Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1917, Page 16, Image 16
THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 10, 1917. UE STOCK MARKET! Killing Cattle Slow and Lower, Feeders Very Weak Sheep About Steady. HOOS FIFTEEN CENTS UP Omaha, Februarr . "" Mher; top, I1J.JS; bulk of sale, HMO U.2S. Receipts were: Curia, lie" Official Uonday . .l Official Toesdaj . !.'' Official Wedlesd.Jf .. 7,4 84,14 rifflclal Thursday .... ,I7 SI.'" Estimate Friday W Sheet. H.tEn 14 661 12.r.a 11.711 7,000 rive aal t - week ..J4.2JI lll.tM Kama dan lat week..JI.S07 17.051. Kama daya 2 was. ao.!,4S! I'. Same daya I wka, alo.M.465 ".4 Kama daya 4 wka. 10.J4.J2 106.' Han laat raar. ,.:.74l l,tt Receipt, and disposition nf live stock at the Union Stock Yards, Omaha, fo' twent); four hours endtni at p. m. yesterday; RECEIPTS-CARS. so.671 ' 6t,a 1,3,5(4 S7,40 77.161 tl.ljl r... m. St. T Missouri Pafltlc... Union Pacific C, R. I. P.. east.. C. N. W. west.... C, St. P., M. O. . . C, B. Q. eaat C. B. Xj Q. west... r.. F. I. A P.. west. llllnola Ontral Chicago CJreat Vast. Total receipts. PISPOSITION M BAD. Callla. Morris A Co ti Hwlft & Company...,, 614 Cudahv Packing Co.. 666 Armour Co .'. 3il Achwarts ft Co. .... J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co... IS Ho. Omaha Park. Co,. , 6 ('.udahy. country...... .... Jlunnlgar 0 ,. - 12 w. B. Vanaant Co.... r. B. lwl :,J .1. M. Boot ft Co 10 Roarnatm-k Hros. 6 F. O. Kellogg JJ Werthelmer ft Dcgen.' St IT. K. Hamilton 6 Sullivan Broa Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co.. Hlcrlns ..i Huffman Both Banner Broa John Harvey :. 10 Jensen ft Lungren. .... O'fiay Other buyera.... 66 , 1 o . I 66 10 4 .12 "2 S .14 37 6 .. . 1 ' , 1 34 15 . 1 .2 7 . 6 17 .! 261 82 1 Moga. 3,1.11 4.2I3 2, .1.12 1, 661 6,6 1,6m l.s&s CHICAGO I.1VB HTOCK MARKET. Cttl. Are Weak Hoga Strong Sheep and IjimbM Klrong. Chicago, Feh. Cattle Receipts, S.rtoft head; market, weak; naltvs beef catlle. SOW12.2; western steers. 67. SUSS; lockers and feeders, IH.i04jt.C6; cows and heifers. t5.lttjl0.5O; calves. 110.26 14. 7S. Hoga Receipts, 33.000 head; market. trong. montly 16c abovo yesterday's aver age; bulk, tl2.2t012.4b; light, lll.Tnn 12.40; mixed, tl2.o5M;f.60; heavy, l!2.00ft IZ-oO; rough. f la.nOfcrlM:.: pigs, tt. 76$ 1 1.00, hheep and I.ambs Receipts. 10.000 heart: arkel, strong; wethers, 1 10.60 W 11.8' ' ewes lt.00Oll.26; lambs. 111.100 14 ft SI. Ionia IJv. "tork Market. . Iuis. .Mo.. Feb. . Catlle Receipts. I head; market, steady: native beef steers. t7. 6011. 76; yearling steers and helf- tt.6OCtll.60; cows, t6.60et.oo; stockers feeders, t6,60'6.fl0; prime southern beef steers, tt. 0011. 00; beef cows and heifers. t4.26fft9.0O; prime yearling steers and heifers, $7.6010.00; native calves, 10.00 4JH4.60. gs Receipts. 11,600 head ; market. higher; lights, II : lor 1 2 4"; pigs. ! 00J l.oo; mixed and riiKcrters, fis.iBti'is.ew; good heavy, tl2. 460 12.50; bulk, 112.20 12.46. .Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 25a head; market, steady; lambs, t12 76.rU.75; ewes, t6.60O10.0; yearlings, II 1.004 12.25. City IJre Ktock Market. Kanaas Clly, Mn Feb. t, Cattle Re ceipts, 800 head; market, weak; prime fed steera, tll-25r7 12.00; dressed beef steers, te.oQQll.oO; western steers, tt.00OU.t0; cows, t5.60Ot.60; heifers, t7.0010.60; stockera and feeders, 7. 