Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 A
'Nebraska '
German-American Citizens Are
Especially Wining: to Offer
(From a Staff Correspondent.) '
Lincoln, Neb!. Feb. .(Specials
Colonel John G. Maher, who dnring
the last weeTc' was commissioned a
major in the military reserve force of
the United States tinder the national
defense act, has received during the
last week assurances that as far as
Nebraska is concerned there, will be
plenty of men who will .volunteer in
the service of their country in case a
call to arms is made. The tone of
some of the letters received show the
strong feeling among Germans for the
land of their adoption, and in speak
iug of the matter today Colonel Maher
&aid: . , - ,
"In case of trouble, between onr
country and Germany, or any other
country, the Fourth and Fifth regi
ments will not be the only ones that
will go out from Nebraska. It is very
evident, if war should come on, that
the Sixth regiment will be in at once
and perhaps several others. . The regi
ment that was organized last summer
which was made up very largely of
Spanish-American war veterans and
tendered to the president as the Sixth
Nebraska volunteer infantry was
again tendered to the president on
1-ebruary 3 by telegram, and the presi
dent directed the secretary, of war to
extend his thanks, and the thanks of
the nation to each and every member
of the regiment I received this in
formation from the secretary oj. war
"Look at that bunch of letters. They
are from different parti of Nebraska
stating they are ready to furnish a
company. Some of these letters are
from German communities. One let
ter states, We can get a company
here in twenty-four hour and the
community is largely German, but we
are all strong for the United States of
America.',, Another states. The com
pany from here will be largely German-Americans.'
Many other letters
are of the same purport. I am very
greatly pleased over, these letters and
these offers." .v. . - .-. ,
Mr. Maher takes opportunity to
censure W. I. Bryan for his opinions
on peace, - He says ten regiments
could be raised from Nebraska.; .
C. H. Wilde, Wealthy West
"; Point Pioneer, Is Dead
West Point, Neb,.Feb. 10. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Charles H.' Wilde,
one of the. oldest men and largest
land holders in Cuming county, died
at the family home on the east side
this morning, at the age of 93 years.
Mr. Wilde had been a resident here
for fifty years, and accumulated a
large and valuable . estate. - r
Mr. Wilds was the father, of a large
family, and leaves descendant to the
fifth generation. He was a native of
I'omerania, Germany, and served as
a soldier .in the German army during
the revolution of 1846 to 1850 as a
member of .the Eighth infantry of the
guard, i ..
Funeral services will be held under
the auspices of the German Lutheran
church, on a day not yet, fixed. -The
cause of death was an asthmatic-affection,,
hi death being greatly ac
celerated. by senile debility, His wife
died at a great, age a year ago.
He was a man of great force and
character and was held in high esteem.
Lexington Club For -"
" Federal Road Law
Lexington, Neb., Feb. 10. (Spe
cial.) At a meeting of the Lexington
Community club .held, in the court
house Thursday night the following
resolution was unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That our lrilmlur be urged
t6 pass the neeeeaary legialatlo. ta make
federal aid for the building at poblla roads
avallahl to the state of Nebraska, If aanta
Mb be eqaltAblr' distributed among thf
variova eoanilea of tbe itata.
. The secretary was instructed . to
tend a copy to Senator Doughett and
Representative Jacpbson. It was
voted tq hold a smoker and feed two
weeks from last night, so -as to get
the. people-in closer touch with each
other. ., ... ... , ,-'
' State House Notes
(Prom a. Staff CmTMtmnileBt.)
Uacolti, Feb. 10. 8poUL A desfetmey
elalm hu been filed by the Nebraalia, su
preme oouft oommlHlon klttc that in ap
praprlBtton -be made to -pay for Um office
telephone for- ltlt and llltv The claim te
n the hahda of Bute Auditor Smith, .,
The fur feotl department bw been oett
fled that. ctophpsL Nebl. Jr.en Omaha ln-vpec-tor,
has eurnamMfully proe-ftctlted Mr.
