THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1917. The Omaha Bee DAILY fltORNlNQ-BVENlNO-SUNDAT FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATEK. VICTOR BOSEWATER, EDITOR THg BEB PUBLISH DQ COMPANY. PROPRIETOR. Entered at Omaha postofriea si second-class matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Br Cams Dallr sad Be4w Bests. o Dattr wllaoat sunder..... .... 5e venial and soadar . " 400 nrilng wllMBt Sander 8ndar Bee only ..... " He nail bmI Rmdiv Baa tarM mn la advenes Send nolle of cbftnr of oddreis or llreiularuf fa lei. arcaleuoB nepai'lsaac Brllall raw. . .ee S.M " . t.n ll.M to Oauat Remit fcr draft, I rarmeat of ruU l REMnTANCX. or postal order. Only 1 renw saw i Omaha The Bee Ttalldtna, Smith Omens JS1S It St Ooanrll Muffe-H If. Heal Ltncola UUle Batlduf. OFFICES. CMceto I-oscari Oej IhrMlef. HewTorl m Fifth Arc t St. leele-Jljw STl of Oi II ill Mt St. H. w. CORRESPONDENCE. Ada ijuiuMaiikaUoM relating te Me end eaTaorlel lUMer I Omaas Bee, Xidltarial Dflsrtm. JANUARY CIRCULATION 54,320 Daily Sunday 49,878 rrrme etronUtMi for the ajeeta sebMrlbed ted room te br. DwHK Killiaoa, Ctnnustton Manager. The safety sign on tea Unci points to the home port Bargain terms ' fail miserably ' in attracting tenants to Carnegie's Peace palace. Perhaps, before the grand jury adjotrrns it may try to discover just why it was called.' The road to good roads for Nebraska is by way of qualifying for onr share of the federal good roads appropriation. ' : While The major league nations are at grips for the pennant, the bosh leagners near by are carefnl to stick to the role of innocent spectators, A remarkable rash of aliens for naturalization papers proceeds throughout the cotmtry. Uncle i Sam's big tent affords welcome shelter m a . storm. . ' , The salary-boosters and the fee-grabbers are busy at Lincoln, counting on Mr. Common Peo ple, who foots the bill, to remain asleep at the switch. ' The Russians want the little neutrals to stay .out of the war on the ground that they would only be in the way of the real fighters. Well, if that's the way they feel about itl ; . The saving effected by the city on snow re moval this winter ought to make possible a little more effort at street cleaning if Omaha's reputa tion for good municipal housekeeping is to be maintained. There are pool halls and pool halls and no reason why a pool hall carmot be run as a decent, orderly place of amusement and recreation. The well-conducted pool halls ought not to suffer be cause of the odium of the bad ones. 1 According to the German schedule the U-boat campaign will have swept the seas in two months and Great Britain "starved into submission.'' It may be recalled that a similar schedule called for the capture of Paris in forty days from August 1, 1914, but some miscreant loosened a rail and ditched the limited. " " ' . Congressman Stephen's postofiice primary does not seem to appeal strongly to his colleagues, who prefer not to be hampered in the free and unlim ited distribution of their patronage. The inclusion of all postmasters within the civil service is likely to arrive before the 'jobs are handed over to the patrons of the office. , Fifty years ago today congress rejected the veto of the Nebraska statehood bill and cleared the way for admission of the thirty-seventh stats a the union, March ;1, 1867. The march or em pire long since vindicated the foresight of con gress and wrapped the mantle of forgetralness around presidential hindsight. If the legislature expects enough paying guests to enjoy all the modern conveniences o! an $80,000 hog barn, business prudence suggests launching an educational campaign among the grunters. At present these perverse rooters manifest record-smashing partiality for the golden charms of Omaha's market place. - In patting in a public comfort station, the Yonng Men's Christian association recognizes the increased need of such facilities with the advent of the "dry" spell, closing over 300 saloons in Omaha. The whole problem of the public com fort station ahouldfa taken np by the city authori ties with a view to reaching a comprehensive solution.- ' Congressman Stephens' vindication of the morality of free seeds constitutes a lively chunk of unfinished business for the Farmers' union and the state house solons. With a dignity and gentleness becoming a man on the spot, tha con gressman intimates that his critics would be more profitably employed digging the seeds into the ground than in planting digs in free seed ribs. Wonders of Wireless , Fuck's girdle has been put around the earth and in less than forty inmates. By means of wireless telegraphy, all the nations of the earth fitted with radio stations can be brought into instant touch. Even as rapid transit by rail and steamer has annihilated distance, so has the wireless annihilated time in the matter of inter national communications. In these dark days of almost universal war fare it is indeed a comfort to know that however powerful are the forces making for a reversal to barbarism there are still at work those ener gies and that inventive (renins which nave the. paths of progress and prepare for higher forms of civilization in the future. It is a tonic to the Pagination to read of the performance of the new naval radio station at Chollas Heights, near San Diego. One comes to realize the literal truth of the oft-repeated statement, "How small a world it is," when one learns of a wireless operator on the Californian coast exchanrrinfr the tune of dav with MelKntrmc Australia, in the distant antipodes, and then sud denly swrtcnmg nis conversation to Nome, Alaska, in the far north, and m rapid succession fitting up Papeete in Tahiti, Honolulu, Darien, anama and Arlington, Va. . - . If there is anything in the theorr that the more Ultimate and immediate the contact of the nations the more they will come to understand one another, and, therefore, live in greater har mony, men roe wireless is destined, to figure m uistory as one or tne great factors in a world' wide peace. . - , Do the American People Want War? Do the American people want war? Propounded in these blunt words, the response would necessarily be overwhelmingly against be coming needlessly involved in any war that can be honorably avoided. Most of us are convinced that if the people of the various countries engaged in the terrible con flict in Europe had had the say, there would have been no resort to arms at the time the outbreak occurred. If the only way the United States can get into this war is to have it thrust upon us by aggres sion that makes resistance imperative, the ques tion presented to the president is: "What con stitutes an overt act of hostility that calls for more drastic action thanias already been taken?" The American people will unquestionably, without division, support the president in uphold ing the honor of the nation, but they will also second his every effort, as they have heretofore, to find a way to keep us out of war without sac rificing our standing among nations or destroy ing our own self-respect ' , In the meantime, let us hope for the best and prepare for the worst 4 Timely Though Unseasonable. , The move of the Associated Retailers of Omaha for a more satisfactory system of street sprinkling next summer is timely, though unsea sonable. Omaha is one of the few otherwise progressive cities that still sticks to the ancient and antiquated method of pay-as-you-please street sprinkling by a private contractor who wets down only those thoroughfares from whose merchants he can collect voluntary contributions, passing by sections where there is no one willing to put into the pot. If street sprinkling in Omaha is imperative, or even desirable, it ought to be done in an ef fective way throughout the business district and the cost ought to be assessed to the owners of the property who enjoy the benefits of profitable traf fic because they collect the rent We believe the charter authorizes this to be done, but if it does not, the law should be amended forthwith to that purpose. Incidentally, street sprinkling during the sum mer months in a city of Omaha's size and climatic conditions is demanded for sanitary as well as for business reasons, and with our water works pub licly owned and operated, the water needed should be furnished at nominal rates so that its use may not be stinted or the assessment on the street sprinkling district be unduly burdensome. It would not be a bad idea for the water works management to buy a few sprinkling carts and do the job itself as a part of its public service. ! Ambassadors and Hostages. , AH thoughtful Americans will share with Sec retary Lansing his reluctance to believe that Ger man authorities have purposely detained Am bassador Gerard in Berlin. Ages ago, when what ever of comity held between, nations subsisted on a basis of force, the stronger held weaker tb com pliance with agreements through the persons of hostages. This time has passed, and under all considerations of civilized usage, the ambassador is sacred, and is entitled to every possible assist ance and accommodation in his free movement when for any reason he leaves the country to which he is accredited. In the case of Count von Bernstorff, he was present at Washington as the personal representative of the German em peror, and as such was not only entitled to but received all courteous consideration. Mr. Gerard represented in Berlin the people of the United States, and so far as is authoritatively known, be has had at all times the treatment due to One holding so exalted a commission. It is but natural that the German government should express so licitude for Count von Bernstorff, and should seek by all reasonable means to secure his safety on his journey home. Apprehension on this point has justification in the recent refusal, afterwards withdrawn, by the Entente Allies to grant safe passage to Count von Tarnow Tarn ow ski, Aus trian ambassador to the United States. Even this can hardly be expanded into cause for de taining the ambassador of the United States in Germany. However, the incident seems to have come to the conclusion certain to be reached by great nations careful