Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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3 A
New Georgette Crepe PI rm 0.00
and Crepe de Chine -DiUUbeb
$4 Hair Switches $2.85
. 20-inch Switches, in three separate strands; fluffy, wavy, natural hair.
$7 Switches, of natural, wavy hair; 24 inches long; in three sepa
rate strands $5.45
Hot Oil Scalp Treatments
And ice-pack massages, by experts; also proficient service in sham
pooing, manicuring, hair dyeing and hair bleaching, in our fully
equipped, thoroughly modern hairdresBing parlors, on the Second Floor.
Special 3-Cap Hair Nets, Monday only, for 25c
Children's Hair Bobbing Correctly Done
Second Floor.
JUST AS FILMY and fascinating u thev
Blouses. In frills are the semi-tailored models. Embroidered models
with Filet and Oriental Laces. Hand-embroidered models and braided
In the most wonderful colorings, such as Orchid, Peach, Emerald
Green, Jade, Tea Rose, Flesh, White, Gold, Beige, and Ivory.
Prices, $3.98 to $10.00
Second Floor
II n "
ail jE;,iJ:!f"w
ii iiri usn
'sQ' w,ncomaha
Splendid Styles for Women
' Skirts and Jackets Elaborately
Embroidered '
THE COLORS employed in the em
broidery are simply gorgeous. Everyone
recognizes that this -fine corded, soft
silk, lends itself beautifully to the Spring
styles in suits.
New Taffeta Suits
In browns, taupe, blues and black.
Fancy styles, with large pointed col
lars, trimmed with buttons and braid.
New Cloth Suits Are Ready
In gaberdines, Poiret twills, trim
med in the same manner as the
Faille Silk Suits
In every instance these are exclus
ive models, just one of a kind the
very finest showing we have ever
made thus early in the season. We
will not quote prices we want you to
come in and see them.
Second Floor
YO-SAN oM Mofthe Newest Silks
'Are Being Shown Here in Amazing Variety
WE HAVE never seen a season that is so "colorful" a season that offers such wonderful
variety in weave and pattern as this a season so rich in fascinating Silks.
The showing here will comprise every known new weave as well as the old favorites, and never has a
season offered richer assortment this this. ,
Yo-San,Houla, Khaki-Kool, Georgette Satin, Sport Satin, Stripe Silk and Wool Faille,
Pussy Willows, Crepe de Chine, Soiree, Shantungs, Tussahs, Taffeta, Satins, etc.
These new silks are from 36 to 40 inches wide. In the new Chartreuse, Citron, Gold, Platinum, Presidio,
Fraise, Shadow Lawn Green," etc. Suitable for the new Skirts, Suits, Coats and Dresses and particularly
for Sports wear.
40-Inch Black Swiss Chiffon Taffeta, rich. deer, lus
trous black; soft, mellow finish; extra good weight;
quality now worth $z.Z5 a yard at retail ;
Here Are Six" of the New Staple Silks at Unusually Low Prices:
4u-incn &iik and wool Satin Stripe Silk Faille; splen
did weight; in the new gold, "shadow lawn green," char
treuse, citron, etc., quality now worth $2.50 a t-j nr
yard at retail, for tpl.Oy
40-Inch All Silk Double Thread Crepe de Chine, in
all the wanted shades; splendid weight; a rare mi on
bargain, at, a yard pl,oy
32 and 36-Inch Satin Stripe Shirting and Wafeting
Silk ; that will tub and wear exceptionally well ; m-i a a
quality now worth at retail $1.50 a yard; now. .pl.UU
40-Inch La Jerz Suiting Silk; beautiful and practical;
in all the newest shades; do not fail to see it; (Tq rn
a yard tpO.OU
40-Inch All Silk Marquisette, in nile, dark
white, navy and lavender, quality now worth
$1.00; now
Metal. Laces at Lowest
Extremely Good This Season
It is a remarkable fact that just at
the time when these laces are being
employed extensively on the very
newest and most exquisite gowns,
that we offer them at prices that are
but a fraction of their real worth. If
we spoke volumes about them we
couldn't tell more.
