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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1917)
6 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 11, 1917. GOLD FLOWS FROM THE BITTER WATER Western Nebraska Finds in Potash a Source of Unlim ', ited Wealth. HOW TOWNS ARE THEIVINO By J. B. KENNEDY. . Ellsworth, Neb., Feb. 5. (Special Correspondence of The Bee.) The potash industry of western Nebraska that arose phoenix-like from the burnt grasses and shrubberies of the ages, is today one of the most impressive forces of wealth extension of which the state can boast '.More than this, its beneficences are being felt by the inhabitants of this section in such a way that permanency of habitation and being is now the watchword, where only a few months ago the uncertainty of monotonous existence, with its inevitable small opportuni ties and smaller results, was con ducive only to that longing con greener fields that is always detri mental to newly developed and de veloping country. Leu Than Two Years Old. " It has been' less than two years since the first of the various plants for producing potash from the alka line waters was established. With their intrease and rapid commercial headway has come the story of oppor tunity for the homesteader and small land owner of this section that com pares well with those told of the ar tisan, the mechanic and the laborer in those vicinities of the east that have benefited so remarkably by the so-called "war brides." In the amount of money involved, however, the simi larity ceases. For nowhere in the west can we, as yet, point to the laborer purchasing $600 talking ma chines, nor can we make mention of . one who only recently hard-pressed is now riding to work in taxis. Even could we boast of the latter, we have not the incentive. But through this aid many of our homesteaders are . not only adding to their Jrds, but are providing . shelter and comforts for themselves .and stock they already have, that they could illy do before. Then there are those who are in creasing their land holding in a man ner that is gratifying, considering that only a few short months ago they were agreed they would be for tunate to get out with living and a few dollars to the good. , . , Towns Growing Fast Our cities are likewise benefiting in fulsome manner. Alliance, that for merly prided itself on the big rail road pay roll, is now so engulfed with ponderous activities as a result of these near-by industries that the citi zens have now come to look upon the railroad pay day as incidental in a progressiveness that is beyond the most sanguine expectations and stead ily growing. Where formerly , they were satisfied with several fairly good hotels, with more of lesser import- . ance, they have now in contemplation one of the most commodious and modern western Nebraska can boast of. This is to be built by Alliance capital alone. The courthouse, fin ished within the last year, a pride to any community, and the federal build ing now nearing completion, have al most lost their attractiveness in the wild desire to build business blocks and residences in keeping with the de- , mands of the present year. A refinery to be erected at Alliance for the handling of the completed products of tht various plants and an exclusive plant to be built at Birdsell, just east of Alliance, are among the big project in view with the disappear ance of frost Home of First Plant Hoffland, twelve miles east of Alli ance, the home of the first potash plant of important commercial value in the United States, now has a popu lation of 200, and if it were not for the havoc caused by the recent car shortage in obtaining material this number would have been augmented quite considerable. It is the policy of the company to employ married men and as an inducement they fur nish a house, fuel and lights, together with an addition to the salary of the cost of board for the head of the fam ily. All men employed, either single or married, are furnished board in addition to wages paid. In this plant has originated many improvements in machinery, that has made possible the reduction of the crude liquid to a commercial state. Not onlv have thrv developed convenient machinery, buy appurtenances ana scientific advan tages that make possible the perpetu ity and permanency of the industry in competition with the world. From this small hamlet since April, 1915, has gone forth its products to all parts of the United States and even as far ' as New Zealand. Two That Axe Models. The next town