Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1917, Page 8, Image 8

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Stunning Hats from the Smart Shops of Paris
Valentine About has
originated a popular
sports hat from bright
blue and white linen. The
linen is joined to form
stripes and then shirred.
To the right, a tailored
hat by Maria Guy, of
black straw and satin.
This is a striking model.
One of the newest hats
from the Maison Lewis
fits firmly orf the head and
is made of beige straw
with a crown of beige
corded silk laid in folds.
To the left a hat of
taupe crepe de chine
with the upper edge of
the brim and the full
crown chain-stitched.
mm Tx ' - m m t&ML'M
7- p mv,. m m V) 7
Y s v a I lit: 3- ;!,? ' w i-L .V-
'" yy , Xv r ' '
';' - N H!Congressio7ia mon Organizers I'CXj -;y ' ,VV
tt ; r yX-tU alj Thai wi, ;n nmhi: ;S I j a
i'j!' A complete fizzle seems to be the Q if W JS."' 6 "
XV,- - result of three weeks of Congressional V ''W, A t -
' Sk " l Union campaigning in Omaha, the cul- I
fc. m0 i minaiinn nf which was a large con- . I llllllllliiiiMiiiwl"'
. T-,ml. -r- , , fcr.ncc al ,1C utackst'one Wednesctay, I
V it '
Unitarian Clergyman to
Speak at Temple Israel
Rev. Robert F. Leavens, pastor of
the Unitarian church, will occupy
Rabbi Cohn's pulpit at Temple Israel
this evening, when the rabbi goes to
Sioux City to speak before Rabbi
Sternheim's congregation. Dr. Leav
ens will talk on "The Commonwealth
of Man."
February 8
larnival for Hall Fund.
Thirty-five girls of the junior high
hool of Browncll Hall will raise
eir sum toward the building fund of
e school by giving a "carnival" at
ic Krownell Hall gymnasium me
veiling of t'cbruary m. A program
folk songs and lolk ilanccs win lie
liven in costume by the. various gins
f the school. A number of the stu-
lents who are proncient in rrcnen
ill sing French songs. Other girls
ill conduct refreshment and caiidy
One of the many interesting fca-
kres planned for the evenings enter-
sinment will he tne fonsn oooui
hich Miss Sophie NostHz Naimska
ill conduct. Miss Naimska will
rar a genuine Polish peasant cos
ine and will dispense roiisni souvc-
irs and post cards for the benefit of
arving Polish children.
Xot all the parts have been as-
gneJ,"but each member of the class
ill have some share in the pertorm-
The girls are entering into
ic plans witn great entnusiasm ami
ey hope to have a large attendance
I all their Inenos ana any oincrs in
crested in the school or the carnival.
:lby-N orris Wedding.
Society registered complete sur-
-ise at the announcement that Miss
ary Norri ana Mr. rranit jnei-
n Selby were married yesieraav
ternoon at the home of the bride s
irents. Mr. and Mrs. hdgar wor-
and then had slipped quietly on
r the east before anyone was aware
ceremony had been performed.
he wedding was planned to be a
rge social function, as both young
ople are very popular, out a cnangc
plans was thougnt nest Because oi
lingering case of the grippe from
ich the bride has sunerea an win-
The wedding ceremony was per
Ttned by the Rev. Father Bucklev
the presence of members of both
milies and a few relatives onlv.
jhere were no attendants.
The bride, who is a lovely brunette,
las gowned in silver lace fashioned
er silver cloth. She wore Mr. Sel
f's wedding gift, a handsome dia-iond-shaped
dinner ring of platinum
ad diamonds. Her gift to the bride-j-oom
was also a platinum and dia
mond ring.
jFor the ceremony, which took place
I the music room, the couple stood
a bower of pink and white roses,
nth palms and ferns as a hack-
ound. The living room and library
tre abloom with, spring flowers.
! After congratulations, the bridal
uple left for Chicago, Detroit and
uffalo, from whence they go on to
ahaca for the Cornell college iu-
or week festivities the latter part
i the month. Mr. Selby is a Cor-
sll man and has a brother, Wayne,
j school there now. The young
opie will spend several weeks in
ew York before coming home.
jMr. Selby will build a home for
k bride at 1300 North Fifty-second
ienue, on the heights overlooking
jppy Hollow. Many handsome gifts
jve been received for the new home
Jtil it is almost completely furnished
-fore it is built. The bridegroom's
irents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Selbv.
ive given a baby grand piano and
V. and Mrs. Norris have furnished
k dining room.
'edding Announcement
'Mr. C. Maurice Scott and Miss
'wise Walker, both of Lincoln, Neb.,
?re married at the Dietz Methodist
Irsonage Monday by Rev. C N.
jwson. They were accompanied by
jr. John B. Aldrich and Miss Susie
j Shore of Lincoln.
Attend Musical Events.
