Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1917, Page 12, Image 12

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Spuds Short? No.
races Hign? ies.;
Why? Women Know
' The Omaha ' Consumers' league,
Mrs. Vernon C. Bennett presiding,
yesterday afternoon in the city council
chamber learned from E. P. Snowden
that there it no shortage of potatoes
in Nebraska at this time.
Asked why spuds are in the H. C.
of L, class, he explained that unu
sual speculation last fall brought
about the existing high prices. He
said potatoes were sold four and five
Choice Forequarters Lamb,
Pig Pork Loins, per lb
Fresh Dressed Chickens, per
Rib Bout, par lb...,'. UV,e
Staff Striata Steak, par lb .17Yi
Staer Pat Rout, par lb .Il'.a
Steer Shoulder Steak, per lb laWe
Yotrat- Vaal Roast, par lb II 'Jo
Young Vaal Chops, par lb MVs.
riff font jcoaet, par lb... 161
Pic Pork Butte, par lb 17
Mutton Chops, par lb ''
Extra Lean Regular Hems, par lb., lsV.e
III For this week the Sunday Special is a ,
HI combination of plain, simple ingredient, ill
Ml Coffee Ice Cream with chopped Burnt 111
. Almonds named LINCOLN'S FAVOJB- fft l
I ITE, in memory of "America's Man of aYft '
Sorrows." You'll thoroughly enjoy it yTKJ flj
i Thar. U always Harding Dealer clou bjr ill
Pig Pork Loins, per lb .'. . '.
Fresh Dressed Chickens, per
Steer Pot Rout, por lb. ........ .11 Via
Steer Shoulder Steak, par lb. . . . . . MVio
Young Vaal Rout, per lb 11 Via
Young Veal Chops, per lb. a UVia
Pig Pork Butts, par lb .17
Pig Pork Boast, par lb. ......... ISV.e
ail, par id,,.., loyte
Mir lb ,..lVie
Steak, par lb. ...... IT'ic
e, per lb ,'.14VeO
Ugular Hama, par lb, 18Vt
uio itoast, per
Hteer -irloln
Mutton ChoDi
Extra Lean Regular Heme, par lb, lSVic
If you anro to save you'll dodge, tint high-priced credit "free delivery" (so-called) system and take ccWan
tag of our low prices and high finality goods. ' . . '
.....,.!": ., By Paying Cash at '
Apples I Apples! Twa Carloads! Wash. Economy, (ooel flour, da-lb. each. .$1.10
Ingaan e.loudid quality. Don't fall to It snakes excel lent, wholesome broad.
at a box tod-vr. , , Yaaot Faaas ....,,.,.............
Choice Spltsenbert, bog... tt.M
Fancy Spltsenberg, boa . ..- 1
E!T- "VL Sf"M"br- " ? Tip Bakhsi Pew-ar was used la nrtao-
Northorn Solo, .,..... ta.10 wtoBtot cakes at threa Nobreaha stale
Choke Stayrhea Wheeep, baa ilM tmln A waarul . value lor the
Choice Jonathan, boa Sl-SS T u aga aaa ... Uo
CLEANlfto MATERIAL . T' Tr" " ";..
C-rfthVa O. K. Brooms .SS I I
IrZ.C7ZX"Z' IS. rri"'' t fow-ar, SO. ca. .4.1.
R3;T!1. IS!T S Rumlerd Bahiof Powder, 2Sc -a... , .ale
AioUlU: : : : :::;::::?: t'" 'jo
C-rtd. U-o. shnM CEREA ETC. .
I Nafl Can Flakes. page.... 16c
ToUotaar, Itko Saalush... Uo
' Best Jap Rice, 10c grade, S lbs ISc
a Eat mora rtee, It's cheap, It's
SanHluah, can 11. wholeeoroe.
Excel Soon, a large do-ale bar . ... . . 4c I .
C!!fh tf" iif "Crinkle C Flak, IS, ,k 10.
l-btr.ll TvterVrj::::!?.