eastward, Antioch, has two plants that are models of their kind. The American Potash and Products company has been in opera tion about sixty days. The Nebraska Potash company, which has been de layed because of inability to get ma terial, is about under cover and will tie turning out potash within the next '.hirty days. Residences and business houses are fast dotting the prairies of several months ago. With the softening of the weather It is pre dicted Antioch' will have a population of 500, all of whom will be employed or sustained chiefly in the full opera tion of the. plants ... The machinery in the Nebraska Potash company's plant i combines both alkali and potash treatment, making it a double paying proposi tion. With its opening will be em ployed a decidedly greater number of ' men. t ... r. , ; . Hera Is a Model Town, At Lakeside we have ' the model town. . The Hord Potash and Prod ucts company has not only built a l!:avy Hoisting E. J. DAVIS KIIFiruaSt T.LD.1.1 modern and extensive plant, but has aimed to build a city that is a thing of beauty. All houses for the mar ried men are built roomy, substantial and have all modern conveniences. It is the aim to make a comfortable ex istence for those who are largely in strumental in making a comfortable income for the company. The plant at Lakeside has been in operation about thirty days and its output, like all the rest is beyond its resources. At Ellsworth we are only in the formative period. Dr. A. G. Emerson, whose lakes test the highest of any throughout this district, is now form ing a company that expects to begin erection of a new plant in the spring. Louis Cooper, whose lakes south of town have passed a test of high com mercial value, is also in the field with building in view. While many other good tests have been made and as many lakes still are uninvestigated, there is sufficient on the surface of present activities to warrant the establishment of one and perhaps two plants here the coming spring and summer. - , Nebraska's Big Output. With a plant in course of erection at Oshkosh, south of here in Garden county, and with those already in operation and those nearing comple tion, it is Said by those in authority that Nebraska is now furnishing one eighth of the country's supply of pot ash and its by-products.' With the improvements made in machinery in this district alone for the economic handling of the commodity in all its gradations, together with the inex haustible supply that is more pro nounced in this 'field 'than in any other portion of the country, per manency for the industry is asurcd without any question of doubt. Mooney Guilty of Murder for Bomb Outrage at Frisco San Francisco, Feb. 10. Thomas J. Mooney. labor agitator, was convicted of murder in the first degree by a jury in the superior court here tonight for a bomb explosion costing ten lives during a preparedness parade, July 22, 1916. When the jury announced their ver dict, Moonry's mother began to scream, and the court room was thrown into violent confusion. Mooney received the verdict, un moved. His wife, Rena, was not in the court room. ' Offers Resolution for a War Referendum in House Washington, Feb. 10. A resolution calling for a popular referendum be fore any declaration or act of war ex cept in case insurrection or invastion, was introduced today by Represen tative Callaway of Texas, "by re quest," following a conference with several of his colleagues. Senators who heard the Callaway resolution in the house thouglrt such a proposal would not get very far in the upper branch of congress. It was reported that one of the senators who voted against the resolution en dorsing the diplomatic breach with Germany, planned to introduce a simi lar resolution, but none has been sub mitted. Senator Vardaman, one of the dem ocratic senators, who voted against the endorsement resolution, said it would be a waste of time to submit a referendum proposal to the senate, Hebron High School Runs Away From Fairbury Five Hebron. Nh.. Vrh M Wri.! T.I. egram.) Hebron High school to night defeated, the Fairbury basket snooicrs, 10 ia. In the first half Hebron played the visitors off their-feet with a scbre of 30 to 5. In the second half Fairbury strengthened their defense and played a Bond cam Th Hhrn man .. outweighed about fifteen pounds. The locais were weakened witn tne loss ot uuard M. shearer, who is on the hospital list As an ODener the Hrhrnn iinlmv staged a game with the Ohiowa five, ueieating tnem, in to 14. Both Heb ron High and Hebron academy have been making excellent records in basket ball this season. The high school has lost but three games this season. The academy has a clean record for the season. Ceoe llapeit rekraarr IS. . Chlcaeo, Feb. IS. Member of tht Chi oaso Nationals were InatructMl iaH.v t pari an Kabruary II, two daye before they ara ta depart ror tha tralnlm camp at Paaaifeiia, Cal. Thin, Prealditnt Watch men earn, will five him an opportunity to learn how many playara, If any, plan to obey uVnUyr " r" Tw el re-Dollar Haeja. , Sioux Cll, ta., Feb IS.. Twelve dollars a hundred wellht waa paid tor tha ho on tha Iru . 