THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1917. Brief City News Wadding Kings Edhohn. Jeweler. Hm Root Print It Now Beacon Proas. Towl Engineering Company has moved to top floor New First National bank building. Expert drainage and municipal engineers. Phone Douglas S18. Bible Class , Mwtinc Mrs. G. G. Balrd, the new leader ot the Bible classes, will meet the leaders Monday at 2:30 In the Young Women's Chris tian association building. Want To Be Americans More than 100 employes of the Cudahy .Packing company have registered for the class in citizenship recently started by the South Side Young Men a Christian association. Officer Breaks Hand Officer Joe Bolster of the South Side police broke his right hand at 6:30 p. m. yesterday cranking an automobile that was Btalled on Twenty-fourth and N streets, blocking the traffic. Patrick to Speak The Omaha Philosophical society will meet Sunday ar 3 o clock in LAbor temple. Nine teenth and Farnam. William L. Pat rick will speak on "The Federal Ju diciary and the People's Rights." Social Tonight The Holy Name so ciety of St. Cecilia s cathedral will hold a reception in honor of Archbishop Harty at the school auditorium. Thir ty-ninth and Webster streets, this evening at 8 o'clock. Prot O'Nell will sing. To Build Next Year The Conserva tive has extended the lease of W. A. Plel, the druggist at Eighteenth and Farnam streets, until February 1 next year, when it is planned to build on the corner, which was bought some time ago. George A. Custer, W. R. C. Mem bers of the George A. Custer branch of the Woman's Relief Corps are asked to be in the municipal auditorium at 1:30 p. m, February 12, to be assigned their places in the Lincoln-Washing ton celebration. Breaks His Ankle Captain Philip Miller of hose house No. 9 sprained his right ankle coming down the brass pole to answer a fire call at 11 o'clock last night Miller had just returned to work after spending three weeks in the hospital. He asserts a "jinx" is following mm. Hastening to Germany Answering tne recall, lit. unricn zoepm, uerman consul general at San Francisco, is on his way home. Accompanied by his wtte and stair, in all a party of ten, Dr. Zoepffi will pass through Omaha Saturday evening on the Union Paci fic No. 2, arriving here at 8:20 o clock. The doctor and his party are scheduled to sail from New York next Tuesday. Fine Fireplace Goods Sunderland Central High Glee Club , Will Give Minstrel Show The Central High Glee club will give a minstrel show in the school auditorium on February 16. It has been named A Breeze Irom Dune, and will contain several good acts. There will be a "Trial by Jury" sung by several members of the club, also an Hawaiian quintet, composed of Floyd Paynter, Leonard Wallen, George Benolken, Harry Hobson and Rudyard Norton. Pickininy comedy will be furnished by four members of the club. . .Jay Burns will be the interlocutor ill the minstrel show. The end men will be Floyd Paynter, Harold Moore, Arthur Paynter, Leonard .Wallen, Robert Russell, Charles Brewer, Dwight Chase and Charles McCaslin. A month later the annual road show of eight or more acts will be given for the benefit, of the military de- , partment The show is to be given in "an ef fort to raise money to defray camp expenses. Money must be raised by some outside means this year to in sure an encampment at the close of the school year. Episcopal Bishop Directs Clergy to Say Special Prayer Right Rev. Arthur L. Williams. Episcopal bishop of Nebraska, has set forth and directed the clergy of his diocese to say a special prayer at every occasion of public worship dur ing the present crisis. The authorized prayer is as follows: "O, Almighty God, the Supreme Governor of all things, Whose power no creature is able to resist, to Whom it belongeth justly to punish sinners and to be merciful to those who truly repent; save and deliver us, we hum bly beseech Thee, from the imminence of war; and grant that we, being armed with Thy defense, may be pre served evermore from all perils, and truly glorify Thee, Who art the only giver of peace; through the mer its of Thy Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen." ; Fremont Man Burned by ' Explosion of Gasoline Fremont, Neb., Feb. 9. (Special) Rudy Marek of Fremont was qoite painfully burned about the face and neck when a gasoline torch he was using exploded and the gasoline was thrown over him. Marek Dut out the flames that enveloped him by rolling on the Moor ot the garage, where he was working. Marek will be unable to work for some time. Marek is a well known lightweight