I , , . I Kollost'llBra-. Sk a-g tOc
Lirfatho-se Cleanser, case. 4c
CasW OU Pallah, Anaartcaa Lady, bo I
expeauu aeWortkb-g added U the Oat Meal, b-k. t lha. Be
"col, 1 !" . Oc Large ZSc pkg. Quaker Oats c
50. ataa. -Oc age slso ISc Lor-. 2&c pkg. Baakot Star. Oat. IU
lanallo. bar So
Boo Ami, powaVred or her Se UocU Sara's Braeklast Food. pkg.,.3c
Hrapo Washing Pe-dar, S . nkf oc Pettlioha's Broaklaat Food, peig 14c
ieTSoda, 11V, lao..........V. n. Crape Nats, pkg 13.
Starch, Bulk Glean, roe.. XSo
rkrsSyh'S;.v.: ::::::: :: cWK,u-iy--m-v -2
Cold Madal Flour, 4S-lb. each U.4S " . ..
TIP Flour. 4S-lb. .tack ZaO ' '
Remember, Tip la high nottat flour. lha. Cora Meal, white or yellow IS.
Nothing batter milled. -, . lha. Graham or Whola Wheal Flour. Sic
If yoa want a Basket Star, hi your neighborhood got up
oum imw MitrMn
wtll iMaMfv it.
$6.00 Ordrn DUvW
rxx .
times before they reached the re
tailers. "I would state that SO to 60 cents
per bushel to the grower yields a rea
sonable profit," stated Mr. Snowden.
Mrs. Bennett stated that she would
not object too much if the grower
received the profits, but she has ob
jected, does object and will object,
against the middleman reaping large
profits which the ultimate consumers
must pay. She denounced the "system."
Mr. Snowden related that three
weeks ago while in Marsland, Neb.,
he saw one cellar which . contained
25,000 bushels of potatoes.
"There are as many potatoes in
storage in Nebraska at this time as
there are at normal times," stated the
per lb.
lb . 15c
Kugar Cared Hame, par lb 14.
Kxtra Loan Rreaklast Bacon, lb. .Z-e
Sugar Cured Bacon, par lb ISViC
I to p. a Park Chopa, tb 16a
From to 10 p. m Ceuatr- geueago,
Por lb, al V7a
Dallvarlaa maee to aU porta .( the city.
order, rmt at Thou Price..
113 South I6tk Stroajt,
, Phono Deng. 2307.
V.: ...... 1 17ygc
lb. 15c
rWar Oared Hums, par Ih
Kxtra Loan Breakfast Baron. lb, ,22',c
Sugar Cured Baaan, per lb ISViC
From to p. aa. Country Saueaf e,
par lb, at So
From to 10 p. a. Lamb Chops, Ih, Sc
Delt-ertee made to all porta al the city.
Mall Orders Filled at Thau Prices.
Phone Douglas 275!
You Carry More Money Back Home .
laa. W will pi BtW itert In Omalia whm MMugh pU-
Miil your mUUhis tm lha Basket StcHTM
Frm VHtktm RmmuIiI DIiUm. SmIUt Or4r for ftc
Far Cttock WUI Go Farther If Yn Trado With
W. U
J(ome Sconomics JBepartrnent
7H. Grns MS)omesh'e Science departments
Winter Jams and
At first thought the winter season
and jam-making seem quite incompat
ible terms; for the preserving season
is particularly the late summer and
early fall. On second thoughts, how
ever, we can recall certain recipes that
call for fruits which are at their best
and cheapest at this time of year. I
came across, an interesting impression
of preserving recently an impression
which is probably far truer in the
February season of cold than in the
lingering and tiring heat of Septem
ber and October:
"Indeed, the preserving season is a
kind of poetic bypath, enticing us from
the housekeeper's daily routine. We
gladly leave ourv well-trodden ways of
means and mending, calls and enter
taining, for the rainbow-hued, fragrant
tasks. Our bypath is aesthetic, rather
than utilitarian. Like the peaceful
lanes ' where wild grapes grow, it
leads us out of the prosy region of
foregone conclusions into that of ex
periment and adventure. Preserving
is always an experiment, inu Keeps
the charm of novelty no matter how
manv well-filled shelves we have to
our credit each season; for there is
time between two summers to forget
a good deal about the behavior of
"The bypath takes us away from the
world into the solitude of the kitchen,
made orderly and vacant for our en-
Gooch'e Cake Flour 17.
Tip Pancake Flour, large pkg. ...... .28.
Catsup, Armour. 2Sc eiaa ..19c
CaUup, Blue Label or Snyder's 23.
