FEBRUARY 1917. 10 THE BEE: OMAHA, Want -Ad Rates MO AD TAKEN TO VB THAN A TOTAL Or Mi OK LUSH THAN 10. FEB DAY. CASH WITH ORDA Set tolld (No Dteplay). 1C .par word each Insertion C it PumirmDhed or Displayed In Largsr typs: so per line "" 1o per line, t or more emsecntlve Ijesrtlons (Cftnat six words to the Une.) orrcATioio wanted. Weekly rale 3c lr " I CARDS OF THANK. DEATHS AND v' mNEBAL N0TICE81 , lto per line each Ineertlon (Count al words to the line.) (Minimum charge, 10 cents.) MONTHLY RATE rOH 8TANDINO ADS. (No change of eopy allowed.) One Hn Two Unea or mora per line, 11.10 (Count etx worda to the Une.) ALL FOREIGN ADVERTlrTTNO OTTOER HRLP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: IC per word . Hke per word, twe or more coneecotlTO in sertions. SPECIAL COMBINATION HATH 0 Land. FoalUT mmi Other Advertising. THE OMAHA BEE (over 60,000 dsHy). JWTH CENTURT FARMER, (over 110,000 weekly). A combined circulation which will reach both the city and rural resident. Sneers! Res. Rates. Rats. ' 1 Insertions In Omaha Bee and 1 Insertion la Jlh Cen. Farmer. ' per line !c I Insertions In Omaha Bee and 1 Insertion In loth Cen. Farmer, t per word $ c f Insertions In Omsha Fee and I Insertion In Mth Cen. Farmer, per line !c tJc T Inaertlons la Omaha Bee and 1 Insertion In SOth Cen. Farmer, i per word , 10 Sic l!c (Contract rates en application. ) THE BEE will not bo responolhle for more than one Incorrect Insertion of an adver tisement ordered for more than one time. ADVERTISERS ahonld retain receipts given by The Bee In payment for Went Ads. as no mistake can be rectified without them. USE THE TELEPHONE If you csnnot con veniently bring or send In your sUs. Ask for a Want Ad Taker, and you will re. solve the ssms good service aa when de livering your ad at the office. PHONE TTLER 1000. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE: EVE.VINO MIXTIONS : M. MORN LSI EDITIONS 0:00 P. M. MOVIE PROGRAM. Cwrswt scorings sf the beet Motion Fle- lore Theaters m Omaha. (Changs Dally.) North. DIAMOND. r14th AND LAKE ' WILLIAM RUSSELL IN "THE TWINKLER." ITH AND BINNET FOX PICTURE SHOWN HERB TODAT WITH COMEDY. LOTHROP MTU AND LOTHROP " EDITH STORY In "THE TWO-EDGED SWORD." FRANK DANIELS COMEDY. South. APOLLO. J1TH AND LEAVENWORTH ' THOMAS MB1QHAN AND ANITA KINO In "THE HEIR TO THE HOORAH BOULEVARD, 11D AN DLKAVENWORTH ORETCHEN HARTMAN IN : "THE LOVE THIEF." 3661 LEAVENWORTH LIONEL BARRTMORE IN "THE UPHEAVAL." Wast. MONROE. IStt FARNAM. BLUB BIRD PHOTOPLAY TODAT "THE SIGN OF THE POPPY." South Side. ' ORPHEUM. 14TH AND M ONE GOOD PICTURE AND OOOD COMEDY ALSO. DEATHS FUNERAL NOTICES. BTAPENHORST Fredericks, aga " years. February 7, 117. Funeral from family residence, 1711 Jsckson St.. Frldsy, 1:40 a. m. to St Peters' ohurch at 19 a. m. Interment Holy , Sepulcher cemetery. She la aurvlved by three sons. Wllllsm H., Frederloh W, Theodore Harry, and two daughtore, Mrs. '. Macy Dlneen, Mra. Lorn Oerhard, all from Omaha; one brothsr, Frank J. Bushier, Kansas City, Mo., and six grandchildren. FLORISTS. BEST QUALITY CUT FLOWERS or planta. Art combinations shipped every where. Kiosllsnt service to our custom ers In psst years recommends. HEB8 A BWOHUUA, m earnam ot. jous- invi Fontenelle LEE L. LARMON llltjleoglss Bt. uougiaa !. LARQB8T aesortment of fresh flowsrs. L, HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. TARKER Flower shop, til B. Htb. D. 31037 A. DONAOHUE, Hit Harney. Doug. 1001. BATH, National Florist, not Farnam St. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HULSE A RIEPEN. undertakers and am- bslmsrs. 701 B. ltth St. Douglas 1IM. DlfFFT A JOHNSTON, emhalmers and to. asral directors. 717 S. ltth St. Tyler lilt. FRATERNAL ORDERS. SPECIAL meeting of the Ladles of the Maccabees Is called Thursday night by Nora M. Cate, first member of, the great executive board, who will- demonstrate the now rituallatlo work, and all members are requested to be preaetit. CROUNSB HALL. Opposite postofflce. New hall for lodge aaatinga no aances. excellent Boor. TOUNQ DOHERTT, 111 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. HT1. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births George and Anna Koval, 4418 Kansas avenue, boy; Walter M. and Hannah Webb, 1409 Sherwood avenue, girl; William and Sarah Diamond, 1841 North Twenty third, boy; Charles H. and Ethel K. Newell, 2107 North Eighteenth, girl; Marls I and Camela A I llo. 1309 South Twelfth, girl; 8. J. and Josephine Orleger, I1T Woolworth, girl; Ralph Emery and Myrtle Clements, 2219 Seward, boy; Roland A, and Blanche F. Clark, hospital, boy; John W. and Have I Fowlen 4409 South Twenty-second, girl; George and Ruth Allen, 1913 Spencer, boy. DeaUt Fong Suey, 66, 1304 Douglas; Mrs, Melissl E. Norman, 17. 3157 Farnam; Mra Christina Schmidt, II, 1S0T Emmet.; William C. Campbell, IT hospital; Martha H. Boobo, 71, hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 The following marriage licenses have boon ' Issued: .Name and Address. Ago. Richard Wlmsett, Omaha. n Till! Dahl, Omaha n Joseph H. Sllva, Omaha 12 Amelia Matoha, Omaha 19 Mert E. Smith, Omaha . , It Matilda J. Berger, Omaha , s Ja.oes P. Scott, Glen wood, la is Martha Culley, Olonwood, la ., 19 Frank S. Selby, Omaha tt Mary B.-Norris, Benson. Nob..,,..,-;,., 10 Aagast Orteb, Omaha., tt Mary PiwskoseU, Omaha...... 12 Earl A, Law, Audnbon, la. . fi Kuby Miuieagsr, Denlson, la ..,. 21 H. roster In graham, Omaha., ti Jessie Odell, Omaha 16 uiiBrc ia rson, uaaiano, Neb,,.. Oiga Nelson, Lyons, Neb , , jt) Alfred M. Williams. Irving ton. Nob,.... 