A. Koklckl. J3-13I Baneroft' etrfNtt, Omaha,
for cpei-ating an unsanitary nuat market.
She wu found gulltr Alter A hearing ud
fined t-1 and coat.
Pre awe f the here bam ta aw mm
for (raining pnrpoea at the eUte (air
grottnds I announced ta a trallettn Joat
lusd by Secretary K. R. DaatoUoa of the
State Board t Agriealtnr. .
A low grade of seed waa Imported la Na
hraiha tn lUey accordlnv to a bulletin by
the Htata Board of- Africa! tore, baaed an
report from the aeed iMllnc department
af the -flute Pure Pood ceramlealon. Red
clever aeed coauJaed a tarn percentace of
dead 9mA. orchard trass waa largely ehatf.
Humphreys' Seventy-even
For .Colds, Influenza, ,.
Lonis Kamarad, Who Con
fessed Killing Alice Parkos,
is Taken to St. Paul.
Ord, Neb, Feb. 10. (Special Tele
gram.) After a second night of
questioning, Louis Kamarad, under
arrest for the murder of 13-year-old
Alice Parkos, made confession to
officers at an early hour this morning
and was immediately spirited away
by Sheriff Bell to St. Paul for safe
keeping in the new county jail.
The funeral of the victim of the
crime was held today and fear was
entertained that Kamarad might be
taken from the jail and hanged. A
crowd of 200 men hung about the jail
and court house nearly all night.
The confessed murderer's prelim
inary trial was held Quietly and Kam
arad has been bound over to district
court without bonds.
Old Guard Amateurs
Seek No Peace With
The Insurgent Body
Indianapolis, Ind Feb. 10. The
National Amateur Base Ball associa
tion at its fourth annual meeting here
on Monday will refuse to listen to
overtures for peace that have been
made by the National Base. Ball Fed
eration, according to President Ral
ston Coss of this city. President Goss
says that the majority of the delegates
have written him urging that the fight
be continued. Delegates from In
dianapolis, Louisville, Detroit, Chi
cago, fittsourgn, St. raw, Minneapo
lis, Omaha, Lincoln and Cleveland
have signified their intention of at
tending the meeting. Most of them
will arrive today or early tomorrow
to attend committee meetings that
will pave the way for the work of
the convention on .Monday. Applica
tions for membership will be made
by Columbus, O., and Kansas City,
Mo., it is understood.
Former Beatrice and
. Omaha Pastor Is Dead
Beatrice, Neb.,' Feb. 10. (Special.)
Announcement was received here
yesterday of the death of Rev. R. H.
Ingram, who was pastor of the Chris
tian church in Beatrice from 1889 to
1893, which occurred the first of the
week at his home at Perry, la. Be
fore ' coming .to , Beatrice he had
charges at Omaha, Lincoln and other
cities in the state. He is survived
by a widow and seven children. ,
Mr. Juliana Carstens, widow of
the late Chris Carstens, died Thurs
day night at her home six miles east
of PickrelL aged 75 years.. The de
ceased was a pioneer of that section
and ia survived by a family of seven
children. Her husband died six years
P. S. Noble of Logan county, Colo
rado, and Miss Agnes Steinmeyer of
Clatonia were married yesterday.
William- O. Roberts and Miss
Myrtle James were married Wednes
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F.
E. James, Rev. C. C. Harkness offici
ating. '
Nebraska Naval Training ,
' Association is Loyal
The following telegram has been
sent to Secretary of the Navy Daniels
by the Nebraska division of the Na
val Training Association of the
United States:
Tea Nebraska drrleton at the Naval
Training Association at tha United St tea
will nadir place all tha raaoaroaa of Its
erganlaatlon at tha dlepoeel of tha Navy
department far tha purpoee of enrolling
maa for tha navy, naval reserve force or
ethenrlaa, .a tha department aalaht . find
Leonard W. ' Treater. Chalrmaa: Charles
A. Robblaa. Cllnten 8. Holcombe, CoL John
O. Maher. Lincoln ; Colonel Oeorge B. flarrlee,
Dr. a W. Pollard, Chanea at Wllhelm,
The government wants 10,000 men
to act as naval reservists. Men who
qualify get a yearly retainer, uniforms
and all expenses to and from and
while attending the training stations
or on board ships.