Every woman knows the values of
these trimmings. .
Here are two items for Monday that
offer great savings:
(Metal Laces, comprising solid effects
as well as combinations of metal with
Beautiful Flouncings, with rows, of
gold and silver embroidery on silk tulle
nets. Full widths.
Values to $2.00, rjQQ
A beautiful assortment of Metal Laces,
regularly sold for 59c to 75c, oon
yard. . ,.OiC
Main Floor
Smart Styles for Misses and Small Women
-In the New Second Floor Specialty Shop
THEY SAY "Nothing succeeds like sue-
cess," and that this applies to this de
partment has been demonstrated ever
since the opening hour a few days ago
this Specialty Shop for Misses and
Small Women opened very successfully
and continues to be a greater and great
er success each day.
Exceptionally Interesting Frocks
Afternoon, Dinner and Semi-Tailored Styles
They are shown in very "youthful"
styles the "jeune fille" of Fashion.
These Frocks are shown in Jer
sey, Crepe de Chine, Net, Serge, Sat
in, Charmeuse, Taffeta, Georgette,
etc., at $19.75 to $65.00.
Just Arrived-A New Chemise Frock Coat-JJress that buttons
all the way down the front a particularly pleasing style
Top Goats at $19.75 to $50.00
Shown here in Gunny Burl, Tricotine, Gaberdine, etc.
This Is the Specialty Shop Supreme
Second Floor
l A Leader j
j Among Men j
J Sound in his judgments,
kind but emphatic in his de-
cisions, prophetic in his
if vision. . j
1 Abraham Lincoln j
Was a true leader when this
Nation needed him most.
g Simple in his manners, I
humble in his greatness, 1
he loved humanity and
P was beloved in return. S
1 With a sympathy that ran I
I as deep as the deepest
i river, it was his privilege
I to understand and bind f,
to him everyone with I
whom he came in con- I
8 tact. , 1
I ' ?
1 Tomorrow , S
The Nation j
I Commemorates 1
I His Birthday 1
Two Distinctive Styles Share Honors
In This Showing of the Newest Dresses for Women
Most effective are the new Tailored Frocks in
Serge, Gaberdine and Wool Jersey, These are par
ticularly desirable for early wear and show new ideas
in braiding, buttons artd embroidery that add to' their
attractiveness. Many with satin or taffeta trimmings
to match or in smart contrasts. ,
In the Cloth models, navy is a leader with beige
and gray close seconds; Jerseys are shown in high .,
colors, more adapted to sports wear. Pleasing ,
prices; $22.50, $35.00 and upward. ,
Restaurant or Theater Frocks
Are charming and new suitable for after-
noon wear as well. Shown in the exquisitely
beaded and embroidered Georgettes and Chif
fon Cloths; delicate shadings that give them re
finement. ' . 1
Beige, Copenhagen, cyclamen, gray and darker blues
are favorites. .
Soutache braidings are playing a strong part in trimmings and especially feat
ured on one Frock in an effect that features the youthful lines of the figure.
. A Special Price of $39.00 on These Frocks
Others at $45.00, $65.00 and $85.00
Second Floor
White Goods in Remarkable Array
HOSTS of sheer fabrics, and just as many fabric of
stauncher weave for Sports Wear. Materials for
airy summer dresses, and for semi-tailored suits.
New, Crisp, Sheer White Novelties, for dresses and blouses, in
cluding embroidered Voile, Lace Stripes, Sheer Plaids, Cords, Satin
Stripe Voile, etc. 38 and 40 inches wide. CO,,-.
