NEWS SECTION PART ONE PAGES ONE TO TWELVE Omaha Sunday Bee THE WEATHER Fair; Cold VOL. XL VI NO. 38. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 11, 1917 FIVE SECTION FORTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY -FIVE CENTS. A.JXE AMERICAN LIKE ASKS WILSON FOR CONVOYS OR GUNS President Franklin Says St Louis and Other Ships Won't Sail Unless Guarded by ' U. S. Force. CANNOT EQUIP VESSELS 7 ' Cannon, With Men t Man Them, Demanded Unless Warships Attend. DANTE ALIGHTERI IN POET New York, Feb. 10. Unless the United States government provides convoys or guns and gunners to pro tect its ships, the American Line, owners ofthe steamships, St. Louis, St Paul and other, liners, will not send them across the Atlantic, it was announced here today by P. A. S. Franklin, president of the Internr. tionarilercantile Marine. u Safe arrival at Genoa last Thursday of the Italian steamer, Sante Alighieri, which left this port January 24, was announced here today in a cablegram received by the ship's agents. It carried between 400 and 500 passen gers. . Depends on Government This decision was reached after the failure of efforts to provide their own defensive armament Mr. . Franklin said. "The 'only source of supply of guns in ' mis country, ne added, "seems to be the United States gov ernment, and our government seems disinclined to afford this protection." "As far as the American line is concerned," said Mr. Franklin, "we have done our best in trying to se cure tne necessary guns and gun crews, but it does not seem possible that private corporations will be able properly to equip their ships with de fensive armament. Otherwise Can't SaiL "The American Line steamers will not be able to sail at all unless the government decides either to provide convoys or put on each of our steam ers the guns and trained gunners es sential to the safety of the passen gers and the crew." The sailing of the Swedish-American liner, Stockholm, from this port Monday, February 12, for Gothen-' burg, has been postponed indefinitely by instructions received today by the line's home office. Woman Run Over When Auto Turns - To Avoid Crash Trying to avoid collision with an other, auto, H. O. Friedrichs, 3115 Davenport street, drove' his car up on the sidewalk at Seventeenth street and St. Mary's avenue. The machine struck down and ran over Miss Bar bara Bulin, aged 22 years, of Coun cil Bluffs, who was on her way from the City National Bank building, where she works, to the Young Wom en's Christian Association building. Mr. Friedrichs took Miss Knlin tn the Ford hospital. Her face and hands are badly lacerated and her legs were bruised. But she suffered no injuries that might prove fatal, doctors report The police are inves tigating the case and seeking to de termine who drove the car that Freid richs sought to avoid. Despondent Farmer Shoots Himself Dead in His Field Beatrice, Neb., Feb. 10. (Special Telegram.) Randolph Schcll, 52 years of age committed suicide last night in a cornfield near his home two miles northwest of Cortland by shoot ing himself through the head with a small rifle. Mr. Schell left home last night and when he failed to return searching parties were organized, 200 farmers with a pair of bloodhounds form this city joining in the search. The body was found this afternoon in the field. Mr. Schell was an old resident of Gage county. He leaves a widow and several children. He had $150 on his person. Despondency is supposed to have been the cause for his act. Fair and Warmer Weather . Is Prediction for Week Washington, Feb. 10. Weather predictions for the week beginning Sunday issued by the weather bureau are: states and upper and middle Mississippi . valley, generally fair; warmer. .. The Weather t - , l for Nebraek Fair and continued cold. TflfaperiuT at Omaha Yesterday. Hour. Deg. ft a. m ;.. & a. m 12 7 a. m ft a. m ft I a. m t IS a m . i 11 a. m 10 11 m ,12 P. m 14 3 p. m 16 P. m it P. m li ft p. in II ft p. m-. 18 1 P. m It local Record. t 1111. 11. IMS. 1114. Companttvi Blahest yesterday..., 21 Lowest yesterday . , ft MB 3ft 11 Mean 4emperature. ... 14 . 31 40 2ft Precipitation ........ T . .so .00 .00 Temperature and precipitation departures from too normal: Normal temperature... 22 Deficiency lor the day II Total siceas afnee March 1 121 Norma! precipitation 04 lorn Deflclancy for .be day. . 04 inch Total rainfall since Maroh 1... .17-43 Inrhea Deficiency alnee afaroli 1 12.84 Inchea Deficiency for cor. period. 191S. .12 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, 114. 1.9ft Inchea 1 "S" Indicates trace of precipitation. 