Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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7 A
Shipments Already Choke AH
Traffic Arteries May Hit
Omaha in Ten Days.
For the first time in history an em
bargo has been laid on shipments of
freight into Chicago. This embargo
applies to every classification, with
the exception of meats and perishable
stuff. It became effective Friday,
when local railroad offices received
their notices. How long it will con
tinue, no railroad man will venture
an opinion, though it may be raised
within a few days.
Railroad men assert that the plac
ing of a freight embargo had been
anticipated. For weeks the carrying
capacity across the Atlantic has been
insufficient to handle the great quanti
ties of freight dumped into the sea
board terminals. The result has been
that terminals and sidings have been
filled with cars, there not having been
anywhere near enough warehouse ca
pacity. Now, it is explained, practically all
trackage between New York and Chi
cago has been filled and nothing re
mained but to apply the embargo.
Boats Removed.
For several weeks a number of big
boats have been carrying grain and
other freight to the Canadian side of
Lakes Michigan and Huron, but they
have been taken out of the service,
thus removing another outlet.
Railroad men here assert that in
Chicago the-freight congestion is al
most as bad as around the Atlantic
terminals. The inner belt line filled
up several days ago and now the
outer line is so filled with cars that
it is nearly impossible to get freight
' through.
Should the Chicago embargo con
tinue ten days, railroad freight men
assert that they wontd not be, sur
prised to see it applied to Omaha and
other Missouri river cities. This thev
say will come as soon as the railroad
sidings between here and Chicago be
come choked.
Many Apartments
Planned by Drake
For Coming. Year
The Drake Realty Construction
company has more buildings planned
for the year 1917 than during any year
previous, since they have been operat
ing in Omaha. William B. Drake, pres
ident of this concern, feels that the
continually increasing demand for
apartment houses will make their 1917
ventures profitable even in the face
of the advanced cost of construction.
The Drake company has founda
tions in for a three-story, twenty-four
apartment building at 701 South
Eighteenth street, and is starting this
week on the Elwood apartments, Forty-ninth
avenue and Dodge. These
two buildings represent an outlay of
about $150,000.
Besides these the company intends
to erect four more of the Drake Court
buildings located on the old Caldwell
estate, which together will represent
about $400,000 in actual cost of "con
struction. Aside from these there will
be a six-story building valued at about
$80,000 erected at Park avenue and
Mason street. Work on this will
commence in about sixty days.
All of these buildings are to be
constructed of reinforced concrete,
and with the exception of the Dundee
apartment, will be rented at popular
prices. The Elwood apartment in
Dundee, however, is scheduled to be
one of Omaha's most beautiful apart
ment house buildings, and is to be
rented to the more discriminating
class pf tenants.
Coast Ad Men Are
Peeved Because
East Gets Meet
San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 8. The
Associated Advertising Clubs of the
World, which will convene in a gi
gantic conclave in St. Louis, Mo.,
with an attendance of 15,000 mem
bers, will be confronted with a prop
osition by an enthusiastic group of
Pacific coast representatives deter
mined to bring the 1918 convention
of the clubs west to San Francisco.
The fact that there has never been
a convention of the ad men west of
the Rockies is one which is irre
futable, and energetic advertising men
of the coast feel that they have been
neglected by the national association.
The San Francisco delegates,
backed with the indorsement of every
Pacific coast city, and many others
throughout the country, will enter
St. Louis prepared to show the most
skeptical why the Golden Gate city
is the natural place for the next meet
ing. San Francisco has the finest munici
pal auditorium in the United States
for the convention to use, with a
seating capacity of 22,000. This au
ditorium which was built for use
during the exposition, has numerous
smaller chambers which arc available
for the committee meetings and the
gathering of the various depart
mentals. Neighbors Rescue Sick .
Couple from Burning House
The timely help of neighbors prob
ably saved the lives of Mr. and Mrs.
