Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1917, Page 8, Image 8

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Recital by Great Composer's
Widow Proves Occasion of
Austrian Paper Has Three
Large White Spots in Edi
torial Denouncing Wilson.
"Guess Who!" Q
Q Drawn by Nell Brinkley
Copyright, 1917, by the
International1 Feature Service.
Federal Grand Jury Consider
ing Case of Manufacturers
Who Boosted Prices.
Delight to Attendants.
Washington, Feb. 11. Federal in
. vestigation of the news print paper
situation has uncovered enough evi
tlcncc, it was made known today, to
warrant the Department of Justice
asking indictments of paper manufac
turers for alleged anti-trust law viola
tions. Already, it was learned, a fed
cral grand jury in New York is tak
ing testimony to determine if there
has been a criminal conspiracy in re
straint of trade. Bayibridge Colby
and Mark Hyman have been retained
as special assistants to the attorney
general to aid in the inquiry.
Heney to Prosecute.
The Federal Trade commission,
which has furnished much of the in
formation on which, the Department
of Justice it taking action, announced
today that francis J. Heney ot Cali
fornia has been engaged as a special
attorney in the commission's inquiry
into high news print prices, and that
under his direction the commission
. would continue its investigation after
a preliminary report is made to con
Kress early next week. Additional
data will be supplied to the uepart
ment of Justice as fast as it is ob
The report to congress, which was
to have been made Monday, probably
will be delayed for some days because
of the illness of one of the commis
sioners. It will be in the nature of
an interim report and will cover the
efforts of the commission to find a
solution for an apparently news print
shortage and relict lor publishers
from almost prohibitive prices that
have obtained tor about a year. .
Never a Shortage. .
The Federal Trade commission, it
is understood, will report that it has
found that increases in news print
prices within the year are from four
to twenty times the advance in pro
duction costs. It will say there never
has been an actual news print short
age and that manufacturers have
helped create a panic among publish
ers by intimating there was one.
Havana Aroused by
Report of a Plot to
Upset Government
Havana, Feb. 11. Havana was
stirred today by report! of a revo
lutionary movement. During the
. night the secretary of the interior,
Aurelio Hevia, notified the civil and
military authorities that a plot to
overthrow the government had been
discovered, involving civil and mili
tary officials and rumors that high
army officers had been placed under
arrest, spread over the city, causing
both excitement and alram. There had
been mutterings of an uprising ever
since the presidential elections in
November fast, the result of which
has not yet been determined.
It was reported, but authoritatively
denied by Secretary Hevia, that Briga
dier ueneral Pablo Mendieta, brother
of Carlos Mendieta, liberal vice
presidential candidate, and General
Espinoza had been detained. These
stories were later disproved by the
appearance of these two officers at
the palace.
Shelton Entertains Live
Stock Men of This City
Shelton, Neb., Feb. 11. Special
Telegram.) A special Pullman on
No. 14 this morning brought a party
of thirty-five .live stock commission
men, packing house representatives
and railway officials here from Oma
ha and today they were entertained by
local feeders and business men. The
forenoon was spent in automobile
rides to the yards, where thousands
of sheep, cattle and hogs are being
prepared for market.
Shelton for many years has had
the reputation of being one of the
most extensive feeding stations in
the state and this evening a banquet
held in Redington's hall, at which
ISO sat and listened to music fur-
nished by a colored saxaphone quar
tet from Omaha. At the close of the
banquet short speeches were made
by Bruce McCulloch, Omaha; W. E.
Reed, manager of Clay, Robinson &
Co.; Superintendent Ware of the
Union Pacific; C. B. Reynolds, Shel
ton, and a representative from . the
State university.
Much praise was given the com
mittee in charge of the arrangements
' by the Omaha visitors for the splen
didly arranged program.
Will Attempt to Pray the ?