1 A. WELSH, Meteorologist. HOWELL ADMITS HE ERRED IN JUDGMENT Senator Confesses His Mistake in Sponsoring Original . Ward Election Bill. TRYING TO MAKE AMENDS State Senator Howell yesterday ad mitted publicly that in sponsoring the original ward-election school board bill, he erred, eggregionsiy erred, and in a contrite manner he said lie was doing his level best to make amends and get beyond the range of the with ering fire since directed gainst Him. He explained that his bill had been withdrawn and that he proposed to offer amendments to a similar bill comping up from the house. The meeting at the council club rooms was attended by a goodly of prominent men and women, who ex changed a wide range of views and at time engaged in sharp polemics. The net result of the meeting was that M. A. Hall. secured adoption of a resolution, that it was the sence of the meeting that the Douglas county representatives and senators use their influence to defeat any legis lation which would require election of Omaha school board members by wards. Mr. Hall tried to secure adoption of another resolution against the primary school bill, but he failed in that effort Senator Strehlow an nounced that on next Thursday aft ernoon at 2 o'clock, in the state sen ate chamber, the committee on privi leges and elections, will grant a hearing. ,. , ... ..... . Committee To Protest. Special committee of two women and three men will be selected to represent the protestants. It is be lieved the meeting will yield interest ing expressions of opinions. , Senator Howell explained that he proposed to amend the Goodall ward election bill in the nouse to provide that an election would be held in 1920 and every two years thereafter, which would not legislate any mem bers of the present board out of of fice, but would extend the terms of some of the members. He said he was opposed to legislating anybody out ot omce. "This is not a ward-election bill. because everybody would vote for the candidates of all wards and at the regular election would likewise vote for the nominees of all wards." ex plained Senator Howell. He added that the primary school bill aDnlied to all cities of the state having more tnan iu.uuu population. Goodall Defends Bill. Representative Goodall. defendinz his bill in the house, said: "I will stand by my bill. Our present-system of electing school board mem bers is staxation without represen tation. We should have members on the board from the -districts where Ihey raise kids by the bushel." 'Beat the bill if vou can. but don't try to beat it over my shoulders. I have done my. best to correct my mistake. If you resolve to oppose the primary Dill yon will antagonize the legislature. The legislature mav do away with your entire school board," was the consolation offered by Sen ator Howell, when the discussion greweloquent. "We got good results last t fall without any school board primary. It is hard enough to got good men to run for the board without imoosine the primary, feature upon them, to say. notning 01 ine aanea exoense. inter jected M. A. Hall. Senator Howell took vigorous issue with Mr. Hall and Dr. Harold Gilford. S. Arion Lewis an dFred Hoye supported the ward feature. Women Disapprove. Mrs. C. R. Thiem, president of the Miller Park Mothers' club, expressed her disapproval of ward election of school board members in this man ner: "Every ward may not have men capable of serving as school board members," Mrs. Halleck Rose and Miss Kate McHugh opposed the ward bill. City Attorney Rinc, Robert Smith and J. H. Dumont were among those who led the fight in favor of the primary election for school board members, with the result that the meeting finally agreed not to take action against the primary bill, par ticularly in view of the fact that it applied to all cities of more than 10,000 population and said to have been made state-wide with a view of purifying school politics in Lincoln. The Douglas county senators made it pain that if Omaha people want to kill this school board legilation, they must prevail upon the privileges and elections next Thursday afternoon at Lincoln. Bill to Tax Dogs Meets Opposition of Fanciers Fremont, Neb., Feb. 10. (Special.) Through the Fremont Kennel club, which has been instrumental in pro moting the largest dog shows heVI in this section of the country in th laef f7 v4-c 1ia-: ...:tl L" ...... ..... jva,, iiviuiv tJluua Will UC made to defeat the bill introduced to tax owners of dogs to make an "in surance fund for sheep owners," as Secretary Otto Pohl of the Kennel club put it' Mr. Pohl, with other Fremont dog fanciers, will go to Lin coln, Tuesday, to present when the bill is presented. The bill is known as House Roll No. 477, by J. A. OUis of Valley county. It is said to have the backing o the sheep raisers of the state. Mn, Pohl contends that is the bill becomessa law it will cost $12 a year to keep a dog. He denounces the measure as an injustice to dog breeders. Grand Jury Will Probe Rise in Price of Paper WashingtonFeb. 