Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1917, Image 1

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Want-ad Service
Night or Day
Tyler 1000
VOL. XLVI. NO. 39.
On Truss, It HMtto.
Nsas !. In- M,
Fair''" ;'v-':;
Emperor Summons Chancellor
and High Army and Navy
Officials to Conference
at Headquarters.
Possibility of Parleys With
Neutrals Over Subsea Cam
paign to Be' Discussed.
London, Feb, 11. An important
conference 'at headquarters has been
called by' Emperor William presum
ably to discuss the submarine ques
tion,' says" the Exchange Telegraph
company's Amsterdam correspondent
Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg, the
imperial chancellor, and high army
and navy officials will attend and it is
reported, adds the correspondent, that
the possibility of negotiations with
the neutrals for modifying the terms
of the recent German memorandum
will be discussed.
Pro-German Dies
Following Heated
Argument and Fight
Leigh, Neb., Feb. II. (Special
Telcgram.)-r-A' mysterious death oc
curred here last night, when Fred
Duhwin died just after he had been
taken home by Fred Paulsen, a
friend. Duhwin and Paulsen had
been in -town during the day, and
Duhwin and another farmer, George
Eisner, got" info a heated argument
over the crisis with Germany. Duh
win was very emphatic in expressing
sympathy with Germany, and' this
wound up in a fistic encounter on
the street later in the evening.
Duhwin and Paulsen took' lunch at
a local eating house and then pro-
ceedcd home. On the way Duhwin
bled profusely and lay down in the
vehicle when they reached the Paul
sen home, two miles southeast of
this iity. Duhwin was very ill and
had to be carried ir the house. He
died soon after beinu seated in a chair.
A local physician turned the case
over to the Platte county authorities.
Duhwin was about 29 years old and
single. He had been employed on a
farm near here. t j.o.
" ii)
Edison Celebrates :
Seventieth Birthday
In Hi's Big Workshop
Orange, N. J, Feb. 11. Thomas A.
Edison iho was 70 years old to
day, was the guest of honor at, a
banquet given .in his workshop to
night by more than 2.00O- of his em
ployes and business associates. Let
ters of congratulation and good will
were read from President Wilson and
many others of note from all parts
of the world.
Mr. Edison went from his labora
tory direct to the banquet. The in
ventor's employes and business asso
ciates had been seated at tables which
filled a room covering an entire floor
of the Edison workshop. A birthday
cake ten and one-half feet in circum
ference and forty inches high was
placed in front of Mr. Edison. It
was aglow with seventy electric can
dles. In the center of it was a figure
of Liberty holding an electric torch.
Mr Edison made a brief speech in
which he thanked his "fellow work
ers" for their loyalty and their re
membrance of his birthday. He add
ed: "I feel fine and I am working
hard just now for my Uncle Samuel.
A letter from President Wilson, ad
dressed to the chairman of the com
mittee in charge, was as follows:
- "I wish with all 'my heart that I
might be present to take part in cele
brating Mr. Edison's seventieth birth
day.. It would be a real pleasure to
be able' to ay in public with what
deep and genuine admiration I have
followed his remarkable career of
achievement. I was an undergraduate
at the university when his first inven
tions captured the imagination of the
world, and ever since then I have re
tained the sense of magic which what
he did then created in my mind. He
seems always to have been in the
special confidence of nature herself.
His career already has made an in
dellible impression on the history of
applied science and I hope that he has
many years yet before him in which !
to make his record still more remark
able." . -
The Weather
Temperatures as Omaha, Yeeteraar.
Hoar. nr.
t a. m s
f a. m 1 s
T a. m ,. x
S a. m 0
t a. m.. l
10 a. m 2
11 a. m 3
13 m. ...... ........ 4
1 p. m.. 1
t p. m I
S p. m...,. 11
4 p. m 13
5 p. m.i 13
I p. in., 13
T p. m 11
. cempatauve Ideal Beeord.
a iii7. int. int. iii4.
V tirheit' jreaterdar. . . . 13 36 4e 29
Lowtst yeeterday...;. - ft . 21 l 7
Mean -temperature... 8 34 . 34 14
Precipitation - .00 .00 .00 .03
Tetnperature and precipitation departures
from the normal:
Normal temperature. , , ...... 32
Deficiency for the day....... 10
Total oxceao elnce March 1 US
Normal precipitation....... .03 Inch
Deficiency for. the day. 08 Inch
Total rainfall elnce March 1. .. .17.43 Inches
Deficiency alnce March 1 13.37 Inehea
Deficiency for cor. period, lilt. .06 men
Deficiency for cor. period. 1014. 1 M Inches
- . . L. . WKUSH, Meteoroh1al.
