Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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Washington Broker Testifies
Congressmen Dealt in
Stocks With Him.
Washington, Feb. 9. New life sud
denly was injected into the "leak" in
quiry today by the testimony of
George B. Chipman, local manager for
Harriman & Co., New York brokers,
that certain members of the house of
representatives dealt in stocks with
Chairman Henry called for the
names of members and Chipman
promised to furnish them.
Chipman testified that so far as he
knew no member of congress had sold
stocks "short" during the "peace
note leak" period. He said he had
no senators' names on his books, but
was unable to say whether his cus
tomers included secretaries to sena
tors and representatives.
Chipman declared that he had not
paid for "tips" on governmental ac
tivities since 1914. He found, he said,
that information be bought usually
was of no value.
J. L. Livermore, Wall street's widely-known
"three-time millionaire,"
Chipman said, wired him from New
York on December 20 asking him if
he had heard a peace note was to be
issued. Chipman replied negatively.
Livermore responded with informa
tion which Clement, Curtis & Co. of
Chicago previously had sent . K.
Hutton & Co. Chipman replied that
he thought the report untrue.
Later in the day Chipman said he
called up F. A. Connolly of F. A.
Connolly & Co. and learned that a
peace note was to be issued.
Examination of correspondents
who were told in confidence by Sec
retary Lansing on December 20 that
a note was coming then began. After
' interrogating Stephen T. Early of the
Associated Press, Carl D. Groat of
the United Press and Charles D.
Warner of the Christain Science
Monitor the committee recessed.
Bill Proposes to Raise
' Postage on Newspapers
Washington. Feb. 9. An immedi
ate increase from I to 1(4 cents a
pound in the postage rates on news
paper! and periodicals for this year
and to 2 cents pound next year, is
provided in the postoffice appropria
tion bill ordered reported to the sen
ate today by the postoffice commit
tee. ,;. .
The senate committee also recom
mended an amendment reducing the
rate on drop letters in places having
no free delivery and on rural routes
from 2 cents to 1 cent.
As a result of the long fight over
the pneumatic mail tubes in the large
cities the committee voted to con
tinue the appropriation for that pur
pose for a year from Jane 30, 1917,
.making it obligatory on the postmas
ter general to use the money for that
purpose, and provided for the ap
pointment of a commission to inves
tigate and report on the value pf the
tube systems with a view to their
Durchase by the government.
senator Hanicneaa s amendment to
prohibit liquor advertisements from
the mails in prohibition states also
was incorporated in the bill.
Twelve Per Cent of Spanish
. Merchant Marine is Sunk
Madrid, Feb. 9. (Via Paris.) The
Spanish mercantile marine, which in
July, 1914, consisted of 640 vessels
with an aggregate tonnage of 846,491,
, up to January 31 had sustained losses
' of ships to the value of about 70.000.
000 pesetas by reason of the war.
Seven steamships, aggregating 18,000
tons, and twenty-two ships have been
sunk by mines' or submarines. The
losses represent about 12 per cent of
the merchant marine.
Two Members of Crew of the
Steamship Ida Are Killed
by Gunfire of Snbsea.
Washington, Feb. 10. Senator
Overman, chairman of the senate
rules committee, has introduced a bill,
said to have been drafted by the De
partment of Justice, to "define and
punish espionage." The bill would
provide a fine of $10,000 and two years
imprisonment for these offenses;
Approaching, going upon or flying
over any institution or instrument of
the national defense.
For taking photographs, making
blueprints or sketches of anything
connected with the national defense.
For obtaining or attempting to ob
tain possession of signals or codes
used in the national defense.
(Ooatlnea mm Fat Oh.)
London, Feb. 9. The Norwegian
steamship Ida, of 1,172 tons, has been
sunk by a German submarine. Sur
viving members of the crew were
landed today The captain stated that
the chief mate and the steward were
killed on deck by gunfire, the subma
rine firing continuously without warn
ing until the vessel sank.
The British steamship Hanna Lir
Ktt. l.V.O tons gross, has been unk
by a uirr,arlne It", captain and chief
crglneer were taken prisoner. Thj
remainder of the crew were landtd.
Former American Ship Bunk.
S.loyiU shipping agency this after
noon snnounced the Norwegian
stealer Hansklnck, formerlyy the
Amencan steamer Satilla. of 2,667
tons gross, has been sunk.
The Norwegian steamship Hans
klnck was last reported in available
shipping records as leaving New York
December 31, bound for Rotterdam.
