earlier than even Ameri
cans had expected and certainly with
a promptness which astonished and
perhaps dismayed Ihe German oflicial
world, prepared thoiigjit it was for
energetic American action by rea
son of the definite warnings in the
Sussex correspondence.
Nothwithstanding tlie plain terms
ot president Wilsons earlier com
munications, these ollicials evidently
hoped against hope that the inaugura
tion of an unrestricted submarine cam
paign might perhaps alter all not
bring about a breach with Ihe United
States, lor in the days between Von
Htlhmann - Hollwcg's announcement
and the news ot President Wilson's
step in breaking off relations they
were awaiting word from America
with interest and anxiety which they
made no effort to conceal.
Greece Says It Is
Not in Position to
Join U. S. in Break
London, Feb. 12. The reply ot
Greeec to the invitation of the I nited
States to join it in its attitude toward
Germany has been handed to the
American minister at Athens, the cor
respondent of the Exchange Tele
graph company at the tireck capital
telegraphs. I he reply he states af
firms the sympathy of Greece with
every effort to accelerate peace and its
approval ot every effort to maintain
freedom of the seas for the world's
shipping, adding that Greece has al
ready drawn bcrmanv s attention to
the grave consequences of the pro
posed submarine blockade.
In view or present conditions, how
ever, the dispatch states, Greece ex
pains that it is not in a position to
contemplate concreted action for the
protection of the national shipping.
J'aris, reb. 10, (Saturday. 1 1 p.
m.) The Swiss federal council, in its
reply to the German note on the new
submarine campaign enters into an
energetic protest against the blockade
and reserves all the rights ot Switz
erland as a neutral, according to the
Havas Agency s ilcrne correspond
ent. It expresses confidence, how
ever, that the German government
will take all measures to assure Swiss
Philippine Says America
Moves to Redeem Honor
London, Kch 12. Right Rev. C. H.
Brent, protestant Episcopal bishop of
the Philippines, preaching in West
minster Abbey yesterday afternoon,
said that the British today were
teaching the world such lessons as
men needed. He said he thanked
God that lie was permitted to be
among them at the present moment
when his own nation had taken the
first step "to redeem its national
honor and place itself on the side of
God's cause nd humanity."
Fierce Soldados, These With
Skull and Cross Bones Signs
Juarez, Feb. 12. Wearing skull and
cross bones insignia on the'r hats, the
"death troop" of General Jose Carlos
Murguia's brigade entrained late to
day to go south, presumably to en
gage Villa forces reported 'o be active
Tht Wortf$ Grtalnt
Exttrnal ftnwdy.
-Any Local
liuitt on
Special Slc
of rtetv Spriny tftillinen
featuring a neuj and beauti
ful color named bq ihe
"first ladu, in Hie land"
in sfraivs ancl combined J
with silks ancl crepes
j I J
Says Just Learned Rumored
Acts of United States
Not Committed.
Berlin. Feb. 12. By Wireless to
Sayvillr.iWith reference to the
present condition of German-American
relations the German foreign sec-
rfu7'0r 1Alfrcd Zimmerman,!, made
Ihe following statement todav to
Overseas News agency:
"We now have practically no speedy
or reliable information about the
United Slates- The best proof of this
is furnished by two wireless messages
which were sent February 5 bv the
i correspondent tn the United States of
I 'he German News agency and which
arrived yesterday. The contents of
these two short messages were
astounding, even sensational, for they
tuld that the I'nited States govern
ment had not confiscated German
ships tn American ports nor interned
Germans residing in the I'nited States.
Through English Channels.
"Until yesterday morning all we
knew about these matters had passed
through English channels, and the
gist of these reports was that the
L ntted Mates government actually
had violated the property and liberty
ot German citizens.
"English agents by thus adulterat
ing the truth did not intend, of course,
to slander the I'nited States. Their
intention was to create public alarm
in Germany and thus cause outbursts
i of popular indignation and perhaps
even prompt the German government
to rash actions based on error. All
t this then would have been reported in
exactly the same that is incorrect
fashion to the I'nited States by the
same British agencies. If they had
succeeded these Ftritish agents would
gave saddled Germany with the
responsibility and fault in the eyes of
every candid, hut misled observer.
Suspended Judgment.
"However, during two years and a
half we have been practically tut off
from reliable and speedy communica
tion with the United States. During
that time we have learned to appre
ciate British reports at their true
value. We, therefore, suspended judg
ment and awaited the real reports
which now after all have arrived."