Memorial University Celebra
tion Hears From Many
Eminent Speakers.
Cumberland Gap, Tenn, Feb.. 11.
A score or more of five-minute ad
dresses modeled on the brevity of
Lincoln's Gettysburg address consti
tuted a feature today .of the celebra
tion of the twentieth anniversary of
the founding of Lincoln Memorial
university. "Lincoln, the Orator,"
was the subject of one of these short
addresses by Congressman Charles
H. Sloan of Nebraska, who said:
"Lincoln was invited to speak at
Cooper Institute, New York City, in
1860. Again his fearing friends said:
'Do not go to New York. It is the
home of 'Seward.' 'That speech made
at Cooper Institute will defeat you.
.Again he had confidence in himself
and bis cause. He went. He made
that memorable speech. That speech
made him the presidential nominee.
.He revealed new and strange powers
of oratory to the east, it was not
the florid, ornate utterance of the
south. It was not the keen classic
analysis of the east. , It was that di
rect and convincing express' of the
west proceeding from a clta; brain
prompted by a good heart, that
swayed the judgment and clinched
conviction. Throughout Lincoln's
speeches either in debate with Doug
las,, at Cooper -Institute, or later in
his masterpiece at Gettysburg, his ex
pression was lucid and strong, his
embellishment was through ideas
rather than words. These illuminated
rather than adorned his central prop
oson. On the last mentioned occa
str Lincoln underwent the supreme
oratorical test. . .
One of Three Greatest.
"Daniel Webster, who divides with
Edmund Burke the oratorical honors
of the English tongue, says true elo
quence rests in the occasion, in the
theme and in the man. The occ?n
was the gathering of the nations
greatest to commemorate the might
iest battle and victory of the great
war. It was on that field of fearful
carnage. The speech was by the cen
tral figure of the triumphant north.
He stood -the test. He spoke as. man
had not spoken since Paul addressed
the Athenians on Mars Hill. Lincoln
spoke with the .boldness of Paul and
the authority of the Nazarene. It was
the third in point of time of the three
great short speeches of .earth He
brew, Greek, American."
Shaw's View of Lincoln.
Leslie M. Shaw, former secretary
of the treasury, explaining that every
one who attempts some revolutionary
Eolicy claims some similarity between
iniself and Lincoln, devoted his ad
dress to pointing out "what Lincoln
did not believe, touch or do-".
'He vs not an abolitionist," said
Mr. Shaw. "He never belonged to
or affiliated with the abolition party.
The platform on which Mr. Lincoln
was elected was not an abolition plat
form. Mr. Lincoln set his face strong
ly against the spread of slavery and
his party promised that alt free soil
should remain free, 'Thus far, but no
fSiThef,' was its position. It is note
worthy, however, that he signed the
emancipation proclamation with many
misgivings and after much delay. The
abolition of slavery by proclamation
was a war measure and an incident of
the war. When the' constitution of
the confederacy was adopted it ex
pressly prohibited a protective tariff
and guaranteed slavery.
Lincoln a Conservative.
"Mr. Lincoln believed in three co
ordinate branches of government and
he did not believe in any subordinate
branch. He did not believe that the
judiciary should advise the congress
or the executive. He did not believe
that the congress should interfere
with the interpretation of the admin
istration of the laws which it saw fit
to enact and he did not believe the
executive should attempt to dictate
to the courts or make appointments
' (Ceo tinned an Pas Two, Column Two) (
Edward McEacheron Dies of -Rheumatism
and Cancer
Edward ' McEacheron, aged 68
years, and for thirty years a resident
of Omaha, engaged in the retail coal
business and located at Twentieth
and Lake streets most of the time,
died at his residence, 1907 Wirt street,
at 5 o'clock Sunday morning of
rheumatism and cancer of the stom
ach, after an illness of several
months. He is survived by his widow
and one daughter, the tatter, Mrs.