Broken Bow League Does
. Not Uke the Beal Bill
Broken Bow, Neb., Feb. 10. (Spe
cial.) The Municipal Ownership
leafeue of this citv haa adopted reso
lutions denouncing senate bill1 No. 47,
known as the Beal bill, which pur
poses to place municipally owned
utilities under the regulation of the
State Railway commission. The league
also goes on record aa opposing that
parr of senate's bill No. 98, which
gives the railroad commission power
to fix rates. '
Lower Body at Lincoln Win
Meet on His Anniversary,
Bnt Senate Will Not.
Perfect Convalescence .
' Once ' having convalesced under
Homeopathic" treatment, yod will
never go. back, to or try any other
form of medication.
The recovery is complete,' leaving
no trace of disease or bad effects
from drugs. - '
To -get the'' best , resulta 'take
',Seventy-iTen,., at the first chill or
shiver. - j . ;..;;(; ' ..-. ;
At Drareiatt, IS aaMa aaa II er taaJM.
Hiiniatinf' Homeo. MedlcilM Co, 111
n Miasm sum, new lorn.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Feb. 10. (Special.) Both
branches of the legislature are resting
over Sunday and many of the mem
bers have gone back to see the home
folks. The house forgot that Mon
day was a legal holiday, the anniver
sary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln,
and adjourned to meet on that day.
Perhaps that was the reason why that
body voted to kill the bill requiring
a study of the life of tbe emancipator
in the public schools.
The senate, however, will not meet
on Monday, having resolved to do
honor to the martyred president and
lay off.
Many important bills are fo come
up the next week providing the com
mittees work them out. The partial
suffrage bill, the Melady boxing bill,
the greater Omaha bill and one or
two others are on the calendar.
The suffragists, who tost out at the
hearing before the senate committee,
will have a chance to appear before
another meeting of the committee
next Thursday.
Nebraska Hampshire Breeders
Pay Record Price of $680
Nehawka, Neb, Feb. 10. (Special.)
Raymond Pollard, son of the late
Isaac Pollard, NebVaska pioneer, and
a brother of ex-Congressman Ernest
M. Pollard, today made a record sale
for the Hampshire, white belted, hogs
when he sold fifty-two head of bred
sows for an average of $108 per head.
A large crowd of interested breeders
from several states gathered at the
Pollard home, and were served a
sumptuous dinner;
One,sow , a 2-year-old, was sold for
$680 which is a new record for the
breed. She was purchased jointly by
two young Nebraska breeders, Vern
Patterson of Fairmont, and Homer
Finney of McCool. M. Pollard beat
his own record, having sold a sow at
the National Swine show last fall for
$640. Much of the latter's produce
sold in today's sale at long prices.
Salt Lake City
Saloon Robbed of
$3,000 by Bandit
Salt Lake City, Feb. 10. Knocking
the son of the proprietor unconscious,
a lone'-bandit grabbed $3,000 in a
downtown saloon here today. The
robber is supposed to have escaped
on one of the three trains which
passed in front of the saloon shortly
after the robbery.
Week for aUeaal Inn
Sptinsfletd, III.. Feb. IS. Governor Frank
O. Lowden, today net tha week af Febrnary
II to IS. aa a weak for tha elnrtnf of na
tional eenca la tha publlo and prtrate echooli
of Illinois.
r is
Thia Week Only
25c Cake RickseckerV
Tar Soap free with $1.00 '
S bottle Solox Dandruff Ex-'
S- Mth aael Heromrel Sts. V
' At Lea Than Cost.