10. It was stated today at the Department of Justice that the federal grand jury in New cirk is about to begin investigating whether there is a criminal conspir acy in restraint of trade in the news print paper situation. Bambndge Colby and Mark Hyman will repre rent the government as special as sistants to the attorney general. VON BERNSTORFF AND PARTY WILL -GO WEDNESDAY, German AmtTI New York atdn the Scandinavian Ship N Frederik VHX GEEAED TO START HOME American Diplomat Will Be " Met at Border by Agents of Swisa Government. STATEMENT B7 LANSING (By Associated Frees.) The Swiss legation, in Washington has been informed that Ambassador Gerard, his staff and that the Ameri can citizens would leave Berlin Satur day night by special train for Zurich, Switzerland. Arrangements have been completed for the departure from New York on Wednesday next of Count von Bern storff and his staff on board the steamship Frederik VIII for Chris tiania, Norway. Agents of the Scandinavian-American line in New York received permission from the owners in Copenhagen to use the vessel to carry the German ambassador across the Atlantic. . Madrid (Via Paris), Feb. JO. A wireless message from the Spanish ambassador at Berlin to the American ambassador here, transmitted at the request of Ambassador Gerard, asked passage for the ambassador, Mrs. Ger ard and the ambassador's suite be en gaged on the Alfonso XIII, leaving Barcelona on February 21, or on the Infanta Isabel, steaming on Febru ary 25. Washington, Feb. 10. Arrange ments today were completed for the departure on Wednesday of Count von Bernstorflf and his. staff aboard the steamer Frederik VIII for Chris- tiania, Norway. The former ambas sador and the personnel of the em bassy will leave Washington Tiies- day nignt. New York,' Feb. 10. The steam ship Frederik VIII was given per mission by its owners in Copenhagen today to convey former Ambassador von Bernstorff and his suite to a Scandinavian port, according to a cablegram to the Scandinavian Amer ican line offices here. It' was an nounced that the' Frederik VIII will sail Wednesday afternoon at 2 oVlock. In addition to the : ambass&V i J suite provision has been made is V carrying about 200 German cons fi Berlin, Feb. 9. (Via Lonoon, Fjfeb. rvmoassaaor ucrara s tram win leave Berlin approximately as ached uled, but will enter Switzerland by way of Singen instead of Basle i as originally planned. Americans who will travel witn ttic ambassador were informed late this afternoon that their haggage must be at Uie depot for in spection not later than 11 o'clock to morrow morning, so as to avoid de lay and confusion at the frontier. Despite the fact that details of Mr. Gerard's departure have been in definite until this evening, the Amer icans in Berl'n have shown little ten dency to worry and the; delicacy of the situation has not affected the serenity of tne German public. .No more attention has been paid to for eigners than is, usual, Americans have been treated with rigid courtesy and no objection has been raised to Eng lish being spoken publicly. Ambassador Gerard authorized the Associated Press today to say that he has neither given nor will, under any circumstance, give an interview of any kind or description to anyone be fore he reports personally to Presi dent Wilson. Lansing Doubts Von Sturm Story. Washington, Feb. 10. The state ment attributed to Dr. William von Sturm, German under secretary for foreign affairs, that Germany has de tained Ambassador Gerard because Count von Bernstorff had been pre vented by this country from tele graphing that he had received his passports, was held by Secretary Lansing today to be improbable. The secretary said: "I loubt he authenticity of a state ment of that kind, which is S" directly contrary to the facts. Every facility and convenience has been placed be fore Count von Bernstorff, and he would have been allowed to send a full statement by wireless regarding the severance. "Whether he availed himself of this or not is his responsibility. The Ger man government has been informed with the fullest detail of all events in this country through two different sources, the Swiss minister here, who has been empowered to represent Ger man interests, and the Spanish ambas sador in Berlin, through whom com munications have gone. 1 - have no reason not to believe that there has been a very unusual delay m Ambas sador Gerard's departure." secretary Lansing announces todav receipt of advices from the Swiss min ister here that Mr. Gerard, his staff and fifty other Americans would leave Berlin tonight for the Swiss border, where he will be met by officials of the Swiss government. A Berlin dispatch last night said that Mr. Gerard's departure had been again changed and that