11 Minato A. ueia, irvingian, Neb..,., BUILDING PERMITS. B. Nordstrom, t24 Webster, auto shed. 600; Busk Wtad, 1J1I-4-T Harney, brick fowa LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IF yoo lose Anything and will advertlss tt her you will sural rerovnr It If found by an honest person. Remarkable recov eries are brought about every day through this column, THR HONEHT WAT, If you And something of value, or a keepaake of value only to the owner, li to tnaert a email ad. The owner of the article In moat ecu la will Ing to refund the coat of advertising, omaha rouwiiTiiCvrrH street RAILWAY COMPANV. Persona haying lost eome article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha Council B luffs Ktret Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the tr$t car. Many article each day1 are turned In and the company ! amloua to restore thftn to the rightful owners. Call Tyler It 00. THE GREATEST 'OATN ll.TIS In paid want ads ever made by any Omaha paprr, la the record of THE OMAHA HKK for BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE FOUND unitary X1 KJUiSU Boa Fountain. 0 AlMACIY, 1 tn nl Howard. LOOT Metropolitan collection book. ButC able reward. 437 Omaha National Bank Bldg., Metropolitan Life Initurance Co. LOST Maltese cat; has white feet and breast. Answers to the name of Tom. Reward. Harney 482. LOHT An oial itlck-pln at 13d and Cum ing. Kinder will be rewarded. Phone Harney 473. Silver mesh beg. between I ithmd"lne and Donae. Keward. Call Douglae mm. LOST Roy'i National bicycle T taken fron A. Peterson's. 3011 N. Hth. Reward. LOHT A garnet ring at the Bohemian ball, laat Haturday. Reward. Webster 4S6, LOST Iaw book on Dundeecar, "i-l-ll7ll ward to finder. Call Walnut 1621. MEDICAL TOU CAN HAVE TOUR HEALTH I LATEST AND MOST SCIENTIFIC TRBATMT5NT. CONSULTATION, EXAMINATION FREE. Dr. Barnes treats successfully all Curable Diseases of the Note, Throat, Lungs, Stomach, Liver, Kldneyi, Heart, Brala, Nerves, Blood and Skin, as well as Catarrh of any pari of the body, Constipation, Chronic and Acute Rheumatism, Clears, Neuralgia, Sciatic- Lumbago. Dr. Barnes la the only physician In thla part of the country admin istering this system of treatment Investigate It. DR. BARNKfl, alt 611 to Bio Rosa Bldg. 0. BL Corner 16th and Fa mam St. Phone Tyler 1410. DR. E. R. TARRY. !riLESt FISTULA CURED. Dr. K. R. Tarry cures piles, Astula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write (or book on rec tal dlaeaaea with testimonials. ; DR. E. R. TARRY, its Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. DR. PBTOR, THE WELL KNOWN eondltloner and trainer of athletes, has a eclentlflo treatment for all types of rheumatism. DR. M. PRYOR. M. T H-ll Patterson Blk. RUPTURE Successfully treated without s aurglcal operation. Call or writs Dr. Frank H, Wray. Ml Bee Bldg. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. Dr. Burhorn, Rose Bldg. Palmer school graduate. Doug. 634". DR. M. PRTOR, M. T.. rheumatic specialist. Office 14-1 Patterson block, 17 tb and Farnam Sts. Phono Douglas 6834. DR. KNOLLKNBKRO, SANITARIUM. Lady attendant. 34th and Farnam. D. 76. Dr. J. C. LawTence, Balrd Bldg. D. 8481. Dr. France! Dawson, froa-3 Rose Bid. T. 2386. Drs. fi. Jk L. Bllllngham Crelghton Blk. D.7&03 hra. Johnatnn, 1315 W. 6. W. Bldg. D. Hit. Dentisti. Dr. Bradbury. No pain til W. O. W. Bldg. Tafta Dent. Rma., 301 Rose Bldg. V. 3110. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. BCONOMT SALE By purchasing your fur niture where your money goes the farth est. Our goods are rare bargains at the prices we quote. Don't take our word, all; we ask Is that you com and see. The' HTATU FUR N ITU Hlfl CO., 14th IBd Dodge Bis. Douglas 1317. THK 0RBATE8T GAIN 68,711 In paid want ads aver mads by any Omaha papor. Is the record of Til El OMAHA BBB for 110. BKST RaVJULTB LOWEST RATS. MONEY-RAISING SALE. $6,000 stock of furniture, rugs, linoleum. all kinds of -bedding, complete lino of house furnishings, 1839-1847 N. 34th. TeL Web. 1807. Open 7:38 a, m. till 11 p. m RUGS MADE FROM CARPETS. Write for illustrated folder of ruga made from carpets. Freight paid. Lin coln Rug Factory, Lincoln, Neb. FOR SALE Beautiful fumed oak buffet,' In perfect condition. Owner has purchased larger one. 903 8. ltth Ave Harney 61U, STOVES, ALL KINDS. See us first. Price right. City Furniture Co., 147 & Ulh. Loyal Furniture Co., 322 N. 14th St - Sewing Machine. SEWING MACHINES- Wo rent, repair, aelt needles and parts of all sewing machines, MICKKVS NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16th and Harney8t. Doug. 182 FOR SALEStandard drophead sewing ma chine, almost now; am leaving town. Harney 4888. Billiards and Pocket Tables. rOR BALE BILLIARD TABLES. Brand new, carom and pocket, with complete outfit, $160; second-hand tables at re duced prices; bowling alleys and supplies; easy payments. Cigar atora fixtures a specialty. Send for catalogue. THE BRUNSWICK-BALK E-COLLENDER CO., 407-409 South 10th St. Harness. Saddles, Traveling Goods. WE MAKE them ourselves and sell direct to consumer, no middle man's profit. Why pay two profits for Inferior goods when you can get high-grade goods at first costT ALFRED CORNISH A Co. 1310 Farnam BL, Omaha, Neb. Machinery and Engines. NEW AND SECOND-HAND MOTORS, EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKSL 218-20 8. 12th St., Omaha. ONE woodworking power machine. Rip and cut on boring Daao joints, nearly new. all or writs 116 B. 18 th ML BOILERS, steam, electric, gas engines, Pipes Gross Wrecking Co., 1819 Cuming. Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co.. also public Steno. Phone tor price. Douglas 1892. 