German Army Out of France
Paris, Feb. II. Solemn public
prayers will be offered for the French
arriies throughout Lent through the
action of Cardinal Lucon, archbishop
of Rheims and Cardinal Amette, arch
bishop of Paris. The cardinals sent
to all the bishops of France, a letter
reading in part as follows:
"The hour is grave. Spring' will
bring, as everybody expects, a re
crudesence of the intensity of war op
erations on both sides. The belli
gerents will make an effort which
each will want to be a decisive one.
Our soldiers will .fight every day.
Must we not pray every day while
they are making the supreme effort
with arms? Let tit make a supreme
effort by prayer."
Unidentified Man Killed
In South Side. Yards
An unidentified man, probably a
, laborer, was found dying in the rail
road right-of-way last night at 10:30
o'clock at Railroad avenue and Wash
ington street. South Side. He had
evidently been thrown under the
wheels of a train while trying to
catch a ride. He died at the South
Omaha hospital before midnight.
A small amount of money was
found on hit person and jewelry was
marked in several places "P. S. He
was about 35 years of age. His tie
pin wat marked "Jeff." ,
Mrs. Edward MacDowell, pianist,
and the widow of the greatest Ameri
can composer, completely captivated
an Omaha audience last evening at
the Young Women's Christian associ
ation auditorium. She appeared for
the benefit of the Peterborough col
ony for creative workers, which is the
work of the MacDowell Memorial as
sociation. and under the local ausoicea
of Kdilh L. Wagoner, who was at
one time a pupil ot MacDowell. and
who made a few brief introductory
remarks. .
Mrs. MacDowell captivated by her
own delightful personality, her inter
pretations or her husband s music,
and by the interest of her program.
She, more than any one else, realizes
the value of ideal environment for
creative work, environment such as
MacDowell only had for a short time
in his life, and her unselfish enthusi
asm in helping to finance the Peter
borough colony as such a permanent
place could not but be seen and ad
Explains the Purpose.
In her brief talk at the opening of
the program she told something of
the aims and Durnoses of this institu
tion, bow it has grown from a small
and uncertain beginning to definite
and assured success in the accom
plishments of those aims, and of her
interest in seeing it a financial success
as well.
Besides the brief talk, Mrs. Mac
Dowell prefaced many of the numbers
she played with a few remarks about
how they came to be written or with
a brief incident in connection with
them which added an intimate touch
and personal interest to them.
It may have been a surprise to
more than one present to realize what
an interesting program could be
given trom the works of MacDowell
alone, a fact by the wav which sneaks
eloquently of his genius as a com
poser, and Ins versatility of subiect
matter. It was a tribute to Mrs. Mac
Dowell as a pianist, that throtm-h her
playing the richness1 of "chord fa
bric," the tonal coloring and many
were expressed clearly and intelli
gently to the audience.
Music Well Played.
All of her numbers were well in
terpreted with dynamic contrasts and
individual conceptions of the numbers,
all the more interesting through her
Close association with the composer.
All of the numbers are so colorful, and
atmospheric, that it surprises all the
more that each in its way can be so dif
ferent. "Flute Idyl," largo from the
"Sonata Tragica," '"Winter," from
Opus thirty-two, and "A. D. 1620"
from the "Sea Pieces" were esoeciallv
enjoyable to the writer. "From a Ger
man forest was a rich and beauti
ful number, and was to enthusiasti
cally received that it was repeated.
The brilliant "Witches' Dance" closed
the program, but as evervone re
mained in their seats, and Mrs. Mac
Dowell in resDonae to the hrartinraa
of the applause added three extra
numbers "lo a Wild Rose." "Scotch
Poem" and "The March Wind."
Hollweg Thinks U-Boats
, Will End the War Quickly
1 Paris, Feb. 11. The Berlin Kreuz
Zeitung, according to a Geneva dis
patch to the Temps, says that Chan
cellor von Bethmann-Holiweg counts
upon the submarine to end the war
"Every day badly employed," adds
the paper, "is lost for Germany and
gained for England, which perfects
its means of defense. We must has
ten our action. Five or six months
will suffice. May God grant that we
do not renew with out submarines our
experiences with Zeppelins."
