7 THE' BEE: OMAHA, I I'r.SUAY, FEBRUARY 13. 1917. Nebraska HOUSE TACKLES FODR-YEAR TERM Members Fay Little Attention to Holiday, But Discuss This Measure. CLOSE CALL AT FINISH (From a Staff Correspondent. Lincoln, Feb. 12. (Special.) Mak ing laws and then failing to observe them, thus setting a good example for the present and future generations, appears to be the forte of the pres ent legislature, or at least the lower branch, for while Abraham Lincoln's birthday today is being observed all avtr the state and all over the coun try, the house of representatives con tinued in session and paid little at tention to the day as far as observ ing it by taking a vacation out of respect to the memory of the Emancipator. The house took a whirl at a tew bills ill committee fo the whole, among them being one to limit ap peals in cases involving less than $500 to the supreme court. Flans- burg of Lancaster made a heroic at tempt to save the bill, but the house looked at it otherwise and it was killed. Four-Year Terms. The bill regarding four-year terms for county officers was discussed without coming to a final conclusion. Mr. Murtcy objected to including sheriffs in the bill for fear that "if yc got a bad one we would have lliin too long." Mr. White wanted to cut the county attorney out alto gether in certain counties of smaller population, but Mr. .Norton said thai tinder prohibition every county would need a county attorney. Peterson of Lancaster managed to get an amendment through, giving the county treasurer two terms of four year each. Good wanted the terms of officials limited to one term of four years, but before the thing was settled the matter was laid over. People crossing land must shut gates they open in all cases, except where the gates open on to railway right-of-way. In cases where the gates arc used to get from one part of a farm to another, which a rail road has split up, it is not necessary lo shut the gate. Refer to Lincoln. " Right at this time Mr. Neff discov ered that Abraham Lincoln had a birthday and that today was the an niversary, so he read a portion of Mr. Lincoln's Gettysburg'h address, which the house adopted by a rising vote ami then, quietly resumed their seats. Coming back from lunch the mem bers again assailed the four-year term far county officers and the Good amendment to limit officers to two terms was again discussed. Fries. Ncff, Peterson, Grccnwalt, Taylor and several others opposed the motion, stating that if an officer had been ef ficient and the people of his county wanted to continue him in office they should have the right to do so. Good and others favored the amend ment because under the present sys tem it was easy for the officer to build up a machine and perpetuate himself in, office. The Good amendment was defeated and the original bill went to a roll call on a motion by Good to in definitely postpone. The motion failed to carry and the bill was saved by a vole of 49 to 36. School Book Commission. Creation of a state school book commission, with a secretary draw ing $3,000 a year annual salary as its principal officer, with a view to hav ing the state of .Nebraska print text books for all of its public schools or contract for their publication on a royalty basis is the departure pro posed in a bill by Representative Auten, now before the house commit tee on education. It carries an appropriation of $134, 500, but Representative Taylor is pro posing to have that amount included in his $l,00O,U00-a-year special state levy for support of rural schools, and that may be done. Mr. Taylor is only loo glad to do this, as he figures it will help in the passage of his own bill The commission, under the terms of this contemplated enactment, would have power to purchase copyrights and to buy the product of text book compilers. After that was done it could have the books printed and supj. 1'iicu iu auiuui uuarus at cost, as IS done in Kansas and some other states. Uniformity in Books. One point in favor of the scheme, as its friends point out, is that this would bring uniformity of text books in the state. The appropriation is divided as follows: For printing plant, $100,000; operating fund, $25, 000; postage and miscellaneous ex pense, $5,500; salary of secretary, $4,000. Mr. Auten is also the author of a bill providing that the state shall buy structural iron and heavy timbers for constructing bridges in all counties, so as to get the benefit of low prices which comes from purchasing in large Muantitics. Postmaster Littlefield Of Syracuse Is Dead Syracuse, Neb,. Feb. U. (Special.) Baalis S. Littlefield, postmaster of ; Syracuse, who was stricken with ap polcxy Friday evening, rallied but j slightly Saturday and died Sunday i evening at 5:15, never having fully regained consciousness. Mr. Littlefield was born in Nfassa chusetts frfty-four years ago. He was ; a member of the bar of this state ' and admitted to practice before the su preme court, was at one time county judge of Perkins countv. and was an- i pointed postmaster here by President ' gram ) Over 300 banqueters were Wilson soon after his inaguration and ; present this evening at the twentv was endorsed for a second term. I -u,u ,1 i . f .1 v YOUNG REPUBLICANS i AT LINCOLN BANQUET Three Hundred at Table Hear Party History and Prophecy. HIBBEN SPEAKS AT HOMEOF LINCOLN Life and Ideals of Martyr Are Now Used to Mold Public Opinion World Over, MENTION NATION S CRISIS PERILS OF PEACE GREAT tFrom n Staff Cnrreapmsdeitt. 1 Lincoln, Feb. 1 J. (Special Tele- of the Masonic lodge here at the 'Men's Republican club of Lincidu time of his death and also as clerk I Grand army men were given cat i i.. it... ...i. i - of he Modern W oodmen of America Vreient James L 1)rown , . and endorsed as delegate to the head ; du, introduccll ,he loa5llaslcr, campatthicagoinjunc. ! fnrm Lieutenant Governor Mmm-I He was married over twenty years K MeKelvie. who in turn introduced ago to Miss Hannah Andrews of this : ,h(. ,,rs. . v-,nr p, ,,... ..., T0CROy4y ASSIST HAIR GROWS OR NO PAY When your hair falls out. thr is lack of no"lhnint. which romn from the blond. The Modern Vacuum Cap draws the Moort to th hair roots and Klvea It HE- which didtprids the email blood vessel re novlriK all the clogged and Hluffglsh blood from around tho hair roots and a up pile fr-bh new blood. The hair taken on new life. Makes your hair have a healthy glow Mops it from falling out and rom-w8 the " 'rt the dormant hair fo)ltrln mo that they aifnln prow a healthy head of hair We vnd our caps out on t SIXTY DAYS' FREE TRIAL. In jour own hsme. We let yoU be the judira If you are not satisfied with the showing made you return the Cap. and there are no ' u.T8- , run 811 t,l r,"K hat you Mill he glad to purchase th Cau at the end of sixty riayi, 'or V.'S LOSE. There ia no publicity, or unpleasant notoriety as all shin, menis re ma do by Parcel Post without ad verliMiiR. Hrile today for our booklet and particular sent sealed In plain envelope M'M'',rn Varnum rp r. ..V) Barclay Mock. Ueorsr, Colo. place and is survived hv his widow three daughters an three sons; three brothers. Dr. George A. Littlefield of Boston, Mass.; Dr. Rufas A. Little field of Lewiston, Idaho, and C. G. Littlefield of Concordia, Kan., and one sister living at Fall River, Mass. Fu neral arrangements will not be an nounced until liis son, who is attend ing school in Massachusetts, is heard from. Notes from Beatrice And Gage County Beatrice, Neb., Feb. 12, (Special.) L F. Rambo, one of (lie oldest Masons in Nebraska and for thirty five years a resident of this city, died Saturday night at 10:30 o'clock at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jesse Gcs sell, aged 86 years. The deceased is survived by six children, his wife having passed away six years ago. William Ward law died yesterday morning at his home at Pickrell, aged 40 years. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wardlaw editor of The Omaha lire, who snok on "Looking Forward." Representative Leonard FlanMmrsr of Lincoln talked on "Harmony" and Mathew Gering of LMaltsumutli gae an address on ''The Rnsiry uf Poli tics. " Former United States Senator Xor ris Hrown of Omaha gave the prin cipal address and was greeted with many rounds of applause, lit urged united support of President Wilson in the present crisis, hut criticised somewhat his acts during the tirst three years of his administration. More Land Being Added Each Year to Tax Rolls (Kroin a Staff Correspondent Lincoln, Feb. 2. -(Special.)- Final prortf on lands of Nebraska i bring ing to the state an added revenue each year from taxation, but from a report by the state auditor it appears that in ,a few years more there will be .little left of these lands, as the The eighth annual meeting of the less anci lhis vr' : ronsid;.raMv less than last year when the number of I his year the acres was 1.102.SKJ. total is 840,8.10. The different land of fices show the following returns: Acr. Cortland Farmers' drain, Lumber and Coal company was. held at Cortland yesterday. These officers were elected: President. I. T. Whalen; vice president. v. won; secretary, Knrri Will Robbins; treasurer, David Bosi- AHUnre su ger. Colonel E. J. Shinii was called to Springfield, O., yesterday by a tele gram announcing the death of his cousin, J. A. Bookwalter, one of the heirs of the late J. V. Bookwalter, who died in Italy some time ago, leaving an estate valued at about $7,000,000. Pneumonia was the cause of death. The deceased leaves a widow and one son. He was a nephew of VV. H. Bookwalter of Beatrice. Broken now. North riatte 140 Lincoln ?! O'Neill liw Vjiln.ttnr. 4f.S Shihti' Indian agency . 