00W9.76; bulls, tt.60 01. 60; calvea. 17.00012 26. Hogs Receipts. t,500 hesrl; market higher; bulk of Bales, til, too 12.30; heavy. tl2.20O12.40; packers and butchers, tiz.oo t12 JO; light, tll.0O12D0; Pigs, tt60tj 11.26. Bheep and Imbs Receipts, 1,100 head; market steady; lamba, tl 2.60O1 4.40; year lings, tl2.Ooeil.25; wetbera, flO. 60011.60; ewoa, ll0.00O10.t0. , , ? Nloni City I Ive Block Market. ' Slotta City, la., Feb. t. Cattlo-rRerelpts. 1,700 head; market weak; beef steers, tlO.OO 11.26; butchers, t.ootiv.oot rat cows and heifers, t6.00O10.00; csnners, 14.2605.76; stockera and feeders, tt.60Ot.25; calvea. K00O10.00: bulls, stags, etc., lt.00Ol.t0: feeding eows and heifers, lt.00Ot.26. Hoga Recelpta, It. 000 head; market IB 16c higher; light, IllSOff 11.96; mlaed, til. 70 OHIO; heavy. 111. 16012. 00; pigs, lio.ootj 10.60; bulk of salea, til. 76 011.90. Hheep and lAmbs Receipts. 1.000 head: market steady; fed muttons, tt. 00012.26; wetners, fl0.25Oll.26: ewea, 99 60O19.tif lambs, tlt.00O14.00. Toula.. ....MM .." 1M cttiaSecelnta of oattle were light aa usual on a Friday but the traao waa verr .i enrf dntl and It waa late bifora much bnslneaa was transacted. The fact is, prices ware generally lltlla lower, It being In vary raapeet a typical Friday market, Buy ra who hT Uken on a good many cattla this weak did not appear to be In need or any additional and were Indifferent aa to whether they bought anything or not uuotallone oj cattle: tioodj to choice beeves, I10.60O11 : fllr to - "IV. 19 760 10.60; common to fair beeves, 76; good to oholca belfera. t7.76O0; good to choice cows, I7.M0I.MI fair to good oowa. M.Mt)7.Ml oommon to flr.fwa. I6.l60t.tll; prime taedlng ".''".? 10: good to choice feedsra. M 7609.21; .... . t-MAirm ll.susjt.76: common to fair feeder..; gm.d to Che oa Blockers. 17.7501.60: stock heifers, 17.000 I 10, stock cows, lt.HO07.7t: stock calves, l7.OO0.Oi veal calves. H.MOll.Jt; beef bulls, stags. 11.11001. M; bologna bulla, M.00 : 7 oo. Repreeentsttve sslesr BF.ICF STRBRS. . . x. No. At, Pr. V....... t! IS 00 - 1 960 17 J5 1 610 7 40 21.. II........ 741 1 16 6.. II Kt I 16 II.. 11 79t 60 II.. II 1070 I It I.. II 1041 It 7.. n 67 I 40 SI.. It IM I 76 71.. tl 1006 10 Jl II.. 3t 1301 10 76 .. II. ...... .1343 11 00 It.. 21. ...... .1441 11 10 cgwt. t MT til It ,. 94S .........1011 I 41 I. ...... .HOt I... 1011 .... 190 .... 774 .... 161 .... Ill ....1161 .... ill iuoo 7 46 I 10 I 40 I 0 00 10 to I 76 500 76 1 40 7 10 1 10 I li 7.... It'.'.'.'. 11.. X 1. .1117 II 0 ..lttl 10 60 ..1461 10 90 ..1120 11 10 ..1001 .. tit .. 7t ..10S7 .. 141 .11111 .14(0 fPrrCKIr.njl AND PEKDURH. I........ 726 7 25 . 1 666 7 0 31 Hit t 76 II HOt 76 Hoga While hoc receipts were a great deal smaller than for the three preview daya, the run waa liberal tor a rnaav. i loads, or 11.100 head, being reported In. ttn.,nllee A fee this Week fOOt UP llt.tnt head, which break- the week'a record made about a month ago, being nearly twice aa - large aa either last week or two weesa agu, and 16,000 heavier than a year ago. AFtar lunch time yeaterday, the market, which had been been Improving alowly aver alnoa the opening, showed a marKea up turn, and all the later sales were aa much aa 6010c higher than early, while a good many of the hoga that arrived on the last three or four trains sold ateady