Weak Lungs and
Chest Troubles
respond more quickly to the
blood-ennchirig oil-food in
than to any other one medicine.
SCOTTS is a rich, nourishing
lood to strengthen tender throats
and bronchial tubes. It is of
peculiar benefit to the respiratory
tract and is liberally used in tu
berculosis camps for that purpose.
You get no alcohol in Scott's.
Scott 4 Bowne, Dloomfitld, K. J. 16-22
flmoncj tlveqa'axtj of brilliant colorirqs
offered bij Hie neio season, this ikw ihacje,
so rich and fill of tuarmtK. stands outre
splendent. charming bonhets itv
rtys display, reflect rrc
beautij of the jprincjtime.
Burgess-Nash Company
'Otavsocvk trow
Cascara and PepsinA Digestive Laxative
Lax-Fw it in Improved CASCARA with PEPSIN. Pleasant to Take
In LAX-FOS the Cascara is improved by the addition of Pepsin
and certain other harmless chemicals which. increase the effi
ciency of the Cascara, making it better than ordinary Cascara.
LAX-FOS aids digestion. Pleasant to take and does not gripe
or disturb the stomach. Adapted to children and adults. Just
try one bottle for constipation or indigestion. 50c.
You Need Not
But You Must Drive It Out of
Your Blood to Get Rid of It
You have probably hern in the habit
of applying external treatments, try
ing to cure your Catarrh. You have
used sprays, washes and lotions and
possibly been temporarily relieved.
Hut after a short time you had an
other attack and wondered why. You
must realize that catarrh is an infec
tion of the blood and to get permanent
rrlief the catarrh infection must be
nr'tvmn nt th Klmt Tf, m.t.r
I you come to understand this, the
quicker you will get it out of your
system. S. S. S.. which has been in
constant use for over fifty years, wilt I
Monday, F.bru.ry 12, 1917.
Don't let Tuesday go by
without, attending our Annual
Sale of Furniture
Savings of 10 to 50
1 Vy- fin ll - l
"A card might serve
To hold her heart to thine,
At least it could not fail to be
A pleasing Valentine."
Valentines, tally cards, cards with valentine sentiments, red
cut out kewpies and all sorts of novelties for St. Valentine's Day.
Burfast-Nuh Co. Main Floor.
Women's Taffetaand Georg
ette Crepe Dresses, $15.95
Down-Stairs Store.
m A F l li 1 A , georgette crepe,
X. crepe de chene and georgette
crepe combined with taffeta, made
up into some very new and charm
ing styles. Straight lines predomi
nate, with pleated waists and
shirred skirts; shades of Copen
hagen, gray, green, navy, rose, and
The Dresses at $9.95
Straight, pleated models, belt
ed, pleated jacket and shirred
skirt effects in crepe de chene,
taffeta and silk poplin; nicely
trimmed in shades of gray, navy,
black, rose, and belgian blue,
compose the group at $9.95.
The Dresses at $5.95
Satin poplin dresses, patterned
on the ever-popular straight and
belted lines, trimmed with
pockets and tinsel. They como
in rose, navy, gray, green, and
old rose.
Bur(e-Nuh Co.
"Rose" Brand California QQ
Redland Oranges, Dozen iC
Burioaa-Naah Co.
from Catarrh
drive the catarrhal poisons out of your
blood, purifying and strengthening it,
so it will carry vigor and health to the
mucous membranes on its journeys
through your body and nature will
soon restore you to health. You will
be relieved of the dropping of mucous
in your throat, sores in nostrils, bad
breath, hawking and spitting.
All reputable druggists carry
S. S. S. in stock and we recommend
you give it a trial immediately.
The chief medical adviser of the
Company will cheerfully answer all
letters on the subject. There is no
charge for the medical advice. Ad
drcs Swift Specific Company, 40
Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.
Star News far TuiUy.
THRIFTY Omaha housewives
await the Burgess-Nash Febru
ary Furniture sale with interest, be
caase they know from pastxexper
ience that there are hundreds of op
portunities to save.
The price on every suite or indi
vidual piece featured in this sale
means a substantial saving to you.
The cabinet work, the
distinctive style and the
practicability of the fur
niture makes this sale
stand pre-eminent.
Come Tuesday if you
wish to share in the sav
ings. Co. Third Floor
for Wednesday
a binding link,
Down Suira Storo
rpUESDAY, a sate of genuine Rose
brand, Redland navel oranges.
Large, thin skinned and juicy, at 29c
the doaen, , v
Dowa Sutra storo