Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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Believe Work Could Be Done
More Thoroughly by the
The creation of certain districts in
the city where sprinkling of streets
shall be done by the city, is desired
by the Associated Retailers of Omaha.
This is one of the movements started
by that organization at its meeting at
the Commercial clnb rooms yesterday.
The resolution adopted pledged the
retailers to refuse this year to enter
into any contract with any private
concern for the sprinkling of down
town streets, believing that this work
should be done more thoroughly and
should be done by the city through
the creation of certain districts, where
the sprinkling should be done by the
municipality. This, they believe,
would do away with the numerous
spots along the thoroughfares that go
through the summer without sprink
ling. The retailers provided for a com
mittee to investigate and report back
to the next meeting the progress
being made by the Commercial club
in the movement for obtaining a new
Union depot for Omaha. The Asso
ciated Retailers were among the
pioneers in demanding a new Union
depot, and they now insist that the
matter be taken up again. The motion
was made by W. S. Stryker.
Oppose Wheel Tax.
They opposed the proposed wheel
tax ordinance, declaring in resolution
that the people are already suffering
from the high cost of living brought
about largely by the high cost of
doing business, which this tax would
tend to increase. T. P. Redmond and
W. S. Stryker were appointed by the
president to represent the retailers at
a special meeting in the city hall to
protest the proposed . wheel tax
W. H. Schmoller, Robert Rosenz
weig and R. C. Goddard were ap
pointed members of a legislative com
mittee. It was decided to hold another
special meeting of the association
Tuesday noon, February 20.
Secretary Metcalfe made t report
on the work sf a special committee
which went to Lincoln to appear
against the minimum wage bill and
other meai ires introduced in the
legislature. Mr. Sanderson of the
Rudge & Gunzel company of Lincoln,
being in Omaha attending the Hard
ware men's convention, was present
at the meeting of the Associated Re
tailers as a guest. He said hit asso
ciation together with the Manufac
turers association at Lincoln was do
ing everything to protect the business
interests in matters coming before the
war Surgery to
Be Special Study
At Nebraska Uni
udenls of the University of Ne
a College of Medicine will here
. ler be required to 'take a special
ourse in military medical work, ac
cording to Or. Cutter, dean of the
college. The move is national among,
all medical colleges and - was dis
cussed by the Chicago meeting called
a few days ago by the American As
sociation of Medical Colleges. Dr.
Cutter represented the University of
Nebraska at the meeting.
A resolution adopted at the meeting.
Dr. Cutter said, asked the War de
partment to admit into the medical
reserve corps without examination all
students who graduated from colleges
where special medical military courses
under the supervision of the govern
ment were being taught
For the last two months seniors of
the University of Nebraska College
of Medicine '.ave been taking a spe
cial military' medical course under Dr.
Banister, a retired officer of the medi
cal reserve, with the rank of a col
onel. The new course will be required
of all the students.
Another Live Stock .
Record Broken on
The Omaha Market
For the third time this week the re
ceipt of hogs at the Omaha stock
yards broke all previous records. The
receipts Thursday were about 35,000
hogs. Wednesday the final total was
34,144 after all the late arrivals had
reached the yards. Some ides of the
money this means to the Nebraska
farmers may be gleaned when it is
stated that one packer, Armour &
Co, paid out over 400.000 for .five
stock Wednesday at the Omaha yards.
This is all cash and is immediately
available for the fanner as soon as
his stock is weighed.
Submarines Sink Price of
' Wheat and Corn Here
The German U-boat campaign had
a bearish effect on the Omaha grain
market and prices here, .as well as
elsewhere, went off. Wheat sold off
3 to 4 cents, fetching $1.69 to $172 a
bushel, with fifty -one carloads on the
Corn was down ti to t cents a
, bushel, selling at 95 to 95W cents a
bushel. Receipts . were forty-two
Oats lost Vi to J4 cents and sold
at 52 to 5434 cents a bushel There
were cine carloads of received.
Dundee Social Center
Will Entertain Tonight
Dundee young people will give the
program at the Dundee school social
center tonight Miss Adelaide Fogg
will read "The Little Rebel;" Miss
Mildred Rogers will sing: piano selec
tions will be played by bleanor Lear
and Helen Taylor, while violin solos
will be given by Richard Munchhoff.
Ulga titner and Miss tmuy Lear..