with the prevloua day. The most improvement waa on mixed and butcher claaaes, which en the Antes, Bold fully aa wail aa vteunesaay. tele (An nf tll.tO WSS Oald. Yesterday's trade waa so uneven that It waa pretty hard to make comparisons this - morning. Movement started In good aeason ' and while the market waa better In noma : spot than in ethers, most of the sales looked fully 16o higher than yeslerday'a opening, or, ft anything, stronger than the beat time on the' close. In other worda, .i..m hd rutlv recovered yesterday's slump. and ware aa high aa at the best time earlier In tha week. Packers quoted the market i 10016c higher' than yeaterday's average. , A fair clearance was made before noon, l close being about aa good aa any time eg. , .m MMthtv on some of the plainest offer. i . rw ears of which had not sold at . a Iste hour. Bulk of the sales landed at 111.70011.16. with a scattering or the least Heeimhi ktnda down towardo 111.60, and a good shewing aa high aa 111.00. Rumors that over 111.00 had been paid oould not . be oonflrmaa, ana aa tar aa waa lena ' the time of closing this report, that figure, which equals tha record, waa tha day'a top. Representative sales: j a. Rh ' Pr. No. Av. Bit. Pr. S4..1SS so 41 as 6..101 40 11 76 , 74. .137 It 11 16 71.. lot ... 11 15 6 76 t 60 7 16 1 60 7 76 1 00 I 0 NEW YORK STOCKS Lowest Prices Registered on Almost Minimum of Operations. OFFERINGS ARE MODERATE I, It Ht-wk In Hla-faft. nerHDt et live tuck at Llm Uva Drinefita.1 wwHern marKew rosttraay: LOTJll 1.7(10 11.60(1 SB0 ChiABKO 3.000 as. 004) 10.000 mom utr.. .,..2,300 13.000 1.000 Omaha , 1,300 18, 00 7.000 Kruuu City..... IOO 8,6,0 1,100 Nw York. JVh. 9. I.owt price of the w-k and for a imwh lonsrr period III some noteworthy Instance wtvnt rftn.U'ri mnmy on almoin a minimum of p-rallon. The ry movement wai of the uncertain char ier recently noted, but in ttio laier ami- lns receiwlona her a me more general. Kvery rt of the aeeurltleit list waa auecieu, nt f RDerla It ea In tb equipment elat.11, hlh irrftfle aharea loelnB irround a wall ax the lean representative laauei. Offer- gB were moderate In almost an caaea, oui required only alight Benin to cauae re- Waahlnrton waa the center or lntereai ann Wall Street buzscd with rumore and rooip bearlnf upon the probable course or inter national even ta. Theee ran g-ed from the mildly optlmlnttc to the more omlnoui aa prices roee and fell. Ralli were alightly better durtnr the fore noon, offering hope of an abatement of the recent liquidation. Rfllef waa only tem porary, however, trannnortatlon share fall ing back with the general maraet w .or loweut levels In the last hour, though rally ing slightly at the close, Trading In Iwmia was lignt oai wntnw entirely at recessions. The Anglo-French &s made an extreme decline 01 m m pom. i the new low record of 00 and the latest United Kingdom Issue also fell to a new minimum. Speculative railway bond, es pecially the convertibles, alw rectided. Total bond sales, par value, a,0,000. A. fw notable changes In stocks included People's Gas of Chicago, which made an eatreme decline of S point on the unfavoravle statement for 191. Local tractions also fell tn iii nnlnts with 1 to I DOtnts ror snip- pings, motor accesaorlea, ooppers and war supplies generally. Little signlricancs at taenia 10 nw roim tlvMlv minor