of their own dignity. ' Postscript Omitted. Examination of the legislative bill files, at last available, discloses the usual number of measures which aimed to lay extraordinary exactions upon people engaged in some particular line of busi ness, if not to make it altogether impossible for them to continue in their business as previously conducted with scrupulous regard to all the re quirements of law and good morals. . Where these bills may have originated is open to speculation, but the purpose is illy disguised by tempting titles and high-sounding language. They all conform to the regular rules of bill drafting, from the enacting clause to the last section, and sometimes to the emergency declara tion. The distinguishing thing about them, how ever, is the omission to print the postscript, plainly to be read between the lines, "You are urgently invited to come down and see us." Sending Our Corn South. ; Conditions of the grain market just now serve as a reminder of the fact that a great deal of Nebraska's produce finds its end in the southern states. This applies especially to the corn raised here. Southern people for many years have de voted .their agriculture mainly to cotton and other staples that require the stimulus of the warm climate of the region, excluding corn to a large extent But nowhere in the world does corn form so large a part of the daily bill of fare as in the southern state of the union. It is not only the negroes and the poorer whites who use it but the aristocracy is on easy terms with the delicious corn bread, made in traditional fashion, and its fragrance arises from many a dinner table where it is esteemed a food beyond No corn grown oat of ground nuke better corn bread than that produced in Nebraska. Of course, the south also has to have something to feed the motes it uses in its industries, and this, too, pro vides a use for the corn bought in the north, and to which Nebraska is just now contributing moat laterally. ; Railroad managements deserve public sym pathy and encouragement these troublous times. Winter weather miequaled in severity, with its accouipauiment of blockades, wrecks and delays, tested their resources to the utmost and TH-atr-H the physical strength of employes to the limit. Preparedness for such conditions is impossible, since human agencies crumble before winter's storm Urag. , Our Last War Loan -Wall Street Journal - The present international crisis, with the pos sibility of our entering upon more or less exten sive military operations and raising the neces sary funds through war loans, directs attention to the public debt of the United States. For a country of such enormous wealth the fact that the interest-bearing debt is no more than $972, 400,000 bears eloquent testimony to the potential resources the United States can throw into the balance of the present conflict in Europe. Our public debt pales into insignificance alongside of the colossal debts of the great belligerent powers. The present revenue bill, under the prepared ness measure, contemplates bond issues that will increase our national debt by from $300,000,000 to $400,000,000. Should we enter the European war as an active participant there is no saying what the further addition to the debt will amount to. There is little doubt that our government could come into the money market in the present state of the general patriotism, and raise several hun dred millions of dollars before the rates for money became seriously affected. Our last war loan was made on the occasion of the Spanish war in 1898. That was a highly popu lar loan, and it may be of interest at this time to recall the public participation on that occasion. As at present would be the case, the war in 1898 involved the government in expenditures which could not be met by the revenues then being re ceived. Accordingly, the war revenue act of June 13, besides providing for increased revenues, authorized an issue of bonds to the sum of $400, 000,000, "or as much thereof as may be necessary." It was a 3 per cent issue. The law stated "that the bonds authorized by this section shall be first offered at par as a popular loan under such regu lations prescribed by the secretary of the treasury as will give opportunity to the citizens of the United States to participate in the subscriptions to such loan; and in aHoting said bonds the sev eral subscriptions of individuals shall be first accepted, and the subscriptions for the lowest amount shall be first alloted." In furtherance of this idea to make the loan popular, the bonds were issued as low as $20 de nominations, or multiples thereot The issue was redeemable after ten years and payable after twenty years. ' Only $200,000,000 of these bonds were offered on June 13, 1898. Every effort was made to give the public an opportunity for subscription. Every newspaper in the United States was supplied with information relative to the issue, which, with few exceptions, was patriotically and promi nently displayed free of charge. Circulars and blank forms for subscription were supplied to more than 22,000 money