53 Omaha HKoncy, Macy.... B6 V'innrl.iHs'o uKeney 46 'it:, n: -J45.342 i.o.i.n i..5:'h 33, OH'.: :uo 2,25 High Prices Paid for Hogs at Tecumseh Sale Co-Operative Butter and Ice Plant is Completed Orleans. Neb., Feb- 12. (Special.) The SIO.OOO1 farmers' co-operative equity butter factory and ice plant is ! average for completed and will begin oucrairons this month. The buildint; is of pressed brick and the motive power of the plant is steam. It will be a centralizing plant. Work on the $20,000 Orleins public library has been started. The opera house is being moved from the public square and the site occupied by the library, which is a gift from Mr. Preston, a pioneer and former resi dent of Orleans. Tecumseh. Neb.. Feb. 12. (Spe cial.) At the public sale of thor oughbred sows and gilts of the Duroc Jersey breed, of W. XI. Putman & Son, held in Tecumseh last week, thirty-five sows and gilts, bred to the prize-winning hoar, "King's Colonel." were sold for a total of $6,152.50. The c hogs was $176.25 per hogs were sold to breed- dozen different states. Give your Want Ad a chance make good. Run it in The Bee. to head. The ers from Farmer Injured. Fairbury, Neb., Feb. 12. (Special Telegram.) John A. Norris, a farmer, living three miles northwest of this city, was caught in the belt attached to a wood saw at noon today and sustained a fractured arm. The (irratnt l'ain Killer. Sloan's I.lnlment Koea right to tho Beat of patn, simply lay It on you do not have to rub. 26r. All druKglstH. Adv. Springfield, 111., Feb. 12. On this, the 108th anniversary of the birth of . Abraham Lincoln, the name of the martyred president is 4eing revered in Kngland and France as never be fore, and in the midst of the great F.uropran war his words arc being used to mould public opinion and to stimulate the spirit of volunteer ser vice; and his life is even being fol lowed as a pattern of British and French statesmanship, said President John Ciricr llibben of Princeton uni versity in nn address before the Lin coln Centennial association here to day. "He has become indeed a type, the symbol and the incarnation to other peoples the world over of that which they prize even above life itself," said lr. llibben. "This is illustrated in the striking attitude towards Lincoln of France and Great Britain todav. Y earning for some ideal to steadv and inspire them, onie great meniorv. some vision of a spirit standing within the shadow of this terrible war, thev find their longing realized in the noble! nature and oracular words of Lincoln. England Needs a Lincoln. "In a letter which I received from one who was in Great Britain during the first months of the war. it is stated that after the first shock of the war the most serious-niHided of the F.ng lish again and again gave "expression to their thought in the words: 'We need a Lincoln.' 'Times like these call for an Abraham Lincoln.' 'In this present situation what would Lincoln have doner' "It is the most significant fact that the people of Great Britain in the time of greatest national peril have turned instinctively to Lincoln for inspira tion, and the reason of this, I lake it, is because they find in him the em bodiment of those principles which in their minds form the justification of all their endeavor. Not only do thev look to him in a general way for in piartion, but they have repeatedly re ferred to his words in order to mould public opinion and to justify govern mental action. It is to the words of Lincoln that they have tttrned in or der to stimulate the spirit of volun teer service. The reference to Lin coln on the subject of conscription are used not merely as the opinion of a witness in the case, hut are stated confidently as being the conclusion of the whole matter. France Reveres Him. "What can be said of Great Britain can be said even more forcibly of France. The French people have al ways loved Lincoln and they claim him as one of their own heroes. His great personality has taken possession of the imagination of the French peo ple and there is no F'rench hero who is more highly revered among the common people of France than Abra ham Lincoln. "'Since his death we have grown big and rich and prosperous while