It was 300 feet long and forty-one
feet-wide. It was built at uincy, Mass,
Crew Taken Prisoners.
Queenstown, Feb. 9. (Via Lon
don.) The Norwegian ship Storskog
of 2,191 tons gross, was sunk yester
day by a German submarine. The
crew was aboard the submarine when
a steamer appear and the undersea
boat submerged. The chief skipper
and carpenter were the only ones able
to return to the Ship s boat and they
were picked up by the steamer.
Austrian Consul
Attemps to Bluff
Chicago Court
Chicago, Feb. 9. Count Hugo Sil
vestri, consul general for Austria
Hungary in Chicago, was ordered out
of the criminal court here yesterday
by Judge George Kersten after the
consul had sought clemency for An
drew Pepper, sn Austrian, sentenced
to be hanged February 23. According
to reports of the incident, Silvestri
appeared in court and requested the
jurist to write to the governor rec
ommending that Pepper's sentence be
commuted to life imprisonment, as
serting that to hang the man "would
be an outrage."
Judge Kersten refused.
"He was improperly defended," said
the consul. "It is disgraceful; it is
shameful. I shall turn light on the
case in the press." -
Passengers Transfer Bookings
from American Ships that
Canceled Voyages.
New York, Feb. 9. A number of
persons who had engaged passage for
Europe on ships of the American
line cancelled their reservations to
day and booked on ships flying the
flags of belligerent nations. Some of
thein took passage on the French
liner Espagne, which sail' on Sunday
for Bordeaux, and a few engaged
cabins on the White Star liner Lap
land, which will sail for Liverpool
on Tuesday or Wednesday.
There are now only fnrty first caln'n
passengers left on the St. Louis of
the American line, but it is predicted
that more will be booked as soon as
the line decides to send it out. There
are also sixty second class and twenty
third-class passengers.
A wirelest message from a pas
senger on the Holland-American line
steamship Ryndam. given out here,
contained information that the liner,
which sailed from New York for Rot
terdam January 29 and turned back
when within a few hours of Falmouth,
was warned by a German submarine
to turn about just before entering the
war zone.
The American liner Kroonland is
due here late today, but on account
of the bad weather it may not arrive
until tomorrow.
The only American vessel to clear
here for a European port since last
Saturday is the Orleans, owned by
the Oriental Navigation company. It
got its papers yesterday for Bordeaux.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Neutrals Are Given
Two More Days to
Reach Home Ports
Paris, Feb. 9. A Madrid dispatch
to the Petit Journal says that the
German government has announced
that it grants a further delay of forty-eight
hours for neutral ships at
sea to regain neutral ports.
Germany's original note to the
United States announcing the resump
tion of unrestricted submarine war
fare, stated that neutral ships which
were on their way toward ports m
the blockade zones on February 1
would be "spared during a sufficiently
long period." On February 2 the
Spanish government asked the cen
tral powers for an extension of time
in which Spanish ships at sea in the
blockade zone could return to port,
but no dispatches have mentioned any
specific time limit as set by Ger-many.
in international law, it waa pointed
out, for the detention of the ambas
sador. No dispatch hat been received from
Mr. Gerard either directly through
Copenhagen or. through the Spanish
ambassador in Berlin aince 7 p. m.
February 5. No Americans are re
ported to have arrived in Copenha
gen from Berlin so far this week.
Torino Fireman British Subject
George Washington, the negro fire
man who lost his life in .he sinking
of the British steamer Turino, was re
ported by Consul Frost today to be
apparently" a British subject. It was
stated that he was born in Alberta,
The entente embassies here have
asked the State department if some
steos cannot be taken to cease oubli
cation of sailings of vessels and pub
lication of manifests of ships going
into the war zone. Officials realize
that there is no warrant of law to
prevent publication of sailings but
some steps may be taken to ask
American publishers to refrain from
printing then on the ground of na
tional policy.
Four Underground Railroads
To Be Constructed in Madrid
Madrid, Jan. 20. Madrid Is to have
a subway. The minister of public
works has approved the project of
Engineer Dom Miguel Otamendi for
the construction of fonr underground
railroads under the city to run north
and south.
ram Con la t to M Dwi. -
Druiflata ntund money tr P-AZO OINT
MBNT fall! to ura llnhlns, Blind. BlKdlTif
r Protruding Pllaa. Plrat Application tlri
rallaf. te. -AdvcrtlMment.