Allene Mumaugh of Tobias, this
state. ' '.' - -
Mr. McEacheron was born in
New York and came to Nebraska
some thirty-five years ago, settling
first near Ainsworth and then moving
to Rushville, subsequently locating in
Mr. McEacheron was a member of
the North Presbyterian church and
was one of its officers almost from
the time of its organization. He was
a trustee at the time of his death The
funeral will be held from the home
at 2 o'clock today. Burial will be at
Forest Lawn cemetery, and will be
private. The family has requested that
friends refrain from sending flowers.
The pallbearers will be: -
J. C, Weeth O. A. Scott
C. 8. Johnson . .T. H. Hughes -? ,
B: W. Lamareaux ' W. D. Perclval
The ' pallbearers have all been
friends' and neighbors of Mr. Mc
Eacheron for more than a quarter of
a century. The services at the house
and the cemetery will be conducted by
Rev. Mr. Higbee, pastor of the North
church. . - ;
Representative Liggett f
Weds Lincoln Teacher
Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 11. (Special
Telegram.) Representative George
Liggett of Seward county was mar
ried this afternoon at the Lincoln
hotel, to Miss Charlotte Zumwinkle
of Utica, who has been a teacher in
the Lincoln High school the last three
years. Mn Liggett is a banker at
Utica and is serving bis second term
in the legislature.
Ship's Surgeon, From Oregon,
Survivor of Crew of British
Vessel Sunk by TJ-Boat
. Without Warning.
He Describes Experiences-
Vessel Torpedoeod
German Submarine.
Sea Disasters Yesterday
London, Feb. 11 Lloyds' ahip-
Sing agency reports the Italian
ark Luiginag of 1,700 tons,
aground and a total loss. The cap
tain and ten men were lost. Five
men were saved.
The British steamer Sallagh hat
been - sunk, Lloyds' shipping
agency announces today.
This may refer to the British
steamer Salaga, of 3,811 tons gross,
owned by Elder, Dempster & Co,
of Liverpool. It has been in the
British government service. No
steamer Sallagh is listed in avail
able records.
Washington, Feb. 11. One Ameri
can Earl Rice, ship's surgeon of Port
land, Ore, was on board the British
India liner Mantola, torpedoed off the
Irish coast, Feruary 8b. Consul Frost
at Queensetowrr cabled the State de
partment that the steamer was tor
pedoed without warning, but that
everybody escaped except seven Las
cars. ; s '
Sound of Violent Explosion.
London, Feb. 1!. Earl M. Rice of
Portland, Ore, ship's surgeon of the
Mantola, adn the only American on
board, was among the survivors of
the torpedoed steamer, who arrived
in London today. He gave the Asso
ciated Press the following account of
the sinking: .v ''.'
'The first we knew was the sound
of a violent explosion, which shock
the ship from end to end at 10 p. m.,
on Thursday. The- sea was fairly
rough, but the ship maintained an
even heel and excellent order was
preserved, Captain Chavas immedi
ately ordered the boats launched.
Seven Lascars Killed,
.-"Seven Lascars were, killed by the
explosion. ,The remainder of those on
board Were unhijrt. Everybody got'
safely into teh boats with the excep
tion of the captain, the chief engi
neer and the wireless operator, who
were to follow us later.
"Nobody had yet seen the subma
rine and everybody in the boats was
peering into the haze in a vain effort
to catch a glimpse of the tell-tale
periscope An hour and a half after
the torpedoing the captain, the en
gineer and the wireless man got the
wireless working and began sending
out S. O. S. calls giving details of the
position. . i t
Reply Is Instant.'
"The reply came almost instantly,
but from an unexpected quarter. The
submarine, which evidently was lying
off in the saze two miles or so away,
nicked ud the wireless and began
shelling the Mantola from 4,000 yards-j
distance, meanwhile approaching at
full speed so that the range rapidly
decreased. Some of the shells were
loaded with shrapnel, which burst
about the Mantola, injuring the life
boats. We had retnrned close to the
Mantola, but the sailors' now tried to
increase the distance from the sub
marine's target. Fortunately, nobody
was hurt by the shells.
' Boat Plainly Visible.
"By this time the submarine was
plainly visible to everybody. A cool
headed passenger on my boat took
out a notebook and carefully marked
down a cross every time the subma
rine fired. His record shows tha?
forty-seven were fired.
' "The submarine was within 200 or
300 yards or the Mantola when an
unidentified vessel began to loom up
on the hazy horizon. The subma
rine's commander decided that discre
tion was the better part of valor,
closed his hatches quickly, submerged
and disappeared, to the unspeakable
relief of us all. The new. arrival
proved to be a British sloop, which
gradually picked up the survivors.