advances in Bethlehem Steel, Central Leather, oils and prominent equip ments, moat of which were enauea laier. Total salea of stocks, 400,000 shares. Rubles and lires out some of their recent strength, but other foreign remittances were not materially altered. United Htates registered 4fl deciinea J per cent, coupon 4s ft and 3s oi i ana Panama Si, per cent each. Number of sales and quotations on teaa- insr inrite were: BE ISA. nign. 2,000 97 1,100 43 V4 800 62 3,000 71 1,400 U HfU IUI Totals. ,1,000 14,800 11,360 ICN8 BKVIKW OF TBADK. International PesslblUtlet BUD Doinlnato AO ' Markets. New York, Feb, .-Tomorrow Dun's Re view will say: International possibilities still dominate all markets and cause a waiting policy In many quarters, though confidence remains a con spicuous feature in trade and Industrial circles. Financial mod It Ions are Intrinsically sound and banking resources unprecedented, but about foreign affairs restricted offerings of money prompted business Interest to defer important engagements for the future. Preparation are In progress to meet any economic contingency and some products have been withdrawn rrom sale In anticipa tion of federal requirements, government's demands already being a factor In certain branches, with buyers and sellers alike adopting a cautious attitude, new committments are tit lessened volume though In some Instances ine inquiry nas oroaaeneu ana in an lines current needs continue extensive in spit nt the high prices. Weekly bank clearings, 9 0,3 3 l, 7. Am. Beet Sugar, . . American Can Am, Car A t- dry . . m. locomotive. . . m. ft Ref.. Am. Sugar Ref.,.. Am. Tel. & Tel. . . . Am. Z.. L. 4 8.... Anaconda Copper.. Atchison Baldwin Locomo.. Baltimore ft Ohio. Brook, Rapid Tran. a a. 1,'opper. . ... Cal. Petroleum.... anadian l'acuic, ,. ientrsl Leather... 'heaapeake ft Ohio .. m. ft at. p.... Chicago ft N, W... C. R. I. ft P Chi no Copper Colo. Fuel A iron Cnrn Prodnnte Ref. 2.000 Crucible Hteel 26,700 Distillers' Bo curl ties 400 Erie 2,00 Coffee Market. New Tork. Feb, .Coffee The market for coffee futures was more active today, The liquidation attributed to European in terest wan less In evidence and there was local buying which appeared to be pro moted by a firmer technical position and the Idea in some quarters that should tbis noun try actually become Invloved In war It would have an ultimately bullish effect on feoffee. The market opened unchanged a points tower unuer a renewal or scattered selling, but soon turned firmer with May advancing from 1.10c to 1.20c and July from 8.16c to 1.350, or about I to li points net higher. The close was a shade off from the best under realising and a little trade sell lug accompanied by reports that cost and freight offers were easier. Last prices were 2 to 8 points net higher, Sales, 100.000 bags. February, 8.02c; March, 1,07c; April, 8.11c: May, I.He; June, B.lsc; July, K33e August. 8.3LS0 ; September, 8.27c; October, 8.21c; November, 8. Hoc; December. s.40o; January, 1.44c. Boot, unchanged; Rio 7s, 19c; fianto 4a, lHo. Offers of Santos 3s and 4b were re ported at to. 16c London credits In the cost and freight market, with Santos 4s offered at I.TGC American credits and at 0c London credits. High grade Santos coffees in the cost and freight market are said to be on practically a partly with contracts. The official cables reported a decline of 7ft rets In Rio, but Santos futures were 2ft to SO rels higher, Santos cleared 8,000 bags for New Tork. 87. .189 18. .! 