640 Paxton Blk. GUT our prices on job printing. UNITED STATES PRINTING CO., Bee Bldg Douglas 1172. WATERS-BARNHARDT Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 3190. b!4 & 13th St. Typewriters and Supplies. NEW machines sold the same as rent $3 per month. See us before you buy or rent, nnippna any piace en ten aays' free trial. Butts' Typewriter Exchange, 410 8. 19th St., Omaha, Neb. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver typewriter I months for $b. Central Typewriting Exchange. 190b Farnam. REMlNGTOloai Monarch and Smith Pre tnlers for rent; sent anywhere. Remington Typewriting company, u. 1x14. GUARANTEED typewriters, $19 op. Writs for list. Midland Typ. Co.. Bet Bldg. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO., Down Comforters made over Just like new. All your own feathers back, when we renovate. We call for and deliver, 1107 Cuming. Doug. 3447. DE8K8, safes, scales, showcases, shelving, etc. We only sell Omaha Fixture and Supply Co. 414-18-18 H. Ulh. Doug. 2724. ICK for sale- at rftaadnable price at the rhute, If orders are given Immediately. Call Walnut 2f32. DRT KINDLING WOOD. ACMR BOX COMPANY- HARNBT 18J7. SALT, $1.76 bbL A. W. Wagner, 801 N. lth. swappers; column IP TOIJ HAVE some article that" has out lived its usefulness to you, make up a little ad and run H In this column at lc per word. Too will be more than pleased with the remarkable offerings you will receive. One or two Insertions In nearly all cases are sufficient to get what you want. TRY IT TODAT. FOR sale or trade, good oorner lot In Omaha. 46th and Hpauldlng. Will tak a good team If farm mares, or other live stock worth the money. Address J. K. Crutslnger, Blair, Neb. THE GREATEST (IAIN 58,738. In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, Is the record ot THE OMAHA BKK for 118. BKST RESULTS LOWKfiT RATE. WE swap or buy kodaks; fllmsdeveloped free, one-day service. Kase Kodak 8tudlo. Neville Blk., ltth and Harney. A LITTLE AD In this column will bring about some remarkable exchanges. TEN shares-bank stock."par, $1,009, for dlamonda.Box 1202. Bee. ELLIPSE Vas range. Will trade for dresser. Phono Tyler 1609. WANTED TO BUY. GUTTMAN STrZXSXl.'SS: riot hps, Planoa Office Furniture, Trunks, Shoes. Douglas 3871. Res., Webster 4204. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, I307jparnam. D. 814. WANTKl-bld falaa" teeth. Don't matter If broken. I pay $1 to $6 per Bet. Mall to U Maxer, 2007 B. Fifth St Philadelphia, Pa. Will send casn oy return man. WANTED A sia-room modern house; mual be cheap for cash; price and street num ber must be in first letter. Box 27$, Bee. TPMVTMQ highest price for O .CilN JVlil O clothes, shoes, trunks. etc. Red 3217. nee.. Douglas 8022. WANTED TO BUT Second-hand "S. C fl. Reference Library" volumes on advertis ing. Add reas Bo xl 2 0 ,Be. WANTED -To buy some good second-hand lumber. A. O. Heckathorn, R. K. D. No. 7, Box 136A, Benson, Neb. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accountants. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 538 Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. 21$- Rrasa and Iron Foundries. Paiton-MttcheU Co 27th and Martha Sta. Bakeries. ORT MAN'S NEW BNOLAND BAKERY, S12 N. lfTH BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HAYDEN BROTHERS. OUR MOTTO "B BTTE K B lAK ED JiOOpj-" CAKES, pastry and fancy bakery goods supplied to parties, lodges and entertain menta. Z. H. Reeder. 180 N. 18th. W. 3827. Baths. ELECTRIC TURKISH BATHS. The 'only absolutely sanitary bath. Highly recommended by physlclana. Staats Institute, & Harney St. D. 7097. Open evenings and Sundays. bit. BKNDA Sulphur, steam, Modern Turk ish BATHS AND MASMAOE. Private apartments for ladles, with lady attend ants. 191t Farnam. Phone Doug. 6877. KITTEN HO USE sanitarium; all kinds batfaa. 110-214 Balrd Blk., 17th and pouglaa. German curse, massage, baths of all kinds. 228 Neville Block, 18th and Harney. Carpenters and Contractors. LESSARD A SON, 3021 Cuming. Tyler 18 M. Chiropodists. Carrie J. Burford. tUU Paxton Blk. Red 41.67. Dancing Academy. TM? T TTYP BALL TUE8., THTTRS., UEJ JJU AJJ bat., SUN. EVE. SCHOOL MON. EVE. Ill B. 18th St., Op. Footepelle. Detectives. Private detective, evidence secured, all cases, strictly confidential. Oov, ref. Flo. 64S. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler lias. Interstate Detective Ass'n. 432 Ramge Bldg. Dressmaking. Exp. dreasm'k'.. wk. private fara. H. 405t. BwlnTby day. m 1-ocust. Webster 262. MrV. ItTX Connelly. 200 Balrd Bldg. P. 3706. Terry Dreasmak'g Co., 20th and Farnam. 8 E W I N Q 'D A YbR W K EK . TYLER 1M8. Everything for Women. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleatlna, covered buttons, all sixes and ' styles, hemstitching, ploot edging, em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL MUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 200 Douglas Blk. Douirlas 1036. VAN ARMAN Dress Pleating and Button Co., 238-7 Paxton Blk. Doug. 3109. Accor dion, knife, side, space, box, sunburst and combination pleating, hemstitching, picot edging, pinking, ruchlng, covering but tons, all style and ill sixes. Price Hat free. ACCORDION, Side, Knife, Box Pleating. Cov. Buttons, Hemstitching. Neb. Pleating and Button Co., 431-1 Paxton Hlk. R. 4842. Electric Repairs. ELECTRIC REPAIR, phone us your troubles. Ne.v Automobile Lamp Co. Doug. 2334. Fixtures and Wiring. F.TTT? TtTTM Rloctrlo washing machines. JJUJXVlll electric irons and reading lamp. 1131 Cuming St. Douglas 1619. Furnace Cleaning. BORNEMAN, fur., chirr., cleaning. T. 7819. Hair Dressing. IDEAL Hair Parlors, 101 Baird Bldg. Mani curing, toilet article. Douglas 016a. Insurance. BANKERS LIFE OF LINCOLN. 