Jury Finds Clark and . r
Parker Guilty of Robbery
"Gnilty" was the verdict which a
jury in Judge bearr court returned
against Steve. Clark and- Homer
Parker, who were arraigned on the
charge of highway , "robbery. ' They
NEW MUNICIPAL BOYS' BAND Back row: Left to right, Darwin Paul, Thomas Burdin, Clyde Michel., Clare Goodsell,
Lyle King, DeLoss Thompson, Marion Howell, Edward Ebbesen, Gerlacu Bouricius, director; William Cusick, Carl Mattox,
Robert Winter, Edward Kerrigan, Paul Gilbert, Donald Myers. Middle row: Richard Grotte, city purchasing agent; Virgil
Smith, Dean Hall, Paul Akeson, Walter Smith, August Burdin, Ralph Reynolds, Walter Hirsch, Rodney Eckman, Howard
Mitchell, J. B. Hummel, city commissioner. Front row: Leonard Kelly, Eugene Sorenson, Kinsley Keebler, Carlton Endres,
Carl Martin, Donald Othner, Melvin Lowrey, Alex Ebbesen.
r ft v a ' V A -vv J .
This picture shows thirty-one
Omaha boys who play in the band.
It is the Boys' Municipal band. The
man standing in the right side of the
picture is City Commissioner Hum
mel, who is daddy ot the band, ine
Congressman Stephens Gives
Some Advice to Nebraska
Legislature on Action.
(From ai Staff Correipon1nt.)
Washington, Feb. 8. (Special.)
The resolution of the legislature of
Nebraska, commending certain mem
bers of congress from the prairie
state in their refusal to circulate gar
den seeds, is still the subject of ani
mated discussion among the members
from Nebraska. Congressman Steph
ens sends this letter to George G:
Wane ot the house at Lincoln, which
is self-explanatory:
I mm In ractlpt of your kind favor of
JimitfT It Inclosing rototutlon pamad
by th honm of rmrntauve of tbe itate
of Nebraska, rtwommflndlDi th rilarontlnu-
of th dtaliibutlon of free urditn
da. I ttalnK that th contention not forth
In tho rtwoluUon, that the dint ri but ton of
thoaa a! u now practiced li not entirely
juatilUbla, la oorrooL I took thta position
MTeral yuara aro whtm I flint cum to
conTfwa and voted acatnat the appropriation
ror una purpose and nava continued to do
ever ilnea. Howftvar, I vrlah to remind
ran that thla ao-called garden aaed graft
not very mucn or a Kraft after all. aa
will be apparent to you when I call your at
tentlon to the fart that the appropriation for
the parahaae of aeeda laat year, according to
the report of the tecretary of agriculture
tnat I now hold in my hand and which t
Incloae herewith, amounts to but $l!0,m.o.
Of thla sum fl.041.60 was spent tn the pur
chase of seed from Nebraska producers. Of
oeume, there were certain overhead costs
tor distribution of the seed that must be
added to hla, but even when that aura Is
added to thla, hot even when that sura Is
when considered from the national stand
point. Now. aa a Justification for the dletrthn.
tlon of these seeds, thoaa who believe In
the practice submit the fact that we have
the widest distribution throughout the
country of the highest order of vegetables
prodnced by any people In the world. Many
of these varieties, such as asparagus, to
matoes, radishes, etc, would not to thla
day he tn common use were It not for the
wtde distribution of aeeda throua-h ran.
greMsional action. In fact, this practice,
morn abused aa It la. has contributed enor
mously to the better feeding of the American
people. I offer you these suggeattons as a
defease sf my col leagues who continue to
support this seed distribution, with the Idea
uut, nernapa. arter all has been said and
done the practice may not be wholly wrong,
and may be. In fact, justified, although I
have continued to vote against It. Once or
twice slnoe I have been tn consresa we suf.
oeeded In defeating It In -the house,-but
me senate put the provision back In the
MIL At best It Is a matter of very little
consequence financially and may be of
great Importance to the country if the De
partment of Agriculture chooses to make It
oy constantly striving to furnish het(r
varieties of seeds.
I was very glad. Indeed, to get your letter
and the resolution exonwrnin the vi f
the house of representatives, which I greatly
reeiiwni, vn inn suaeai, Decauee tt gives
me an opportunity to remind you and your
eo I lea guns In the house that there la a very
great and pressing need for the legislature
of Nebraeka to give Ita specific attention to
the packing Induatrlea of that state, The
packers of the United H tat as have gone Into
the quasi common carrier boa Incus of tak
ing possession of all of the stock yards
whars all the meat supply of the country
la assembled, and as a result they have
placed a handicap upon anyone who might
want to go Into the business of packing
meats. Ths legislature of Nebraska could
not render a greater service to the meat
producers of the state than by compelling
the packing eompanlea to surrender every
dotlar'a worth of Interest and control they
nave in ana over ine atocg yards. I con
sider thla one of the very first atepa that
most be taken tn the struggle that the peo
ple must make in breaking the strangle
hold of the packers upon the meat pro
ducers. Thla Is not a new subject to tho
legtslatWo of Nebraska, It has been dem
onstrated beyond any question of doubt
that the four or five great packers control
absetutnly the fat cattle stock market of
tne united states, and they are reaching
out to control the market of the world.