The newspaper expresses the con
viction that less than seven weeks of
submarine warfare will "put England
out of action."
Omaha Whistent Sweep
The Plate at St. Joseph
St. Joseph, Mo., Feb. 11. (Special
Telegram.) Omaha won not only the
Richards trophy in the play of the
Central Whist association here today,
but also the honor of being selected
as the city in which next year's
tournament will be held. C. W. Mar
tin of Omaha was elected president
and June Abbott of Omaha, secretary
and treasurer of the association. To
an Omaha team, Hoberg and Gichtn,
also went the St. Joseph trophy for
two-man play.
Council Bluffs finished second in
the team play, with Grand Island
third, and Bartlesville, Okl., fourth.
The latter team led until this after
noon, when Omaha went into the
lead and remained there.
Local Greeks Try to Land
Alpha Tau Omega Meet
Attempts are being made to land
the Alpha Tan Omega fraternity con
vention for Omaha in 1920.
A meeting of alumni was held yes-,
terday at the Fontenelle hotel and
President A. C. Kennedy, of the local
chapter, appointed a committee con
sisting of Earl W. Porter, Attorney
Chandler Trimble and Byrd Sells, to
organize the campaign to land the
convention, which will be an excep
tionally big one. Assurance has al
ready been given that Omaha will
have the help of Minnesota, Iowa,
Missouri and Kansas, besides Ne
braska. Teutons Moving Food and '.
Fuel from Roumania
Berlin, Feb. 11. (By. Wireless to
Sayville.) Enormous amount! of sup.
Slies captured in Roumania are now
eing transported to Germany, Aus
tria and Hungary, tayt the Overseas
News agency. More than 400 steam
ships and 2,700 tugs are carrying corn,
wood, leather and other raw materials
up the Danube. The steamers tow
ten barges each, carrying as much
freight at 650 railroad cars.
Bad Uaaa-uf ratarlabr (.ripDj? ',
Tbtaa allmanta weaken roar ayatam. den't
wait. Caa Dr. Belli Plae-Tar-Honer. It
allaya Inflaramatlen, kllla rarma 2Bo. All
druftlata. Atfvertleenat.
The silken rustle of alighting wings crept in her ears,
and while her head was drawn sharply back and two vel
vet and steel hands were clutched over her eyes, a silvery
voice crowed "Guess Who !" And the maiden smiled,
with not a second to think, and named this stranger whose
voice was unknown "I know you ; you are Love !"
Teach Girls a
There are millions of parents in
these. United States today who are
wondering just what to do with their
Mamie or Sadie, who 'graduated from
high school last June. They have
neither the inclination nor the money
to send her off to college. They are
well enough off for her not to be
forced at once into office, or store, or
They don't want her to spend her
time gadding the streets with other
idle girls and boys, and so the prob
lem of what to do with Mamie's and
Sadie's superfluous time and energy
is a problem that keeps them awake
of nights.
Let me implore the parents of such
girls to settle the question in the only
right way by setting their daughters
to learn some gainful occupation by
which they can earn an honest living
t the need ever comes to them.
We women talk a lot about the
wrongs of our sex, but every political
injustice and social injustice that has
ever been perpetrated against us sinks
into nothingness before the wrong
that our parents do us in not teaching
us some way to support ourselves..
They send us out into the world
helpless and defenseless, with no
weapon with which to protect our
selves. They put us at the mercy of
poverty and cold and hunger and bru
tal men, for these are the cruel lot
of the woman in need who knows no
way of making enough money to pro
vide for her daily wants. It is the
crime of all crimes, and that it is com
mitted in the name of love does not
palliate it, nor change its effect.
Lite at best is full of chances. No
body can tell what a few years mav
bring forth. Riches take wings and
fly away. Relative and friends
off. The most promising marriages
often end in disaster.