Catsup, Hawheyo, la oa. bottle 21.
Snyder. -Sc alia Chill Souco .23.
Worcestershire Souco, bet ftc
Horse Radieh. bottle, Sc; S lor 22.
Cocoa, Tip Brand, y lb. can ...10c
Cocoa. WT H. Beker-e, V, lb. can, . . .20.
Cocoa. W. H. Biker's, 1-S Ih. can. .. .Sc
Chocolate, Tip Premium, V, lb ISc
Chocolate, W. H. Baker's, Yt lb 20c
Chocolate, Sweet, Vs lb- del 3 lor. .. 10c
Washington Instant Coffee, Urge else 82c
Washington lnatant Coffee, email slxe 2 ftc
Pure Comb Honey 15.
Ronaomber, wa handle only . tk. boat
quality meats.
Beet Butter, Ik .....40c
Good Creamery Butter, Ik 3c
Armour's Buttorln. txkee the place
of good butter.
Tip, tinted, highest grade, lb 2Sc
Tip, white, highest grade, lb 24c
Cash Habit, high grade 20c
Magnolia, 2-lb. roll 330
Vaal Stow. Ik II.
Veal Roast, lb ,...lSc
Veal Steak, Ik '...20c
Rib Bell, lb 12C-IS.
Pot Roaat, lb , lSc-la.
Rib Roast, lb , ...aoe-Z-c
Beet Shoulder Steak ....Wc-lBc
Egga, par ooaeo 3c
Crisco SOc, etc, HM. 1J0
Bsel Extract, SO. jar 42c
Bouillon Cuhoa, tin ..Z3c
Dill Pkklee.
Sour Pickles, dossil .......
Sweat Ptcklee, extra large,
Offics. 10A North firJi Atrawt.
The Ham
What Am"
As Jbclutius Armour Aanrr-Mnt Applied for
Three generations have enjoyed and en
dorsed Armour's famous Star Ham. This
standard excellence is now further en
hanced by the Stockinet Covering, which
intensifies the line flavor and protects
quality. Buy a whole ham, Ifs economical.
The Oval Label which distinguishes Star Ham, gives
the same Armour guarantee of top grade to a wide
variety of perfect food product fruity fish, vcgs
tables, meats, condiments, etc. .
ROBT. BUDATz!wlrH lath Joneo Ste.
Plume Doua. 1085. Omaha. Nah.
Wilhlaeou. 29tk Q, So. 1740,
x Co-Operation.
Readers are cordially Invited to
ask Miss Gross any questions
about household economy upon
which she may possibly give help
ful advice; they are also Invited to
give suggestions from their expe
rience that may be helpful to
others meeting the same problems.
terprise. I know of no occupation of I
women more conducive to reflection;
it keeps the hands busy enough so
that we cannot call ourselves idle,
but not so busy that there are no good
level stretches of waiting and musing.
We stir and skim and strain, 'enter
tained meanwhile by the troop of lit
tle, unrelated thoughts that dance un
bidden through minds at ease. When
at length we emerge from our secular
retreat, it is with ideas refreshed,
opinions readjusted, provision made
for the future, and fruit-stained hands
that are rather a cause of pride than
. If one follows "the poetic bypath"
now, it leads direct to marmalades. I
firesume these delicacies are of Eng
ish origin, for one unconsciously as
sociates the words , "English" and
"marmalade." To eke out the summer
suddIv of iams and jellies which may
! run low, or to find an all-year-round
! f.t nn the tah'e. thero is no finer
delicacy. Some people prefer a
straight orange marmalade, the recipe
for which is given first, while others
insist that the right tang can only be
obtained from a marmalade contain
ing grapefruit. A nice thing about
any marmalade recipe is the amazing
For either brain or
Bakerls Gocoa
u is refreshing.
Cocoa contains more
nourishment thanbeef
Walter Baker & Co. Lid
Trade at the Washington Market
Fresh laf Lard, S lbs .$1.00
Freeh Dressed Spring Chicken., per lb,,
at 2y,c
Extra Fancy Spring Lamb Forequarters,
per lb., at lSc
Extra Fancy Spring Lamb Hindquarters,
per lb., at 17',c
Heavy Fork Loins, any quantity, per lb.,
at 17Vc
Fresh Pork Hoeke, per lb 12c
Extra Fancy Celt LWer, lb 20c
Extra Fancy Veal Cutlota, por lb., 22 "iC
Fresh Pork Tenderloin, lb.