Competition among them la unnatural and
not to bo expected. I have little hope tn
oar ever being able to prove what la a well
known fact to everyone who knows any
thing about the subject, that these packers
act aa a unit and pay whatever price they
aee fit to pay for the meat animals of the
country. They have gained thla tremendous
advantage in many way a. Chief among
them la the ownership of the stock yards
at all of tho big cattle markets. This sub
ject Is well worth the attention of the
legislature tn view of the faot that the
present per capita supply of meat In thla
country Is only about slity-flve per cent of
what it was in 1999. Men win not produce
meat when they know the laws of supply
and demand are held In abeyance by the
Backers who absolutely control the market
A free market where1 capital would have
an opportunity to set up business at the
stock yards In oompetftlon with ths present
packers without a handicap would greatly
help. At tho present time suck oompeUUoa
Is Impossible.
Tbe Deckers are only doing what any
normal man will always do, and they do It
so effectively as to attract the admiration
of thoee who admire efficiency In business,
but their continued control of the meat pro
ducing Industry of the country la a disgrace
to the lntelltgenoo of the people. When the
people neglect to lane care or tneir own
business tbor haven't 'anybody else but
themselves to blame tor the loss ot their
tall, young man is Gerlacus Bouri
cius, the leader. The large, middle
aged man on the left side is Dick
Grotte, city purchasing agent. The
boys prsctice on Tuesday and Thurs
day evenings in the Monmouth Park
school. Tbe band is an outgrowth of
Wisconsin Man Says Space in
Local Press is Best Buy
in the World.
"There is nothing in the world that
is so good a bay as advertising space
in the newspapers, if your advertis
ing copy is well prepared,'' said H.
R. Isherwood of Sawyer, Wis., in
talking before the convention of the
Nebraska Lumbermen's association
at the Hotel Rome Thursday after
Mr. Isherwood was scheduled to
talk on "Getting the Money." Adver
tising freely in the local papers was
one of the principal points he gave
as a means to "get the money."
C E. Walrath of Omaha, talking
on Things You Should Know and
Remember," declared the lumber
dealer should have 15 per cent net on
his investment "Any fair minded
business man will concede that," he
said. He argued that every yard
should keep books in such shape as
to know at the end of the year which
particular line ot stock had produced
a given part of his profit. "Many of
the dealers." he said, "simply know
at the end of the year that their profit
is so-or-so much, but have no idea
what particular line of stock produced
the profit, or what line of the stock
may have lost money. (
Round Table Discussion,
W. B. Garkson of Owatonna.
Minn., spoke on "Modern Methods of
Barn Ventilation." A round table dis
cussion on the advantage of quoting
prices, and on what percentage of the
yearly business should the average
book account represent, was held be
fore the afternoon adjournment.
The visiting lumbermen and ladies
were entertained at the Commercial
club rooms in the evening. The Hoo
Hoos held their concatenation at the
Hotel Rome at 5 o'clock, and held a
banquet of their own there. The Hoo
Hoos hurried to the Commercial club
rooms after their banquet, where they
found the rest ot the lumber delegates
assembled to enjoy the hospitality of
the Omaha lumber jobbers who had
prepared an entertainment for them.
Orchestra music and other entertain
ment features were enjoyed. The
lumbermen are to close their conven
tion today.
Melting Pot Still Boils .
Merrily at Court House
Unnaturalized aliens who were bom
under the flags of the rulers of the
central powers continue to flock into
the office of the clerk of the district
court to enroll under Uncle Sam's
citizenship rule. Nine Germans took
out their first papers early Thursday
morning and five subjects of other
central powers declared their inten
tions of becoming American citizens
by taking out their first papers.
Sale embraces many of tbe most elegant pieces found
on oar floors. Among; suites and parts of suites for erery ,
. . room of your home, besides hundreds of sharp reductions
in more staple grades all over the store. We have arranged
spaces In our large storage rooms for holding and caring '
for your purchases where you are not ready for immediate
delrrery. In fact we remove every hindrance that will bet
ter enable you to get the advantages this ,
brings to you for economical buying and money saving.
the social center feature of the Board
of Recreation. The city council ap
proved a recommendation of Com
missioner Hummel that $390 be ex
pended out of the recreation fund to
buy instruments for this band.