The Junior Musical dub members
e now studying the composer Mac
pwell and will have the treat of
feting personally the wife of the
e composer when she appears in
tital here Saturday evening. One
pre meeting of the club will be held
Iring the spring.
party of Brownell Hall girls
aperoned by Miss Luella Anderson
i !
A complete fizzle seems to be the
result of three weeks of Congressional
Union campaigning in Omaha, the cul
mination of which was a large con
ference al the lilackst'one Wednesday,
at which it was planned to effect aa
j organization. When this plan failed
Miss Margaret Whittcmore aud Miss
liculah Amidon, the organizers, an
nounced that officers would be elected
at another meeting Thursday morning
at 10 o'clock at the Kontenellc.
Instead of remaining for the meet
ing Miss Whittemorc and Miss Ami
don left town Wednesday night, noti
fying one or two women they were
called away by telegram.
"I do not know whether they will
return or not. Nor do 1 know
whether the Congressional union will
make any further attempts to organ
ize in Nebraska. They were up
against a hard proposition here."
This was the substance oi state
ments made by Mrs. E. M. Fairfield,
Mrs. Halleck Rose. Miss Helen Soren
son and Mrs. Alfred Darlow, all of
whom served m the committee ot
arrangements for Wednesday s conference.
Mrs. Alfred Darlow said Miss Ami
don telephon
asking her
Mrs. A. C. Anderson was the only
woman on the committee who seemed
to have any information as to the
plans of the departed leaders.
ihey told me tney would return
Fridav and would hold a meeting at
3 o'clock at the Fontenelle," said Mrs.
Mrs. Fairfield, Mrs. Rose, Mrs. Dar
low and Miss Sorenson. however, all
will also attend the recital in a body.
Mr, and Mrs. A. V, Kinsler have
taken the last box for the Creighton
University Glee club concert to be
giverf next Thursday. The Dental
college of the Creighton university
win nave a line party oi ntty.
Social Gossip.
Mr. Mvron L. Learned has unni-
south for a month's sojourn.
Mrs. C. W. Hayes has been ill at
her home for the last week.
Mrs. F. D. Wcad is planning a
trip to California.
Mrs. W. J. Coad has gone to Chi
cago from Minneapolis and is spend
ing a few days there.
Miss F.mily Keller entertained last
evening in honor of Mr Wilkins Rus
tin at a chafing dish party, when ten
guests were present.
Mrs. Michael Clarkson of Casper,
Wyo., who has been visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Ward Burgess, leaves in a few
red Darlow said .miss Ami- gfp!g
oned her Wednesday night Vjg
to take charge of the or-
work here. Mrs. Darlow
meet Miss May Kobson, wjio is play
ing in Omaha this week. Miss Kob
son has been a friend of the Whitniore
family for many years.
Mrs. W. L. Carey was hostess at
an attractive bridge-luncheon at the
BStOAti AM Jim
denied any knowledge of the proposed
meeting on Friday. Before leaving
Omaha the two organizers said they
would go on to Washington from
Des Moines.
The meeting Wednesday was well
attended. Over ISO women listened
for more than three hours rd suffrage
days, with Mrs. M. B. Wilson, for
Battle Creek. Mich.
Mr. H. C. Evarts is expected home
tomorrow morning from a trip to
Mrs. D. C. Berryman, who has
been making an extended visit at her
home in Lexington, Ky., will return
Women Good at Business.
Mrs. Sam Burns and Mrs. Dick
Stewart, of the Drama league in half
an hour one day secured from the
large business men of Omaha the sub
scriptions necessary to guarantee the
coming to Omaha of the popular Port
manteau theater Friday evening, Feb
ruary U.
The committee which has the event
in charge consists of Mesdames J. E.
summers, hdgar Morseman, A. w.
Jefferis, Warren Blaclrwell, Leonard
Everett, E. C. Twamley, Louis Nash,
C. D. Armstrong, H. H. Baldrige,
Mvrbn Learned. Lowrie CH'-1-
j Kate McHugh and Arabell Kimball.
Benson Banker's House is
Looted; Diamonds Overlooked
Several hundred dollars' worth of
jewelry, a valuable fur coat, three suits
of clothing and numerous miscellan
eous articles, such as eye glasses, elec
tric flash light and table linens, were
stolen by a burglar who broke into
the home of N. H. Tyson, a Benson
banker, Wednesday evening. The rob
bery, which occurred while Mr. and
Mrs. Tyson were attending a party in
Omaha, was reported to Sheriff Clark.
The burglar overlooked a platinum
sunburst, set in diamonds, valued at
$500, but ransacked the house of the
Powell Re-Elected Head
Of the Omaha Art Gild
At the annual meeting of the
Omaha Art Guild Wednesday night
the following officers were elected:
Doane Powell, president; Cordelia
Johnson, secretary; George Barker,
jr., treasurer. Board of trustees: H.
A. Raapkc, Lillian Rudersdorf, Ger
trude Young, Jennie Lichnowsky.