Choice Steer Rib Roast, lb
Choice Steer Beef Roast, lb...
Choice Steer Shoulder Steak, lb.
Choice Steer Round Steak, lb..
Choice Steer Sirloin 8teak, lb. . . .
.17 Vie
Compound Lard, per lb...
All orders louth to Martha and west to 4fitb St. leave eveir day at 0:90 A. M.
All order north to Ames Ave. and west to 46th St leave eveir day at 2 P. M.
Orders most be in a half boor before delivery lemves.
Writ for our monthly price list. Mail orders promptly attended to.
The most sanitary and p-to -date vroevy
Phoae Tylor 470 coamocta all departnunt.
Tested Recipes
bound in convenient V
form for use in your kitchen will be
mailed FREE if you send your name and
address. . " . . . i
.,The cooking, lessons explain how
you can always have "good luck" In
your baking through choosing the
right materials, mixing them, regulat
ing the heat of your oven, etc.
Utigh Ociool
'quantity which just a few pieces of
truit make.
Blfhteen glaaaea).
S oranges Cold water
2 leraona Sugar
Wash and slice fruit very thin with
out peeling. Discard thick ends and
seeds. To each pound of sliced fruit
add three pints of cold water and let
stand twenty-four hours. Then boil
forty-five minutes hard, counting time
from beginrinc of boiling Let stand
twenty-four hours again. Weigh and
add pound for pound of sugar. Add
lemon juice if fruit is not sufficiently
tart. Boil as above. Pour into steril
ized glasses and seal'wtih paraffin.
Stir occasionally during first boiling,
and more frequently during the sec
ond boiling, as material is apt to
1 orange ?old water
1 lemon Hugar
1 grapefruit
Proceed as with orange marmalade.
Will make eight to ten glasses.
A very easy marmalade to make in
the spring is the following:
4 lbs. rhubarb -blue, sugar
e oranges Juice only,
grated rind of three
of them
Wash, peel and cut rhubarb into
two-inch lengths. Put all ingredients
together and let stand twenty-four
hours. Boil one and one-half hours,
pour into sterilized glasses and seal
with paraffin. . ,
1 lb. dried aprleota 8 4 c. sugar
1 qt. apple aauce Juice of one orange
Wash apricots thoroughly, cover
with hot water and soak overnight.
Make a quart of smooth apple sauce.
Rub the softened apricots through a
Beet Granulated Sugar, 14 lha, for 11.00
All Brands Creamery Butter, lh 3ae
SPECIAL Stringlaaa Beans, regular 15c
seller, apodal, 2 cans for ZSc
Kamo Tomatoee, regular 20. seller, per
can, at 15c
Kamo Corn or Peas, per eon., 14c
Red Alaska Salmon, tall cane, can. ..17c
Red Alaska Salmon, flat cans, can . . 12c
Del Monte Sliced Peaches or Apreiots
t cane for, .-..25c
Leaf Lettuce, 8 bunches for 10c
Extra Sweet Oranges, doaen 15c
Extra Largo Grape Fruit, 8 for.... 25c
Large Grape Fruit, 8 for.. 15c
Washbura-Croeby's or Washington's
Beat Flour, per sack 82415
Hake your hone lay by feeding there
ground bone, 8 lbs., for .25c
tat market In the middle west
1407 Dmg las SU Omaha, Neb.
Lordly Potato Steps High
On Bounteous Market
' Almost any'kind of vegetables that
are usually on the menu at this period
of the year is now on the Omaha mar
kets at fairly reasonable prices with
the single and sole exception of the
lordly potato, which continues its
aviation up among the clouds of
price without the slightest sign of
volplaning to the ground anywhere
in the near future.
Potatoes still stick around 60 cents
a peck and the market men. don't
care whether you buy them or not
for, they say, at that price there is
practically no profit in them at all.
Recent frosts in the south have also
cut down the supply of early spring
vegetables which usually begin to ap
pear in this part of the world at this
time of the year. Frosts extended
down through the north half of Flori
da and nipped the garden truck quite
sieve to remove fibers and stir the
pulp, the sauce, sugar and orange juice
thoroughly together. Cook very slow
ly with asbestor under the kettle to
prevent scorching. About forty-five
minutes will be required. Pour into
sterilized glasses and seal with paraf
z lbs. cranberries, m t. mixed eptcea
Iba. brown sugar, (clovea. glnsor and
lb. atoned ralelna, . cinnamon!