111-14 City Natl. Bank Bldg. Dong, lilt, Job Printing. GATE CITT Printing Co., hlgh-grad print Ing. 1611 N. 34th. Phona Web. 1697. Masscures. SWEDISH and muscular massage, electric treatment ol all kinds. Staats Institute, HO Hartley St. Douglas 7097. Open ev enings and Sundays. Massage, chiropody. Minnie Nagle, 208-14 rtaira Biag., i7tn 4k Douglas. D. 1468. MISS LILLY Massage, hatha 1122 Farn'm. S Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter- natlonal Patent Co., 8H3 Brandels. D. 81 Paintuigf and Paper Hanging. PAINTING and cleaning, lOo per room and up. We clean carpet In your home with out removing same, $1 per rug and up. Webster 3963. CALL Charles Roadh for paper hanging and interior aecoraung. uougias 33g. Pianos for Rent. $8,80 per mo. A. Hospe Co., 1811 Douglaa. Theatrical Costumes. LARGEST stock of costume for theatricals and masquerades In the country for sale or rent. Lteben A Bon, 1614 Howard. THEATRICAL gown, fulf dra suits, for rant. 304 N. 17tb. John Feldman. D- 3138. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. D. 638 Wedding Stationery. V WEDDING announcements and printing. Doug-lea rriniing uo. toi. uoug. s4, Where to Eat EAT HOME COOKED MEALS NEW DELICATESSEN, 1801 FARNAM, BURROUGHS CAFE, OMAHA. NEB. (Service), LINCOLN. NEB. SIC S. 19th St. 138 8. llth St. BUSINESS CHANCES HERE'S A SHOW FOR YOU. Movie show, In live Iowa town, doing a large business. Well equipped; French plate mirror screen. Owner must sell. Maks your own offer. -MOVIE SHOW DEPARTMENT, 4J0 Rose Bldg. Tyler 753. $109,000 corporation manufacturing talking machines wants territorial managers with $309 to $600 capita) to finance contract. Plays and equals any $C0 Instrument. Wholesale price $10. Big money-maker. Address Saleamanager. -1013 Republic Bldg., Chicago. BUSINESS CHANCES HIGHEST SPOT CASH PAID for stores aaJ stocks of merchandise. In city or country; quick action. OMAHA SALVAGE CO.. 160 Omaha Nat. Bank Bid., Tel. Douglas 1831. THR GREATEST GAIN 68,738 In paid want-ada ever made by any Omaha paper Is the record of THE OMAHA m:v, for 1916. BBHT RESULTS LOWEST RATE. GOOD BL'PINEHS OPENINGS On the South Bide, If for sale, are reas onable in price and are worth while, you may be sure are listed exclusively with the SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 49:6 8. 34th 8t. PhonSoutb1347. MJR8ALE -J'ewefry-store In good Iowa town of 6fi0 population. Oood location, ter tory and rich German and Irish commun ity. All new fixtures and stock. Will Invoice around $1,600. Must nell at ones. Good reason. Box YB36, Bee. BRdADm!nded ldy or gentlemen to con nect with an honorable and lucrative busi ness enterprise without competition. Some Investment required. Bright future, in- vetlgat.Box 4171Bee. FOR 8 A LE P let ure theater In town of 1.Z50 population; only show In town; do ing real business; house seats 360; good reason for sflllng; a snap. Write P. O. Box 428, Newman Grove, Neb- HARDWARE STOCK Good town, 7,000 people; fine business opportunity; cash deal, no trade. Address P. O. Box 206, Columbus, Neb. FOR SALE Oood, clean stock of hardware; live town, central Nebraska, Good rea son for selling. Bo quick. Address Y 257, Bee. TOg'bt In or out of business !n SOUTH OMAHA call at SOUTH OMAHA INVEST MENT CO. 4826 8.24th. South. J47. FOR 8ALK Renlaurant, confectionery and rooms. Established 1896; fine business, a good opnnlng for a live wire. Address G. M. Dischner, Carre taon, 8. D. FOR SALE Saloon, centrally located, doing good business; good reasonrt for selling. Addree Adolph Hchaefer, Care American Exchange Bank, 8t. Joseph, Mo. SNAP Restaurant In town soon to be en tirely paved ; owner has Montana feyer and must sell by March 1; $400 wilt han dle. Box Y-339, Bee.' MOTION picture machines (new and re built), theaters uppllrl. Omaha FUm Exchange, 108 8. Mth 8t. COMPLETE fixtures cf 2 -chair barber shop, very reasonable. M ler Hotel. South Omaha. Phone South 1913. WE BUY. wo sell motion picture theaters, machines, feature films. Co-operative Film and Supply Co.. 219 Bromley Bldg. WILLIAM8.eetabiiahed"H iOyears. To buy or sell business see him. 411 McCagus Bldg Reference U S.Nattonal Bank. DOWD Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed out more mdse. stocks than any other firm In U. S. Write for tern. IF TOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming house call on Buach & Borghoff, 719 World -HeraldBld-. Phone D. 111. GOOD opening for the second drug store comer building. A splendid location. Ad dress G M.Dtschnor. Oarretsop. 8. D. PATENT for sale. Will arrange to mfg. on royalty. Or will aell outright Some thing new and a seller. Box Y 838, Bee. TO OKT In or out of business call on GANGESTAD. 422 Bee Bidg. Dong. 1477. GUARANTY PLAN; gnTln or out bushiees. All states. F. V. Knlest, Bee Bldg.. Omaha, MOVING picture show for sale. Inquire 111 8. thSt Harney 4882. WANT job printing plant to move to small town. Canan, McCague Bldg 36-ROOM hotel for sale or trade. Box T 13a, B-, Rooming Houses. ROOMINO HOUSES. Roemtng house sacrifice, 7 rooms, well furnished, strictly modern, close In; best of furniture. For quick sale, $460. 420 Rose Bldg. Tyler 763. Tyler 2437. ROOMINO HOUSES, all sizes, great bar galns, 419 Rose Bldg. Phone Tyler2487J SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, Yoc PER LINE. Business ads, regular rates 1 lines one week 4ts I line one week i ...... .lOc each extra Un, , . 2 On per week Male. FOUR YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Capable Vonng man, single, four years office experience desires position with per son or firm who can offer a future for honesty, energy and ability present em ployment four years, furnish references and bond, go anywhere. Box Y 137, Bee. THE GREATEST GAIf 68,718 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1916. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. CHAUFFEUR, colored, age 26 years, wishes position In private tamlly; carerui driver; seven years' experience; all around man; experienced with all make of cars. Box 1214, Bee. EXPERIENCED salesman wishes position. Will furnish car. Can furnish the beat references. My past success as salesman will Interest you. Box Y 833, Bee. POSITION wanted by young man. Flvo years' experience a bookkeeper and stenog rapher, Address Box 1179, Boo. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires work for spare time; books posted, audited, etc Address Box 1143, Bee. OFFICE or house cleaning by man or woman. Colfax 4038. ASHES or all kinds of haultng. Tyler 1KI. Female, THE BEE 'charge for "Situation sds" Is lower than any other rorm of aavemauag not enough to cover the coat of printing. WANTED Laundry work or housework. Mrs. Julia Jones, ? n. sun. uarnoy 6737. YOUNG lady rtrultl graph operator, and steno, desires position. Box llfl, ee. COLORED girl wants housework or cham bermaid. Gooa reference, wep. iszs. PRACTICAL nurse, middle aged woman. Col. 1691. EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work of any kind. Douglaa 8130. COOKING 'by experienced colored woman: also Janitor work. Red 6316. A WIDOW with boy 3 years old. want po sition -as housekeeper. Webster Laundry and Iiay Work. LADIES and gentlemen's bundle washing. 7r a garment; rates, so aoxen; union suits, 16c; fine shtrt and waists, 16c to 26c: handkerchiefs, 2c: socks. 3c: tie, 3 t 6c. No bundle less than 60c. Rough dry, 40c dosen. Web. 2305. FOR experienced bundle washing, call Web ster 1877. rrompi delivery. WANTED Bundle washing, specialty made of silks; also nne underwear, wen. COLORED woman wants day work for Tuesdays. Webster 941. DAY work wanted by reliable colored worn- n. Call Douglas flsnn. DAY WORK, any kind. Webster 2361. Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1610 Davenport 8t. Douglaa 1866. Headquarters for hotel help. COOK In small hotel west. Mrs. Smith. 14 8. Ulh Ave. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. YOUNG man of good education and habits as superintendent of large coal and build ing material yard. Apply in your own hand writing, advising as to age, national ity, knowledge Of Omaha, experience. If any. In similar work and especially In the employment and handling of teamsters and common labor. References proving ability and character will be required. Ad dress Box 1188, uee. STENO., $100; STENO., $86; STENO., $75; STENO., lumber, sra; biock iierK, experi enced In electrical line, $60; Filing Clerk, $40. NO PILING FEE, only 60 cents to Investigate rolerences. THE MARTI CO.. 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. STENO $85.00 ACCOUNTANT 86.00 CLERK (R. R ) 76.00 PRIVATE SECRETARY 100.A0 HOTEL CLERK bd., rm Idy and... 35.00 THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEW BLDU, STENO., $86; Sttmo.. $7$; Steno., $66; Steno. out of town, $70; Ledger Clerk. $60 Office Clerk, $40; Office Clerk, $36; File Clerk, $40. WATTS JREF. CO., First Nat'l. Bank Bid. THE GREATEST GAIN 68,731 Tn oald want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, is the record .of THE OMAHA BEE for 116. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. yis)TERN REFERENCE A BONO ASS'N. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. WANTED Assistant bookkeeper, H to IS years old, with high school education; one with knowledge of hardware preferred. State aa, experience, salary expected, give ref era ce. Box Y 840, Bee. Professions and Trades. WV.NTED- Two thoroughly experienced ar chitectural draughtsmen, experienced In school building work; state full particu lars first letter. E. F. Broom hall. Archi tect, Duluth, Minn. BAKER Helper with one or two yeis ex perience, or second man; wholesale bread and cake shop. U A. McThompson, Wall Lalte, la. Drug Positions Ail States CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1016-16 City National Bank Bldg. WANTED First-class machinist. Le Bron Electrical .Works. CIOAR makers wanted. J. L. Galbreth- Superlor, Neb. Salesmen and Solicitors. 8ALE8MEN WANTED Who wish to add to their 1918 advertising calendar line several good calendar subjects and specialties made for the comnmrrlal trade. Savu business of those who complain ubout Increased cost of old lines by substituting something different. C. H. Hammond A Co., 30 Church St., New York. SALESMEN wanted with cars to sell lubri cating oils, greases and roofing: good ter ritory open; liberal rommlaslons. Apply for particulars, 633 Brandels Bldg. WANTED A single young man of good habits to travel in Iowa to solicit. See L. H. Cook, Hotel Rome. Call Thuraday 10 to 12 a. m. . W A NTEDHollcltor with crew in Omaha. New proposition. Money every night. Phone evenings, Harney 2032, Mr. Messenger. SALES positions, mercantile lines. WKSTKRN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N. Agents and Canvassers. THREE neat appearing young men to travel on road under manager, demonstrating among country homes. Good pay with ad vancement to hustlers. Permanent 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. H. M. Burllngame, Castle Hotel. THREE neat appearing young men to travel on road under manager, demonstrating among country homes; good pay with ad vancement to hustlers. Permanent. 