wrestler. He made a trip through the east with Joe Stecher, acting as one of the trainers in the Stedber ramp. Aged Insurance Man Dies After a Brief Illness James A. Woodman, probably the oldest insurance man in the tirty, died yesterday at the home of his son, Arthur E. Woodman, 2223 Capitol avenue. He was ill only one day. Mr. Woodman had been been is On.iha since 1877, and was 80 years of age. His wife survives him and his sons, w!h whom he was engaged in business. He was a partner in the old Mur-phy-Leavitt-Woodman company, an insurance agency of the early days. News Notes of Edgar. Edgar, Neb, Feb. 9. (Special.) Harry Welch, one-half mile west of Edgar, has diphtheria. i C E. Boyd, recently of Nelson, has bought the drug store known as King's Pharmacy. Nels Anderson, ah aged Swedish man, who came from Sweden a couple of years ago to Ihre with his daugh ter, Mrs. Charles Hanson, died at their borne yesterday. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Dr. Fredflick H. MUtener has gone to Washington, where be will look after eotne private matters In eofmeettpn with patents that tie is M-curtnir Dr. Klasi Mew Dtaetmry. There It nothinc better tor your coogh or cord than Dr. Kin it's New Discovery, In nee ever 40 yean. Guaranteed, AH dranrieta, -A4verUsemen t. Friday, Feb. 9, 1917. -BURGESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY- Phone Douglas 137 There's Newness Creeping in at Every Nook and Corner at Burgess-Nash Like the Scent of a Pleasing Perfume These New Spring uits At $29.50 Will Captivate You TUST in their by express! hardly out of the tissue paper newness, their style, individuality and distinc tiveness will appeal to the women who give a thought for the new. The style trend is a decided change from the past season some are strictly tailored with smart, close collar, snug shoulders and straight silhoutte, that so many discriminating women prefer. The coats are box pleated from belt down, odd shaped pockets, silk collars that can be detached, knife pleated skirts, that are slightly longer than past season. The materials are Poviet twills; poplins, gaberdines, Burella cloth, English tweeds, in apple green, gold, mus tard gray, copen, tan, navy aa well as black. Biipn Nash Co. Sac Floor .1 ra fff Here are Hosiery Values That You Will Appreciate at 75c BECAUSE they are of more than ordinary importance. Women's black Japan silk hose, doable garter tops, high spliced heel and doable sole, fall fashioned, at 75c pair. Women's Cotton Hose, at 39c Women's extra quality black cotton hose, oat sizes, doable gar ter tops, full fashioned, regular made foot, at 39c the pair. Misses Silk Lisle Hose, 29c Misses' fine rib black silk lisle hose, full seamless, all sizes, at 29c the pair. Burfooa-Naah Co. Main Floor A Radical Clearaway of New Spring Satin Trimmed Hats at $2.50 NEVER to our knowledge have we offered bigger and better values than these trimmed hats for Saturday. The range of selection is extremely wide, embracing all the latest shapes in such shades as : Shadow Lawn green, Copen blue, Niger brown Delft blue Black Daintily trimmed with flowers, Chinese and Japanese ornaments, scores of individual creations from which to choose at the reduced price of $2.50. Barrets-Nub Co. It's Not Often You Get Better Underwear Values Than These WOMEN'S vests, low neck and sleeveless, white swiss rib, fancy lace inserts, at 25c. Women's Union Suits, 59c Women's union suits, low neck arid sleeveless cuff knee, band tops, special, at 59c Women's Union Suits, 85c ' Women's extra size low neck and sleeveless white cotton fleece lined union suits, very special at 85c. Burgoaa-Nash Co. Main Floor These are Indeed , Very Special - New Tub Silk Blouses at $1.95 That Are Unusual Values SMART, new blouses, in sports and tailored styles, with low, flat collars and long sleeves, box plaited and tucked, smart pockets, pearl buttons. They come in white, flesh, coral and maize, also white with deep band around sailor collar of maize, nile and coral. The sizes are 36 to 46. Remarkable values at $1.95. , Crepe de Chene Blouses, $3.95 to $6.50 Tailored models in flesh, white, gold and coral others with dainty trimmings of filet lace or "Khaki Kool" design silk on collar caffs and ties in bright colors. Georgette Crepe Blouses, at $6.50 They come in orchid, maize, coral bisque, peach, white, rose and flesh with dainty tuckings, hand embroidery and hemstitching. The sleeves are long and the collars low, sizes 34 to 46. Burgaaa Naah Co. Sacond1 Floor Five New Spring Models Women's Boots Specially Priced ND this