Sometime next summer Mr. Hum
Leaders of National Associa
tion Meeting Here with the
State Organizaion.
Nebraska cleaners and dyers are
not here in convention assembled to
"dry clean Omaha," but to talk shop
and have a social time in connection
with their serious deliberations. "Ne
braska Cleaners' and Dyers' associa
tion" is the name of the organization
There are eighty-nine members on
the list at present and the officers
are: Leo Soukup, president; Fred
Stewart, vice president; Guy Liggett,
treasurer; F. C Wilmoth, secretary;
C D. Jensen, sergeant-at-arms.
The annual convention was called
to order at the Henshaw hotel Dr.
H. E. Mechling of Louisville, Ky,
and John L. Corley of St Louis, pres
ident and secretary, respectively, of
the National Association of Dyers and
Cleaners, were in attendance.
Business Grows Fast.
"Our business has been growing
so fast that few people outside of the
industry realize the importance of the
business," stated President Mechling
of the national association. "1 am on
a tour of six weeks in the interest of
improved plant construction and ven
tilation. We have 700 plant owners
in the national association, and a year
ago last September we started a mu
tual insurance feature within our own
membership. This insurance covers
the plants and articles left by patrons.
We are giving the benefit of the best
experience in fireproof construction
and reduced hazards to life and prop
erty." The convention now m session will
be asked to endorse an annual day
for the cleansing of alt school chil
dren's clothing as a matter of disease
prevention. The day will be fixed in
early February and the national con
"W haT paid attach attention to
dwalineM, Mnttatkm, terili&ation
wtd byriitf swtboda tn oar office
and tit conduct of oar pnetiett.
Hstvtest Bridn
Work, per tooth,
Boot SDvor FU-
W4r rlntM Em 2TV
vortk $15 total. Crawm-
$5, $8, $10 1 $4.00
W pkaoo ymm or refund poor l
Mth and Foraam 1S24 FarMm St.
Pkooo Dowlas 2872.
mel hopes to be able to invite the
public out to one of the parks and
hear the Boys' Municipal band. The
youngsters are practicing with earn
estness. They reside in the Mon
mouth Park and Miller Park school
vention next July will be asked to
pass upon the idea. Dr. Mechling
stated that statistics show that con
tagious diseases among school chil
dren are more prevalent during the
first months of the year.
On Friday afternoon the delegates
will visit local cleaning plants, and in
the evening will attend a stag banquet
at the Henshaw.
The largest cleaning and dyeing
establishment in this country is at
Cumberland, Md., on an island, where
1,000 workers are employed. This
firm maintains fifty stores in eastern
Extra Union Pacific Dividend.
New York, Feb. 8. The Union Pa
cific railroad today declared an extra
dividend of one-half of one per cent
on the common stock in addition to
the regular quarterly dividend of two
per cent
Hairs Quickly Vanish
After This Treatment
(nlM to Bar)
Science has aided in simplifying the
banishing of hairy growth from the
face, and, according to a beauty
specialist, the most effective treat
ment yet devised consists of apply
ing a delatone paste to the hairy sur
face for 2 or 3 minntes. The paste is
made by mixing some water with a
little powdered delatone. When this
paste is removed and the skin washed
every trace of hair has vanished. Be
sure to get real delatone. Adv.
Have You Any Foot
Troubles ?
CRAMPED TOES, lame mus
cles, sore joints, swollen ankles,
rubbed heels.
All these are caused by ill-fitting
shoes. Let us help you.
We have shoes made over so
many different lasts, every width
and style. They fit hee,I, ball,
ankle, toe and arch.
"Put Your Foot in Stryker's
Hands for Foot Comfort and Ser
vice." Douglas Shoe Store
117 N. 16th St.
Opposite Postof fice.
Learn how to make HOME - MADE BREAD economically " The Gas
Way " by attending our Special Demonstration to be held at our office.
You can take a sample loaf home.
This Demonstration will take place
Saturday a. m. (only) February ioth
Our experienced demonstrators will be glad to give
any information you desire, or if you wish they will
to call at your home and instruct you.
Milwaukee Road to
Display Flags On
All of Its Trams
Just to instill patriotism into its
patrons and employes, the Milwaukee
I Railroad company is going to display
I Old Glory at about every conceiv
I able point along the lines of its sys
i tern. Word conies to the local offices
j that the company has purchased hun-
dreds of thousands of small American
i flags and that they will be used for
! decorations in every passenger car on
j the lines.