Special, yard OiC
Large assortment of patterns in Dainty White Dress Goods
wide Satin Stripes, embroidered effects, dotted and 1 A
Plaid Batiste, etc. 27 inches wide. Yard lUC
Medium light weight Madras Flaxon. in fine cords. Name
"flaxon" stamped on selvage. 32 inches wide.
Very fine imported White Pique, in wide and narrow wales. Soft
finish and pure white. The right fabric for house and street n
wear, middies, etc. 27 inches wide. Monday, yard juOC
Extra fine quality White Gaberdine, wool finish. Excellent for
sports suits and coats, middies, children's rompers, etc. QET
36 inches wide. Special, yard .OOC
White Goods Remnants
Extraordinary Sale
Lengths from 2 to 20 yards. All desir
able materials, including:
Seed Voile Diagonal
Plain Voile Batiste
Gaberdine Nainsook
Longcloth -'
Flaxon, Madras, Jacquart Effect, Check
Flaxon, name stamped on selvage ; Persian
Lawn, India Linon, Etc. 32 to 45 inches
wide. .
Basement Bargain Square.
, 4 Colored Wash Goods
40-Inch Imperial English Nainsook, fine fabric for dainty under
muslins; chamois finish and pure white. 40 inches wide.. rjo OC
2-yard bolts ipZ.OO
Ripplett The rough-dry fabric that requires no ironing.
Fast colors for women's house dresses, waists, children's frocks and
rompers, middies, etc. Colored stripes, checks, plaids and solid colors
m blue and plain white. All fast colors. 27 inches i r
wide. Yard ........loC
Best Quality Windsor Crepe, white ground with neat floral de
signs. Plain pink, light blue, white, etc. 30 inches wide. OA
Specially priced, yard . )Q,
Good Quality Highly Mercerized Poplin,- in all colors-black,
red, white, brown, lavender, reseda, pink, gray, purple, etc. Or
27 inches wide. Sale price, yard CiDQ
Special Savings on Splendid Rugs
Prices Away Below This Season's
We are offering our own stock of Rugs at the prices that prevailed months
ago. When the new Rugs arrive we shall have to ask the new and higher
prices for them take advantage now.
9x12 French Wilton Rugs, retail price,
if bought today, $82.50; our (jjyg QQ
Size 6x9, retail price if Mft f)(
bought today, $47.50; our price. .. P'xV.W
Size 36x63, retail price if d1 O aa
bought today, $15.00; our price. ...PJ- .w
Size 24x36, retail price if (PQ A A
bought today, $10.60; our price tpO, UU
8-3x10-6 French Wilton Rugs, retail
price if bought today, ar7A aa
$77.50; our price JpU.UU
Proportionate prices for other sizes.
9x12 Royal Wilton Rugs, seamless.
Retail price if bought today, tr r a a
$62.50; our price : . . JpOO.UU
Proportionate prices for other sizes.
8-3x10-6 Royal Wilton Rugs, seamless.
Retail price if bought today, drn AA
$55.00; our price ipDU.Uv
Proportionate prices for other sizes.
9x12 Wilton Rugs, seamless. Retail
price if bought today, qj r a a
$50.00; our price tp4).Uv
Proportionate prices for other Bizes.
8-3x10-6 Royal Wilton Rugs, seamless.
Retail price if bought today, t a a a a
$45.00; our price ,Jj)4U.UU
Proportionate prices for other sizes.
9x12 Axminster Rugs, retail price if
bought today, $35.00; our jj3Q QQ
Proportionate prices for other sizes.
, 8-3x10-6 Axminster Rugs, retail price
if bought today, $32.50; our Q97 rn
price Jpl.OO
Proportionate prices for other sizes.
6-9x9 Axminster Rugs, retail price if
bought today, $22.50; our t-i o nr
price . . plu. ID
Proportionate prices for other sizes.
9x12 Axminster Rugs, retail price if
bought today, $30.00 ; our $27 50
Proportionate prices for other sizes.