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. H. M. Burllngame. Sanford Hotel. ONE agentTVor each county to sell folding bath tub. Will give good commission and bonus to live wires. E. F. Cavanah. Plain view, Neb. Boys. WANTED Two good, bright boys about 18 years old; gnod future for right parties; apply time office Morris A Co.. 8. Omaha. Trade Schools. CALL or write for our free Illustrated cata logue explaining-how we teach the barber trade quickly by actual experienc, care ful instruction, etc. Largest modem equipped barber college In the west. Holer's, 110 & 14th, Omaha, Neb. (Estab Itshed 1893. ) AUTO MECHANICS EARN BIG MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUT! TRAINING ASS'N, 2817 N. 10th St., Omaha. Send for Free Catlaogue? LEARN barber trade; be Independent, mors than make your expense while learning Wages or percentage. We don't over charge you to begin. i491 Dodge St TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. NIGHT SCHOOL Autos and electric start ers. For particulars call Douglas 4471, or write us! AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. 2069 Farnam St, Omaha. Miscellaneous. RAILWAY Mall Clerk Examinations In Omaha soon commence. $76 month. Sample questions free. Franklin rfInatl tute, Dept. 23 B, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED--A colored man and wife to help with housework In exchange for a fum-' lshed basement apartment. Call Har ney 1876. HELP WANTED ' Male and Female. WANTED Men, women to try examinations for government Jobs. $70 month, vacation. Common education sufficient. Apply Im mediately to Box Y-811. Bo. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENO. and Diet. Opr., $70; Steno., $6J; Steno., $60; Steno., $60; Steno. and Bkkpr., for half days, $60; Steno. and Clerk, $50; Bkkpr. and Cashier, $40; File Clerk, $36; Typist, $40; CompL Opr., $60; Diet Opr., $60. WATTS REF. CO., First Nat!. Bank B14L THE GREATEST GAIN 68.TSS In paid want-ad over mads by any Omaha paper, is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 116. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE STENO AND CLERK ... $36.00 STENO 40.00 STENO 30.00 THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. DICTAThONE OPR. and STENO.. $$70. BILLING CLERK. Hoe uptown oiric. S60. THE MARTI CO., 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPING, stenographic, clerical po sitions. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N. Professions and Trades. WANTED Girls with common school edu cation, between 18 snd 22 years, to take np local and long dlxtance telephone work. C. F. Lambert 1807 Douglas St Household and Domestic. G1RL to assist with cooking and general housework. Harney z&43. 4ioa Farnam. GIRL for general housework; no washing. $037 Chicago. Harney 47 is. Hotels and Restaurants. , WANTED Experienced pantry glrL Phone Douglaa 1317. EDUCATIONAL BOTT.ES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy. typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue tree. BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1666. 19th and Harney Sta, VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, DAY AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. Entrance 220 Douglas 600. Y. M. C. A. Day and Night ScbooL FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores. 331 CUMING ST. 30x60, good location, nitr crow. town transfer. $27.60. 2306 Cuming St, office, scales, yards and bins, suitable for coal and feed store. $25.00. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Tyler 1536 333 Rose Bldg. liT S.15THHSTT7Vteam" heat$100. RESTAURANT to rent with fixtures. gas stoves, at 10 S. 16th St MODERN STORES AN DOFF1CES In Far nam Bldg. First Trust Co., D. 1151. STORE forrent, 16th St.. near pootofflc. O. P. Btebbins. 1610 Chicago. Oftices and Dealt Room. OFFICES. Single and en suit. In a central tooa tlon. BROWN BLDG.. Room 407 Douglas 15$. DESIRABLE office rooms In the remodeled Crounse block. 11 N. 14th St (opposite postofflce). $10 to $16 per month. Conrad Young, 323 Brandels Theater. Dong. 1671. CHOICE .tee space. Balrd Bldg.. 17th ani Douglaa McCague In v. UP. Miscellaneous. LARGE, light basement, 18th and Howard, cheap, Wright isoury. uoug. id a, WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. WHAT have you for rent In the way of lour, five ana six-room moaem up-to-date apartments? Prefer ence will be given to those in bet ter districts of the city. Want to desl direct with owners. No agents. Telenhons Douglas 1019. Furnished Houses, Flats, COMPLETELY furnished apartment for eouple. at once. Box 111. Bee. FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS! If you fail to find the room you desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Give complete detailed description of va cant rooms In all parts of the city. If more convenient phone The Beo Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address and a list will be mailed to you at once. New lists are Issued every week. Furnished Rooms. THE GREATEST GAIN 58,731 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper. In the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1916. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. EXCELLENT" ROOMlnmodern bungalow, up to date In every respect, separata en trance to room, no other roomers; on car line, but close in; very reasonable. Call Tyler 2261-W. 1406 CASS 2 nicely furnished, south-front, modern rooms, second floor, joining bath; walking distance. Also large room on third floor HERE'S a fine comfortable room for four men at only $fi per week. With bath ad Jolnlng. 209 8. 