In addition to decorating the inte
rior of the cars with flags, the com
pany will send them to all their sta
tions and offices. Besides the flags,
red, white and blue lapel buttons will
he distributed from, all offices to
parties who desire. And in connection
with this distribution, millions of cop
ies of "America" and "The Star
Spangled Banner" have been ordered
printed and these will be given out
over the counters of the offices.
Masonic Times Latest On
List of Omaha Publications
The Masonic Times, the latest of
Omaha publications to enter the field,
made its appearance during the week.
It is devoted to" the interests of the
fraternity in general, but the affairs
of Nebraska Masons in particular,
and is controlled by a publication
board made u? o' members of Omaha
lodges. All the Masonic bodies have
representation on this board. The
first numbir is well gotten up, and is
filled with matter of interest to the
Son of rienrich Dreesen
Wants Share of Property
A suit asking for a partition of the
Property left by the late Heinrich
Ireesen of Florence has been filed
in district court. Fred W. Dreesen,
a son and heir-at-law, the petitioner,
claims a one-fourth interest in the
real estate. Claus H. Dreesen. Hen
rietta Bernicker and Lenora Jacobs
are the other heirs. Fred W. Dreesen
claims that no other persons have
property rights in the estate.
The Payment sf
isir" r H a V. Jl V. 7
ica av j fat? sbv xsat'
b tha mfy iTMiiu4ni rfrtrtinn that
b wnuhwd befora yon an st liberty to
Select Any Columbia Grafonola
Priced at $100 or Less
And Have It Sent Home
palanw of pmi tiii poos t snail ynmxr or monthly InaMrniwmta
to naaat toot novwntnnna.
This Singlo $ I
Aavo stiUOaa sb to all Dm bsnaffta of MwiiiIjsu silly to tha SBfaxncOaT A
fuller Orafonola Clnb, vrttb lta mtaaoal and sxtraonUnarr aervteo
tor ownara of Colombia Orafonoiaa pnrrhand from Sefamoller
Mueller piano Co, aa follows:
Monthly Inspection by a phonograph expert, irho irffl answer all
questions and give such instruction aa will enable (he owner to get
the beat possible serrlea tram his phonograph.
Information and adrtee about dash-able leumda for Borne Con
oerta, for dancing, lor entertainment, eta.
Come, learn about me rery valuable Behmoner & stneOer 3ob
self ice it will add ao much to tbe mstrnment yon boy.
Splendid variety of Colombia Grafonolaa, latest models
and finishes, at prioea to rait every purse from $15, $25,
$50, $75, $85, $100 and up to $350. Abo a complete
um of ftnign and Domestio Columbia Donble-Diso Records.
Too an enriWalr hrrlted to attend Free Demonstrations by nosloal
experts tn oar oomfortable, refined and ezalusive showrooms.
KUCKKBKKt Only H to pay st fhne er porchaM.
SGhmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
UU-18 Faraam
Basalt aaa Waelesale
lews mm tests Daketa. Write taaar far ear Daaa
ara Prapastilea a Baal Haa)a7saaka at a assail
1509 Howard Street Douglas 605
Use "Gets II," Lift
Corn Right Off
Shrirel. Loooena and It' Gone!
"Just like Ukinc the lid off that's boo
easy fu can lift a oorn off roar toe after
it haa been treated with the wonderful dis
covery, 'GetB-It'.' Hunt the wide world over
and yoall find nothing io magic, simple
and easy as HGeta-It" Ton folks who bav
wrapped your toes in bandages to look like
bundles, who have used salves that turned
your ton raw and ttore, and used piasters
that would shift from their place and never
"fret" the corn, and who have dug; and
picked at your corn a with knives and scis
sors and perhaps made them bleed just
quit these old and painful ways and try
"Gets-It" just once. Yon put 2 or S drops
on. and it dries at once. There's nothing to
stick. You can put your shoe and stockings
right on again. The pain is all gone. Then
the corn dies a painless, Bhriveling death,
it loosens from your toe. and off it comes.
"Gets-It" is the biggest selling corn remedy
in the world today. There's none other at
"Gets-tt" is sold by druggists everywhere,
26c a bottle, or sent on receipt of price by
E. Lawrence ft Co., Chicago, III.
Sold in Omaha and recommended as the
world's best corn remedy by Sherman &
UcCoonell Drug Co.'s Stores,
ustaGenfk Rob ShineJL,
8t, Omaha, Heb.
Metrfawtei tar Ki
you their recipe and
make arrangements
ST I Guickiy
1 wafc
. na3 .T-V
frSiiVTan loy
took o irom ueorge A. naray,
i I
. I -