8-3x10-6 Axminster Rugs, retail price
if bought today, $27.50 ; our tfjor A a
price tpD.UU
Proportionate prices for other sizes.
And These at Very Special Prices Because We Shall
Not Repeat Orders for These Rugs
Bigelow Royal Ishpaharv Finest Quality Wilton.
At the present market, size 9x12 would be $75, and 8-3x10-6 would be $70.
We have a few patterns in this quality that we are &a a nr
closing out, at $44. 1 0
Royal Wilton (Seamless) Rugs. -
At the present market, size 9x12 would be $55, and 8-3x10-6 would be $50.
In this quality we also have a few patterns, all good designs tqi or
and colorings, that we are closing out, at tpol.yD
Royal Axminster Rugs.
At the present market, size 9x12 would be $27.50 and 8-3x10-6 would be $25
We are closing out the patterns in this line at the (P01 AO
t very low price of ; , . , tpZl.lo
. We also have a limited number of Hartford Saxonys in discontinued patterns,
all good colorings and designs. This rug is usually called the "American Oriental"
and is unsurpassed for hard wear and is especially suitable for living and dining
. The 9x12 size sells regularly for $75.00, and the 8-3x10-6 size sells for $70.
We will sell these, Monday, at unusual reductions. Third Floor.
Linen Store Offerings
Items of special merit. It will be well worth your time
to come down Monday and share in these offerings.
Fancy Turkish Towels, 29c
These are "Mill Imperfections." Fancy colorings of blue, pink
and orange, absolutely fast While this lot of 50 dozen lasts,
each, 29c Seconds of 50c quality,
$2.50 Bed Spreads, $1.98
One case of Crocheted Bed Spreads, scalloped ends and cut
corners. Regulation size. Heavy quality. Monday, each, f 1.98.
65c Damask, 49c '
One case of a fine quality Mercerized Damask, 64 inches wide.
Unexcelled for wear. All very pretty patterns. Special, yard, 49c.
' Roller Towels, 25c
Made of a linen finished, bleached crash, with fancy bor
ders. Each, 26c.
50c Padding, 39c '
The heavy fleeced kind, 64 inches wide, to protect your table.
Yard, 39c. ' , ,. '
Main Floor.
Domestics, Dress Prints, Sheets, Etc.
The Genuine Windsor Dress Percales, none better
made. 36 inches wide. Mostly dark colors. -t c,
Monday, yard I472C
29-Inch Blue Bell Cheviots, in plain shades and fancy ) r
stripes and checks. Monday, yard , J.OC
32-Inch Gennina Wamsutta Pajama Jean, perfectly 1 Ol
bleached. Yard .....J.Z72C
Beautiful "Bright Eyes" Nainsook, fine sheer under- 1 A n
wear' finish, for women a lingerie, etc 12 He value, yard..Xv2v
The Genuine Whittington Mills Dress Zephyrs, 27 inches wide.
All the new styles. Regular 16c grade, 101 A
yard il72L
Simpson's Fame Dress Prints, best grade. Full bolts.' Black
and white, gray and fancy designs. . Monday, n.
yard 172C
27-Inch Scotland Outing Flannel, white and plain ' Ai
shades. Soft, warm nap. Yard .'. .tVzC
The Genuine "Parkhill" Treffau Zephyrs, 32 inches wide. All
the new season's styles and color combinations. 1 A
Yard lyC ;
The Genuine "Fairhaven" Bleached Bed Sheets, seamless. Made "'
from Dallas sheetings; size 81x99 inches, with 3-inch hems. ' IJQn
To be sold at less than mill cost today. Sale price, each. . . I OC
The Genuine "Fruit of the Loom" Bleached Pillow Slips, with
8-inch hems, ready for use. Three sixes:
i'JLJ-"?'?!!! ' . " .42x36 Inches , . f 45x36 Inches
16c Each " 18c Each"" 20c-Each-"
BaMBMni. ... .