Juice 1 orange, c. vinegar.
Pick over berries and wasli, then
add other ingredients and bring to a
slow boil. Cook slowly till thick,
about forty-five minutes. Pour into
sterilized glasses and seal.
S lbs. "dried figs, steamed, then weighed,
z lbs. sugar.
Rind and juice of two lemons.
Steam the figs till they swell, then
cut into quarters. Weigh the fruit
after steaming, not before. Add
sugar, lemon juice and lemon rind.
Siauner the fruit and lemon together
with just a little water to prevent
burning, stirring very frequently.
Cook till thick.
Jl lba. dates, atoned, 114 c. cold water,
1 lb. sugar,
Juice and rind one lemon (more if de
elredl. Simmer the dates in the water for
ten minutes, then put in the sugar,
lemon juice and rind. Bring to a
slow boil and cook slowly, with con
stant stirring, till thick.
Our hearty forefathers delighted in
hominy as a breakfast dish. Our
foremothers, therefore, went to great
pains to prepare it. This ime con
suming preliminary stage is now done
by the commercial producer. A New
England cook book of 100 years ago
says that fried hominy is a favorite
breakfast dish and is also served with
meat in place of vegetables.
Bulk lye hominy is a common prod
uct in New England markets. The
canned hominy of a reliable brand
is perfectly .cooked, ready for the
housewife to use her ingenuity in
combining and serving, i
The commercial producer's part in
preparing this wholesome winter food
begins by selecting the country best
adapted to raising the corn used. The
selected white Indian corn is cleaned
by being run through large blowing
machines. It is then put in open
kettles and cooked forty-five minutes
in a solution of water and wood lye.
Our ancestors often used to add sim
ply a sack of wood ashes. After
cooking, the corn is run through cy
clones where the bulk is removed by
beating, and any undesirable black
points by washing. The seed at one
end of the kernel is black but is rich
in fat, so should not be removed.
To make a perfect product the corn
is twice more put into open kettles
and cooked forty to fifty-five min
utes, respectively, with a thorough cy-
cloning and washing following, from
this third cooking and washing it
goes through the automatic "filling
machine into the cans. After the cans
are sealed they have a final cooking
of seventy minutes.
Government bulletin No. 298, on
the "Food Value of Corn," says: "To
be properly cooked, though, soft,
should retain -its distinct form, as is
the case with well cooked nee.
- To make any of the following dishes
I Make Macaroni for the
Millions and 1 am Very
Particular How I Make It
My Slfaatvra
' Om Evwy Pkduff
Ask For and Get
Macaroni Products
Boaorifol Recipe Book Froo
Skinner Manufacturing Co.
Omaha, U. S. A. .
Largest Macaroni Factor- in Ameriee
Cheap SubsUtutea aoot -OU aaa.. srieo.
Some things, however, were re
ceived here before this blight Among
them are very nice green string beans.
Tomatoes, Very nice ones, are also
on hand from the Florida gardens.
Their price is around 25 cents a
pound. ' .
New potatoes sell now at 10 cents
a pound.
Very fine celery is on the Omaha
market, crisp and tender and fresh.
It comes from California and from
Colorado and sells for S, 10 and 15
cents a sulk. Strawberries are 45
cents a box.
Fancy apples from the west are
about the same, selling at 50 cents
peck and upward.
One of the novelties in the way of
fruit is the red banana, which cornel
from South America and sells now at
40 cents a dozen.
pour contents of a can of wood lye
hominy into a colander and rinse
Thoroughly heated and seasoned
serve with milk and sugar as cereal.
Fry three slices of-bacon, crisp; re
move from pan and add two cups of
canned hominy. Season and let brown.
Dice the crisped bacon and mix with
the hominy just before serving. Serve
hot as the main breakfast dish.
Prepare the same to serve in place
of potatoes, only cook more bacon or
ham, and serve by placing the fried
hominy in the center of the dish, ar
ranging the meat around the mound
thus made
The hominy may be heated through,
drained and put to cool, then sliced
and fried as you would mush.