he would not leave Germany until Count von Bern storff and his suite leave this coun try on February 13 has not been con firmed through official channels. Ab solute incredulity was expressed, however, that the German government would take such action. , ...... Nebraska Field Hospital -Leaves Border February 18 San Antonio, Tex., Feb. 10. The Second Wisconsin infantry left here today for Fort Sheridan , to be mustered out. Additional schedules announced to day were: First battalion Minnesota Field ar tillery, at Llano Grande, February 17; Fourth South Dakota infantry, at San Benito, February, 18, and Nebraska Field Hospital corps, at Llano Grande, February 18. ... , ffcooDriGHtX I ruasz voimtnrovs owtaws V (towinev vhh ? jMXUtft!j l,3 , owns SXASSD , ' ( d i W'M S I 'MM1. ? U ymml ALA oasravz ; sans g6wsd 'wesr'tos.: . : U-BOATS INCREASE AVERAGEA TRIFLE Submarines Account for 3,000 Tons More Friday Than on .Previous Day. FOUR STEAMERS GO DOWN (By AaMebhteet Prose.) Four steamers, aggregating 13,535 tons, snnfc or believed to. have been sunk, conf$ituted the harvest of the German submarine campaign Sator day. Three of these were British, the Mantola, 6,826 tons; the Lullington, 2,816 tons, and the Becchtree, 1,277 tons. The fourth was the Norwegian steamer Solbakken, 2,616 tons. This is an increase of upward of 3,000 tons over the amount of tonnage destroyed Friday. the total number ot vessels de stroyed in the period of suhmarine operations of February 1 to 9, inclu sive, is said to be eighty-nine, of which twenty-one were neutral ves sels. During that period, it is stated, more than 1,100 vessels arrived at or sailed unharmed from ports of the United Kingdom. Small Percentage Sunk. New York, Feb. 1U. More than 1.100 vessels arrived at or sailed un harmed from United Kingdom norts during the first nine dayt of Ger many's unrestricted submarine war fare in British waters, according to an announcement made here today by persons in authoritative touch with British admiralty officials. Seven hundred vessels entered United Kingdom ports safely and 410 departed, according to this informa tion. Admiialty officials are declared to be convinced that Germany's renewed undersea activity is a failure, insofai as it tends to bring .bout starvation of the people of the British isles, Other figures declared to have been received from admiralty sources cov ering the U-boat operations from February 1 to February 9, inclusive show that sixteen ships escaped aftet being attacked. The total number ot vessels destroyed within the period according to these figures, was eighty nine, . Of these twenty-one were trawlers and smacks. The summary .(assifies these losses as follows: Torpedoed: British steamships. twenty-five; entente steamships other tlian British, thirteen; neutrals steamers, twenty-one; trailers and smacks, twenty-one. Sunk by mines: Nine vessels, class and nationality not stated. Sinks Ten Ships. Berlin," Feb. 8 (By Wireless to Say ville, Feb. 10). A German submarine has returned from the Atlantic, where it sank ten ships of an aggregate tonnage of 19,000, the Overseas News agency says. In addition, it sank in the North Sea a British steamship of about 3,000 tons, the British trawlers Shamrock and Thistle and two other trawlers, one British and one French. Teutons Moving Food arid , Fuel from Roumania Berlin. Feb. 10. (By Wireless to Sayville.) Enormous amounts of sup plies captured in Koumania are now being transported to Germany, Aus tria and Hungary, says the Overseas News agency. More than 400 steam ships and 2,700 tugs are carrying! corn, wood, leather and other raw materials up the Danube. The steamers tow ten barges each, carrying as much freight as 650 railroad cars. Hens Same as Dollars In Hall County Now Grand Island, Neh., Feb. 10. Spe cial Telegram.) .Robert Watson, wholesale poultry dealer, today paid Mrs. Tagge, a farmer woman, $8.13 for eight hens of the Plymouth Rock variety. ; , , ... , ... .. , Looking Backward China Will Break With Kaiser Unless ' U-Boats Called In Peking, Feb. 9 (Delayed). The Chinese cabinet has endorsed the American action against Germany on the submarine campaign. The cabinet has assured the American minister, Dr. Paul S. Reinsrh, that China asso ciates itself firmly with the United States. The Chinese government has ad vised the German government that China will break off diplomatic rela tions if the new submarine measures are pursued. , , OFFEREDlONEY TO BLOW UF-ARSENAL Former . Iowa Negro Lawyer Says He Was Asked to Form Plot. PLANT AT ROOK ISLAND (From a Staff Correspondent. ) Des Moines, la., Feb. 10. (Special Telegram.) George Woodson of Los Angeles, formerly of Buxton, la., a negro attorney, has made affidavit that he was offered a big sum by a mysterious stranger if he would work