order postoffices, to every express office and to all the banks. A period of thirty-one days was allowed for the receipt of subscriptions. The number of subscriptions received was 320,226, applying for an aggregate of more than $1,500,000,000. The most popular subscription was for $500 bonds, of which the number was 180,573. There were 11,483 subscriptions for less than $100 and 14,974 subscriptions ranging from $100 to $180 each. Subscriptions for more than' $4,500 numbered 28,376. The total amount of bonds issued under this act was $198,792,660. Un der the terms of their issue, these bonds were redeemable any time after August 1, 1908, and are payable next year, on August 1. Of the Original amount issued $132,449,000 have been refunded into the 2 per cent consols at 1930 and $296,800 have been purchased for the' sinking fund and cancelled, and $500 have otherwise been pur chased and cancelled, leaving outstanding at the present time $63,945,460. Regulating Newspapers at Looti Republic There is epidemic at Washington just now a tendency to try to shift upon newspapers responsibilities which do not properly belong to them, and to take away rights which are undoubt edly theirs. The latest example to obtrude itself upon our notice is imbedded in certain sections of the corrupt practices act now in committee in the senate. The bill provides: " That any newspaper that prints any informa tion, "specific or general," MUkeerntng any elec tion bet, wager or pool shall lose the second class privilege and be excluded from the mails. Information concerning embezzlement mis prision, of treason, mayhem, larceny as bailee and the robbery of ben roosts may still be printed with safety, if the act passes. That no newspaper shall publish any political communication composed by any person not a member of its staff unless the real name of the author of it be appended. That no newspaper shall publish any political advertisement without the words "paid advertise ment" printed above it' in twelve-point capitals, with a statement of the price paid for its inser tion and the candidate or committee in ' whose interest it is inserted. That no publisher shall refuse any political advertisement which is not libelous or indecent provided he accepts any political advertising. That no publisher shall charge for political advertising more than his "usual and customary charges for commercial advertising." The penalty for violation of the act -is to be a fine of $10,000, or two years' imprisonment in the penitentiary. Printing a political advertisement with the words "paid advertisement" m twelve-point caps above it is, under the prrrposed law, the act of a gentleman and a law-abiding citizen; the pub lisher, may perform it and still wear the white flower of a blameless life;- but we shudder to think of the degree Of moral tur pitude connoted we think that's the word by the printing of those same words in twelve-point lower ease, or ten-point caps. For such villainy the penitentiary yawns expectant The requirement that a publisher who accepts any political advertisements shall accept all vio lates the right of a publisher to shape the char acter oi his journal to suit its policies and ideals. Do not enough factors operate to produce period icals (hat bore the reader without adding to their number by act of congress? The "usual rater" requirement reveals the hand of ignorance; there are as many different rates for different classes of commercial advertising as there are months in the year. The provision) regarding the signing of political cornmunkationa is useless since a newspaper accepts responsibility for everything it prints, signed and unsigned. What purpose could it serve? We need a weft-drawn corrupt practices act No such measure is yet in sight People and Events Back in "dear old Philadelphia" potatoes are defying food foundry traditions and rising to the dignity of a jitney class dish. Top notch res taurants set the price pace and the hitherto lowly spud blooms under the high brow title of "sola rium tuberosum." An aged recluse living on the edge of Chicago read the war news Saturday morning, saw visions of submarines, shells and things, and forthwith dug a six-foot bomb-proof in his cellar. "They laughed at Noah in Bible days," he told jokers who investigated, "but Noah bad the last giggle. I'm the Noah of this ark." Defying most of the rules of right Irving which literary doctors expound for the laity, Dr. Charles Hedinger of Canton, Kan, heads toward the century mark at a lively pace. He is 95 and going some, attending to regular practice as spryty as youngsters of 50. Four meals a day, ten cigars and a pipe between times, keeps his system toned up for duties, though this routine is moderate be side his physical demands while serving as sur geon in the union army. Moreover he has five children, twenty-five grandchildren and several great-great grandchildren to make him hustle. Health Hint for the Day. If you have, as Is very probable, a cold, by all means hasten to do all you -can to Influence It to leave you as the germs from an Inflammation