No human foresight can altogether
protect a girl against the contingen
cies of fate, but if we have trained her
to some trade or profession so that she
has in herself the ability and skill to
make a decent living, we have at least
warded off from her the worst blow ot
disaster. . We have given her an
anchor to the windward that will hold
her safe while the storm blows over
Teach your trirls tome wav to sun-
port themselves, because it is the
surest way to protect them against
Business, Says
Some Day They
temptation. Suppose, father, there
should come some crash in business
that would sweep away your little for
tune, and you should die leaving your
family penniless. Such catastrophes
happen often, and girls gently and de
licately reared as yours are thrown
suddenly out into the world to sink or
If your girl has a good trade at her
fingers' ends, she will swim safely into
shore. But if she knows nothing on
earth to do that will earn enough
to keep body and soul together, you
know what is almost sure to happen
when her clothes are in rags, when
she is shivering with cold, when she
is starved, and despairing.
It is the girls who have no skilled
labor to sell who sell themselves,
and their sins are on their parents'
heads. Their parents could have
saved them by teaching them how
to make an honest living.
Girls should be taught some gain
ful occupation, because it gives
them self-respect to be producers
instead of wasters and' spenders. It
makes them feel that they, are of
some use in the world. It gives them
a broader outlook on life and turns
them from' playthings into, intelligent
human beings with an aim and pur
pose. The fluffiest-headed little cash girl
that ever drew her own pay envelope
has got some quality of independ
ence about her that the - richest fe
male parasite who has lived on others
all her life never knows.
"But I expect my daughter to
marry." say parents. Perhaps. ': But
it's a fifty-fifty chance whether . a
girl gets married in these days when
the high cost of living makes matri
mony more and more a luxury of
the rich. No parents can safely count
on handing over their daughter's sup
port to some man.
Certainly the possibility of such a
thing does not justify a father and
mother in risking leaving a helpless,
poor old maid to either go to the
poorhouse or live around on relatives-in-law
who don't want her.
' But it does not injure a girl't
chances of marriage for her to learn
how to support herself. Ia increases
them. Girls who work in offices have
ten times the chances to marry that
society girls have. Moreover, no
woman makes to good a wife as the
business girl who knows from ex
perience the value of promptness and
system and efficiency and, above all,
This to a small young lady who wrote me on blue
paper to know HOW she was to know Love when he
came! Funny! He never fooled a feminine creature
yet when he came, and cried "Guess Who!"
May Need It
who knows from actual experience
how hard money is made.
No woman who has ever earned a
dollar looks at it with the same eyes
that the woman does who has only
nad money given her. the one thinks
it grows on trees; the other knows
it comes through blood and sweat,
and she handles it accordingly.
Suppose a girl marries well, but
disaster overtakes her husband. He
may fail in business, or lose bis situa
tion through no fault of his own.
He may become an invalid. He may
die, leaving her with a hquse full of
children. It is a tragedy if the wife
is a helpless untrained woman who
knows no way of making a cent.
Her hsuband may perish for lack of
a little help, or for lack of proper
nourishment.-. Her children may be
separated and sent to public insti
tutions because she cannot feed them.
But if she, has ben taught' some
gainful occupation, the situation is
merely a misfortune. . She can step
into the breach, keep her. family to
gether, and work out their salvation.
Above all, having been trained to
some gainful occupation is the. sharp
sword with which a woman can pro
tect herself against a brutal husband
if she has the misfortune to marry
such a one. There is nothing more
pitiful in the world than the fact that
untold numbers of women have to
endure daily martyrdom of abuse and
ill-treatment from men who kick them
about as if they were dogs, and like
dogs they, have to lick the hand that
beat them, ' because they r "have no
way by which they can support them
selves and theif children. . t-
An'd their husbands know, this and
take advantage of ' the - knowledge.