7ft.. 202 84.. 222 ft..31t 80 11 8ft ... 11 70 ... 11 ... 11 80 II tO Dry Goods Market. New Tork. Feb. .Dry Goods Oovern menet army authorities have called for bids for about 9,000,000 yards of cotton goods and 2,000,000 yards of wool goods. This has had a strengthening effect on the mar kets. Print clot ha and sheetings were sail ing at lower prices. Tarns were Irregular and In better Inquiry, Wool markets were firm, dealers doing considerable trading among themselves and bringing about a re adjustment os stocks. ' Cation Market. New Tork, Feb. .Cotton Opened steady; March. IS 48c: May, 16.44c; July, lft. 87c: October, lft.BOe; December, 1ft. 84c. The cotton market closed steady at a net decline of 1 to 12 points. Liverpool. Feb. ft. Cotton Spot, steady good middling, ltUed; middling, lO.fttd low middling, 10.3Sd. Sales, 10,000 bales. Bbep There was a very fair run of shaep and lambs here for Friday, arrivals counting out twenty-nine loads, or about 7,000 head. Five days' receipts foot up 40.673 bead, aa compared wtth 61.314 last week. 81.&44 two - wvtka ago and 41,878 a year ago. This week's ran la the heaviest that has bees, here sine toar weeks ago. Sellers put la most of the forenoon try ing to get higher prices for lambs, but packers, who started out bidding easier, ! eventually bought the bulk of the lambs at ' figures that were about the same as those- paid at ua good time on yesterday s cios. Most of the decent to good fed western lamba sold around 214,00, none being re ported above that figure, while several cars of Mexicans equaled yesterday's late top . of 814.2ft. and others reached 114.1ft. While ' not much of anything was sold until late In tha forenoon, almost everything bad chanted hands by midday. utrenngs or oio sneep were not targe enough to make a market, but on the few here prices looked steady to If anything a littla better. One car of ewea, mates of t the ones that brought llft.lft earlier In the week, stopped at 218.80, while good Ught fed weatarus brought the day's tup . of 1 8. 76. No feeders of nonsequenea were reported ' today. Tester day a pretty desirable sort of foadtng lambs was bought at 81S.8&. Compared wtth a week ago feeders look quite a little lower. Fat lambs are selling easily a quarter to probably Sfta under a week ago. Aged sheep, which were easier at midweek, are not far from ateady with a weak ago, though they showed strength i early la the week and are aot selling as well as at tha high time Tuesday, Qootationa on sheep and lamba; Lamba. . light aad handy, I11.M014.34; lambs, heavy, 1 tlft.ltOyU.sot lamba, clipped. 811.3413.60; lAmba. feeders. 812.l0wll.IO: yearlings, good to choice. I1J.6O4J1J.0O; yearlings, fair to good. lt.36U.60; wethers, fair to choice, 8t.Mdtll.gO: ewes, good to choice. 2 10. lit 10.7ft; ewea. fair to good, ftl.O0tPlt.3i; ewes. plain to calls, ftl.ettf i.fcO. Representative sales; .No. . i V"'-.. Av.1 Pr. 4ft fed OW4 .,..,,.....160 110 80 11 fed ewea 10ft 10 0 ftl fed kunba Tt lt 16 8 coll lambs , 88 12 88 tl fed lambs II 14 10 242 fed lamba 71 14 1 22ft fed lambs 15 14 2ft Uft South Jeota lambs U it 20 ' St Jaseph Live Stock BfArkrt. Si. Joseph. Feb. .Cattle Receipts, 40 i head; market ataady;. steers, !7.