In the throat or head enter the blood and even a slight local injury may re sult in their selecting the bones as their resting place and the conse quence is a most painful and serious inflammation of the bones. One Tear Ago Today in the War. Germans admitted loss of part of trench south of the Homme. Russians threatened Austrian com munications and aimed at Czernowitz, capital of Bukowtna. Germany and Austria-Hungary served notice on neutrals that from March 1 armed merchantmen of en emy powers would be treated as warships. In Omaha, Thirty Yean Ago. Chief Galligaa of the fire depart ment is having a number of badges made, one of which he proposes to give each daily newspaper to be used by one of its local staff. This accords the wearer certain courtesies and ac commodations from the Are depart ment in case of fire and will readily acquaint new . policemen with the wearer's calling and right to pass lines at Ores to keep people out of danger. A gang of toughs made an attempt to break up a meeting of the Salva tion Army on Jackson street but were " . . ea "nabbed" by Sergeant Mostyn and Officer 0"BoyVa. At the last regular meeting of the Omaha Loan & Building association the following officers were elected: John H. Butler, president; James Forsyth, vice president; Eben K. Long, treasurer, and George M. Nat tinger, secretary. At the third concert of the Philhar monic orchestra, given at Boyd's op era house, Mrs. Edith Edwards Ftanko sang "Ave Maria" with violin obligate. Johnny and Tlllie Busch, children of Henry Busch, janitor of the Dodge street school, were badly injured in a coasting accident near the Long school. ' James E. Boyd announces that he will close Us packing house for the winter season bnt expects to com mence killing again about the middle of April. Tbla Day In History. 1763 Treaty of Paras, by which France ceded to England all Canada and the French possessions from the AUeghanies to the Mississippi. 1776 Charles Lamb, essayist and critic born In London. , Died Decem ber 2, 18S4. 1784 Nlcolo Paganant the world's greatest violinist born at Genoa. Died at Nice, May 27, 1840. 18 1& -Americans blocked the plans of the British to capture Mobile and the next day the British fleet departed for the West Indies. 182 Simon Bolivar was named dictator of Colombia. 1840 Wedding of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg took place in the chapel Bora, St James palace. 1887 British North America act providing for a union of the Canadian provinces, passed by the Imperial par liament 1892 United States and Great Brit ain agreed upon France, Italy and Sweden as Bering sea arbitrators. 1899 The president signed the peace treaty with Spain. 1904 The czar of Russian pro claimed war with Japan. The Day We Celebrate. E. G. McGilton is celebrating his fifty-first birthday. He waa born at Eau Galla, Wis., and graduated from the state university and law school of that state. He has been practicing law successfully in Omaha for more than a quarter of a century. George G. Greger, captain of hook and ladder company No. 2 is 55 today. He has been in Omaha smce 1881 and in the fire department since 1891. James H. Nickerson was born in Illinois, February 10, 1874. He was for a time employed in the law de partment of the Northwestern rail way, later in the railway mail service and United States marshal's office, Burt C. Fowler's first appearance was staged in Kankakee, HL, forty four years ago today. He is now sell ing real estate for George ft Co. G. N. Aulabaugh is 40 years old today and his business is selling furs. Dayton, O., was his birthplace. J. O. Siford chose Napoleon, la as his birthplace just fifty years ago to day. He is now making signs at bill boards, being manager for the T. Cu sack company, sign painters. General Harrison Gray Otis, Los Angeles newspaper publisher, born near. Marietta, O., eighty years agtr today. Admiral Lord Charles Beresford, a famous British naval veteran, born at Wat erf or d, Ireland, seventy-one years ago today. Lieutenant General George F. Ger riange, one of the commanders of the British forces In the Mesopotamlan campaign, horn In Sussex, England, forty-nine years ago today. Captain Edward H. Bun-ell TT. S. N commander of the battleship Minne sota, born In Massachusetts, fifty -one years ago today. . Ttmer Jottings and Bmlnders. ' Two thousand employes of the Edi son plant at West Orange, N. J., are arranging for a banquet Sunday night in celebration of the seventieth birth day of Thomas A. Edison. Rnoxville, metropolis of - eastern Tennessee, and at one time the capi tal of the state, will hold exercises today In celebration of the one hun dred and twenty-flfth anniversary of its founding. Senator Borah of Idaho, President Butler of Columbia university and Governor Harding of the federal re serve board are to speak tonight at the annual banquet of the Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce. Governors, senators, educators, cler gymen, financiers and others promi nent in the life of the nation are to assemble today at Cumberland Gap, Term for the opening of a