Tony Benincto, 2404 South Seven
teenth street, when" their home
caught on fire shortly after 3 o'clock
.Saturday morning from an over
heated oil furnace. Mr. and Mrs.
Bcnineto were sick in bed and neigh
bors who had been awakened by the
lire rushed to their rescue. I he dam
age to the house was slight.
City Sued for Death of
Daniels at Muny Beach
The city is named defendant in a
damage suit for $10,000 brought in
district court by the heirs of the late
Samuel H. Daniels, who was killed
at municipal beach, Carter Lake, on
July 31, 1916, n a dive from a spring
board. Uamela struck on his head
and died shortly afterwards. The
petition alleges that the city was neg
ligent. Daniels, who was 33 years
old at the time of his death, is sur
vived by a widow and three children.
Sunday, February 11, 1917
Telephone Douglas 137.
Second Week of
"Yes, that's the truth,
Tilda, but it's not the whole
truth. Tell the whole truth,
'Tilda, and trust your good
mother for the rest."
(Lincoln to hfla atep-iiater, Matflda.)
"If you once forfeit the
confidence of your fellow
citizens you can never regain
their respect and esteem.
Lincoln to a visitor to the Wblt
The forty years that lay
between these two utterances
of Abraham Lincoln, whose
birthday the nation celebrates
Monday, had seen him grow
from the untutored, ambitious,
rough-and-tumble but sympa
thetic boy on his father's
"farm" in Indiana to the un
complaining, heroic figure in
the president's chair, bearing
the burden of the nation's
The passing yean had never
seen him waver for an in
stant in his loyalty to truth,
honesty and sincerity.
This store is hewing to the
same principle in quality of
its merchandise, the fairness
of its pricings and its high
standards of service.
You'll find infinite satisfac
tion in dealing with such a
Valentine Day
You'll find here a splendid
collection of the new ideas In
a wide variety of selection and
at a price range of le to 25c.
Everybody enjoys receiving
a Valentine, and don't, by all
means, forget the kiddies.
BurtM-Naah Co. Main Floor
Towels at 17c
EveTy one an unusual value;
large size, with borders in blue
and pink; good weight; special,
17c each.
Bath Towels, 35c
Extra large and heavy weight
bath towels, full bleached, with
heavy double-ply warp yarn,
35c each.
Absorbent Crash, 12V2c
Heavy unbleached absorbent
crash, with blue borders, good
every-day wearing quality,
12e yard.
Table Damask, 89c
Large and varied assortment
of table damask, extra good
weight, at 89c yard.
Bed Spreads, $1.98
Extra size heavy crochet bed
spreads, plain hem, with mar
scilles pattern; special, at $1.98
Bnrieae-Naih Co. Main Floor
There's an Oriental Influence in
the Millinery for Spring at
$5.00 to $35.00
THE Japanese, Chinese and In
dians' influence is seen in the
new millinery creations for spring,
especially is this true in the trim
mings, which lean toward oriental
The favored material is Lisere straw,
made in the new close-fitting chuvchin
model or large sailors with rolling brim.
We invite you to come and see the splendid showing of these
new, distinctive and individual creations for spring.
Burgeae-Naaa Co. Second Floor
The Price of Women's House Robes
Has Been Clipped One-Half
THAT means remarkable saving advantages. The offer
ing embraces corduroy robes, crepe de chene negli
gees, albatross, kimonas and negligees, good colors, styles
and sizes, at exactly half price.
Women's Crepe Kimonas, $1.25
Another special value, women's crepe kimonas, empire style, all
good colors, ribbon trimmed.
Women's House Dresses, $1.25 to $3.50
A big, generous showing of the new styles for spring and sum
mer, sizes 34 to 50.
Children's Dresses, Reduced One-Third
White and colored dresses for small children, white wool sweaters,
infants' whits coats, carriage robes, etc, reduced one-third in price
for Monday.
Bmgoea Nash Co. Second Floor
We Want to Tell
You More About
These New Spring Suits We
Are Showing at $29.50
IF you could have seen them
as we did when they came
tumbling out of their tissue
wrappings, you would be just
as enthusiastic about them as
we are.