&otyll.7t; v cows and hellers, fft.2ft9l0.08; calves, $a 00 ay 1 . ee. v Sheep and Lambs Recelpta, 1,409 head ! market steady; lambs, 8lS.T6W14.3ft. Mono aUaastpta, 4,108 bead; market 10c bbls. Oil and JKoeln. Savannah, Oa- Feb, . Turpentli Dull, 61c ; sales, none t receipts, ft shipments, 102: stock, 14.487. Rosin Firm; sales, 1,322 bbls.; receipts. 811: shipments. 84: stock. 71,861. Quote R. C. D. H. F. O. 86.06: H. 1. K. M. 8.20 N, 84.40; WO, 6.ft6v8.80; WW, f8.7&.8Q. Sugar Market. ' New Tork, Feb. .Sugar Raw, steady centrifugal, 4.8c; molassea, 4.02c Refined steady; One granulated, O.Tbo. sugar tu tures were active and Arm on covering and buying by commission houses. At noon prices were 1 to 13 points higher. Bask Clearings. Omaha. Feb. .Rank clearings for Omaha today were $6,9T,U5.69 and for the corresponding day last year, 83,888,846.01, Lyons to Play Fremont. Lyons, Neb.. Feb. .(Special.) The Fre mont Toung Men's Christian association baaket ball team will ptaythn Lyons Alh letlo club team at this place Saturday even ing. Lyons has lost but one gams In three years. we predict great stock market activity in the shares of Mid-Continent Consolidated Oil and Utilities. actively traded tn on the New York Curb market. Preaetit selling price yields an income better thin Bp. We have pre pared in interesting special circular Droving whv the m-we nf this stock mtiar advance and its etntinga increase. It tg yuusa icr we is rag, it you specuy Circular tt ir La Sail. atrMt, Oitaaga, lib swag aneieaaa raaas. HtwrlM. MH Low. Close. 91 fttt 424 42ti KVL I6U 106 1116 2011 124U 124. 124 73 74 lli 101 U 63. 7614 41 4 43 22 22 11 Aft 161 U 16flU 151 21,300 14)4 Sl 12 (4 1,600 56 67 3,600 10 71 700 lit 117 200 36 t.600 74 1,600 102 1,400 66 1,100 7614 1,400 17. 600 44 600 24H 76 66 1,600 61 20 16 4i 2614 2614 6214 '2014 t 9614 26 li ltlM 67H 7614 Ji, 26 62V4 43 20 SB 21 2546 161 i,.bI Ifllartrlo... tfl 162 Oreat No. pM 600 11414 11314 11214 fires Ho lr elfs. 1.600 Sli 60 30 Illinois Central ..... 1?J V nter. Con. t'orD. . . e.u J 'lie Inaplratlon Copper. 2,200 64 6214 66 inter. Harvester. ..... ..... ... I. M. 61. pta. ens. u,,eo sow o. Hotltnern ..... Kennerott copper, , l,6eo Louvll e A nmr Mex. Petroleum. . . . Miami Copper l.. K. a i . pro.... Mo. Paclfln, new,. Montana Power. . . . Nat ona l.ead..... Nevada Copper New yorK centra,.. T.. N. H. ft H . . Nnrfnlk . Western Northern Pacific... Pu n 61a Pennsylvania ...... 2,400 Ray Con. Copper. . . too Heading ,.-tuu Rep. Iron & Steel.. 7,600 Mhattnck Arls. Cop. Southern Pacific. Southern Railway. . BtudenaKer co Texas Company J Mil S'M 123 6,100 It14 8714 674 100 It 36 36 141 37 1614 400 64 6S14 63 1,600 2314 22 22 6.000 t3li 12 2 2.700 4614 S 40 12X 1Z7U nne 12s 1,000 10314 10214 10214 3 11, 21 Zl SI 6414 63 64 3614 261( 2614 90 HS 200 2.700 3,000 10214 101 102 1.700 210 ZUSW .08 Union Parlflo 14,000 136 134 134 tin on Pac flc pra sa 11 8. Ind. Alcohol.. 8.000 124 121 122 V. S. Steal 117,300 106 J03S 104 76i 74 74 2614 25 25 13 92 12 28 27 7 1 800 117 117 116 9,900 101 105 105 1,100 26 25 26 4 4,100 61 60 60 8. Steel pfd Utah Copper Wabash pra. ' w . Union.