the whole world has been made tributary to our comfort and well-being. The very impoverishment of the warring nations abroad has been the occasion of the amassing ot fabulous fortunes, and the alarming increase of luxury and luxurious living throughout our land. It can only be a matter of con jecture as to how Lincoln might have led his people through a period of prosperity, because lie was never put actually to this test. From the poverty of his youth to the tragedy of his death there was for linn one long protracted struggle against heavy odds, while the sole gleam of light to guide him was that which shone from his own unconquerable hope and faith. I am convinced, however, that' were he to, return to this marvelous life of ours today, his unerring insight would discover the dangers to which we as people are exposed by reason of that very prosperity which we are wont to regard as an unquestionable bless ing. Perils of Peace. "Those spiritual qualities which Lincoln emphasized as necessary to meet the stress and strain of war. lie would doubtless urgr upon our con sideration today as being the qualities of manly vigor which alone can pre pare the spirit of a people to with stand the subtle temptation of an overwhelming prosperity. There are perils of peace as well as those of war. and we find ourselves confronted by the grave danger at the present time that our American peop'e may become 'prisoners in their own treas ure house.' "Lincoln fought and overcame the forces which were determined upon a sectional division. No such danger presents itself now. We fear no con flict between north and south, nor east and west. There is a real danger, however, that in the bewildering com plexity of our Inodern life small groups of self-centered interests mav necome so surtu'ient unto themselves that they will lose all concern for the common welfare. With men of maiiv races and many tongues, can we stim ulate and maintain the unity of na- . tional spirit? Can we transform newly J made citizens, ignorant of our insti- tutions and traditions into loyal pat riots? Our whole tendency is towards the development of an exaggerated in i dividualism twhich we must endeavor ! by every means of education and cx I ample to overcome, j Universal Service is Answer, j " To this end the plan of universal ! military service now so generally un der discussion will be of significant aid. It is not merely that such a measure naturally provides an ade quate national defense; more than that, it tends in a larger measure to preserve the spirit of our national unity. It is only by bringing together the heterogeneous elements of our J country in somejmiversal democratic j training, many of whom are foreign born, some ot whom have only half j hearted allegiance to our national ideas, that they can be made to realize tne compelling power ot a common obligation and a common cause." Funeral of S. K. Hinitt Is Held at Fairbury Fajrbury, Neb., Feb. 12. (Special.) The funeral services of the late S. 11. Ilinitt were held at the. Christian chttri-h Sunday afternoon. Rev. I. K. Shellenherger officiating. Mr- Ilinitt expired at his home in Council Bluffs, la., Wednesday and the hotly was broughl to Fairbury Saturday eve ning. Mr. Ilinitt was one of the old time residents of Fairbury. His father, Joseph Ilinitt, died here in 1880. The family came here in 1870. He is survived by his wife and two sons. He was a prominent Mason and this order had charge of the fu neral services. Alma Shoe Store Robbed. Alma. Neb.. Feb. 12. (Special.) John Stegelnieyer's shoe store was robbed and eight pair of shoes from the best stock taken. Entrance was ' gained hy prying up a side window. I The following note: "Goodby, ihoe : maker, we're off to the war," was left on the work bench. Blood hounds from Phillipshurg, Kan., fol I lowed the same trail, twice, which i ended at the railroad track near the (depot. No suspects were located. - 's 1 1 i Clean Blotchy Skin Don't worry about blotches or other skin troubles. You can have a clear, clean complexion by using a little Ktnc obtained at any drug store for 25c, or extra large bottle at $1.00. Zetno easily removes all traces of pimples, black heads,- blotches, eczema, and ringworm and makes the skin clear and healthy. Zetno is a clean, penetrat ing, antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor (rreasv and stains nothing. It is easily applied and costs a mere trifle for each application. It is always dependable, Th K. W. Rom Co., Clavaland, O. Telephone m i' Valentines s brandeis Storcsl (OGa IT n QUICK-LUNGHITIS Have you ever had it? Headaches, indigestion, nerve-fag