These men would not dare to ill-use
a wife who could go back to her
old job. . y '
For these and a million other good
reasons I implore all Darents. as thev
love their daughters, to have them
taught some gainful occupation by
which they can support themselves.
Financial independence" is the best
gift that any father and mother can
make to their daughter, and to with
hold it from her is simply gambling
with her future.
Quick Relief From Colds. 1 '
"I have found Chamberlain's 'Cough
Remedy to give the quickest relief
from hard colds and bad coughs of
anything I have used," states Mrs. T.
Bowman, Decatur, 111. Advt. I
Little Bobbie's Pa
I toald Pa last nite that I had to rite
a artikel for our skool paper about
the hve gratests men that ever lived.
I see, sed Pa, well, I will be glad
to help you.
The teecher sed our parents cud
help us by giving us the naims, I toald
Pa, but she sed we had to rite the
artikel ourselfs.
Well, sed Pa, first I will pick out
the five men for you. I shud sav. sed
Pa, leeving myself out on account
ot my modesty, that the five gratest
men wud te:
1. Alexander the Grate.
2. William Shakespeer.
3. Abraham Linkun. .
4. Thomas Edison.
5. John J. McGfcw.
Then Ma beegan to laff. It is too
bad you left yursclf out, sed Ma. No
list wud be reely complete without
yure bnte naim at the hed of it.
Well, sed Pa, I suppose so, but I
doant know wich one of them naims
to scratch out. You certingly wuddent
want to put me in place of Shakes
peer, wud yu, sed Pa.
f wuddent want to half as much as
you want to, sed Ma, but I think you
are a grater inventor than Edison.
You have invented moar excuses &
yarns, sed Ma., than all his mvenshuns
put together & you had to work a lot
quicker, too, Ma sed. I never saw
you falter yet wen it came to maiking
up a excuse out of nothing, sed Ma.
Well, sed Pa, I mite put my naim
in & throw out one of the dead ones
at that. We will sec. Now, sed Pa.
this is the way Bobbie shud start his
"Glancing hack oaver the pages of
history & standing in awe-struck awe
beefoar'thc miteyfiggers of the
world's grate giants, we see naims
wich shines above the common herd
like a sunset or a red head at noon.
The 'grate, the powerful, the mitey
men of all time is them men wich has
showed by thare greatness that other
men, wen compared with them, is less
grate, as-it. were."
That is a good way to start it, sed
Pa. It 'sounds fine, sed Pa.
It doesn't sound varv fine to m. I
toald Pa. You mussent rite this essay
tor me, i nave to rite it myself. I
have to tell the teecher it is mine &
I doant want to tell a lie.
That is rite. Bobbie, sed Ma. tell
yure father to tare up that peece of
paiper & taik me out to see a moving
picter while you rite yure essay. Yure
lather is a escort, not a essay-ist, sed
So Pa toar up the paiper, but I put
it together aggen after he had took
Ma to the picter. show., , j
w Vienna (Via London), Feb. 11. Gov
ernment circles and the public general
ly view the delayed action of President
Wilson regarding the relations be
tween Austria-Hungary 'and the
United States as a somewhat favor
able omen and wonder if no rupture
is to occur. The newspapers, in a
maioritv of cases, hold a similar view.
with -the result that, the tone of the
editorials is losing all its sharpness,
save in the case of a few radical pa
pers, of which the Reichs Post, the
most prominent Catholic organ, is the
chief instance.
The Reichs Post had three large
white spots, inflicted by the censors
in an editorial attacking President
Wilson tin's morning. Judging by the
little that censors permitted to appear
the editorial must have been ex
tremely rabid.
Do Not Commit Themselves.
All the other papers this morning
confined themselves to discussing the
attitude of the other neutrals toward
the president's act regarding Germany
and expressing the hope that the
American government would learn
therefrom that the central powers'
case was not so one-sided as the
friends of the entente would have
the world believe.
Several papers, knowing the gov
ernment's attitude in matters affectinf!
