Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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fae..asna j -riai iu-ii.iuij-j-li
How to Obtain
Without Medicine
Read the Following
You don't need medicine! That indigestion
and constipation will quickly disappear if
you will try eating three small slices at
meals of the new, scientific, appetising and
wholesome food O-EAT-IT. A few days'
trial of these new, crisp, toasted sliees will
surely convince you that a cure for your
trouble has been found at last.
O-EAT-IT contains many times as much
of the coarse outer part of the (Trains as
any other fnod you have ever tried. Phy
sicians heartily recommend it in place of
medicine. O-EAT-IT is for sale by more than
100 leading grocer in Omaha and Council
Bluffs, 10c per paekajre, or by mail pre
paid on receipt of price. Remember, three
small slices with meals will prove all we
claim. O-Eat-It Co., 277 Studebaker BJdg.,
Chicago, 111.
Sure Way To Get
Rid Of Dandruff
There is one sure way that never
fails to remove dandruff completely
alid that is to dissolve it. This de
stroys it entirely. To do this, just Ret
about four ounces of plain, ordinary
liquid arvon; apply it at night when
retiring; use enough to moisten the
scalp and rub it in gently with the
finger tips.
By morning, most if not all, of
your dandruff will he gone, and three
or four more applications will com
pletely dissolve and entirely destroy
every single sign and trace of it, no
matter how much dandruff you may
You will find, too. that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop in
stantly, and your hair will he fluffy,
lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and
look and feel a hundred times better.
Yott can get liquid arvon at any
dfuff store. It is inexpensive, and four
ounces is all you will need. This sim
ple remedy has never been known to
fail. Advertisement.
Dr. Franklin Miles, the Great Specialist,
Gives New Booh and a $2.50 Neuro
pathic Treatment Free at a Trial.
Sick people whose nerves are weak or de
ranged who have weak heart, stomach,
bowels bladder, kidney or liver; blues, head
ache, dizziness or dullness; nervous dys
pepsia, irritability, cold hands and feet,
shortness of breath, palpitation or irregular
heart-beat, drowsiness, nervousness, sleep
lessness, trembling, wandering pains, back
ache", irritable spine, rheumatism, catarrh,
constipation, hysteria would do well to ac
cept Dr. Miles' liberal offer. You may never
have another opportunity. Write now.
His book contains many remarkable cures
after five to twenty physicians and spe
cialists Failed, and also endorsements from
Bishop, Clergymen, Statesmen, Editors,
Business Men, Farmers, etc.
Send for Remarluble Cure in Your State.
His improved Special Treatments for
these diseases are the result of 80 years'
experience and are thoroughly scientific and
remarkably successful, so much so that he
.Hp not hesitate to offer Free Trial Treat
ments to the sick, that they may test them
i'ree. Write at once.
Describe your case, and he will send yon
a two-pound Free Treatment and Book. Ad
dress. Dr. Franklin Miles, Dept. NS 705 to
:lr, Franklin St.. Elkhart, Ind.
Cold weather achea follow
exposure. Soothe and re
lieve them with Sloan's Lini
ment, easy to apply, it quickly
penetrates without rubbing. Cleaner
than mussy plasters or ointments,
does not stain the skin,
For rheumatic pains, neuralgia,
gout, lumbago, sprains, strains,
bruises and stiff sore muscles, have
Sloan's Liniment handy
At til druggisti, 25c. 50c. and $1.00.
Pain In Side,
Backache, '
Any Local
1 1 (pmmca higH'O-mc)
Bronchitit, Croup, Coughs, and Colds, ot
tnooey back. SoU Mid guaranteed by
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
triad raoMtr which will
f jh prompt retisf mi n
vent wor wiai spw
Absolutely, Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25cat all druggists.
Brief City News
Wedding Rings Kdholm. Jeweler.
Knee Root Print It Now Brecon Press.
Mrs. Korsythe Sues Cruelty is
alleged by Minnie Korsylhe, who is
sums Frank Forsythp, for divorce in
district court.
Goes Katrt With Buyers C. C. Bold
en of Thompson, Uelden ft Co. has
gone east with several buyers.