Walk-Over Boot Shop
317 S. 16th St
Weak and unhealthy Iddnayt cauM
so muck aicknaaa and suffering and
when thraufh angle nr ether canaaa,
kiihiay trembla la permitted to eon
tlnua, aariooa raaolU awy be expected
Year ether organs' may Band atten
tion bat year kidneys should have
attention first becaww their work is
moat Important. ' 4 '
If yen feel that your kidneys ere
tha eauea ef Tour sickness or run
down condition commence taking Dr.
Kilmer's Swemp-Root, the great tad-
nay, I rear ana niaoaer renuoy, do
cause if it pro van to be the remedy
yen awed end yonr kidneys begin to
improve they will help all tbe ether
organs to health.
Frovalency ef Kidney Disease.
Most ' people do not realise the
alarming increase and remarkable
orevalency of kidney disease. While
kidney disorders are among the moat
common diseases that prevail, they
are almost tne laat recognized Dy
patient, who usually content them
selves with doctoring the effects.
while the original disease constantly
undermines ine system.
A Trial Will Convince Anyone.
Thousands of people have testi
fied that the mild and immediate ef
fect of Swamp-Root, the great kid
ney, liver and bladder remedy, is
soon realized and that it stands the
highest for its remarkable resulta in
the most distressing cases. '
Symptoms of Kidney Trouble.
Swamp-Root is not recommended
for everything but if you suffer from
annoying bladder troubles, frequently
flawing water night and day, smart
ng or irritation in passing, brick
dust or sediment, headache, backache,
lame back, dizziness, poor digestion,
sleepleness, nervousness, heart dis
turbance due to bad kidney trouble,
skin eruptions from bad blood, neur
algia, rheumatism, lumbago, bloat
ing, Irritability, worn-out feeling,
lack of ambition, may be loss of flesh
or sallow complexion, kidney trouble
in it worst form may be stealing
upon you.
Seramo-Root Ia Pleasant to Take..
' If yen are already convinced that
Swamp-Root ia what yon need, yon
can purchase the regular fifty-cent
and one-dollar size bottles at all drug
stores. -
SPECIAL NOTE You may obtain a eernale afae bottle of 8wamp.Root by eneloeuut
ten aante ta Dr. Kilmer 4 Co., Blnskamtaa, N. Y. TMa aivaa yon tbe opportunity to
prove the remarkable merit of tale medicine. They will also aaad yon a book of valuable
Information, eontatnina- many af tha thoaaanda of tretafal letter rceeteed from men and
Women who On they foood Swame-IUoe.aa be Inat the rewiede aaeibrf in bLtn I; . j
bladder aronalea. The vajne an4 aneeeea of Bwamo-Boot are lo well known that onr
renders are advised to aend tor a sample alae bottle. Addraee Dr. Kilmer A Go Bins
w..n n. .. m . m, ear rrm imt aej pnnr ia me vvjana ounoar ore.
AJt yoarCaodyaarSrrvic
Station Deafer eeoaf Iht
Gseefyear Tir-Swear Kit.
NO snow-choked street refuses
traction to an M-Weather
Tread Goodyear Cord Tire long.
If traction isn't to be found on the
surface, this tread Jigs for it
And gets it The big, thumb
thick, sharp-edged' blocks thrust
and search and grip, and like the
structure under them, are strong
enough to stand it Your car
keeps moving. .And forward
no other tread design provides
such positive grip and traction.
Goodyear Cord Tires do their work best
when outside Goodyear Tubes. Tubes
that do not leak, seep or creep-that
enforce the best service of which a casing
is capable.
You can buy both Tires and Tubes from a
Goodyear Service Station Dealer likely
there's one in your neighborhood. You
will be glad to know him. once you've
dealt with him. His interest in your tires,
and the service they give you. keeps right
on after the purchase. He helps you you
can figure how much in miles.
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio
An Open Letter to Former United
States Senator Mason on Nuxated Iron
And His Reply Thereto.