This means, their style, indi
viduality and distinctiveness
are such as will appeal to the
woman who gives a thought
for the new.
The style trend is a decided change
from the past season some are
strictly tailored, with smart, close
collar, snug shoulders and straight
silhouette, that so many discrimina
ting women prefer.
The coats are box pleated from
belt down, odd shaped pockets, silk
collars that can be detached, knife
pleated skirts, that are slightly
longer than last season.
The materials are Poivet twills) poplins, gaber
dines, burella cloth, English tweeds, in apple green,
gold, mustard gray, eopen, tan, navy, as well as
Burfeae-Naah Co. Second Floor
.( '
y Aft
Burgess-Nash Annual February
Sale of Furniture
Involving the Entire Regular Stock
At Reductions Ranging From 10 to 50
JUST as we predicted, the sale to date has been by long odds the most successful of any
like event assuring us that not only is the quality and range of selection everything
that the public expected, but that the saving possibilities are most unusual.
Furniture Suitable for Every Purpose
and Room in the House
Gathered together by careful selection, and we cannot say too much in praise
of the quality and workmanship, for only the best was selected, to be consistent
with, our standards of quality, dependability and economy.
It's one of the season's most important contributing features toward the making
of better homes, for it points the way to better furniture at lesser cost.
Wood Rocker, at $8.95
Splendidly constructed high back rocker, of
solid oak and upholstered with genuine leather
seat, specially priced for the February sale at,
each, $8.95.
Other wood rockers in the sale, from $1.95
to $35.00.
Dining Table, at $9.85
Round dining table, is substantially built of
solid oak, with fumed finish; 6-foot extension,
specially reduced for the February sale, $9.85.
Other dining tables in the sale, from $9.85
to $100.00.
Dresser, Monday, at $20.00
Adam designed dresser in ivory enamel finish, mahog
any or American walnut; well constructed throughout,
specially priced for the February sale, at $20.00.
Other dressers in the sale, at $10.75 to $175.00.,
Library Table, for $20.50
Library tables, in William and Mary design, construct
ed of solid mahogany; specially priced in the February
sale, Monday, at $20.50.
Other library tables in the sale, at $6.85 to $110.00.
BurreM-Naah Co. Third Floor
J j. jl!
Brass Bedstead, at $8.25
Brass bedstead, with two-inch posts and five spindles
in head and foot, well constructed and specially priced jn
this sale, at $8.25.
Other brass beds in the sale, at $8.25 to $65,00.
Overstuffed Davenport, $59.50
Davenports, upholstered with best quality tapestry, in
a variety of patterns and colors ; spring cushion seat, spe
cially priced in the sale, at $59.50.
utner davenports in the sale, at $25.00 to $125.00.
Thousands of Yards of Glorious
New Silks Underpriced
Here For Monday
IT'S the awakening of spring in the silk section Monday
presenting a gorgeous array of the newest weaves,
colorings and patterns that Dame Fashion has set her
seal upon as correct for the coming season.
New Effects in Chiffon Taffetas, $1.49
36-inch chiffon taffeta in plaids and sports stripes, the very
smartest color combination, now being used for skirts, suits and
dresses; also a full color range of plain shades for evening, after
noon and street wear. Monday, $1.49 yard.
Sports Stripe Pongee, at 69c
Tan grounds with pretty colored stripes; on sale, Monday, at 69e
the yard.
Plain Shade Pongee Silk, $1.19
The wanted plain shades for the coming season, very smart for
sports suits; 27 inches wide; special, at $1.19 yard.
36-Inch Wash Silks, at $1.25
White grounds with pretty colored stripes, for waists, dresses
and skirts; a very pretty line to select from; full 1 yard wide; at
$1.25 yard.
Black Chiffon Taffeta, at $1.69
Very popular for suits, skirts and dresses; rich, raven black; 40
inches wide; special, Monday, at $1.69 yard.