Guns at West Point Are
Shipped to New York Forts
West Point. N. Y., Feb. 8. All the
available six-inch siege guns at West
Point were shipped to New York to
day for use at the forts protecting
the city.
"Eotrythint baked with
Calumet is bo tempting
wholesome delicious
I want 'em all. For
things hard to bake right
it can't be equalled. Calu
met it the world's best
BakingPowder it's mod
erate in price pure in the
on tnd pure In the balds
wondenul in Karaunf and rau
lnf power the meal economical
to bor and 10 use."
Received Htsheet Award
Nu Cwi Jrw
$u Slit Im Paeae1 Cam
Events in the Future.
Mrs. Floyd Smith has issued invi
tations for a children's masquerade
party in honor of her daughter Elea
nor for Saturday afternoon.
A valentine party will he given by
the young people of Central United
Presbyterian church, Twenty-fourth
and Dodge streets. Monday evening,
at 8 o'clock. An interesting pro
gram is planned. A special invita
tion has been extended to the "lone
some ones" and to young people of
the neighborhood.
To Honor Bride. ,
Mrs. John T. Brownlee entertained
this afternoon at a bridge party in
honor of Mrs. Paul Bradley, a recent
bride. Five tables were placed for
the game and the parlors were dec
orated in yellow jonquils and freesia.
For Charming Visitors.
Mrs. William W. Farish and her
daughters, the Misses Annette and'
Florence, left this morning for St
Joseph, Mo., on their return to their
home in Montclair, N. J.
Mrs. A. L. Reed entertained in
honor of Mrs. Farish and her debu
tante daughters at the Fontenelle tea
dansantc, when the guests were Mrs.
Campbell Fair of New York, who
is the guest of Mrs. Reed for the
week; Mrs. William W. Farish, Mrs.
George Voss, Mr. and Mrs. Ward
Style and Durability in One Piano
The material and workmanship of the Haddorff Piano
make it a combination of style and durability. Haddorff
Pianos have the tone and the ability to stand the wear and
tear of time.
will furnjsh delightful, uplifting music for-the whole
family the year round. ,
Buy your piano at direct factory branch prices, saving you
the middle men's profit.
Columbia Grafonolaa, Records and Supplies
Haddorff Music House
. ' 1807 Farnam Street
"Watch Our Window"
Burgess, Mr and Mrs. Joseph Barker, i foi,owing pieccs of jeweirv: A dia.
the Misses Elizabeth Reed, Annette
and Florence Farish, Charles Allison,
Isaac Carpenter, jr.; Robert Conncll,
Herbert Connell, Earl Gannett and
Drexcl Sibbernsen.
About the Luncheon Tables.'
Miss Euerenia Whitmore asked
few close friends in for luncheon to ically looted,
mond ring, a wedding ring, an opal
ring, a garnet ring, a tigers-eye ring
and a ladies' watch. The burglar evi
dently had information that the Ty
sons would be away all evening, for
when the banker and his wife returned
at midnight they found that every
room in the house bad been systemat-
"Drink Hot
and go
to bed"
eMIIIIIMllilna f S
old-time ' prescription,
and one your doctor will
endorse today. Hot lemonade
and a warm night's sleep are valuable
precautions against grippe and colds.
To get the best effects, be sure the
'water is piping hot, and use Sunkist
lemons, one for each glassful.
Uniformly Good Lemons
When you order lemons, ask for Sunkiit,
the uniformly good California lemons.
Sunkist are waxy, tart and juicy. See that
they reach you in the clean, crisp tissue
wrappers stamped "Sunkist." They will
stay fresh much longer if
you leave them in these
wrappers until you use
them. Alwara have at
least a half doiea la the
CalhWate Pratt Graven
Ufa, ReetWa) Often.
mi IMS 8naae
I Make Macaroni for the Millions and
I am Very Particular How I Make It
My Signature
Ask For and Get
Macaroni Products
Beautiful Recipe Book. Free
On Every
Skinner Manufacturing Company, Omaha, U.S.A.
Largest Macaroni Factory in America
'Xardui is a
Splendid Tonic"
"About alx years ago," aaya Mrs. Emma McBrlde, of Boyd, Florida, "I
tot run down In health. . . I got a very bad complexion, and was dark under
my eyes. . . I kept getting worse att the time, would be so very nervous
. , . Couldn't rest well at night. . . I suffered great pains In stomach or
lower abdomen, hips, left side and back, also had a dull headache. I could
hardly do my work at all. . . and finally for three weeks I was confined to
my bed and suffered great agony all the time. . . Mrs. , of Boyd, recom
mended that I take Cardui. . . After using the third bottle I felt 1 didn't
need any more medicine whatever. . .-I never had another nervous spell
after taking the Cardui. . . It's a splendid tonic. . . I do hope women suffer
Ing as I did will use it." If you suffer as this lady did, try Cabd-u-i. For
fale by all druggists. 841