Ruby Stansbprry Wants Divorce
Kuoy stansberry, suing lor divorce
from Earl E. Stansberry In district
court, alleges nonsupport.
Towl Kngineering Company has
moved to top floor New Firwt National
bank building. Expert drainage and
municipal engineers. Phone Douglas
Phone Kieavatlon Begun The Ne
braska Telephone company began ex
cavation yesterday for its $750,000
building at Nineteenth and Douglas
Sons of IVeb-rans Meet General
Charles K. Alanilerson CamO NO. 1
Sons of Veterans, will hold Its regular
meeting In Memorial hall, court house,
this evening.
Opens New Store Saturday H enry
F. Ketser, the book man, ha leaned
one of the Sixteenth street stores In
the Loyal hotel and will open for busi
ness Saturday morning.
Sapphire Ring. Missing A lady's
gold ring containing a sappnire spi
ting surrounded by eighteen small dia
monds was stolen from the apartment
of Mrs. J. S. Clow, 801 Hamilton
Settles His Claim Nick Naraara, a
section hand on the Missouri Pacific
railroad, settled his $10,000 damage
suit against the road for MSB. The
case was to have gone to trial Friday
in federal court.
Increases Capital Stock The J. J.
Hanighen company, plumbing; and
heating contractors, has Increased Its
capital stock to $260,000, according to
amended articles of incorporation filed
with the county clerk.
Mils Injured In Fall 8an AJlhi,
1526 Georgia avenue; employed at the
Union Pacific, Buffeted bad bruises by
a fall from a street car Wednesday.
He was given attention by police sur
geons and taken to his home.
Three Divorced Granted The fol
lowing decrees have been granted in
divorce court: Alice Oleen from John
Gleen; Olive fi. Wright from Grover
Cleveland Wright; Jessie Walsh Ma
zotes from George E. Masotes.
Mud on Sidewalks Kathryn
O'Grady of 1120 Frederick street has
advised the city commissioners in
writing that Frederick street, east of
Thirteenth street, needs attention. One
undesirable feature Is said to be half
a foot of mud on the sidewalks.
Fireman Sprains Arm Twenty-four
hours after the blaze Captain Joe Gal
ligan of hose company No. 5 discov
ered that he had suffered a sprained
arm while fighting the flames at the
Willow Springs brewery Are Tuesday.
He was relieved by police surgeons.
Vice President H. Schroedor of the
Willow Springs brewery says he de
sires to correct an impression given
out through reports of the Are in the
brewery Tuesday. The company will
fill all orders promptly, he says,
though for a time the organisation
will be badly crippled.
Complains of Pool Hall A. W. Mill
er, probation officer, has filed a com
plaint against the Nygard pool hall.
Twenty-fourth and Lake streets, alleg
ing this hall permits minors to play.
Leslie Dunkle, 16, 1418 North Eight
eenth street, is the minor Miller de
clares was permitted to play.
Two Autos Missing Thomas Cra.
van. Herman. Neb., after touring to
Omaha In his automobile, left the
machine standing in front of the
Drexel hotel. When he returned he
found the car gone. B. Pred, 3023
California street, reported the loss of
his automobile to the police, who re
covered It a few hours later.
Bishop Coming for Funeral Bishop
McGovern of Wyoming, formerly of
Omaha, is expected to arrive
Omaha Saturday morning for the
funeral of his brother-in-law, William
B. Owens, which will take place from
the family residence, 1186 South Thirty-sixth
street, Saturday at 8:30 a. m.,
going to St. Peter1!! church. Inter
ment Will be In St Mary's cemetery.
Fine Fireplace Goods Sunderland.
No Immediate Prospect of
Cheaper Paper, He Reports
New York, Feb. 8. There is no im
mediate prospect of cheaper paper, ac
cording to reports made today to the
National Paper Trade association and
the American Pulp and Paper associa
tion, which are holding annual con
ventions here.
"The snow is hampering cutting in
the pulp districts of Canada," said
Frank L. Moore of Watertown, N. Y.,
vice president of the Pulp and Paper
association. "Where wood is out,
there are not enough cars to haul it
out and there is a great shortage of
motive power on Canadian railroads.
Everything that enters into paper has
gone up."