24th St. Douglaa 836 G. BEAUTIFULLY furniahed rooms, south east exposure; hot water heat; excellent board. Phone Harney 4604. NEWLY furnished front room, large enough for 3 young men. 620 South 21st Ave. Douglas 6065. HEATED room for working men. Modern home. 2428 Decatur. Web. 4674 809 S. 18TH large," modem, front room, 1st floor, close In, for gentlemen. EAST front parlor suite, exceptionally warm, $3L60L604 S. 28th St. 202 CALIFORNIA--One large front parlor for rent. Reasonable. 2013 HARNEY Largo south room. Prefer two gentlemen. Housekeeping Rooms. ONLY hotel kitchenette apartments in Omaha; hotel servtce complete; electricity, private bath, maid service, telephone, etc.; $16 weekly; single rooms, $4.60-J. Clal re moot Inn, 17th near Jackson. $12 N. 22D ST., 2 nicely furnished rooms, well heated, gas range in kitchen, walk ing distance. LARGE, pleasant home with kitchenette and alcove for light housekeeping. S&18 Davenport. ONE large modern room. Near car line. $2.75. 2026 California MODERN light housekeeping room. 412 N. 16 to Ht. K. 2806. , 16U HOWARD SU housekeeping apart ments. Call Tyler 1892. 13 2213 Leavenworth. Two furnished light housekeeping rooms. Board and Room 1041 PARK AVE. Two splendidly furnished or unfurnished front rooms with bath, in modern apartment suitable for two gen tlemen, or man and wife; excellent board; at Mrs. Fullaway's; references. Call Tyler 1411 or Harney 484. BEAUTIFUL, alike, consisting of bedroom. living room and sun room; excellent board; private home; West Farnam. Har ney 45. STRICTLY modern steam-heated flat ex cellent board; wm make rate to Z in room. 3124 Douglas St GOOD warn rooms, fine location; good Doara. Tel. Harney 4703L FURNISHED room, breakfast and dinner obtained. Harney 2402. Hotels. WORKINGMENS hotel. 20 N. 18th St. Night week or month. Reasonable. Call. Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS. CALL THE BBB WANT-AD DEPT. and fmd out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. It's a plan that Is helping many people rent their rooms. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. VERY choice 6 -room steam heated apart ment on west ifarnam BL JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1803 FARNAM AT. ST. CLAIRE, 24th aid Harney. 3-room apartments. Call Harney M7. 2903 DKWESr AVE., 6 -room duplex flatT rr rsan a T ,1 1 A O a South. (-RH. apt Han scorn park dlst $4. HI ATT COMPANY, 246 Om. Nat Bank Bldg. Tyler CO. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. DESIRABLE furnished and unfurnished apartment. AH sixes and prices, splen did location.34th and Farnam, D. 1471 5-ROOM apartment completely furnished. steam beat, f none Harney . FOR RENT HOUSES West. M0S HOWARD ST. A 2-story frame, 7 rooms and sleeping porch. New furnace. Room for one car In garage If desired. House rent $30. ALFRED THOMAS. 308 First Nat Bk. Bldg. 8-R,. 4643 FARNAM, large yard. mod. ex. furnace. IIS. Hastings A Heyden. U14 Har. Ty. 50. STONE HOUSE and garage at 51st and Dodge, $70. W. L. Selby Son. Douglas 1510. KeeUne Bldg. North. 0 ROOMS, alj modern, east front porches. everyining new ana up-io-tne- minute. Wanting distance. $3 per month. Doug laa 66. T RAVER BROTHERS, SI New First National Bank Bldg. 3922 SO. UTH ST., dandy 5-r., all mod., $20. 2134 N. 27th at, 7-r. mod. ex. heat $20. 1106 No. 2 2d St, 4-r., mod. ex. heat $16. 2624 Wirt B-r.. mod. ex. heat $1$. BASF BROS, 210 Keetine Bldg. Tyler TVL GOOD 4-r house, 2103 Spencer, largo yard; excellent eond.; water paid. 1 36. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGCX HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1H Har. Ty. 54, 4-ROOM, 27$ Maple, mod. ex. heat; new; $18. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AG'CT, Hastings A Heyden, 1614 Har. Ty. 50. 5-R., 3320 Parker, with store In front for confectionery or small grocery store, barn, $16. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Ty. It 5-ROOM, 1920 Emmet mod. ex. heat water paid, $13. Hastings A Heyden, 114 Har. Ty. $0. 7-ROOM all modern house, newly decorated. nev furnace. $20. 2016 N 2Zd St TeL Red 1681. 6-ROOM house, $71S N. 24th, mod.; good; snap for $27.50. Hastings St Heyden, 1614 Har. Ty. 60. NEW house $604 Blondo, mod., for $18.. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Ty. 60. BEAUTIFUL -r. house, 1220 N. 34th, large yard; oak Onlsh, $32.50. Haatlngs A Heyden, 1614 Har. Ty. 60. 7-R. MOD. house with garage, large yard. good neighborhood, 1902 Kmmett, 132.60 HASTINGS ft HEYDEN. 1614 Har. Ty. 68. South. 7-R 625 B. 30TH, close In, very good. $25 HASTINGS & HEYDKN, 1614 HarTy. 60. 6-ROOM, 312S Vinton, mod. ex. hest, fl. Hastings & Heyden. 1611 Har. Ty. 60. KLKGANT 6-rm. houee. 1107 Sooth 8th 8t Miscellaneous. WE HAVE WHAT TOU WANT. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. ' PARTLY MODERN. 4- R 1616 Tsrter Lake Blvd $14.00 5- R. 503 Martha St 12.60 7-R. 6016 N. 42d St J6.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 5-R. 2014 Saratoga St 30.00 5-R. 416 N. 17th St 20.00 K-R. 281, No. STth 8t. (for col ored) ". 15.00 STRICTLY MODERN. e-R 6S27 N. 7th St 26.00 7-R. 4612 S. 23d St. 'good brick dwelling, close to business cen ter of South Omsha) 25.00 S-R. 2430 Rrlatol 8t. (good brick dwelling, with large barn In the rear) 22 g-R. 3840 Charles St. (In first class condition, with large garage In resr) 26.00 10-R. 2231 Dodge St 40.00 6-R. 3018 Dewey Ave. (very choice brick dwelling within walk ing distance to business cenlef and In first-class residence dis trict) .17.60 WE HAVE OTHERS. SEB OI'R COM PLETB PRINTED LIST BEFORE RENT ING. PORTER & SHOTWBI.I.. 202 8. 