price is for Saturday only. Here's an idea of what the offering means. New brown kid lace boots New gray kid lace boots. . . Black kid vamp with white kid top. . . . Black kid vamp with gray kid top. . . . Black kid vamp with ivory kid top. . . . Light torn soles with leather louis heels Welted soles with leather louis heels . . The Price $7.95 Pair "Special in the Children's Section" A clearaway of all the short lines of child's. -" uis gulp " ' '"- Sizes 8H to 2, special at $2.45. Sizes 2ft to 6, special at $2.95. Buigaaa Naah Co. Sond Floor Jamas A. Banister fine shoe for men Fourth Floor Annual February Furniture Sale , Representing Reduc tions of 10 to 50 Burfeaa-Naah Co. Third Floor , OANDY Day at Burgess-Nash Pure, delicious sweetmeats the kind that makes you want more. Chocolate and vanilla nut caramels, 29c lb. Old fashioned chocolate drops 29c lb. Delicious Maple caramel glaces 29c lb. Home made cream pecan roll 50c lb. Pecan croquettes at 60c lb. Burgaai-Naah Co. Main Floor pALIFORNIA Violets y 15c a Bunch Fresh California violets, 60 in a bunch, special Saturday at 15c. Spring Flowers Daffodils, Freesias, Tulips, etc., at special prices. Bursoaa-Naah Co. Main Floor SEND Her a Valentine There's a little bit of senti ment in every one and every one likes to receive a valentine. Our range of selection is excep tionally good wiih a price range of le to 25c. Bnr(Ma-N.h C. Mala Floor A Sweeping Clearaway Saturday of Men's Furnishings At Radical Price Reductions PASTE this in your hat to be here early Saturday morning, for there's not a man in Omaha or hereabouts who can in justice to himself allow this sale' of men's fur nishings to slip by unnoticed. It means unusual saving advantages on merchandise of the wanted sort. The different items will be displayed on tables and counters, assorted in sizes and priced for easy selection. Men's Shirts, at 89c A large collection of broken lines mostly taken from our regular stock, guaVanteed to fit and to be of the highest grade material and workmanship, clearaway price, 89c. Men's Neckwear, 98c, 69c and 29c All of our men's neckwear in three lots, large apron flowing end, 4-in-hands, also reversible and a few ascots and knitted scarfs, price 98c, 69c and 29c. Men's Sweater Coats, $2.45 Jumbo and shaker knit, one big lot; any sweater coat in the house, Harvards alone excepted; all the good colors, sizes to 46; clearaway price $2.45. Men's Sleeping Wear, 3 for $1 Pajamas and night robes; one lot including muslins of good quality and outing flannel robes; clearaway price, 3 for $1X0. Outing Flannel Pajamas, 98c Any man's outing flannel pajamas in the stock, it "Faultless" make, 98c. most Men's Pa jamas ,Clearaway,$ 1 .29 Another big lot of year round weight pajamas; blues, tan and striped patterns, soiled and mussed some would require laundring before they could be used; clearaway price, $1.29. Burf oaa-Naah Co. Mitn Floor, Men's Union Suits, 65c Mostly summer weight samples athletic and knitted garments, all sizes but very strong on the 40 and 42 sixes, some medium weight and a few winter weights, mostly ecru and white; these an the "samples" from a large jobbing bouse; ekar away pries 65c. Men's Fabric Gloves, at 39c Very strong on the small situs, mostly brown color, imported fabric, look like mocha leather stock, no more can be imported until after the war; clearaway price 39c pair. Juit Inalda Homo? SI. Door A Remarkable Clearaway of Novelty Jewelry AHOUSECLEANING effort-a disposal of all small lots and odd pieces of novelty jewelry at extreme reductions, for instance Including: Solid Gold Jewelry Vi Price BROOCHES RINGS CUFF LINKS, BRACELETS SCARF PINS ETC, ETC. Including:- Diamond Set Jewelry lt Price MATCH BOXES LAVALLIERES CIGAR CLIPPERS BROOCHES, ETC. including: Novelty Jewelry y2 Price ORIENTAL NECKLACES, RINGS, LORGNETTE CHAINS JET OR CORAL NECK PIECES, BRACELETS COPIES OF ANTIQUE PIECES Jewelry at $2.49 Cameo pins, solid gold mtg. Cameo bracelets and lavalliere. Gold filled lavallieres. Solid gold rings. Sterling cigarette cases. Jewelry at 49c Included in this lot are a few solid gold scarf pins, also gold filled neck chains, cuff buttons, scarf pins, sterling silver rhine stone set brooches and pendants. At this price we are also offering very special values in fancy hair pins, including jet and stone set pins and combs. Jewelry at $1.95 Solid goU cigar clips, scarf Eins, rings, gold filled, emblem uttons and charms, cameo bracelets. Sterling silver brilliant brooches, sterling silver match boxes. Jewelry at 95c Under this price you will find sterling