- "We were in our boat about six
hours. The Mantola sank in the eve
ning." '.'- -
Austria Parleys With U. S.
Over Mediterranean Travel
London, Feb. 11. Reports from
Vienna, received at The Hague and
transmitted by the Exchange Tele
graph company, say that the Austro
Hungarian government is negotiating
with American Ambassador Penfield
over the question xf allowing Ameri
cans to travel unhindered In the
Mediterranean, . hoping - thereby to
avert a severance of relations between
Austria-Hungary and the United
States. .
It is not expected, the dispatch
adds, that the negotiations will suc
ceed, because Germany is adverse to
giving any pledge regarding Ameri
cans on the ground that it would
weaken .the blockade and Austria
Hungary is unable to give a guaran
tee without German sanction.
Perhaps After the War the .
Women Will Do the Proposing
(Corrsspondenos of The Associated Presa)
.London, Jan. 20. Speakers at a
suffrage meeting here were of the
opinion that women will have to pro
pose alter tne war. Because many
men will hesitate to come forward
owing to their being cripples.
As the mists of time clear away, Lincoln looms greater and
more majestic, like a mountain from which the clouds are blown.
mlZy&miiMwm'-u 11 iasmawaaTOaMipy
VICTIMS JrT m2JMf& ilWUtf J f -sKT 1 .
Mrs. Maud Ballington Booth
Tells of Her Work in Help.
-. ing Former Convicts. ,
Mrs.' Maud Ballington Booth, who
with her husband founded the Volun
teers of America, known as the "little
mother" to thousands of convicts and
ex-convicts in all parts of the coun
try and famous throughout the world
as a woman preacher and prison
worker, spoke at a mass meeting at
the Auditorium yesterday afternoon
on "Hope for the Hopeless."
Her visit to Omaha was under the
auspices of the local Volunteers ' of
America, Major F. A. McCormick in
command. Mrs. Booth spent a busy
day here, arriving late Saturday night.
speaking at the Auditorium in the
afternoon and at the First Congrega
tional church in the evening. She left
Omaha early this morning.
Keal prison reform, she told' the
fairly large audience at the Auditor
ium, isn't what the popular concep
tion gives it credit for. Base ball,
movies,, field days and what not is
only the froth on top of the wave the
real reform is instilling in the hearts
of the prisoners the spirit of God and
bringing work to idle hands so that
they can save their minds and muscles
from degeneration and be able to use
them when they gain their freedom,
Mrs. Booth declared. , -
v No Profit to State.
Mrs. Booth asserted that no state
has the right to profit by the work of
prisoners while their families are left
in destitution at home. She said that
she hoped for the time when families
will get the earnings of the prisoners
and the men themselves will feel as if
they are earning their board and lodging-
The founder of the Volunteers
critised sharply those who are op
posed to the prisoners working.
Out of the 25,000 men whom Mrs..
Booth said have come to her direct
from prison, 25 per cent of them, she
averred, have "made good." She de
clared that only 5 per cent of this
number went back to a Hfc of crime
and landed in prison again. Each
prisoner, when he starts sening his
sentence, should be studied and his
defects remedied ; the men should not
be looked upon merely as a mass of
convicts, waj one of her suggestions
for real prison reform. "Don't look
at them as bank burglars, forgers,
thieves, but as men," she said.
Mrs. Booth at the beginning of her
address, declared that she was glad
(raatlnaed en Pag Twe, Oelaaoa Vim.)
T. R. Associated With Move
To Rear Monument to Cody
" New York, Feb. 11. Theodore
Roosevelt has accepted an honor
ary vice presidency in the Colonel W.
F. Cody- Memorial association of
Denver, which will pay the late Buf
falo Bill the tribute of America by
erecting a mausoleum on top of a
Colorado mountain ' peak, Lookout
mountain, to be rechristened Mount
Cody. Colonel Roosevelt was the
guest of a committee representing the
memorial body and the United States
Boy Scouts, working jointly with it.
The memorial structure will include
statues symbolical of episodes of Buf
falo Bill s frontier adventures, with
an equestrian figure of the late scout
as part of the design. In the crypt,
according to the committee's plans,
will be placed material things which
were Colonel Cody's cherished pos
sessions trappings, retics, rare paint
ings, souvenirs, gifts and collections.
i' ii
Can't Make BUI Law
; Because Copyrighted
Sioux Falls, S. D Feb. 11. R.