1 mavW-, , - .... , L ' hltheat prloa over reached In the htatory That the and of tha climb la not Tat In elsht la the prediction of eemmlaelon men. 1 THE EYE EDITOR Th. Em Editor b publi.W for tha baaofit of tboueandi of peo ple troubled with ay ailmrats. . Tha object ) te advis poopl who aead attention, but ara not snra of where. It will bo given properly. Questions directed to the Eye Editor will be answered in this column tha following week. For a Boraonal latter enclose tamped addressed envelope. The recent order of the Board of Health of Omaha requiring tha examination of school children's eye has brought many inquiries concerning eye ailments and their remedy. To meet thia emergency the Eye Editor column will be published on the society page ev ery Sunday for a period of six months. The Eye Editor will de scribe and analyze many of the more common eye ailments and their symptoms, and advise tha best course of treatment Thousands of people through out the country have been impos ed upon by so-called traveling eye doctors and their eyea are ruined for life. ' These editorial! will be publish ed in an endeavor to help people select the right course, and hearty co-operation will be given to those who are interested, either through this column or through personal correspondence. Absolutely free of charge- , THE EYE EDITOR : ' ' - Advertisement BRINGING MAN AND ' WORKTOGETHER Fire Hundred Men and Women Find Jobs at Free Employ ment Bureau. SERVES BIO SOCIAL NEED In operation just a month, the Co operative Free Employment bureau, a federal, county and city enterprise, with quarters on the Harney street floor of the court house, has placed 450 persons, both men and women, in jobs and positions work of all na ture, common labor and vocational. The big force of workers in the free employment bureau and those in charge are exceedingly well pleased with results thus far and have re ceived numerous congratulations from many big Omaha employers who relied upon the federal-county-city establishment to fill vacancies in their forces. Nearly half of the 1,000 applicants for jobs in the last month have been placed despite the fact that at the start the bureau was handicapped be cause the mainritv of Vmnlnvarq Hid flot know of its existence. "Getting the worker and job together, free of cost to both," might be called the motto of the bureau. Jobs Pay Well. , Positions paying as high as $75 a month have been filled through the co-operative enterprise. Openings for those fitted for clerical work, stenography, skilled labor, common labor in fact, practically everything in the employment line are reported to the bureau tach day. And there is generally someone waiting for one of these openings, for a crowd of un employed or those seeking something better is in the offices most of the time. ' The heads of the bureau are an ticipating a big demand for farm la borers in the next few months. Pla cards issued by the United States De partment of Labor, bureau of immi gration, have been sent broadcast. "Farmers and Other Employers, Do You Need Help?" "Men and Women, Do You Want Work?" they read; in big, black words at the top. AU Kinds of Work. These nation-wide free employment bureaus were originally organized to take care of immigrants. Now they care for all classes of people and fill positions for all kinds of workers. The co-operative plan, in which the Sale Now in Progress. U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. 