College Intelligence Bureau
Great, Say Baker and Daniels
Philadelphia, Feb. 8. The plan an
nounced yesterday by William Mc
Clcllant dean of the Wharton school
of the university of Pennsylvania for
the organization of an intercollegiate
intelligence bureau to put at the dis
posal of tile government trained hu
man resources of the American col
lege world, today received the official
indorsement of Secretaries Daniels
and Baker of the Navy and War de
partments, according to Dean McQel
lan, who returned tonight from Wash
ington, where he conferred with both
Austria Waits for Wilson
To Take the Decisive Step
Veinna, Feb. 6 (Via London, Feb.
8. Government circles today were
calmly awaiting new developments
with regard to the submarine contro
versy with Germany and Austria. A
high official said to The Associated
Press that all the moves were in the
hands of President Wilson; fhat the
Austro-Hungarian government was
not seeking complications and would
do nothing which would enable the
president to go before the American
people with the claim that he had
been driven to radical action.
Would Give U. S. Power
To Commandeer Shipping
Washington, Feb. 8, Sweeping
provisions for commandeering vessels
and other shipping facilities in case of
war or threatened war are contained
in a bill introduced in both senate and
house today and backed by a request
from the administration that it be
roairhs and Colds Are Dangenmi.
Internal throat and rhest troubles produce
inflammation. To reduce inflammation,
loosen codgh, destror cold germs, use Dr.
jKinC" New Discover?. All druggist,. AdT.
Founders of College in Omaha
Lauded by Speakers at
Omaha honored the memory of the
founders of Creighton university and
the Creighton Colleges of Law, Medi
cine, Dentistry and Pharmacy Wed
nesday evening with a Founders' day
banquet at the Fontcnelle hotel.
The 150 guests included members of
the various faculties, priests, alumni,
business and professional men of the
city. At the speakers' table were
Archbishop Harty, speaker of the eve
ning; Paul L. Martin, dean of the law
school and toastmaster; Father Mc
Menamy, president of the university;
John D. Creighton and Mayor Dahl
man. Governor Neville had expected
to be present, but was kept away.
Toastmaster Martin's introductory
speech was full of history of the uni
versity. He spoke of the death of
Count Creighton, jast ten years ago,
and that of Father Bowling, two years
Free School for Boys.
"And forty-one years ago." he said,
"Mrs. Mary Creighton died, just a
year and two months after the death
of her husband. Edward, whose desire
to establish a free school for boys she
carried out."
He called attention to the fact that
Father Kigge, who was at the banquet,
has been a member of the Creighton
university faculty ever since the
school was opened, September 2, 1878.
He showed the growth of the uni
versity from that day, wher the high
est branch taught was only as high
as the sixth reader today, to the pres
ent when all the Creightor colleges
are listed with the best schools In the
"The number of students ten years
ago was i80," he said. "Today the
number is 1,269, nearly double. There
has been a corresponding increase in
buildings and equipment. Not the
least of the benefits of the Creighton
university and colleges to Omaha is
to be found in the money spent here
by students, which is upward of $500,
000 a year."
Archbishop on Opportunity.
Archbishop Hartyj pointed out the
great opportunity for good that
Creighton university and colleges
"This splendid banquet marks an
epoch in the history of Creighton,"
said the archbishop. "An epoch that
shall have even a deeper interest for
even a greater Creighton.
"Creighton stands for the same
high ideals as the old universities.
They turned out men of solid learn
ing and with something that is even
more valuable, namely, a profound
and habitual love of study. Their cul
ture rested upon a secure foundation.
The classics were household words to
them. They thought deeply and
coald write things worth reading.
"Creighton seeks to elevate the
family and the city, to replace weak
ness with strength, ignorance with
wisdom. I am glad to know that
Creighton seeks to make its students
practical besides giving them the
"It also adds the beacon of faith to
that of conscience, which is often
dimmed by passion and ignorance."
The programs were beautiful, being
done in the Creighton colors and
containing full page pictures of Ed
ward Creighton and Count John A.