O. Richards of Huron prepared
aad caused to be introduced in the
legislature at Pierre a primary law
he had protected by copyright. To
day the elections committee of the
senate reported it could do noth
ing with the bill because of the
copyright, which would forbid its
pubUaation aa i printed senate bill
for distribution among the mem
bers. The Richards "primary" act
was adopted by popular vote un
der the initiative of 1912, but the
1915 session of the legislature re
pealed it. It was offered again
under the initiative in the 1916
election and defeated.
Young Men's' Republican Club
of Oapital Oity Will Ob-
' serve Birthday.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent)- ''
' Lincoln, Feb. 11. (Special.) The
Voung Men's Republican club of 'Lin
coln will give its annual Lincoln day
banquet at the Lincoln hotel Monday
Norris Brown of Omaha will be the
orator of the occasion and his sub
ject will be "The Text From Lin
coln." " .. . I . ,
Victor Rosewater, editor of The
Omaha Bee will be another speaker,
his subject being "Looking Forward.
Matthew Gering of Plattsmouth
will have for his subject "The Rotary
of Politics "
Representative Leonard A. Flans
burg will be the representative
speaker from the young men's club
and will talk on "Harmony."
The toastniaster will be former
Lieutenant Governor S..R. McLelver
of Lincoln. .
The annual banquet of the club,
while a Lincoln organization, has
always been a state-wide affair and
seats have been at such a demand
that it has been hard to fill the wants
and this affair wilt be no exception.
Omaha Will Send'
. Men to Hear Bryan
Talk Against War
New York, Feb. 11. W. J.. Bryan
is expected to be the principal
speaker at the anti-war demonstra
tion at Washington "next Monday
night under the auspices of the
Emergency Peace Federation, it was
announced here today. ' Assurances
have been received, it was 'said, that
delegations will be present from
Boston, Buffalo, Rochester, Pitts
burgh, Cleveland, Chicago, - Omaha
and other cities.
A check for $100 was received to
day by the New York committee from
Mr. Bryan, it was reported, to help
defray expenses. Announcement also
was made that Miss Jane Addams of
Chicago had telegraphed that . she
would organize a Chicago contingent
to go to Washington. Similar mes
sages were said to have been received
from Dr. J. H. Kellogg of Battle
Creek and C. H. Gustafson of Lin
coln, Neb. - .
Dean Fordyce of Nebraska
Tells Men at 'Y" How to
Perfect Bodies.
"Have you found . your defect,
physical or moral?"
"If you have not, you are'not ready
to start on the upgrade in manhood.
This is the way Dean Charles For
dyce, dean of the teachers' college of
the University of Nebraska, ap
proached his subject when talking at
the Young Men's Christian associa
tion auditorium yesterday afternoon
on "A Young Man's Personal Ques
tions." :, '
"Five generations back you had
thirty-two ancestors," he said. "Fif
teen generations back you had, not
thirty-two, but 32,000. From these
you inherited a tangle of forces that
go to make up you today. - From one
you inherited perhaps a strong body.
From one you inherited a love of the
beautiful. From another you inherit
ed weak eyes.
Keep Impulses in Check.
"You must make an inventory of
yourself to see what stuff you have at
hand to make a man. I regret that
there is probably not one in the room
but who has impulses which, if al
lowed full sway, would devour every
noble impulse in you... These must be
kept in check."
Dean Fordyce gave his own case
as an illustration of what could be
done in the way of finding one's weak
nesses and guarding against them. He
said he had found by a study of his
family tree that his great grandfather
had a weak digestive apparatus, that
his grandfather likewise was afflicted,
that his own father had the same
trouble, and then that in his own case
he was bothered greatly with his
stomach so that he never knew a well
day until he was 13 years old.
"But I stand before you today in
perfect health," he said. "That is be
cause I guarded and nursed this de
fect all my life."
British Capture . .
One Mile of Teuton
Trenches on Somme
London, Feb. 11. British troops
last night captured German trenches
qn a front of more than three-quarters
of a mile in the Somme line,, consti
tuting what is characterized as a
"strong system," lying north of Bcau-mont-Hamel.
Naturalization Fees Break '
All Previous Records Here
District Clerk Smith has just en
joyed qne of the best weeks in his
official career,' for naturalization Ag
ue rs broke all records.