17th St. Doug. 50IJ. Office with HOME BUILDERS. FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. BEFORE RENTING, call us for our weekly printed rental list of cottages, house, flats and apartments; It win help you and save time; the largest list tn Omaha OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY, Hastings & Heydenl6U Harney Tyler 6. "feters"trust company, rental headquarters for omaha. OVINGAND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF" WAREHOUSE). Packing, atora.e and mof litg. 219 N. lltb 8t. Phons freeJ SERVICE Phone Douglas r88 for complete list, of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th, and Jackson Sts. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to orders ftxt moving, packing or storage. Office at Raymond Furniture Co., 1513 and HU Howard St; Phone rx6624. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for honaebolA goods and pianos, moving; packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 802 8. 16th St. Douglaa 4163. Globe Van and Storage Co, For real service in moving, packing an4 storing, call Tyler 230, or Doogla 4338. Packing and stores:. 1207 FaVnam St. Web. 3748. Doug. 6144. Maggard )Z7mt- Van and Storage Co.. Moving. Packing. Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. I486. TWIN c1tYEXPRESS CO 1622 Cass-BU Douglaa 1717. Trunk stored a specialty. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. 508 So. 29th Near Harney 9-R. Modern 75x140 Bring In your offer going to be sM this week. Biggest bargain we Intew csso In, Former price 2&.500. InrBStlgate GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS. ilt-n City Nat. Dingka tnt. HERE'S A REAL BARGAIN. A 6-room. strictly modern, oak 2-story house facing on Turner Bird. Largo sleeping porch; full cement beee mont. Our aale price only $4.6vt, $50. down, balance like rent. BIG 4 REALTY CO. 1018-lt w. O. W. Bldg. Daag. 24M. FOR 8 ALE Small dwelling; on double cor ner brvd. lot In Bemls park district. Owner will sacrifice his equity In this property for immednu. .ale. mm leaving city. Box 376, Bee. WEST FARNAM. atnooo. value, $3,000; house esdwa, t4M. All tar, 36.00.. 311 No. 3sta Asa. Dons. 34T. North. 5-A., S-R. Houjas. T blades . of 3ylss 154 a- In alfalfa, w. of Benson 1 a. cor. 37th and Webstar i. i.00. 14 a. cor. 27th and Jones St- K Bargains on easy monttUy eaj mania RASP BROS.. 21. geellne BMg. TyVsr TXL NEW BUNGALOW. Jrreo rooms, strictly modem. flwajtMSI ra Oak. Located at 3323 N. 2th BL Pries $3460. Terms. Will tafc. small esttac. In trade. NORRTS A 740KBJB. 40, Be. BnlltStng. Phono nnilHa. 4T7B. South. NEW SIX ROOM HOUSE .AND GARAGE $4,500. , About 1 Hock mrath eg? Isis worth on the Boolen urd and tketaf one of the city parks v have a six-room house built about thro yoars. Osk floor end fhrisMng ifcnns stair, maple floor on second floats Oood garage with cement drt way. This Is a mighty fine) pis w for the money and tn one of the hest nelghhorhoods In Omaha. Close down town. Call for P polntment. Hiatt Company, 345-T-t Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Ty. tt. 16 PEE CENT INVESTMENT. Cedar St. near tUi, Z small ho lot: sewer, water and gas: eloee to lire tn one, rent the other two. Bit BARGAIN. WRTGHT ft tASBTJRT. Doogla 151. NEW BUNGALOW rooms, all on one floor; oak flu 1 1 In Tfrlng rooms; stairway to attte; foil ea mented bsaement; pergotm entrance? eet front lot; close to school and near Baa scorn park. Price 3,7&0; located aeaf SBth Ave. and Martha. C G. CAR LB ERG tit Brandels Theater BMg. MisceUataeoua. CLOSE IN NEW BUNGALOW. Large living roem. pinto, reesa. fcretnts n first floor; three taxs liiirtsasias M ( bstb on second new; oa finis, and oejt ; floors; bollt-ln beokosene and buet; ,tmU . basement; guaranteed faxa.ee; east gMtl lot; paved street; One Iscstles. Ftss4 11.600. Terras. SCOTT AND HILL CO, Dong. 1001. Orotrnd Fir. McCaCJss BldaT. CHOICE HOMES. Modern to the minute, rangine rn pres from $3,000 to J4.000. on large pisaa, re fined aurroundlnga and every know, im provement snd convenience: for sal. .t your own terms, exclusively by tba SOUTH OMAHA IN VESTatKrTT CO. 4,26 S. 24th St Phone Sooth 1147. THB GREATEST QA1N 66,73$ In paid want-ada ever made by an Omaha paper, la the record .1 THt) OMAHA BEB for 1$1. BUST RESULTS LOWEST RATfJ MODERN BUNGALOW pins location, eaat front, paved street. 6 rooms, hsrdwood floors and flntah. close to school and car. A bargain at 3I.0M. Eaay terms Call owner P-iug 1733. NEW bungalow, also 8-r. and gardening; your terms snu rirt-r, i hn... (coat $3,600). 32.600. D. 2107. pTvE roome. new. osk nnlab. fully deco- r . . ... 11 TEA tSOS cull. ratea, an m.-uc... .-. --- - mnnihlv To fai 733a. own vour own home, but be sore te tray HOUSrcS In all parts of the city. CHKIOIT 8I 'S CO- 6,8 B Bld- j ja RoBlNSUN. Reel Estate and Inanr anca. 443 Bee Bldg. Douglas $0tT. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. A CATHEDRAL district lot bargain; 44 foot frontnse south; best bargain In tba district at $600. Phone Uoug. 6074. North. AFTER looking-at M1NNB LUBA. 100 dif ferent bnyera decided that It was the best proposition on the msrket snd tbsy bscked their Judgment by buying lot. IF YOU will ?ome out today yon will understand why the otbera are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO.. 742 omsha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tylar 117. IHr. tlHi.elb.sl i.AIN fc.7 In p.ld reni-sde ever mads by any Omna paper la tbe record of TH61 OMAHA IIKE fur 1316. IIK.1T HKSIM.THl.itWKtrT R.TB. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE 1KAI.KAGE. 3 66-100 scre C. H. tk U. trackage at tlibeon. Sulisi.le tor Industry desiring Isrse sres with .low pries. Also hav. I acra beautifully located on boulevard. S. E. pari without (rackaga. W. U Selsy s) Suns. Keellns Did..