three-day celebration In memory of Abraham Lincoln and the twentieth anniversary of the founding of Lincoln Memorial university, . Storyette of the Day. For two weary hours the small boy had bawled, and the other occupants of the crowded railway carriage were getting tired of It. "Oh, dear," moaned the young mother distractedly, "I really don't know what to do with the child." A sudden gleam of hope shone in the eyes of the old bachelor opposite. "Shall I open the window for you, madam?" he inquired politely. New York Times, What Do Women Want? Omaha, Feb. . To the Editor of The Bee: We are convinced that the only fair and democratic method of settling the question of woman suf frage is by referendum to the women themselves. Ever since 1895 when a referendum was submitted to the women of Massachusetts and only 4 per cent of the qualified women vot ers of the state signified their desire for the ballot the suffragists have al ways feared a referendum to the women. Our own recent school elec tions show how few women really want to vote. At the last election only about 2,300 women voted, out of a qualified electorate of 40,000. The Anti-Suffrage association of Ohio is taking a poll of the state on this question. This is the first veri fied referendum poll ever taken in any state among the women on woman suffrage. The poll - at the present showing stands: Salts. Antle. polembue 1,447 20.S2S Cincinnati too 40.600 ClrclBvllle , , i . tl 1,174 ChllUcothe .. Ul 3,000 Lancaster 211 1,747 Dayton 1,781' .10,187 Washington 110 ' 1.3" The canvassers who are now work. ing Cleveland report at this date 12, 000 antis, 1,406 suffragists. Thus the poll stands 7,103 suffragists and 101, 905 antis. Furthermore, in a factory employ ing 386 women not one suffragist was found. Of 60 women interviewed in retail stores, there were but twenty two in favor of suffrage. We thrnk it probable a like indiffer ence to woman suffrage exists in Ne braska. Until we know it does not exist there can be no wisdom or jus tice in forcing the ballot upon Ne braska women. NEBRASKA ASSN. OPPOSED TO WOMAN SUFFRAGE. The Traveling Men's Profession. Columbus, Neb., Feb. 9. To the Editor of the Bee: Kindly permit us space in your valuable paper to an swer briefly the charge made against the traveling men's profession by J. F. Brillhart (that they are largely re sponsible for the girls going wrong). He says that he knows, that he "has been there" and "can speak first hand." A man that speaks or writes like that ought to have had extensive personal experience to be qualified to judge why the girls go wrong. We have been on the road a good many yeans but have always been too busy to hold our position to acquire that knowledge, with which Mr. Brillhart handles the subject. However, we have observed a few fellows in our time getting on the road who seemed to think it a part of their business to acquire that knowledge of which Mr. Brillhart seems to boast but those fellows never lasted long on the road. We take it from Mr. Brillhart's letter he is not on the road now; there is a reason, of course. If a man makes good on the road he usually stays there till he dies or gets killed and in order to make good he must be indus trious and put in about fourteen or fifteen hours a day looking for busi ness and getting enough to satisfy the firm that he is worth keeping and we don't see where he has any time left to acquire the experiences and qualifications Mr. Brillhart claims to possess. We resent the charge he makes when it is made against the traveling men's profession at large of today, of which we are members. P. G. LEWIS, Omaha. J. H. REUELI, Lincoln. O. D. YOHE, Lincoln. Moral Standards of Men and Women. St Mary, Neb, Feb. 9. To the Editor of The Bee: I note in The Bee a traveling man makes the state ment that "fallen women lead such a life because they prefer it" I would like to ask him upon what theory he bases his authority for the assertion. I am inclined to believe it is more from necessity than from choice. We wen know that an employer will not pay the employes what they earn, but only the least amount at which he can possible retain their services, for a certain employer was once asked, "How is It possible for your lady clerks to live on such wages as they are receiving?" The employer replied (I was told by a traveling salesman) "I pay them enough for board and room, and a girl that cannot earn enough on the side for clothes and other expenses is a d n poor girl." It is a deplorable fact that there are so many fallen women. Bot why con tinually prate about women? What assuranoe is there that the men have them not beaten, two to one, on an ac tual count if the whole truth were known? There are some men who seem to delight in everlastingly prating about the immorality of women, when they know that there is no traffic or busi ness so degrading that no one can be found to embark in It, providing there is a prospect of profit in it Will some of these defamers of wom en inform the public why it is that no one embarks in a resort of men for women to patronize? Is it not becaus