-. . Weetlnghouss Else mu. Total wles for the flay. 460.160 shares. New York Money Mawket. New Tork, Feb. Prim. Mercajttll. Paper 4 per cent. Sterling njxonango oixiy-ay uin. 14.73; commercial aUty-day bills en bank. 14.72: commercial aixty-dny bills, M-72; demand, 14.76: cablea. I4.7t 7-l. HUver Bar, 77 o; Mexican aoiiare, ow. Bonds Uovemmont; Irregular; railroad, woak. , 4 Time Tjoana meaoy: sixit ana ninety days and six months, 404 per cent Cell Money Firm; highest, 1 per cent; lowest, I per cent; ruling rate. 2 per cent; last loan. 1 per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent; offered at 3 per cent. U. 8. r. 3s, reg. ss at. tv. i: isi is 0O COUpon ... vv .mi. r. uuii. .....v.. U. S. 3s, reg... .100 Mont. Power 6s.. 99 dO Coupon ,,.,ui,li. 1. v.. uou. vm.ivtTi U. S, 4s. reg....l08N. Y. City 4S..107 do coupon ...109 New Haven c. ts.100 104 No, Paclflo 4a.... 93 Anglo-French ts. 60 do ts 66 Atch. gen. 4s.... 93Ore. 8. L. ref. 4s. 93 n I). 4s 92 Pac. T. & T. 6s. .100 SQeth. St. ref. 6S.101 Penn. con. -4 s. . 106 Conlral Pac. 1st. 86 do geu. 4S...100 C. ft U. u. 4s BJ 'neaning gen. ss. r. f . M A O. It. 4s 97f4So. Pac. ov. 6s. ..100 102 do ref. 4S 11 C H. 1. r. r. l.Ttou. nsiinv ...vw C. ft 8. ret. 4s.. !4Unlon Paclflo 4a. 16 D. ft R. U. C. 4a. B3 UO.CT. .B V4 Krle gen. ts..... 66TJ. 8. Rubber la. .103 tlen. 16leo. 5s...lfl6U. 8. Steel 6s. ...106 Ol. No. 1st 4s 99'W. Union ts.. 96 I. O. ref. 4s 92Dom. of C, lttl. 98 K. C. So. ret. 5n.. 87 "Bid. Offered. L. ft N. un. 4s... 94 . Metal Market. ' vw Tork. Fob. . Metals Lead. 19.0046 9.60. Spelter, quiet; spot, Kast St. Louis .i.tiv.rv. tio.tfi aaked. Cooper, firm: elec. trolytlc, second ana tniro quariers, sai.uuv 33.00. Iron, steady ana unensngea. na, Arm. snot. 163.0069 66.00. At London copper: ppoi, ttas; luiures. 1134: electrolytic, 147. Tin: Spot, 300 10a; futures, 1201 to. Le, C10 10s. Speller, 147. Londom Stack, and Hands. " London, Feb. I. American securities bare ly moved and olossd Idle on the stock exchange today.. ,s Silver Mar. S7a per ounce. ; Money 3lr4 per cent. Discount Hates Short bills. 606 per cent; six months. 6U6 per oent. your investment fund Safety, coupled with as sured libera, and growing earn inp and an trvCT-mcrtasing value of the principal, are just a few reason why MidontinTOtConsolrditedOilandlltii- , itiea Corporation stock snould appeal to you when sekmit the maximum of safety and earnings for your invtst ment fund. MID-CONTINENT CONSOLIDATED in mi mums COIPIIATIOM Ineorformttd mw&mr tk hm -1 owns and operates public utilitiea in 12 citwa. in rich and rapidly growinf distneu of the mid-west. Tha popula ttonof this section is 100,600 and it the present rata of growth will be 2S0.0DV -.i in five years. This corporation is man- sjred by the atmo men who are awxtaa fully managing public uUlitiea whoaa assets are $&0.0o0.000. or store. Tht etock-'ssi furnishes a 10 divi dend yield and 500 protection. It sf teortky s tot cUutt mtmtigattaK E. A. PERRON a COMIANY tat . L. Ball. St., CMeag. Lssuj a...,, HarHeM ml New Spring Hats For Men Are Arriving Daily. TELEPHONE 2020 DOUGLAS brandeis Stores Bags and Suit Cases For Those Who Contemplate" a Travel Trip Hart Schaffner & Marx OVERCOATS The biggest organization, employing the best materials and the best tailoring as a logical result produce the best Overcoats THE BEST NEWS YOU HAVE HEARD IN MANY DAYS is that you may purchase these superb overcoats now at $19.50 and $23.50 Be it pinch-back or the more conservative and every