. His books show that from Feb
ruary 1 to 9, inclusive, 1.16 aliens took
out their first paper. In' this same
period sixty-nine second papers were
issued over "naturalization desk,"
this means that in less than ten days
$412 in naturalization fees has been
paid in.
The proceeding banner naturaliza
tion week was the six days before
the election registration closed last
fall. In this period the fees totaled
oji ly $77, a mere "bag 'o shells," com
pared to the present rush for citizen
ship papers, following the break with
Germany. - . .
The week before the primaries last
spring, produced naturalization fees
totaling $V4. " i
Ambassador and Staff and
Over Hundred Otber Amer
icans on Train Departing
From German Capital.
Travelers Are Bidden Wistful
Farewell by Their Country
men Who Bemain.
Bulletin. V
Zurich, Switzerland, Feb. 11. (Via
Paris.) The American Ambassador
James W. Gerard, arrived at the
Swiss boundary at Schaffhansen at 4
o'clock this afternoon. He was met
by the American minister to Switzer
land, Pleasant A. Stovall, and repre
sentatives of the Swiss array.
Berlin, Saturday, Feb. 10. (Wire
less Via Sayville, Feb. 11.) James W.
Gerard, the American ambassador,
and his staff left Berlin at 8:10 o'clock
tonight for Switzerland. Besides the
embassy staff, 110 other Americans
accompanied him.
The leave-taking was very cordial,
members of the foreign office seeing
the ambassador off.
Mr. Gerard will await' instruction
in Berne before proceeding..
"Auf Wiedersehen on Broadway."
The train on which the ambassador
left Berlin consisted of ten coaches.
Fully 200 Americans who are remain
ing in Berlin were on hand to take
leave regretfully of their countrymen,
who, after a week of tension, due to
strenuous preparations for leaving,
were somewhat distraught.
"Good-bye, Judge," someone shout
ed as the train started, and Mr. Ger
ard, leaning out of the window 9I his
car, replied: : "Auf wiedersehen on
rj j .
The former ambassador's face wore
1 smite as he waited for the train to
depart and he expressed himself opti
mistically with regard to further de-
vd,!irciiYS iu iua iciuisiii-rujici ii.mii
situation. , v ,
Diplomats Present
At the station Count Montgetas,
head of the American section of the
foreign office, and Herr von Pritt-,
witz, personal representative of For
eign Minister.! Zimmermann, were
present to bid Mr. Gerard farewell.
The diplomatic corps was represent
ed by Polo Y. Bernabe, the Spanish
smhitssfinr. who tft to take srvr-r the.
unercuwi 01 ' ins umtru omn; ui.
Theotky, the Greek minister; Baron
Gevers, the Dutch minister, and the
diplomats of the South American re
publics. The military authorities and
the foreign office assigned special offi
cers to accompany' the train to the
Swiss frontier, where it is due to ar
rive at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.
On the way to the frontier the train
will pick up a score or more Ameri
cans attached to consular offices in
southern Germany,
: Rests' With Swiss Government. .
The disposition of the ambassa
dorial train after its arrival in Zurich
rests . with the Swiss government,
which is swaiting instructions from
France. It is considered likely, how
ever, that the American party will
stay in Berne for a few days.
University Students Visit
The Updike Flour Mill
Prof. Leland Lewis, head of the
chemistry department at the TJniver
sirv nf Omaha, took his food chem
istry classes and the domestic science
girls through the Updike flour mill
Saturday. Mr. Dean Yohe, the chief
cnemist 01 ine concern, snowea me
students through every department of
the mill. First he let them see how
the wheat is converted into flour by
the mechanical processes. Later he
took them to the laboratory and ana
lyzed a sample of flour for the var
ious constituents of the cereal. Then
he played the part of a baker and
made some bread to test the bread
making qualities of the different
flours. While the bread was baking
he showed them how to test for
poisons, such as nitrites, in the flour.
The final demonstration consisted in
testing the finished bread with refer
ence to texture, color and weight.
Elephant Grass Now Used
For Making Print Paper
Corrsspla of Ths associated Prssa.)
London, Jan. 30. A folder sent
here by the Uganda railway, printed
on good paper, contains a note to the
effect that the paper is made from
elephant grass, which grows in abun
dance in British East Africa and
Many Real Bargains
, in used pianos and
other musical instru- ,
ments are listed in .
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