Burgess-Nash Gohpawy
Continuing for Friday
Our Annual February
Sale of Furniture
With Saving Advantages
of 10 to 50 Per Cent
This Overstuffed Davenport, $59.50
Davenports, as illustrated, upholstered with best
quality tapestry, in a variety of patterns and colors;
spring cushion seat, specially priced in the sale $59.50.
Other davenports in the sale at $25.00 to $125.00.
This Upholstered Rocker,
Rockers, as illustrated, up
holstered with best quality
leather or tapestry; big, roomy
and comfortable rockers, spe
cially priced in this sale, $26.95
Other rockers and chairs In
the sale, at $19.95 to $140.00.
Other library tables in the
Retailers to Give
Closing Concert on
Monday Evening
The truth of "last hut not least"
will be proven by the appearance of
the Mendelssohn choir and the Min
neapolis Symphony orchestra in joint
concert at the Auditorium Monday
evening, February 1, as the fifth and
last number of the Associated Retail
ers Concert course.
The musical merits of the Mendels
sohn choir are well known to Oma
hans, as it was organized by and has
been under the direction of Thomas
J. Kelly for some nine or ten years
past. Emit Oherhoffer, conductor of
the famous Minneapolis Symphony
orchestra, is well known to Omaha,
both for his own personality and for
the splendid results of the orchestra
under his directorship. Those who
have heard this orchestra are looking
forward to the joint concert with
keen anticipation, and those who have
not heard the orchestra are promised
a rare musical treat. . Reserved seat
tickets may now be secured at the
information bureau at the llurgcss
Nash store.
Nebraskan Ties for Place
As Third High Amateur
Kansas City, Mo Feb. 7. -Philip
R. Miller of Kansas City, with a score
of 123 out of a possible 125 targets
was high gun today at the second
day's sport in the thirteenth annual
interstate shoot
Charles Cooper of Hutchinson,
Kan., was hiah amateur with 121
breaks out of a possible 125. Harvey
Dickson of Oronogo, Mo was second
with 12U and Robert Elliot of Kan
sas City and Al Koyen of Fremont,
Neb., tied for third place with 119
hits each.
To Keep Away Teeth
Stains and Tartar
Why Is It that so many persons, no mat
ter hvw rejrularly that an the tooth brlieh,
hate uturtirhtly stain ahd tartar on their
teeth ? The stains are discolored films which
the usual paste, powder and liquid dentrl-
frlces ere powerless to remove. And these
areas films, besides being so offensive to
tha eye. are a source of real denser. Be
neath them senna find a fruitful breed
ing else germs which ara the principal
cause of tooth deoar. auiamani and soften
ing of the sums, besides prmUssiiig diges
tive and Intestinal disturbances.
Thoa who roans the seiKmeia f this
condition will be glad to Know that ibey
pan ntilts easily remove, ever stain or dis
coloration and prevent the formation Of
more rums (or "piaeques, - as nenusi can
them), as well aa tartar, by etmplr using
avaiol resularty In place of dentifrices.
There's nothing; also that will an thoroughly
,.inen the teeth, hanlsh avarr uerlv tint, and
sire that eparkltng pearly whiteness so
much admired. Avatot, which any druggist
enn supply In convenient M-eent tubes, Is
perreciiy nannies u lue uroin. m,.
This Library Table for
Library tables, as illus
trated, in William and Mary
design, constructed of solid
mahogany; specially priced
in the February sale, Fri
day, at $20.50.
sale, at $6.85 to $110.00.
f fc ur.da , ', F.S. 8, 1 917."
Again Friday in the
A great outpouring of values of the most unusual sort merchandise that you
want and need right now offered at wonderful price reductions. Yes! To be sure,
they're odds and ends, broken lines and discontinued numbers, some lots too small to
advertise, but in every Instance the saving possibilities are most important. These as
guide posts to real economy.
Six Extraordinary Values in Women's,
Girl's, Boy's and Infant's Shoes Friday.
CEVERAL hundreds of oairs transferred from the second floor, including women's
O shoes, together with
pendable shoes and infant's and child's shoes. This idea:
Women's Shoes
Patent colt and gunmetal,
Boys' Shoes
Sample pairs,
Women's Drawers, 19c
Women's drawers, made of
Rood quality muslin, cut full,
hemstitched ruffle, spe- 1Q
cially priced, Triday, at.