out a plot to blow up the government arsenal at Rock Island. This was on November 23, 1915. He told of the plot to Federal Judge Wade and word was sent to the government at Wash; ington. Mrs. Floyod Smith Loses $15,000 Damage Suit Denison, la., Feb. 10. (Special.) Mrs. Floyd Smith lost her $15,000 damage suit against Richard Kinnev and Mrs. Flora Wright, which had been tried in the district court for ten days,. Her father, Michael Mo lony was a roomer in a building owned by the defendants and she was there when it collapsed, caring for the room occupied by the father. Six persons were buried in the ruins and injured. Mr. Molony was killed. Mrs. Smith had spent some $1,000 in medi cal fees. as a result of the accident. The defense set up that she knew of the condition of the building and entered it at her own risk. The case will be appealed. , Thomas Brown, who would have been 99 years old in August, died at his home west of 'Denison, la., Tues day. He was a native of England, He had been a farmer in Crawford county for over fifty years and very active, until a few weeks before his death. Early Settler of Logan Dies at Rock Island, III. Logan, la., Feb. 10, (Special.) The body of Mrs. B. F. LaPortc, one of the pioneers of Harrison county, who died Thursday at Rock Island, III., will be brought here for burial Sunday. Mrs. LaPortc, nee Harris, was the first school teacher in Harri son county, teaching in Elk Grove in 1853; the following year she was married to B. F. LaPorte, and thev were the first couple to build a home , in Logan after the town was laid out, j and resided here until a few years i ago, when she went to live at Rockai isiana witn ncr aaugnier, fteiue. ine LaPorte family had a large acquaint ance in Harrison county. Four Million Dollar Fire In Former Shell Factory Pittsburgh, Feb. 10. The machine shop building; of the Union Switch and Signal company, the largest plant for the manufacture of switch signals in the United States and until re cently engaged in filling munition orders for the European governments, located at Swissvale, a suburb, was destroved by fire earlv tonight, with a loss estimated at $4,000,000. 0. S. FREIGHT SHIP' SAILS M FRAME Rochester, Flying Stars and Stripes, Leaves New York for Bordeaux. , - NEW ORLEANS IS CLEARED New York, Feb. lO.-Wtih the Stars and Stripes flying over its rait, the steamship Rochester,.- owned by the Kerr steamship line, which cleared yesterday with a general cargo for liordeaux, passed Uuaraiitine out ward bound shortly after i p. m. to day. The Rochcsteris the second American ship to leave this port since the announcement by Germany on January 31 of its new submarine cam paign. American shipping circles "were stirred today by the announcement that two freighters flying the Stars and Stripes would sail for the Euro pean war zone. , These ships are the Orleans, owned by the Oriental Navigation company, and the Rochester of the Kerr Steam ship company. Both are bound for Bordeaux, France. The two ships al ready have received their clearance papers. The Orleans has an Ameri can captain, Allan Tinker, and a crew of thirty-five, of whom yirrty two are citizens of the United States, The Rochester has thirty-three of ficers and men, of whom two-thirds are Americans. Both vessels have their names and "U. S. A." in large letters on their black sides, but are not striped or marked in the manner prescribed for Amer::an vessels by the Germtn blockade repulations. Neither is. armed. . , Baltic at Liverpool. The arrival of the Baltic of the White Star line at Liverpool removes from the danger zone another British vessel carrying American citizens. Bankers, manufacturers and railway men said today that tl e reduced num ber of sailings from American ports was beginning to be 'elt, although as yet there was no serious congestion of cargoes at the railroad terminals, It was said that many shippers are withholding their goods from the rail roads at the point of production be cause the., could not obtain the neces sary ocean tonnage. New York Due Sunday. The American line steamship. New York, from Liverpool, the first Amer ican ship out of that Pr' 'ter the reccjit German submarine decree was made public, will reach New York late Sunday afternoon,. : ccording to a wireless message received by ofiicials of the lina here today. The Kroorland, also from Liver pool, will reach Sandy Hook at mid night tonight and dock early tomor row morning, the line announced. Lid on Ship Movements. All information with respect to the clearing of vessels at the custom house, including their names, is being held. Officials said today that this was be ing done for the present on orders from Washington. Names of vessels and the dates of their arrival or departure must not be given in the same message