On ol tk Flrtt re
Wccomc You
Our Spring Hats
Are Here
Our ctMtofMTS mrm tfca rap.
rwMiUUvadltiiMM (
We An Sfcawtaa
Sto Vi to (
Prim tj to 2.
311 SOUTH tetrj ST.
ii'-r'ii 1 1 ii ir-fili'ifiiBglifi f-
February Clearance
of four patterns of
Kitchen Cabinets
Featured Saturday
Solid oak, white enameled cabinets, with every
modern convenience flexible work tables, porce
lain tops, glass service equipments, at
$1975, $2375, $2415, $27 JO
These Cabinets are EVERT ONE the last spoken
word in kitchen convenience, and these prices are
heavy reductions from OUR EVERY DA Y LOW
Peninsular Ranges at Clearance Prices
$2675, $3075, $32S5
Ask to be shown these THREE. You will be con
vinced at the first glance of the bargain you
surely get in any one of them.
JL 1 1 "
Beaton's Path
n Lana
$1.00 Tanlac.......79
10c Cubeb Cigarettes 5
$3.75 Malted Milk $2.79
25c Mentholatum. . .16
25c Sloan's Liniment 16
25c Peroxide 10t
75c Tivoli Face Pow
der for 434
10c Jap Rose Soap.. 74
25c Dewitf s Cold Tab
lets for 164
25c Nature's Remedy
Tablets for 144
25c Mennen's Talcum
for 124
35c Castoria 214
$1.00 Listerine 594
10c Harlem Oil 54
50c Nadinola Cream 294
35c Pompeian Massage
Cream for .244
25c Energine ...... 164
Caniiy Dept. Special
60c Melba Chocolates, lb S9
40c Fancy Balk Bard Candy,
per lb 25
60c Chocolate Covered Nats,
per lb 40C
80c Chocolate Creams, bulk.
We r agents' for Huylert
and Allegrettl Chocolate and
Bon Bona.
Beaton DrugCo.
15th and Farnam
AM neat1 a traak aonatr tbie Mai. W an pi anna1 to mmtm
ranM aell.iy. Daol wait Mr M mm NH vava. aui oroar vomt
' COAL NOW. We kav a-aWr-a 40 antra toaaaa, wfckk, to eaalll.a
KMrainFK aptxMi.Tr
Marguerite Clark, the
dainty favorite of thous
ands of movie theater
fans, has been photo
graphed for a valentine.
This reproduced photo
graph, in six colors, size
8x11 inches, will be given
away absolutely free with
every copy of next Sun
day's Chicago Herald.
Make sure of securing
your picture by ordering
your copy of the Chicago
Sunday Herald from your
news-dealer today. Don't
miss it!
Fine Candies
Why not a box of Thompson,
Belden's Candies for Valentine's
Day? The assortment is large, the
quality fine, and attractive box
ings add to the pleasure.
Basamaat Balcony.
Belding's Silks
of Quality
Sold Exclusively in Omaha
by Thompson, Belden Store
. Why pay more for ordinary
silks when you can secure Beld
ingJs pure dye, fart color, wear
guaranteed silks? New numbers
have been arriving daily until
now our selection i Tery exten
sive. New Paisley patterns in silks
and satins are being received
with favor.
We are selling many new blouse
silks from the new spring showing.
Alio a great number of silks
for trimmings.
Silk SaetioB, Main Floor.
Trefousse Gloves
Are Always Dependable
In quality and style Trefousse
are always correct and satis
factory. Trefousse are mid in
Omaha solely by the Thomp
son, Belden Store. All sizes
and the leading colors
$1.75, $2, $2.25, $2.75 a pair.
Sooth Aisle, Main Floor.
Front Lace Corsets
Exceptional for $2
For value we commend the front
lace corset of coutil or batiste, at
tractively trimmed with embroid
ery. While they last, Saturday, the
price is only $2.
Corset Section, Third Floor.
The New
Sorosis Models
Command Your Admiration
They are so smartly styled, such
perfect example of fine shoemak
ing and show an exceptional re
gard to details.
The model illustrated is shown
in dark gray kidskin with gray
buckskin tops. Priced, $12 a pair.
The Store for
Delightful, indeed, are the show
ings of Springtime Blouses.
A Voile Blouse with front tucks
and hemstitching is trimmed with
attractive large buttons; 1195.
A New Georgette Blouse in two
tones and handiwork, is but f 10.50
A few minutes spent in this at
tractive Blouse Store Saturday
will acquaint you with the fash
ions for spring.