As a pioneer in Pure Food and Drug Legislation and as a pronounced champion of all bills protecting the rights of the Great
Masses, of the American People as against trusts and combines, we believe
It is your duty, Senator Mason, to tell the public just
r what you think of Nuxated Iron and just what
benefits you obtained from taking it at 65
years of age when you were all run ,
down, after the hardest fought '
. political campaign of. your life.
T. Bmtor VaVMtv v on of the re&nr
btf man of Ajnrtc-yrja a ft nvtlonvJr
flfur your work Cor feat jtr tn the
United State Hotw of ReprttwaUttVea end
for elk 7vri la' the-' United 49Utee leoete In
ecurinc legistfttton favoring labor and the
great n of people haa written yotar
name bslallbty among the name of the
great mwmaken and atateamen of onr eoen
try. ,
Senator MaaoB. there are thoaaanda of
men and women ta this eeantry who need
omethlng to bnlld them np and glT them
more strength, enduranee, vigor, vitality and
energy just like yon did, but they do not
know what to take they do not all have
your aame ad vantage for control ting phyal
eiena and obtaining Information on thi
ambieei. . .
When yott war n the floor of the nan
ate yon advocated and fonght for Psr rood
and Drug letialaUon aeeaoa yon believed
It to b for the good of the peopleyea
were the father of the Rural Pre Delivery
ayatem for thia aame reeeoo ead aa Cos
greafmanelect for the people of Dllnoln
yen are now advocating the eight-hoar
working law for thia aame reaaon. . .
Then. (Senator Maaon. la tt net your duty
to tel. the people Juat what Nuxated Ire
did for you at yeaiw of age? No matter
whether It la a remedy, a law or what not.
If It la tor the good of tbe people la It
not rour duty to help make It known to
thorn r
Nutated Iron la not a patent nwdtclne nor
ancret remedy. Dr. Howard Jamea, late of
the United State Public Httalth Servloe,
eaya: "In my opinion, organlo Iron la be
yond quest Ion the greatest of all atrength
builders. If people would only throw away
habltformlDg drum and neuaeoua ooncoo
ttona and take airnple Nuxated Iran, I am
convinced that the Uvea of thouaaada of
peraona might be aaved who new die every
year from pneumoala, grippe, conaumptloa,
kidney, liver and heart trouble, etc The
ml and true ceuae which atarted their tllav
bvm waa nothing mere or lee than Lack of
Iron In the blood. Iron la abeolutAly necea
sary to enable your blood to change food
Into living tlaaue. Without It, no matter
how much or what you eat, your food merely
paa through you without doln y sny
good. Tou don't get the atrength out of
It. and aa a eonaequeuee you berom weak,
pale and atrkly looking. Juat like a plant
trying to grow In a aotl deficient In Iron.
A patient of mine remarked to me (after
having been on a Six weeks' course of Nux
ated Iron): "Say. Doctor, that there stuff Is
like magi.
"Previous to using Nuxated Iron I hart
been prescribing the various mineral salta of
iron for years, only to meet complaints of
discolored teeth, disturbed digestion, Ued-up
hardened secretfona, etc., and I had about
reached the conclusion that the only way
to aupply Iron waa to get the patient to
eat very lars quantities of aplnach, carrots
and lentils, when X cam aoroaa Nuxated
Iron, an elegant. Ingenious preparation con
taining organic Iron which haa no deatruc
tlce action on the teeth no corrosive effect
on the stomach and which la readily si
6tmllatd into the blood and quickly makea
lis presence felt by Increased vigor, snap
and staying power.
"If yon are not strong or well you owe
It to yourself to make -the following test!
See how long you can work or how far you
can walk without becoming tired. Next
take two five-grain tablet of nuxated iron
three time par day after meals for two
weeka. Then test year atrength again and
rsMef 4snTtnU' $ rf, V. JtfSaM, ttttKt
ttKUt Uimttttl tit U.S. Ceamn rem MU.
Gentlemen: ' , Chicago, 111.