in dis patches for wireless transmission be vond Honolulu to places either in Hawaiian territory or the South Sea islands, it was announced here today by the Commercial Cable company. Advices received from the company s Honolulu offices informed the com pany that this restriction had been imposed, but without further explana tion officials said. Devonian at Liverpool. Boston, Mass., Feb. 10. The ar rival at Liverpool of the Leyland liner Devonian, for whose safety some fears had been expressed in local shipping circles, was announced in a cablegram teceived by agents here today. The Devonian sailed from this port Janu.ry 29 with munitions and 1,000 horses. Eighty tenders, most of them Americans, were aboard. KAISER WOULD TALK SAFETY OF U. S. LIFE AT SEA Note Suggests that Govorn i ments Discus's Ways and Means to Prevent a Conflict. . , ' PROPOSAL NOT SPECIFIC Washington Asked to Indicate Steps that Might Preserve , Peace Between Nations. COMES VIA SWITZERLAND ' , Bulletin. Washington. Feb. 10. It Is under stood that tlie German suggestion that t means of avoiding hostilities with the United States be found, is predicated upon a willingness on the part of the German government to discuss possible measures to safe guard the lives of American passen gers on the seas. , ' Washington, Feb, 10,Gsrniany is understood to ' have addressed to United States a communication sug gesting that the two governments dis cuss ways and means of preventing actual war between them. If infor mation regarding the channel through which communication is addressed is lacking it is probable it is being for warded by the government of Switzer! land. Germany is understood to have made it clear that although diplomatic rela tions have been broken it greatly de sires that peace be maintained. Pre liminary outlines regarding the com munication do not indicate that it car ries with it any suggestion that Ger many may modify its submarine war fare. However, the whole communi cation is said clearly to invite this i government to make suggestions re j garding steps it thinks might prevent war." :. ,!' ! Avoiding Damage to Neutrals, In connection with the coming I communication information obtained, i here is to the effect that while Ger- , many was arranging for .its new cani I paigu of unrestricted submarine war j fare, certain German diplomats in various parts of the world were in formed that while "military neces sity" prevented the granting of a norirwf in whirh nfMirrala mialit nrlitKt their maritime interests, every caru would be exercised so that neutral, passenger carrying ships would not be subjected to unwarned torpedo at tack. :-. .: -i ... :. 1 : When the State .department was closing for the day it was said the communication from, Germany had not yet arrived, but the department view was that the United States might not wish to carry on such a discussion while ships were being sunk in viola tion of international law. Hitchcock Blocks Move to Raise Postage on Newspapers Washington, Feb. 10. The pro vision in the postal bill increasing , postage on newspapers and period icals and reducing to 1 cent the rate on drop letters in cities, towns and on rural routes, was thrown out to day in the senate on a point of order made by Senator Hitchcock (dcm.) Senator Bryan (dem.), for the com mittee, gave notice that on Monday he would move to change the senate rules to permit such legislation on appropriation bills and then would again offer , the provision as an amendment. . .' A provision forbidding the carrying by the mails of papers containing liq uor advertisements into territory where such publication is illegal was stricken out on a point of order by Senator Hughes. Senator Jones gave notice he would move Monday to suspend the rules i and then move to have the provision inserted. A two-thirds vote is re quired to suspend the rules. A scna rate bill to accomplish the same end already has passed the senate, hut not the house. - ,. Nebraska Congressmen Attend Lincoln Memorial1 (From ft Btatf Correspondent.) Washington, Feb. 10. (Special Tel egram.) Representatives Sloan and Reavis were among the congressional contingent who went to Cumberland Gap, Tenn., today to attend a two days' Lincoln memorial celebration at the Lincoln Memorial university which was founded by General O. O. Howard for the special benefit of boys and girls in the mountain sections of upper east Tennessee, southwestern Virginia and southeastern Kentucky. Many Real Bargains in used pianos and other musical instrii- . ments are listed in ' Today's Want-Ad Section Some of them may be , had for less than the original price. ,, ' ' Save money by read ing them now. v Phone Tyler 1000 competent ad-takers at your service. Yon are as close to i Tli Bra Want-Ad Dept. s your phone is to you.