President Wilson's actions, refrained
from committing themselves edi
torially on that subject, taking up
the necessity of fuel and similar mat
ters instead.
The Associated Press learns that
the Austro-Hungarian government
yesterday instructed the military and
other public safety organizations that
the greatest possible courtesy should
be shown all Americans in any event
and that possible complaints by any
American should receive prompt at
tention at the hands of all the au
thorities. Case Looks Hopeful.
At the American embassy the opin
ion was expressed this morning that
the case looked hopeful. At noon the
papers published, with apparent sat
isfaction, a wireless aispaccn irom
New York to the effect that the
American government had not taken
real measures against German and
Austro-Hungarian shipping, reports of
which were widespread here. The
dispatch in question, which stated that
Washington had instructed the Amer
ican officials to proceed with caution
and courtesy, made the best possible
Emperor Charles has olaced at the
disposal of the people for the distri
bution of fuel his entire stable equip
ment, in order that the coal which has
accumulated at the depots may be dis
tributed to the needy.
To Darken Hair
Apply Sage Tea
A few applications of Sage Tea and
Sulphur brings back its vigor,
color, gloss and youtbfulness.
Common garden sage brewed into
a heavy tea with sulphur added, will
turn gray, streaked and faded hair
beautifully dark and luxuriant Just a
few applications will prove a revela
tion if your hair is fading, streaked or
gray. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sul
phur recipe at home, though, is trou
blesome. An easier way is to get a
50-cent bottle of Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur Compound at any drug store
all ready for use. This is the old time
recipe improved by the addition of
other ingredients.
While wispy, gray, faded hair is not
sinful, we all desire to retain our
youthful appearance and attractive
ness. By darkening your hair with
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound
no one can tell, because it does it so
naturally, so evenly. You just damp
en a sponge or soft brush with it and
draw this through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time; by morn
ing all gray hairs have disappeared,
and, after another application or two.
your hair Becomes beautifully dark,
glossy, sott and luxuriant
I his preparation is a delightful toil
et requisite and is not intended for
the cure, mitigation or prevention of
Hair Often Ruined
vBy Washing With Soap
Soap should be used verv carefullv.
if you want to keep your hair looking
its best Most soaps and oreDared
shampoos contain too much alkali.
This dries the scalp, makes the hair
brittle, and ruins it.
The best thine for steadv nse is iust
ordinary mulsified cocoanut oil (which
is pure ana greaseiessj, and is better
than the most expensive soap or any-
ininiT eise you can use.
One or two teasooonfuls will
cleanse the hair and scalp thoroughly.
Simply moisten the hair with water
and rub it in. It makes an abund
ance of rich, creamy lather, which
rinses out easily, removing every par
ticle ot dust, dirt, dandruff and ex
cessive oil. The hair dries quickly
and evenly, and it leaves the scalp
soft and the hair fine and silky, bright.
lustrous, nutty and easy to manage.
You can get mulsihed cocoanut oil
at any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and
a few ounces will supply every mem
ber of the family for months. Advt.
The "Come-back" man wu really never
down-and-out. His weakened oondltloo be
cause of Overwork, lack st exercise. Im
proper feeding and living demands stlmula-
tion to satisfy the cry for a health-giving
appetite and the refreahtng sleep essential
to Btrent-th. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem OH
Capsules, the National Remedy of Holland,
will do the work. They are wonderful!
Three of these capsules each day will put a
man on his feet before he knows It, whether
hts trouble comes from uric acid poisoning.
the ktdneys, gravel or stone In the bladder,
stomach derangement or other ailments tha'
befall the over-sealous American, uon i wan
until you arc entirely down-and-out, buL
take them today. Tour druggist will gladly
refund roar money If they do not help yo"
S6c ftoo and 11.00 ner box. Accent no sub
stitutes. Look for the name GOLD WEPAJ.
on every bo. They arc the pure, onemm
imported HaarJem Oil Capsules. '