Second Floor.
In Toilet Goods
These Saturday Specials
Hughes "Ideal" Hair Brushes,
waterproof; for one day only, $1.
Talcum, Wisteria or Lilac, at the
exceptional price of 8 He.
Hygienic Orange Flower Cream,
in one-pound jars, 59.
First-Time Showings
of New Apparel
From among the many new fashions we mention a BLUE
SERGE SUIT with pleated back from the yoke a distinctive
semi-fitting effect. The skirt is also pleated; $48. Other suits
priced upward from $25.
lar, a mixture coat with belted effect The collar is green.
It is a most captivating coat model. The price, $35. Coats are
priced, $16.50, $25 and upward.
present a delightful newness in design, fabrics and color com
binations. Dresses are now ready, up to $75.
Furs Greatly
Reduced in Price
The quantity is not large,
but the qualities are excel
lent, and each is a real bar
train. Second Floor
Women's Underwear
of Every Good Sort
neck, no sleeves, ankle or knee
lengths, 65c.
medium weight, low neck, ankle
length, colors pink and white,
Princess Slips
for Children
Daintiest of Princess Slips,
trimmed with lace and em
broidery. Sizes to 16 years;
65c to $3.50.
Third Floor.
No End to the
Good Hosiery Here
You'll find COMPLETE selec
tions at moderate prices. These
few are mentioned:
Very fine black cotton hose,
double soles, garter tops, 45c
White cotton hose, double soles,
for 45c ,
Balbriggan hose with hemmed
or ribbed tops, double soles, 45c
Black silk lisle hose, garter tops,
double soles, and a special toe, 50c
Wc Will Offer Saturday
Every Trimmed Satin Hat
Heretofore Priced to $10
for $3.95
This price does not include combination
hats of satin and straw just the all satin. An
exceptional offering of fashionable trimmed
hate, which have been in stock but a few weeks.
Chin-Chins, Puritans and other desirable models
in all the newest colorings.
For Saturday $3.95
Millinery, Second Floor.
Interesting White
Goods Specials
30c (27-inch) wide
Welt Pique 20c a yard
25c (82-inch) White
India Linon 19e a yard
50c (32-inch)
Persian Lawn - 35c a yard
30c (32-inch) Checked
Irish Dimity 25c a yard
50c (32-inch) Checked
Irish Dimity 35c a yard
Linon Section, Main Floor.
Art Needlework
Section of Interest
There is always something
new and interesting in this sec
tion of the store. Just now
Quilting, both plain and fancy,
for which we take orders, is re
ceiving a great deal of atten
tion. Needlework in all its branch
es is taught without charge un
der the personal supervision of
Miss Steenstrup, an expert.
Clashes daily, 10 to 12 M
3 to 5 P. M.
Art Needlework, Third Floor.
People Notice It Drive Them Off
with Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablctt
A niitrolf face will not embarrass yon
much longer if you get a package of Dr.
lutwarar uuve laNeta. ine sua
should begin to dear after you have
taken the tablets a few nights.
Ocaose the blood, the bowel and the
liver with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets,
the successful substitute for calomel-
there s never any sickness or pais after
taking tbem.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablet do that
which calomel does, and just as effec
tively, but their action is gentle and
safe instead of severe and irritating.
No one who takes Olive Tablet is
ever cursed with "a dark brown taste,"
a had breath, a iaYL listless, "no rood
feeling, oostipatioa, torpid liver, bad
UISPUSIUOU W Uliupij ins.
nr. Eitmrrii OUve Tablets are a
purely vegetable compound mixed with
obv oil; you wiu Know mem oy nor
olrre color.
Dr. Edward spent yean among pa
tient afflicted with liver and bowel
complaints, and Olive Tablets are the
nnmensery eneenve reran.
Take one or two nightly for a week,
See how much better you fed and look
10c and 25c per box, au arugguu.
iTo Our Patrons and Ccnnoiseurs:i
We have taken out of Bonded and Free
Warehouses, 200 Barrels of Bourbon and Rye
Whiskey, 8 to 18 years old. This must be sold
before May 1. This is the best manufactured
brand on the market, and we are selling it at
cost A great quantity of this merchandise has
been Bottled in Bond and at Free Warehouse.
We suggest that anyone wishing to secure
any of this merchandise do so at once, as the
supply will not last very long.
Bee Want-ads always bring best and quickest results.