style that goes between, you will find it here on Saturday, in almost any Overcoating material you desire. The size range is complete, 34 to 52, and it is the best Overcoat proposition we have made to you this season. i J SSzSa Hart Schaffner & Marx Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits, $40.00 and $5.00 About 1500 Pairs Pants For Men and Young Men-Three Big Lots Pants that are made of the most excellent materials and in the RIGHT WAY and that have sold for very much more money in regular stock. Lotl- $2.98 2-3. 98 Lot 35. 00 CanrTigbt Hurt SchaflnerAr SUfix Beginning Saturday We Offer II O EA Suits and Overcoats at One Price P 1 O'M At Present Market Prices, Worth $18.00, $20.00 and $25.00 THE LARGEST assortment of correct styles in excellent materials including the popular Pinch Backs, Chesterfield mod els and conservative styles Coats that are extremely well tailored and Coats that sold like hot cakes all season. Your choice now at $12.50. At Present Market Prices, Worth Up to $22.50 A most extraordinary variety of fabrics and colorings, including Scotch Cheviots, Silk Mixed Worsteds, Cassimeres, Tweeds and Blue Serges and Novelty Suitings, in a remarkable array of choice patterns. The style range is broad and embraces everything that is new. in conservative and extreme models tailored and finished in the manner you would expect if you paid full price. Fur and Fur Lined Coats and Mackinaws Fur Lined and Fur Collar Coats at Reduced Prices. Hundreds of fine Skating Mac kinaws, from $5.00 to $15.00. Sacond Floor Ride Up on the Escalator. Coon Coats, values $125.00, now go at $65.00. Men's Shirts, Hose and Neckwear Unusual Saturday Values The shirts are of the best materials, in most desirable patterns. Beauti , ful ties in the new large shapes and practical silk and lisle hosiery all of fered at savings. Any man in need of some shirts, hose or neckwear should share in these splendid offerings Saturday. About 100 Dozen Men's Shirts, some with laundered cuffs,' others have soft cuffs. All desirable pat- 79c terns. Sizes to' 18. $1.00 to $1.50 values, Saturday 1 w All our $5.50 and $6.50 Silk Crepe Shirts, j0 QC plain and fancy stripes. Limited quantity vOtUU 150 Dozen Men's Fiber Silk Hose, "run of the mill" grade. Including most of the prevailing colors. Ol . Pair '.' About 125 Dozen Men's Egyptian Cotton and' Lisle Hose, all the desirable shades. According to the present market conditions this hosiery is very modestly 11. priced, indeed, at, pair 1 1C 30 Dozen Fine Silk Four-in-Hand Neckties,' pure silk weaves; in the desirable large shape. Our regular CO. $1.00 ties, very special, Saturday, at UUC Main Floor, Men's Building. Men's Sturdy, Stylish Shoes, All Famous Makes . . . . Hurley Bros., Williams Kneeland, Richards and Brennen, Mullen Shoe Co. and T. D. Barrya are the makers represented. Several . hundred pairs; just enough for one day's selling. If these Shoes were bought in today's market and we had to pay the present wholesale prices they would not be sold to you for less than $6.00 to $8.00 a pair. Your Unrestricted Choice on Saturday, at $4,35 Styles are button, lace and blucher; either straight, English or round toe lasts. ' : Men's Shoe Department, Men's Building. $4.35 Leathers are black kid, tan Russia calf and black dull calf. Plenty of sizes in the lot. Vbjn