Buifsss-Nash Co.
Child's Dresses, 39c
Children's wash dresses and
middies, made of fine ginghams
and percales. Middies made of
good materials, collar and cuffs
of fancy colors. Price OQ-
range, 79e to '
Bunrsss-Naao C. Down Stairs Stprs
Silk Remnants, 59c
Including' satins, menafines,
fancy foulards, crepes and an
assortment of other fafored
weaves, all in desirable CQ
lengths, at, yard
Buriess-Naah Ca Down Stafa-s Star.
Soaps! Soaps!
F.W naphtha, 10 emkas, 40c
Whits Horn Naphtha, leaas3Sc
Small Ivory, 6 eaaaa, 33c.
Diamond "C" Soap, 9 aaass, SSc
Light Holtaa cleans, S eans, 10c
Old Dutch cleanser, can, Be
Burgcss-Nash Co. Poirn Stairs Star.
Cedar Oil, 15c
The well known cedar oil for
polishing hardwood floors,
pianos, etc., specially priced,
Friday, at pint 1 C
cans J'1'
Burt ess-Hash Cov Down Stah-a Store
Dress Ginghams, 13c
A good selection of dress
ginghams, 32 inches wide, spe
cially priced, Friday, 191
at yard 1 J2
Baricst-Nash, Co. Down Stairs Store
Corsets, Friday, 97c
An assortment of models for
every figure, made of coutil,
three pairs of hose supporters,
corset has elastic inserts; sizes
19 to 30, Friday, 0
Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store
Men's Suits, $4.95
Men's suits, Well made of
cheviots, worsteds and cassi
meres; sizes for young men, IS
to 20, and for men, 34 M QC
to 44, sale pr., Friday, Ptef t
Boiweea-Naah Co. Down Stah-a Star.
Jewelry at 5c
Including hair pins, back
combs, barrettes, leather and
metal fobs, soft-collaf pins,
brooches, bar pins, emblem but
tons, jet and ivory crosses, cuff
pins, etc.; unusual values C
in every instance; choice. .
Bntas-Naah Co. Down Stairs Store
Men's Union Suits, 98c
Any man's union suit, either
wool, cotton or fleeced lined, In
our Down Stairs Store section;
this means a surprising QQ
reduction, at fOW
Bnrgesa-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store
Men's Shirts, 44c
"Odds" ahd "ends" of Shirts,
accumulated, In one big lot at
an enormous cut in price, even
below what any shirt, no matter
how inferior the quality might
be, can be bought at AA
wholesale; sale price. . . .
Bargcas-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store
Flannel Shirts, 98c
Any man's flannel shirt in
our entire Down Stairs Store;
all sizes; blue, gray and, in fact,
all good colors; remember QQ
your unrestricted choice aOC
Bnrgaas-Naah Co. Down Stairs Store
Men's Hose, 5c.
Big lot of men's cotton hose,
in black, and some colors; good
quality, strictly fast, all sizes;
very specially priced In the sale
In the Down Stairs Store, fi
at, pair JC
Burgcss-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store
store news for Friday"
sample pairs of boy's dress and
Women's Shoes
Patent and gunmetal,
Boys' Shoes
High storm cut
a Bttrtai-NMh Co. Down SUrrt Stort .
Underwear, 59c to 98c
One lot of fine underwear for
women, including fine muslin
gowns, petticoats, combinations,
corset covers and draw- Op
era; choice, S9 to JvOl.
Burgess-Noah Co. Down Stairs Star
Children's Garments
Odd garments for children,
including rompers, sleepers,
muslin undergarments, boottees,
caps, etc. Price range, QQ -
i5c to yoc
Burgess-Mash Co. Down 5 fat ire Store
Fancy Poplins, 24c
An assortment of fancy pop-
Hna, in neat floral designs, also
plain lining taffeta, specially
priced, Friday, at nLc
yard rt
Bnrgeaa-Wash Co. Down Stalra Store
Berlin Kettles, 25c
Blue enameled Berlin ket
tles, white enamel lined and en
amel cover, very special- Otra
ly priced, at pC
BargeeS'Nash Ce. Down Stairs Store
, Bate's Crepes, 14c
Bates' seersucker crepes, In
plain colors and stripe effects;
very desirable for children's
rompers Friday, at, 14
yard ,,
Bprgets-Nash Co. Down Stah-l Stat.