16th and Farnam. it's easier to move the cash than the stock An AU V. S. NATIONAL BANK QUILDING, 16TH state is a party in some places, avoids duplications and simplifies the' task of bringing the job and the man and woman together. J. N. Benner, an immigration in spector, who came here from Chi cago, is in charge of the local bureau. M. A. Coykendal, with headquarters at the federal building, has general supervision. HEARS MESSAGES FROM EVERYWHERE, Omaha Claims to Have Largest Wireless Receiving Sta tion in Country. MUST KEEP NEWS SECRET Omaha claims the largest wireless receiving station in the United States, excepting only the government sta-. tions. George J. S. Collins, general manager of the Western Wireless company, stands ready to defend that claim. This station is located at 3020 Bewey avenue, where Mr. Collins and Frank L. Brittin are in command. Some of the most important news of the world is "picked up" at this sta tion, but under government regula tions these operators must not di vulge certain classes of information) which they receive. The radius of this station seems limited only by the location of send ing stations of the world. A report of the battle of Monastir was received eighteen hours before the Omaha newspapers received it, Mr. Collins asserts. This station heard the opera tor at Eiffel tower .sending the report ti Greenwich, a distance of 100 miles, although thousands of miles from 3020 Dewey avenue, . Messages sent from Naiakhan, in Asiatic Russia, nearly 9,000 miles away, have been heard; also from Shinto, Japan, and from New Zealand and points in South America. A mes sage from Nauen, Germany, to a Chi cago bank was heard. ,. This receiving station is arranged so that it may be "tuned up" to any of 1 ,000 varieties of waves. The sending apparatus is limited to a compara tively short distance, but this feature will be extended as circumstances may warrant. Messages can be sent to St. Louis and other points. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. ORION BROTHERS Is to Convert Our Entire New Spring Stock to the Last Garment Into Cold Dollars and Cents. .-, So sincere have we been in our determination to effect a positive cleanup that we have ignored cost and worth 6f the new Spring Wearables and marked them in the same manner as a progressive store would its season-end goods in a clearance sale. Every advantage is yours, A triple advantage secured by "caahing-in" on this sales of ferings FIRST You save a third to a half on New Spring Apparel. SECOND You will be able to get a full season's service while the styles are at their best 1HIKD You choose from the novelties and exclusive models which are always featured at the opening of the SPRING SUITS AD our New Spring Suita, Bought to at $26.00 and $29.60, Removal Sala Price) " " AD our New Spring Suits, bought t at $32.50 and $36.00, Removal Sal. Prie All our New Spring Suits, bought to at $37.6U jma aov.ov, Removal Sala Price) All our New Spring Suits, bought to at $42.50 and $45.00, Removal Sal. Prie. V""" AH our New Spring Suits, bought to at $47.50 and $50.00, Reaml Sal Prie Clearing Out All ' - SPRING COATS All the new Street Coats, Sports Coats and Dressy Coats have felt the effect of deep price-cutting during this removal sale. Nothing reserved Share in the savings. ' AH our New Spring Coats, bought to aetl ' at $22.50 and $25.00, i Removal Sal Prie "T All our New Spring Coats, bought to sell . at $27.60 and $29.50, 1 Removal Sal Prie. , ... 7 ur New Spring Coats, bought to sell n S3Z.DU ana 3t.uu, RraraveJ 31 Price our New Spring Coats, bought to sell at aoi.ov ana- jy.&u, Removal Sal Prie , All our New Spring Coats, bought to sell at $46.00 and $50.00, Rmoval Sol Prie. , All Winter Apparel at Less Than Half ' Whatever Winter Garments re main in stock will be cleaned out re gardless of cost or value. The savings warrant buying now for next season's wear. JAPAN BECOMING CREDITOR N ATION Loans Entente Allies Vast Sums to Be Used in Carry ing On War in Europe. BIG BALANCE ON HAND (Correirpondence of Tha Aeeeclatrd Preaa.) Tokio, Jan. 2. One of the most striking phenomena that the war has created as regards Japan is its quick shifting from a debtor to a creditor nation. Since the Russo-Japanese war the world has got accustomed to thinking of the Japanese empire as a borrowing country. Now the tables are turned and Great Britain, which loaned so much money to Japan in the past, has actually come here for a loan. The recent flotation in Japan of a British loan for 100,000,000 yen or $50,000,000 was a great success. A few days after the lists were opened to the public the syndicate which hid the issue in charge advertised that no more subscriptions would be received The incident showed that there is plenty of available capital in Japan. The success of the British loan is to be attributed not only to Japanese confidence in British resources but also to the preference by the Japanese public for short term loans. The English bonds are redeemable in three