A delicious way is to put the hominy
through the food chopper. Mix it with
one-fourth as much flour, season welt
and make into patties. Fry or saute.
You then have a splendid dish to serve
in place of potatoes at any meal or as
a pancake dish for breakfast with
jelly or syrup, or as the main dish for
The ground hominy is splendid in
Heated in a well seasoned white
sauce, hominy makes a highly nutri
tious vegetable dish. This may be
nicely varied by substituting tomato
Use hominy en casserole with
cheese and green peppers. Line the.
casserole with a thin layer of hom
iny. , Sprinkle over it grated cheese
and add a few shreds of sweet green
pepper. Repeat until dish is filled.
Cover the top with crumbs. Add a
cupful of milk and let bake until al
most dry.
A tasty casserole dish is also made
by using left-over pieces of ham or
bacon and tcmato puree.
Rinse and heat canned hominy. Put
hominy in a baking dish, sprinkle it
well with grated cheese and moisten
with melted butter. Leave in the
oven long enough to melt the cheese.
This is delicious served with hot
baked ham or with any cold meaf.
Company Desserts.
The dessert for the "company"
luncheon or dinner does not neces
sarily need to be elaborate. There
are many simple sweets just as de
licious and attractive as the more
pretentious ones.
If the hostess has no assistant she
should choose a dessert that may be
prepared some hours beforehand. In
selecting the dessert she must also
take into consideration the rest of
the menu.
The prudent housewife knows how
to supplement a scanty meat or fish
course with a hearty dessert, such as
a steamed pudding; but if the first
courses consist of nutritious soups,
hearty meats and vegetables, the des
sert may be an ice, or gelatin dessert,
or something equally light.
It is all the guests will care to eat.
The dessert should be a contrast. If
the menu has' comprised a number of
starchy dishes, such as rice or maca
roni, do not serve a cornstarch des
sert; or if certain fruit have been
used as an appetizer or salad, do not
repeat the same fruit in the dessert.
t small aweet 1 T. lemon juice
oranges 2 T. sugar
1 o. atoned d.tefe Whipped cream.
S banana. v
Peel the oranges carefully so as
not to break them and be sure to
take off the outer white skin. Divide
carefully into sections and arrange
around the sides of sherbet glasses,
five or six segments to each glass.
Cut. the dates, in pieces, peel the
bananas, cut in dice, mix with the
sugar, lemon juice and dates and pile
in between the orange sections. Top
with cream, sweetened and whipped
to a froth.
1 e. ground almond H e, floor
meats S e. eweetened
1 eggs 1 whipped cream
1 c. brown sagar i c. ftnelr chopped
1 T. molasses. plnapple
Beat egg yolks, mix in sugar, add
molasses and fold in stiffly beaten
egg-whites, almonds and flour. Roll
out thin and cut in squares, which
are then rolled into cone shapes. If
the batter is not thick enough, add
more flour to handle easily. When
baked and cold fill with whipped
cream into which has been stirred the
finely chopped pineapples. Garnish
with whipped cream put through a
ricer, and crystallized flowers.
1 pint light bread . Graham or whola
eponge wheat flour
14 c. molasee. v . e. chopped apple.
1 T. ohortentng Brown sugar
Add molasses and shortening to
bread sponge and sufficient Gra
ham of whole-wheat flout to make a
soft dough. Beat vigorously, add
apples and mix well. The apples
should be either russets or greenings.
Put into muffin pans, sprinkle with
brown sugar and let stand until very
light. Then bake.. They ate good
either hot or cold, ,
1 head cabbage Crumbs and egg for
1 c, minced ham rolling
la cupful stale breadPat for frying
. crumba Peas 1
1 eggs Meahed potato
t T. butter Chipped paraley
Salt and pepper
Cut out stalk end of cabbage, leav
ing the shell. Place on a dish with
a ring of the cut cabbage. Chop the
part removed very fine and boil fif
teen minutes; drain; add ham, bread'
crumbs, well beaten eggs, butter and
salt and pepper to taste. Form into
little balls, roll in bread crumbs, then
in egg and again in crumbs. Fry in
smoking fat until a golden browu.
Serve hot in cabbage shell with peat
and little balls of mashed potato
rolled in chopped parsley. Mothert'
c. cupful. T. tablespoonfuL Is