pencils, match boxes, German silver cigarette eases. Gold filled lockets, emblems, charms, beads, crosses, solid gold links and scarf pins, shell goods, jet combs, brilliant and colored atone barrettes and fancy combs. Standard Watches, About V2 Price Men's 18 size, 15-jewel Elgin, complete in a 25-year James Boss case, open face and bunting style special, $12.50. Women's O size, "7 -jewel Elgin movement, complete in a 20-year guaranteed gold filled case, special, $7.95. Men's 16 site, 7-jewel New York standard movement, in a 10 year guaranteed gold filled case, special, $5.00. Men's 16 size, open face, thin model watches, 10-year guaran teed gold filled case, 7-jewel movement: gilt dial; special, $4.95. 12 and 16 size, O face New England watch, gold filled case, spe cial, $2.95. BarfMNuh Co. Main Floor Clearaway Saturday of Men's Overcoats Specially Reduced to $9.75 and $16.75 The coats are all this season's product, including a wide assort ment of fancy mixtures and weaves such as boucles, cheviots, tweeds and kerseys, in gray, brown, blue oxford and plaids. Made double or single breasted with plain box and semi-fitting belt or pinch-back with sloping shoulders and flared skirt 6ne-fourth, one-half or full lined and finished with velvet or self-material collar, patched, plain or muff pockets; all sizes 33 to 48, but the greatest range of selection is 33 to 37 bust measure. Men's Mackinaw at $6.95 Double breasted style with large shawl collar, pinch-back or norfolk style, skate or heavy welt patch pock ets; overplaids and fancy mixtures; sizes 34 to 46, reduced to $6.95. Bur(MS-Nih Co. Fourth Floor DRUGS and Toilet Goods Underpriced Listerine, medium size, 34c. Pebeco tooth paste, special, at 29c. The new Hughes waterproof ideal, special, $1.29. Large powder puff, 10c. Locust blossom extract, oz., 29c Free, 1 cake of Palmolive soap with a 25c bottle of Almo cream. A sheet steel, electric welded hot water bottle, guaranteed for 5 years, $1.39. Large 1-Ib. can talcum powder, for 19e. Danderine, medium size, 34c. Pond's vanishing cream, 16c. Rubber gloves, special, at 25c. Hand drawn solid back bristle hair brushes, 49c. Mentholatum, 15c. Castoria, 19c. Sal.Hepatica, medium size, 34c 1 -quart ammonia, 13c. 1-lb. absorbent cotton, 37c. Peroxide, bottle, 10c. Cocoanut oil soap, cake, 4c. Toilet soap, 3 cakes,,, 11c. Bath tablets, box, 7c Sayman's soap, cake, 7c. Burs u-Naah Co Main Floor More Good News for Saturday From the Down Stairs Store THIS big underprice store table of special values Men's Overcoats, $4.95 Men's ulsters, in black and' gray ; all sizes 34 to 40; very specially priced, Pri- &X QC day, at Pa7J Men's Suits, $4.95 Men's suits, of cheviots, wor steds and cassimeres; sizes for young men, 16 up to 20; and for men 34 to 44; sale (M AC price . P'iwJ Cedar Oil, 15c Big Wonder cedar oil for polishing hardwood floors, pianos, etc, specially priced Saturday,, at pint 1 C can . 1C Men's Pants, $2.95 Cassimere and worsted pants, good neat stripe effects, all sizes waist measure 32 CO AC to 44, at W'W Men's Underwear, 45c Men's 2-Piece Cotton Ribbed Underwear, heavy weight and lighter garments. Very jC- special, at, each. is a veritable harvest field these days with . table in merchandise you need and want every day. - Union Suits, 98c after Any man's union suit, eith er wool, cotton or fleeced lined, in our Down Stairs Store sec tion ; this means a sur- QO prising reduction, at. . . . aOC Men's Underwear, 29c Men's 2-piece fleeced under wear, heavy weight, soiled, mostly shirts, very spe- 90- cial, at, each wC Flannel Shirts, 98c Any man's flannel shirt in our -entire Down Stairs Store; all sizes, blue, gray and, in fact, all good colors; remember QC your unrestricted choice vOQ Men's Shirts, 44c "Odds" and "ends" of shirts, accumulated, In one big lot at an enormous cut in price, even below what any shirt, no matter how inferior the quality might be, can be bought at A A wholesale; sale price. . . TC Soaps! Soaps! Felt' naphtha, 19 rMkea, 40c. White borax naphtha, 10 cakea 35c. Small Ivory, S rakes, 22c. Diamond "C" loap, 9 cakca, 25c. Linht Houa-j r.'eanacr, 2 cana, 10c. Old Dutch cleanlier, can, Sc. Men's Blue Denim Overalls 59c THINK of it! Men's high back and suspen der overalls, made of 220 and 2 4 0 American blue denim, with two front-swing pockets, watch and pencil pocket on bib, rule fiocket on right eg, two patch hip pockets, two buttons on side opening and two on bib; all seams double stitched and felled. None sold to dealers. JSS Mm ' Bnrnst-Nuh Co. Down Stain Star I BURGESS-ita CONiW EYERYBODYS STORE