Black Chiffon Taffeta, at $1.10
Soft, with a very high luster, and beautiful quality; 36 inches
wide; special, Monday, at $1.10 yard.
Black Peau de Soie, at $1.49
Excellent heavy quality for dresses, suits and coats; full 36
inches wide; special, at $1.49 yard.
'Burgeoe-Naeli Co. Main Floor
The New in Dress Goods is Here
For Your Choosing
A CHARMING display of the new weaves that have the
assurance of popular demand this season.
Plaid and Check Velours, $3.00
The very smart motive for spring for sports coats and skirts, in
good, rich color effects, gold and black; black, white and rose; blue,
green and rose, and other good color combinations; 54 inches wide;
$3.00 yard.
Fancy Sports Stripe Skirting, $2.95 1
In a very good arrangement of colors, gold and black, two blues,
black and white, burgundy and navyt they are the very latest; 64
inches wide; at $2.95 yard.
Rich Shades of Plain Gaberdine
Very popular and good style for the modest dresser, in a good
arrangement of colors, tans, burgundy, plum, blue, green; 60 inches
wide; $2.50 yard. .
Biirteaa-Naah Co. Mate Floor ,
Women's Silk Union Suits. $1.95
Dainty Venetian silk union suits, in white only
crocheted tops, reinforced where necessary, knee length.
A splendid value at $1.95.
Boys' and Girls' Union Suits, 59c
"M" union suits, fine cotton, fleece lined, drop seat,
taped with garter fasteners ; long sleeves, ankle length.
Burfeaa-Naih Cov Main Floor -
Monday in the Down Stairs Store
IT'S a good habit to acquire to visit this big underprice store, every time you're down-town there's always some
thing special In merchandise you want and need every day.
Here's an Underwear Sensation
For Monday
A SALE of women's and children's summer underwear at prices
that positively represent the frrestest bargain saving event
There are not all sizes in the different lots, but most likely your
size will be there. No mail or phone orders accepted.
Misses' and Infants' Underwear, 5c
Infants' cotton vests s .
Infants' wool vests
Misses' high neck, long sleeves cotton vests
Misses' high neck, short sleeves cotton vests ........
Misses' lace bottom pants
Misses' cuff knee pants
Boys' and Misses' Underwear, 15c
Boys' knee length, short sleeves, ribbed union suits. . . .
Boys' knee length, short sleeves, white cotton union suits
Boys' knee length nainsook union suits
Boys' porous knit shirts and drawers
Misses' low neck and sleeveless union suits
Women's and Boys' Underwear at 10c -
Women's white cotton ankle length pants
Women's white cotton ankle lace bottom knee pants. ...
Women's low neck, sleeveless vests, shield under arm. . . .
Women's low neck and sleeveless cumfy cut cotton vests
Women's low neck and sleeveless silk lisle vests
Boys' plain balbriggan shirts and drawers
Boys' ribbed balbriggan shirts and drawers
BurgaM-Naeh Co. Down Stairs Store
Men's Underwear at Prices
That's Almost Giving it Away
IT'S the result of a fortunate clean-up of one of the
big distributors all of their broken lines and odd
lots of Spring and Summer weight underwear at a tre
mendous sacrifice. No mail or phone orders accepted.
Men's Underwear, 19c
Men's 2-piece Balbriggan Un
derwear Men's 2-piece Poros Knit Underwear
Men's Underwear, 29c
Men's 2-piece Balbriggan Un
Men's 2-piece Poros Knit Un.
derwear . ;
Men's Athletic Union Suits. . . .
Men's Ribbed Union Suits..., J
Men'a Union Suits. 39c
Men's Athletic Union Suits
Men's Ribbed Union Suits
Men's Union Suits, 49c
Extra fine quality "Conde" and lisle union suits
white and ecru; specially priced Monday, at
Burgoae-Naeh Co. Down-Stairs Store.