I have often said I would never , recommend
medicine of any kind. I believe that the doctor' a
place. However, after the hardest political
campaign of my lift, without a chance for a va
cation, I had been starting to court every morn
ing with that horrible tired feeling one cannot
describe. I was advised to try Nuxated Iron. As
a pioneer in the .pure food end drug legislation,
I was at first loath to try an advertised remedy,
but after advising with one of my medical
friends, I gave it a test. The results have
been so beneficial in my own case, I made up my
mind to let my f fiends know about it, and you are
at liberty to publish this statement if you so
desire.. I am now 65 years of age and I feel .
that a remedy which will build up the strength
and increase the power of endurance of one et my
age, should be known to the world.
, lours very truly.
ee new rnneh ran haw mined. Pram
my nam enperleaee wlla Naxated Iron I
feel It each a rateable remedy that, it
anonld be kept la ererr haapttsi and pre.
aorlhed by every phyetolan In tbia aoun
try. ""j. "' , Benton physician, wae haa
studied both In this conn try nnd great KK
ropean Medical Inatltntlona, aaya: "There
can be ne strong; Tlgaroua Iron men and
beantlfol, healthy women without toon. Not
long ago a man came to ma who waa nearly
half a eentory old and asked me to give
him a preliminary examination for life In
surance. I waa aatonlahed to find htm with
the blood preesare of a boy of 10 and as
foil of rigor, rim and vitality aa a yonng
. man: tn fact, a young man be really was.
notwlthaUDdlng hla age. The eecrat, he
aid, waa taking Iron nnxated Iron had
filled him with renewed life. At JO he
wee in bed health: at 6 he waa careworn
and nearly all in now, at SO, after taking
nusated Iron, a miracle of vitality and hla
face beaming with the buoyancy of Tooth."
..I,i..?c1U!,1",, C- e"a. VlalUng Surgeon,
St Ellaabeth'a HoeplUL New Tors, aaya:
" ha nerar before glren ant any medical
Information or advice for publication, aa X
ordinarily do not beoere In It. Bnt In tha
caae of Nuated Iron I feel I would ba re
miss la my duty not ta mention IL I hare
taken tt myself and given It to my pa
tiento with moat eurprtslng and eatlsfaetory
results And thoee who wleh quickly to In
crease their atrength, power end endurance
will find It a moot remarkable and wonder
folly effective remedy.''
Dr. T. A. Wallace, s physician of many
years' experience In this country sad who
has been given many honorary title. In
England, aaya: "I do not make a prac
tice of recommending advertised medlctnal
products, bnt I have found Nuxated Iron
eo potent In nervous, run-down eondltlooe
that I believe all abould know of It The
men and women of today need more Iron
In. their blood than waa the case twenty
or thirty years ago. This because of the
demtnerallsea diet which now la eerved
dally In thousands of homea and also be
oauae of the demand for greater reslatanee
necessary to offset tha greater number of
nealth haaarda to ba met at every turn." .
NOTE: Nuxated Iron which was need by
Former United Statee Senator Mason at 66
yeara of age wtth each snrprurtng snd entis
factory resulta and which la prescribed and
recommended above by physician, in such
a great variety of eases Is not a patent
medicine nor secret remedy, but one which la
well known to drugglau and whoae Iron
eonetltuenta are widely prescribed by emi
nent phyelciane both in Europe and Amer
ica. Unlike the older lnorganle iron prod
ucta tt la easily aaslmllateri, does not in
jure the teeth, make them black, nor npaet
the etomach; on the contrary. It la a most
potent remedy In nearly all forma of In
digestion aa well as for nervous run-down
conditions Tha maaufaeturera have aueh
great confidence tn nuxated Iron that they
offer to forfeit tloO.a, to any charitable
Institution If they cannet take any man
or woman under SS years who lacks Iron
and tncreaae their strength SOS per oent or
over In four weeks' time, provided they have
no sertoUB organic troable. They anjo offer
to refund yor money if It done not at least
doable year atrength and anduranea tn tea
days time. It Is dtepensed in this otty by
Sherman eV MoConnell Drug Storee and all
good drugglsta. Advertisement.