all caused by too rapid eating, and too little exercise i Pills don't cure. Laxatives and cathartics, unnatural irritating stimulants, frequently end by making constipation chronic. Get a bottle of Nujol at your druggist's. It will effectively relieve constipation by helping nature to act naturally. Nujol is not a laxative or a bowel stimu lant. It acts in effect as an in ternal lubricant, encouraging and facilitating normal movements. Nujol b bottled at the refinerynd is sold only in pint bottles bearing the name Nujol and the imprint of the Standard Oil Company (New Jer.ey). Refuse substitutes be sure you fat the genuine. Write today for booklet, "The Rational Treatment for Constipation." STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) Bayonne New Jersey Saving Sale of Sewing Needs Notions at Economy Prices Take this opportunity to anticipate your sewing needs and save money. Rust-Proof Dress Clasps, card VhG Good Shell Hair Pins, 10c value, card. . . 5 Scissors and Shears, pair 10 Shell Hair Pins, 6 in box, at 5 Real Human Hair Nets, 3 for 25c, each. . 104 Girls' and Women's Hair Barrettes, each. . JO Darning Cotton, all fast colors, 3 spools. . 5 Men's and Women's Suit Hangers, 25c val ues 2 for 35 White Ivory Dressing Combs, best grade, cch 19 7t Bias Tape, 12-yard bolts, white and colors Men's Shirt Bands, all sizes, each Extra Heavy Skirt Markers, each 10 "Betsy Ross" Crochet Cotton, white and ..colors, 3 balls for 25 Sanitary Belts, 25c values, each 19 Sanitary Aprons, large size, each 19 Men's and Women's Sleeve Protectors, Pr 10 Best Sanitary Napkins, dozen, at Best "Omo" Dress Shields for shirt waists, pair Best Pure Silk Skirt Braid, 10c value, yard I One Big Lot of Scissors and Shears, regu ular 50c values, pair Pure Irish Linen Tape, bolt Pure Silk Seam Binding, black only, bolt Rust-Proof Wavy Wire Collar Stays, card Large Bolts of Rick-Rack, white and col ors, Cable Cord, for shirring dresses, yard . . "Omo" and Kleinert Brassieres, with dress shields, each Fancy Coat Hangers, for children's clothes, each Best Mercerized Linen Corset Laces, 1 inch wide. Regular 15c grade, each . . "Omo" and Naiad Rubber Baby Pants, all sizes. Special, Tuesday, pair 19 15 6 25 3H 7tt 1 7tt 1 $1.00 10 3 19 Dresss Forms at Exceptional Prices "Better-Way" 4-Sectional Dress Forms, adjustable at neck, bust, waist and hips; also to any height. Regular $7.50 dvj no values 12-Sectional "Better-Way" Dress Forms, the best forms made. Ad justable at neck, bust, waist and hips; also to any height. These forms are fitted with arm pieces; also an extra wire skirt to adjust. fljQ 1 C Regular price $12.00, sale price vleiO Main Floor. I Eight Items of Exceptional Interest From This Big Basement Ready-to-Wear Section , Offering Savings on Skirts, Petticoats and Children's Wear that will be appre ciated by every woman. ' Women's and Misses' Dress Skirts, $1.39 Over 500 Skirts to choose from, many different' styles, with large pockets. Full flare bot toms. Made of all-wool Serges, Novelty Cloths, Big Plaids, Stripes and Corduroys, in d1 nn various colors. Good, up-to-date styles. High belt effects, etc., at PlOa7 , Splendid Dresses, at $2.79 Made of fine Serges, Crepe de Chines, Silk Poplins, etc. All up-to-date styles with large col lars and cuffs. Many different models. Dresses that have sold here for as much as fco 7rt $6.50. Clearance price, at Petticoats, Kimonos and Several Children's Items Women's Fancy Flowered Kimono Cloth Dressing Sacques. For a quick clearance, each ' 19 Women's 26c and 29c Corset Covers, many different styles. Very Special 156 Girls' Sweater Coats, ages 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 years. Various colors; many different styles at anj. Women's Black and Colored Cotton Petti coats, 50c and 75c values, for only 39 Girls' Middies, ages 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 years. Several styles. Regular 50c values for only 35 Children's Warm Flannel Sleepers, made of good quality flannel. Ages 6 to 14 years. Values to 59c, for 29 Basement. 3,000 Packages "Needlecraft" Including Knife and Fork Holders, Vork Bags, Crochet Bags, Post Card Holders, Kodak Books, Pin Holders, Necktie Kacks, etc. Regular 25c to 50c values, for 1,500 Stamped Aprons, extra fine India Linon; dainty designs. Regularly 15c, sale price, each 7 Third Floor. 15c Taffy Day Tuesday WHOLESOME , toothsome sweets of all kinds are here, at very moderate prices, but on Tuesday we make a spe cial of Taffy and this particular Tuesday we shall offer: Angel Food Taffy All flavors, At 10c a Pound Main Floor, Pompaian Room, v.