years. Much Aid is Furnished. It is pointed out here that the fin ancial assistance just rendered to Great Britain is only a part of what has been done for the entente allies since the outbreak of the war. It is calculated that Japanese investments in bonds and treasury notes issued by the entente powers since the begin ning of hostilities total about 515,000, 000 yen or $257,500,000, exclusive of the recent British loan. Another significant feature of the war period as regards finance has been Japan's heavy payments abroad of interest upon its own bonds and even in partial redemption of the same. This has been especially made possible by the nation's heavy accum ulation of specie, which has been due to a heavy increase in exportations. Some Cash Balance. Japan's cash payments abroad in ad dition to that for foreign securities amount to 391,000,000 yen or $195, 500,000 since the inauguration of the war, and altogether Japan has paid out in cash since the war began the huge total of 1.006.531.000 ven or ?3UJoo,aou. Adding to this the And the Sole Mission of This sen "sell AH Our New sell at $19.50 Removal Sala All Our New sell at $25.00 Removal Sal 20 W All Our New sell at $29.60 sell sell Removal Sal All Our New sell at $35.00 Removal Sal ' All Our New sell at $39.50 Removal Sal We've Sacrificed the Spring Skirts AU Our New Spring Skirts, sen at ao.YO . Removal Sal Prie All Our New Spring Skirts, sell at $8.75 Removal Sal Prie All Our New Spring Skirts, sell at $9.75 Removal Sal Prie nro 85 265 315 OUR NEW HOME- When completed will be the best appointed Ap parel Store in the middle-west Every stock will be more than doubled in size and many new lines added. Get acquainted with our new loca tion before we leave our old home. 200,000,000 yen or $100,000,000 by which the special holdings of the em pire have been increased duriug the war period, about 1,200,000,000 yen or $600,000,000 represents the cash bal ance to Japan's credit in the interna tional operations. Commenting on this new financial situation the Herald of Asia, which re flects the opinion of the Japanese, business world, makes the estimate that if the war continues another year it would be safe to place the probable total influx of money from abroad at 2,000,000,000 yen, roughly speakjng, or about $1,000.000,000. . The journal even expresses the opinion that before world conditions shall have turned to the normal, Japan may be able to wipe out her national debt in its en tirety. Burglar Comes In Window And Goes Out Back Door As E. S. Holmes, pool room pro prietor, entered the front door of his home, 4158 Cass street, Friday night, after the Stecher-Peters wrestling match, a burglar went out the back door. Mr. Holmes found on the back veranda an abandoned chisel which had evidently been used to pry open a side window by which the thief gained entrance. Nothing was stolen. Energetic iALl SPRING DRESSES Spring Dresses, and $22.50 Price bought to bought to bought to bought to Spring Dresses, and $27.50 Prie. Spring Dresses, ana yjz.bu Prie Spring Dresses, ana 3.bU Prie. ,v Spring Dresses, bought to ana HZ.oU Prie bought to MP All Our New Serine Skirts, boutrht to bought to bought to . . . . sell at $12.50 Removal Sals Prie All Our New Spring Skirts, bought to sell at $15.00 Removal Sal Prie All Our New Spring Skirts, bought to selUt $17.50 Removal Sal Prie 6? AND FARNAM Offers to Guard Border With Ten Thousand Reds Salt Lake City, Feb, 10. C. L. Chris tensen of Monticello, Utah, who says that he has been an interpreter among the Indians for forty years, wrote to Governor Bamberger todav that he .would enlist 10,000 Navajo Indians to protect the Mexican border in case of war. A similar offer came recently from a band of Ute Indians. LmiiiimnmiiiiimiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiriiiifmia Drexel's Cushion Insole Shoes Walk With The Springy Step of 5 ' "The Barefoot Boy" You can, and you 'will feel younger, be younger and E get more pleasure out of jS life if you wear shoes that take the jar out of walk- s ing. Fitted with an insole, 5 5 made of the finest piano felt never packs or loses its elasticity c o v e r e d with the finest leather, a 3 non-conductor of heat or 3 3 cold. Stock used' is in the finest grade kid. Built on a foot-form last. Two styles, plain and tip toe. I Men's $6.50 1 Parcel Post Paid 3 Drexel 1419 FARNAM ST. Illlllllllllllllimilllllllllllllllllllllllimire Sale Now in Progress. U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. 16th and Farnam. 8? 49V STREETS