"Supreme" Mops, 35c
Triangle shape oil mops, "Su
preme" brand, all ready oiled
for use. A splendid OC-
value, Friday, at OOQ
Bargees -Naeh Co. Omm Stalrg Stow
Children's Coats, $1.00
Children's coats, made of cor
duroy and velveteen, in slses 8
to 16 years; special, ffl A A
Friday, at iplaUU
Borieae-Naah Ca. Down Stair Stetw
Men's Pants, $2.95
An assortment of cassimere
and worsted pants, good neat
stripe effects; all size waist
measures, 31i to 44; ffO AC
specially priced, at. . . JsWaJ
Buriss-Naah Co. Dawn Stair Star
Jewelry at 10c
Gold plated bracelets, vanity
cases, mesh purses, stone-set
barrettes and combs, cigarette
cases and many other special
values in jewelry, specially
featured in this Bale, 10
choice, at 1UC
Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stair Store
Men's Overcoats, $4-95
Men's ulsters, in black and
gray; well made and very de
sirable in every way; all sizes,
34 to 40; very spe- P4 QC
cial, at tPsJ
Burgeas-Naah Co. Down Staira Store
The Well Known "Standard"
Rotary Sewing Machine $37.50
THE "Standard" Rotary is considered by the house
wives who use it, as well as the manufacturers, the
World's best sewing machine. By buying the "Stand
ard" Rotary with the combination lock and chain stitch
improvement, you get practically two machines for the
price of one. .
Three Specials for Friday
Paragon Howe Wizard
at at at
$2475 $19.75 $16.50
BargeMa-Nish Co.
Phono Douglas 137.
school shoes; also girl's de
Girl's Shoes
Patent colt, dull calf
Infant's Shoes
Patent and vici kid
Knit Hoods, 9c
An assortment of women's
and children's knit caps and
hoods, all colon and combina
tions of colors; special,
Burgeas-Naah Co. -Down Stairs Store
Men's Underwear, 29c
Men's 2 -piece fleeced under
wear, heavy weight, soiled,
mostly shirts, very spe- OQ-
rial, at, each. si.7C
Borgass-Nash Ca. D.auu Stairs Stars
Dress Goods, 69c
Dress goods remnants, includ
ing coatings, serges, granite
cloth, batiste and an assortment
of other desirable wool CO
dress goods, yard yiC
Burgeas-Naah Co. Down Stairs Store
Egg Boilers, 19c
Egg boiler and timer com
bined. A convenience that every
well regulated kitchen 1 Q
should have; Friday. . laC
BurgBSS-Naah Co. Down Stairs Stare
Irish Poplin, 19c
Irish poplin, short lengths up
to 10 yards to the piece, full 27
inches wide, wide color range,
specially priced, at, JQg
Burgsss-Nash Co, Down Stairs Store
Women's Corsets, 77c
Made of heavy coutil, long
Bkirt and medium bust, in pink
and white; sizes 19 to 28, 11c
specially priced, at. .-...' C
Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stain Store
Women's Coats, $2.95
A elearaway of Odds and
lends of women's coats, includ
ing mixtures, etc., lim- flJO AC
ited number; Friday v
Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Star
Jewelry at 19c
Gold-filled cuff links, scarf
pins, crosses, fobs, brooches, bar
pina, belt pins, arts and crafts
pins and imported pins. All ex
traordinary at the sale 1 Q,
Brice, of IIFC
urgcss-Nash Co Down Stair Star
Men's Underwear, 45c
Men's 2-piece cotton ribbed
underwear, heavy weight and
lighter garments; extra well
made; not all sizes, but if wo
have yours it will be a saving
of one-half; price, its
each i TJC
Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stair Store.
Edges, Insertions, 3c
Dainty embroidery edges and
insertions. Hi to 4 inches wide)
variety of designs and patterns
to choose from; specially feat
ured in the sale, at,
yard C
Burgea-Nh Co. Down Stah- Slot
fcwn Stairs Star