the standard of morality and respectability of the women is so far superior to that of the stronger sex that they concede it would be a finan cial failure for want of patronage. H., SCHUMANN. SUNNY GEMS. "So you have taken to motorcycling, at last, hare you?" "How did you find that out?" "I aaw you on your machine yesterday." "By George, I'm glad to hear that. All the rest of my friends aaw me whon I was off." New Tork Times, j L-KTUD UD WMtlRISC Ya.M tylre TO JILT MV FINiCE - VOW THINK HE V41U. PLAN REVSNKrE? -ErfTB. V6 VliaNWRM N0UR NEfr YSUNej MAM TV WACT WlE OFYDUR oWCWbAV! "He's a crack shot" "Never knew he handled firearms f" "Doesn't He can send a full shovel of eoal 'through the furnace door without covering the floor." Buffalo Express. Willis Rump has a very up-to-date office. Glllte Tea. He has one of these office systems where you can find Just what you want when you don't want It by looking where It wouldn't he if you did want It-Life. EDUCATE THE FARMER. , When time hangs heavy on your hands with nothing much to do. And your brain la just a-aeethlng with Ideas big and new: When .the world is topey-turry, and the wisest man's a boob. Then you realise your mission at te eradicate the rube. . , First tell him what a brainleee. clod a farmer Is from birth, How no one but an Idiot would try to swan from earth The things that are so toothsome the liquids and the "eats," The many luscious morsels that a jaded palate greets In Just Uie way he does tt so ewnbsrsoine and crude. With nothing scientific 'boot his ways, the darned rube. Consider not his feelings, fear not the vacant mind, . To treat him else were slnftu, this arrange bucolic hind. . ... Just tell him that a college sharp with a three-ply jag of lore Can make four blades of foxtail grow where 'none e'er grew before And that the hen. the lowly hen, whose harsh, nerve-racking cluck Has been her chlefeet aaset for the wealth consumed In chuck. ' Is going to be transformed to a critter that win lay, . Instead of one lone, egg a week, some throe or four a day, And cltantlcler. the silver-tongued, bold raler of the roost, 1 Will grow to more than gobbler else and give hie tribe a boost . While "Speck," the pride of Oream villa, whose butter makes us laugh. Wni give us triplet every year Instead of one 111' calf. , Balee onions without odor and saadlmri without spikes, . And the bee without the "thriller" that smarts you when It atrfkea, . And cook the luscious cabbage, a secret none may know Beyond your own loved township, as la tne Oh, science bas done wonders, and wonders Then why" not aa'k that science the living cost decrease? Oh! great, my son, Is learning, great is the wlaard's power, . , But greater far la Ruben when he raakea the planting hour ... , . Agree with his loved sodlao with Oemlnl and Taurus, With Scorpio and Pisces, and the gentle Capricornua; But when they get together the science and the 'eigne'' Be sure the oomblnatiou will gtve us better tlmea. ... M. O'CONNOR, r Greeley, Fen, IT. One of the Rubes. oitsniiiuiiiiiiiiia tjiinfiejniiiiiifiiiiiitiiiiimiintiii CANDY J See Us For Fine Chocolate. " 1 Liggett's Elect Chocolates, a very choice, high-grade con- i i fection. -Ib, 40c) 1-lb., 80e; 2-lb. box for ...$1.60 ; 1-lb. box Martan Chocolates ; 5 for 50s f-, 1-lb. box Maxbte Cherries 394 1-lb. box Triola Sweets. .39 Liggett s Dainty Dutch Delight S lb., 30ej 1 lb., 60ci 2 lbs. for .......... .$1.20 I 1-lb. Fenway Pink pkg. .60s I Sherman & McCon-1 I nell Drug Co. i ; Four Good Drug Stores. iltiiliililsiillillttliBHIitlitlliliiliiliiliililltttiiiiiliiinsitlnltisiil - Everyone Needs a Tonic to Withstand the Rigors of Winter A Few Bottle of S. S. S. Will Thoroughly Tone Up the Entire System. Keeping well and in thorough phy sical trim is simply a matter of re sisting disease to which the system is subject every day. j You can readily see, therefore, the importance of keeping the system in proper condition, strong and vigor ous, and free from all manner of im purities. Pure blood is the first -essential to perfect health, for the blood is the source of all vitality. Keep your blood absolutely free from all impurities, and your health is assured. The rigors of winter are unusually severe on the .average system, and it is just now that assistance is needed. A few bottles of S. S. S. will do you a wonderful amount of good by thor oughly cleansing and purifying the blood and putting the entire system in tip-top condition. It will improve your appetite, and by increasing your supply of rich, red blood throughout the circulation, new life and vigor will take the place of that weak and good for nothing feeling. S. S. S. is Bold by druggists every where, who will tell you that it has been on the market for more than 60 years and is thoroughly reliable. Val uable books and free medical advice can be had by writing to Swift Spe cific Co., 30- Swift Laboratory, At lanta, Ga. To be heard distinctly over the tele phone one must talk directly into the mouthpiece, with the lips about an inch . away, ; NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO.